Portland Guardian (Vic. : 1876 - 1953), Friday 28 December 1888, page 3

THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS. The heavy work of the Christmnas holidays is about completed andi our people doubtless breatlhe more freely now that their duties in connection with the festive season have been faithfuily discharged. We are now nlludvt.g to the time honored customs which demand that. Christmas must be celebrated after certain rules allowing of little variatin. IThus,. though the thbermototer ranges up to 100 degrees in the shade, the busoy houseaifo must roast Iherself whilst sutperintetnding the same preparation of the geeose desti:edl to form the main feature of the labored feast which must be negotiated in conform. ity with ancient tradition. thotugh the perspiration steams from the noble brow of the head of the house as ihe enjoys ? his hot meats, hot vegetables and hot pudding. on homopathic principles, in hot weather Doubtless a storm of intdination would greet the bare suggestion tlhat tihe Christmas feast was anught ht enjoy. able, and it is equally undeniable that most people uincetely itmagine they are sitisfying their most ardent desires in this connection. However, the pleasure, or ordeal, whichever the reader prefers. is over and in either case the sense of relief is experienced of having completed a sacrifice to custom. A truce to mioralising. We have the task of chronicling what has occurred publicly during the Iholidays, not an essay on the unaccountable adherence to national usage independent of climatic conditions by thle sons of BIritain. We prenmised on Monday that Portland streets would not be nlacking in liveliness or sparkling appearance. Nor was our prediction unverified. In addition to numerous previous arrivals Monday evening's train brought down a large Sinflux to our floating population and the thoroughfares were crowded with pedestrians by S p.m. As usual there were 'many old faces to be tiet witlh, hut there were besides numbers who had their first introduction to Portland. 'T'hen our own people, who can turn out when they like, were infull force all in tlheir test clothes, and a happy looking. smiling crowd they were, while the business people had, to put aside thle time honored cryof bad times, which would ill accord with the crowds of waiting customlers. Large lreserves of internal disturbance were laid in by children, and on their behalf by foid parents, in the shape of cookies and' sweets, while the nervous pedestrian had his feet incommnodel with toy wheelbarrows and his musical ear (ir he had any) jarred ulpon by the inharmonions sounds evolved from penny trumpets. But at such times no one notices trifles like 'these; everybody was goodhamored apd ready to put up with anything in reason. We mentioned in Monday's issue soine'of the shlops that Srer'specially' decorated for the festive season hut there were several deserving of notice omitted. Among these was +Miss Csy's" confectionery shop,- Mrs. iMarshall (fniiternr), Mr. F. 0 Harris (Iaker, andconfectioner). the Guardian fancy goodsla f'depot' and Mr. Huxley's establishment of a similar' kind, and otlhers. People appeared to be spending their money with the characteristic recklessness appertaining to'the season and until a late hour the crowd showed little signs of dintinishing. About 10 p.m. the proceedings were still further enlivenel by the advent of the Portland public band on tilhe scene. Takingup astand at tilhe Union Bank corner this hand discoursed music more or less sweetly for upwards of an Ihour to a large audience, the night being mild and fairly still. Then the crowds grahually dwindled away until at midnight the streets were deserted save by one or two festive carousers endeavoring to find their way home, and so Christmas Eve stole away and' CHRISTMIAS DAY was ushered in. '[lhe natal day of the Christ Schild dawned bright and fair with promise of some elevation of toemperature later on that was fully borne out. As a matterof fact, howerer, though Iuesday might be called a typical Australian Christmas Day inland the glass ranged very little above $0 degrees in the shade at any time in the day here. Services were held in secveral of the churches, to which a fair number of people found their way. The majority, however, stayed indoors until afternoon, when they turned out erell. Some found their wcay to the cricket ground. where a match, to which reference will he made later on, was in progress, others took short trips on the briny and others again (the greater number) visited the Botantic Gardens, where under the cool shade of the um* lurageous trees they could sit or recline and listen to the strains of the Portland band, which in nccordance seith its an* nounced intention played a programme in the Gardens. The music appeared to be greatly enjoyed by those presont and the bandsmen are entitled to the thanks of the community for endeavouring to contribtite to the public enjoyment at some personal sacrifice. Another gathering of some pretensions was simultaneously in progress on hoard the ship Thyatira, whither a contingent of 8alvation Army soldiers and lasses had proceeded to try tite effect of their peculiar methods in bringing the inhabitants of the ** fok'sle ' to a kn'awleclge of their transgresaions. It is tobe premedtttsl 'they had a "happy time" as they came back with drum beatitng and trumpets sounding. At the clttb's ground as before stated a CRICKET MLATCO took place. The contest that eras arranged to take place on Christmas Day between tihe Militia antI Club did not come off on accoint of not cnough on either side turinig up, so a scratch ntntclt was played between sides chosen by Major Foote and A. iE Jones, Major Foote's side went in first and made 20 reins, and Mr. Jones' men answered by totalling 1b. Major Foote's side then .-· 't in again antd made Ii while ?th 'i0es' side scored 22, thus wintu. ; ruos. Mr. 13. Spence showed best form with the bat. Meears. II. Cook. A. Stieart and T. Cruse doing the best howvlirg. The smallness of the score may be attributed to the roughness of the ground and want of form of the players. The detailes scores were as under:

A. Pi'. JONES' SIDE. FiIST INNINGS SECOND INN10I1G Iit (ook, b Speuce ... 2 0 iHarrismn lt. Hte.I lewoU Ic .lones, b ipeLce ... ... (I b Cruse.. ... .-. .lones, not outt... u not nit.. .. I A1 Olewart, I. 0 rase ... I hoot W. Ja.nes, b Cruw ... O c Couch, b Cr're e J. Wilson, I Crmue ... 0 t Crusem, ...I A. >Icscr. b Cruse ... O bCru'm.. .. (,ycs... ... ... ., i:des. ..1 ., Total 1A TotaOlj blA.O!( 1 FOOlES''' Slid %. I sT Iert7Nis. (CU 1ND INNIN0S1 . . Spence, b Stewtirt f1 b hCok ... I T. 'rusre., b Stewart... L Cook .. i1. Foote. c ('crue. Stewart ...... . tewart ... 1 S. Couch, hb Cook ... 1 0 mlewmrt ... 0 T. Tayl'or, b Cook ... b tcart ... O J3. Ii win, notot ... m Cro,5... ... 7 I'. Harrison, b Stemwart 0 i lnit.. ... 1 ilcy... ... ... 4 Trotal °0 Total Il There were so01110 who took their pleasure in mdriving ilnto the country. Hiahing, &c.. neans of enjoytm ent being in nowise dimlimeilt to procure. in tihe evenin' tihe only provision madeln for tihe edifitation of the public was the CI\lmc b SERVICE in St. Stephens Chimuch. 'There was a very fair attentdance and thie chiir. reinforced Iby additions fromtu olther denomiantions. rendered a very entertaining prograimmme. Miss Walkrr was of colurse the le Icling lspirit and played tihe accnmllpaniments in her custolmary able manner. An offertory was taken ulp oil belhalf of the Clergy liest Fund. ON THE PIEol. The majority of the congregation found their way after the service to tihe pier, where. tempteled by the imomutifully cool atmosphere out of .loors a large number of persons Ihad already congregated. This popular plromenade was much freqluented until a Into hour, princimpally by couples who found the conditions extremely favorable for a quiet "spoon," the sides of the pier being lined with such and fishers who were intent on Ihooking mackerel, and met with some success Speaking of the pier reminds us of an omission made when referring to Christmas decorations. \Very sortly after the arrival of the s.c. Nelson on Monday afternoon her fore and main trulcks were crowned with bunches of green andi the same i Ica wais carried out all over the ship on almost every projection that was available, tlhe effect being very cheery and refreshing to the eye. The Tihyatira, not to he behilldhanl, had her fore, main and mizen trmcks omurmoumnted similarly, as also that teriminals of the ardls, giving her thIe applle'arance from tihe shore of a nlutboer of black birds roosting oni tlhese parts. The lighithouse yardarms were also decorated with green. In the town flags were dlislacedl ou scer staiff, includling the two lnew pieces of bunting procured for the tmast erected at tie T''own Hall. So ended Christmias (may. lSS 1, in Portland. a day thamt seemed to be enjoyed bm townslpeople andl visitors alike, as it could scarcely Ite omtherwise under the atmoslpheric conditions and in thIe quiet and rationlal pleasures alludled to above. BOXING DAY. opened witih pIrommise of another warnm day, but later the sky became overcast, but no rain fell anld the experiuence was a trifle cloe, Ibut not to ble denominated olppressive. IEarly, in the mnorniung velhicles, fromm the single Iuggy to tihe foutr horme drag, were flyiug abtommt tile streets picking up theireungaged loadlings, the destination of tie mnajority of the vehlicular traffic being Bridgewrater, whlere according to local report races were to he held, though the absence of any published announcement of such a gathering left it open to doubt whether rumour spoike truely. Conaequently the number of visitors to tihe seaside resort referred to was comparatively small. However, we uinderstand severalequtinecontests took place, in the presence of a fair gathering that numnbered doubtless from tihe good and sufficiecnt reason specified above less Portland people timan on previous similar occasions. The close proximity of the locus in quo to the oceanl made the weather cool and pleasant. The results were as follow:Maiden Plate, of £". 9st up, threequarters of a mile.-T. Kennedy's Wild LDuck, 1; Kittson's Havelock, 2. Handicapi Flat Race, of £5, 1 miles.T. Kennedy's Wild Duck. 1; 1 admore's Mentor, 2. Handicap Hurdles, of £5, 11 miles.T. Kennedy's Wild Duck, 1; W. IHeaney's Jimmy, 2. A protest was entered against the first horse on the grounds of having run inside a poet, and which was upheld and the stakes awarded to Jimmy. Consolation Race. of £1 10s, threeqmarters of a mile.-Wilson'. Whitefoot Wadmore's Mentor 2. Hack Raco, of £1, 12st up, halt a mile. -J. Johnstono's Jack Dosling, 1; White'e Leura, 2. Hurry Scurry, of £1, threequarters of a mile.-John Wilson's Gentle Annie 1; D. Kennedy's Quail. 2. The approach of train time was sufficiently bstokenod by a oontinnoue stream of pedestrians in holiday attire tending in the direction of both railmas stations. Some idea may he gathered of the extent of the railway traffic from the fact that upwards of 200 tickets were iosmied for Myaylmn and Heywood, the former tosnshiip having tIme llreference. the races there indlucilmg a visit from about 15>0 of our pmeople. MYAM1YN IlACES. A run to yninmmyn on ioxing l)ay is becoming quite a recognised thing by residents of this town, and many others in tIme district nearer, consemquently it was not smrprising to oind on the present occasion tlmt a large number of the excursioniste on board the train were for M1yamyn and Duddon's [Lnte. In course of time the latter station was reached when the number who left the train tlmutst hIave oladdepod the hearts of those interested in the meeting, and particularly tIme honifac of the local " pub." Ihe course toas found to be again is MIr. S. Dudden's paddock, a most conveniently situated Illace and very kinmlly placed at the corumittee's disposal by Mr. Duddon every year, for which he should receive grateful thanks from committee and pmblic. Time running ground was immerked by numerous flsa , and the most dapgeroun holes filled, ronderirmg the eouree on the whole safe enough for ordinary purposes. The attendance was folly equal to that of previous years, and although there was steady drinking going on the whole day there were Ito disturbances, and the outing must have been enjoyed by most, if indeed not all, for a more beautiful day .as regards weather could

scarcely e desiredl. A good slubstantial lunch was provided by Itte. Gtrry and wo were go l t, see tier efforts were pleasiegly appreciated. Ur. T. W. Smijih was judge, and as usual was pIarticularly attenltive to his duties atnd always to be found when wanted. Mr. T'. lBeonnett was the starter and gave general satisfaction, while Messrs. J. I)Dwyer, as secretary, and W. BIrooks, as clerk of the scales, workedi hard and tol their efforts a good deal of the success of talte meet is tdue. Mr. W. Frost kept the coorse clear and the commuittee as ais whole worked well. The following is the reiotl of the racing:1AIIDEN PLATE, of I sotrs. about one mile weijht for sue.. 1r..1. Ianlontna Ttiara (Brown) ... 1 Mlr. J. (oughli's (Gm Lad (Cuttf) ... 2 31r. J. I)evlin's Lat ITry (llibbott) ... :1 TheI only olther starter was Mr. J. ('owan's The Joker. At thie fall of the flag Gaylail went to the front. with lThe Joker second and Tatiara bringing up the rear. Nearing the iack of the course BIrown shook Tatiara uip. and shortly after went to the front, a position lie maintained to the finish. winiuig with ease, falad beiing a length away second. 31Y.S1YN HIANDICAP, of a sors.; afout It mile,. M.r. IHanlon's Cottage Girl, est. 11b. :1bs. over (Brown) .... .. 1 Mr. E. Gough's My Lord (ist. 4lb.) (flibbett) ... ... .. ... 2 Mr. W. Ilenney's s IBritisher, fist. 131b.. 4lbs. over (Alymer)... ... 3 Thie absentees were''atiara and 'Matilda. This proved a contest well worthy of visiting Myamvn to see nlone. Mr. Bennett had little trouble in sending the three away, and My Lord showed the way, making the pac a cracker. Britisher appeared to like this, and the pair set to work in earnest. At the hack of the course liritisher and 3My Lord were on even terms, with Cottage Girl 50 yards in the rear. This order was maintained until the hack was reached again when Brown began work to catch the leaders. The little mare responded gamely and the leading pair tiring slightly she was soon observed to be reducing the gap. This unpleasant state of affairs to those on Britislher and My Lord had the effect of making theta use every effort to keep. or get, the premier position, and a desperate tight set in about a quarter of a mile from homeo. Cottage Girl gradually drew unton the leade.s and about 150 yards fromI the post hadl passed Britisher but hall not cut old My Lord down. BLrown. who is well known as being ablle to ride a capital finish, imade another desperate attemplt antd mantaged to land Cottageo Girl first past the post by a neck amidst the greatest amount of excitement we have over seen on a eetntry racecourse. II.lNDIt'.AtI ItUIRDLE I.ACE, of is-ovs., about 2 miles. Mr. J. lHanlon's Cottage Girl gst 7ib (Brown) ... ... ... ... 1 Mr. \\'. Ileaney's u.s liritisher lst 71b (Johnstone) ......... 0 Only the two started. Shortly after getting over the first obstacle lBritisher ran insidle a flag and thereby lost a lot of ground. At the second hurdle Ie struck heavily and got rid of Johnstone, who escaped with a slight shake. Cottage Girl refused the third hurdle several times, but got over anid Ihaving it all her own way just canteredl rounnd the course. AMAf1 tEL1 Fl\T lrACE. of 3oots.; ltt. tp. About ,one mile; for maidenicn horcs only. Mr..1. IIanloi's Moonilyne ((owner) 1 Mr. F. tough's (;Gwendlolino (owner) : Mr. C. Ilookus Unity (owner) The otilher starters were The Joker andil Speculation. Unity led until almost the back. when Moondytne moved to first place and Gwendoline to secondi. Nearing home the latter imade a creditable effort to get to the front, but hbd to be content with a good second. This race throughout was an interesting one. DISTRICT IPLATE. of 2 sos., sabout one mile; 10st. up. Nominator must have re-idel owitin -ix mtiles of myanmyn 'Post f01ice for not less than six mouths, and also must have been the owner of the horse for not less than three months preeous to the race. Mr. J. Glare's Snowdtrift (owner) ... 1 MIr. C. Glare's Angelina (ownet) ... Mr. A. King's Restless Belle (Brown) I Dusty, IBlack Angel and Iarkie also contested. At the fall of the flag Brawn tookRestles Bell to the front but could only hold that position for avery short time as Snowdrift took command and won rather easily. This completed the events on the programme, but just as the train was starting another race was run. This must have been a private contest as there was ample time between the IDistrict Plate antd the starting of the down train to have adlmittedi of a couple of races being run. Only about 20 people were on tite ground to witness the last event. PICNICS, &c. Bit buggies and train did not take away all our people, there were a number of young people who visited the Government paddock for the purpose of holding i social picnic. There merriment and joy reigned supreme. Freed from the restraint of " Mother Grmnudy's " prying eyes the young people were none the worse for it and gave full vent to their exuberance of spirits in the round games peculiar to such occasions. Thus the time, with intermissions for refreshments, passed pleasantly away until the shadows began to lengthen on the griss when the happy party turned their facet homewards tired but pleased in the consciousness ot having spent lioxing Day in a healthf'tl and innocent manner. There were several boating and fishing parties, and one we heard of amongst tile latter secured some seven dozen snapjacks besides goodness knows how matty blacklish at Cape Nelson. Such sport as this is worth travelling more than eight miles to obtain. We referred earlier to a pionit which took plare at leywood. This gathering was held tnder the auspices of the Salvation Army. Upivards of a score of adherents of this organization went from Portland, and frot ilamilton there were from 10 to 4J Salvationists. The numbers were swelledby Ileywoodites and others so tltat between 300t aad 300 persons gathered in a paddock tear tilo railway line vltere the picnic was held. The local army band left here in a cab, but the vehicle broke down thtee miles this side of Ifeywood and the party had to " foot " the remainder of the journey. A very pleasant time was spent, music and devotional exercises filling up the major portion of the day. The commissiariat departutent was well provided and everybody, Salvationist or otherwise, was made welcome. It was left until otening, however, for the wealth1 intelligenoe, and beauty of

specrtac* ,mis witnesed at thie new Orncriey ii', reihere thu FAN('Y 1iH E3iSSKA'IlNG CARNIVAL lwas liii. We muntioned in previous issues that this wos exciting a good deal of interest, but its succesa was beyend tilhe imost sanguine anticipations. Before Ihalf-nest soven the public were waiting for adreission, and by 8 o'clock all the sitting accommodatioin was taken utip, and still they came until there could not have been less than between 600 and 700 per. sons in the room. The dresses worn by the contestants, as will be seen below, presented plenty of variety, while the spectacular effect presented by such an array of adorned beauty can be better imagined than described. Indeed tt is difficult to say amidet so much beauty which was the most charmitng, particularly among sech a diversity of character. The judges were Messrs. Kent. Cay and Clarke. Tihe prizes were awarded as under:Ladies-Miss Edwards. Iprettiest costume 1; Miss Matheson, 2adl prettiest oustume 2; Miss Cissy Spence, best sustained character 3. Gentlemen-Mr. LRay Matheson, best comic costume 1; Mr. Dolphin, best sustained character 2; Mr. Cruse, 2nd best sustained character 3. The following is the list of thie charaoters represented, as talken from the parti. culars furnished by each:Miss Cissy Spence-Nancy Lee. Miss Tecsio Matheson-Gipsy Queen. Miss J. Stewart-M ritanna. Miss L. Stewart-ay0 Bells. Miss Bennett-Romp. Miss S. A. Day-Florida Shepherdnless, Miss Spence-Mrs. John Gilpin. Miss Magde Browan-Washerwoman. Miss D. Vincy-Lndy 17th Century. Miss Clara Must-Vivandiere, Miss Edith Must-French Maid in Waiting." Miss Lilla Dolphin-Washlersoman,. Misi C. O'Leary - I'm getting a big girl now. Miss Margie Wilson-Ganmes. Miss J. Bell-Buetqrtiiere time of Louis XV. Miss Annie Brewater-Evening Dress. Miss Viney- Bazaar Assistant Mliss E. J. iHeazlewood-An Italian. Miss M. Mathcson-Evening Dress. Miss Claude Wilson-Harvest. Miss Mare Lewis-Romp. Miss Nelson-Evening Dress. Miss E. Nelson-Evening Dress. Miss Louis Cruse-Sailor Lass. Miss Eva Clarke-Evening Dress. Miss Edwards--Cards. lMiss Ilousen-Daughter of the Regiment Miss H. Matheson-Evening Dress. Mis.s B. Messer-Sailor Lass. Miss WYalker-Evening Dress. Mt e Cruse-Evening Dress. Miss Lily McEachern-Erening Dress. Miss Mtackie-Evening Dress. Mrs, A. . Southern-Break of Day. Mre. Cay-Cashmere Girl. Mr. A . E. Southern-Torreadore, or Spanish Bullfighter. Mr. Futherlanrd Matheson-King Charles II. Mlr I. O'cilly-Chevralier to, Charles II. Mer. or.e. t1tnlon-Army hIospital Corps. Mr. I'. Iici'h-iighil!nod Chieftain. Mr. t. SV. i'inell-Tennis. ilr. Lou.ru. Iosenbloom-Crosling Sweeper. MIr. Oliver Dolphin-policemnn. 3ir..I. ('rose-lardl up and worn out. Mr. F. Redman-Lt ofs the Scotch Brigade." Mr. 0. F. C. Birchl-Cyclist. Mr. T. Crusec-Cricketer. Mr. J. Taylor-Cricketer. Mr. A. C. Findlay-Mcxican Planter. Mr. E. J. Guest-Irish Nobleman, 100 years ago Mr. IRay Matheson-Satan's Imp. Mr. W. B. Shevrill-Jockey. Mr. E. .. Stevens-Odds. Mir. J. E. Ileazlewood-Stockrider. Str. E. T. Lemlev-Telegraphic Messenger. Mr. aluet. Osbourne-Clown. Mr. It. Speuce, jun-Tennis. Mr. Frank Mlarshall-Cricketer. Sir. F'. Shepherd-Sailor. .Mr. I. Itarrisou-Cricketer. iMr. Wm. J. Fraser-Don Newleda, Spanish Studlent. Master N. Matlheson-Fooatballcr, Master M. Mathelson-Pl'rince from Cinderella. Master i. O'lnry-Yaoun England. Master T. Thurman-Footballer. Master Ii. Spence-Cool as a Cucumber.