Portland Guardian (Vic. : 1876 - 1953), Friday 24 December 1886, page 2

"CnaisrxAs DzcoRATIONs.-As is usual at this festive season the local business eq, loehave reco0niced t h ccas g n-,hy spec?ally decrantiniP - ir shops , and show windows. Messrs. W. I'. .Anderson .nd Co. haive?a fine-show of P.iiices, raisins, currants and other condiments liich:lhoe lskilfill 'Tii hiteiriteof 'thie cuisine: concocts into the toothsome delicacies of the season. Of Mr. S. la.ý halls.(gr"ocer'.8s) hop.t~ ame might. be said. The fruiterers as usual are to the fore. Mrs. Lear (Julia Street), Mr. I. Frost, Mrs. Vickery, Mrs. Barsby, Miss Mason and Mr. Charter all having their 'shlips tastefully decorated, and the windows piled with those dainties in fruit and sweets so delightful to' the juvenile eye and disorganising to other portions of his physical bieing. Meiissrs. HaIIiis. Keiller and Quinlivan are not behind hand. with their confectionery. and fancy pastry displays. '-Mr. J Steivens, pork butcher, shows a window full of small goods enclosed in ,wreaths of flowers and evergreens.' :The drapers are niot making much special show if we except 3Mr. Fraser's establishment, the windows of which contain. as many articles as Noah's Ark did animals.' To' return to the necessaries of life,: Mr. Osbourne's shoip musnt not be overlooked. A look at this shop would at once dispel any argsinents on the- poverty of lort.land. Thirty-four lambs hanging,is one shop, nearly'as many' sheep, `thre' 'or four ballocks (in sections), and a few porkers to finish up with is a sight calculated to inspire the observer.with the idea thatthed hungry man from 'Frisco" is in town." In addition the bho 'is prettily decorated with flowers, ferns, &c. 3' frr. 1. fIerbert-on's shop also conjures up to the passer-by visions of mint sauce, peas, and other accessories to the "'tedder 'lamb," ' and here,' also," tli& decorators, have been at work. The faicy goods shops display sischa nunmerous variety of novelties and nicknacks that'the difficulty is experienced of chosing not from lack but 'superfluity of articles. WET Wa?.m:--We are now experiencing true Australian Christmas I weather. Yet it is lhardly that, for our experinpe 'is not that of somd of the up-country districts, where the thermometer while we are writing is perhaps ranging at 100deg. in the shade. Here the temperature is not oppressive, for'though the sun shines brightly the.airiis cool: being tempered by a gentle breeze off the sea. , TnE Dawn leaves Melbourne on Wednesday next and Portlanid on Friday morning: r" : , ' OessEzv.s.--We have already intimated that there will be no issue of the Guardian on Monday 'next, a~d 'this opportunity is taken to again remind our ,readers: of the "fat so that, they-may. at not receiving the.Guardian as usual. In missing an'issue we are only adopting the rule of almost every paper in the colony, 'and a rule .which is almost:im-. periatie if the'staff of tiinews perisg to be allowed to shae: in the holidays df the festive season. CnuSxmss Cdifif-~lfr. Wood, the Superintedent of the "local Benevolent Asylum; desires us to acknowledge with thanks the following 'donations to the' inmates as Christmas cheer :-1l dozen porter, Mr. B. Spencel 1 lb. 'tobacco and somine cast off clothing, Mr. D. Jones. We make the announcement with pleasure, and hope that the example set of remembering those who are, through force of circumstances, initiates of our Asylum, will be adopted by many more of ourresidents,and that in our next issue we will be called upon ton publish silong list of tho'6 who have. by' voluitary contributions, added to the comfort and pleasure oLthht-pogr, the 'aged, aIetbe infirm, who now find a home in our Benevolent Asylum." There -are others in the town' ivh'd "could be 'inadd much more comfortable by a little kind con-, sideratio i;t' atthe Lnids of'tnin 'hoe w:' have boon' more .fortunate in securing a 'gool'oition Of this woirld'scb od things, and surely, there is not a more fitting time thisn the 'present to litienljlrel member the poor.. Lotus not'tien forget there are people in this tovwn whose hearts can be made glad if we of our plenty but give, a little, and let us not altogether forget that it should be our first care to see that the wants of our less :fortunate brethien are attended 't? as well as our own. RIFLE x b E a --Tht'siO&tng carnival at:Portland commences on Mcinday: morning at 8 a.m. add will conclude at 6 pianO? i Sathirday; the Ist 'Jmuary. The liberal prizes offsred, and the energetio manner in which the movement hhs been worked 'up, has had the very pleasing result of securing an unusually large number of entries,: no less than '17' eatries having been receled for the Bay Handicap, and 169 for tbde Iioneer Stakes,, while the Teams' MatcSh..has drawn'forth j16 entries. The number of competitors for the three Trial Stakes matches will no doubt be largeo and on the whle?avery successful meetinzg may be looked forward to. Mr. Gill is indefatigable in his exertions to have erery.thing in readiness, and in his onorouns duties he is receiving valuable aid from MIr.'Oniniiigham and some members of committee. Meanwhile the works at the, target are being proceeded with vigorously. The carpentors have almost completed their work, the new targets (including the canvas targets) present clean white faces, while various riflemen lend help in doing little requisite jobs, one rwell-known mebtuer acting as a kind of mounted tuptrinten. dant or courier, gialloping from one portion of the range to thie other. Thanks to the energy dislaycled everythin~g will Ibe in readiness on Monttday. The ritemecn fron other plart. have alreadv cortiniencedl to arrive. The follovwing teamrs will e.mpett in thle 'Teams' nmatch:Portla,, mlle (.'lub, P'ortlhnd Militia Silywos , i leri14. lAan,,.yult, Williamstwn, Ilut's, I'rahrat (2ml Battalion), [acahr, mlmtrFst 1 [oelhourne (2id hattalion), IPenshurst, Castorton, Ararat, Digby, Sandford and Ballarat.

Tue NErsos AccnIDrT.--\o trace has as yet been discovered of the missing bodyof the man Wilson; although since our report of the occarreance the police have made several trials with the drags. :Cucsnr.s-The match to-moorrow between the Drik rilk team and the P.C. Cliub will take place on the new ground. Wickets are to be pitched at 2 o'clock. when all players are requested to be on the ground. n, m ?"r os.--ln tlhe wcights,for the ,I+ ye odd Initle Rd, Mr. J.- Iesiuund' horse appeared ,as "Wrencher" instead of "Venttre.r" . " ' -. ? on.:s;.-VWe bav~r, much pleasure- in drawing attention to the carol singing at St. Stephen's on Christmas evening. The choir, assisted by a few friends, lhavi"17e preu ting tiitcoitileleTy new ,set of carols edited by Rev. Ramsden Bramley 3I.A. and by??r. John Stainer Mius I)oc. Judgingo,from;former years 'we feel sur ethere='will be a crowded attendance and: tlat, the funds of the Clergy lRest will be 'considerably augmented. SSTE.Nisms--ih Casino arrived-about 5 p.m. yesterday evening, and after completing, her business sailed aiwiiy the same nstight. The Dawn arrived about 10 p.m. last night,, and sailed again at ais early hour'this morniing. T,: Mirtoa correspondent of the Spectalnor ?stys:-=Se'eral sitcnmbers" o the Rifle Club intend gfiing to Portland to try their skill at the matches to come off on loxing and following days.'; Csisci:nrs.-Tlhe first of the' promicinade concerts in aid of the Band fund takes place at the Masonic. Hall on Moundvay, night. :We are glad to learn that very ready promises of assistance have been met with on all sides, and the resultis; looked forward to with some interekst.' It is mentioned in the advertisement th-t0 the admission is one shillirg. This fee admits to any part of the ball. Cssiic'rr -The ' match between the Englislh Eoven and the Australian team was brought to closeon the Melbourne Cricket-gromnd on Wednesday, and resulted somewhat tunexpectedly in a victory for, the Englishmsen. In their sgosnd inniags they:had lost 9 wickets for 227 runs, but Lohmann anld Sherwin made a stand, and between .them scored more tharin50 rns for the last wicket. uohmann batted in extremely good style for`'3; and Sherwin iit merrily for 2i' The Australians, requiring 172 runs to win the difi?ihcoomnimoneic theiir Tnings badly, and lost 5 wickets for 25i runs. BGficeaud Spoffprth imade ai stand, play. ing very much, the avne, game as Lohmann and Sherwint did on the side of the Englishmenu . tiwas something of a coincidence that they should.make the same scores, Bruce. like Lolhmann, getting 32; while Bruce ,made 25. These were the only decent scores, and the innings closed for 114, leaving the En,lishmen the winners by-57 runs. Briggs bowled splendidly, getting 5 wickets for 42 runs off 242 balls bowled. RrGnrTA AND SPrors.-To-day we publish the, piogrºanme for the Regatta iand Athletic Sports' to beheld at Nelson (more familiarly known as the Puit) on Monday, the 3rd of January. Those having the time to spare.. and being desirous of an outing, coiuld not do better ; than visit Nelson on this occasion.: The regatta-part-of theprogramme will take place; on the River Glenelg a stream worthy of a visit in itself, and if fishing tackle is taken, in addition to the amusement: to be provided by the residents some good sport should be obtained by, angling in the waters of the Glenelg. Host Brown will no doubt be able to cater for the comfort of his guests, and we trust he will be liberally patronised. The.journey is rather a long one from Portland, linut we believe the enjoyment will fullycompensate for any umpleasantness on that score. Tax SruEmxza Pazessmu.-Thursday's Berald says :--Beyond stating the fact that the North German Lloyd's steamer, Preussen, arrived-last night, there is little fresh-to recor4iii conneotioii with Sthe matter. So far none of the passengers- of whom, as,.previously stated, there are e60 for this port--have shown any sign of being infected. Last night the chairman of :the Central-Board of Health'receivdd-' telejhmii froin Dr. Browuning, ..the health, officer , at, the Hdads,'aninoincing the' kirrival of the I'reussen,.pnd giving other information which has' al?eady" appeared.- in our columns. The 3elbourne passengers would be put onishore at the Quarantine Station to-day, as early as possible, and the cargo for Melbourne consignees tra hipped. 1 So fartherje seems to be : eiy'likelhood that non 'of th6 othlier passengers will develop ismallPip'x whioh speaks,,; well for the precautionary Smeasures taken. , ' PnoTroouarrr.- -Messrs. Lov ewell and Co ,: photographers :of Melbourne andWarrnambool, have been obliged, owing. td pressure.of business, to:delay their visit to Portland for a week. .. ,- " ', -A vTELEORiM from Joivis Bay saysthat'r the Corangamite went'so pieces at half& past 2 on: Wednesday afternoon., It is presumed from this that the efforts to, float the vessel off after bloiiring sip th~e rocks protrudiig into her foreholdproved unsuccossfuln. . Tut EcsTAsy or Dfltour!-The @New Lead will be illuminated this eveniig; with colored lime lights.' As 'trade 'is usually slackest between theo hours of 6 and S o'clock p.m. it follows that c~stomers during that time will receive the greatest attention.--Auvr.] FanPrsn discoveries are daily being made in connection with recent frauds upons theaCustoms lolpartmeist, lrausdy, and probably other itmportations, are concetled, and further prosecutions am likely to beinstituted shortly. A systeo. miatic schemue of fraud appears to have beet carried out. Ut'tcsrsrtI Co?s'tr.lm :amn.-'lThe etmIloyVS of this ofice have beeLn thie recipients of a neat little cmnplitment fromn their contemporaries of the Ballarat Evening Pes in thie shape atf a niicely engraved card lhearintg the itseription-"' Thle euployes of the ]iallarat E.rnint- Post present their complimeltss to thie em ploe vof tie ',.rtl',' t G'uardtian, within.g them s Merry Xnts and a llappy New Year."'' We uteed searcely add that thie sentimnents containted ist the above are heartily reciprocated.

ATuIL8rTIC tm RTrI.--Boxing Day for many years was looked upon as the day of the year to visit Narrawong. the attraction being the hore racing, but n, the present occasion, owing to other race-meetings in'the district, it has h.cnI decided to hold athletic sports. The stakes will not be high for any of the events, and the short notice given has left no time for intending competitors to indulge in training, nevertheless the sport should be good to those who are fond of this particular line of au 111se ment.i It is a pleasant drive to Narra. wong by the new road, and no dout many .f the.residents of this town will pay the pretty township a visit on Molnday. IPlcIc.x . The Superintendent and teachers of the Presbyterian Seinday -Schol-have been Jbetirring themselves lately to have everything in readiness for the annual treat to the cli!dren on IBoxing Day in thl West Portland Park. This picnic has on every former occasion been one of the chief attractions in the town on Boxing Day, and the e is every reason to believe that the teachers wfil ihave quite as large a gathering this year. I LtrcE En. - We have received the Christmas number of the Australatian .'Ikecher, which as usual at this festive season contains a colored supplement, itild in addition a double page wood-cut of humorous engravings. The subject of the colored; supplcment.,is entitled "Trial by Jury in the Early Days--A :Bad Case," and represents a dishonest miner who had been caught in the act of tent robbing standing his trial before an extemporised Court consisting of a judge and 12 jurymen, all the culprits late confere. The picture is representing an.actual incident, and all of the charac. ters are supposed tobe faithful likenesses of wellUknown early diggers, whose names are given in the explanatory letter press. The ordinary number" of the paper is fully up to the usual standard, and contains in addition to the usual news items, tales ind sketches suitable for Christmas. M"3Ixnvs Iblcr.- The sporting portion of our community should remember that the Myamyn races take place on Monday (Boxing Day). From what we can learn there will be good fields in each event, and as the journey.is by rail the greater portion of the distance, our 3Myamyn friends should have a good number of people present to witness the sport. ' ( .'! ' T!') SI.O..-The -sual quarterly meeting of the Dawn of Hope Tentofleochabites was held on Tuesday night at the Tem. -perance Hall. The attendance of members was good, and Chief Ruler, Bro. E. Couch, presided. The principal business of the evening consisted in the election and installation of officers for the ensuing half year, which resulted as follows: -Chief Ruler, Bro. J. Ieazlewood; Deputy liule:, Bro. I. Osbourne; P.C.., Bro. E. Couch; Treasurer, Bro. B. Davis; Secretary, Bro. E. Davis; Guardian, Bro. A Fredricks; Levite, Bro. C. French; Writing Steward, Bro. J. Wiltshire. The funds of the tent were shown to be steadily increasing. Two new members, Messrs. J. T. Haynes and F. W. Barclay, both of Myamyn, were initiated, making a total increase bf 13 since the adoption of the new graduated scale some six months ago. The use of the Tent's torches were granted to the Portland Fife and Drum Bann. for their proposed parade on New Year's Eve. It was decided to hold .a picnic in connection with -the Juvenile'Branch on Boxing Day; and the whole Tent formed itself into a'committes of management to carry it out as successfully as possible. Ocn SrPrixs.r.--Withth te GuaraYan to-day our special Christmas supplement is issued. The reading matter is pe-cnliarly adapted to the joyous seasonu and the reading of it will be found-a' pleasant way of spending a few hours; IIMuILTOS ASSIZES.-Messrs. Samuel and Horwitz, the Spectator says, have, at the instance of Mr. Jeffrey Purcell, of Bessiebelle. charged with cattle stealing, applied to the Attorney General on be. half of their client not to proceed further with the charge, as the defendant has already stood two trials and the third would ,be oppressive. We belie e it to be announced on good authority that the learned Attorney General has acceded to the request upon behalf of 'the 'defendnt and the case will not be proceeded with.' " -As Adelaide telegram dited-Wednes. day says :-A meeting of the creditors of ?essrs. W.LH. Charnock and E. It. Sabine, trading as J. Stilling and Co., Grenfell street, merchants, was held today. The seclred liabilities amount to £55,000, and the unsecured to £71,000, or a total of £121,000. The assets are secured £80,000, unsecured £6,000 ; total, £86,000; the deficiency being £35,000. The estate was assigned. A: EEIu S ?udRs ianF;aESt.-What. ever others may think- of Kimberley, it is fairly edvident that "esars. Smalpago Bros. have fillen- on their feet there. Allusion has already been made to their success as uctioneers, and writing from Port Darwin, where he was on a visit, Mr. Frank Smalpage says :-" I am doing fairly well here, or rather in Wyndham; ham; there is nothing of note to report excepting that I have had the good fortune to discover a gigantic cinnabar lode, and have come-up here for the purpose of testing same. One of our company has also found a copper lode, and also a small one of silver, which assays -very well. I have got a salt reef, or, in other words, an immense bed of salt, which will no doubt be remune rative in the future, and gold is coining in pretty freely." Surely with such promising ventures the Messrs. Smal. page are destined to become the Rothchilds of Western Australia. It s to be hoped 'that wealth' will flow in upon them, as their enterprise certainly de-serves its reward.- EEhRIanG to Madame Patti's recently commenced Amerioan tour the !tllAfail Gazette writes - "heo is to receive £f30,00 for six months' work. That sum is to be net: all her travelling expeunss are to be lpid. I connection with the change in Jam-s., street lBrowery, ]ul lin, ,ir lEdward (;uinness intedls to present each lmeimber of the commercial staff with three monlios' salas-r. whilst to thosp -ngagel. iu manual labour he will give one month a salary each. This will invol\e an outl:y of over £30,U00.

A saw mill proprietor at Collingwood gave one of his men the sack for being three -,minutes late in commencing work and the rest of the employes at once went out on strike. MAYOR YOUNG, of Sydney, was married on Thursday morning to Mrs. Ovendem. The ceremony was performed privately. A FATAL accident is' rl[ioried` fr?mi Narrahurra Station, near Temora, by the correspondent of tlhe -Telegrph, which resulted in the deothof abrave girl. It appears that Mrs.. Doyle, wife of a boundary rider, had occasion to proceed to the Post Office, about a mile distant, and left her three children, eighteen months, six years, and twelve years of age respectively at home.:. The children some time after -set out to meet their mother on her return. They were pas sing by a ~ink when a baby tumbled in. The eldest girl immediately rushed into the tank, grasped the baby and hold it above the water, but the brave child un fortunately became entangled in some dead timber in the tank, and could not manage to get clear. T'Ihe other child procured a long stick, and reached it to her sister, but, unhappily, the stick was too short. Seeing this, the child dropped the stick, and ran for help to some selectors who lived two miles dis tant. Shortly after the poor mother returned to find her baby on: the water dead, and her eldest daughter drowned in the grasp of dead timber at the bot tom of the tank. TuE question Of taxing bachelors has gatin risen in France. A petition to that effect has been sent to the Chamber of Deputies. It says that an Paris alone there are nearly half a million, whereas the number of married men is not more than 3i79,000. -We are reminded that the tax, singular as it may seem, has already existed in several countries. The French convention adopted it. - So did the old republics. In Sparta the women were allowed to drag bachelors into the Temple of lhercules and give them a sound thrashing. Plato con demned them to a fine. Rome made them pay a round sum. Camillus went farther, and forced them to marry the widows of citizens killed in defending the country. The petitioners say the tax ought to be doubly welcome-first, it will increase -the declining popula tion by inducing bachelors to marry; and, secondly, because it will help to. make up the growingdeficit in the Bad. get.