Portland Guardian (Vic. : 1876 - 1953), Monday 28 July 1919, page 2

First Issue August 20, 1842. With which is Incorporated luht ;ortTland df.flirrr, ybliqnud a?. .Pgrtland ml,1yr Momnday W.ednesday and F?riday Evelin5. 'PRONE NO. 39. MONDAY. JULY 28, 1919. Sister K. Tulloh. second daughter of Mr and Mrs W. Tulloh of " Bon nie Doon " Percy. Street. Portland. arrived home, from War Service, in India and Mesopotomia. on Thursday night. No public intimation of her expected arrival was given. and therefore the welcome the towns people would have been glad to ex tend was not possible. Sitter Tulloh has been invaladed home as the result of influenza contracted while abroad.

The Funeral of the Late Constable Jabez Adams, whose lamentable death occurred in Melbourne on Thursday from influenza, took place in Portland yesterday. The cortege, which moved from the Masonic Lodge Rooms for the South Ceme tery, being one of the longest and most representative witnessed here, the body being borne to its last rest ing place surrounded by the Breth ren of the Masonic and M.U. I.O.O.F Orders. The Burial Service of the Presbyterian Church was read by the Rev W. Tait, M. A. and that of the Freemasons by the Wor shipful Master, Bro D. W. Hislop, and Wor. Bros. H. Day and R. McLean. A large number of floral tributes included wreaths from the Victorian Police Association, The Masonic and Oddfellows Lodges, The Portland Social Amusement Club, of which the deceased was President, the Bowling and Croquet Clubs and other public bodies of which he was a member. We deeply regret having to record the passing to the Great Beyond of another of our well known public men, the call having come early, this morning to Mr Wallace, L. McLeod of "Claremont " Julia Street. The deceased, who was a son of the late Mr J. N. McLeod and brother of i the late Mr D N McLeod,!MP, spent many years in Western Australia. station life, in all its phases, having claimed his life lo6ng nergies. A few years ago he returned to Porc- t land where he resided with his sis ters, the Misses McLeod. Although a not enjoying good health, ha inter ested himself energetically in all matters relating to the advancement of Portland's interests, and was an active member of the P. A. and H. 1 Society and other bodies. The fun eral is timed to leave the residence I on Wednesday afternoon at 2,30. On Thursday night-Portland wel comed home from lengthy war ser vice with the A. I. F, Private A. Provan, son of the Rev and Mrs D. Provan of the Methodist Parsonage. The usual enthusiastic welcome was accorded this soldier by the Mayor; the townspeople, and the local branch of the R. S. S. I. L. A. c For Children's Hacking Cough Woods' Great Peppermint Cure. 1/9& 2/9 Mr Abotomey, eyesight specialist, . advises us that he regrets being un- t able to visit Portland as adver- I tised. Particulars of business to be dealt r with at the annual meeting of the a Portland HosDital will be found in a another column, E To-morrow afternoon at 3.30 o o'clock ladies interested in the art rangements for supper nt the R.A.N.B. Sports Club's BJdil on i Thursday will hold a meeting in the i Drill Hall. a NAVAL trainees are reminded that s the monthly general meeting of the l R,A.N;B. Sports Club, is to be held v ai the Drill Hall to-night at 8 o'clock e For Chronic Chest Complaints, . ti WoqJs' Great Peppermint Cure; 1/9 & 2;9