Portland Guardian (Vic. : 1876 - 1953), Monday 14 October 1907, page 2

First Iassue, August 20, 1842. .--o-hq ortlaxnd uardian, With which is Inoorsorate S t 'arortland 'tirror. Published otr tortiand Every dtorulsu Wed 'nod ,,. u',t Friday E?n'tn.' MONDAY, OCTOBER 14, t907. SHiPPiNG.-Our bay presented quite a nice appearance yeslterday. As?llured a' hbr. ;distance from the deep water pier' wit tbe' HM.S. Psyche and also tue scho. nera' Eclipse and JorinLewvis while ly?g 'st the steamboat pier was the stomner Leura. The iwo steamers have gone but the two schooners still remain. BAND 'LIGHTS.-The light for bands"nian while ontha march, toa particular, has always been a cause for complaint. That from torches never was satisfactory, 'notwitbstanding the large number available, as at best the players had to truest to memory as much as to light. We have frequently heard of complaints as to the lighting in the rotunda and the com mittee have had under consideration a better service for some time. This eventually caused inquiries to be made from other towns, and the opinion of Mr. Thomas, the bandsmaster, "agreed that Aritso-,acetylese lamps would fill the long felt want decided tbhe matter. The order was given and two c'f these lamps have been secured, I'hey give a powerful light and by being carried overhead on the march willgive-a light sufficient for all purposes, and in addition in the rotunda it is claimed t'hey will be found far better than the pritsent gas service. "-'BRIDGEWATER SHow,-.The manage. mentluf this show are. having some trouble in arriving at th e actual date on which the venture will be held this year. The deairs is that it shb ould be on the day decided upon in Portland for celebrating the King's Birthday. The gth, the actual day, tails on a: Saturday, which is undesirable, as also seems to be the zith, the. following Mcanday, and this. leaves the 6th and n3th for choice. The first named has its; drawback no account of the Melboulrne cup taking some of the intending e xhibitors to the city, and the same obj aection will very likely apply to WedneslJay, the z3th, as it is possible the visitors will not have returned. Up to the pret;etnt the date has not been fixed but will bte in a few days. THE s.s. LEURA.-O'n the arrival of this steamer on Saturday' very general satisfaction was expressed. at her appearance. She is a fine large boat of some 2000 tons and can put up her 54 knots per hour. In addition to t his she hagood passenger accomodatlcn, and has thename of being a splendid sea boat, which is another decided qualification. Residents generally appear well satisfied and the wish is general that she may take the vacancy in the line through the selling of the Flinders. From what we. can learn it appears that this boat is available should the trade warrant. A good deal has been -written and' spoken recently as to inland produce, in particular being alleowed to find its way to market by the v arious ports, and it seems we now have I be opportunity of having a most suitable .boat put on. Of course support must be given by those who can, for shipping, like any other bus. iness, must be run on lines which will pay for the investmqut. If what we hear is true, that this steamer will be continued on the Jine if sop port is given, a united desire that she is wanted should be shown by business prople here, and agents hifting out to secure inland pat. ronage also. We bear her officers are able in their professions an d popular with' travellers, which adds lurether to the desire to keep her in the trade, In this' effort the hearty co-operation. of the residents of Warrnamb3ul should be readily secured. OBITUARY.—An aged and very well known resident of Tyrendarra, in the person of Mrs Millard, mother of Mr. Jesse Millard, passed away on Saturday at a ripe old age. Deceased had a large circle of friends, and was held in high respect by all. We also regret to record the death at Melbourne of Mr Richard Boyden, husband of Mrs Jessie Boyden of the Coffee Palace, Heywood. THE STUMP JUMP DRAIN PLOUGH, manufactured by Mesrs C T Deutscher & Son, Hamilton foundry, was tried on Mr. G. Simpson's farm on Friday and proved a though success, There was a large number present, and all were highly pleased, the general opinion being that it was just the right kind of imple-mert to drain this country, A drain was ploughed 2ft 3in wide and 7in deep. A much deeper drain could have been ploughed but unfortunately the strength to pull it was not sufficient. The plough was made for Mr. Fraser, Kigaston, South Australia, and will be shipped from Portlland for that place. The firm will be pleased to give any information regarding price, &c. POULTRY.—Encouraged by his success with his black orpingtons at the Dookie laying contests, Mr P, O'Donnell of this town decided to sce:uro eggs of what he considers the best. strain, and obtained a couple of sittings :froi Mr E. Waldron, of Willoughby, Nvew South Wales. From b tees e be has secure d a good percentage these looks forward, to further good re- I suits. b THEI ANNUALJ3Ie'ORT of the Victorian 5 Railway Commissioners for the year ending June 30, 1907 is to hand, The I' report is a lengthy one and contains a large amount of ir.formation regarding the railways in gecteras. AUCTION SAnES..-Mr J. R, Woods C advertises a fine useful fishing boat for sale on the 19tb, and.on the 24ih a gen'eral clearing nalb in the estate of t;ie late Mrs Pettiler. Trts NAVAL IALL to be held in the r drillroom on the 23rcI gives promise of I being well attended as it is quite a topic of convcrtioF ia the town, a

REZLovAL -It came as a Burprise and a matter for regret when it became known that Dr. Docker had disposed of his practice here and was leaving shortly for the North Eistorn district. Dr. Docker, during his residence here of about nine years, has boon a most estimable citizen, identifying himself with a number of public in. stitutions, and giving practical assistance to all movements tending to promote the welfare of the town and district> In the [practice of his profossion Dr. Docker has likewise held the respect of the public in the highest degree. His successor is Dr. Sleeman. The real cause of Dr. Ducker's leavtrg Portland is that hbe, may be close to the residence of his parents, who ;re advanced fa years, and wish him to be near them. Dr. Docker and Mes Docker have made tumerous friends in Portland and the p r.iag will be painful on both sides, but they will carry the heartiest of wishes for their future. Dr. Docker will be leaving the town at the end of this month. OmrTUAnY.-It is with the deepest regret that we record the death of Mr. John Best, which took place at his residence, near Heywood, on the 0th inst. Deceased was a very old resident of this district, and -wa hold instho highest esteem. He was born.mn County Cavan, Ireland, in 1835, and when a young man he emigrated to 4ustralia, landing at Portland on Oct. 0, 1857. It is therefore a noteworthy coincidence that he died on the .1st hnniversary of his landing. The ship in which he came was the General Hewitt. During the earlier part of his Iresidence here Mr. Best was engaged as a carrier, and later he entered into contracts with the Shire Council for road and bridge construction. After residing at Heywood for a number of years he bought a farm at Mount Clay, where he resided till his death. About three years ago Mr. Beat was overtaken by a serious heart trouble, which left him weak, and it was only with the utmost care that he made a temporary rally and prolonged his days. In the enrd, however, death came soddenly. Mr. Best rose as usual on Thursday morning, partook of a hearty breakfast, went out and talked to his sons, and then returned to the house. Shortly afterwards, without warning, he expired. The funeral, which took place on Thursday, was very largely attended, the procession comprising 23 vehicles, a numnor of horsemen and pedestrians, the latter including the Sons of Temperance. of which order deceased was a member. The Church of England burial service was read. by the Rev. Mr. Bryant, and the Sons of Temperance service by Bro. J. J. Vanner. The deceased leaves a widow, four sons and three daughters. A NAVAL VISITOR.-On Saturday after. noon H.M.S. Psyche, which left Sydney for Adelaide on the 0th inst. for Adelaide, gave Portland Bay an unexpected visit, owing, it is said, to her supply of fresh' water failing through the condensers breaking down, necessitating a stay in port to effect repairs. The Psyche's voyage, though abort, was an eventful one. About 10 o'clock on Saturday morning the chief ongineor,. who had met with serious injuries to his head through a fall, and was confined in the ship's hospital, attempted suicide by cutting his throat in a fit of delirium. His condition is said to be serlous. The Pyscho sailed again on'Sunday evening. PRion OF BREAD. -At a general meeting of the Master Bakers' Association at Melbourne on Thursday evening, it wasi decided to raise the price of bread from Od. per large loot, delivered, to O6d. The price of flour was said to be £10 M1s per ton, with a further, rise probable, and members considered that a rise to 7d. would be justified, but the halfpenny rise was agreed upon. HENTY's BRIDOE.--At the special meeting of the Borough Council on Thursday evening last it was decided to renew, through Mr. Campbell, M.L A., the ap. plication for a Government grant in aid of thb rebuilding of Henty's bridge. -HEYwoon POLIce CoynT.-On Tliursday last, before Mr. Williamas,P.M., the Portland Shire Council sued a number of defaulting ratepayers, and obtained verdicts against the ofollowing, with 10s costs: -John Beavis, Thomas Crosse, Alfred McDonald, W. R. Fraser, Henry Grey, John Osborne, Thomas Storer, James Slater, Samuel M'Cuskoy, Donald M'Cuskey, Margaret M'Cuskey, H. G. Povitt, A. E. Simkin, John Sullivan, John T. Simkin. In the case against W. S. Milliard, who was defended by Mr. R. T. Silvester, a verdict was given against the Shire, with costs. In the case against Clara Milliard it was proved that she was rated for more land than she occupied, and the amount claimed was reduced accordingly. Another defendant, G. J. Burgess, produced his receipt, and the case was dismissed, with costs against the Shire. Mr. E. Silvester, of Coloraino, appeared ' for. the Shire in all cases. S. Righetti and Co., for whom Mr. R. T. Silvester appeared, obtained verdicts against W. O. Pevitt for £7 Os id, and John Pottit for £O, including costs. DtouonT IN TtHE MALLEE.-A correaponden' at Beulah writes us as follows" We are experiencing a very dry season, and the wheat crops will be very poor indeed; in fact there will be any amount of farmers that will lnot get their seed back. Thie only places there is inclined to,bo a bit of iwheat is on the well cultivated fallow ground. The oat crops area complete failure, having been all burnt up sith the lhot, dry westerly winds we have been experiencing." ST. STEIPHENA' YOUNG MEn's SOCIETY. These was a fair attendance of members at . the usual weekly mooeting on F1riday ovening last. Canon Carmichael presided. An invitation was recehoed from the Girls' Friendly Society to a social on Tuesday evening next, and was accepted with pleasure. "A Night with thie Poets" being the item on the syllabus, members road selections from their favourite authors, giving also a brief sketch of their lives. The poets selected were Cowper, Milton, Whittier, Iienry Kendall and Longfellow. On Friday evening neoxt Mr. Andrews will give demonstrations in "Flashlight Photographly," v'hich will doubtless be very interesting. This is one of the open nights vlwhen the public are invited. Hiv,,oon MoTTrriY SALE.-- Moesrs. P. Lcanrnonthl and Co. report holding their usual mnonthlly sale at Heywood on Thursday last. Owving to continuous wet weather the yarding of sheep was small, some lines being on the way were unable to bhe crossed over running creeooks, etc., there being only four lots yarded. We sold fat shoop to 13s 6d, and merino ewes with Ilnmbst at foot to 13s Od; a line of fat owes bohlig passed out aIt 178 3d. A fair yarding of cattle, and we sold:- Springers to £5 5e; dry cows at £3; hIloifors in calf at £2; 2-year-old steers at £2 10a. Buyers were pIresent for good lines of owes and lambs atnd crossbred and comnoback wethors In forward condition, being unsuppllod. LAI?)y CeitcT.,ns.-A imooeting of St. Stophueln's Girls' Friendly Society Cricket Club was hllds on Friday evening last at the Vicarago to get matters in train for the corning sanon. Miss Mlattioe Frencha was voted to the elalir. Oflico-bearers were elected as follow:-President, Oanon Canrmichaenl; Vice-l'reident, Miss Haydon; OCaptain, Misn Manmle Goode; Vice Canptain, Miss Lizzie Adans; secretary, Miss Mattio French; treasurer, Miss Martha Davis; corummittee-Mrs. Burt, Misses Day, Guy and McLood,

. THE FIRST TRAIN.- Those Interested in the first engine and load of passengers tl to leave over the Portland railway line tl from the pier will find an enlarged photo in our shop window, which has been kindly lent by Mr, H. J. M, Campbell S. A, SELY-DENIAL.-In connection '1 with the Salvation Army self-denial r( appeal a special meeting will be held in c the S, A. hall next Thursday, Oct. 17th at 8 p.m. After which a sale of work will be held. There will be the diflerent stalls including fancy work, lollies, and ice eream. A silver coin is the admission and all are welcome. TELEPHONE.-The new trunk ;elephone line between Warrnambool and \ Hamilton was completed on Monday, I says the "Standard." The line is an iron wire sixty-four miles long, and con- v nects the exchanges at the two centres, so that local subscribers can be placed I in direct communication with any subscriber at Hamilton and vice versa, The line was test'd by the Warrnambool postmaster, Mr. W. H. Haley, and the line operators and was found to work most satisfactorily. The voices at the Hamilton Exchange were heard with remarkable distinctness even at a distance of a few feet from the instrument, and it was not necessary to raise the voices above normal pitch to send messages with equal clearness to Hamilton. The d line will probably be open for public use this week. [Could not the extension be t made between Portland and Hamilton.] t MESSRS. KEMP AND SHEEHAN, 01 Melbourne, elsewhere give particulars o some of the goode they have for sale. These include chimneys - and tanks, piping, wire netting and such like. RICH MILK.-The way to increase the richness of milk is to breed for it. There is no other way. The way to induce a large flow of milk is to bestow thought, care, and feed on the cow. See to it that all the conditions which surround her, such as food, shelter, and personal contact, are of a character that will promote her comfort. If you do that, you will help her to do the best she can. But back of all this lies the force and agency of breeding. Right breeding will Influence both the quantity and quality of milk. Slowly but surely the light is breaking into the minds of men that this cow question, with its relation to human food, as well as a promoter of disease, its lines and limitations on the farm, and its vast importance commercially, is. a question that requires profound study and the broadest understanding at every step ol the way. OLD AOn PENSIONS.-It is announced that the increases made by Parliament in the old ago pensions will take effect as from 5th October. An increase of 2/ per week has been made upon all pensions in existence on that date. Those who have hitherto received the maximum of 8/ will in future receive 10/, and pensions of all lower amounts will be raised by 2/. A NOTABLs WREOK.-An attempt to salve a notable wreck, which happened 108 years ago, Is shortly to be made. The vessel in question was the old warship Lutine, which was lost off the coast of Holland, with gold bullion and specio to the value of £500,000 on board. Of this treasure £100,000 has been recovered on two different occasions. The bell belonging to this ill-fated ship has for many years been hanging in Lloyd's, where. when any vessel is about to be posted "missing," it performs the duty of marking the melancholy event by a single "toll." Tna following accounts await payment S at the local Receipt and Pay OUfice:-A. Grolimund, Kato Smith, Exors. Henry Stephens and E. NV. Hedditch (2). SALE OF Sne'E.-As a result of the dry weather in the northern distriots S20,000 sheep from the Tuppal and Moira stations, Rivorina, were offered at the Hamilton corporation yards by Messrs. Young Brothers and Holgato. Wethors sold satisfactorily, but for owes the prices wore not up to rates required. The sheep were in splendid order. Pricoe-3,782 merino wethers, 2.tooth, 6s 6d; 1,240 merino wethors, 2.tooth, 5s 8d; 5,000 merino wethers, 4-tooth, 8s 6d; 300 merino owes, 2-tooth, 10s; small lots 3s 10d to Os 4d. SUNDAY WooINa IN HOTELS.-The two justices who presided it the Colac Police Court on Friday, Messrs. J. L. Parkinson and Walter Solwood, have no sympatbi with young men who go to hotels on Sunday to court. One youth testified on oath that he was on the promises for the express purpose of paying his addresses to fho landlord's daughter. The young lady gave corroborative evidonce, and counsel for the defendant ap. dealed to the Bench to remember the pays when they a-courting went. The appeal was in vain. The young man • was fined £1. Notice of appeal was given. A sALe of Crown lands, by Mr. J. It. Woods, will be held at Portland on Nov. 13. The lots include small areas in the parishes of Dartmoor, Nnarrowong, Lroywood, Glenaulin and Drumborg. ItUBe following transfer of leasehold has been oanctloned:-Neil Spring to James SWilson, 611 acres, Kentbruck. A new insolvency was filed on Tuesday with Mr. O'Mara as follows;--Joseph Shaw, laborer, of Lake Condah. Causes: - Sickness of wife, pressure of creditors, and loss by fire. Debts, £148 11s 6d assets, nil. 8. II. Aitkinson, official assignee. Tlta tender of A. E. .'itts, at 43s d per ton, has been accleptod for the supply of S wiitegum firewuod for Stntoe sd Coiminonwealth oflicos ast Portland. For supplying Cape Nelson lighthouse the price Is 7s. Tate question of diseased stock travolliog over the roads of the shlire of Belfast lrom other pIarta wasB aBgain referred to at ,the ms.etilf>l of the Beulfuat Shire on Satur~.--· `; ; ,da last. Ls ' following ap lication for the trans. ''' feor of licence Ihas beu atpprovod:-? ?r S .Joneinge, as executrix of theo late . Jon. ninge, to Mary Jenoningo, te her own right her intorect ina licence as executrix of the late S. Jonnings, 15,633 acres, sparish of Mouzio. Tec expected influx of .tock to this district eonsequnt upon the dry seasonr in the northore districts created keen competition for some grazing blocks of Crown - a:' land, totalling about 40,000 acrs, siltuated in the Heywood district, for wlhiclh tenders wIpro recently invited by the dopartment. og hunting has become a profitablo occupation in the slhiro of Portland, and at the present jpoe there are several poeopie out in the forest poll|itry killing t hem for the skins. The council pay a bonus of 2/6 for fox skins, and by corbining the destruction of foces with kangaroo shloot" ing the hunter averages for short periods up to £.3 per week. Tihe market for .i ksngsroa sktina is gootd, but it is very questionablo If tae supply of brusa kangaroo will last naRy years under the present circumsstances, aitd there are many people who suggest tlhat tile Mlinoting of " honl forlprivate gain should be prohibited orF a fow years.-Sfl?clatlor,

RIFLEMEN are requested to remember the musketry matches will be continued this week. A snake, measuring 71t 3in in length was killed at Witchipool by Mr Griffin A fight is going on between the two Tasmanian Houses of Parliament with regard to the compulsory purchase clauses in the Closer Settlement Bill, An examination of candidates for appointment to the clerical 'ivision of the State Public Service will be held on 14th December. Forty clerks are required. The commencing salary is £40 a year, and they may rise to (£6o in their class. The death occurred unexpectedly on Wednesday, near Warrnambool, of Mr. Alexander Barber, father of the Rev. J. A. Barber, of Hamilton. Deceased, who was 88 years of age, was on a visit to Warrnambool, and intended to come to Hamilton. A discovery of excellent black coal has been made at Yangher, near Bir. regurra. Samples have been taken to Geelong, where a syndicate has been formed to work the measures, The coal is des:ribed by experts as of firstclass quality.The The trustees of the Chocolyn Estate informed the Hampden Shire Council on Thursday that it was intended to subdivide the property and submit it at auction in November, 19o8. They asked the council to meet them in constructing the roads which would be required, as a large amount of traffic would result from the 85 or go holdings. The council appointed the East Riding members o confer with the trustees. It has been reported to the Agjicul" total D:partment that a tlrner in Broad" meadows has been very successful in his efforts to eradicate onion weed, which is becoming a serious pest on the pasture lands of the southern portions of the State. During the month of September be ploughed a paddock and thoroughly cultivated it by means of disc harrows and tooth harrows at intervals of three or four days, with the result that the onion weed bulbs were raked to the surface and destroyed by the sun's rays They are now lying on the surface as if they had been sown there. The point about the success of the experiment is that it has been held that instead of destroying the post, cultivation would only cause it to thrive more vigorously.