Portland Guardian (Vic. : 1876 - 1953), Wednesday 10 November 1915, page 2

First Issue, August 20, 1842. -0 which is incorporated Itle ,ortl;ttul ' tlirror. -0 at Portland Every Monday Wednesday and Friday Evening. Phone, No. 33. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1915. STILL GOING STRONG.-The humming and whirring which proceeded all Tuesday from the premises of Messrs. WV. P. Anderson & Co., at the rear of this office, where their wool pressing machine has started to enliven things, brought forth a remark from one of -our staff to the effect that he remembers hearing, as a lad, in 1879, the same old familiar sound of the dumper while setting type at the same frame in this establishment as he worked at yesterday. Probably nothing wonderful, but a parallel case in the town of an employee being engaged at the same business, and in the same building, would doubtless be hard to find, FRUIT. - According to a wellknown orchardist, there is every prospect of a heavy crop of all kinds of fruit being obtained in and around the town this season. The gooseberries and strawberries offered for sale are said to be splendid specimens. The sight of our numerous flower gardens and the perfume arising therefrom are very pleasing. "LINSEED COMPOUND" for Coughs, and Colds. Of proven efficacy for cheat complalatu5

MESSRS. DALGETY & CO., LTD. advise they are orepared to take wheat for storage under the terms and conditions laid down by the Governmens's new scheme for handling the coming wheat harvest. All growers are advised to apply early for the neces-ary storage space, and to advise the quantity t!'ey sill require, as all space will soon be .taken up The wheat will be. held in substanti al stores at Rail.way sidings in and around Melbourne, and growers can depend on every care and attention to their interests. :US.iIER VISITORS. - Mr. A. S. R.,Jdgers, MP., and Mrs Rodgers, iote'd visiting Portland this summer They are expected to arrive on the 17th of December, and will probably spend-some five or seven weeks in our town, PORTLAND PICTURES.-Thisevening a specially attractive four-reel film will be screened by the man. agement. "Wildflower is the title of the picture, and a glance at the synopsis gives the impression that it will prove intensely interesting. PUBLIC BAND.-All persons interested in the proposed formation of a Public Band, are elsewhere in. vited by the Mayor to attend a pub. lic meeting in the Town Hall on Monday next. PISCATORY. - During last week the weather was so squally that our brave salts were unable to venture far from the pier, and consequently the week's catch was not a large one, but on Monday a pleasant change was experienced, and the whole fleet were early astir and rounded up a big shoal of 'couta just inside the Lawrence Rock, where each boat succeeded in obtaining its "limit." Quite a lively scene was witnessed as the boats came alongside the pier with their shining freights. The hawkers were soon up the town supplying house wives and the many vehicle owners from the country, who put up at the different business places after delivering their cream at the butter factory. IN THE SPRING all nature expands under the influence of rain and sunshine. The corn too-the corn on the foot I mean-also grows and expands most unmercifully, and lame, limping sufferers feel no joy in the glorious springtide. Surely then it is high time such martyrs sent to Barcham's Pier Pharmacy for some "Rubycide;" price 1s, post free. Put it on, put the corns off, and then blossom into spring smiles, TENDERS are invited for the purchase of butter milk from the Portland Butter Factory. CUP NEWS FOR GALLIPOLI. -The " Casterton News " says :-Within 20 minutes after the finish for the Melbourne Cup on Tuesday, the 3rd the President of the Glenelg Shire Cr J. Little, had forwarded a cable message to the Australian soldiers at Galipioli reporting Patrobas' victory. We have received a new advertisement from Mr. Stubbs, draper, regarding his new season's goods, It arrived too late for this issue, but will appear in our next. DRIK DRIK LAND.-Messrs. J, L. Wyatt and Co. elsewhere advertise forthcoming sale of 269 acres in the estate of John Emerson, This is considered a splendid op. portunity of securing a fine lease. hold property. Full particulars appear in the advertisement, The different sporting centres were crowded on Wednesday, when settling took place over the Melbourne Cup and other events run at Flemington on Tuesday. The chief winner was Mr J. Widdia, husband of the owner of Patrobas. His takings from the ring probably ran into £8000 or so, but friends had some of this amount. Mr Widdis backed the colt for the double, Derby and Cup, and " straight out" for both races. ATTRACTIVE MILLINERY.-TO see the New Hats in our Millinery Department is to be Charmed by their Daintiness, and Pleased with the Remarkably Low Prices. This Department is now under the supervision of Miss RIDDELL, of Melbourne.-The Portland Store, Pro. prietary, Lmtd. - [ADv.] POST OFFICE NOTICES.--The local postmaster, Mr E. C. Dotter, sup. plies the following :-In future correspondence addressed to members of the Expeditionary Forces, must pass through the General Post Office, Melbourne. Closing times at the Portland Post Office will be as follows :-To catch mail closing at Melbourne on Tuesdays-Letters and newspapers, 2.25 p.m. on Mondays; parcels, 6 p.m. on Saturdays. To catch mail closing at Melbourne on Wednesdays - Letters and newspapers, 8.10 a.m. on Tuesdays; parcels, 6 p.m. on Mondays, A notice showing the day on which the English mail closes is exhibited for public information inside the post office, TFEl WoRD "ANZAc."-The Septenmber edition of the 'Reporters' Shorihand Magoa. zinc," which has just come to hand, contains (says tbhe " Argus") interesting re fcrence to the word "Anzac,', which was coined by the New Zealand and Australian troops fighting at the Dardanelles, for brevity, The originalily of tbo word has been impugned, states the jourual, by a captured Turkish officer, who has pointed out that the word is actually a Turki-h one, signifying "only just." . Surely,' remarks the writer, " this is a atsange coincidence. :" LINSEED COMPOUND", of 40 years' proven efficacy for Coughs, Co!id;

HEYWOOD COMMON.-A meeting of ratepayers is elsewhere advertised for the 20th inst., for the purpose of electing officers for the Heywood town common. TENDERS are elsewhere invited by Mr W. A. Wilson, Beulah, for the purchase of a standing crop at Trewalla, also by Mr T. E. C. Henry for paperhanging, etc, FOOD FOR THOUGHIT.-Just to hand is a small booklet of special war interest. Messrs Phillips, Ormonde and Co., patent and trade mark engineers and attorneys, are the authors, and suggest numerous means whereby those unable to participate actively in the war, may materially assist those in the firing line, the sick and wounded, their daily wants, equipment, &c. A number of Instances are given. Inventions are required for relieving shock, in the use of sticks or crutches, improved eye covers, easily cleansed protectors for injured fingers, more quickly applied bandages, better splints, stretchers, etc., tobacco minus nicotine, heat and cold raising fabrics, protective coverings against fumes, vermin, and flies, protectors against shell splinters and shropnell, a light collapsable shield for head-wear, invisible signalling apparatus, improved means of transport, portable bomb proof shelters, submarine detectors and numberless other instances are mentioned, to which serious attention might well be given, .FPINNING RED CROSS WOOL AT IaOMEt -From a magazine packed full of good things--and that is what the November issue of " Everylady's Journal" actually is-it is difficult to choose the best, but perhaps the palm may be awarded to an illustrated article on wool-spinning by hand. Owing to the tremendus demand, there has come about a shortage of wool, and one or two women who learned the art of spinning as girls in far-off days and lands suggested that in the emergency we should revert to the custom of spinning our own wool. The article in " Everylady's Journal" tells bow the movement began, how it progresses, and how any glrl or woman may become a spinner. In the same issue will be found several kindred articles. One tells us how the silkworm makes a success of his business, another teaches us how to make our garments for the coming spring, a third instructs us in the art of training our children ; the world's champion girl tennisplayer contributes a column of excellent advice to players, while Miss Card sets the crochet-lovers a delightful piece of work, Lastly, the Puzzle Editor offers readers still another chance to enter for the £50 cash and 121 other prizes offered for solving picture-puzzles, and a number of paper patterns are given free to each purchaser of a copy, A letter from a Spaniard who has just visited Germany is published in the Paris " Tempa" :-I noticed in Berlin hardly any men between 18 and 65 about. Living expenses are very high, and many necessaries scarce, or even lacking. 'laxi-cabs are allowed within the boundaries of the capital only, and all run on solid tyres, and burn potato spirit instead of petrol, The population is certainly tired of the war, yet accepts all sacrifices with incredible abnegation, and seems hypnotised by its trust in the Kaiser and the Generals. Everywhere is sadness and weariness, in spite of the official ' mot d'ordre,' ' confidence in the final victory.' That is my impression from a stay of twenty days in Berlin. A GENEROUS OFFEIR.--lIr. J. C. Manifold, M.H.R., speakinsg at the opening of the Pomborneit jumble fair, said that there was a movement on foot to put re turned soldiers on the land, but it was no good doing this if they were to pay a big rate of interest and be expected to make good. He thought that if the big landholders would come forward not only with assistance from their purses, but also say, "Hero is a fair proportion of my land for settling soldiers on," and ask a fair price for same, and see that the soldiers worked it properly, it would be far better. He was not a large landholder, but had 3,000 acres on the Richmond River in Now South Wales, and was prepared to give it free under certain conditions. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN 011 WELLS CO.Fortnightly report :-" Robe, October 10, 1015. Depth of well, 1,470 feet. Lost several days working on casing to free it after it had pecome fast in the sand, which came from higher levels. Shale very sticky and drilling slow. Oil and black wax continue to show in the shalc. A strong odour of gas was noticeable at one time.-Alex. Cordon, manager." A SOUTH AUSTRALIAN HONORED -Lieut. Allan W. Mercy (South Australia), of the 11th Battalion, Royal Scots Regiment.For conspicuous gallantry and devotiorn. During September 25 he volunteered to cross the open between the opposing lines to obtain information; and although wounded in the shoulder, sent back a written report, and went a distance personally to report to his brigade comnander before his wound was dressed. Lieut. Morey is a grandson of the late Mrs. Collier, whp with her daughters, a number of years ago, conducted a ladies' college in Mount Gambier,-" Border Watch." RAW MATERIALS FOR DRUGS. - The Prime Minister told a deputation of pharmacists that he would look carefully into the question of striking off the trade marks register all German trade names, and that the Government would encourage the manufacture in Australasia of raw mater ials for drugs. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE.--Tlre following notices appeared in the last "Gazette" Licenses to occupy unused roads issued-N. J. and H. J, Burgess, 7a, Digby. Transfer of leases- W. E. Frost to E. R. Franklin, 79a 3r 26p, Myamyn; J. W. Brand to Agnos Taylor, 105a 3Jr Dp, North Hamilton, Applications for grants approved-G, .assett, 18a 2r Op, Portland. Applications for licenses approved-T.- I. Laidlaw, 18a, Moeivaeo and Yatchriw West. Applications for leases approvedJ, Doyle, Junr., 639a Or 21p, leywood. Permit to occupy isseeued--R. E, Vickcry, 170a, Trewalia. Bergennt Glamialli Khan, Light IMorse' formerly a Nhill Indian awkter, is the first native of India to volunteer and bo accepted for active service from the Wimmoras.