Portland Guardian (Vic. : 1876 - 1953), Wednesday 7 June 1899, page 2

Established August 1842. -0 l ortiand nua dian, With which fa tnoorporated Wht ?ortlad d lirrar. -0 a tortmand Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Evening. WVEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 1899. THE WVEATHER.-After several days of lovely bright autumn weather a change took place yesterday afternoon when light rain began to fall, and which continued well into the night, giving Mr. Bunter a record of 42 points. To-day has again been clear and bright with a lovely warm sun. PAY YOUR RAIES,-Ratepayers who have not yet paid their municipal rates, but wish to have the right to vote at municipal elections, should remember that all monies due for rates must be paid not later than the loth June. OBITUARY. - On Monday, Mrs. S. Drew, of this town, received information by wire from Sandford that her eldest sister, Mrs. McCormack, had died at her residence, Sandford, the previous day. In connection with the sad event we clip the following from the " Casterton News" :-" It is with regret that I have to chronicle the death of Mrs. McCormack, wife of Mr James McCormack, farmer, of this township, which took place at half-past two o'clock on Sunday afternoon, She was 72 years of age, and hat been ailing for some time, and under the treatment of Dr. D'Ombrain, who did all that medical skill could devise to stave off the Grim Destroyer's approach. Her advanced age, however; told, and she succumbed as stated, The deceased was a resident of Sandford of 37 years' standing, and had reared a family of four sons and two daughters, all of whom survive her; with the exception of her eldest daughter, Mrs. Oswald, who died about ten years ago. When the news of Mrs. McCormack's death became known, general regret was ex. pressed here, the deceased, who was a kind-hearted woman, binmg highly esteemed by a very large circle of acquaintances, by whom she will be greatly missed. Sr. STEPHE?',-.- We regret that through an oversight no mention was made in Monday's issue of the service at this Church on Sunday night, when the very reverend the Dean of Ballarat delivered the sermon, and treated the very large number of persons present to one of his clever and masterly discourses, and which was listened to most attentively throughout. The Dean is spending a few weeks in Portland for health purposes, and we are informed he will preach again ;n this Chu:ch on Sunday night. Ots STEAMERS.-The Casino arrived yesterday evening and took the berth on the north side of the wharf, where her inward and outward loading was transacted. The Flinders did not arrive till well on towards g o'clock, and, much to the surprise of many, anchored in the bay. At the time it was raining steadily, with a breeze from the north, but few could understand why she did not come to the wharf as usual and land her passengers. On making inquiries to-day we glean that the reason for the Flinders not coming to the wharf was that the night was wet and dirty, and the wind being from the north rendered extra precautions, and also that there was no prospect of work being carried on till next morning. A STEAM~s CooxER.-The representative of a new cooking apparatus called "The Peerless Steam Cooker " is now in this town soliciting orders for the invention, and has been successful already in effecting the sale of several. The great advantage claimed for these cookers is that the articles are cooked by steam, and it does not matter how many different dishes are put into the apparatus all are cooked irrespective of each other, and without one dish being contaminated in the slightest degree by the odour of another dish. Those who have had experience o1 these cookers describe them as simply astonishing, the great advantage being that one can cook anything in it that can be boiled or baked. Throughout this district quite a large number of these cookers have been sold, and from time to time we have read very flatteri:-g press notice; on the special advantages they possess, one in the" Casterton News " being specially favorable. Another flattering notice is given b5 the "Corowa Free Press" from which we extract the following : This" Cooker" performs miracles with the toughest meat, almost automatically and absolutely prevents the worst cock in the worldifrom spoiling the most delicate dish conceivable, It will cook a whole dinner at once, for two or for 20 people, consisting, say, of fowl or joint, vegetables. pudding and custard; and it does all this with a quart of water, without any other attention than putting the things in. Add to this, that the food as cooked by the Peerless "Steam Cooker" is more palatable and more nutritious than when otherwise prepared; that the flavours do not mingle, but are separately preserved; that there is no burnt food, no offensive odou:s, no heavy saucepans to lift, no crowded stole, and that there is an immense saving in fuel. labour, food and time, asd. he whole of its virtues are not even then summed up. It is recommended by physicians, because it is an enemy to indigestionwhence all our troubles mainly spring. Having had one in use iu our own kitchen contmuously for some time past, we can speak with confidence on the subject, and guarantee for the " Steam Cooker that it performs everything it rays claim to do. SLhSDED PaOPERTIES.-In ad4jtion to the properties advertised for sale by Mir J. R, WVools on the o20th inst., under instructions from the trustees in the estate of the late Mr, Tho,. Prior, he, to-day, gives particulars of a nunber of pieces of land for sale at the same time and place, under orders from the executors in the estat, of the lat r, F, ,, LynO ,

MIOUNTED RIFLES.--In a recent issue our Narrawong correspondent intimated that -teps were being taken to have the head quarters of the Narrawong detachment of Mounted Rifles transferred to Tyrendarra. We have since heard that such was actually sanctioned, much to the surprise of .any members of the detachment, who determined to lodge a protest against the removal, This pro test was duly forwarded to Headquarters. and we hear that a favorable reply has been received and that Narrawong will still be recognised as of old. FAREWELL.-Mr James S. McPherson, formerly of Nangeela station, and ex president. ft Glenelg Shire Council, who is leaving Casterton for Mordialloc, having purchased a farm there, was entertained at the Albion Hotel, at Casterton, on Saturday, and presented with a purse of sovereigns and an illuminated address. Eulogistic references were made to Mr McPherson's service= to the district. \Vor?N's WARD.-By a notice in our business columns it will be seen that the movement initiated during the celebration of Her Majesty Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee reign, to have a Woman's Ward added to the local Hospital, is about to be attained. It will be remembered that donations were made towards the object at the time, but these did not reach the sum required. Through the death of Mrs, Ann Davidscn, of South Portland, however, a legacy of .£zoo was secured by the committee, and this was very wisely added to the Ward fund, and to-day tenders are called for the etection of the ward. Mr. A. H. Andrews is the architect. WosMEs AT DA.CEcs. - The Rev, George Gladstone, of Holy Trinity Church, Nathalia, has been preaching a series of sermons on " Drinking and Dancing." The local press advertised the subject of the sermon for Sunday night as "Why are Some Married Ladies Fond of Dancing ?" The church was filled to overflo.ving, and the rev. gentleman's opening remarks were received with great dissent and mutterings. The colonial society woman's heart, he said, had no thought o: futurity. It was useless to inform them that they were on the road to hell. He noticed that the most frivolous women in Nathalia were church-worshippers. They did not attend his church, thank God, as it was made too hot for them. He referred to the Masonic Lodge ball lately held at Nathalia, and said he considered the ballrcom nothing short of a charnel-house and a dancing-den. The persons attending rubbed shoulders with undesirable persons, and the preacher went on to refer in general terms to the infidelity of some married women. The young girls did not want married womeu at socials. They remarked, " What does that fat old woman want here ?"' (Interruptions and laughter.) A wcman who allowed herself to have hands placed on her after social functions was a wanton. The women of the Goulbcrn Valley were cursed with this spirit. His bearers saw in the Nathalia press the names of married women attending these white men's corroborees, and he hoped the finger of scorn would be pointed at them. Audible comments were made by members of the congregation during the discourse, and at times it was thought it would lead to a disturbance. To GROWERS.-We ask the attention of gardeners, and growers of fruit, vegetables, &c., generally, to Messrs. Railton and Co.'s business announcement etsewhere, This firm is well and most favorably known to many growers for the excellenze of the seeds and other things they have for sale, and those who require vegetable, flower or farm seeds will find it to their advantage to remember this firm when ordering. EXTRAORDINARY VXIEs.-In the New South Wales metropolis the federal campaign is being conducted with great energy. Mr Pdlcher, Q.C., had a mixed reception when speaking at Burwood on Sunday night. He told his audience that if they voted for the bill they would vote for damnation. Intercolonial free trade would allow Victoria to swamp New South Wales. and if the electors waited until a better bill was put before them their children wculd not curse them, SERIo'US ASSAULrT.-A young man named Harry Pearce was the victim of a serious assault in the Chinese camp at Ararat early on Sunday morning. About midmnght he went to the Chinese camp, where a disturbance took place, and a Chinaman named James Ingar and his wife, it is alleged, attacked him ferociously with a meat chopper. Pearce received a terrible cut about 3in. long over the right eye, fracturing the skull. IHIe had four deep gashes on his right hand, and his left arm was badly bruised. He was removed to the hospital, and his con dition is regarded as critical. hiis assailants have been arrested, RECEI?ED.--We have received a copy of a special issue of the " Melbourne Punch," and which bears the title of " George R'eid the Father of Federation," followed by the sub beads of"How he worried them, how he worked them, how he won them, and how he wove the dream of his life, Australian federa. tion. As will no doubt be readily surmised, the issue is specially devoted to the federation movement, and a perusal will prove that the issue is not only cleverly written, but equally cleverly illustrated. The pace is 6d, and the paper is certainly well worth the money. THE ESCNGLISH LaNGUAGE is proverbially difficult to foreigners, and it was through a Chinese applying a geometric~al term to a cause of arbitration that some consternation, followed by amusement, was caused in the District Court on Monday by the announcement of a defendant. Ling Mew was involved in a shlight misunderstanding with a female informant, and, fearing the result of the case, had privately interviewed her outside the court. When the case was called, Ling Mew marched in, and triumphantly announced to the horrified Court ord'erly1"" lri'; Enlily po comre, Me squared her." "Defeendarint's kyshe has squared the informant, your Wdr. ships," said Senior-constable Keane. "What ?" exclaimed the Bench, and the information was repe'ted. "Case struck out," said the chairman, and Ling Nor dopCted1 Alld with jDo,

NOT THAT SORT OF BIRD.- In Cereai, quarters there was an idea atroad that in consenting to speak at the Pleasant Sunday Afternoon meeting held at Brunswick on Sunday, Mr Peacock the Chief Secretary, intended to reply to 1Ir. Hume Cook's criticisms of the Govern. ment. There was a crowded house, and, although the subject was referred to by bcth gentlemen, it was touched but lightly. In his prefatory remarks. MIr. Peacock said a friend had met him in the morning, and asked him if he were " going to have a 'go' at Cook." His reply was in the negative, but he con. tinued, " I told him that in the proper place and under the proper circumstance we would possibly have to cross swords, He also referred to the fact that it had been mentioned that he had refuse to fulfil the engagement because ofl lr Cook's remarks. "' I suppose," he said "it is the usual thing in a farmer; yard for the Peacock to run away when the Cook attacks him, but I'm n:t that sort of Peacock." DR.tPRaY.-Messrs. Hattam and Hat. tam elsewhere insert a new drapery notice which is worthy of perusal by those requiring drapery.SHOCKISG SHOCKISG MINING ACCIDE.as7.A miner named Hudson was terribly in jured on Saturday at the Zeehan Silver Queen mine. He had charged two boles in the drive, and applied a ihgat to both, but only one "spat." Hudson left the face, thinking that the second fuse had not caught. He waited a short time after hearing one explosion, and then returned to the spot, and was feeling for the fuse in the second hole when it ex. ploded full in his face. Both his eyes, his mouth, and the whole of his face were blown into a jelly, and he received besides a number of small stone holes in his boJy, but he arose and walked a hundred yards to the shaft. He is still alive, but his condition and appearance are pitiable. ie is a married man with one child, LEASES have been approved as under: -R. McA. Black, Greeohills, ga ir 5p; R. Daly, Branxholme. 17a 3r 15 ; J. H. Lucas, Greenhills, 9a or 37p; G. W. Pitcher, Byambynee, 7a or i6p; Jas. Robertson, Greenhills, r a 3r 37P; W. R, Fraser, Byambynee, xoa xr 26p, CRICle'T NEws.--Tae eagerness with which cricket cable messages are awaited, like " increase of appetite,' grows upon what it feeds. Every improvement in the system produces the deeper yearning for better. Yet the ,iork being done by the Eastern Ex. tension Company and its co-operators in other organisations has been surprisingly good. Messages lodged on the ground on which a match is being played are " whisked " through to Australia with great celerity. For instance, ten messages came to us (Argus) of the play on Thursday-the first day of the test match at Nottingham-and they averaged 2 hours 21 minutes each in tracsmission from London to Melbourne, a di-tance of about 14,000 miles, durirg which time they were repeated at nice station. One message came through in i hour 23 minutes. It should be borne in mind that, although the telegrams ar. rive in Australia in the early hours of the morning, they traverse the Northern Hemisphere during the busiest hours of the afternoon, when private messages, which have precedence, are being transmitted. There is no attempt to keep wires clear for cricket bulletins. Yet, withal, the traffic is conducted by the cable companies with such smartness that the news comes through practically at express speed. Within, say two bcurn of the drawing of the stumps at Not. tingham (half-past 4 a.m. Melbourne time), the results of the play are known in this city.