Portland Guardian (Vic. : 1876 - 1953), Wednesday 26 October 1910, page 2

Wanted Servants, Lost & Found To Let and For Sale. LOST.-Between Thomson and Co's. and Railway Station, l'cggic Haig, cortaining railway tickets and money. Kindly return "Guardian." S OME Properties FOR SALE, cheap.SJAKE PILi., Agent, Portland.; ' O-.E'l or For Sale-Houses, South £ Portland. Apply J. L. Wyatt. 1i;OR SALE, some young ducks. Apply GUAIIDIAN Office. Profeslsional &Business Directorate t special oheap charge Is made for notices dar this head not exceeding three lines, SiHIPPING AND FAMILY IIUTCHIKER - -Osnoan?e DRBa. Percy Street, Por and, Tenders ARE required for Erecting three-and-a half miles of Wire Netting on a newly erected fence at Mr Caldow's farm, on the Bridgewater road, eight miles from Portland. Netting aid staples supplied, and trenches cut. Tenders returnable on Saturday, October 29, addressed care of " Guardian " Office. S GENERAL 0 U ENTRIES CLOSE NOVEMBER 24th PRIZE SCHEDULES IH. DARER, Footballs. "SHERRIN'S." At:cost price. JAKE PILL Money to Lend. JAMES R. WOODS has any amount Or MONEY TO .LEND at Low Ratee 5600 and over at 4I per cent, and large gums at 4 pe cant. The Renowned House. Harry Davies & Co. Drapers, Importers and VIanufacturers, THE BIC STORE, BA LLARAT. £50,000 Stock to Select From Replete with all that is Choicest and Noewest in Every Department of Fashionable and Household Drapery. SOME OF OUR SPECIALITIES: Lovely Costumes and Blouses, Dainty Mlllinery, Beautiful Dress Materials and Choice Silks, IReliable Hlousehold Linen, Ladies' Underwear and Children's Apparel, Carpets and Linoleum in all qualities and exclusive patterns. A full range of samples sent on application Carriage Paid on all Orders. Our representative, Mr Joseph Mark IS NOW in PORITLAND showing samples at Mac's Hotel, THURSDAY and I RIDAY, October 20 and 21. D4NTTAL 1OTICF, itILLER BROS,, Dentlits, CG ISTEflTOT1, W ILL; VISIT Portland on thc'.FIRSl WE-DNESDAY of EVERY MONTH, and may be consulted at the Gordon Hotel Next vildtPORTLAND-Wcdnesday, November 2. HIEYWOOD-Thurtiday, November 3, STIY So Long Endured So Easily Cured Your vel.ion tna seenm perfect, yet rau nsfter tron HEADACHE, NEURALGIA or WEARINESS nround tile eye or hen|t. Inl l, relieer rOll tora Lie. al t ail to aute, nrat hictr do great MARVELLOUS RELIEC ti ~ ,taniled nnd often P 'erfecrt cure ef thcle, Iy the use of our oEr Mlase lre rerI ,. O'nc n cer IiS on Thousands recommend them MARCHANTS Expert Optlcians and Eyesianght Speciallasta Kent House, Geelong; 46 Sturt St, B3llarat VISITS [ESTABLISHB D I 850] .£' O Ji:TTJA.UI-l Tailoring Establishment Wm. T. Bennett lHas received Now Good For Summer Wear consistling of ~Worstcds, Tweeds, Coatings, &c, Of Latest BHADES & Cclbure, tV. T ,B heas thu Lrgost and Best Assorted Etook in the District to aboose rom, and at the Lowest Prices for Cash. Slilts g)lotpleted lat S?hrtest Notice fromt £2 1ns Oani,. 8tyle, Fit and Worklmanship Ouaranted INSPECTION INVITED,

JAMES R. WOODS, A U CTX OT P F ' YOR NliA lc. -;t 'A ,?- 1 i laelSf. ::11 LI.: *ifs .L ; Sawlcr street Portlan'? le preparned Vl crc. kycnduct Z3aasleEt in any part of the co:?ny GOverne ,t A !ructioneer f( r I'ortlan, D.et-r Agentin Poltland for -The enew Ze.!: ad Insulrncetomplny The I'hu.nmx I lu luusurancu Couman y Jules lienard and Coy's. Kainit. O. J Goodma,'s ic S-Nic Point, Nursories Baorumdale. ,. io ti©ons flad as hold at is blAti' GAWLIR .ISTREET EVE?R'W S~A.TU .DA at TWELVE O'OLOOK SHlAItP Furnit are,Pigs & Sunpdries J. L. WYATT, Auctioneer, Stock, Station and (eneral Coinmlission Agent,PORTLAND PORTLAND and at HAMILTON. Auction Sales of Fat anu Store Sh ep and Ca:tle, large and small estates, farm and town properties, held in any part of the state. Private SIleC of Stock and Properties arcfully conducted,AGENT AGENT The General Acecden Fire and Life Assurance Corporation Ltd., of Perth, Scotland. H. V. McKay's Farm Implements, Binders and Mowers, Drills, Chaffcutters and Horsowork,, Disc hlarrows, Cultivaturs, Ploughs, Stump tomps, Diao Ploughs, Rtollors, Iron gaten, Corn Crushers,Oils, &c. Corner Jlla and Bentinck Streets, PORTLAND. HEYWOOD MO T0OrTLY IVIAILET. THURSDAY, NOV, 3, g1910.o, Note Alteration to First Thursday. P. Learmonth & Co WILL hold their Monthly Sale on the above date at Hanlon's yards, when they will offer Shcop, Cattle Iloracs, &C Full particalnrs later. DARTMOOR. WEDNESDAY, NOV. z6, 191o, P, Learmonth & Co. W II.L hold a SALE of STOCK at the Dartmoor yards on the above dato, when they will offer as aboveSheep, Cattle, Horses. Full particulars later. SPECIAL CATTLE bALE. KENTBRUCK. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6, g9to, 350 Head Cattle 350 A. E. Smith & Co., W ILL Sell by auction as aboveFurther entries Invited. HIGH CLASS TAILORING. -THE ENDTailoring Tailoring . Establishment ARE (JUST] OPENING-UPn A Very Fine Range ofj TWEEDS and WORSTEDS FORTIITE SEASON. SPECIALZTY Business Suits, 65s. A. W. LINEKER, JULIA STREET W. J. WILLIAMNSON, L.L.B., Barrister & Solicitor, NOTARY PUBLIC. Commissioner of the Supreme Court for taking affid'ovits. Corner GAWLER & PERCY STREETS, PORTLAND. n?c ?.aio. NIiss Gertrude Allnutt, LL..M Matriculated (Honours Conservatorium Melbourne University, Organist ofl . StLephone. Piano, Violin Organ. QIlaesn for HarnoPy and CouctlerpoltI

Loans to Farmers ON Easy Terms. (CitT Irr FONCIER) In sums from .£00 to .£2,000 at 4) per cent. Interest, and from 1I per cent. in reduction of principal, which pays off the oan in 31i years. Security may be Freehold, or Crowr. oeaseold which could be made freehold t any time on payment of the balance of Crown eunts. Loans mny be paid off on any halfyearly pay day (subject to a small charge if paid off within the first five years, but no penalty after five years). No Charge for Mrortgage Deed. Apply for forms at any Post Office or Savings Bank, or by letter to The Inspector-Goneral of Savings Banks, 29 Market Street. MELBOURNE.

£he Mount Gambier to Portland Railway.ItHIS ItHIS is a most important matter for I everyone in Portland, and, as Mr Grant lHervey ays, "You need to rouse up, and do something, as the railway will not come unless you are prepared to fight for it." But alas such a lot of people have had the influenza, and they feel so weak and done up. They positively do not feel up to bothering about anything at all. HOWEVER DON'T DESPAIR. Dozens of people know from experience what a splendid remedy Barcham's Influenza Mixture proved, and 1 can assure those same people, or any other persons, who have just recovered from La Grippe, and feel tired and good for nothing. THAT Barcham's Phosphorised Iron Tonic is quite as good, and reliable a Medicine as the famous Influenza Mixture. It will restore your interest in life (and the railway ?), tone up the nerves, enrich the blood, improve the digestion, and give you a first-class appetite. Price, Is 6d and 29 6d a bottle, freshly prepared every few days at the Bentinck street Pharmacy, Portland,

Victoria Racing Club, FLEMINGTON. GRAND JUBILEE of the MELBOURNE CUP. Visitors from all parts of the world have been invited. C) Ew7 ' :Ei?. DERBY DAY-SATURDAY, 29th OCTOBER. CUP DAY-TUESDAY, !st NOVEMBER. OAKS DAY--THURSDAY, 3rd NOVEMBER. STEEPLECHASE DAY, SAURDAY, 5th NOVEMBER. Record Entries. Accommodation for Thousands. Holiday Excursion Fares. II. BYRON MOORE, Secretary. Campbell & McLean's SPRING ... SHOW Wednesday, Sept. 28 Campbell anud McLean, "Enterprise HIQuse," PERCY STREETI PIONEER HOUSE. Spring Goods, -NOW-SHOWI.NG -AT CAMPBELL'SGlasgow Glasgow Hairdressing Saloon. Reub. A. H0ollard S' ISHES Io thank the Public and District of Portland for thoir pnst patronago, S arid to inform thorem that he has Removed [to3FlIore~Commodious and [up-to-date Promises, SLately occupcied by MessrS. ANDREWS & SONS. LADIES' HAIR WORK is to be made a Speciality. Combings made up or Switches Sold Ready Made. Best Brands ofP:Tobaucos, Cigare and Cigarettes and Snuff always on hand. Iazors CarefullV Set, Scissors Grouad,

DO , You Want Long, Heavy Hair? Then treat your hair well. See that it is properly fed. Growth of every kind demands proper food. Starved hair splits at the ends, turns prematurely gray, keeps short and dry. Then feed your hair. Feed it with proper food, a regular hair-food.. Feed it with Ayer's Hair Vigor. Thus help nature all you possibly can toward giving you rich, heavy, luxuriant hair. Ask your doctor about your hair and about Ayer's Hlair Vigor. Follow his advice. Ayer's Hlair Vigor DOES NOT COLOR THE HAIR Prepared by Dr. I, C. Ayer & Co., Low. ll, M .l,, U.S. A, True Footwear The kind that requires no breaking in. Looks well, wears well, and is a continued satisfaction and comfort to the wearer. SEE OUR N1EW STYLES Now opening up a fine collection of Superior Shapes. FOREMOST LADIES ENAMELLED KID WALKING SHOE Easy Fitting and; Distinctly High Grade in every feature. PRICE, 10s. Gd. Ladies Tan Bals, Welted Sole, Our Price, 13s. 6d. Gents' Bals., wide toe, easy fitting, made from best material, Price, 21s. PORTLAND STORE PROPTY, LTD., 5UCCES?UOR 'TCo Thomson, B3rake and Co.,, THE HOME OF GOOD FOOTWEAR.,