Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (NSW : 1851 - 1862; 1872; 1882; 1885 - 1897; 1899 - 1904), Wednesday 11 January 1860, page 3

CORBOBOREE BKFOIIE THE GOVERNOR. — On Friday afternoon lust, hia Excellency tlio Governor, accompanied by tho' Hon. Mr. Hm-berr, Sir Charles Nicholson, the Sheriff1, and several othor gentleman, paid a visit to an aboriginal enrap on the Ea»le Farm road, and wiln^SBpd a corroboree on a small scale. The dnrkips had been well fed previously with ' bullock,' damper, &c, (ho gift of IIi*Eifiollency, and' it may therefore bo imagined that thov werj not particularly npilo after thoir feast. Lnz.v as they appeared to be, however, they vrero perfect in' their ' time,' both in flinging nnd danning, and the uneouthness ond vnrioly of thdr. ures afforded a considerable amount of amusement to the, speo'ntors. The «ii»htlont much of its intorext from the root tho oorroboreo occurred during daylight, the lowering aspect of the weather, anil tho Btute of tho road-, rendering it impossible for his Excellency and party to prolong their visit till niter d»rk. On tho fallowing day, ufew of the blacks, attirerl in sonii-uiviliurd co«tum», crnne into the town, and performer] in n paddock noar Government House, in order thnt. lidy Bowen might have an op ortnnity of witnessing them. — More-on Bay Courier, 3rd January. FUNERALS CONDUCTED on the most moderate terms. S. HODGE, Undertaker. FUNERAL. THE Friends of the late Mr. John Ford, Sen. are respectfully requested to attend his funeral, which will move from his late residence, Kelso, to-morrow, (Thursday,) afternoon, at 3 o'clock precisely. No circulars will be issued. JOHN McLEAN, Undertaker. WANTED, to purchase for cash, HIDES in any quantity. The highest prices given, from 6s. to 9s., according to quality. Apply to T. ROBINSON. Tanner, &c., Morrisett-street. WHEAT WANTED. THE highest price given for good samples, free from smut, by G.FRANCIS, March 30th, 1859. Peel Mills. TO FENCERS. WANTED, fencers to contract for cutting boring, and putting up pine posts, for wire fencing, at Cudgelligo, on the Lachlan River. Apply to the Superintendant on the station, or to the undersigned at the Victoria Hotel, Bathurst. D. SULLIVAN, January 6th, 1860. WANTED immediately, at Blackdown, Two MOWERS. TO SAWYERS AND OTHERS. WANTED SAWN TIMBER, for the Scotch Church at Carcoar. Tenders received by Mr. James Kerr sen, Carcoar, or by the under-signed. Also, Workmen to proceed with the found- ations. J LOUDON, Grubbenbong.

\TTANTED immediately a general Feinile VV Servant. Apply to Mr. JAMES, Bentinok-street, Bathurst, before Saturday evening, the 14th iuataut. E- f\ A A BUSHELS of WHKAT wanted- at OUUU the Austi-Jian Steam Mills, Carconr, fur which thu highest cash price will be given. S. MEYER. Co-roar, September 1st, 1859. YTTANTED to hire ly tho year, a FARMING \V MAN, with grown up eons, or Uo ainclo men — mates — to eh-ar, fence, plough, -tc. Board wa-;m-. Apply nt tho Parsonage, Carcoar. BATHURST SCHO'Ofj OF ARTS DEBATING CLASS. millS Class will be resumod on this (WEDNESJ DAY) cveniMg. Su'.ject for. di«eus-ion, a.l.journed from luet ineo'iuL' : 'Would it, be advisable to adopt the Maine Liquor Law in this Colony?' Chair to be taken at half-paat 7 o'clock. Members be punctual. D. COLLINS, Hon. Sec. TO LET. A FOUR-BOOMED Verandah Cottage with kitnhen mid rrrvanlVroont, and a good well of water, situated in Howick-streat Apply to MRS. SIIORTILL. Bnthurst, Dec. 28th, 1853. TO LET. 1AA ACRES of arable land, uncleared, J Uv/ situato at the Long Swamp, Kent £6 per annum. .Apply to W.JONKS, Innkeeper, Long Swamp. TO LK!' FOR A TERM. TIIE und-rsigned hnving determined to let his farm i,n the Valo Creek, consisting of about seventy aorea of splendid land, divided into six paddocks, good market gardon, stockyard and hutu, in prepared to receive tenders for thosame up to Monday tho lGtli January. This is n first-rate chnw'o for town butchers as the Valo Creek runs through the farm, iin-l immediate posaesiion cun bo given. Address to W. C. CROAKER Esq., B itlmrst, or, to JOHN GLASSON, __ Yale. TO LEASE. A NUMBER of small F iRMS, of from 50 to £\_ 100 aces each, lionet and industrious persons applying will be dcnlt with on libornl termB. No others need npply. WILLIAM GLASSON, Holwood. ? FARM AND RESIDICNCK TO LKT. rPO LET for a term, ' WALMER' the resiJL donee of the undersigned, together with a largo garden, about 80 acres of land divided into paddocks, having a frontnun to tho river, and distant from the town of Bathurst about 2 mile;. Al*o, a COTTAGE and 150 acres of land adjoining the above, divided into grass and cultivation paddocks, with frontnpo to tho river, and a vineyard of 3 ncrcs in full bearing. These two properties will be let together or separately. Apply to T. J. HAWKINS, Walmer. December 20th, 1859. . ? ? TO LET. rO rooms, suitible fjr ofliacs &o. For par tienl.irp, apply to NEWMAN AND HORNBY, George-street, Bathurst, December 13th, 1859. NOTICF. TTELLOSHIEL MILL, being again in full XV operation, tho undersigned bogs to inform hispid customers and the public at large, that ho. is prepared to receive grist and also that ho is a purchaser of wheat in any quantities. Pay,monts as .usual. Flour Bran and Pollard,., always on hnnd. HENRY PEIOR. NOTICE TO GltAZIERS AND SQUATIERS. Tl/TR. R. FORBES, 170 Pitt-street, Sydney, JYL 'w'U ho happy to nndertako the purchase and oalo of every doseriptidn of Stock and Station». A letter to Mr. F., by post, will bo immediately replied to, and the prices from Sydney, Molbour'no, ond all parts — of Cattle, Horses, and Sheep, will be sont. Mr. F. will also adviso parties who apply, of what Stock is wanted for delivery anywhere. NOTICE. 'VTOV running with my horseB at the Monnl.\ tain Run, a black horse, pulled tail, star in forehead, branded TB olf shoulder, and D on near shoulder. The owner own have him by paving the expenses' on application to JOHN FALVEY, Mountain Run. . NOTICE. ~ ALL persons indebted to the undersigned are pnrticulnrly requested to call and pay their several accounts, us the year 1800 ban oomm»nccd, and ho will bo obliged to meet tho demands that mnv be made upon him, he wishes particularly to foJlow the time honoured mode of doing businos by paying and being paid. At the name timo ho requests nil persons to whom ho is indebted to send in thoir accounts for liquidation. J. W.. SMITH. ~~-~- NOTICE. A NY porson found trespassing or faking r\_ Stock of anv d'-scription from the run of Mr. Roland, culled tho Bald Hills, in the Lachlan district, nnd driving the same to othor yards, thnn those erected on the Station, will bo prosecuted as the law directs. Bald Hills, Januiry 1-t, 18G0. ' NO I ICB. rpHlS is to civo notice that I hovo th's day | ro'oaifd from Rlnyney Pound, one chesnut COLT unbrnnded, which I claim ns my property s nny ono that can prove n bettor claim, can have him by paving the expense.' within 21 days. -JAMES BURTON, . Kings' Plains. January 5th, 18G0. FUHLIC NOTICE. 'DUNNING near the WoodBide Inn, Sydney ±\i Ro»d, a blnc-k hor*e, blaze in face, branded g on near shoulder, and JS on off shoulder, about 151 hands high. Any person proving a cl iiii to the said horse, .can have him by paying the expenses, on npplir-ation to RICHARD BEAUCHAMP, Woodside, Sydney Road. ~ ' NOTICE. ANY person found trespassing on tho run of William Lawson, Esq., .-t Flyer's Creek, Four-mile Creek, and Cnruoo, will be piosocuted to the utmost extent of the Low. H. M. BODE.-. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. ~ JOHN HUNTER, in consequence of long eonJ tiimpd ill health, ha-, br^n adviBed to relinquish business, ho haatlureforo determined to do io for a time. Any pt-rsnn wishmsr to obtain a shop woll supplied with the nerenBaries of traile at a fair valuation, can do so by applying on the premises in Howick-Btreet near the Clnb House Hotel. Parties who havo left watchea &o., in tho advertiser's hands for repairs, aro requested to opply for th--m at once, as ho intends leavinc early in January. b JOHN HUNTER, Watch nnd Clock Maker, Hnwi-.k-etreet, Raihurst. MOCKETT'S MILL. THR above mill is now in full operation* Flour Bran and PollarJ always on baud.

rnilE undersigned hereby cautions all parti-s 'SaT 'iffi 1HS7 'W1 ^BJ /fS T® 9 jgs L that he will not be responsible for ar.v -^ jD2a *'is- -?.* ?&*?? *&? ^ Signed, AVil. PICKAUD, ? — . ' . Il'irgreavea Inn. A T an adjournpd Meeting held . nt' Mrs. Wattlo Flat, Jonuarv 9th, 18G0. t\'et* 8, Garners' Amu, on Wednesday, — ? '? ? : ? tho 1 1th January, 1860, the following gontleTO BUILDERS AND OTHERS men wero selecti-d from the General Committee. ? ond have consented to net as Stewards at ft Ball to WATCH-HOUSI^CPNDOWLIN., . I^oJlY A^f^J^^ '^ °' »TTENTIONisinvirdto;a''^eeinthe -^ar^n-.-^T:.. « 1 O t\_ Government Qazdte, calling for Tenders for Ladie« O JO (i theeroetion of a VVatch-hous^at Condobolin. To be obtaincd'on application to the Steward., Onlt^nt u°p tTit^k^TuSvt ^TSSSSX^lSST15 '* ^ th » qi-t ;„ » ». i * u i t ci /it t tlian HAll'KUAi tnc I'ltli instant. me dlst in « tune, and mnat be cntlorieu (* Tender r r? n\n^n^v,¥O \tan \r t-for Watch-home, Conthlolin.' f K' S0^'1?1'' Li3' MPPI .n, Specification, and form of Tender m.v \V R Ronkif F.n^' be seen, and further particulars obtained at the -n -p Wo™ T?,'n , ' Colonial Architect's Office, Sydney, ond-ut-ihe r Toe vin Vulice Office, Condobolin. S.'ff A L-rd, F.,. ? ~ F. J. N.ylor, Esq. Tho Treasury, New South Wales, Tho number of Tickets is limited to 150 lGfch December, 1859. Farly application is therefore requested. TO PUBLIC OFFICERS INTRUSTED F. J. NAYLOK.. WITH THE EXPENDITURE OF ? ; _ ? lion. !-ec. GOVERNMENT MONEYS. „ „ ,TTr,TTnM nv p Tfl|.n' NOTICE is hereby given, that from and after KEDUCIION Ol F .dCUft the 1st proximo, Cash CnEDiTS will be at TTTF esiabliflhed in favour of the various Punuc OpFiCERainst rusted with the Expenditur.- of #'' rtlVI tiiQlV'S ??» I ? S t r»l*f»G Government Moneys, at the Bask of New ^- OIIl Illtil C I ell' CJ l.U 1 CS South Waives, instead of at the Attbthauan ? Joint Stock Uank, ns heretofore j the ooveen- -m- jf~1 -£JA ^, ? mhntBaskin(j Account having been trans- ,_/.? %J* &l(l¥ltlGV ferred to tho former InwHtution. . . . ?»' Tn order to prevent expense end. di-Iav. it is 'Q'GS to inform his customers and tho public requested that tho Heading of flip Cheques at D tlmt he has REDUCED the prfrc- of all present in use, should be altered by the suMi- DRAPERY GOODS and READY-MADE tution, in writioL', 'f the wordB, ' Bank of CI-OTHINO to 8YDNKY' PRICES, to prcNew South Wat.ks,' ' for ' Austeaiian paro for future arrangements. . Joint Stock Bank.' . - J. C. STANQER, Authenticated specimen SiRnaturcs of nil Next ' Royal Ouk,' Mail Coach Booking-office. a^nVcnt''id bo^Sd',^ 'bSTHUKST KaCKS,-1860. out .delay to tho Secrotary of tho Bank of New . ? South Waks. ?? Jnlga.-J. F. Clements, EBq., M.L.A. ? : ? PAUL SAMUEL. We,,w,._j. McPhillamv, Esq., M.L A , J. riEORGE HENRY BRIDDEN, late ef Leo, Esq., W. Kite, EBq.,J. Dargin, Esq., VJT Manchester, is informed his 'father is dead ; James Brady, Esq. if he will apply to Bligh and illarbot'U-, 21 ' Starter ? -Queen street Melbourne, he will hear some clerk ofllte cou,;e.-Ur. James Ca-.idy. '_ ? ' ? : ? FIRST DAY— WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14. -i-fjqp ! ~ To start at half-post 12 o'clnck. QTOLEN orstraycdfVoVn Emu Swa^p. ono THIRST RAX!E-The TRIAL STAKES of 50 i) ohesnut draft Mare, white stripe ou face, 2 -C hov=.. with a swcopsUko of 3 sovs. o.-ch white bind feet, branded JT near shoulder. £1 -\df ''? for.» .''7''™1'' ! -1 mUlS' ™'8' rjip 8st. 7lbs. -, fillies, 8nt. 41ub. ; scconu horco will be givon on delivery if strayed ; or, £5 on t0 reociv° 10 60v9i ftom tlle Bta''!3- Euconviction. ' '™nTO. » »--«? ,.,,,, lklXl Second Race— The BATHURST MAIDED ? ? ? mu '''''P- PLATE of 130 sovs., for oil horses that LOST ''' ' never won an adviT-i«-d prize; weight for STOLEN or strayed, a'blnck J^ro, with Bmall 'SU!. n° ''-?''« »l{r-«'»™^ i -''.'''I -'orse to white speck on nose, brakleu J..O near receive 20 sovs., third horse to reCLMve 10 shoulder. ? £2 will ho given on deUVory, if strayed; s0'- 'Winners «t starting of M sovs,, 3lbs. or, £5 if stolen, on conviction. . ... extra ; 50 sovs., 51bs oxtrn ; 100 sovs., 71h. WM. JONK3, oxtni. 1?- miles ; penalties not ocenmula' TTrnn Rwnmn tive. Entrance, 10 sovs. ' ? ; ? ? awamp. ^^ {,am_Tho HATIIUEST TOWN PLATE £20 REWARD.. of 100 soys., with »? sweepstakes of 5 «ov., STOLEN or STRAYED, fto.n my paddock eac1' ,'?dei1 ! for '-' h^sas '? ?i. mllo?'; on the Vale Rond, on Friday niifht last, second horse to receive 20 Bovs. from the a chesnut HORSE bl..zo down fuce, two hind feel „ »\a*?» ? ^'^nF^i^'^ }r S'V'-white, saddle marked, branded W on near Fourth Race-The HACK STAKES ot 25 sovs., shonlder-and \VP on off shoulder and a *'?' tt awoep of £1 e«ch ; for aU.hacks ; j . weight for ago; 1 milo heats. Entranco, brown horse brandod MP on near Bhoiilder. . £2 10s. ; the v, inner to be sold immediately hi after the race for 2 j bovs., any sur|lni to If .tolon, a reward of £10 eaoh will be paid on _ R° t0 thl' ^lm''?;rrJTJY mnn,_ „,., conviction of the thief, or if strnyod, £2 each ^fth Raco-The HURRI SKURKY of £12 on delivery to ? wi* a sweepstakes of 10s. each ; far nil D. GORDON hacks; to be approved of by tho Stewards; Valo Ro'«d catch weights ; 1 mile lieats. Entrance, . ? ? ; ? L_ 10j. First horse to receive 9 sovb. ; second STOLEN OR 8TRAYED 2 f0T9- ' third X s0'rFROM the Macquario River, Long Point, an SECOND DAY— THURSDAY, MARCH 13. iron grey IIORSE, white hind' feet, To start a' 1 o'nlo«k. branded D near shoulder, fj mar hip. If stolon First Race— Tho LADIKS' 1'UIISR of (30 sovs., ,2 . . with a Bww.pst.BkoB of 3 povs ennh : for all (£5). will be pnid on conviction, or (£2) if liorses ; two miles ; weight for ogo ; Bccond strayed, on delivery to horsrf to receive 10 sovs. from tlie slake. ? - JOHN BEARD, - Entrance, 6 soi s. Railway Hotel, To Btnrt nt lmlf-pnet 1 o'clock. '.-?.'- Tambarbora. Second Raco-ThB PRINCE OF WALES' ? ? STAKES of GO S3V9. ; for nil homos, with £5 REWARD. . n sweepstnkes of 2 sovs. each j 11 miles; STOLEN or STRAYED, from King's Plains ?SJ?!'.^!:o;. ''? ?'mS?n t?,b(',,'°ld fur o bliick PONY MARE.nbnut 3 years old £80 : but lf onlorcl1 tor c7°. 711- ''owanee; little white on faery branded £ on each shoulder. -'r for £G0' lllbs i £5°; 151bfl « £ ll)' 201bs -m £30, 251b. Entrance, £5. . to MR, W. GLASSON, Kiiig's Plains or to the 0OTa' witn sweepstakes of 3 sovs each; f r all undersigned ? horses ; gontlomen riders ; professional JOHN GLASSON, riders to carry 71b. extra ; twice round the Vale Greek. oourso : welter weights: second horso to ? ? ? : ? ' rfccivo 15 sovs from tho stakes. Entranoe, £2 REWARD. £6. OTRAYED from Kelso, ono bay aeldinn black To start nt Iinlf-pnst 3. ? V^ ^ so, ono oay gwaing, oiacK FoHrth Bnec._Tlie SCRUBBERS' PCRSW of points, branded TT on slmulder, small star ill irl0- with n sweopstakes of 103 each ; for nil forehead. Ono brown PONY branded HD on norubbtrs to bo approved ofby tho Stowards; near ribs near hip down, both broken to saddle 1 miI° Ilcat' ' c'tcl1 'O'SlltB i entrance. 10s. nnd harness. Any perron delivering the same to THIRD DAY,— FRIDAY, MARCH IGtii. MR. H. A, BEDFORD, Svdiiev Rond or to ' :Fir8t RllC6 to Biatt nt h»lf-P»»t 12 o'clock. the undersigned, sh.,11 receive a reward of £1 for 'l'llc BATHURST ST. LICGKR of 100 bovb., oaoh M ?? with a sweepstnkes of G 'hovb. each added: JOHN FORD, Sen, ' ' for nil thrco-year-oldi ; coifs, 8st. 71bs. ; Kclso fillies, 8st. 41bs. ; Bccond horso to receive. — ? — ^1- ? L ? 20 fovs. from tlio stakes, Entrance,' 10 TO THE POLICE OF THE WPSTERN AND bovs. Distance, li miles. SOUTHERN DISTRICTS. Rn-ond Rnoo to «tnrt nt 1 o'clock. £SO EEWAK*1 The PUBLICANS' PUR«Eot'125 sovs., with a STOLEN from my run ut Tea Tree Sprin-s sweopstakes of 5 eovs. each, half-forfeit ; nnd the Government Land adjoining,0 a second horse to receive 25 Burs; from tho mnnbnr of Mixed Cattle, some of them branded ' stakes ; to bo handn-appod by the Stownrdsj JM off ruhipiincIL off shoulder, top off left car or whom tnoy may aupoint. . Entrance, nnd others TMK off ribs, ono hullock is branded a,1.0,80™1' Distance, 3 miles. ? JW IS, some of them are branded aP, and ^J^ 'ffi 11 oovttith othors W off rump. The aboto reward will be ° swepstakos of 3 aovs. caoh ; for all horseB 2 -carrying. HomobiiBh - wolter weights ; 2} paid to nny person giving such information n-s : ' mil™ ; second horso to receive 20 sovs. from shall lead to tho conviction 'of the thief or ^. tllB stnkl's- Entrance, £7 10s. thieves Fourth Race to start at a quarter to 4 o clock. THOMAS McKELL CONSOLATION STAKES of 30 sov»., with a Commercial Hotel, sweepstakes of 2 sov«. each ; fr nil benten Bntliurat_ horses during tho Meoting ; 2 miles ; to bo - ? ??:? ? handicapped by the Stewards, or whom ' r-i -p i7\tt » tj n- ' they may appoint. Entrance, £2. at/1 lvli.W ABU, , -i7:r*i i-.tti.iif *«»ii STRAYED, from Bnthurst, six weeks ago, 1 wORPlJn ?f A vnTPAP Jf' 4n' ° fi, Bnv COLT, branded JT oh near shoulder FOECBD HANDICAP of 30 aovs with a in hobbles. ? The above reward will be paid to 'w?«^*nlc« of r'ov8: f.°h ? for M, Wln''-'; anypersondeUveringthe sangtome, -. f^pi^T^ ^ ' ' Georce strecit beaten horses : limilos; 3 sovb. entrance. ? : ? ' ' ' '??'' ' h ? '?' . Sixth Race— FINISH of 2 «nvs. each, with 10 £20 REWARD. ' sovb. added; 109. sweonstakes for all Hacks, ST°™iL7on9WM°m on^HOR^ ^' 'SJ^ciX C^^ ^ T ???.''? the night previous to each day's races. : . . -, Also, one bay PONY, about ' 12 hands high, Entrances for Trial Stnkcd, Sti.Iiosrcr. Maiden star in forehead, near fore ond hind foot »hito, Plnte. and Publicans' Purse to ho mnde on or switch tail, brandpd WS off shoulder, like S ? ( before tho 9th of March, addressed to the Sucrenear shoulder. A reward of three pounds will tnI7. Bathurst, onelosing entrance fed and sweepbo paid on delivery to William. Sodcn, Inn- stakes. keeper, near, JOHN SODEN, Handicap for Publicans' Purse to-bemadoos near Bathurst, if etrnyed; or, £20 on conviction soon as possible after the closing of entrances, of tho thief or thioves, if stolen-. Acceptances to bo notified on the . evening of — ? ? entrances for tho first dJy'a racflt; FOUND, ~. Ilomcbush Ruloa (as far as practicaMe) will b» ,\ ND now in th^ possession of tho Mounted 'WcllvoWved and all decisions of the Stewg4y M^tw^rzr^tt'To-or us T^^s^fv^ f cl!on aK^uint' ana°ffeh0Ulder' ^ Tal^^Z°{£-!° Uk° Pltt°° °' Also : One bay HORSE, with illegible brand a near shoulder. Apply to SERGEANT MAJOR LAWRENCE, Mounted Patrol, Barracks. — — — — ^— — ? ^ ? have to notify the sime under cover to the Secre£3 REWARD. tary, on» wsek previous Id tho first day's racing STRAYED yesterdav, one g«.y StABB, All Booths to be drawn for .on the 7th March, branded, NU on near shoulder. Any person 18°9-TC .' ' CUnirer Bear stalls or carts, -will' be charged delivering the said tnirb to 'the undersigied eha'.l £3 1Os- cacj!- . receive the above reward. AH F.'iiit cart-, wheclbaroirs, Ac., vending, JOHN STEPHEN. wl 1 be charged 30s. each Bald Hills, ? x. H. WEST, Secretary. Tambaroora. F. J. If AYXOR Tre»auror:

MAOGOWAN'S T PRELIMINARY NOTICE ? TtT «1T7 sgr-i mr* -^'T -mm- Of th* ''tended Saleofnch Agricultural tfatiti: M fij M *ILjM!j MJ JIM.' e NEAB CO WBA, UPPER LACHLA27. {? --?? T O - N I (S H T , ' . -^TESSUa. R. . .ndj-W. OA^.ES havo been I .iTnrx.Tr, , r- a t t ,, 1VJL instru,jted l.y thepropnetor. to tell by M WKDNESDATt, JANUABV llTlI, puhlio auction' on- an early, day, ihe ctafa 1 The Pe-rformanco wUl commence with ??* *',£? ^''7*'^' n0*,b/i'8 .?«'*-*«* ? ? . ? . and aub-dmded into eipht snullforrnai of 'from -tk TO OBLIGK, ' ' j 100tu 175 .»«?'. «°-i *ach farm .will huvo.» 'B ? '-- -*jf*» - taja ?teT' S3 CR? 'KST ?* E-uta is ritiuto about 21 miles from tlio I juli Ji24mlSi S3 $Ms JWSI O rising MiJ |itbspe&US Town of Cowra, oov the I —r-_ ? . Upper Larhlan, and consist! of : rich, aliuvial' I To b« followed ; by the Musical FarcSi soil. The district fs becoming very, populous . f MR. AND pi ' SSiSdljS*11?.^-.110? ba. in, e*ieu-lr*-: I 1- P T1 1? D WT LI IT1 T? A plan °f t*10 e'-ou'1'. mariiug tha dimensions I 111 I 111 K YV U 1 I 111 ofe90h I't wil1 be V'T^ by ' the 8«™--or I *^*-lj'1*' ?* *.??»??»-»-'? and be ejh.bited a(.Vly a. possiblp , and thi», J 1 us well as other particulam, vrillba ibtiinatcd in I After which '' a future advi-rtisi-meiit. ' , .'I AniP f\|j ni?PY ' T'rm» will h* liber/il.? ? ! rAS I)h. UlilA, ... ; T,tl,, uwxcr-pfionablo* ? ? ;- | MRS. ROBERT MACGOWAN AND MISS. ' PRliLIMIN\RY NOTICE I SP3EY GRIFFITH.S. ' Of .he Salebv PubU, Aucti- „ of 800 ;arre. of 1 ' To conclude with5 The ''Jf'^ £PV t'^!/,';''-!.''''-?^^^ I ILL US 1 Kl O-II.S ihe -FISH RIVKRi he ik' a portion' oPlhdt 'i ' rf^'fflm-infmi »i\ r»,T/tr-3 iirMtnTH ??' well-known Estnte, ' Wnrriek Furw,' for'-' 'I . ' P./S?!®AMw.niSSs&O . merlythBpr..pCTlyqfthe,Revl;T; Has.all. I ?ra/BT £\ 'jfip-Ka.ira-^S^r Z8, 'T-ST© £& '?-.ATESSRs. r. ana W. O:\KES h»Va teen 1 a?&£ iSi. 5i/ SOT XUtt *m £&. M '' S5 iVJ- irntruetcd to .all \-y. public auctittn at an I M ?^%7''d~^U7-WJ-WW ? c?rI-Td».v,olf which du* nolloo'will be gi«u;the.;| I / H B l-ii VS ?» above very desirable propei ty. ' .... , .' i 1J1*; H^ V ?Lm ? ' The Estatei, being surveyed, ,nd in V .'hort i : — : ? ?—? ?-? ? tiuio a plan of the property will be exhibited at I T O- \f ORRO AV N I Gr H T t*1° Kooms' aniJ furtnl;r P»rticular» made knuMrn.' . i Thursday; January 12, 1.360. ' ?™*™™£yn&*™, AND.oioiS?. ? ? ? . ialoof Dairy. Cow», Dry Cattle, Horses, Cnltlf, I ^l^^^^i^^.ilj^^. D'T QtSale, THURSDAY, J.n.mry 13th^86O. j El© ISrn ]®J M7^ Wj* WrM^ ~\H E9SRS. R. AND Wr«OAICES 'havo Ven- I MS- MlA X\3 WjJJMj. M M © IVl Instructed by Mr. Rodvpll,' to Bcil by 1 . ? L. publio auction, on his p'ruuiUes at Qiieeri Char- I LAST WEEK BUT ONE OF THE SEASON. :Irttf ' J|fe£sDAT. January 19,h, 18G0,' ? I ? . 22 Head oCMilkinir Cow-, with young Cairo*, I -T)RODUCT1 ON for THIS NIGHT only of ' in (irst-ratp eon- I _1 tho most favourite- and thrilling' Drama dition . . ' . I of tho nge, with new Scenery, Drosses and 30 Hciid of Pry.Cat.tlo . . . ' | Appointments ; supported by sevornl . . 8 Hortes ind 2 Fojila . . I GENTLEMEN AMATEURS, 5 EofpTs Hor' ':. ' - -who havo kindly given their aid in conjunction 60 Tom of old ITnv . with tho full strength of Mr. MACQOWAN'a 6 Tims of new Hay TALENTED 'COMPANY, Team of 6 Tlullocks. Dray and Gew The Adelphi piece in 3 Aots. entitled The . » SpHn^clri ana^'artie.. ' . ? / ' OTTFn? T?ART?ilT ? L''''hoqn pr0Tided' — '-±- I 4- JTlllJ Jj \J iXILlOL . . HOUSEHOLD; FURNITURE & EFFECTS I Or, A GIPSY STORY. . . ? ? .- - ? ..- 1 ? Daj,of ^aje— rTUESD AY, 17th January. '?' I A.NEWTEEPSI^I^VEHXISSEMEHX Tfe^^SK.a''ifefci I By MRS. ROI3ERT MACdQWAN. h,or n-aidence, Russtll-strt-et, next door to Mr ! , ' ??? Sherman's, (Chief Con-table). ''' . ] To witluhelau^e afterpiooo, A^SS^P -A TURTLE ? - (S^°^Vr=ry- rf sr .A.m. u. y^i h.«. a . M~4 U^i . ware, kitchen utcniilt-,A:o., &c. In which MRS. MACGOWAN will pomonato - Terms.cush. .rOUR DIFFERENT CHARACTERS, : ' MK. s. SWEErNAM ? ~ HAS been instructed by' Mr. StanloytD nell by publio auction, at his residence. Queen ? ? '''' ? Cliarlotto's Vale, near B*thur»t, on 11 nm TITHrMr MONDAY, January' 16th, 18(30, jAN I VV RMilV U' nuu.e'110^1 Furnitiirooi.d Farming IniplaJXVkJJ. ? TT tJl^XX. montB, CowB^P^s, pnd. Poultry, to, &o.,&o.t ' — — . . oonBiBtiiii; of: — . . ? Wallace and Soft's oSSE ' '' A ? GRAND STEREOSCOPIC EXHIBITION, Sofm and msf Imsoj ' . - ? j From the Crys,arpa.ac0,Sydfnhamf- . ?- Sffl ^^ ' ' TS OPEN daily from 10 a.m. till 10 p.m., and Safe . ' . will positively ploso on Saturday, the 14th Kitchen fountain inBtant. . - '' '.' Oval bailor- ? ;. ' ? ; ? ' ' ' ?? Admission,- Is. : Children, Grl. Camp-oven '? ' . Phofonniphio and StercOBCopio Portraits taken Sauoopana ? . dally f om 3s. 6d. upwnrds. ', ; Tubs an 1 buckets ? ll'iwiclt-strcot, Bnthurat. ? .. Tin and-'crooksrywnre: ^^O WOOL GROWERS.— In thb'Sbiithorn ?? ? C^'ura81' ' , r ''r Cross 'is to bo found woeUy.Bii original ; . ^ -Tin-can»:ima butter-k'fgi and carefully written articlo or. tho Wool and ... , -4 kees of Hiitter ????-? . other Produce Markets. Subeoription-e*. per ? ; -6 ExocUent dairjr.eow. arid calve* T 1unrt0l-- ' Store pig» :- . ? : ? : ? — ?? Poultry ' . ?'' ?.?'', ? TO SHEKP-OWNER8. 2 blocks of Hat, about 9 or 10 ton«~ A NYporson having about 500 Slore Sliofp JIarrow IX.' for Snle, may hear of a purchaser bv apply- Sieves- ? . - - . „ ing to Mr. JOHN BROOKES, Auotion'oor aiitl Rakes nnd forks ' — CommiBsion Agent, Curciwr. . La ldcrs and tools in torioty ? Careour, January 7, 1860. ? 1 Ladies* Saddle . . ? : ? ! ? -- 1 Gent'a ditto ?-.:.' ?-?..'-. FilR-SALR;- . Cropof potatoM, (nqwgrqwing), toge!h«r A NRWLY ouilt brick store ready, for occn- 1 '' ?' with »? 'great, Varicty.«f;odds,»n-Uend«. i\_ pation and to commence bnsiriens ionmodi- Sale to cuqirueneu nt 12-o'(-16ok; ntely, in tho flourishing town of Dub ho. Any Luncheon provided.; ? person geekinj for a binmr-as plaeo, cannot do Torjns »t Snle; \ '' ^l^:l^^^Z^rt^^^ -(BYORDKROFXHEM9.RTG4Gm) bt^ptfed.'Xlv'* mAIJSS! rpnOSlAS McKELL tfto.lriWlvte..iU by Great Western Sforo Orange whoro every infor- -L -J'1 ''l? ''?,tlo2i .',«»,. -mation may be obtained. On MOXDaT next, tho 16th instant, ' 'm 1 Certain Goods snd Chattel*, th« property of Mr. ? — - J. P. Goodo, corner of Georco mnd-Pipor SALES BY AUCTION. 8tr.'et.. - v ', ' ? , ? Full particulars will be published 6'n Saturday HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE 4 EFFECTS ncx?1. ? '?'??'... /Tivn^^nf m s wrwTwV v n\ SALE BY AUCTION, ' (Hy order or M. S. FINLEY, Esq.) AT McGlITNWirsi1 tvnt wrtru' xtit v In consequence of .^^moval to the O.-rence A Va?ImOlIvCA% SJT Day of sale-WEDl^DAY. 25tb - January. W^^r^W i^^fi^ Athi.residsnceinPiper.str^, adjoining Mr. ^ffl^r^Stttf -DeClonctt.Inn. -. . Dray, nearly now, with geir Mmplot. '. MESSRS, R. and W.. OAKES have bem p.''!^'^^10 '.'V' instructed as »bovo to sell by public Hough and harrow ^ ;-«, niture,' kitchen utensils, arid tho usual.. ?-? ~. -_ t . TToTir' ???-?' variety of furniture and sundrio. found in -''-'oar, Jan. -ndt- 18W.- ? . ;? ^XTierve. Term,, cash. ' :. . . WMLY STOCK m%~ -^ ? : ? : ? ^—^ ? --^. ? : — 8VBET VCSSa A.,.'W . 50 ACRES OF AORICULTURAI. LAND . . ATTHK-. -.'-:'-' ' ; on Jessie'' Crock, County of Roibdr'h, at r? t tr . irr-it, ' '™.' present occupi.-d by Mr. Danii-l Sh.e. ad-, Excha«Se Yards, William: Street joining the Innds. occupied by Messrs. J. . ' — ? — - — - '. ''.'... Taylor, D. Sullivan, and William Bell. fHE undersigned hold a sale by Pab'lio -Auction ? ' 1 everyTUESDAy,attheirY»rdvfbrthedis. 'Day of Sale — TUESDAY, 31»t January. po«a) of every descriptioa of LiVe'Stocfc »h'd Colon — — ? nial Prodnce. . .-.-: ?;:..' MESSRS. R. and W. OAKES nave boon ' Parties having Stock ; to dispose ;'of on th'at day instrncted to aell by publio auction, at the '''Id do well to furnish, psrticnUrs stating rpaervs Exchange Ronms, Bathurst, at 12 o'clock. (if any) the day prior to the sale,, in prder that 60 acres of valuahle Land, on Jessie's Creffk. a they _may be properly arr«nge-l for sal».' ?' portion of which is now undor cultivntion, . 'A & W. OAKES, ot present occupiod by Mr. Daniel Shoe. ' — ? Auntioneira '4 Agents. This farm ia a very desirable property, po«- Etchanira Rooms, -seuingall the ndvaniagoa nece^nry'for a — ,.- _ ,, «rn'.r.v — TT~i ? * compact homestead, being opposite to the - MR- T- M- s^0MAN. Government. Resorve of 1000 acres, haritnf T)EG3 to infonniiis friends and the Pablio a n--ver filling supply of frosh water, on IJ ponorally, thot ho hsa r---coiamebood busiwhic-h is erected o Dwelling Hbnse, Stack nes» in Bathurst, as Auctioneer and Gencal Yards »nd Stock Yard. A good cullira- Onmtms»ion Ai:ent, nnd respectfully nolifitn a tion paddook of 25 acres is »eoiire1y fenced 'bare nr theic *uppnrt Temporary Offices at in, and tbo remainder of tho Land can bo MINEHAN'S Club IIoujso.Hotel,. '-, frr.ced at a very little cost. TltorG ia now a ?:— : — rr- ? ^-. — =^ ? r ? , ? : — i ? good crop of, potato-a ..n the l»nd. T)RODUCE AUCTION 'MART- -AND Thl- farm, inrcnlly welt worth tho attention- Jf- Wwk -Reiioeitory, 'New Market, Markoto' men of small ni'ira, prescntinc an opporlu- aircet-i Sydney, . ? nity of securing 50 acres of as uood Land aa any _ PRITCDAUD i, WILLIAMS, in the dinlrict, and having tho advan£og» of bring' _ Anctioncert, Broken, and Ojueial Commiiopposite to a Government reserve of 1000 acres, sion Agents. - ' ?-' Termsetaalc. ? . Korember 17th, 188). .' . _..-'^