Portland Guardian (Vic. : 1876 - 1953), Tuesday 24 January 1882, page 2

A COLONIAL HERO. It may interest some Australians to learn that Captain Cecil D'Arcy, who won the first Victoria Cross ever awarded to an offi- cer of the colonial forces at the Cape of Good Hope. and whose lifeless body was lately found near the Keiskana River, in British Kaffraria, was born under the Southern Cross in New Zealand. His father was Major D'Arcy, of the 19th Royal Irish, who ex-changed with the late Major (Brevet Lieu-tenant-colonel) Carey, of the Cape Mounted Riflemen. A more lovable young fellow never wore the Queen's uniform. When about 17 years old he was a member of the Garrison Dramatic Troupe at King Wiliam's Town, British Kaffraria, and was the "stock"' soubrette. The "chambermaid" has lived to wear the Victoria Cross, and, alas, has died before his time.