Portland Guardian (Vic. : 1876 - 1953), Wednesday 11 January 1911, page 2

First Issue, August 20, 1-12. -o. With which is incorporated i1 1i'ortlland ý;lirror. -0o Puliishcd at Portlanr Everr Modav, Wed r.snday and Friday Everinlg. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1911. The Naval aaze. A D M I R A L JIENDEISON. - MIr Campbell, M.L.A., informs us that Admiral Henderson will visit Port land for inspection for a Naval Base on the 16th, 17th or 18th Jan uary. THIE (;ovsiENOR'S VISIT.--ih' IT. J. M. Campbell, who returned to Portland to-day, informs us that in parting with His Excellency last night, he expressed himself highly pleased with his visit to my district, and also intimated that he would be glad to visit again. I may add that, as at Portland, everything passed off as arranged, and entirely suc cessful. The Casterton reception and public dinner on Monday was a most gratifying success, and the same can be said of the public luncheon at Coleraine yesterday. ExcunsIoN TRAINs.-The special excursion from Casterton and sta tions arrived here fairly well up to time this morning with a large num ber of excursionists. The journey down was a pleasant and uneventful one. On arrival at the Pier Station the visitors were met by a large crowd of Portlanders, many of whom were in search of friends. The loads of luggage being carted away is a good indication that a large number purpose remaining in Portland for some little time, The Coleraine- Hamilton and stations excorsion train reached the Pier Station about an hour after the Casterton one, Short as was the interval between the two trains, the arrivals by the first train, with bag and baggage, were all away from the station. The Casterton pipers, on arrival, formed up, and in full dress, paraded the principal streets of the town rendering excellent music, which was greatly enjoyed. The number of passengers by the Casterton train was slightly over 700, and about 4100 by the Coleraine one. The total is considered over 1,100. ACCIDENT.-A little boy, son of Mr Goode, of Narrawong, met with a painful mishap on Sunday after noon. The parents were on a visit to Mr R. P. Carr's residence, and the little fellow, who is only about 14 months old, was toddling about when he fell on a jam tin, the side of the face from the mouth being so badly cut that he had to be brought to Portland for medical attention. MISLEADING.--We understand that in one of the Tourist Guides the road between Heywood and Portland is described as sandy and hard to travel. In consequence of this in accurate description it seems several motorists have been afraid to attemt the journey. We would point out that the road just now is on the whole in splendid condition for travelling, and that motor cars may proceed with perfect safety. This is evidenced by the fact that Mr S. Officer, of Oakbank, and others very frequently make the run to Portland day and night. AUSTRALIAN WOMEN'S NATIONAL LEAGUE.-On Monday afternoon, at a well-attended and enthusiastic meeting, held at "Claremont," the residence of the Misses MIcLeod, a branch of the Australian Women's National League was formed. Mrs George, a member of the executive presided, and detailed the aims and objects of the League at some length. Miss Eva Clarkevwas elected President; Mesdames J. R. Woods and K. Sim, Vice-Presidents ; Mrs Hamilton Allen, hon. sec.; and Miss McLeod, heon. treasurer. About 16 ladies were elected on the com mittee, whilst a large number were enrolled. The objects of the So ciety are-To support loyalty to the Throne; to combat state Socialism to educate women in politics; to protect the purity of home life. It may be interesting to learn that Mrs George, mentioned above, spent her girlhood in Portland, arriving here in the 40's when only threlce years old. She was a member of St. Stephen's for 10 years, and has now in her possession a church prayer bookl presented to her when a Sun day school scholar by the late Par son Wilson. TiHE SHELTER SIIhEDS. -FOL' of these have been erected and are now in full use by visitors and residents, and on all hands most favorable comments are heard. We under stand it is contemplated to erect some more north of the baths. Another great advantage will be given visitor~, as it Ihas been decided to erect ceilings to the gangway from the cliff to the baths. This will prevent dust falling through, and afford a pleasant resting place. At preaent seats are availkile, but more are to also to be added,

OBITUATXY. - On Monday after noon one of the remaining very old colonists, in Mr William Parker, died at his residence. He had been in a low condition far some time. Deceased was at one time a well known contractor for the Shire and Borough. VALUABLE STOCI:. - Mir W. Light a fine 2-year-oldJ illy, by Young body, of the LIkes, Eridgewater, was the fortunate possessor of Royal out of a nice medium draught, or cart mare. A buyer happened to hear of this prize, and Mr Light body was tempted to part with her for £;5 cash on the yround. We may add this sir,? stcck has pre viaunsly realized good prices. LA:,Irs FOr, F?Ei'ZING.-On Tues day last, writes the "';order Watch," Thfls. Darthwick and Son, Ltd., proprietors of the Portland Freezing V,'.:'a?, purchased 1,,'00 fat lambs from the Peweena Estate. The Fnme, firm have bought over 10,000 fat i :ibs in this district during the Sresent season. P):.r.IN:TATiO. --It is a matter of m:nuch regrett n our part that we have so long overlooked recording a very pleasant incident which took place on New lYear's morning, shortly after the Portland Public I'-and had concluded one of their longest and apparently most enjoy able programmes. For some years Miss Tulloh has donated the pro coeds of the annual concert given by her pupils to the funds of the Portland Public Band. Miss Tulloh has vary thoughtfully recognised the valuable part played by the bondsmen in catering for the plea sure of townspeople and visitors. Being musical herself Miss Tulloh can quite understand help in the form of money is always required for both instruments and music, and we can assure her the welcome gift annually is highly appreciated. This year it is even more so, and the £10 handed to the hon. Secretary of the band, Mr G. Fisher, was par ticularlv welcome, as new instru ments in particular are required. The last strains of the "National Anthem" of New Year's Eve had scarcely died away before the popu lar bandmaster, and the equally popular secretary, were on their way to the residence of Mr William Tulloh in Percy street. They were on a double mission. One to wish Miss Tulloh a "Happy New Year" person ally, and a more than ever prosperous one as regards her schoolastic busi ness in its various forms. The other mission was to present to her a very handsome silver egg cruet from the hand members. It had been proposed the hand should visit the house and serenade the generous helper, but the hour was late, and some of the bandsmen had to travel miles to their homes. However, Messrs Thomas and Fisher were quite able, to the occasion, and carried out their duties in a fitting manner. Miss Tulloh was much surprised at being made the recipient of any gift, and much more so at the very handsome one received. SPR TIN G. - As showing what a nice sort of a "snag" local hacks had to compete with at the last Portland races in the hack race, which was won by The Earl, it may be mentioned that this horse, which now runs under the name of Warr nambool, was beaten by half-a-head in the Third Division Handicap at Mentone last Saturday. The race was 5 furlongs, and the time 1 min 31 sees. Warrnambool (late The Earl) has been running very promi nent at different meetings through. out the Western District, and there is no doubt he is very "hot stuff." DARTMOOR SALE. -Dalgety and Co will hold a sale of stock at Cam erons yards, Dartmoor, on Wednes day January 11. PRESENTATION.-A large number of residents of Heywood attended a social in the Mechanics' institute on Tuesday, January 3, to do honor to the Rev F. Ingamells and his wife who are leaving for WTarrnambool. Mr Irwin Bell occupied the chair, and during the course of a neat speech presented the departing clergyman with 4 purse of soven reigns. Mr Ingamells thanked those present for their great kindness to Mrs Ingamells and himself. He had had many happy days in Heywood, and now that he was going he felt the parting very keenly. Nothing would give him greater pleasure than to have to come back and take charge of the Ileywood district again at a future date. Songs and recitations were rendered during the evening, and refreshments were provided at the conclusion of a highly enjoyable social. The boy scouts were not behind in recogni tion of their scout-master's untiring energy, and Patrol Leader R. Letts, on behalf of these lads, has pre sented Mr Ingamells with a sodvenir of their esteem. The girls attend ing the Sunday school also made i suitable presentation, CIIRISTMAIs CIEER.-The Super intendent of the hospital acknow ledges with thanks the following additional gifts for Christmas cheer. The Mayor and Mayoress 1 dozen ale, 2 bottles whisky, 2 bottles O.T., 1 dozen soda water; Mrs I-Icnri5 jellies; Rev Adams Christmas cake; Mr T. E. C. -Henry, 1 dozen ale; Rev Stahle fruit. TIIE SILVER CRADLE. -On Thurs day morning the 5th inst., the popular mayor of Port Fairy, Cr T. I-I. Storoy, was the recipient of many congratulations, the occasion being the birth of a daughter. The event is somewhat unique, being the first time such an occansion has occurred in the annals of th'e B0rough of Port Fairy, and no doubt his brothoe councillors will note the fact, and duly honor the time woirn custom of tihe cradi,-"Ncw ,"

GARDEN FETE.-We remind our readers that the annual garden fete in connection with St. Stephen's church of England takes place this afternoon and night at Hlenty Park. There will be, as usual, a large quantity of goods for sale, and which will embrace useful and ornamental, toothsome sweets, ice cream, etc. The band will be in attendance and a programme of vocal music has been arranged. These fetes prove a pleasant evenings outing. A RECORD IN BAPTISMS. -An incident that is wvithout precedent as far as Christ Church, Mount Gambier, is concerned, occurred in the church on Sunday last, reports the "Border Watch," when ten adults were baptised in it. Of course, infant baptism is the rule in the Church of England, but these ten persons had for various reasons not been baptised in infancy. LEITCII PICTURES will be shown in the Library Hall on the 19th, and every Thursday evening weekly until further notice. A MEETING1 will be held at the Mechanic's Hall, IHeywood, on Saturday, the 14th inst. re the proposal to form a co-operative butter factory. A MEETING of the Australian Women's National League will be held in the Library Hall to-morrow, the 12th, at 3 p.m. Miss lA. Chapman will deliver an address, and all women will be welcome. EcLIPSEs-During this year there will be two eclipses of the sun and two of the moon. A total eclipse of the sun on April 29, visible in the eastern part of Australia; a penumbral eclipse of the moon on May 13, when the moon will rise at 5.14 p.m. eclipsed; annular eclipse of the sun October 22, visible as a partial eclipse in Australia; a penumbral eclipse of the moon Nov. 6-7, visible in Australia. WE regret to have to mention that complaints are again reaching us of the non-delivery of copies of the "Guardian." If subscribers in town and country who do not receive their papers regularly will be kind enough to at once report to us, efforts will be made on our part to endeavor to trace where the trouble is taking place. THANKS. - Mr D. Kennedy else.. where thanks all who assisted in the welcome and entertainment of His Excellency the Governor at Cape Bridgewater last week. HEYWOOD STOCK SALE.--Messrs P. Learmonth and Co hold their usual monthly sale at Heywood on Feb 2. Mrs Sim desires to let the High School furnished from March 1.