Mail (Adelaide, SA : 1912 - 1954), Saturday 13 September 1913, page 3

4 BEAUTIFUL HAIR. FOUR FEET SIX INCHES LONG. Result of Using John Craven' Burleigh True Hair Grower. New Preparation Causes Big Stir Among Hair Specialists. f ^ T %\- *? v * ^ '' MISS DON-VAX. Retd whit MTSS HAT DOTCAX, the prominent piuist, Bays:— . 1DL JOHN* CRAVEN-BUUr^IGU. — Dear Sir — £ feel it only my duty that I Efaould write and let j-ou know xrhat a. ^rcaiderfol ?prrfmatiou yoor True Hair Grower is. I have used throe bottles, and my liair has grown ?tiirvtlloosly; it ii now about four feet 6 inches leap, and is stilt growing. My hiir a beautifnl and eloty. and has crown much rtroog-fr Eincc using your tonic. I am uoted wherever I ha^f been far mv beautiful hair, both in length and quality. You may rest assured that I am Vfry careful in using any pieparations that hare at numerous times been recommended to me for nae. Having been persuaded to try your True Wair Grower I have found k all that jm claim it to be, and can nighly recomnsen'l its u£e tc my numerous friends. I am enckmBg two photo» of myself in support of the above, and, if you think fit, yan can oe torn far adrcrtiiinr pnrposes. Wishisg you success. Gatemllr roars, H. L. DONXAX, L.L.C.M. v _ 'Borania,' Jtatfu street, Uonnin. Svdncr. 10,000 SAMPLES GIVEN AWAY. Hiir troubles, like ethrr disease?, faa'.c been wniasly diagnosed and altogether misWientooA. Tbu hair itM'ff is ;:r-t the thing to be treated, for the reason that it ii simply ? product of the ccaJp. ami vikolly depajdeci upou its uctiocs. The scalp is the very soil in which the hair ii produced, nurtured, and grown, and it alone kiiould receive the attention if results are tu bo eNptcted. It would do no earthly gcod to treat the stem of a plant with a view of inakin? it grow and beconiL- more beautiful — the soil in which the plant grans must be attended to. Therr-forc, the scalp, in which the hair grows, must receive the attention if you are to cspeut it to prow :iud become more beautiful. Loss of hair is caused by the scalp drying up, or lo=in;f its supply of moisture or nutriment. Whea baldness occurs the scalp his simply lott all its nourishment, leaving nothing for the hair to feed upen. A pl^t. °r even a tree, would die under, similar conditions. The natural thins to do in eitner csse is to feed and replenish the soil or scalp, as the «» mav be, and your crop will grow and multiply as Nature intended it should. My True Hair Grower has a most wonderful effect upon the hair glands and tisson of the scalp. It is the orly remedy for the hair ever discovered that is similar to the natural food or liquids of the scalp. It penetrates the pores quickly, and the hair soon shorn the effects of its wonderfully ezhilaratir.; and lifr-producins qualities. ? ? Besides bring a True Ha-'.- Grower, my preparation quickly removes DANDRUFF, and stops FAIX1XG HAIR and ITCHING. It is known tin- world over, aud I have in my consulting , rooms upwards of 3,000 lottirs from £-ratofu'i men and women who have derived so much benefit from the use of my True -'Hair Growur' as t'J compel them to write and thank me. Now, I do not H-ish you to accept n;.r trord for acy statement I make, but want yon to prove the matter for yourself in your own home. x Free Trial Offer. BALDNESS, DANDRDFF, ITCHING, ETC., FREE TRIAL COUPON. Cut our (hi?- Coupon, send it wiili .'. ^inir-= 1o rover rw-iare, tc. and I trill immediately pott a irial b-.-i ci ~y Tr ;i Hair «:r-:-.ier. Note New Address — John Crave n-Burleigh, Dept. 127, 192 Castlereigh stree Sydney. R 4, A 10, T. 6.K. t