Portland Guardian (Vic. : 1876 - 1953), Wednesday 25 December 1889, page 2

(?STABLISHED tS42.) T.`h wh ch is t ,arpor: ted T r -Tortlantd i; irror. Pub!iht~l ce.:rv )1,.:.ix)', ;ii:';-i:?i' :ind WEL\Ni. rDAY, DEC :,i i i ;3, 1 Christmas. WE are hatpy to ob erve :hJt Prt!.tnd people are not diegener.?atg as our Warr. nambool ccrrespondent letds as to beliere the residents of that place are in the hmatter of the ebservance of ('hrnstma. 'lnrely although the climatic cMinitiuns are so different in the Northc l ca l Southern Hemispheres-though that always will alter to some extent the manner in which the natal day of the world's IRedeemer is celebrated--the lassitrde referrel to by our correspondent as induced by the weather prevailing during an Ants tralian Christmnas will arver result ip for getfulness of the tine-ha.nored customs. We search deeper for the reason of the ol,:ervance of Chrstmas than simply the predisposing nature of the climate to

enjoyment or the reversa; tho doctrine e that preaches peace aad goodwill to men I is unaffected in its inudanmental princi- L ples by such con-litions, an. so i long as the worli exLts Chrisltans I' in every coiner of it w:ll observe a ?eitsO:n of rejoicing at the " W1elc'mo Chri-tmat- I tide." Not but that there is forcei in tl ii argument of our correspondent hat il England, for instance, the ocasiin ii wel cormed by the :aboring cla?oes as a raphite fron almost conjtinuous tol during the year in a manner that i't' in thin l:s.., of holiday and fte days can scarcely up preciate, but we can' ot a .-roe Wvithi h that the cheerful and joyfui olbsetr:yne of Christmas is likely to become a ied t letter. Sarry wuald be the dayi for young Anustralia lthen she tihs t Oast aise one of the hoiiC-et Iand pt. re.t tr.li- t t:ons of t::ose ie that set fo, ,t on thete sunon shores, and we think the itmus far dit<aut iienn ishe wI: be justly accased of it. Veneration in some respects she winay be thOrlgi t to Oe iacknt g ill be these who look at tlin:?s with tsii wor.d eyes, ut: reverence for the sna.rd precei:? which have tren tria:s omitted from generation to Leaeratton since " shepherds wat ,ed their liocks by night' " we have yet o be showu they .are wanting in. .1any doubtless rele brate Curistias as they would any other holiday wiithoat troubling fithter than that they are determined to enjoy them relves to their full bent, but there are others rho inspiration of whose joyful ness is drawn from higher and holier sources, and it is to the in duence which these irill ever wield that we attribute the extreme improbability of the time-honored observance of Crist: mas ever fialing into disuse. This of course is a quite different thing from adapting the rnrm of celebration to suit the necessities of climatic conditions. In P'ortlaud, as before remarked, there is litt.e sign of any degeneracy in the observance of Christmas. 'The pedesrian who perambulates the main thorough fares swill notice uittle difference in the present decorative show to that of pre vious years, and there are few indeed iwho have cot done something. if ever so little, in recognition of the season. The news paper reporter, who is generally credited with being ubiquitous, is nct so to the extent of being ab':e to pry into the dwellings of private citizens, but could ihe do so we are sure that the hearth that was not adorned by some verdant em blem of the joyful season wou:d Io classed witi a very small minority. In " lerri Eunglan1 " the cry is "heap on more wood, the wind is chill," but here under the Southern Cross the busy, dainty housewife substitutes for the Yule log the cool and refreshing verdancy of the graceful fern or other i:ndienons ever green, the an:lled wi e givn place to effervescing draughts, and sk::ting on the glassy surface of the river and lake is sup planted by country, outings where quite sufficient hbolily tempera:ure can be maintained by luxuonr-ly reo,.sing on some velvety bank of turi, dreamily gazing through the tracery of the overhanging foliage and listening to the tunefal lays of the patni colored and many voiced "songstets of the grove." Th?iii onti tutesth :r ththe Christmas of the old and new worlds :in spirit we are one and the same, and our rejoicings are as pure and hearty as those of friends and relatives in the old land. May it ever he so. A J. evertbilig rpp4._*-:-.a te) the -e. -,n un?' to brounhlit within the limits of ese genera! remnarirs we may be per Sa d to Sltoniu oat the programnme Ira-, mitt; for thie ,lelectaiinl f l'ort'ard peopto and their visitors during the holi days. In the English and W'eshyau Ghurches this morning the usuil Chrbst mas Day services vwii be held and at St. Stephen' tihere will be a carol service in the evening. Tie Portlnd Band will pinay n pir gramme of mudc on the pier in the re:veing., ::·n as mstn people prefer to keep cloei to their own homes on Christ mas Day t'::ny i il d -",tless limit their wian lerings to a turn the pier or the bhilus. tU Boxing 1).. the .lyamyn daces wil trv.hably attract a number of our people to tile cuniutre- in one direction, nhile threse wio o do rt care to go inland can find suinilar anmusement " by the sea" at Bridgewater. In the town the Presbyterian Sabbath school scholars and their friends picnic in the Government paidock, and we trust all the conditions will be favorable to an enjoy able outing for the juveniles. We hear of several private pieniee, and all the availab:e accommolation that local livery stables can supip!v in the sispe of horses :tan vehiseob has probably been lesoken ere this. \Vit il atirier such as yesterday a boating exnertion will be one of the most enj.-y-ab!L experiences inmatinable, and p!enty of i 'nhi.i. and shooting can L obta;lui ?::hin e.sy wa;itng ordriv ing distance cf the tiwn. Anu resident we are sure will be g:,l to inform -trangers cf the beit k:own game or fishing rec.ors. On the ovenig of lOnX intg Day a milita-ry bail is to be held in the Orjerly I:room, at wiieh it is expectcl a large gathering will bh present. We omitted to tmention earlier also that bazsars are announced both at MIyamvn and Bridgewater, an.l at Ilersvood on Boxing night a concert and baoil is to be held. Surely amongst the above -ll tJstes should be suited, and other thinos being equal we are sure that it winI be thleir own fa-it if our reatder do not spend, what we hearti y wish them, -' 3 l crry C'ItrintlaS. usri :t.'s. - We agin remid ouri r-i?.r? h.: tlhere will ' '"' ;::blication ci !ie (;::;,in on Fii ay next. o--'n.-i''e Cit"cit'..-- t.. is the day tt:c- wi.ich in thO ordit-try cn-rse the usual fr:uign intly miieetg of the Dorou-h, Council iwouht ie heilt. As, howeveru it fails np-n Chri'maas I ay tho Ileeting will lne al!ened to Ie t fy- andi a'il I e adjoumrned for a ortiightlr unles anythiong special cr'ops 1i to necessitate a meeting in the meartime. Pi ,oraPoS POr TLAND RolitrEGT-The first meetinlg 1 f tinie executive committee appoiltntn! tio -na.'e aiffairs in connection with then pro!,osed monster reglatta to be imld in onr bay durintg the early part of ntext year wars ield on Monday night at mhe Town Hall. The Mayor, Mr. W. Itatalon, occupied the chair. and seven conmnitteemren were pIreeill, the compara tiVe? :, lor a'teudantne being ltlit to the I-fact that it was known there could be very littl' bnsiness to transact. owin to the short time since the pnblie meeting to receive information from Melbourne and

elsewhere relative to the fixtures of vaeht nmeetilng and other necessary itestn. Those present. however, took a lively interest in the vat ious suge;stions brought Ibefore the meeting, and although the amount of actual bulsiness tl ansacted was not large, upwards of nu hour was spent in l'liscssiug 'valiO s matters. It swas decided that the Secretary should invite tlts Excellency the tGovernor to visit Portland and also endeavor to secure the attendance of 11.1 S. Orlando. the flagship of the station, as well as some of t;e Victorian men-of-war. Mr. Woods promiedt to lose no titme in carrying out the wishes of the meeting and it is hoped that favorable replies will be received in a few days. The appointment of col :c:ors was discnIsed, and eventually the foilowing gentlemen were elected to ,acuro the needful :-lleywood District -Dr. Levis: town (blocks to be tuntually arranged .-Me.ssrs. 0. Dlbphin. T. F. W\illiams, i. S. Charles, W. T. Pile, D. MlcF. Brown. . . II. Row, and IR. S. Matheson. The i!ea of hodlhing swim ming matches ont the same day was brought up, and it was nareed that natatory contests should be helJ. The dlay of meeting was tined for Monday at S.15 at the Taown Hall. At the next metint: it is hoped sufficient information wi;i le at hand to warrant the programme being decided upon. S.S. LtDDLrs!ALEr.-Messrs. W. 1. A:uderson and G(o. inform us that this vessel was to leave Albany last ni-bht direct for Portlardt. She will after taking in woo! here proceed to Melbourne to complete her lo-i, inc. With favorable weather the Liddles dale should reach thls port by Monday next. M3stcAL.-The Port'and Baud wi.1 play on the pier ti s evening, weather permitting. NEw Boar.--Mr. A. Mi ki:s on Man dar :aunched a new boat upon the con structi"n of which he has fr. somentiome been engaged. The beat is built, we onolertaend, on lines furnished by Mr. G. 11. Tatloh. and she r.ppe rs a smart craft. We wi-ia her builder every success with his new craft. The boat is '"it. over all by hft. beam. WraTtI v. Gnowtarr.--The .lr~p says that thou.h the wattles plante1 on the railway reserves in various parts of the colony did not thrive as well as was expected,. they have not proved to be an entire failure. Recently tenders were called for the right to strip bark on the a plantation extending for about seven miles on the railway line between Colae and Birregarra, and an offer of £700 was elicited, which was accepted. No tree less than 4in. in diameter is to -i strippe"!. 3Mr. IV. Perrin. the Conservator of Foressts.estima:e t at the bark on tl.o t-e-s on either side of the line between Melbourne aad Geelong wi;i in the e co-rse of three or fto:r yea-s be worth nabout a£10.:.0" , Frequent travellers on Sthat line, hbrwerer, are ecarcely likely to consider this result a sufficient competn :ion fr tile mi:es of dreary mount:ny -s -norcel on th!cm bly sh:tltin outn the view on either hanu. seeing that there are other portions of the colony where the f wattle can be cnltivated with greater e pro1i: an less disadvantage. M Ir. Perrin s is now engage.l in the preparation of a 3 handbook which will give full informe tion as to the land in the colony available S61 .:, ,itablo fr the -,rowth of wa'tle icnd --'-a_.t .: 't iu:r?rent Slocaliti:es, with the best methods of culti . vticn_ Paresnrreni.\ t-'r ' i:r.-Manv of o:ur readers will learn with pleasure that the Rev. J. G. Paton. a gentleman ttwho for m any years hlas labored a- a missionary in the New iIebrides, ia to rcecny the iu'.pia at a th local Presbyterian Church on -undlay next. both morning and e;en. ing. The rev. gentleman has on more bthan one occasion presache in the same church, andl his discourses hare always been listene. to with pleasure, and we f-el r sure that on the present occasion he will have a large number of people to listen to him. On Sunay afternoon, we are iaf r.ned, he will deliver an adtress to thet chi.dren, and as he also has a pleasant Swary aof imparting ins:ruction to the youan he will no douabt seo a large congregation ready to hear him. Cocar IIOPE A.O.F.--'he election of officers far the enluing 12 months in con nection with Court Hope, A.O.F., took place on Monday nilht and resulted as tinder :--C.R, Bro "T. Robins ; S.C.L., Bro. W. Cooper; S.W.. Bro. a. Gold. ith ; J.W., Bro. E. E. Frost ; S.D., Bra. G. Mills; J.B., Bro. J. hobins; Trea surer, Bro. C. Tricker; Secretary, Bro. HIenry Garltdsmith Court Surgeon,- Dr. ireeror. The receipts on last quarter night amounted to £111. SS. DAws.-r This steamer arrivet aho' t h.:0 p.m. on 3aoalsy. She did Iir bi-si;a-ts during thl n!icht hIurts and .sai-d early on thie following mornaing. Fa:cir -xrr.--3tr. D. A. Crihiton, who has been appointed by the Depart nt:ent of Agriculture as an expert in fruit cultivation and special agricultural indnsh. tries, will comtmence his lectaring tear in tLe first n-sek of the new vear. (Gilpsland will le the first district visited, anl such lectures will be delivered ats nmay be selected ly the resiaents ftom the corrse of :4 which 3Ir. Crichton has prepared. Upon the conclusi-n of his tour:in GCipps and Otr. Crichton will go to th Ba!tlarat district. iecar ts.-sa We have rceaived the Christmas number of the Mirrcr. a perio dlicat which we thave previously r.ferred to ia these coltmns as the or 'an of that worthy institutioon, the Astralian DIicky li: Soci'ety. We are :-a- l to seo '" Uic;l. I:h" s.i:l piursuing his nohle work of feierting tlhe i mlanity and sympatlhy of tie children of thle SI thorn IlemispBhere. WaOL. ic.-The arrivals of wto! seOeta to is's rc,'ireO a fresh nilit durriong (l past day o twro. Yasterday t, iere weete 12 or 13 tracks of the stiple at the r.;il way taation, and several 1lorries were binily engaged all day in convervin It the several eancies. Iark is alto con tinuals crriving, and hoth mills are worki'i on futll time. W \.S.. Co.--We diect attention to a fresh announcement by the aboves-mtna. tioned c unlay. The Julaa Percyv left Melbourne Jesterday for Portlandl and will retsurn as-an to MIelbourne on Saturday next. The Nec:son, wlh:ch is again to be p'laced on the aerrieo dorin the hoidays. tait form nIelbourne far thie port on Friday next, and will leave again on Monday. Othler fintures will be found detailed in the advertiaement

(itornail is SlenvI'Er. - This morning servries will It, held in the Episcopalian and \\'esteynI Churches, and this evening it carol service will be given in St. Stephen's. ll.scNa.--\'a again remind those fond of horse racing that both the Myasmyn and Blridgowater races are to be held to m,?rrov. 'l'h,seo intending to visit lMyamyn may tiavel by rail to Dadden's Line and on getting oat of the train will find themselves witiln ightt and a short distance of the course. Another attraction at lvyamsn will be the bazaar in the school room. 'To reach lBaid..e water horses have to be used ibunt as the distance is only about 15 miecs and as there are a number of picturesTque stots in the vicinity no dobt mnany wil journey to the Cape. Thero is also a bazaar at Lower Bridgewvater, CaRICKET.--As mentioned itn our last isue representatives of the Portland Cricket Club will to day iry conclrsion with a Hlamilton team at Inamilton. We reiterate tho hope that those who have prmaaised to play will not fail to do so at thei ast moment, as has so often been the case on previosi occasions whenla tean nt was required to go away Ltwernses.-The fol'owing licenes havre been renewoed :--H. Rlosenbloom and Co, sawmill, 3 acres, Goaae: Wrikht. Paw see and Mitchell. sawmill. 3 acres. Gorae; Portland Borough Council. baths : T. E. Bilston. lS00 acres. Kentbruck; W. legg, 73 acres Curracurt ; Samuel Chi nery, block .260. 700 acres; and Joseph S eetman, S. I.Catting. JI. J. Kennedy, W. Carmichael, A. Donald, D. DeLennan, IW. Miiiiard. J. Forsyth. A. J. Grolimond, G. Greenhan, P. llarper. W. J. KIenny, W. J. Kenny, L. iMcKinnon, D. icKin non, R. J. Holmes, D. S. linogne. W. Gibbins. J. RL. Learmonth, W. J. Light hol.I, J. Linn. G. Graves. E. McMullen. J. aaseed. juinr., J. lO'Halloran, E. Poynton, \W. Reid, i. Sul:ivan, W. Smi:h, J. O'lHlar. G. Prie. T. Philip, J. P. Ph!ip, G, Price, J. Philip, IExors. James Tran'mar, S. Tihomnon, T. Wilson, K. Mlarchieon, R. HIollis and G. Collyer, D. Nicholson. MILITIA Pas.- We understand that the battery pay for the past half-year has arrmet. andd vesterdty ani last evening Captain tHawkins distributed their earn ings to those who were aware of the fact. RIrI:r SnIooirln. - The Secretary of the local Rifle Club infoeras tha: the exap.cted military vinitors from Ballarat will not now be here owing to some cele. bration taking place this week in connfec -ion with tile company to which they be long. Several members of the local rifle club have gone away to compete at the I)nkeld and Sile competitions, and we hope they wi;l *e successful. . numberi o ritie on arrived by train tiia morning presumably from Prair-an. and in that case the mina:h he:wcen thea y and ic o Tr:tlald repre-engi'{ves wi,, take plaice to-day. NEw B:uIni . - Messrs. Ii:gby and SSo ev idently intend lo-ing no time in Sc,:u:neno';nme their contract for renewing SBXi:i r's i rin:e. as ;o observe they already have a number of piles on the ground. r .\Any ex ra prom;titu-e displayed by the a contractors will no: fail of appreciation a by the man wh., are inconvenienced Sthrough the absence f the bridge. rant number of the Ilalustratd Iustrrahan .\X w. 'The front page engrav.agtei icts the oauntess of II pet-nn's first reeno 'ion in Ielbourne. Theire are al?o ske:ches of -" take's Oc-ave" " Ile:tr SEarnest Searle." "'Aboritinal Myht.: r - itre Peak. Ii'.forl S.und." Thre is a snt'pplement ::title.i "ketches at e Port Arthur. Tasm-ima," an1 the " 31uOi eal Ti es " contaits an or:g nal pice of music snitable for Christmas byr A:re] Paluasptin. ''T`nrr.rsr.--Iesrse Adam IL.: a k and -Saamuel Kenny have been app,' a.t, trustees of the iiape Bridgewater Cetr.:-r SMr. Thomas Jlames Warl ss representin the Ancient Order of Foresters in the room oif Mr. John O'Sullivan, and t Messrs. Geor-e IHenry Tul:oh and Andrew Keller as reprmsettint. the SM..I.O.O.. rice Mr. Jamet Hlawkins deceased and MIr. Thomas Keiller who Shas left the district, have been aplpointe.l trustees of the Friendly Societies' grounds at Portland. Catnsra.ts Garrtrses.-The cmployes of the P'ortlandf G:;radian desires to acknowiedge receipt of seasonable greet ings front their fellow craftsmen on the Bamllarat Star, lt,-t Fairy Ga:ctte, Cresawick Ad'er:tiser and Kyn:oir: Gumr. d.an. ScNrcLTIr just receivelI at - T!- er-" L;:."l "u::,{,' , f,;r C.hnanus . .. ..i " . fe :... Fr . v.ri:y. Ge:: Ha:. ".r'-.,t . .r . .t br- e . we are c-j.-in._ out a: 25 per cent km t? a uai pricc.-- ADnT. tEw PEntonett,--We are requested to direct attention to an advertisement regarding a new pap-r to be devoted to the interests of the Church of EnL-ant-. The paper is to be conducted by the ILrev. EL S:nauley Mlercer, .X.A. Ca' rc.--Mr. W. Bayl!o announcot- his realdiness to place chaff on trucks at Ha -lthon railway station at £3 10s, per i,". CONCERT e A D tLL .- Lovers of dnt cing should remember that a 'oncert and ball is asnorntc to take litaca ia the MIechanics' Institute, Hieywood, to-mor row night. T?:s.ra have been ro, t-W. LearcnatXh :, .John -il Le -'-n alme X\'. 3!t':iarro an 0 h, t s: '' to Join Drle". farthet increamed by the -ili'itj :, it of 1f0 aro more r !,s in the n pai :'h atf R :spur. LKc.rs hliar- ren I raoted :i F. G. Haraist; D. . LaceV ; D. McIntyre. CETaIN-Y th5 ( t .St me, :ine kinow' a slanE .nd a .s . E.Cc.LP .T... Test ins .'m::?n, poverf:! et ects in c,:-?hp Cills senrious cases. and acients all ki t , , they a,-un - . buht<a. Fcald-- .:s. ,ruis s-,~ U, it is tie saes: mcalt-.o t,'el..--.o in :uamoti n. I.i l ,asarpr:.ainz effcCt: prOlClxq in crruot di'-h'tr:a brtmch,.ta.h. 't:'n~i:i:lateJa id the luns. awtl'ic g & l.. d:,rrhti.a. darset !i a-es - f the kiney a nild 'trinalr organ s. 1i c-c-at hos--"'t -nt ' .i ...t'in'-'-" c-,,,-i. -I ee pa-eti-tr a-cd bt -"s 'anjet-a tbe - ri o I r-ay; cmrwneai with nletl ain ditatota at Inter-nat:-. nal Exhii' tien, ,htm-ed.;r. irut ia tbis approved artice, and reject all others.

OUR TCLECUGRAM. - We had made arrangements to receive the latest foreign news to hand at midnight la t night, but through some stopi I b!ng:ing wc fin] the same has not come to la?ud. At ipesent we do not know where the blame lies. W:ATHER.-Tilis morning gives pro mise of a mlet:ately warm day. and j:,lgin ; by tie tmtcpera.tr likely to rule hero many inland r ,i Iontc will to-day sigh for a breath of cool sea air. THE Julia Percy is expectel about 3 p.m. this day, WEDDING. CAKE.-An interesting event was foreshadowed last evening by a hand-some three-decker wedding cake in Mr. J. Quinlivan's window. The cake was the cynosure of many admiring (and shall we say wishful) eyes all the even-ing. CAPTAIN G(. C. IIoan, the Adjutant of the. Victorian M3ounted Rifles, who has arttvel in England to study at the camps of instruction, has been publicly welcomed to the camp at Aldershot. NeTw Cotnci or Ilrl.I.Ttt.-The nomin ati:n of candidates to represent four dif. ferent groups on the new board of public health created under the Amended Health Act passed last session closed yesterday. The writs for each election will have to reach the Chief Secretary not later than the 12th of January. This will give a fortnight, excluding the holidays, in which to carry out the e'ections. In each case only one repro=entative is required for a group. lhe fohl,ing is a list of tilse nominated for the undermentioned :roups:--J. E. Andrews, M.R.C.S. '. cnes, (Clnces, Port fairy, Portland, St. Arnaud and Talbot). 31uttTnu.-In our next issue will ap -ear an adverti-ement calling tenders for SilQuarters for Sergeant-Major and other works" at the Orderly Room, Portland. The ten lere are returnable on January 16. We are ipeased to see that this matter is to be t.!:en in hand at once, and may state that the works will be fairly ex: tensive. t Toaric RTrass.. - The traffio re turns of the Victorian railways for the week ending the 19th inst. show a total revenue of £2',005 15s far the convey ance of passengers, parcels, horses, car. t riages, dogs an mails, and £29,555 for a carriage of merchandise, minerals, and t cattle, making a total for the week of oh£,50, los against £60.181 18s 10d for the corresponding week of 1888. The The aggregate from the Ist July in each e year to date is as follows :-1889 e £1,42S.421 ITS. gitingv a weekly average E for the 25 weeks of £57.163 1Ts 4d; and 1r 1S~ . £1.4Gt;.50 14s 10d, or a weekly g averase of £5c9.173 4s 7d. The numoer of miles of railway now open is 3 2;7J, against 2191 at the corresponding time last year. There is very little news from the n steamer 'orkoowa, stranded in Wreck i ar. If :he warther holds fine she will 1 mosnt lkely be got off with very little - ' wage.