Portland Guardian (Vic. : 1876 - 1953), Wednesday 14 September 1898, page 2

EstablisAed August 1812. (h4 ortland ua dian, With which is inoorporated the ,,artlaud ilirror. -o at Fortland Every M&nday, Wednrsday, awd Friday Evening. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1898. PiCKED UP ON THE BEAcaH.-An official return which was thrown overboard by Captain Brown, of the P. and O. Co.'s s.s. Himalaya, was found on the beach at Discovery Bay by Mr S. Brown last Sunday. The return, which was sealed in a white claret bottle, is as fellows :-P. and O. Himalaya; date and hour, noon, 29 1 4 I 9S; latitude. 35.20 half south; longitude, 132'32 30 east; state of wind, fresh b.W. ; state of sea, high S.W. swell ; ship going from Albany to Adelaide. Mr Hunter informs us that the bottle was thrown overboard somewhere off Adelaide, and about 387 miles west of Portland. The return has been forwarded by him to the Governmeat astronomer in Sydney, as directed. ACcOUNTS.-- 'he following accounts awaited payment at the local Sub-Treasury this morning for W. J. Newton', S. u4dd4a J, F, Corcy, W, Lua4,

THE FARMERS' EXCURSION TO MELBOURNE.-In connection with this ex- a cursion to Melbourne, which is to take palce on Wednesday, aest September, the special train will leave Port- 1 land at 7 a.m., and is to arrive at Melbourne at 6.56 p.m. Persons from .Myamyn and Milltown have to get their tickets at Heywood. The tickets will be availab'e for return till Friday, 21st October, inclusive. and on returning passengers may break their journey. Children under three years travel free, those under 12, half fare. The fare for adults, second class, is 215 from Portland; firstclass, 3rs 6d, Intending travellers must not forget that they will have to secure their tickets on or before 12 noon on Monday, a9th September, at their respective stations.LECTURE LECTURE AND CONCErT.-Mr. F. V. Htinecke, Principal of the Portland College, will lecture on "some of the marvels of chemical science," in St. Stephen's Hall, on Friday evening next, the 16th inst. The entcrtaiament is in aid of St. Stephen's Sunday School prize fund, and during the evening some interesting and brilliant experiments will be given by way of illustration. The lecture will, no doubt, be most interesting, and we hope to see a good attendance present. A SINGULAR PRESENT TO A COUNCILLOR.-F;r some time past, relations have been considerably strained between the Springfield and Romsey Shire Councils in connection with a dispute regarding the erection of a bridge over the Deep Creek, cn the boundary of the two shires. The Springfield Shire Council maintained that the bridge was not repaired for public traffic, as it would only suit one ratepayer, and cos: a considerable sum of money. Owing to the attitude assumed by Councillor Hurst, of this council, the members of the Romsey Council became facetious, and a resolution was canied authorising the secretary to forward Councillor Hurst a blue pill and a black draught, to curb his ire against Romsey. This was carried into effect; and at a meeting of the Springfield Shire Council, Councillor Hurst stigmatised the councillors of the neighbouring municipality as a "ravenous lot of wolves," and said they had disgraced themselves by sending him a blue pill and black draught--(laughter)-that the council had become a quackery shop, and had nine quack doctors instead of sensible men, who would look after the roads of the shire. On the occasion of a recent meetingot delegates from the two shires, it was seriously proposed to throw him (Councillor Hurst) into the creek, but nct a man was game to do it. (Laughter.) At a later stage of the proceedings, Councillor Hurst moved that the Romsey shire Council be politely and respectfully asked :o hand over to the Springfeld, Shire Council an area emb:acicg rom:e 500o odd acres. which properly belonged to Springfield, and was used by its ratepayers, the reason being that the Romsey Council, although having received some thousands of pounds in rates and subsidy, refused to do anything to the main road leading through the area he described This was seconded by the I president, and carried unanimously. TRAINs ARRANGEMENTS. - In connection with the Hamilton races the train will be delayed at Hamilron till 5.30 p.m. on Friday, 16th inst., and will arrive at North Portland at 7.53 p.m. On Thursday and 1 riday, the train leaving here at 9.5 a.m. will have a couple of extra cars attached to her as far as Hamilton. MARINE ExcuRsIONs.-Messrs Hud. dart Parker and Co., announce that they will run special excursions down the Bay in connection with the farmer's excursion to Melbourne on the 21st inst., so that farmers visiting Melbourne by erail will have an opportunity of seeing the sights. The fine excursion steamer, Courier, will make daily trips, Sunday excepted, leaving Queen's wharf at io e a.m. The fares are saloon, 3s return; r single, 2s.. For further particulars see advt. A GHosT IN HA.ILTo.N - We have read a good deal of late of ghosts in Bendigo and other places, and no doubt have prided ourselves that Hamilton people were persons of substance and not shadows, but from what we ("Spectator') have heard it would appear that a ghost was seen here on Friday night, which i would be a conclusive proof that there is at least one person in Hamilton who has no substance-in his upper story. The ghost referred to was seen by a citizen, whose veracity cannot be doubted, sitting on a fence near the Hospital, on the night mentioned. His sitting on the fence indicates that the ghost does not wholly consist of air and vapour, or whatever such visitants from another world are made of, but that at least his anat. omy was partly substantial, or he could not have assumed that easy posture. We would suggest that if he is seen again a charge of coarse salt should be fired at the most corporeal part, whereupon Sprobably the nocturnal intruder will " give up the ghost," PARCELS are lying at the railway station for MIr Young, J. Iledditch, Chas Allen, R, Dusting, J. Buxley, A. G. Adamson, Lyne and bilvester, Clerk of Court:, E. W\V. Harvey. A SHIP BURNED AT SEA.-News has been received that the four-masted ship Hollinwood, which left Sydney on May S22nd last, as one of the wool fleet for London, had been destroyed by fire in mid ocean and abandoned. The report was confirmed by a cable received from London, dated September 9, by the agents for the vessel, Messrs. J. Smailler a and Co. The cable read-" Hollirinwcod on fire; abandoned at sea," There were 1 no particulars as to how the news had e reached London, or if the crew were all a saved, or how many of them. REPORTED DISCOVERY OF GOLD.The "Border WVatch " says : - There o are just now rumors of a discovery of gold in the district, and it is likely,-from researches which are being prosecuted, we will hear something further on the matter before long. We understand two young men of the town have unearthed some promising specimens of quartz, Sbearimg visible gold, and have also obtained alluvial gold by washing. The samples of both the alluvial and reef gold leai to the belief that it will be worth a while to follow the discoveries up. The - locality of the findis kept a secret, but , wunderstand it is widthia ro ad o(tb tor,

CONDAH Snow.-This society's second annual show will be held on Thursday, 24th November. A preliminary announcemect appears elsewhere, and the hon. se:s. announce that the fall programme will appear next week, MONEY TO LEND.-The Trustees of the Loyal Prince of Wales Lodge elsewhere announce that they are prepared to lend money on sound security, and at moderate interest,THE THE TROTrr TESTIMtONIAL.--The proposal to present a testimonial to Mr. Harry Trott, as an expression of public sympathy and help in the serious illness with which he has been afflicted, is being most cordially taken up, and the Melbourne Cricktt Club have given the movement a splendid start with a donation of .too. When the announcement was made by Mr Frank Grey Smith, at the annual meeting of the club on SaturJay afternoor, it was received with such cordiil applause as left no doubt that the members of the club were entirely with the- committee in their liberal action, Althotgh the M.C.C have practically assured the success of the movement at the outset, they are not desirous of taking the lend, and. partly on th:ir suggestion, a central committee has been formed at South Melbourne. EARLY APPEARANCE OF SNAKES.Snakes are very nunimrous in the Horsham aistrict, one farmer despatched 14 last week. A railway ganger at Wail, was attacked by a large black snake, which coiled around his leg and bit savagely at his thick trousers. Assistance had to be called, and the snake was dislodged and killed. In the opinion of old settlers the early appearance of snakes in such large numbers is an indication of an early and very hot summer. MR F. J. LAURIE, the eldest son of Mr A. F. Laurie, of Mount Gambler, left here on Thursday morning for Sydney, where he will join two young friends who are going to Africa. They intend to enter into pastoral pursuits in Rhodesia, Mr Laurie's many Mount Gambier friends will wish him good for. tune in every way. STRUcK BY LIGHT:ISNG,-During the storm which raged in Melbourne between ; and 8 o'clock on Saturday evening the chimney ofa five-rocmed brick house, owned by Dr Williams in Cooraminta street, Brunswick, was struck by lightning, and dashed to pieces. The tricks and mortar fell with a terrific crash on the slate roof, and the roof gave way, and fell through the ceiling into the interior of the building, and, in addition to severly damaging the fixed furnishings, also brought down the centrepieces in two of the rooms. In the front room the lightning appeared to have travelled down the chimney, and struck the stet! ,rate, which was broken, as also was a valuable marble mantelpiece. Fortunately the house was anoccupied, a tenant having just moved out that afternoon, and the last load of furniture was taken away less than an hour before the catastrophe. The ad- 1 joining house, which is occupied, was uninjured, but Mrs Smith, who was attending to her domestic duties at the time, is suffering from considerable shock. THE STCD.-The services of the well. known Clydesdale stalliop, Casterton, will be available at Loser Bridgewater, as usual, this season, For particulars see advt. Two YEARS IN A WVAGGON. - On Thursday (writes the " Spectator's" Branxholme correspondent) Information was given to Constable Casey that an old man was lying in a dying state in a waggon about five miles from Grassdale, on the Merino side. Constable Casey proceeded to the place on Friday, and found the old man in a helpless condition in his waggon, in which he had been living for two years. When taken charge of he was found to be in a very dirty state, as were also the various articles in the waggon, which was falling to pieces. The unfortunate fellow gave the name ot William Tyter, aged 83 years, and is a Snative of Bisley Common, England. He t stated he had owned scme land at Vie. Storia Valley, but had sold it some five t years ago, and that he at present owned Sproperty at Willlamstowvn, valued at t £3ooo000, but would give no further inforSmation regarding same. He had lent : his horse, which had died about six a months ago. The old fellow was very Sloth to leave his waggon, which had - been his home forso long a time, but with ,little assistance he was lifted into a Sbuggy, and conveyed to the Hamilton SHospital, where he was admitted. A t sum ot six shillings was found in his - possession, WuILS AND BEQUESTS.--bMr John 1 Dwyer, of Mocamboro, farmer, made his will on January 3, s895, and died July i9, 1898. He left reality £1,658 and personalty £848 to his widow and family. 1 FERTILE DUCKS.-It is a common opinion that ducks are by no means as good layers as towls. An instance which goes to prove the contrary has been re. Ilated at Mt. Gambier. A Mrs Kiteley Shad last year five ducks of the Rouen breed that lay during the season 522 eggs, cr an average of 0o4 each. They were also allowed to try their luck Sin bringing out some young ones, They Sstole a nest each, and were granted the r concession they wanted, and in due a course had the joy, no doubt, of hatching t 23 little downy ducklings. SS c ScaLPERs.--The 24.-story New r York structmues have only been rendered Sat all possible by the introduction of the e skeleton system of building, which in its 1 turn has depended on the great advances I that have been made in the manufacture of steel. To all outward appearance the "shy-scraper'" is a brick and stone - erection; in reality, it is a gigantic steel C frame or skeleton,; covered with a f weather-proof veneer on the outside, and Sa fireproof (theoretically so, at any rate) , casing on the inside. S To-morrow has bcen gazetted a holi. day within the Borough of Portland, a . Alemone won the Epsom Handicap at S 8ydney on Saturday. SWar God has been Uwell backed for the SMellbourne Cup, * Adelaide's city inspector rejoices il tbon Paofi WUl ama ian akesys

The owner of Merloolas backed his horse on Monday to win the Melbourne Cup; he took £Io,ooo to £000ooo. Brewis's Tremolo won the William;. town steeplechase on Saturday, carrying i3st. 91b. Not a bad country crock, The British Post Offi:e has Olaced an embargo on betting circulars, and ;i: -,, deliver them. The Government will make an effort to dispose of its financial measures this week. There are nearly 1g,ooo hounds main. tained in United Kingdom exc;usively for hunting purposes. There are four sovereigns and nine heirs-apparent among the fifty-seven living descendants of the Queen, All the railway employes in Horsham and district have passed the necessary medical examination of eyesight. Again last week the wool trafic on the railways was heavier than in the corres. ponding week of 1897. The Sydney 'Metropolitan Stakes was won yesterday by- Cravat, with Robin Hood second and Woodlark third. Three outsiders. The Julia Percy met with an accident in Mary River, Brisbane, on Saturday, by whicn she stripped two blades of her propeller. A Casterton syndicate have drawn Akarina in Tattersall's sweep on the -Metropolitan Stakes, which was run at Sydney yesterday. A sum of money has been placedon the estimates for the purpose of erecting a tea-house in the Melbourne Botanical Gardens, The Rev. J. Y. Simpson, Weleyan minister, deid at Adelaide on Saturday. He began his ministry in Vi:toria, at Geelong, to IS66. Last week the quantity of potatoes loaded in Victoria was 3205 bags, against 8733 bags for the corresponding week last year, Since the beginning of last nonth, 142,8oo rabbits have been exported from Victoria. The approximate value of the shipments mentioned is £8000. The Commercial Travellers' Associg. tion of Queensland has now a total membership of 5oo, an addition of zoo since the beginning of the year. There are about 60o cycle manufacturers in England, and it is computed that they are turning out no fewer than 2050 different brands of wheels, Merloolas is likely to come into further favor for the Melbourne Cup after giring Amberite 31b, and a beating in the A.J.C. Spring Stakes. Amberite could not pace with him at the finish. At the close cf last century there were suppcs-d to be i,ooo,ooo aborigines in Australia. There are now less than 0oo,ooo, and amongst them are still some I cannibals. "Dun's Review," New York, o: a recent date estimates the wheat production of the world for the present year at ,600,000oo,ooo bushels, but the estimate may be regarded as a minimum. Every good Sikh is obliged to die upon the bare ground. No matter what his rank or age, no rug must intervene between him and mother earth when he breathes his last. Lieutenant J. L. Harrington, who in February last was appointed British agent in Abyssinia, has started from Zeila, on the Gult of Aden. for Adis Abeba, the capital of the King of Abyssinia, for the purpose of informing Menelek of the capture of Omdurman and the overthrow of the Khalifa. The Warrnambool " Standard" says: -The hauls of haddock in Lady Bay have been falling off during the past few days, and the fishermen fear that the fish which have been providing them with funds are about to leave these parts. Two Port Fairy boats arrived here on Monday and a couple of Portland fishermen are reported to be on their way to Lady Bay with nets. There is every prospect of Sergeant. Major Bourke, the drill instructor for G Company, \V.MI,R., being included in the team to represent Victoria in the annnal rifle match against New South WVales. There has been very keen competition among shootists in all parts of Victoria for a place in this team, and the number of candidates was rednced from 60 to 20 on Saturday last. Sergeant-Major Bourke is amng the 2o, and he occupies fourth place on the list. The final shooting for places in the team of 52 to represent Victoria will take place on Saturday next. A New York telegram in the London papers states that an amusming incident occurred upon the occasion of General Joseph Wheeler's cavalry charge into the Spanish lines at Santiago. General Wheeler was the most dashing cornI mander of cavalry on the Confederate side during the rebellion, but the force under him upon this day at Santiago was composed wholly of Northern Yankees. In thE excitement of the moment General I Wheeler imagined he was 30 years Syounger, and again leading his rebeLs against their Northern enemies, and he shouted out, "Now, boys; give the Yankees hell !" The men behind him laughed aloud at the mistake, and the general, appreciating it at the same instant, said, "Ohb, well, I mean the Spaniards." The beet medicine known is SANDER and SSONS' EUCAI.YPII EXTRACT. Test its eminent powerful effect. in Coughs, Coldi. Inlaenxa, etc., the relief is instanta~neou-, Thousands give the most gratifying testimonr. Iis lajesty the King of Italy and Medical Syndicates all over the Globe are its patrons. SWe have no occasion to offer rewansi in proof of thegentuenesoton ero~ences. The oFciAlI reports f .Medical Clinics and Unihersities, the otlici communication of the Consul-General for Italy at Melbourne, the Diplo;s ?awarnd International Exhibition, Amstcrdam, are aunthentic documents, and, as sui=h,notopento doubt. We aidd here epitomeof one of the c~ses treatedat the Clinic of Schultz, 3M.D., Professor, etc.-"Abscess of the thigh. Incisions made in wao places. .Athough Lister's dressing was applied the secretion became, two days later, very copious and assumed a foetid, decomposed character. Temperature rose enormously. The dressing was removed and daily irhigation witb SANDER & sONS' EUCALYi rI .XTACT weremde. The offensive odr disappeared, this fver asktd within a few d.a , and the patient reco?red in a few weeks. We must not loose sight of the fact that the tatter treatment saved the patient's lifae."--Take caro to get SANDRR AND SONS -the only genuine Iuoalypt Extract--or elsco you will beauppliedwia wwthleet gjk