Perth Gazette and Western Australian Journal (WA : 1833 - 1847), Saturday 10 August 1839, page 126





"Neither conscience nor taste will suffer me to

fight one class or interest against another, for separate benefit, or to take the narrow ground of undeviating panegyric."

HAVING heard many complaints on the part of the remote settlers that the measures adopted by the local Govern-ment for the apprehension and punish-ment of the natives guilty of murder and other atrocities, are not of a character to insure a confidence in the acts of the

Government, we have made a point of inquiring into the subject, and for the satisfaction of the settlers generally, we feel a pleasure in being enabled to lay

before them the substance of a Circular

addressed by order of his Excellency the

Governor to the Government Residents of each district. It may be remembered, that several parties received instructions to start from different points, with a view to intersect the country, and to cut off the retreat of a party of natives who had murdered a boy on the Canning. These expeditions in search of the natives, it is much to be lamented, proved unsuccess-ful; and as it was reasonably supposed the natives would not return to their usual haunts until they had gained a confidence from an apparent cessation of the measures which had been adopted for their apprehension, his Excellency there fore, in the Circular we have referred to, intimated that it would be unnecessary to

continue the endeavours to discover them.

But so far from discouraging any further attempts to secure those natives who were implicated in the atrocities which have recently come under our notice, the Re-sidents are clearly instructed, that should they hear of any of the offenders being in the neighbourhood, they are to adopt every means at their command to capture them, without any reference to a limita-tion of time, the expression in the Cir-cular is, — " be the period ever so distant." The Circular is now in the possession of each Resident ; we think it is therefore desirable, in order to secure a willing co-operation on the part of the settlers, that they should be made acquainted with the instructions conveyed in the latter clause, which appear to us to remove all doubt of the disposition of his Excellency to leave the offenders unpunished, or to neglect to afford to the settlers, to the extent of our available means, every protection for life and property. The clause we refer to runs thus : — " Under your instructions as Government Resident, the military are always at your disposal, and it will be for you to take advantage of every species of intelligence you can glean, to follow up the offenders until justice is satisfied ; and even should you not receive direct information respecting them, his Excel-lency requests that you will from time to time patrol your district at such intervals and in such directions as you may think

most likely to lead to your falling in with them. I am to add, the rewards to natives who may be instrumental in bringing the offenders to justice, are not withdrawn, but will be continued as long as any of the accused or suspected parties remain at large."

This explanation, we considered, was called for, to satisfy the minds of the co-lonists that the proper authorities were not unmindful of the urgency of adopting prompt and decisive measures, which it now becomes the duty of the Residents effectually to put in force.

ESCAPE OF NATIVES FROM ROTT-NEST.—The island of Rottnest has been long pointed out as a proper and secure retreat for the reception of her Majesty's refractory blacks (the natives) An establishment was formed there some months back, under the superintendence of Mr. Welch, and a small military force.

Since the formation of this establishment, the natives have twice made their escape; some alteration in the system has conse-quently been found to be required, and Mr. Welch, we hear, is likely to be superseded by Mr. Vincent, the present Jailor at Fremantle. A few days back, the whalers at Fremantle, in the employ of Captain Scott and Mr. Curtis, when out in the roadstead on their daily cruize, perceived, at a considerable distance, an object which attracted their attention ; they made for it, and on a nearer ap-proach to it, discovered that it was a boat, which was slowly impelled by a number of natives with short paddles.

It was soon discovered that the boat con-

tained fugitives from the island; they were consequently captured, without, much difficulty, and were conveyed to the Gaol at Fremantle, much to their morti-fication. His Excellency the Governor, accompanied by the Hon. G. F. Moore, Esq., Advocate-General,visited Freman-tle on Thursday morning, when a full investigation of the manner of their escape was entered into in the presence of Mr. Welch, but without any satisfac-tory result. It appeared from Mr. Welch's statement, that on the night previously to their effecting their escape, he had ordered a prisoner named Gee to

secure them; that he visited them before going to bed, and found them as usual. He was perfectly unable to account for their having obtained the means of libe-rating themselves, and the whole still re-mains a mystery, as inexplicable as the method by which two natives some short time back removed their irons during

their confinement in the Gaol at Perth.

His excellency receiving this second oc-currence of the escape of natives from Rottnest, whilst under the charge of Mr. Welch, as a matter of serious moment, and calculated to bring the efficacy of this establishment into contempt, has thought proper to dismiss him from the appointment of Superintendent at Rott-nest; but we feel assured it has not arisen from any wanton dereliction of his duty, as we have known Mr. Welch for many years as an active and zealous officer. If these natives had succeeded in making the main land, and had return-ed to their old haunts, a most serious evil

would have been inflicted upon the colo-ny, and one which must have terminated in bloodshed; the strictest watchfulness is therefore required at this establish-ment to avert from us any calamity which may result from a return of the condemned natives amongst their old

associates in crime.

SEVERAL lights, supposed to be signals of distress, have been seen at night from Rottnest on the north coast the dis-tance of the lights is estimated to be about 25 miles from Fremantle. As soon as the report reached Fremantle, a whale-boat, with good hands, was pre-pared to be dispatched, to ascertain the cause of these lights, but after endeavour-ing for some time to make head-way against a strong northerly wind, the party were obliged to return. Another party has started this morning on horse-back from Perth, to examine the coast, and if unhappily a ship has been wrecked, the sufferers will be fallen in with, in all probability, before night. It is appre-hended they cannot be on the main land, because, if they are not strangers to this coast, they would have made their way along the beach to Fremantle; therefore, the presumption is that they are on some island to the northward. We await the

return of this party with some anxiety, not being allowed to indulge the hope that the fires may have been made by the natives, it being well known this is a practice they carefully avoid. The result of this expedition we expect to be able to ascertain by tomorrow afternoon.

WHALING AT FREMANTLE. — It is with much pleasure we notice the suc-cess which has attended the whaling out of Fremantle. Within the last ten days three whales have been caught, making a total for the season, which will not expire until the end of the ensuing month, of six whales. The two proprietors of this es-tablishment, it is expected, will make a handsome profit out of the speculation, and they will merit it, for their time and capital employed in this hazardous enter-prise. The result of this season will no doubt establish the fact of the absurdity of companies undertaking similar specu-

lations. Both the Fremantle and Perth companies, had they continued, it was prudently foreseen, would have met with a serious loss; the proprietors of the Perth company consequently wound up their affairs, submitting to the first sacri-fice; and the proprietors of the Freman-tle company wisely let their boats, try works, and store, to the parties who have now shown there is more in management under the eye of the master than some of our friends were willing to allow, when we ventured to attribute the failure of the two companies, the Perth in particu-lar, to a want of control over their own property, and, indeed, to mismanage-


The last accounts from Port Leschen-ault were favorable, but we have not heard from that quarter for some weeks.

The effluvia, which is not the most agreeable during the operation of trying down the blubber, offends some of the noses of Her Majesty's leiges; othen are insensible to it, and resolutely pronounce those who have this one sense egregiously af-


THE protection to our bay whalers promised to us in a despatch from Her Majesty's Secretary of State, has not arrived. The usual regularity and dispatch attendant upon orders of this nature ren-ders this departure from instructions unaccountable.

CHURCH ON THE UPPER SWAN. — On Monday last the foundation stone of this building was laid by His Excellency Governor Hutt The Rev. Mr. Mitchell performed divine service, and as the cere-mony was completed, the appropriate psalm "Praise God, from whom all blessings flow," was sung with much feeling by about 65 out of 100 persons of the neighbourhood, who had assembled on this inte resting occasion. This Church is to be erected by private subscription ; and one acre of land, of that originally assigned to the Western Australian Church Missionary Society, has been allotted to the subscribers for the purpose. The plan of the building (an octagon), which is of moderate dimensions, suitable to the wants of the congrega-tion, was exhibited, and met with general approval ; indeed, the chasteness of the design was much ad-


The accomplishment of this object confirms our opinion, long since expressed, that a praiseworthy feeling prevailed amongst our friends on the Swan to forward the cause of religion, and to support it by every means in their power. The serious check this laudable intention received in consequence of the appointment of Dr. Giustiniani to the Mission — a man in whom they soon found they could have no confidence — retarded the good work, but we are happy to find he had no power to shake their prin-ciples ; and that now an opportunity has offered, one and all have united in accomplishing an object so long desired. Nothing can more strongly evince the incompetency of such a man to promote the intentions of the Society, and at the same time it plainly indicates that no lack of disposition pre-vailed on the part of the inhabitants to further the objects contemplated at the formation of the insti-


The mechanics and laborers in the neighbourhood made this day a holiday, and attended the ceremo-ny, conducting themselves as though they partici-pated in the interest generally felt on the occasion.

Divine service will be performed every Sunday at this Church, and at Guildford, by the Rev. Mr. Mitchell, Missionary to the Church Society.

A small Church at York is in progress, and we hear with much satisfaction is likely to be erected

in the course of a short time.

These laudable efforts, in various quarters, should stimulate our friends at Fremantle to pro-vide for the reception of a clergyman. The day, we hope, is not far distant when their wants in this respect will be supplied; they will therefore do well to prepare for such an event. A sum of 200l. in aid of the funds is at their command, supplied by two institutions in England. Surely something might be done in the course of the summer to keep pace with the liberal feelings entertained in other parts of the Colony.

We direct attention lo a notice in our present number, which indicates that preparations are on foot to erect the Perth Church. The work will inevitably proceed but slowly, owing to the scarcity of labour; we are, however, pleased to see the commencement of a work, the completion of which

has been so long desired, and anxiously looked for.

TEMPERANCE SOCIETY. — A meeting of the mem-bers of this Society was held at the Court house, Perth, on Tuesday evening last, — the former meet-ing advertised to take place on the previous Wednes-day having been postponed. It was understood that His Excelency the Governor would take the chair, but from some misunderstanding, which we have not heard satisfactorily explained, His Excellency was not present, and the chair was taken by our Commandant, Major Irwin. We were promised a report of this meeting, but it has not reached us in time for our present publication.

OUR communication with the out ports has been seriously interrupted, owing to the detention of the Colonial schooner Champion at the Cape of Good Hope. We have not received any intelligence from King George's Sound, neither have we had an op portunity of corresponding with our fiiends in that quarter, for several months. The annual sum ex-pended upon this Colonial vessel would, it ap-pears to us, be better applied to the formation of intermediate posts between this and the Sound, around which settlers would soon establish them selves, and the two ports of the Swan and the Sound, within a very short period, would compa-

tively united.

SALE OF CROWN LANDS. — A public sale of three town allotments at Perth took place at the Office of the Collector of Revenue on Wednesday last. Two of the allotments were partially improved, the one under Mount Eliza, by clearing, ditching, and draining, and having planted thereon a quantity of fruit-trees ; the other in the high street near Mount Eliza, having a portion of the fencing completed. The former was sold for 73l., the latter for 52l. Another allotment unimproved, in Hay-street, ad-joining the Wesleyan Chapel, was sold for 30l. But few bidders were present ; the price these al-lotments realised may therefore be attributed to the Government having advanced the minimum price of all town allotments to 30l, rather than to their present intrinsic value About four acres of garden ground were sold at 7l. 15s. per acre. For these few acres there was considerable competition be-tween two parties, which was the principal cause of this price being obtained.

Although these sales may be satisfactory to the Government, and prospectively to individuals hold-ing allotments as a speculation, we must acknow-ledge we cannot regard them as a fair criterion of the present value of an allotment in Perth. The demand is so uncertain, depending upon the whims or fancies of individuals, that it is difficult to name any fixed price. This difficulty may be seen when we state, that for an allotment in the centre of the town, merely with the fencing done, 300l. has been refused ; whereas for others not far distant scarcely

50l. could be obtained.

The above allotments were resumed from ab-sentees, after sufficient notice had been given.

STOCK.- Cows of good breed are selling at from 20l. to 25l. ; heifer calves, 9l.; horses, 50l. to 70l., and scarce ; young horses (2 years old) held back for price, the demand exceeding the supply ; ewes (2 years old), 4l.. to 4l. 10s. These are extrava-gant prices, and will not be long maintained, but they offer inducements to the importer of stock, who however must not calculate on obtaining such prices, as those we have quoted are for the best description of cattle, delivered in a healthy state and in high condition For those who understand the management of stock during a vo agc this Colony offers a good market for extensive sales of imported cattle and sheep. The first to adventure in this speculation, with due caution and proper management, will find their advantage in the un-dertaking.

NATIVE DOGS. — We understand that many heavy calls have lately been made upon the Secretary of the Agricultural Society for the reward given for the destruction of native dogs, and that many claims are expected to be sent in from the York district. This is very satisfactory, and shows the system works well; but to continue its working, it will be necessary for those Gentlemen who are in arrears of payment of the annual subscription to bear in mind that it is requisite the funds should be periodically replenished. A plan for capturing a number of native dogs has been suggested in the neighbouring Colonies, which might be applied with benefit in this. The proposal is, to supply the natives with several traps, the Government to allow them a certain sum per head for each dog brought in. The traps would be placed by the natives near the holes in which the dogs conceal themselves during the day. We must again repeat that no expense should be spared to abate so great and daily increas-ing nuisance. If a few of the dogs belonging to

the natives could be reclaimed from them for a con-sideration, it would be advisable to try the experi-ment. Their destruction would not deprive the natives of any advantage they derive from these whelping curs, as they are utterly useless.

THE FERRY at Preston Point is working, by all accounts, extremely well ; and the road to it from Fremantle, which will soon be completed by the prisoners under the direction of Mr. Maxworthy, is spoken of as progressing in a manner deserving our notice. We have been informed it is the in-tention of the Government to raise the tolls both here and at Guildford. A proclamation to this effect will most probably appear in next week's Gazette.

It is said Mr. Hunt will take charge of the Gaol at Fremantle, when Mr. Vincent removes to take the superintendence of the prisoners on the island of


OUR subscribers resident at Guildford, on the Upper Swan, and at York, are requested to make arrangements for forwarding their papers from the Guildford Post Office, as they are now regular-ly sent up in the Guildford mail.