Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld. : 1907 - 1954), Tuesday 22 June 1920, page 5

TEN TO CATHOLIC SCHOOLS BISHOP DUHIG ON CATHOLIC EDUCATION. MARYBOROUGH, June 21. provemenU At the Christian Brothers' Hlgb School this aftprnoon. Dr. Duhlg Kjia that the?, an Catholic people, were alivB to the Injustice done to than, and which was still being perpetrated upon them by their being compelled to pay for training their fellow citizens well. Maintaining their own schools without a penny piece- in the way of assistance from any Government they at present were educating about 20,000 » hlldren in their schools, and this nuinVer -waa b*lng increased from day to day. The education of 22,000 children £250,000 per annum, -which, therefore, were saving the Queensland Government- They would understand, then, the foolish policy that was being pursued to-4ay by the extremists of the Labor parry at their conferences, when they advocated the abolition of religions education, and aleo tried to take from them the scholarship* that hod b«o won by the Catholic schools. He warned the Labor party solemnly that the day they Interfered with tholr schools and took from them what was lh«ir Juat right, they would find arraysd against them .the strongest phalanx of opposition that they bad ever experienced. They would not have

interference with their Catholic school! 'or the education of their children. H« sponslble for the carrying of the resolution at the Teachers' Conference in Brisbane, aimed at excluding Catholic schools from the State scholarships, d'd not represent the views of the Labor party of Queensland. He knew that very many of their children came from Catholic working men, but as much as they believed in their unions, lie knew they valued much greater tho education of their children in Catholic schools. Continuing1, His Grace eaid that Catholic education was flourishing* everywhere In the Comjnonweallh. They had In the Commonwealth And Netf Zealand to-day nearly fOO.OOO pupils, and whenever they came Into competition -with other educational establishments no matter how well those establishments 'were endowed, they found that children of the Catholic schools lost nothing' In comIdrison. He referred to the fact that of the 20 open scholarships offered by the University of Queensland 10 had gone to Catholic schools. They meant would never rest satisfied until there was i. Catholic school In every centre Vrhei* there- were £5 children to attend.