Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (NSW : 1851 - 1862; 1872; 1882; 1885 - 1897; 1899 - 1904), Saturday 19 March 1859, page 4

IMPORTANT NO ! ICE. IMPORTANT INFORM \ TION* TO SUIT THE TIMES. JO. STANGER 1k-i;s to inform his contonwri ? and tho public, that as he mn-t make r^oin for hii Winter (Wis, «hic!i»re arriving early l-y nriou ihii*, Vie has dAiwmined to offer thewhole of his Summer and Antunin Oooja »t Cost 1'kicx. And as thw-« We been purchased at the »£ST kUKKErs, and are i 1 g»od cuxbitiox, *ik1 Modern t-rtLr, tt«y are woHby tfce »p»cia.! attention of all purchasers. The above %1« to commence on MONDAY, Next, ™k Urn Much.. . J. C. STAXGER, Comm*roiil Store*, next tho Roval Oak, Mail Coach Ogiae. ? __ NOTICE. ALFRED G. MEADEN, BEOS to inform the Inhabitants of IUtlium I and ita vicinity, that having takru a pin of tlie premises frrmcrlv ownpied by Mr. John ~ Stanford, ho is prepare.! to build OIOS, DOQ-OARTS, SOOX&StSS and. SPBIHC CAXS.TS, CHEAPER THAN ANT OTHER HOUSE IN BATHURST. . ' Aiul having secured the services of the MKST aad only COACIISMITH on tin* »ido ot th.Mountains, he can warrant his iron work Hiiii springs to bo of tho best quality and 'PAINTING, TRIMMING ami other repair* to every description of CAKRIAQKS FULLY SO PER CENT, under any other house, and nil work done by the advert'uer can be warranted. P.S.— Note tho address, adjoining .Mockctl's Mill, Howiek-street. ? -AUSTRALIAN JOINT STOCK BVSK.NOTICE is hereby given, that a Branch of tlia above Bank will be opened in Bathurst, on Jt about the 1st March, proximo, for the transaction of General Banking Ilusine-s, under tli.-management of David Kennedy, Esq., Into Manager of the Union Bank of Australia in thii ' A. H. RICHARDSON, General Manager. Bathurat, 18th February, 1S59. ? ~ UNION BANK OF AUSTRALIA. T?ROM this date tho rates of Discount and I' Interest at this Office, will bo us follows : — Dn Bills of 95 days t» rnn and under 6 per cent. Do. 125 ' do. do. 7 ?„ On Cash credit account S ,, Oter drawn do. 9 .. G. FERGUSON, Manager. Bathnrtt, February 25th, 1859. ? UNION BANK OF AUSTRALIA. Paid-dp Capital, .£1,000,000. Iteierr* Fund, .£200,0000. (Liability of Shareholders unlimited) i INTEREST is allowed bv this B;ink on all sums not under £10, if lodged for a Gxed paiioil, and for ffliioh Deposit Receipts will be issued us follows : — Sopayabla ♦ months '? .tter date » per cent, per annum. - ' Do. S do. do. 4 ,? ii 'Co. la do. do. 3 ,, „ O. FERGUSON, ? Manager. BANK OF .NEW SOUTH WALES. NOTICE is hereby given that the' above Bank . has from this date reduced its rates as wider, vii : — On bills having 09 days to run and ? nnder ' ? '. ? ? per cent Ih-. do., do. 125 do ? ' T per -cent. On lills having a longer currenoy and on cash credits, ? 8 per cent. On tcmDorarv overdrafts, ? 9 per cent. V ? ». L. MUBDOCH, Manager. Batlmrst, »tli Febrnary, 1859. Oriental Bank Corporation. (Ihcohforated bt Rotal CiMnTRn.) Paid up Capital ? £1,260,000 licserveFnnd ? £252,000 -TNTEKEST will bo allowed on fixed ileposits, i lodged aftor this date, asunder, vis.'! — Por annum. Subject to 7 days' notice . of withdrawal ? 2J per cent Ditto 15 ditto ? » percent Bitto 3 months' ditto ? * per cent Ditto 6 ditto ditto ? B percent Ditto 12 ditto ditto ? :. .. H percent OEO. 1NGEL0W, ; Manager, Svdnev Bank of New Soatb ?'Wales. FROM and after the l«t day of . March, 1858, interest will be allowed at this; Bauk, JWIowb:— ?..?,-?.-' ; , . Oa fixed depoiitt for a .'.-;' *. months ? » p»r emit p»r aanum, Os] fixed deposit* for 8 On fixed deposits for 19 months. ...????????& ?* t% D. L. MURDOCH, Bank of New South Wales. ? . ''? Manager Bathurat April _S1,_1868. ? Au'troliin .Tot'* -4*nnH,S.'':'Sr .. u.«loUV»JLi* ivy AC! Oi COLMJIL, 1853. Capital, £230,000. Head OJJlci—Georgt ttrtel, Syttnei/ DIBEOTCKS t 'flomsj Chaplin Ilreillit, fciqimc, Chairman J-iit Fairfax, Lsjuiro Thomnii Holt L-sc; S iwi Irrmir, Esquire lUlpU M'Kobev, Esq GESTBRAX. MAMAOEB r Alexander He; 'aui Richnrdson, Esquire BRANCH HANK3 hare 1 teen '. cstablistiiyl at Meat MjiOaiiJ, Arnidalc, Brnli»n« Ip^ wioli, Grjft-nr Qotilburn, Braulwooil, \V»gg» W«(?(fa, am] Itockhutoptoa .. E.ONDOIT.— Hi'*™, Heywood, Ktnnards -»n-i Co^ Eanker»,_Lo«nI-»ril jiroet. ' ,. SCOTLAifD^— Cflfol Biqkof &.0tlantJ tUFTMSO^VmtiMHia Bant of Tretand yJ.CTORtA —Tie B nT. of ViolarU ^ti-)uo r f, Midita.TlnyneliMtatAvMii, fiilUtrat, !» t' -t BettohwortT, C?MU«ni»ia(-, Ow Inner, «. ?' lore -h,a'crti*ud^ l^s'w, biailli-ri , i 'V«rn»'r.hool ATJKLAmfS^-atiltof&iuih AuilrnU* | lORARr T'MVN,~Ii«i.t o'nVo Dt j 1. ail. - npH-1 BAWrilST H'MM T r' -. . , A ^opc'i )o.-ii«-i«i Kul i ? V ' ir T»«iii«Biio«-. t'.o '. 't i /i s 1 .'- ' t T il J ( Itr. l ' i n i ' ]

COtraA ANMtrAS. 34OSP, 1859. TUESDAY 5TH, WEDNESDAY «ib, AND THURSDAY 7rn APlilL, Stncartti ; Jsmes Flanagan, Esq. John Griint,F!.q. lsaao \\'liit« E»,i W. Kiil-iti-on, Ksq. Jownh Smith, Eag. U L.Mich, Esq. W. R. Watt, K«q. ' . 2Vt\lMr-rr .-. , Clerk of the Course: Mr. T. O'Shauglmeasy. First Dav, TUESDATT, 5th April. It&ce to start At 12 o'clock, each day. 'IMIK C0WRA TOWN' PLATE of £z\ for all 1 horses, woluht for a^e ; lu-ala t»i,M round ; secoml homo to nceive i5. out of tho priz*. Second Raoo—THK M.AIDIC.V l'LATE of. .-CIS, for all hursoi that ham i.ev.T won an adverti««I prite ; weight for aga ; cms event. t-ne milii, nnd iiclishun'A Third lt»ce— HAOIC Il.VOtCS of £10,. for all liaek» ; the winner to lie «oM by pnblio aurtinn for 120 ; uny nurplui to go to tho iunda. Heuts once round. SKCON't) DAY— WEONKSDAY, Cm AI'KIL Mmt Ra«— THE IlIIKDMC RACE of £20, lor all honioi carriini; II stoiip, over 9 leaps 3 t'ect G inrhes ;' one evi'nt tuiOL- time.i roun.l, second nurse to receive £5 uut of tin1 S«eoml'Rtce-HACK HUBHI.K KA0K3 of £10, for all hark*; catch weight*: heats once round. ReraainJor of Iho ilay to le reserved for saddle racing and private matches. T1IIRD DAY— THVIISJ-AY, 7th APUIU First lines -THE PUllMCANh' PUUSK of £25 : for all liorsea i weight for a^e ; one event, throe times roiimi ?, tho winner ol tho Town Plato to curry 'lb e.\tra at tho discretion of the Stewards ; tlio second horse to receive £5 out of tho piiie. -econd Race— T1IK liADIES' PDRSIC of £15 ; for all horseB to be hamlicnpiwd by tho Stewart!* or whom they may appoint ; ono event, lj mile. Third I!ao8-A CART-HORSE RACE of £15 ; for all homes ; hcata, once round ; tho winner to draw one ton weight onco round the conrae. in half an hour after tho race (in Vi horse dray), failine to do so. tho second horse will take hia plaoe, and if ho draw the ton, will bo declared tho winner. Fourth Race— THE CONSOLATION STAKES of £10; for all horses beaten during the meeting, to be handicapped by tho Stewards j one event, twice round. EULES. Ilomebtuh Rules will be adhered to, and the decision of tho Stewards will be final. Qualifications £2 23., except tbo Hack Race, which il will.qualify. Entrance 10 tier cant, on amonnt of prizes. Entrance night made knon-n in a future advertisement. AS DREW LYNCH, Hon. Sec. HARTLEY BACES FOR 1859. WILL come off on WEPNESDAY, THURSDAY. AND FRIDAY, the «th, 7th and Itb, «f April. Stewnrda: J. O. Norton, Esq, George Lunn, Esq. J{. Rygate, Esq., J.P.Joseph Collet, Esq. John Collet, Emj. Judgti John Delaney, Etq,, J.f. . Treasurtr : Mr. 0. Jervis. ?« Cltrk of th» Cevnt ? Mr. T.' tlelaney. PlRSa1 D\Y— WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6tB. First Race— HARTLKY TOWN PLATE of . X50, for nil horses, weight fur nge. Heats twice round the Hartley race course. Second Race— THE MAIDEN l'LATE of £40, for all horses, that have never won an advertised prite abovo£10j weight for age. Heats once round the course. Tbikd jRack— THE HACK RACE of £10 for hiicks ; to be approved of by the stewards, to carry 9st. Heats once round. SECOND DAY— THURSDAY, APRIL 7th. Fiest Rice— THE FARMERS' PDIiSEof £25, for horses, which have been thii lonafide pro. pertr of residents in the district ol Hartley, - for tbrco. months previous to the race ; weight for age. Heats, once round the course. Skcokd Rack— THE HURDLE RACK of £15, for all horses ; three times round the comae, over nino loans 3 feet « inches high to carry 10 St.THIRD DAY— FRIDAY, APRCL 8ra. Fisst Rao«— THE TUHLICANS' VVBSR of £40, for all homes, weight for age, the winner of the Hartley Town Plato to parry 7 lb».;extra; Keats,' twice round the course. Second Ham— THE, LADIES' PURSE , or £30, ftr all lion, to \-« han l«.sp ul liv il-i jcuivirlii It n li rr lies. Tnmp lUcr— 1LT I I \ Tr N STAKES ol jC15 for ill bail* i homo* iiunriK tho lnoptinjr the homes to 1«» imiJoiipt-d I) (lia ktcward* oi whomsoever they nsar appoiut : ono avent, (Trice roucJ the couine. RULFS Homebush rules will bo itrlctli i\dheri-d to. \\«t;lil for a«i, »bft not otheiwn »)tciftl Iho decision of tie ^ 'mill* m nil eaies to Lt nn«- t Qualiiifvtion £3 Si tistpt, for the hick rt t, PI will qnaluy Lnt ftnea 10 itrcaht nn t)i« amount oi p *a In nU cases tlirou ontrmocs or no race. All ndem to i, pour li j«leyi.oitiiine PnUruJ iolhti.10, 'ruit m d lonfiiltloiiarT stalls t\ The iirat '»-8 or tnch t'iv -o start, at hah-po«t iJ o c'o V Jwt Ln *n I « i t uir ' ?? cover . tfi tho litiMi nr 'ml'i ti n f pa'h dav a raci i^ * su «. j». j i o bo r nrfl n ivi j » H-»\, Hon 5 cr. tjiry f ' V' ^.YHEBLEK, ?'' it i -, - ??* L'1 iVJi ? V '... Zl ' ????-ii:::'''w' I

Department of land and Public Works, Sjdiuvr, 2lst February, 1859. ELEGTIUC TELEGRAPH TO BATHUiiST AN])1! Hi- HUNTER 1 ENDERS will be received at this Office, until V TUKSDAY, Iho 22nJ day of March next, it Noon, from persons desirous of enntraeting or tha supply of raateriti! (wire rxcrptcd), ami or the wortmansbin newssnrv for the erwtiou if two lines of Electria Teleznph :— 1st. Ii'rom Pnrramntta by tho lino of Itiilway or main road, According to tlio directions of tho Supcrntendent, to Bathurst j and, 2nd, From a point lpon or near the Bla=kto«n Road, to Windsor, ind thence via to Wiseman's Ferry, Wollombi, IVcat iraitlaiid, and ilaitlnnd to Newcastle, lecording to the apociflration ttjipenileil hereto. ? Separate Tenders to be sent in for o-.ich line, at - price per mile, completed, the Government supplying the) Telegraph and binding wire in Sydney. Each Contract must be completed, and the works handed over to the Qorcrnmeitt, within lix months from tlio notification of the ncceptlnra of tho Tender, time being considered tlie .?ssencn of tin- TOiitruct. Payment will bo mail.) in fortniphlly instalments !?? tho ettent of .£80 per cent, on tho ralneof the work nertiilcil by the suporintendn;; ofllcos to hure been c nupleted. AttMche.l to e.u-h TenJer there must be a nemonuulum sinned by tho party tendering, iinl two responsible, person» as sureties, n^reenc to bo answuiable for tho due performance of he. Controot, in Iho event of tho Tender being lucei'tccl ; ami undertaking in tlmt. efent that hey will severally executo and deliver at the Dfllno of Interim) Corainiinication, in Sydney, arit Inn ono month from the notifiention of the icceptaiwo of the Tender, a Bond to her itnjesty, for aeonring such ])erformanoe, in a mm equal to 10 per cent, on tho nmovmt of the fender. The Oovernment does not bind itself to oc:ept tho lowest Tender. JOHN HOBERTSON. SPECIFI0A.TIOX. Tosts, which may bo heavy rough saplings rith the bark removed, to bo provided of sound \avdwood, aueh aa box (not bastard box), ironjark, string-bnrk, or swamp oak, and to ho not ess than 9 inches in diameter at tho base, onil - iuehoa at the top, of 23 feet lengths, the base :o bo ehiirred thoroughly over a flpaco of 6 feet, indwell coated with coal tar; the top to bo Irmly bound at ono inch from ita extremity, nrith 'good hoop iron not Icsb than ono inch prido ; a hole of proper size to receive the inlulating pin, to be borod vertically into the lentro of tho top of tho post to the depth of 5$ Insulators to be of well baked nnd highly »lnzed enrthonware of on uniform puttern, to bo submitted for approval. Insulating pins to bo of box or stringy-bark, of suitable size, and prepared by Booking in a boiling mixture of tqual parta of gum, shellac, rosin, and Venice turpentine, and to be firmly fitted to the tops of tho posts. The conducting wire, whioh will bo furnished by tho Government, in Sydney, to bo of tho best quality of No. 0 galvanised iron, woighini; not less than SGOlbs. to the mile, to bo bo that the deflexion shall not exceed two feet in any Bixty feet length of wire, and to bo securely fastened to tho insulators with annealed charcoal wire, No. 15 guage, to bo also supplied by the Government in Sydney. Tho metallo connections or jointings of the main wiro to be made, in the best manner, and according to direction whioh will bo siren by the officers appointed to superintend tlio work. The posts to bo not inoro than sixty yards apart, unless by special permission. They must be fixed in the ground to a depth of firo feet, and firmly wedged and imbedded in a perpendicular position.? ? An additional price pcrpoattobo given for suohposta as may require to bo planed and ohampcrod, to b* set up through towns or ril« lages, and painted with three coats of white or black paint, os may bo directed by tho Superin. tendent of Elcctrio Telegraphs.. All the trcca and branches which, in the judgment of the superintending ofllcer, may endanger the line, are to bo removed, and all brush, underwood, nnd grass cleared away for a space of twenty feet round ench pole.' All staking, or marking out of tho line, that may bo necessary in the judgment of the superintending oflloers to bo performed for its proper diroction, must be dono by contractor at hia own coat, under the direction of the superintending officers, and ueforo the work ia comrnenrad. Insulating brackets, angle insulators, and terminals, according to tho pattern approred by tho Superintendent of Electric Telegraphs, are to bo provided, whero required, for turnings, and intermediate stations. ^ All materials used in the construction of this work, or any part of it, dro to be of the best quality, and, together with tho workmanship, are to bo subject to the approval or rejection of the Superintendent of Electric Telegraphs. . Should the contractor fnil to proceed in the execution of, or to complete tho work in the manner and at the rato of progress required by the Superintendent of Electric Telegraphs, i,t shall be at tho option of tho Government either. to make usa of all labour and materials which the «-upprin-l»nt moy ric-m -ncerssiry-' for tho ftucting tho codt of Much 111 i - ni d i tc il from the mraic7 that hmy bo. tin n duo, or horciificr to beeomo due, to tl or, on tho notillnftt on in 11 ?. i I.. In- iiicjrtad ; in the JMsi!' Uinih '?l\ilr* ?'!:?? emmint Gazette, to consider tl'.e conimul void, so far as relates to tin wom ruuainu ^ to be done ; and nil' sums. of money that may bo due. to the contractor,' ( th r w it'i nil m itcrials nnd implements' in 1 ; ?,? u i on the ground, nnd all, sums of iomf, »1 ih r uam 1 jr. i!=9 bond to be onv n-Tcd into by tho conLriictcrr or' utherwine,' as pemltits for tho rion fulfilment 'of .the Contract' ehnll bo forfeited to- the Government, nnd tho amount kIisII be considered an ascertained iiamagu for brea'h if Contract. ?'.'.,..... ? XIU'ORTAVT TcHiRA.ZI2R3, SQUATTEBS ? HOlHr DEALERS, CAIKYMEN ANU OXUKBd. TPHOMAS DAW HON has maih ptensnro in 1 nr lus fii'»ds and th« yJ «r that he ?lit J on lease, tho vrhol at I e Suhhnsr ~iat nnl j^ndlolin conmrt'il with the nell known IIOMJ BIjSU TWSi (litr Cu'rs } and loUndn holdin_ mi,ular Bales ly auction of all dca c iptioiii ot ? o» cuni) nimi, hor e*, f i' ami n'orp cattle railrh roT- and spiniKers fatsiul jtoro itheLn velicUi anJ iiik.i- neats, and all Vinrl' ot colonial produce 'lo his squatting inondi Mr Diwson 'tonld »p*ci«'j addre a himself, with every conrdniHf of cpntinncd r.nJ increased support, from 0 .. i aid important adviliLii^s his sale ja dt and r 'li }-» «!T,r,l Ho 'i-iH at the nn- - r— wil'ipoi* I1 irtil'i «1 1 til -1 ail mot hi nlnn1 -- He 1 e tf mrs lo ocinper- f)i 1 -? *, ui e never Difore I e cmllnd tj do so llionejads from their -? is ri xiii'v to Stdni} ami tlie 5lailnoy r'l oi«ii r rit lnifl -? * v» 1' will »'»i.-i inI ^ irurrl 'i-i\ bo bil m — ) ' I i | untune or disposal of smlI, tc 1 I it Iheif intere»t to attend nnd m- - tlx-ir tin ihie»»- B.C- these sales ; a ccm, -??-- \ i njh'e |nsr^--U is ill charge at all i- c u.. i like o dtf-a, while t t- * -iru* a 1 rr t id oale, Iiuth t' ' ????i-r ??.;: : t -r-: -, U !-?? ,-'-,.?-iMC;cVli if cxtenatTa ,--: ??.?:?: .: ? ^:r, !;- :i:illi^ '-?.--i^S''^^-~'r'-'--:-'''?'.-'.- ii '??'.:'.. c-..i ;n-p-f.'»jij- cnbrt-fi.-jnuU Bnlls, '. :.v.r;-, ' : .-riv:-;! iu Ilio 'Cvliiflv .c'i'-'^Iwaviaji.' ;:.- ?'?:? r.r;. .- -wf.'^ m1 h'-J3»(wi -:?:? 1)11x0 .,;' ? I1';-1 ...-.?..ii.!. 'J k:»--.ii.rt,#-'r!kfJi,1«5'w!i;!;. l-'.' /. '?:l: .-.i. l.V. rjtlj.i iillptiVit V*j~1aosl '.'].?'?; 4. lui ? , ?':. r'- nt ?*! a iiitrl'i-ii-n tuul .'iKri^tiir.-™ i -?'..:?.'- 'ii.jliirons fot:t}W,Jjitfi-~::yoT flr'ii'tttl.;j;ai. '.if l-.iho--. '-'?w.-t-i*.-'**'-.?-. -.-.'? ' ' ' ,

BIOUNT TLIA3ANT ESTATE. TO present mistakes, the following are the terms upon which Leasei of Farms on tills propertr are granted : — Small Farms on Evans' Plains, 1 2s ]ier acre. Do. llmh Land I Us. ,, Farms of 100 acres on the Plains 10-. „ Dn. -!o. Laid 8*. „ £00 acres do. H). ,, 100* do. upwards 4s. „ Farmsof 100 «crej- or upward^ secure fourteen year leases; under 101) acres, ten year leases. ?Ti-nants have to f.nco tln-ir owu farms, and build their own huts, for whieli they are allowed sil. months rent fno from ilato of lease. Ono hrad of rattlo or horses for every two acrea rente.1, i» allowed tn be kept without, charge upon the open lands of the estate, of which them arp at present ubout 10.500 nere«. Fir'Woixl for home cousumptian is ahio The rents are payable half vearly. No subletting permitted, c'x'-ept with ilia written consent of the proprietor or his agent. AH fences or iMiildinu-H whatever must be kept in reruir when once erected. As a general rule, farms will bo laid out in the proportion of ono third frontage and two thirds K'li'k, eiri'pt whrrt' natural Iwundariej, or roadn, point out more distinct Jines. Rv an :irraii'einent with tho prtsont tenantH, the whole of the sh-ep will be removed on tlio 1st April prox, from thu 'pen lands of the estate, which will thereafter be resenoJ for the eielusive use. of mtfc beloiif,-intr to them, und tenants htn-after lensin;,', until required for sale or lease Printed letscs, free of all charge, are grunted to parties wiahiiii: them, but no objection is to sijrninir leases formally drawn out by an at'ornev ; only in thii case the tenant id expected to pay the cost thereof. No leases are gran ted of farms paying a smaller rent than £20 per Two'snhools nnilor control of tlie Commissioner* fur National Education are about to lie opened in different parts of tlio estate, and a oh ip.l, capable of containing about 100 people, hat juit be--n completed. ' Them are alroadv sixtv-foiir tenants upon the property, but there nre mill ninny excellent farm* open for selection. WILLIAM K. ALLEN, Superintendent. Mnunt Pleasant, Unroll 8th, 1859 ? AUSTRALIAN FEEN0H. POLISH HEVIVEE . GENEItAL FUKNITURE POLISH. J HE superiority of this I'OLISH over overy 1 oilier in use, will lie evident after one trial ol it. The lustre increaaea after each application, and will become after a few times using equal to Frenali Polish. Prepared only by BEDFORD AND BUHllELL (Latk Foss, Son. and Co.,) 216, Pitt-street, Sydney. In bottles of Is 6d. mid 2s. 6d. each. Mr. E. W EBB, Agent, Hathurst. T U S T A B, E I V E D— - ' Ladies' patent leather shoes. BIRCH, FLOWKR, AND CO. . JUST A R R I V E D— Ladies' patent cashmere boots. ? ?? ?? B1HCH, FLOWEU, AND CO.. . JUST ARRIVE D— Ladies*, elastio side cloth boots (single and double soles) . ' ?? ? BIRCH, FLOWER, AND 00. J U S T A R R I V E D— Children's faojta and shoes of every descrip'oription ? ?'. , V BIROH,- FLOWER, AND CO. J U ST. , A R RIVE D— Lndios' riding lints (nev patterns) . -i ; BIROH, FLOWKIt, AND CO. j' U SiT A.R R I V E D— Colored coburgs and alpaeas ; ... .BIRCH, SLOWER, AND CO. J US T ' A.R R I ' V E D — French and German merinos , ? :. ' BIROH, FLOWER, AND CO. J U S T;, A R, R I V E D— Welsh, Lancashire,' ami Saxony flannels, ' ; BIROH, FLOWER, AND CO. J U S T A R R IV E D— New'Patterns in prints. ' .. HIRCH, FLOWER, AND 00. J US T A R R I V EiD— Longolotlis, Sheetint;, Grey Calicoes, &o. ???;?;' BIROH, FLOWER, AND CO. J U S T A R RIVE D— - White and Colonred Blankets, 9 4 to 12 4. ?BIROH, FLOWER, AND CO. . J U S T ARRIVE D— ,i Perfumery, Honey, Windsor Soap, Eau de ? Cologne, &c. ?? . ; BIRCH, FLOWER, ..AND CO. J U S T A R R I; V E D— :' . Novelties for the Autumn Trade. . v;:^f .BiaCH^JLOWBRrAND-Ca, _ j u s.t;: a r' li/S^^vTEsii— The'encaijfcHnut. ol' Ocuaral litapcry; ? Slops Wlanii'ts , . ? . ' '; . ? 'Water Proof ClothinR, *o., &o., Ae. Ever vet ffffererl in BBthtirst. ;.; JilHCH, .FLOW1J, ANiP CO. JTJST 5MlIlIVED^In splendid condition;: , ..yoijc Hams and - En^lisli Cheese . - BIRCH, FLOWER, AND CO. ;'.. . ; .?: ..r .x--s « .'?? . . j u's T A R R I V E D: Lalirndor Salmon Scotch Linft ?;?'.'?. Yoitnontl) Bloaters BDjtCH, FLOWER, AND CO., TLAHS AND TAAinS FORRALP. 'PHE iml?r-f-t«d lull nhont 600 Luml i. !?*)# i loeriiiLs, and 30 Rams FOR S*LE JOHX TRnWRFN KcljoJMh Van 1 ' a S» . .. ? - -FIbll FISH. Tji I S II OT? TVI'T DI SCRIPHON J C STANOKR ? Coromercinl Stores. j aIiII-, RUMNa HATS A grret 1 ij var tty, &♦ J C STANCEU, Commcrciivl Sloroi CHEAP BREAD, ' CHEAP MFAT PSKTIL1COKN bcijs Jo inform -re , -nbabitant» of Bathurst, that the charaa ter ho bas obtained of hei'ir; the rOOU MAN'S FJIIEND, he is determined not to loso, and as a proof of til fact he now offers Till P8VT BKFAD AT 4* PFR LOAr, over the counter. And THE BEST BEEF AT sj.i. to .T-1. pcrlb. ../ '? notT^ XVSV llCUrr ? » « nm of » i nndcr??rf «i^r^l a Kr r ' ^iDcrRT and | OILMAN ' t'T f1 r* ~r r-n ifiil lo Trd t^! li.» n-V * ' '\ 11 IC1 1 '* M) i O, ! ', .vS ore. I _ _ __ j J .''''? ' r r» i, ami j *'?'??' x I - i

RAMS. FOR SALT!, by Privoto Contract, forty first rare RAM3. If not di»po»od of during the present month, they will be sold by auction. BICIIAHD A1DRED, ? Popper's Creek. SHEET OF BARK STORES, DURHAM-STREET, UAT1IUR3T. r\ EORGF. noNN'OH, GENERAL WINK & It spirit merchant, ahd Dealer in General Stores and Colonial Produce of every description* The Highest Price Given for Gold. A GOLD FIELD. To be Bold, 789 Acres of Land, \1TITH tho riuht of depasturing over 1578 'I acres in addition, situate on the Cudt;oStoiiff Kiver, 18 miles from Mudijeo and Wellington, anil in tlia midst of tho beat Gold fields in the Colony. This land is well adapted for grazing oattlo or sheep, and is oulv sold because the proprietor resides in Victoria. Immediate possession can bo jjiven, and the Title m unexceptionable Apply to 11OLDEN A MAOAKTHV, ? Castl-reau'li-mivpt, Sydnry. Cauriow. 'pMF, Proprietors of Horses nre particularly I cautioned to f;iva written instructions (o their servants when directing them to purchase Row's Embrocation or Farmer's Friend. Tho rxtrnordimiry and daily incrensin™ sale whioh ita curative- |io»era have xecured, libs induced several parties to offm- S|mrious and useless imitations. These are utterly worthless in reBpect of their professed powers, an I resemble the original only in the similarity of name, which hns heen adopted for the purpose of obtaining some of tho patronage which has been liberally bestowed on ' Row's Embrocation or Farmer's Friend.' As these imitations can neccss.irily he sold, wholesale, cheaper than tho gcnniiio article, an inducement is held out to storekeepers to supply the publio with an inferior article. The pro. prietnrs, with » view of further protecting the public a-uiist fraud, now attach their individual tsignuturo to the label of tncli bottle, nnd have adopted the use of BettB1 Patent Cansule with the words ' Row Sydney' impressed thereon and with which all their bottles will from this date be secured. The undersigned have made arrangements so that storekeepers in the interior, sending their orders to any respectable house in, town, may bo supplied with Row's Embrooation according to their requirements, at the usual price. The u-oprietors of Row's Kmbrocation will esteem it a great- favour if parties, who may happen to have any either preparation vent them, ?vifl communioato with them at the following address':— J.' AND. E. ROW, Wholesale Druggists, ... Bank-court, Sydney. THE BLESSING OP BEALTdl - BY TTOLLO WAY'S PILLS. Why are Dlseasos so Fatal in Australasia 1 Merely because wo prescrihe for their effect, instead of their cause and try to relieve symptoms instead ot striking at their root. Tlio action of these Pills is precisely tho revorse. They eipol from the secretive organs and the circulation the morbid matter whioh produces inflammation, pain, fever, debility nnd physical decay ; nnd tho basis of disense being removed, its manifestations vanish. While ordinary romeilies only Hfibrds a temporary respite to the sufferer, whereas these. Pills annihilate the disorder. Ill Healtb at the XMgrg'ing's. Frequently arises from nervous disorders affecting the notion of tho heart anil deranging the whole animal economy ; these fino Pills will restore the nervous systom however deranged, and bring back health auJ spirits when all other medicine failed. Bilious and Xiiver Complaints. Frequently lead to tho worst phases of human suffering,' yet how miiny in New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania, and similar regions, are thus nmicted unknowing the means of eure, placed 'within their grasp, such should take n few boxes of these Pills according to the directions given in the books, and' their ailments will quickly leave them. ; Dropsical Swemn^aantl Turn of r^Th1s'laTni3s't''diVtri'r8»Tii^ peVioo''in' woman's' hittorv, it ilintroya thousands, tho whole of tlio grow linmours collect together, ami like' a tide sweep away health and lite it«-lf, if not timely and powerfully ohceM; Tho most certain remedy for nit these dune- rons symptom* i» Hollowny's Pills. Armed with this groat antidote, fhn fi.TV onleal is passed through nnd the suQ'erer i.t once more restored to the, possession of unimpaired health. These PillB are equally efficacious in all female complaints; and obstructions at tho dawn of womanhood. , ' Stomach and Xiver Complaints. These arp the complaints of' the million par.ttonlarly of th'se in our gold regions. Few escape thorn : nnd, if neglected, they lead to innumerable dangeroc) maladies. But vyhy negloot fliem when Holiow»3'» Pills will eradicate 'them as certainly as water extinguishes fire f They relieve tho bowels, purify f.he fluids, and invigorate thr. system and tho constitntion »t the same time. They* are admitted by virtue of Bpecial decrees into the dominions of (ltiinolism, nnd thus have beeoine tlio great noaiehcJ-I vi'medv 35ystntory and Ep-wel Complilnta Tti.wa-.finiDua.PiU». s^miU-ba- ~Ultpn- -nac» or: t-vii- * c't^by all t)a3»os in J1 ir' »a b-ln«h nwan l, - »T«-i « l 1' ♦ n*lici i -f ho -* (I 1' III J i. I oi-i A word xo Females Tim looal debility ahd irregularities which -irp the ?ipei'u! annu\nnre of thn weaker sev, and which, wiivn nogtoetc I. always »liorten lift1, »r« relic. 'eil for the tim- mg-a id prutntn! 'or the time to come, by -. course of this . mild hut thorough altoralivej Holloway s l'i\h arJ tl e besf rcnietlv known in the world for J ho folluf no dini oris — Ague i ? ? . Dropsy Astlimn ' ?' Dysentery Rilious CaraplaiiS Fnsipplna filotohes on tho c!(in l'emale irregulantii.s Constipation or l|» rovers of nil kinds Rowels fits Consumption ' Goal Dshihty I Head ne^o Indigestion I TnflaiiimMfion Jaundice . ' ' Soro Throats Lnrr CoroflBints S'ono and Gravel Lumbago | SeCutidarr Symptoms Pile* J .-? . I,; ';. -Tic-Douloureui Hheorasifsm ' Tomouri. '' linfeiition of Urine ' Ulcers -Sorodila or Kiug's Yenoreal Affections, Kvil . ;.Wormaofall kinds -Weakness, from whatever cause &e., &c. Raid at the Establishment of PHonsssos ?Rol-(.cttav, 2!4, Strand, {n=nr Temple Bar,) London ; r.Ho liv all respectable. Dracgists and Dealer* in ''??ilicines tlroughout tho civilised world. ? '.? Th'rs is a considarable savinjr by taking il'.t'. lnri^fr sizes. ? - ' * N.B.— Diract'oria for the gnManea of patient! in oery .-iir.ordrr ».ro iffixcd to escli Box. ? ' ?

iHE highest price glvon for good sound Wheat E. WEBD. BatLurst, February 23rd, 1859. FINCH'S NUTrtXTIVHCnHAni', APREPAHATIOW unsurpassed for its valuable powers of proinotini; tho growth rostoring, and improving of the hair, imparling that soft, silky lustre, so true a criterion of its healthy Btute. The advantage of its use to tho young cannot ho too strongly impressed on all who have the charge of them ; for it is by early attention to tlio human buir that it will retuin its luxuriance during the longest life. This nniquo 'preparation affords a decided restorative, to those who, from i'evor or other ciiiaes Itaro lost their liuir. In bottles, 2*. dl. and 4a Gil. each. Tho DAND.ltlFF LOTION.— Tbo great prevalence of dundriff in tho hair has called forth a variety of lotions, more or less sucoossful in removing this very unpleasant and distressing disease of the sculp. This wash is prepared from a recipe extensively used and proscribed by that emruineut physician. Dr. Locoek, and is one of tho most efficient as well as preparations for that purpose. It nlso imparts a delightful coolness _to the head. In bottles 2s. Gil. each. FINCH'S VEGETABLE TOOTH POWDER. — The most agreeable and hest preserver of both teeth and gums from disease, decay and pain. lt gives to the teeth a dazzling whiteness, at the sumo time- imparting a fragrance to tho breath. Its valuable properties render it an excellent proventutivo us well as remedy for spongineBS of the gums, the soured of 80 muoh pain nnd inconvenience. Price 2*. per box. Prepared coeoanut oil for the hair Toilet powdors, tooth brushes Cold cream of roses Hair dyes ; Brand's enamel for Btopping decayed teeth, Ac., &c. A large and clmico assortment of perfumery from the best homes in London nnd Pan;. CHUUiES 0 FIN0H, lato J. and E. Row, 64, King-street, Sydney. COLONIAL PRODUCE. WOOL, TALLOW. HIDFS, SHEEPSKINS, AND STOCK. rllB undersigned will Bell by auction, every Friday, at their Produce Stores, 6G Kingstreot, West,Wool, Wool, tallow, sheepskins, hides, and every description ot Colonial produoe. Comminsion on sale of wool and tallow ? 1 per cent. „ „ hides and skins.. JJ „ „ „? stock...... .... 2J ? ,j ,, „ all other produce 5 , . „ ,. ? Cash advances made on wool, tallow, sheepskins, hides, itc, sent for sale. Ho commission charged on wool and tallow, when offered nnd not sold, if afterwards consigned to their friends, Dalgety and Co., or L. H. Johnson and Co,, (lato Cooper and Potter,) London. AND IRWIN. Auctioneers and Brokers, Sydney. References : — Thomas Walker, Esq, Fortstreet, Sydney ; John Sutherland, Esq.,, of the firm ofAspinall, Sutherland, nnd Co., Sydney, and London ; Andrew Hardie McCullocb, Esq. Sydney. EXTRACTED FKOM ' MARK LANS EXPRESS,' 9th AuarjsT, 1858. MESSRS. GARLAND AND BINGHAM, Sydney, respectfully inform tho Agriculturists and Landed Vroprictorn of Australia, that they are tho appointed AGENTS for the SALE of HOWARD'S PLOUGHS, harrows, hay rakes, &o. Ransom anil Sims's ploughs, horso throshinff machints.chan'-cutters, *c. Richmond and Chandler's chaff-cutters Coelmnn's soil pulverizers, -Img harrows, -to. Hornsbv's dressing mnchines, die. Croskill's horso threshinr; maohines, clod crushers, harrows, Ac. Tuifonl and Son's steam threshing machines, with patent combined shaking and dressing machines Tuxford's improved portable saw tables Barrett, Exall, and Andrewe's horse threshing machines . Burrell's horse threshing and dressing machines Busby's ploughs, harrows, &o. Bnrgess and Key's reaping maohines, churns, Drny and Co.'s dressing machines Smith and Ashby's liny rakes Hill ana Smith's wire fencing Spear and Jaokson's improved spades, forks, &c. With an endleas rariety of tho most modern and improved agricultural implements, selected at .the lioval Agricultural Show at Chester, hold Jnly, 1858. 1 1 5, York-streot Sydney. PUBLIO NOTICE. 'rirEt'niidernignei], having disposed of 'his' in-,-.._.teresi in.. tiiB-^Baihurst Free. Press and mniaJ'Jonrnal to Mr. J. C. White, respectfully requests that parties indebted thereto will settle their accounts as early as convenient, in order that the bookd mnr bo cloned. ?-.-.. W1I. FARRAND, ' ,'; Keppel-atreet, . ... Bathurst. ALBURY AUCTION MAttT. MR. JOHN SOLOMAN, ' 'Latb or Batbdbst, ? +. , . i REGS to inform his friends and. tho pnblio in general that he has made arrangements for tho reception of ' j Sheep, Cattle and Sorses, and is now in a position to effect Sales by Auction or privately of such Stock as may bo entrusted to him, he would beg to remind the publio that he has adopted such a system as will give entire eati»fncii--n to both seller and buyer. The Aiictioiircir would further call the otten*mr of & ockh 1 ' --i to the situation of Alburv, it boinjr th'ilionler Town of the Colony and in ttm nmrtuthi' p ThoiparBuycrs from both Colonit- otii r^ great fiusilitioa to parties either buying or fifllinu It li p irtioularly requested that parties having, any itock which they may wish to sell in Albury ill give early notice of the same with full p/irlioulars, Ac. to Sir. S., who will be ready with purchasers when such stock arrives. JOHN SOLOMAN, Auctioneer, Horso and Cattlo Salesman and Gcneial 0-imni a' m Agent, -tc, Albury, New 'oiith TV ilts ? ' ? ? ? Sydney Eoardln? Establishment. MRS. R. BYERS IN relummr tlmuks to her Friends and tho Public -,l i rally for the vory liberal support she lias met wn li ince opening the above establislimLiit bo,s to i iform them that she has mode several altera jora aid improvements lately, which will tend to iho ei.mfort and convenience of Families nnd f pi rjenen favouring her with their support. As heretofore, the Bedroom and Larder Bill be strictly nt encied to by Mrs. B. herself, who will use !n.r best endeavours to promote thi. comfort of «11 parties favonrijg her with tbeir patronage. - Char gres will be made as moderate as possible. No. 2, & 3, College Buildings, Jamison. street. ? .._ COUNTRY 3TOREKEEPERS~i IV' BEN 'ordering yonr Spring Stock of Woolr? lens, remember ? COLCiKIAI, TWEEDS, which are better adapted for colonial wear than -in- cloth known. To he had direct from the Minnfacturers, THOMAS BARKER and CO. Sns«fix- street, Svdnev; or from any of the AVuoLwiala Waroionieann in Sydney or ilaitland.

GOOD NEJVik pREAT REDUCTION IN THE Pmc| 'at 1 ? P. SKILLICOfixJ On NcrjouenosB, Selaxatloo | Sxhaustion. '1 A new and improved edition, enlarged (J pages, illurrateJ by 100 anatomioal ^m sngravinga on steel. g THE SILEKTrEIENli AM E D I C A L W O It K, on the^i Kihaustlon and Decav of tha Frao.l the effects of indiscriminate excesses, £c.,j| and L. Perry & Co., Surgeons, London. \1 W. T. PINHEY, No. 259, Pitt-street, SyaSi The CORDIAL BALM of SYKlACDaJ ployrd to renovate the impaired powers oij Its action is purely balsamic : its poster J invigorating the frame in all casos of CJ debility, spermatorrhoea, exhaustion, inCj| for Bociety, Btudy, or business, shaking J hands or limbs, indigestion, shortness of -| consumptive habits, dimness of sight, dizij pains in the head, eruptions, sore throats, ,4 deficiencies of natural strength, has been lit] st rated by its unvarying success in tbousaj cases. i The CONCENTRATED DETERSIVE! SENCE, a remeJy for any of the varied rorj secondary symptoms, and for purifying U, tern from contamination. It is recommend,, all those diocaseR for which mercury, uarsnm &.C., are not only employed in vain, but too to the utter, ruin of health. Ita action ij , detersive, nnd its beneficial iiiflueuco c: system in undeniable. PERRY'S PURIFYING SPECIFIC r constitute n most safe and speedy reraeji discharges of any kind, stone iu the hf, and diseases of the kidneys and urinary 0 Sole agent for New South Wales — W. T. PINHEY 2-r)9, Pitt-street, Sjd, tiukIgmak ~ Protected by Royal Lottem Patent of Kb nnd secured by the seals of the Ecc Plmrmai'io do Paris, and the Imperial lego ot Medicino, Vienna. rTtR.IESF.MAU, Nos. 1, 2, and 3, are alike, I of taste or Biucll, and of all nau» qualities. They may Ho on tho toilet taU out their uae being suapocted, divided into rate doses, as administered by Vealpeuu, niand, and Hnux, adnpted for both sexes. Triesmar No. 1 is ft remedy for reins spernmtorrlici'ii, and exhaustion of the syste Triesemar No. 2, effectually, in. tho short of three days, completely and' entirely erat all traces of tlioso disorders which capsule so lung been thought an antidote fur, to tli of the health ot a vast portion of tho popul Triesemar No. 3 is tho great Continen _medy for that class of disorders which ni nately the English physician treats with ciiry, to tho inevitable destruction of the pa constitution, ami which all the narsnjiarilla world cannot remove. HUMAN FRAILTY ; a popular medical beautifully illustrated with 100 engraving taining the opinions of Vulpoau, Lollt Roux, Ricord, &o. It gives enpious instri for tho porfect restoration of tboso »! suffering from tho above disorders, nnd i points out tlio benefits arising from the cli tests and examination of the spermatoza, b iiutlior'n nowly-constructed micioaooj-e, powerful lens. Sole agent for New Sonth Wales— W. T. PINHE' ? S59, Pitt-street, Svd Finoh'B Vegetable Antibll Pills. THESE PILLS contain no preparation ol cury, but consist exclusively of tlie Vegetable Extracts. They will be found to occasion little uneasiness in their operation, and may lio at all times without fear of taking cold, these qunlities they will bo found a most n Familv Medicine, useful iu all cases of 01 tions, 'Headaches, Sickness, Heartburn, Oil,, Drowsiness, Dimness of Sight, Spasms, leucy. Pains and Fullness at the Pit c Stomach or tho Region of thn Liver, Indig Loss of Appetite, Langnor, and DeprfB Mind, ulinii accompanied by a torpid or ii state of the Bowels. The reputation of these pills is fast upre and the demand for them is rapidly incr solely by the recommendations of those wh bean benefited by them. CHARLES 0. FINCH, (Late J. and E. Row.) Chemii 84, King-street, Syd LEA & PERHINS' CELEBRATED WORCESTERSHIRE SA1 rnosSooNCED by agt extkact of C0KNOISSBUR3 ff o^'tleX To bo the JlfcL MoiJra-°. to t dSS^lL ther at WORC ONIY GOOD SACOB ^^m Jts7, 186 And applicable to g^B nl™S th^.V ^feg» Is taiBhly o«tM - EVERT VARIETT ifealSS Inai», and (.., DISH. ^BKSli^ EXTENSIVE FRAUDS. L-AND P. having discovered that sevi ', the Foreign Markets havo been nujiplii BPDRious imitations of their WORCESTER SAUCE, the labels of which closely re those of the genuine Sauce, and in one ci instances with tho names of L. A I'. F they have deemed it their duty to caut publio, and to request purchasers to nee tl names of Lea and Pemns are upon the Wi Label, Stopper and Bottle. L. & P. further giro notice that they n ceed against any ono who may infringe upi right, cither by manufacturing or venditi imitations, and have insCruoted their cor denfi in the various parts of the world to them of such infringements. Wholenale and for Exportation by tl prietors LEA AND PERlUNS.atWorceste Innd, Crosse and lllackwell, and other Oiln Merchants, London. THE BATHURST FREE ¥l I S published every Wednesday and Sa 1 morning. Teems or 'Subscription in Town and Cob Sa. 6d. per quarter if paid in advance; 10s. i be given. The quarters end on the 31st 30th June, 30th September and 31st Decer spectively, at which periods only can sub resign by giving due notice and paying up i Persons desirous of subscribing in the of the quarter, will only be chargei thn date of commencing. Tho following Agents are authorised to subscribers' names, advertisements, and on account of this journal i— Caloola. ... ? Mr. Edward Tyler Meadow Fist ..Mr. H. A. Bedford King's Plaint . . Mr. Thomas Davis Sydney ? Mr. B. Groville, 318, Goi Hartley ? Mr. James M'Ooy. Cowra ? Mr. Lynch. Guymg ? Mr. Rowe. Pepper1, Creek . Mr. Richard Aldrod. Tamoaroora ..Mr. H.May. Sojala ? Mr. Connor. Louiia Creek ...Mr. M. Daly. Ironbarht ? Mr. R. A. S'taee. Wellington .... Mr. Henry Lambert. Carcoar ? Mr. George Rowlands. Orange ? Mr. James Dale Fish River CreehMt. W. J. Jones. Molting ? Mr. Lisrombe. lokdoh aoeht: ? Mr. F. Algar, 1 1 , Clements-lane, Lom' Edited printed, and published by John C .White (sole proprietor), at ».'ie Ba Frkb Pbkss and JUinihq ? Journal George-street, Bathurst New South, Saturday, March 19, 18S9.