Register (Adelaide, SA : 1901 - 1929), Monday 5 September 1921, page 7


13ie Kbrfh Adelaide Ramblers FootbsriJ -M-completed a eucoeerful season by a social in tie Druids' Hall.- Stanley street, North Adelaide, on Saturday night. Under the capable captafa&ip of .Mr. F. $. Slack tbia club, icbkh tad beea in rccoa for some years, was revived {his acason, and

secured second place in toe INorta Adelaide .District Football Aa-ociation. It -was top ot all the district eliibs, but 'uras beaten for .the premiership by the Mdtoham team. Tbe (President (Mr. J. P. ffftgigins) -was an tiie ohair on Saturday nifbt, and proposed £be. toast of . tbe dub, to ?which responses -were node by iMeass. H. W. Payne and H. L. ViBepasteur. The Patron, oi One olub {3fr. A. H. JPepail) apoke eulogistkally of the play ot -)k team. . jfedate -were presented to Messrs. A. E. Duvfe Cbeet all round player), B. L. Villepasteur (most 'briUfont and fairest player), and H. J. Slack -best placed -man). Mr. O. Shortbridge, on behalf of «be players, made a presentation to Mt. il. W. Puyne, wto was ban. coach and trainer. Vocal and instrumental music was Tendered by ybemn. Selway, T. Boberte, Black, Birch, B. Brown, Baxtholomeau, P. J. Fiksell, L. Addism, J\ E. Slack, and B. Porter. 3ii II. .T. S. Williams (has proved himself a most efficient secretary of «he oldb.