Portland Guardian (Vic. : 1876 - 1953), Thursday 27 March 1879, page 2

HENRY BSCOTT CO., ,EUGRO-ILNTS, SUHPP''NG & Q0oMz zRSON AG?ENTS. PEROY STREET, PORTLAND Agents for Universal Marine Insurance Companuy Capital, £1,000,000. 'ho Cclonial Mutunl Eire ILeus nee Com. pany (Limited). Capital. £250,000 Iomem and Colonial Marine Insurance Corn pany, Capital, £1,000,000. N:orthern Insurance Company, Fire and Life ~Capital, £3,000,000. The Artralan Agency and Banktl'g Corporation, Capital £1,000.000, 'rIrd an Haghas, Corn Faetors, dMelbourn .tesrs. IL Golitbrcngih and Co., Melbourne Lhe Australasian Ae ney eud Banking Corponation. Station and Farm Strsc , of thie best quality oBppl1id at Lowest Prices. BTOCK and OTATIOJI AGENTS. , O I " TU R SQL . Zest b nds L H. SCOTT & lo Perry street, Portland.

JOINE HL. ROW WATCIIIIMAKEE & JEWELLER (Twenty Years Colonial Experience). ARCYLC OUILDINCS, ,7ULZA STil UV. Invttes inapctiln of hi. LARGE STOCK of GOLD enod iILVE?" WATCtIIS, ncdlndte: LEYVL 1 WAI,'IAM0 LEVERI ELGIN LEVERI GENIVER WATCHES Clocks, in Or-molu, liarble, and Wood Cases Gold and Cilvoe Joolioery. Bpetacleas, from one ohlllltnil a pair. ABOIOMETBi0 I TIIEIMOI'I'ETEB ? COMABSES. Repeirin f ? ll branches personally attended to.Flease Flease note the addreasJOr17 H. ROW, ARGYLE BUILDINGS, TULIA STREET, PORTLAND. Wool and Colonial Produce. THiE undenigned will, during the ensuing Sseason, receive Wool aoil other Colonill Produce for Sale in the Colcoy or for Ship men t to London. Wool and Produce conslgnoed to my address will be received and despatched promptly by Forwarding A?gents at the various Railway tStations, viz, Stawell, Ararat, )uaokeld. Hamilton, Brauihulme, Conudhl and Heywood. Marine Insuranoo effected tnder open Policies or for entire clips on receiving ad vice of same by telegram or letter. SIIIPPINO EXPENsES at Current Bates. tI'ATION SUPPLIER always on hand P. W. 811EVILL. Portland W harf Wool Warehou?ea. Patent Oval Samson Fence Wire. t IIO.SE about to fenso are re?pectfully 1 Invited to send to tle udersl, nled for Circulars and full particulnrs of thi celebrated Wire, holwing the amento adarntages IL posoerses over all other wiree. . So great has been ito esioces that numer. ous inmitators are in the imarket, slnd the public have to be wary and not get loken In by having worthless stuff palmed off as squal to the Ssseow. Look for tally on each coll. 2e00 Tl'oa SOLD DURInl LAST YERa. During recent Bush, ires we have r. celved very gratifying Information as to the sule. rlority of tils WVlrt-quite a new feature in its hisatory., Send for Circolear. M.IIcLc n Ilrothers Isnd Rigg, - ueronrst? Aint Ilononiinorns, 69 ELIZAUIt.TI BI'ItEiTI', MLIItLBIU.NIi VICTORIA HOTEL, PERCY STREET, .PORTLAND •X earest hotel to Ihe Railway" Statio.ll r?.tIE andersigned betas to Ilform hia .I frhuds sanil the publln Ithat e lihan taken thll :hsblv eiOnollonehtu prelllleC, and iope-by aItit l latitetlhIo t bulsines, nland keeping esrat tbrands of ales, wines. anid splrit-to mi.rit a share of publil slplt eatL ALEX. HARCLAY. PORI'LAND FLIUiUR MILL, HURD STREET. JAMES HAWKINS, PROPRIIETOIR, (Lakt Edward Ileitty, Esq.) B EGc to Itllornt li Ib, i nl mll s thle pubI llu drat, hiaviog obainehd the wrvlcee of it frlt-.laes miller, .?. han Ing ereeled ..new and improved appllancer at the Il. , i a trusts to il ,,lo e nil iartcle wl.hil Wl,., it rjelie,. ltllenlu a ti.irnr i rllll t ii1l uuIlaltn for Piortland it .r and Ias1n it liberri patlionage from the distrclt. Highest cost. ,ricle riven for WIJIAT. Wheat aw?"? t ruutf saoU or gtvuud at the MU1.

Thd Western steam Navigatlen Company (.Lomhied.) a trners will despatch as under (f peractlo I t. able) until further motieerFrom PORTLAND for MELBOURNB via BELFAST'& WARRNAMBOOL. · name of Steamship Sailing Day JULIA PERCY... on T?.s.ay ftl NELSlNi ... Every haday, early From MLELBOURNE for PORTLAND via WABENAMBOOL & BELFAST. Name of Steamship Saillng Day NELSON ..- Every Tuesday. " p.m JULIA PERCT.."* Kery Tuesdny, at 4 All lnformation as to rates of Freight, l'ee.nre Money, and hours of sailing may be obtained from the undersigned. For frelg or passage apply to W P, ANDEIhSON, ' ortland. Steam Communication with Melbourne.. THE PORTLAND AND BELFAST STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY'S (LusntIT), D1W ,5CRW sttr L?1 i 328 tons reghlter, CAPTAIN G. JONES. 'WILL tLEAI PORTLAND FOR MELBOURNE, CALLING AT BELFAST & WARRNAMBOOL, vrory ?EONDLY atORN?'MNG, LEAVINGC MELBOURNE Every TH1Yaes.?." (Weathe~ r ptrmitting,) Tak?ng cargo as ptc Company's tariff, and carrylung passengets to and from Melbourne at the followlug rates, till the stlt MaIrch, 1879: (single faro) .. ?O 12 0 ,, (return)... ... 1 0 Stoirage (single) 0 7 0 ,? (return)... " 10 6 heturn ticketo Irnued available for teturut for One Mooth.from the dtte of issue. W\V. IILNIf, Secretary. Head Office, IBentiackatrece, Portland. CAMPBELL & SONS GENERAL MERCHANTS, (WHOLESALE. AND RETAIL), lAVE ON SALE.. GROCERIES, IRONMONGERY, EARTHENWARE, GLASSWARE, BRUSH.WARE, TIN WARE, &o., &c., &dec. FLOUR (Sandford), POLLARD, BRAN, OATS, CHAFF, POTATOES, Wheat, Barley, Rye, &c.. CAMPBELL & SONS ARB TIlE PORTLAND AGENTS FOR Messrs. Poulton and Sons; HOMEOPATHIO MEDICINES. Also for SINGER'S CELEBRATED SEW. ING MACHINES, STANDARD FIREI INSURANCE COMPANY. AUSTRALASIAN MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. CAM PBELL & SONS DnAPERS, SZLE MICECERS sioeters, Outfitters, dto., AVE alwayn a LIrge hod Wells A-snrted S'TOCK of ithe BAiST and MOST' pASIHIONABLU 0GDS in DRAPERY MILLINERY FANCY GOODS, PERFUMERY, 'MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING, &ec., &e., &c. Note the Address -ARGYLH I-lOUSE, SJULIA STREET, k~. 1) T'LA N D. .NTotioe. HAVING pnrhosel thes entree ,ho'lk of Mr Werlnd, Julia street, coo prlislng, IANOY UOOD., -1tWIELIN and FINGIIERING WOOLS, far. below the ebuleosl* price, thIe 'uuderelgned Is prpod rep sIl sie U is atme t a anisall advance an cotl, Alo., the r.emunl sllrct lack of SUM* MlEllt DRAPEIIIY llt bI dlapased of at a grelt diacoout far ,b, '. 'UELLIN :WO0LS , n nil.shbdes, at 44 per ,C P .II u CK EY, r k Oposteeh the olgulsh bureab, Perey att',t

Colonial Bak of aus tralasia. CAlVrZAL.--1,*?*@ **O. BIRANCil of t.hi bank is NOW OPEN is Julia streea for the transaction of usual banking buelmess. ADVANC)S made on FREEHOLD and LEASEIIOLI) property at current rates. FIXED D)EPOSITS received and Interest allowed as followa:4 per Beat. per annum for a months, JMES CIIHAPMAN, Manager. Julia Street Portland, 3rd April, 1877 BANK OF VICTORIA. CAPITAL O-E1,00,0OeO I Reserve Fund-X- 30,OOO. POIRTLAND BRANCH. I BPOSITS recesved and Interest allowed at the following rates. Fixed for 12 months 6 per cent. Fixed for ,, , Fixed for 3 , 4 Approved bills discounted, and general banking bnusness transacted on the most favorable terms. J. LER ARCIIER, Manager. LADIES' SCHOOL, FORTIT4AD. M ISS CLARKEI'S SECOND QUARTERI will commence April 21st. 'Terms for Day Pupils-Two Guineas. includlmg Italian, and rudiments of Latin. Open Clasa twice a week for DRAWING and PAINTING. One Guinea and a Half per quarter.. MISS MEDLAND'S Private Class for DRAWING and 'PAINTIN?, Saturday Mornings, from 9 to 11. One Guinea and a HaIlf:per quarter' Gantler.streett March 25, 1879.