Portland Guardian (Vic. : 1876 - 1953), Friday 28 February 1896, page 2

EAstalit~cd August 18i2. 114 $ortland gardiant, With which is inerporated khe 1'orttaud 'ilirror. -o at fortlar;d Erer, JMonday, Wcd nesday, and Fr;day Eren;ng. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, ISE5. ALL SAI.S' S MssIoy.-The interest manifested in the m-.ission that has been held at this church during the past week appears to be increasizn daily, as eac-h service is witnessed by an increasing number of residents. The morning masses are naturally chiefly confined to members of the church, but the evening service a::racts a large attendance of representatives of other denominations. On \Wednesday night Father O'Farre!l delivered a stirring se:mon :which ::as most at:entively list:eed to and spoken of as being a fine oratorical effort. Last ,evening the service was also well attended, and we may safely predict the same for tonight. At ix a.rnm on Sunday morning the ceremony of the Forty Hours Adoration will be commenced, and this will be continued till the specified number of hours expire. On Sunday morning there will be High Mass and at night the ceremcny promises to be a very imposing one. HEYwooD SPoRTs.-Those intending to be competitors for the events at the annual spor:ts meeting to be held at Heywood on Easter Monday, may be acquainted with the programme for that day by perusing our business columns. The programme is a varied and liberal one and should ;provide a good day's amusement, PHaoTooaP.a.-Many of our readers will hear with pleasure that Mr Meek, the well-known Hamilton photographer, has decided to open business in this town for a short season. Mr Meek has secured the studio of the late Mr. G. J. Nicholls, in Percy street, and intends to give the Portland people an opportunity of securing his services, and we feel sure the visit of Mir Meek will be largely availed of, for his cleverness at the art of photography is well-known and deservedly appreciated.ACCIDENT.-While ACCIDENT.-While travelling between Heywood and Portland last evening passengers by the train were somewhat startled; by a sudden burimp and on- enquiry it was found that a bullock had been run over. Save the-unusual bump there was no cause for alarm and the engine continued as usual, ENTOUEED FOR 26 HOURS.-Peter Martell, a miner, was walking through a tunnel at Nelbotherv, in the Bo.nbala district, on Friday last, when the earth gave way, and completely buried him. A crack in the fallen earth admitted air, and Martell having a pocket-knife in his hand managed to free his nose and 'outh from the dirt so as to admit sufficient air to keep him alive. He remained in that position for about 26 hours, his sufferings being so great that he several times attempted to cut his throat .but failed. His rescue was, however, effected in a must remarkable manner. On S-=rrday his two sons, aged so and 7 respectively, anxious to account tor his absence on Friday night, went to look for him, and, after searching for scme considerable time, they walked on the heap of earth beneath which their father was buried. He, hearing their voices, called to them for assistance. The chi:dren ran to a neighbor close by, and three men went to the rescue, and removed the earth which covered the unfortunate man.LE LE c T E--A very fair audience greeted the Rev. D. C. Scott, the head of the Blantyre Mission of the Church of Scotland in British Central Africa, last evening in the Town Hall. Mr. J. J. K. Mills occupied the chair, and briefly introduced the lecturer. The rev. gentleman spoke at some length upon missionary work, and generally contrived to keep the attenition of his bearers fixed for upwards of an hour and a half. The lecture was much enjoyed by those who were present, and is generally spoken of as an elocutionary treat and a thoroughly educational lesson. At the conclusion of the lecture a hearty vote of thanks was accorded the Rev. Scott for the able and pleasant lecture. SALE.-We remind our readers that 1Mr. J. R. Woods has some furniture and effects in the estate of the late Mr. G. J. Nicholls to dispose of at his mart to-morrow. PROROGATION OF PARLIAMENT,--The Premier has arranged with the Governor to prorogue Parliament on VWedneeday next, at two o'clock.

B.axt..tLt ExcuRSIox. - We remind those who propose to visit Ballarat by the Excursion on Tuesday next, that tickets are only available up to 5 p.m. to-morrow. THE LrTTLE _NLL CASE. - The somewhat pecuiiar case dealt with by the stewards of the Hamilton Racing Club in connection with the recent pony race, will probably end in rather an unexpected manner. Mr. D. Mahoney, the reputed owner of Diana, the second pony, wrote in very strong te:rr.s in our (" Spectator'') columns on the matter, and afterwards the Secretary of the Club received a letter signed D. Mahoney which was evidently intend-d to 'bounce' the stewards: This letter and another written by D. Mahoney-were written in two difierent hands, yet neither writer -iga:d for D. Mahoney, and so taking all the circumstances into consideration, the stewards decided to seek some information with respect to Diana. The resuit has already been reported. Mahoney after describing the races in which Diana was supposed to have run in the Coleraine Sho:w yard, and denying - ea: the pony started there, discovered "hEn asked to sign a declaration that he knew nothing about these races and could not declare whether his pony started or not. Accordini; to racing law the stewards were nct bound to pay him the value of the stake, but were willing to comp:nsate him for the mistake they were responsible for by handing him that amount. Of course, it was also decided that unless the pony beionging to the gentleman who was so virtuously indignant at a very small mistake that he termed i: " a swindle ' was qualified to run for the money, the' amount would not be handed over. Mahoney was therefore informed tha: to save him another journey to Hamilton the declaration would be forwarded on his application to a Coleraine justice, and if he signed it after making due enquiries as to the antecedants of his pony, a cheque for [7 would be forwarded. This has not been done by Mahoney, and in the meantime the stewards have obtained further information from men of excellent character to the efiect that Diana did sart in events at Coleraine show ground, run in heats, and therefore her owner would not have been entitled to the Hamil:on stake had his pony won it. Accousrs.-The following accounts awaited payment at the local SubTreasury this morning for-Portland Borough Council, F. Spencer, Trustee H. Rosenbloom, Isaac Clarke, J. F. Kittson. V.R.C. RAcEs. - The following are the acceptances :-Australian Cup:Hova, Quiver, Music, Preston, Wallace, Waterfall, Dreamland, Chesterman, Elswtck, Lord Richmond, Idclator, Trentham, Wolf, Damien, Lucid, and Laura. St. Leger Stakes :-Wallace, Kallara, Ilchester, Waterfall, O'Trigger and Cabin Boy. A bamboo church organ is said to have been built-at Shanghai, and is reported to surpass organs made of metal. The closing hours of the Parliamentary session are fast a.ppoaching The University press at Oxford has appliances for printing o50 different languages. Five -Mormon missionaries recently left Salt Lake city bound for New Zealand, to establish a mission among the Maoris. The Western District Butter Factories' Association is considering a proposal to erect refrigerating works at a cost of [3,5oo0. Potatoes were quoted at £4 per ton for Colacs, and at £3 to [3 aos for Western districts in Melbourne on Thursday. The Indian Government has decided to distribute £0o,ooo in gratuities to the troops employed in the recent expedition to Chittral. Mildura gro:vera are generally complaining of the shortness of the crop of raisins. One grower only harvested ix cwt. of raisins from io acres of vines. There is a serious black of business at the warden's court, Kalgoolie. Nearly 300 applications for protection were set down for hearing in one day recently. As adopted by the Assembly the railway reform scheme is merely a reversion to the bill as first proposad by Ministers, with an advisory board substituted for a trust. The Eaglehawk Council has received go replies, mo-tly favorable, to the cir. cular advocating payment of municipal auditors at the rate of two guineas per day. Several spurious coins have been discovered in circulation in Hamilton of late, and people are warned that they may ne left with bad money in their possession. Great mortality has been caused on board the Italian cruiser Lombardia at Rio de Janeiro by yellow fever. Already ofEcers and crew. A lucky find was made at the Ararat Hotel on Tuesday last. On taking a bottle of Wolfe's schnapps from a case just opened Miss Glennon found under the label an order for [r. The order is numbered c678: A Norfolk Island report, undet date 3tst January, stated that a severe drought continued, no rain having fallen since Christmas. The situation was becoming serious, it being the driest summer experienced since t856. The total amount of coin and bullion held by the Australasian banks last quarter, viz., £25,6r8,242, is the largest ever yet recorded. It exceeds the total of a year -previously by £2,346,oo4. Ever since the Christmas vacation the Princetown State school has beeb closed, the former teacher, Mr. leglis, having been removed to a school in the vicinity of Colac, and up to the present no one has been sent to take charge. SOn Tuesday 1Mackie and Stephens, of Blackwood, dollied out their rich speciI mens, and from 7oib of stone got the magnificent return of iso oz. Three of the best specimens, how.ever, were not broken up, but were sent to Ballarat to be exhibited there. The Salvation Army authorities have considered the offer made by the people of Horsham, through MIr. J. H. Brake, M.L.A., to place at their disposal 250 Sacres of imrgable land, and they find it Simpracticable to fall in with the scheme. The offer has therefore been declined,

Madame Melba's recent tour in America is said to have been even a greater success, financially and otherwise, than Madame Patti's. There was £2000 in the house at her third concert in Chicago. The Rechabite conference at Kyneton has emphatically and indignant:y protested against the inaction of the Crown law authorities in regard to the Friendly Societies' lotteries, and urged that immediate steps be taken to enforce the law. Denis Scott, reputed to be 107 years cld, died at his homr.e, near Shieldville, Minnesota, recently. His age is s'id to be well authenticated. Ais hait nad never turned grey, and until a few weeks ago ne had always been in good health, and had daivy worked about his farm. Th- owner of a small farm in the Lillyda!e district sent to market 45olb of peas, expecting to get at least a couple of pounds. For the 'holehe received 4s gd, against .rhich there are charges- freight Is. cartage is 6d, commission 4d, in all 2s rod, leavirg a balance for several months' wo:ri of is rid. Notwithstanding the protest lodged by the Arara: Borough Council, and the spiritsd co-operation of a number of private residents, the work of putting in the cattle pits at the number two gate "where the Hamilton railway line intersects Barkly street East), has been proceeded w:th and is now practically complete.