Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Monday 4 May 1914, page 8


On Saturday morning his Excellency the Governor paid a visit to the Children's Hospital, and also called at Konetta Rest Home to have a conversation with Sur geou-Major Hinton, who recently cele-brated the 101st anniversary of his birth-day. Tn the afternoon his Excellency and Lady Galway went to tfhe Adelaide 'Owl to see t'he football match between Port Adelaide and South Adelaide, and from the oval they proceeded to the Jubilee Ex-hibition GTound to witness the military competitions,- This afternoon Lady Galway will «attend a reception given by the 'Vic-toria League. To-night a viceregal partv will witness the performance of "The Arcadians'* at the Theatre Royal. His Excellency the Gover-nor will visit the Field .Artillery camp at Callington to-morrow, and there will be a dinner at Government House in the even-ing. On wednesday evening Sir Henry Galway will declare the "rt Gallery open to t'he public at night. On Thursday uis Excellency will open the annual exhibition of the Sociecv of Arts. He will be the guest o"f the Commonwealth Club at luncheon on Friday, and in the v afternoon will attend the annual sports meeting of the School of Mines Students' Association on the Ade-

laide Oval.

Lady Galway attended 11 o'clock Mass at St. Patrick's new church on Sunday. She was met at the entrance to the church by Monsignor Nevin, who welcomed her on behalf of the clergy and parishioners of St. Patrick's parish. A bodyguard of young ladies from the Dominican and Mercy Con-vents was present. Lady Galway expressed pleasure at the excellent service and con-gi-« tulated the Monsignor on the beauty of the building and its appointments.

Lady Galway and Miss d'Erianger visited the Dominican Convent. Franklin-street, at noon on Sunday and were ? shown over the premises by the nuns.

Sir Edward Smith has given a challenge shield for rifle shooting, «to be competed for by teams of eight senior cadets, with a commander. The commander must do all tlic coaching, and all the members of a team mupt belong to the same eompaD.y. The object ia to improve the shooting and assist the cadets in fire discipline. The competition is on the lines of that for the Ashburton Challenge Shield at Bisley. The trophy will be shot for in September.

Dr. A. E. Wigg, late of Sydenham-road, Norwood, who, as announced in our cable columns, died in London on May 1, was one of the most widely-known medical practitioners in South Australia. He en-joyed a very extensive practice, and his heart was always in his work, so much that he almost broke down under the strain of his practice about five years ago. On that occasion he was compelled to take a rest, and he visited England. At the beginning of the year Dr. Wigg retired, having sold his practice to Dr. Powell, late of Kadina. Dr., Mrs., and Miss Wigg then left for England, Dr. Wigg being much in need of a complete rest. The deceased gentleman was born at North Adelaide and was educated at Mr. J. L. Young's school, where he distinguished himself in his scho-lastic duties. He was one of the first stu-dents in classics under the Rev. Henry Read, M.A., who was the first professor of classics at the Adelaide University. Then Dr. Wigg attended the University College, London, where he had as fellow students Dr. London and Surgeon-General Williams. He also had a period of study on the Continent of Europe, returning to Adelaide in 1882, and entering into the practice of his profession at Norwood. For over 30 years he was a member of the staff at the Children's Hospital, and when he resigned last year from the portion of senior surgeon he was appointed to the honorary staff as a consulting surgeon. The news of Dr. Wigg's death will be re-ceived with profound regret, not only by the large number of people who preferred him as their medical attendant, but by others. His invariable kindness and con-sideration for his patients, the great in-terest he always showed in the cases brought before him, and his gentle, un-assuming manner, won for him the esteem of everyone who knew him.

The deceased left a widow and two daugh-ters — Mrs. J. Stanley Murray, of Ade-laide, and Miss Phyllis Wigg, who is at present in England with her mother. Mr. Neale Wigg. who resides in England, ¿s the eldest brother, and the youngest is Dr. H. H. Wigg, of Adelaide. There are three sisters, Mrs. W. L. Davidson, of Adelaide, and Misses E. D. and S. S. Wigg, of Bridgewater.

The Minister of External Affairs (Mr. Glynn) returned to Adelaide by the Mel-bourne express on Saturday morning.

Miss Ellen Terry, who left London by the Omrah for Australia, where she is to give her series of Shakespearian lectures, narrowly scaped losing the boat at Tilbury on March '27 (writes our Loudon corre-spondent). A number of friends went to the St. Paneras railway-station to see her off. including Sir Herbert and Lady Tree, and there was a crowd of about SO stand-ing round the Special' carriage reserved for. her. At 10.30, when the signal was given for the train to leave, Miäs Terry had not arrived, and her friends were about to leave the platform when she was seen rushing through the hall of the booking office. There was no chance of any form ii leave-taking,, for the train was actually on the move when the famous actress stepped aboard, and all she had time to do was to give a hurried hand-shake to two or three of her most intimate friends as the train drew slowly away from the plat-form. Miss Terry arrived at the Outer Harbor on Saturday.

Our Crystal Brook correspondent writes: -In connection with the departure of Dr. T. C. Bennett from Crystal Brook in March owing to illness, after «pending eleven years in «Hie dtsrtrict. a representative meeting was held and a committee formed for the purpose of obtaining subscriptions towards a presentation to take the form of a purse of sovereign«. The result was that Mr. II. Sutcliffe, on behalf of the co'mmitcee, has had the pleasure of handing the popular medico a purse containing £52 10/, and has received the following acknowledgment: "To Messrs. Buttfield, Carmichael. Sut e-liffe, Washington, .and Wc«4on-I beg to thank you and the citizens of Crystal Brook and surrounding districts for your exceed-ingly generous and handsome gift to me. The amount is most lavish, and my grati-tude can never be sufficiently expressed. It is a source of extreme gratification to me and T am sure it will be to my family to know that you remembered me after I had loft, and thait I did not depart .unmourned, unhonored. and unsung.' I was sorry to have to leave after making my home amongst you for eleven happy years, during which time I took a personal interest in all your troubles through sickness, and I can assure you in all confidence that when my "crvfees were required I gave you of my best. 1 can look back with pleasure to the friendships we formed and the krtrdne'isea wc always received at your Lande. I should airo like to convey to the ladies of Crystal Brook, especially «the elderly ones, some of whom were my very dear friends, my spr row at having to leave them, and my re-grets that I had no time to bid them fare-well. I shall be more than glad to see anyone from Crystal Brook at any time, «o'that we can «talk over old times and re-ceive new« of friends up north.*'

Messrs. V.. 0. Cheek (chairman), J. E. Robinson (secretary), and C. T. Hyde, of the Master Butchers, Limited, left by the express on Saturday on a business visit to Melbourne and Sydney,

Mr. H. A. Braham, an employe in the postal service of this State, resigned from his position in the stores department on Saturday. A gathering of his _ fellow-em-ployes wa» held in the office just before noon, and on their behalf the Deputy Postmaster-General (Mr. E. W. Bramble) presented Mr. BraSsam with a handsome cady chair, to which a silver plate, bear-ing a suitable insiarrptaon, had been fixed.

Mr. Bramble mentioned that the recipient liad been awarded, metíate for saving the lives of a boy and a eirl in Plymouth Sound in 1S66. when he was only 16 years old. Mr. Braham had also taken part in the Abyssinian and Afghanistan wars, and had served on H.ÍM.S. Duncan in West Indies and North American stations at the time of the American Civil War. He had participated in t"he sup-pression of the negro riots in Jamaica ,n 1S65, and been sent to Ireland on H.M.*"*. Palace in 1867 in connection with the Fe-nian troubles. Ho entered the stores depart-ment of the po-stal service in 1806. and over since that time had fulfilled the duties allotted to him with faithfulness* ¡ ,:nd conscientious zeal. The department j regretted losing a good officer. Mr.

Braham responded.

Mr. H. Miell, a colonist for over 60 years, died at the residence of his son (Lieutenant Colonel Miell) at Crystal Brook on Thursday. Mr. Miell was born at Allcannings, near Devizes, Wiltshire. on October 6, 1826, and was therefore in his eighty-eighth year. He assisted his father (Mr. George Miell) in his occu pation of a farmer. In 1850 Mr. Miell married, and with his wife-set- out for

(Australia in the ship British Empire on May 2 of the same year. His early train-ing in agricultural matter» directed his attention to Hie land, and he settled" at Hay Valley. Shortly after his settlement the rush to the diggings in Victoria commenced, and he with others in the district joined the rush, but was unsue -cossful. He next settled at Auburn, and had a bullock team, carting copper from the Burra to Port Wakefield and Gawler. A serions outbreak of plcuro-pneumonia destroyed nearly all, his cattle, and bad seasons completely ruined his farm. How-ever, he possessed the determination of the "pioneers, and a few years afterwards another «start was made at Crystal Brook. For over 30 years a limeburning business in conjunction with grazing and agricul-ture wa3 successfully carried on. Mr. Miell was one of the founders of the Manchester Unity Oddfellows Lodge at Crystal Brook, and was made it«; Pa*>t Grand. Mrs. Miell predeceased her hus-band by 21 years The family consists of five daughters and three sons. The elder sons. George and James, are farm-ing in the South-East. The youngest, Lieutenant-Colonel Miell, üives at Ros-common, near Crystal Brook.

Mr. W. C. Poole, who is touring Au-= tralii as a "Commissioner of Educational Publicity" in the interests of the Panama Exhibition, was a passenger to Adelaide by the express from Melbourne on Satur-day. He will «pend a few days in thie city to make known some of_ the edu-cational advantages to derived from a visit to the great American Exhibition. Mr. Poole was met at the station by Mr. H. A. Wheeler (general aecretary of the Y.M.C.A.Ï.

Probate has been granted in respect of the following wills:-.Johann Carl Enge!« brecht, Mount Gambier, £12,200; Edward Dudley Kirkland, Coomooroo, £2,400; Clarence Matwin Kitlier, Adelaide, £29,000; James McRostie, Tantanoola, £1.234; John Moulds, Norton Summit, £2,200; Johann G. Routher, JuKa, £3,000; Henrv Scott, Glen Osmond, £80,000; Isabella Searle, Malvern, £3,600.

Lieutenant W. F. de Rose, of the mili-tary staff office, became seriously ill on Friday morning. He wa3 removed to Ru Rua Hospital, where he underwent a serious operation.

At a meeting of the council of the Cham-ber of Commerce on Friday (t'he first in the new year of the chamber), Messrs. T. Drew and H. J. Bell were re-elected re-spectively to the chairmanship of the mining and the corn trade sectional com-mittees. Messrs. Harold Darling, M. A. Goode, E. Altout, and Caleb Allen were welcomed as new members of the council.

Our Wellington (New Zealand) corre-spondent telegraphed last night:-Mr. Robert McNab, author of "Munstu" and other books, and editor of New Zealand historical records, has been made doctor I of literature by the New Zealand Univer-

sity Senate.

Mr. M. Keating, of the firm of Keating, Francis, & Co^. Port Adelaide, has booked his passage for Great Britain by the steamer Wiltshire, sailing this week. He will be accompanied on the trip by Mrs. Keating. They expect to return at Christi


The Rev. Wynne Thomas, of Swansea, South Wake, who has been appointed to the temporarv charge of the Dunedin (New Zealand) Presbyterian Church, is en rotate to New Zealand by the It.M.S. Omrah, which arrived at the Outer Har-bor on Saturday. For many years he has been the pastor of the Argyle-street Chapel. Swansea. Hw congregation has given him prolonged_ leave of absence, so -that he might recruit his health and en-large his experience.

Mr. W. Poole has accepted the posi-tion of assistant electrical engineer to the South Australian railway. For the past four years be has been the electrical test-ing officer of the Municipal Trarawayö
