Portland Guardian (Vic. : 1876 - 1953), Friday 21 December 1877, page 2

SPECIAL ADVETETIBEIeE7TS. EXC?UI?ION! EXCURSION:! NEW YEAR'S DAY. WARRHAMBOOL AND BACK VIA BELFAST. SPORTS. SPORTS. GrOItTo. The fast and favorite full.powered S. S. JULIA PERCY, 660 rose, CArrts? J. I. ,SIL8ON, Will 'leave I'OlITLANDI at 8 s.n. sbhrp retursnng before dark, auc.mplpald ty an Y.ient Band. Refreehmrnos to be had on board at moderate plter. N.B.--.AJ't mles this chane but secure your tilkets early, as oeny a ItLntd number an be taken. Tickets.-Adlts, 7s Sd; Children, s s, W. P. AD>RLiSUN. Agent, Julia Street. Warrnambool Steam Packet Company. rHi A3Y7r OI' Ait T WILLIESBC HOLIDAY EXCURSION TICKETS PORTLAND To MELBOURNE Available from December 7thto January 7thb, 1878, both days inclusive, by either fEL SONi, JULZA. PECaT, 0.TWA T-, Return lares, Saloon .. .. l O10s Od S, " Second Cabin 0O 123 id. Apply to W. P. ANDEnIIRN, Agent, Julia street. D IURING the CIIIIlSTMAI ITOLTDAYS Lthe WAIItINAMlOOLiT AM NAVIGATION COMLPANY'S stenlers will sail as unders ThursdayL OWAY leaves Mel. hcurmne for Porll.nd. 2as2 Saturday. OTWAY leaves PortIasd for Melonurne. -, JULIA PI'EICY Irlaves M, lbuutne for Port, -land. 24 Monday JUI.IA I'ERCY leaves Portland four "Mel. .Imur.r, s7 .Thursday E rSN leaves Mel. NEIOLls lipe l Fridday OT.W Y leaves, Mel. baumne fur Belfast ndll Warrnrmbool. ,9 'Satuirday NELSON leaves Port. llani for Mellourne. ' ULIA PEIICY leaves Melbourne fur forta- . l and. Jan. Tuesday IULIA PERCT, cx.curslon to Warrlmanl " .booul. I Wcdnsdaly JULIA PERCY sails for Melbourne. For i.xcuralun Tickets apply to W. P. ANDERSON, Agent. iTU S O rd'8 ARARAT FAMILY and Q0MMEROIAL HOTEL,rZ.ZrT rZ.ZrT STREET,. AZA*T. - IUNE AND alloWY.R DATIi, IILLIAD n r. SLlyl, lll.lrINOG, ArND BA1iT ASTALin. sluwy staticon cabs meet every 'rsoln Sf ,a 'JAME~ l TITION, " Pmprietor. 1

f BP CI alDVET-I5Xs _ L Of Vtoil as ýaitlI. `'s ti OPEXING TO PQRTLASDI. r O mesa 2te br & >e * f Iss l fape froms 4" l i* . wi Yee d wa i Ml be . ., fir i.a ert2.7r safe, ant :r. ae id r as aI rw i brI faLr.er ~y i.s vz. :lj.i Dec... la7. I VICTORIE RAILWAYS. CHRISTMAS AJW NEW ThAZ HOLLDATE l she 22. 24, 25, 26,27,s9, an sod She lot.sad the ? it pro.; Faegers wail to quaked to sand aen all atiskm. at HOLIDAY iXC?(MION FAUI5. TYckuta will obe available for retarrn frtwelve days, inclitlng day of l.aue a:d Soundap. asaeoen wiIIl only be a reld co carry se Iopa9 ap s can Le rswed under the «e.t. wetraý daooa.rreeen e to aal-m pa6.msgm wlb p t sill n be poaibte fur sy as, adamae or dtestlsolLhernif in trandt. For traser, fores.jand farther fnkcmation see time ?alen and poar en. From the 22nd soet. th ti 1th. prox. the department mint.l enage to forward horaes amid veti.?er by any particular traln. On the 25t and 5th aL st. and a? e Ist promx., the goo: .eds at the various stalsoas will be c?ied, and ood. ItrAn w1i: oIn run. Arri.ag?rents will be miad for tie r ipt -and despahe of perkhateile godal. JOHN WOODS, Cnubooe a r odIun r t asys. Sprocr Street. Decemt r . 18277. ' M.eilour.e, LDeer urt-r 15, 18l7. ALTEfNATIVrVE TlEIiDERS are fanit,-d Sfor the ereltion of a 2?T'OYE IILILDING aotd a BflRICK BUILDING for [atea Stgsool Se. 42, Portland. t A'prtminary lepiosit of £10 mast acotm. pany .sh terý.er. rn slan 1 .pedoeations may be seen, and Forms of Te?s?or obtained a? the School and at i.be o&ets of this bepartmert. Te?dern are to be add.re?sed to the Eeeretary, endmired " Teder for W, rk. at Portland," ald deliv'rel at this e?.c not liner r thn OPe 8lak p.m. of T ruay, a3rd i JanCaLry, 1578. " ThI e lowet or any tender will not necasr Ladxy be oaurc tled W. COLLAIRD SMITII, iM liilter of Pablic Illractlon. ( ASSS to be HEAIID ast th Inral Lend ohard, l'oirtlland, on FIIDAY, 28th Decemtbr, 1677, at 10 a.msSection 19.I I Tdeard Fern., allot part 5, perish of D Irnnbt, ceouety of 2Nurmarby, 145 2r. 2 John Smili, allot p art 8 & 9. ?rtii., 9. larih cif Drumorg,.oounty of Nurmanby. I73alr L'p. 3 Jaons hNewtan Graves, aslet part 12. raiea of Driamborg, county of Normanby, 4 Mary Jane Bell. allot part 16, parlt of Drutml urr, county of iformanby. 802. 5 Jhn R..,, rm.. - ,J ,roar. ..e DrIlueo , ounty of ,,rmerlcr, 49.t I 4p. 6 John Nolan, allot ?art 25 and 26, perish ef Drumberg, county of Normasby, 391 3r .7 .lebae Malone, allot part £0 and 31, plrish of Drumborg, county of Normanby, 139a 31. p 8 Thomas F. Allken, allot part 2. parisah Drumring, ournty of Nernianby. 122 3r 38p. 9 John lhalsher, ralot part 3, pcal?!o 3. l "arib "?f y.mynlr uay of .nr°o nhvn , 6t. e part 2S, section 18 and 19. W. Palmer'. forrlfeid blok, a parish of IMyamyn, county of Nomanby, 200j,. 11 Peter Turley, allot part 3, including J. Bannam's forfeited block, section 21, parish of Myamyn, county of Normanby, 80s. 12 James Ieill, allot part 38, pariah of Tyrendarra, county of Nuormanlae, 55 Or 2p. 13 Henry Crose, all.t part 82, parish of Ifomlerton, county of Noromanhy, 5514 r 14p. 14 Joeplh Parkernllot part 18, parish of Ilmeritn, county of lormanby, ).S 2r 24p. 15 William C. Green, allot part 2oa, )D. )McDonPald's frfeIted block. secti-n 3, parfih if Ardonachie, county of Normanby, 297a Ir 37p. 16 Jnames Trigger, allot part Aut, D. Mcl)onald's forfelled block, asetion 3 aril.h of Ardonachle, county of Normanby. 297a lr 37p. 17 Frederick Itrginsl, allot part 2, section 3, parishl of Ar leconclie, 150 . 18 Maitlo Hond, allot part 2, section 3, parish of Ard.onachile, 17a. 19 Inat lovell, adjoininr A. Lorel"r eauern boundary, par.ha of lfeywood,county of Ntamanby, 424 3r hSp. . 20 David Gorrie, allot part 24, pnrltli of " Curra'eort,coue.ty of Normanby, 159a 3r. 21 John Crewe, ,V. M. Jackson's forfelted blok, east of and aljolning E2, latilar's selection, paral of Narrawong, county of Narmaal.y. Ia 1 -. 22 Frederlck.rt ooke allot part 3, part of Jouli J. lrump's forfelted block, arteion 13. S opariah of Narrawong, county of Normaoby, a 23 Samuel Cromp. adjoining lilts former selecloas, parash ,f Narrawong; county of Nrraaunhiy, 3. 3r 37p. 24 William 'Thoma, adjoinln hles former .election, larish iofl Narrowong, county of Nuorllaaby1 89 2r 1ip. 25 'utltrck Murrrlor, west of n. Crotmp'a aelection, purich olfNarrawong, counly of " Nurmnlly, l00a Or 22p. 26 Henry ltowbotham, allot part 28, parish a of Blesslebelle, county of Normaanby, 143a Sr 7lt Jamra Cock, at the mouth of the SOlenel lollr, pl dalih of Olenalg, county of 28 Tfhonman Weaven, to adjoin the N.Wo. anlle of W. Bluekle's block, parish,. of Warrain, uonfy of Normanby,250s. -29 "h'aiolas a'reoiey, JolinMalon's forfelted lilokl pa?ioh of Cobboloonee, county of Normianlby, Son Or 14lp. 30 ilorar lrlave. Jhn alimon's fdiefe lled blo:kc, pmrlsh o1 Cobboboonceo, o lafy of Noriainalily, 0.a Or 14p.; ;"" 21 Pitrik J)eauioild John Maaonn' for. frited.Iflock, perish of Cobbeboonee, county of\t Norirloaby, 80s or 14p. , 32 ?llugh itaelln.e, allL 3 and 4, sectcon 9, palaa of t'artland..cousnty of *Ncrmaerby, 33 Sumlel iTrigger. allot woet ani adjoin. ilng J. Icwilt'sselecrloi. priah of Mitarthur orinty of Noilmallnhy. 60f*. 34 lunild fltlioiCtlre, allot part 8 plari of Kfiikella, rolUrty of Fill It, ~Ion 3r lip. 31 Jh Itl iollitl betweenr P. S Fneer'so and J. lfilnterrii' lilrii s, parlal t Mnunbainllr, connty of .olle, 67s Or I2n.. 3?6 Jamn liundiell, flr re-hearinig of fis I491b aection al pllloatln, Io aerer parlah of yn. IJNDSAY.CLAII ) E, Dlistrlct Surrveyor. Hirnllson. D ceumr IDl, 187, •., /

SPon zand 2aftway Dea onstra"fT1CESEt for thee i!.i ta be ba6 *.be JA2I ARY 9, ISTS, 5aw te had irese lle*es Andersom, Hsems, r c Atbcz'.ae, al se li. a yes 5srr . Ssg.e 1Yrs, 2L1; D'ot' . «.a; Ladies. S·- ' J. ? WOODS. ?e . Sn . : POZTLA2D RAILWAY. DEMONSTRATIOM. January 9. 1878. rP' E OPESING---o ch Portsaed sad L Hielsoa Eawa btr he -vrmerora Sir Ga. Bowee, rwiltbel be tie ed y .?a ..... BA QUET, In which Me beo?,? Geekar. Ballarar, bsoaammt: Ararat, Hanie, COeao.. .. . CanertL Beamdf3ta Sad Wrmaaadw are isarIted to ;aktts to amlt ktay and G =slenn.. 3as. , ogie - _ .. Ap eitioso for tilketa a to 4th Jakrery I the titket, when reered, to be om patled ty raniwry pawes rame the nearest asatian on asy Victoroa line. Teo wi . I bea Bi a shAL(l te tsagne re whch poiaee ?hi?ce will he ibes d WILATY I COPE IL -.PSoreallay Shre Porlando, DehC?br 19, 187 7. Portland. Railway Demonstration. .FORMATION on the separate malters •I T :er,"d with the Demoonsratios, to be held on the 9th January. I878,eas be bad from the respective Ccanmitees, as under:RECEPTION COMM TIT.'K.-Me wu.J. TMran?te , . r. W oods, B. Hsty, J. Marriott, T. LKriUrr, J. hapman. aid the Prcident -nd Coand.c rs of the Portland Shire. BAIQUE'T COMMfTrrrE-MerT . E. Csruenaes. J. L. ArTcer G. Day, S. BALLCOMMVITTEE.-Mesr.Iv BrtlWer, J. It. VWodae. . P. Anrrtsn. E., Ateinonsod i Heanty. BOATING COMMIITTE.-M-mers. W. 'T. 1le, J. Marriott, D. isy, T. Salmon, red J. Oeapdsan. CRIcKKT-GRBct D COIMMITlTE.M-ere. Beurby, W. II. Blackbra, J. -1hIi, U. F. U~lebs, and F. W. 1Hll. PlH)VIDEST COs MrTTrEs - teswrs. I.' Cummingp. 1U. .ay, T. Salmon, W. T. PSle, and W. I Blackburn. SPO)RTOS COIMITTEE.-ED. Darby, W. Catelse T. L Kiler, . . IlTow, C. Triskry, and W. Bradehaw. By order, W. COOPER,. lon. Sec. PORTLAND RAILWAY DEMONSTRATION, SPORTS! SPORTS! SPORTS! Postponed to Wednesdiy the 9th January, 1878. mmirtnatons for GRAND HIADIC7AP FLAT llAt.l, wri: 2s 61, will be eremeiced by the undcrs?in*d on eor befure Wrdonesday, the I2nd day of January, 1I78. Snumintions for HIANIIIUAP HURDLE iHAt ir wit Ice 6. will be r.,-*".t* "*" ' urn n?ata p. -lloadieapsr will appear in the fortferd Gaerdnta of the 4th January 1878., Acceptances with 2a 6d and Is 6. respectftely to be lo by the 8th day of January, 1878. Partleulars othnodicaps already advetised in Pofrdand LGuardian of 5th December 1877. Compe~titors will be required to send in with tleefr ntonesations performances lor two years, with colours. L JKO. H:. BOW, Secretary. Railway Demonstration. A TELEGtRAM on Monday from the Hon. A J. Woods, Comnotiasiontr of lHallways and Roads, fixes the date, with the concurrence of the GsOvrnor, SIR GEORGE BOWEN, FPer the 6frmnalopening of thle Portland line for W DNESDAY, 9ru JANUARY. TIcis announcement is final. All contracts said arralg, ments iu progrea. r for 19th December to be completed on 9th Janouary, 1878. S WILLIAM COOPER, |on. Secretary. r Guardian Office , Portland, Dec. 12, 1877. , The Belfast Coach. S1R'IL WtIIAItTOd, mall: ontractor,begs SYJL. toIntimate that the fares fron eltfast to Portland and froma Portland to.belfart are f reduced, each way, to 12s. 6d., return fares £1. Notice of Removal. TAMIES CITANDLEUR sags to inform his numerous frlends and customers that he Shals taken those rommodlous premises in IIIENTY STRl'EET, known as the (ILD LAMB INN, cunvenient to the weighbridge, f Good sataling. Merla supplied at the shortest notice. For Sale or Let -º~ l af term of yearn. witlc rieht of ponr r F` chase, the PERtSEVh:I{ANt'B STO'ItE, CASTI:ItTIIN, tie stock to be taken at , valuation or lnmp sunm. Terms-One third erah; al, ance approved bill.. Rent very imoderare. 'roprletor wishlog to visit England. JOT?N PEACHEY. 11T1otie. A LL STOCK found on the Greenvale run Son and after Mnnelmdny, 17tl Dnrre r next, ,will be Impounded nnlaes agreed to remnol there Iefore tlhat dlate . Anyone felund drlvilcg teolk on the ashove run after tlhat dale will be prosecuted as the law directs. JAMES BANNAM, Proprietor, S Greenvale, lieywood. Portland Perm nent Bnuildin" and lneoatmeot Socity. (PncDtln?r--JAEP.S TRANGM3IAR, EFq., JP. IS now prepared to grant Loans to borrow. Ing memboer,. Tlble alnowlng scale of payments adopted by thill nclety tor n loan 0of £0:f-h.W,.-.'to Ins. el.- cisI~i , o lt?. o-. FIIANCIS iP. LVwI' r, Neerretorys Oice, Rlchmotd etre.t. e., Portland, NovmbeIr.l9, 1877 '.

SP'CIALL ADV?-~T TI;Z?RETWOOD ANtUAL RACES. i 3:WTEDSL DAY' Totesdal, 1st J nuary, 1878. £. Isassa I I J- * O .L . -e6 L Jc ms-) Cameron. }AIDEN PLATE Of a:*r One mle tal a las Weight ftr age. E DZ.w, 12 & -' . HANDICAP FLAT to h?ai hto .bCle.nuzarysa or r fOre 10 ia. o mcaneing z ;al. Am epta?ce. Of 13 a pra Two miles, oar sash jimps a Ea sr.s.am, L . -BACK RAC; Of e sea.s )iMs tass-. Casc weoghts. Enuane. Ta .? . CONSO!LATION STASES Of 5 ?o. One mile nta a 1a7t. Entrae , Si. Yor as lazes es en u darag the meeting. S bae?t ose tartaf aoue. SV.tC. Ruaes 5tri7 adhired to. The idesin lt he ? ewards to be fina in alSl ase. erosters mIt bente paiey lp a deCoaesit i l tor, ets etursedt s . athe sier on or thfore Ia.races. $o . ?,?atic.ts ee e' .re. . Entars fur the 7taadm yiuie;Open HEadire*. a od 51tepahae 5isebe t ,.+ ;Id to (ie ecre.ary, ctiarec *mey talosoed with j age, namte, sad troIre of the vlcr, 00 or Were1aw iim. an the mnrrine of the races. N.B.-Stewards Bailln v».honi_ a Irttote. T7icretn 6d. P. W. ULLTEOIIKE. Hu.. DScretsry. NARRAWONS ANNUAL RACES. SOXZXrG ATs DXCE2iBE 2.6t:t, 1877. e zwaasd. : Iw. Cooper . F- nlsan T.*Bannutte I F.. Owens Jena-A. Mrlnnes. )AAIDLN PLATE, Of nora., for bones tiat hare tever won an advertised race Distance. I wiles. dWe l t for age. -Etrance, 7L. 6 . HANDICAP FLAT RACE, Of 12 ers. instance 2 miles. oi:nations lor to be eot in to tohe So tary on or (eftre 10 a.m. on mnnuing of the races. Acceptansc. 10s. HANDICAP BHlDLRS, Of sote, Distance. ites, aomintuions, 7. cJ. Ai?eptaw.e, S , ISACK IA CS, Of nsrT. One emisle hesa? 00NSOLATION STAKES, Of sons.- Distanre, 1? milesa for ait horass beate? daring the wetting. atua. V.trC. tnles stricIly adhered to. Thendecriina of ibhe Stewards to be final in all rase. ai'routent morstre accapanled bya depesit of 10us. to be sirtoied or-not, at the option of stewards. U t -SUTTON HNLON, itHon. Secretary, Dlvuaugha it r i 5141.d; Six per. crn.. Debentures, being portion of the loay of £o000 B for Gasoor.s. !rrENDERRlare.inried for One Hundred . sionl) YFITYI POUND I)EIENTU .ES (5E000) of the Boarith ofn Portland. bearing I?trrestt the rate of six per et. per anou. , and falling due October, 1907. The principal andintere.t are secured on the income of the Borough, older the prorvisions of the " Loal GO.vernrt ntt Act 1874.' A Sirting uTo d of two and half per cent. per annum an the aisonot of the loan has been fied, to be Invested to Government StIck in terms of the Act. Interest payable half.yearly, at the Bank of Australals, Poretrnd and lMelbourne. Tenders "oendorted, "r 'ende r o Urooeh Lran,"accompanled by a batnk draft or marked chesque eqlual to fire per cent.. of tihe arrmount tenderenl fr, must be lodgerd with thire inarger of tihe Baik of Anstralsla, Purtlanld, on or before Saturday, the ltrday of Janury, 1878, By order, E. ATKINSON, Town Clerk. Town Hall, Portland, 15th Tire. 1877. Borough Gas Works. r?TENDERS will be received by the under. I signed until 22,no DECltiiDElt Iist. aor o1. Brection of Retort and Purifying Housae. 2. Constructron of Gasulhler Tan. -Tendeers may be given for each work aepsr.strly, or folr lth rcrbimnd. Plant and speclfication may be aean at the TowDn Hall. A preliminary deposit of t 5 m£ust accomparry each tender. 'Ire ltwent or any tender not necessarily accepted. By order, E. ATKINSON. Town Clerk WOOL FOR PORTLAND. By Portland & Hamilton hallway. rliE trodeenigned will be prepared to take r delivery of and other probure at D1e'NXII1OL?1E and CONDAII for shipment to Mellaurne or ?nrlordon lmredltsely o theli operl atl tD e hoaiuesa trransrttsd. .ulil street, Portland. Special Notice. Alteration days Satllin; During Holidays. rtll Prrrlland Ind I1efrolt Siram irNtvi. Siron OUrnpanry (Limilt d) Samsruip I)AWN, Ceptuntir inrslttr, wrll levRe Mel. ltsurte on tWlsedrrod ry ll t anid 21611 D-rerrr. berr portland onr Sitturlay 22ti and 2ltlt Dcrember. P. W'W.SIIVLLL. Agent. Decemrber 15), 1877,. CRAIN, FLOUR & PR3DUGE. McoAW, ADAMSON & CO. (Established 1852.) BEG to retrlrn their best thanksL I to their cnmtlituetIllt for prot p~tlrtnruage aid lnhave to s?trtr thlat tlLy have m.,de exten'ie nrragemonlts for thie reccptiro oa this aeason'r grain anrd produce. CaIrsder rvaesr milrr wlen rleitred, sad erunrorta forwstrltd orr alppllcralton.

''Wata mark. rte? SST W SWV. T. F i5i :5--..ak -eel rns.I S-TOZt ':1Zc?I ANNIVERSARY SERVICES, TIL Sr ?.. s ,SabbaJh. December 30. E?V. W. 312UT, iCf Bnflnrn± L2onday Afternoon & Evenin, ,ýa, o_ Tuesday. lst January. (.ew reti's Dry), The A-? A".L TA MEELTLG. in rc.' .._-. with the abre ouarb, will be beld. Tea m te ra.e s s Iclck, after whtkh a PLULIC METL'G will be be t?k, when esat Heast, Robiznon, reweri, ar oer I gziC v dddiver aidmea . CHRISTMAS IS COMINC. CAMPBELL & SONS Have just erCiteis large stock of NEW GOODS FOR CHRISTMAS. Currants, (lmes. Sultanas. Muscatels), NutsF Almonds, Prunes. Preserved Glnger Candled Peels* Essences,* Spices. etc.. Ginger Wine, aspberry Vinegar. iLemon Syrup, Lime Juice, etc., New Saeason's Teas. Crystal Sngars. Tiuncd F5h. i Victorian Preserved Meats, Tumblers, Rine, Custard a Jelly Glasses, Glass Dishes, China Cups and Saucers, Plates, Jugs. et,., Ivory Knires, Plated Forks. Spoons. Cruets. 15.i. Teapots, Bread Platters, Lamps, Ornaments, etc. DRAPERY, aZW rs*AZD nonr' cnoraZrar LazLLINELT., Fancy Goods, Perfumery. etc., Singer's Sewing Mlachines. AaGYLE StOUSE. JULIA STREET, PORTLAND. Electoral District of Portland, PORTLAND DIVISION. 1.TUTICE is hereby given that the General t. Lit of perrsons claiming to be evttitit to vote for memtbrs of the Letiitative Assembly is now to my cu.t:. y, and ready to visioun Court sis on the 18th January,. at 10to E. ATIKILSON. Registrar. Electoral Regttrar's Office, Portland, 19.h I)ec. 1877. Cheapest House in Portland. A LARGE SUPPLT Or Wines, Spirits, Ales, Porter, Groceries, Earthenware, Glass, China, ironmongery, Sewing Machines, Darning Machines, &c., &o. For sale. very cheap, to clear out the stock. C. F .CROUCH & CO. Colonial Bank of Australaaia. CAPITAL-£1,O00,000. ADRANCI of tuMnconk II NOW OPES in .Julia etree Ihr the transaction of all ,u:tl banking bu'ineo. ADfVANCIS made o, PBREEIIOLD and LEASE I011)) prp, rty a. current r.atet. FIXED I)IPPOSITS receired and Intere~L allowed as follows:3 per cent. per annum for a months. .4 ,, 6 S , , 12,, JAMES 0IAPMAN, Monnaer. Julia Street Portland, lrd April, 1877. P. W. SHEUILL, Ceneral ercrhant, Commissilon, Inatrance, Shipping and Forw~: iing Agent., WIIAIlF WOOf ,ARElIIOUSES, P OtLAN-D.r I Produce storedr S.?ate or Shipment. Wool, Tallr?o.ta oP ldes a/ark, Granln, end all ?er Colunlal Prodnoo. AoxNT ron ltosrs, I tLing', Cintnlngham and Co., .Melbourne, Tile Natlor IFire Insurnee Company of t :atmnlnso l (Linited.) Tie A tl lifan Alliane, Life. Gnuarantee Man at FirU A .ouranrrCe C~oolpnry. ailway Cabs. CI FSAitI'S eonveysnce for pasgore will leave Mao,'s lotel dilly to the 10.15 sm. train, aud the 7.lt I Pi t ala

CHRISTMAS I CHPrISTMAS! H. F. HOIrtEE' Zook kd r& d Cst9Zy Sep.'7 + rt av T =_" ':£ is ]lat. o oe fF ~0V~t1TA eee7 Oephs-est SF3-i t .sLiu .'ivsr OPi.211 oUT. lzs = icris d tob"i CHRISTMAIS TREE. dda iem v hrfrail. a of vhicb will be rrr awayto ssh pnrarrtu Sa11vay Gab. JO DALWOOD) bets w ialtn*te to tie 1oiaxia4 "ir_ that his bwin rsna !rota the LLKID)- HOTEL to mwet tie 3.af- + way Trims, at 10_15 lOti sad :a.i pm. d WA-NT£D.-A n ACFlv E LAD ::+r 1 ttrerl ý.w. Y, sag .o ro ctrrro: Apply to 5e~D. rjO BY. LET. s 7o -te. s,-I Cj,:uge. in j. West Porto a5, a i~o fr45 thle poit O0ee. dAo;;r, Mrus. S;. Sla:mti :or h Sank aoltdsay for ChrLtitmzfl and NeW Year. Jj'E foi~Isrsrd A!3.rlae bset Gizetre 1 BANK H nOI)AYS nler thie kIoii±y Ac DECEMBEIR 25. WEDILSDAY. 2. I TUESDAY, JANCAAl:Y 1, 16::.