Mail (Adelaide, SA : 1912 - 1954), Saturday 4 September 1920, page 8

LACROSSE JWTERSTATE RETROSPECT. STURT WIN MIWOR PREMIERSfllP. j BV 'BIGHT ATTACK.' j TO-DAY'S RESULTS. ! Sturt won on forfeit from Holdfast Bay. East Torrens won on forfeit from North* Adelaide. University, 22 goals, beat West Torrens, 3 goals. PREMIERSHIP TABLE. Goals Club. P. W. I.. I-. for ag, Pts. Sturt .... 12 11 I — 103 25 22 East Torrens 12 1(1 1 1 12* ?£- 21 University .32 6 * 1 Si fil 13 Holdfast ' Bay 12 5 7—43 tat 10 X. Adelaide 12 4 s — 62 102 8 Goodwood ..12 3 » — SO S3 6 W. Torrens .12 ! 10 - « is 4 The A grade series to determine who liave qualified to contest Che semi-imals and nnal -was concluded to-day. .Sturt, East Torrens, University, and Holdfast Bay were the leading four, i pnd any alteration of that order seemed improtbable. ' Holdfast Bay and Xorth Adelaide were programmed to meet Sturt and East Torrens respectively, but the genuine interest in the game seems to* have vanished li-oui the Xortli and Bay ranks, as they forfeited their engagements, leav'jng Sturt with the minor premiership. : The other senior match was that between .University and West Torrens. This proved an J easv affair for the students, who scored a holio.v victory by 22 goalx to 3. The goal- , (throwers on the respective sides were: — Uni-versity— Dr. Paw (7). Jose . (7), Millhous: (5), Recs,*Gault. and Howard (each 1). West Torrens-Pbillips (2), Smith. AUSTRALIAN CHAMPIONSHIP. RESULTS INTERSTATE MATCHES. Victoria, 19 goals, beat Queensland, 3 goals. South Australia, S goals, beat New South Wales, 6 goals. i South Australia, S goals, beat Queensland, 6 Victoria, 1* goals, beat Sew South Wales, New South Walee, 7 goals, beat Queensland, 5 goals. South Australia 5 goals, beat Victoria, 4 goals. Goals State. P- W. L. for. ag. Pts. South Australia .3 3 — 21 16 6 Victoria. ? 3 2 1 37 11 4 Xew South Wales 3 1 2 16 27 2 Queensland .... 3 — 3 H 34 — In the three matches played by South Australia the scores were even at the eommence'ment of tiie final term, and on each occasion the Croweaters rose to the occasion, and by splendid lacrosse secured the necessary goals to secure, victor}- for this State. In the circumstance* tie finishing stages of the games were most thrilling, and the generous applause which accompanied the struggles of the players showed 1 bow tne games were appreciated. The contest between KouUi Australia and Vic- j toria will be long remembered. Opinions .ex- 1 pressed by seasoned onlookers from the various States generally conceded that it bus the best] exhibition of lacrosse witnessed in Australia since the visit of the Canadians 13 yeans ago. The game will also go down to history for the tactical features practised by the respective captains The Victorians played brilliant lacrosse ?in each of their games, their strength being uniform throughout, but particularly in the mid1 field. X. FrananUe, Dr. V. Russell (defences), Vic Steet (centre), and D. Doyle and Loughlin (attacks) comprised the best centre division seen for manv years. All ol these players, besides being exceptionally clever with their crosses, arc j born strategists. Steet, with his years of expe-j rience and long lid. of victories, was a great asset to his side and a master of the 'loose-mair j fsune ' The match against South Australia, was the , first occasion that be has been defeated when leading his State. The forwards, particularly Lampard and Wrixon, are nippy and dashing. Having closely observed the play of the Victorian, in their earlier matches, where the strength and tactics were apparent, the South Australian dripper, Tonkin, was fci.-ed with the necessity- of combating these centres, and the I i-ictnrv' achieved bv South Australia, is in a I large 'measure due to the manner in which he I handled the problem. The Victorian dash from 'the midfield was nullified considerably by the dose defensive methods of Tonkin, McLcay. and Hoekirsj. , The South Australian field had been rearranged for the occasion. A dangerous weakness in tae earlier gaim-s lu-i been noticeab.e on the attack, and i: was decided to matron Okc at rig-jt attack instead of centre 10 strengthen tbe firmer fliriI sion. Lu SlcLeay was placed at centre, ami as ? he had never pjayed that position before it ie wonderful how well he played aiain=t the wily [veteran Steet. Hocking accompanied Tonkin on the defence, their respective opponent* being

Dovle and Lxwgnnn. me ianer » u.-luci*« *?=' were ''a-il ou:,' but were safely heM. Tonkin's work at times was niagninernt, m* intercepting and re'.ief Turing clean and rapid. In this respect Raymond wjs ato brilliant, and [he pair often completely changed the venue of the games iu a few seconds. The ricancj' in the back lire was fiiled by Brock who was stitioaed at point and guarded bodkin. Baymond opposd Lampard and Me- -Vicir checked Wrixon. The work of the three backs is clear'y demonscrated by the fact thit nsne of the Victorian forwards scored a goal, flielr points having been scored by X. Fremantle (2) defence, Doyle and Lsujrhlin -1 each). McVicar's vigorous and close checking methods kept Wrixoii awar from the net, while Riynxmd has rarely played better. His remarkable agility and virility worried Lriin-para. The Smith V.-csiriliau checked elosp. and rare'.y a'.lowed ihe Victori-m to secure possession. The unceasinK \i;ri'.arre of tlie luck lines was a great factor^ in °lhe si-le's siirrea;. S. Xcjlct, who Slid fouad the gLire and jiace of the ground tiodMescmie in tlie previous ipmes, on thi* occa- . sioa pXvci splendidly. 'A goo-J sire tiy the (roalie is ^ire of sreiierous recozn'tion by onlookers, and Xoblefs fine work in the net. in relief, and his we?.-dire;'ted lo:;?r pisifc- dda-n the grouwl nu.le him a conapi ?uous and popular performer in the Victorian maub. rfcs coolness in the Ust quarter in diverting ;he ball away from the dagger zmie evoked loud aripViuse. While it was Sou:li AostraiisV great defence »Hiich eveatualii- won the game, it was tbe work of the attacks and forwards in the first quarter which gave the side that ^-lendid lead -f 3 goals to 1 and moral advantages accruing to such a position. With ccnuner.djlbie vigour the three homes — Mitchell, Brooks, and Gordon— pushed nutters Tom Ihe start Brooks wns first to strike the rigging, then followed two fine goals by Gordon, in which the iree homes were seen at their best. In the third term Gordon se-.-ured his third goal. As tlie three hjoie- had mide a striking impression on the Jirdwyjtrs l-.v tieir dash and cleverness, the spectators looked forward to tomethinar spectarolar vvhen the final term was ushered in with the .scores 4 all. I' this they were not difipnointed. Kx-citenient was interse a» both sides tlirem- rhemselvcs into the play. Tbe Viciorians were generally flpsrressive, and ill's wa- relieved l-r some flue dishes by IlayniOT.1. MitcheM made a vatfant attempt, but Failed to rearfi the iiPt. Not io he drnieC he 5hort'.v afteruaTds bolted for smu!, and having slipped by two opponents he caHed to Oke. who eent ever* a l-eauttfu} tkl?s. Beatty blocked the wav, but Mitchell iwisred aside and gained goalside.' He had, however, Iieer. 'hinjjed.' and as he fell to the rrromwl be shot for the net. 3!id ?o Foirtil A:istra;lij gained its winninjr sro^I liy one of rhe fines: indiiidus* efforts cf the camiial The pjee inered^ed with hut fire minutes Io go. South Ausiraliu roiv had mest r-f :Tside lined rtp as a wa'll of defence againsi the Hctorians. Twice, however, they ehanged the proccedinir5 wiih dasher for &?-*]. Oke made a fine offnrt, but c-Jnio to srifi i' a puck of Vic-forian defenders. Liter MitPlie'.: n.-»-e:red frcni Elliot Breaks it the oirfSeld ami ran for ooal. His opponent cilmly awaited iii- apiproach, out t!ie a-tute forward side-stODped the body (Vck, an-' what looked -ike a certain goal wjs frustrated by a ii-lna'j'e few? wii-A e^/iiied the referee's obsen-jTirm. Ti-o --luriv-e W35 :---s;. and tlie South Ausir-jvian- fol'owvd J To'u-y of 'pos-session' for the renviinder cf The tor-ni. Thus ended a meniorjhle game in wbic-li two Kpleu-i:d sides fo::cht fov siiDrfms'-v. GENERAL. An inierei-ted onlooker ai each -A 1 it- S.)i;:h Aui-rraiiaii games «-js Mr. W.vlic -e;-ie;jry »t ihe Sydney Cricket -;round, and twenty yi-jrs a^o seci'eurj~ o: ihe South Austriiian l.jero — e Association. He vhatted with various members 01 the South Australian part;-, and sbowe.l a keen intercsL in the prcurrest- of the KJ:j)e in this \i his invitation Mes-i-. (.-. A. M. Wot. V. E. Itouch. K. K. Miuholl, ai:d -;. M. Oke visited itt? Sy-hiey IVifket tiroun.i on league mau-li beivroen Balnuin aiij Western SubuAe. of ihe c-jiijivji was tba' of George Yuifl, jilayins for New Sontli Wale-. Tbe ep--«-bile S.-uth j Australian jrojlie w.s j jrrf-st barratker f-.T me Crotti'aters wiie:i not engaged with ii»' Xew | South Wales II i- best work was apainsT his oW Sl.i:.-. Mioche'-l. to --ue ,;uly one ca^,', | wo»:d have advi.-d lour or five s.uW 10 his i ta:!y bjd il n^i Wen lor YuiM'* Kon.K.-1-fu: nIv;iJlira?. Tile Nr-w South Wales Still' Goifrnor -Sir Waiter Davidson). Itame Davidson. :md X-'W So«'?i' V\a!(- v. Vii-:orii:i'. They w.-rc csiir.rl In- M.-»srs., Cunio:1. »ni, ai!-J Kilerour, manag'T- ?-: :\n- different S121.-' U'ail!S. Quitv j numlurr u: L5ro!«-!] HJ! an I \ lacrosseurs tif past days are now residing in S\dnev c~\:-.». Or. ;he n^ru'a; Mjii'v 'ino-u;i rin-ro fiirurc Iknig. Se;irle. 1.. \V. Scarli'. C. Umt-r, K. Wail.iv. r..l2Jr Mjmi, an.! lio... Vuill. II. Tr.-noutli' i- J inenr.i-r ..f ill.- sjinc clui.. ».». injurie- have pnvcmeil !ii~ participaiinn in rijr- ' (Mine tin- scjscui. Groiift- pi those m'c] |i].uoi- j with Smilli Aak'tralian -mi;u:iiiM-rs were -,en I a: -!»? man-lies loud'.v iirs-in^ ihi- lir'-vn- mj-bhic ' eo'.nlirs t.. livt.irj. S-mif v: Ihr ii|.n-.!,,-r wlu-f.- ' jiiiih-- ::re known t-i Ad?Iaide la'Tosseu's were ' it Waddy. H. L. llo'.in.'s, r.tzar Mian. .1 Bjih- j -oi.v. Wariov. Davies. and W. Sch«ilk. , O:i Sir.irdjy evenir.? jtte. tin- Vii-t.---:3r,-Snuth \n}j^r.i::.jn ni3tf-:i Mr. C. I'. B. Gi:r::rr;. wrS-) !? :t ,.;? ;h- Xe.w Siu:h Wi:« Ij.-rosfe .'.~,so- :.i- ' :''Vi. h.iTird i-vrr to tlif Si-u*h .\'js*r.i!-j:i TejTii ' »ji-1v.l'.;ariandl&' Mrjiar-' It i= 'nn''e^eed- '

10S3. The cur. v.i)l =Jion;.v arrive from Sydney, j and Trill probably be exhibited in the city. I On Sarurdar next t'ue A-Miid.' Deaf Aduli Lar.-osse Cltfj wil! play the Victorian Deaf Lacrosse Club. The Victorian Deaf are premiers of roe Victorian A Junior Section and the Adelaide Uea.f ronners-up of the B Grade. lnt.rstate niitrfios ljetween the deal of different j States were inausuruei by tbe Adilaidc Deaf I six jeaxs acjo, whon thev met and defeated 1 Mtiorian Deaf by li to 2. Tlie inai.h wii: be ; j-ri.wd c.i Con=ordia fwllege Ground, niuL-he;:er ,' Street, Malvern. The Adelaide team picked for the f.irtliconiiiic; maiLli is ParneU (pcjl), AMioti (cjpraiiO. l.--h-nun:i (vice-captain). «.'ir:er, Iljnkine. Ixin^lev MrMjhon, Black-more, Stgnbury. Lin'.e, Siuion's, Douj'la?. Bmcrgnnies— Ha.vlock and l-Vrgu^on.