Portland Guardian (Vic. : 1876 - 1953), Monday 12 November 1877, page 3

Borough of Portland. N O'IICMl Is hereby' rlven that n rpaeial meeting of ho Council wlll bI held at the Town Ilall, I'ortland, on Monday, tie 12th daly of November nefxt, at 4 p.m,, to confirmi, under aopecluial order," th, resolultion appolintingl tIe tio and placo for sale of iloeenture. for £0,000 loat for gaoworks, ptasned by theo C(ounlcll on the 15th October Inltalnt. By order, E. ATKINSON, Town Clerk. Town fHall, rortland, Octolor 10, 1177.

0 Mm 10 .DJO'I?,Ot o, Madame J. Pownall, e N artist of sixteen years in the cololees, begs to announce to the ladies of Portland and district that alshe I prepared to give les-ons in the art of WAX-FLOWER k AKING, Wax Fruit, Silk Flowers, Wool , and Paper Flower, and Lenatherwork. Terms exceedingly moderate. Proficiency guaranteed or no pay. SThere is now a large picture, the frame of Leatherwork, completed by MadoauTe SPoewnall's pupils at Warrnambool, on view at Mr. lholmes's book stors SIn Percy street, subject " Mornling," - which will be raffled under sanction of the Attoroey-General, 40 members at b5. each; Tihe date of drawing will be announced In a future issue of this paper. MADAME J. POWNALL, Mrs, Cameron's, Tyers strent, LECTURE. TUa BISHOP OF BALLAARAT WILL LECTURE IN THEn MASONIC HALL ON. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, SUJECT : "The Folks at Home, or Stirring Stories of Church Life in England." Muslo at Zntervals. Doors open at 7.30 p.m. Admission-Front Seats and Balcony, 2s., Back Seats, Is. THE Bishop of BALLAARAT will PREACH at SPICING CREEK SCHOOL on Thursday, November 15, at 3 p.m. Collectlon for Church Building Fund. At St. JOtiN'S, HEYWOOD, on Friday, November 16, at 11.30 a.m. Offertory for Diocesan COurch Extension and Sustentation Fund. Sen other advertisement. At St. STEPHIIEN'S, PORTLAND, on Sunday, November 18. Morning offertory in aid of the Clergy Widow and Orphan's Fond. Evening-For the' Diocesan Fund. Afternoon, 3 p.m.-All children attending the Sunday School, and others living In the parish, are invited to hear an address from the Bishop. Offertory for Aborigines Misslon. At CAPE DRIDGEWATER, on Mon. day, November 19, at 2 p.m. Collection will be given to the Indian Famloo Rolief Fund. At St. JAMES'S, TYRENDARIlA, on Tuesday, November 21, at 11 a.m. J. 0. P. ALLNUTT, Incumbent. IMPOUNDED at HIEYWOOD, November 8, 1877 :White bullock, strawbherry neck, slit both ears, ON near rump. Red bullonk, White face, cocked horns, 1H and filt near horn, T and blotcll conjuined near ribs, like KIC el rump conjolned.. . . It not claimed, &c., to be sold Docember 8th, 1877. F. W. ULLITHORINE, S Poundkeeper. Shire of .Portland. , 'I~HE Annual Meetingof the Council will j be held, by adjournment, on Thursday, the 22nd Instant, when the annual accounts will be examined and settled. ' Tie accounts can be Inspecteld:nt'thel ihir Hall by any person interested:. ' 'l' -Wx. CLAPHAM, .Secrotary. November 8, 1877." . -The Portland. Agricultuiral and Horticultural Society,? . PREsmENT: Joa. Trangmar, Esq. vICea-PREIDENT : E. Manning, Esq., coMMITsrr : oMessrs. Atklnson, .Kellelr, 13arsby, Hedges_, HI;Buter. n THE SPRING SHOW OF T IH WI2 Dm $ It. DIN T sT -. FREEMA80NS' HALL F RIDAY, 23rd NOVEMBER next, Pot Plants, o00 Out Flowers, Vegetables. Fruit, Birds, and Poultry. 8taslotal Promenade during the evening. Schedule of prizes and member's ticket I; may be obtained from any member of Com- d mittee. Member's ticket, to admit holder anid two ladies to all exhibition,, lOs. d., UHENIRY BUTLEIR, lion. Secretary. -BELFAST CRICKET CLUB SPORTS. BOXING DAY, DEOEMBER 26,1877. -PROGRAMME OF PRINCIPAL EVENTS: 1. MA,\ID)N PLAT', loyds. heats. First prize, £21 second do. ?l, Entrance, 2s Gd. 2. IIANDICAP IlUItDLEi: RACE?, 150 oand 300yds. First prise, £5; seconl do, £3; third do, £is anld winnller II eachcl event £1 extra. Nomina:tion, 2s Gill nces ptalce, is Gd. 4. CIICIISrP WAS IANDICAI', 10.C00, ons 440ls1. First prize, .£10 seeied doss, £5; eatrao NsslsfNstiat i,, 2s G di acceptce*, 25 tfi. 4. IIANI)ICAP WASITINl fLiA'SClt, oaf h First siz. , t prize £n dec, o, No, LInn; tlioll, 2S Oils acceptance, 2. 6Gd. 1. IIANI)ICAP Mt.IE RIACIl. First prize, £f4 necsnsd do, £2. Nouminallon, Sn OhI accgptlance, 2s Cd. Nomilnatlons for tile hIandlicnp evenls will Ite recelverl by the hfn. see., ll or before . Satsurday, Novemnber 24, IInlallcaps will nppear in tle 1'orlandns Guardiaa, of Deceber 1. Acrreptancses will Ibe received on or Ifeffre TlnTrsdlay, l)e. combrer 10. Entrires for time Maldens Pilto s will be received on or before Tlursday, let i ceslbler 20. Comfimtllors, whee senlin in their entries, ii will Iso reqoired to furniss partilculars of their i previous perfourmannces for thle last twro years rs alns, the colors is which they illtend to rllll. n Tle rdles of tle l'srt Fairy Athletlo Club will be strictly adhered to. TU11S, SANDERS, Ion. Sereetary. -

Shire of Portland; . Zndian Famine Relief Fund. I. ONTRIBUTIONS in aId of the above - fund are sollcited from reslcents of the o Shire, and will be thankfully received by the SProsidcent, at Condah, or tke undersigned. Wu. CL0APHAM, Secretary.. Millinery Establishment. M1ISISS 'DUFF J'AS just opened her scond shipment of spring and summer S'ItAW GOODS, which on inspection will prove to be the latest novelties and newest styles. , Also a very cholco[solection of Straw and DMillinery Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, Chenille, &o. And would especially draw attention to a very large selection of PLAIN & FANCY MILLINERY, SZLIS, in all colors and shades. Portland, Nor. 7, 1877. SPRING, 1877. COMPTON HOUSE. T. HUDSON BEGS to advise receipt of splendid addl. tion to his previously large stock, comprislog every novelty worth having in Millinery, Flowers, Feathers, Ribbons, Laces, Silk Mantles and Fichus, Silks, Dress Fabrics, Prints, Blatistes atistes Silk Scarfs, Athole Lustres, Trimamings, Buttons, c., &ce Blankets, Flannels, Sheetings, Calicos, ... Table Linen &c. Men's and Boys' Clothing, Shirts, Ties, Braces, . Belts, Hats, Caps, lmbrellns, Portmanteaus, Travelling Bflags, .ic.., Ae. English' Scotch, and Colonial Tweeds, Tapestry, and Kidderminster Carpets ARE NOW ON VIEW AT COMPTON HOUSE, CORNER OF PERCOY di .EfNTT STRBTS, PORTLAND. T'o ELet. ;:.Extensive_. :Business Premises, . e. APPLY. TO.' . O. F.- C7ROT~TCI. r Wront Clay: saw ltle. ,' r HEr iindersigned is appointed agent to 11 sill all sizes bulldlng timber fronm the above mills, anl ine on hand a splendid assortment at reasonable prices.. ...... ... . . DAVID KAY: Portland, November 7, 1877. MR. HENRY BOUTLER; (LATR o,;Cor.AC,) SOLICIrTOB, ATTOItNEY, & "PROOTOR .URD STREET, I POIRTLAND I (MAr. Fithehr'*:late residence.) Trust:'moneys for investment on freehold. properties SATURDAY, '24ih NOVEMBER. Contractors' Plant, Working Bullocks, Waggons, Bows, Yokes, etc. BREE, DICKENS & CO. have received instructions from Messrs. Overend and tRobb to sell by l'ublle Au?tion on the above date, 110 Working Dullocks; Waggons, Bows, Yokes, &c. ' Without reserve. Notice . . A PPLICATIONS for thle use, of the Masonic Hall to be sent to A. 1t. RICKARD. For Iemade. A T GREENWVALD STATION, 800 sheep, in lots to suit purchasers; mixed ages and sexes. T. N. EGAN. October 10, 1877. To Working lMon and Others. 1)UILDING ALLOTMEIrTS for sale nenr railway staton. Five shllllng deposit. alaneo monthly.y A. ,. IIOICARtD. GREIG and MURRAY Are prepared to receive FLOUR and OIRAN Con BALE BY AUcTION AT TilIR n100MS 80 Collins street, Melbourne. DURING TIFE COMING SEASON. LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE. CiIArGIOES M)IODEIIIAE. 'rllnoar iArFicoTioNs Ao IloAnseintssAll afllering frolll Irritation of tile throat nlod Ihoarseness will be agreeably surprlised at the almnst immtdiate reliet affordlel by ilUe us it 'llrcewll' Brllechill Trocher." *l'hese famlllnls * Insenges " are now sold by iUost rrespectablle cbmlists li tlli ennullry at in I 1 per box. 'Peophl iroubled with a 'hllcklll n.ollghl,'" a "ingIllt ciii ," or bronlilhi affiectiiin, i'alnn. try them too oonll, is itllllinlr trutlnbles, ii nilowed to progress, result ini sermous t'Iuliin aIry asII Asthilllatio nlercllonin, lieo that tho words " Drown's llrirlnchll 'rochels " aro on tile iGovernment 9tlamp aroilnld eachl box.-allnfaurturedi by Johni I. llnow & Snlns, Ilollon, United Staters. Depot, 4951 Oford mirert, Leanlen.

HASTINGS CUNINGIIAIh "and CO. are .. , i prepared to make - :: LIBERAL' ADVANCES TIIE EN S UING O'LIP p Whether for Sale here or Shipentn , to London,. They . also hold .TRI WEEKLY SALES Sheepskins, Hides. Tallow, .AND OTIIEIt STATION PRODUCI Account Sales and Prooeeds remitted promptly, at the lowest scale of charges. Australasian Wool Stores, Collins street. Melhourne MELBOURNE CUP. WHO'S YOUR HATTER? WHY, YEO1MANS I OF COUItSE. COn5R O BASTERN ARCADn, BOUKn IsTRaKT ISILBoQons. YE HIM A CALL WIEN IN TOWN. W. P. ANDERSON, JULIA STREET, PORZ'T.AND ý Has recelved advices of .ship neots MACDUFF, NORTH AMERICAN, . and other clipper ships to follow, "and shortly expected to arrive, coxersrNTIO F Station and Farm Stores, Ironware, Oilmen' Stores, Confectionery, Glassware, Brushware Plated Ware, Cricketing Materials, &c. Woolpacks, full welght Sewing Twine, new) Fencing Wire,lRyland's 6, 7, 8 Oils, Paints, Lampblaok, Raddle Oilmen's Stores, Pickles do., by Batty Oilmen's Stores,,Piokles, d.o., by Crosse and Blackwell'P Lsea and Perrin's Sauces Morton's Preserved Salmon, Meats and Sauces Colman's Mustard, double sun perflne. Colman's white and.blueiStarch rry and Son's Chocolate app's Cocoa and Chocolate Taylor's Cocoa and Chocolate ,Robinson's Groats Volkman's Confectionery] Petty, Woods and Co.'s Currie Powder Day and Martin's Slacking -Champion's White Lead Ward & Payne's ESheep Shears Mo. 38 and S1, Duke &d Son's Cricketing Ma1-C terials. C These goods have all been CAREFULLY SELECTMD, by my friendos n LoIdU, Messrs. James Morrison & Co., and paid for in cas,; I can, therefore,'GUARANTEE THEIR I QUALITY," sad :i " offer them to my. friends and constituents In .the WESTERN DISTRICT at"' MOST REASONABLE. RATES. W, P. ANDERSON, Julia Street, PO .TS...AND. I P. B. CURTAIN AND CO., WOOLBROKERS, Skin, Hide, Tallow, Grain and General 1 Produce Salesmen. + SALES OF +WOOL Will be held every WEEK DURING THI SEASON, d And of d Skins, BHides, Tallow, and Kangaroo Skins d EVERY TUESDAY, TIIURBSDAY, aND C SATURDAY, Throughout the year. C PB. C. and Co. are prepared to make g LIBIERAL CASH ADVANCES on the en* suing CLIP OF WOOL, either for sale in Melbourne, or shipment to Loesndon. C ACCOUIT BAl.E IsENDERED PROMPTL. C WIVAIIIIIOUSEI- ' T 86, FLINDEItS-LANE WEST , SMELDOURNE. C Agent for PortlandSMESSRS. T. KEILLER & CO WANTS? D. I' f3,' fht?--EET HAnDWOOD T 500,000 LOGS, delivered at the Portland Timber Yards. EDWIN CUMMINGS. K To Do Lot. r WITII immedinlo poeseeioe, a Farm of P 86 naores, more or less, on the main read from Portlond to Heywood, about frur miles fromn Portland. *l For term (ey) pely,

SELLING OFF! SELLING OFFI! C. F. CROUCHI BI?I S to ilformn hl friellr and customers t-- Lat In cnllsleqtul re of hia long illnean bh will bh obliged to close his business, and to induce a cleanr:ut of the stck offars th: whole at extriumely E oTr .Ra.tes. Cash Purcllhaser of t)ae Pound and sver will be' allowedI a dlsliris t of Two Slilliiga in the pound off the low rates at. which everytlirug will -be off~erd. SEWING MACI:nINESSinger's, Wheelar ?id Wllson's, rVetlhelm. , Wanzer (hand and iteadle), will be su:pplied for nett cash at ten per coate under Melbiurne rates,. i5. strusctions to purchasers,' gratis. Every machins tested in lresence of purchaser. S owing machine needles and threads, oil, and extras. WeV nave A onora 00 u or' TEAS, , And particularly draw attention to them aa. as they will be found better and oAheaper than any that has beon S old here; prices from . S. per pound. The tlock conisata of a large assortment of Ironmongery. Tools. L*ocks. Nail &c., Ea ectro-le ate. D Fire iroa-.Baths-fHip. Sponge.CIhildrens' CIhildrens' and oot; Curtain bands, Cornicepole ends.Albata-plate spoons and forks. Britannia metal teapots, IT on ae ckets and tubs, Chinal glass, Earthenware, ¶ Irnshware, Lamps, loliles. Biscuits, stationery, Tobacco. snuaf. Churnts Iron field gates, Machines, Mommeopathic medicines & books. Medicine chests ; Perfumery. Groceries of every , S Description. Darning machine. Purchasers of large parcels treated moat liberally for price and terms. e Pleane examine and compare the followinast 'of prices with what you have been paying -

Decanters, 6s per pr. Cut do lon do Green wine glasses Os per doz Cut do 4a 6d per dos do Jelly, 7s do do Champagne, o6 do do Goblets, 12s do do Ale. 12s do do Water carafs and tumblers, 3s each Ale glasses 9s per dos lass jars 2s each Glass sugar basins is each do Butter is do do Tumblers 4s 6d per dos do Celery glasses no to 3s 6d each do Biscuit boxes 6s 6d do Flower vases s do do dishes from 9d do do Trifle dishes 10s do Sets china 15s to 40s China cups and soucers Ds to Os 6,1 doz China cups & saucers, French coffee, 7s i per doz do Plates 9s 6d do do Dishes from 2a do Moustache cups & saucers 2s Cd Sauce turreeus ?d to Is each Soup turreens 3s to 12s do Fish drainers Is do Cheese stands Is do Salad bowls 2s do Chamber sets Its do Cups and saucers 3s lto sper dos i' Mugs, large Sd eaclh Bread; pasa Is 6. gallon Dinner plates 4s doi Dishes fromt 6d each Breakfast sets 15s to 20s Sugar pots Oc Butter do Sd Brush trays 9d: Teapots from Is Triple hyacynthl glssees 3s Single do 2s Seakale puts 3a Dessert services 40Water monkey S3 Bed pans 2s 6d Milk jugs 6d Sheep tongues 2s ed per tin Sason las 4d do Lobster Is do Oyster Is do Pearl barley 3d per lb Solttas raisins 1Od do Currants Td do Ralsins Sd do Currlo powder 9d do Currie paste Is Od do Anchovies and Olives Is do Arrowroot Is per lb Ground cloves 3s do do Cinnamon 2s do do Mace 4s do do Nutmeg 5s do Chamnp ion bottled rlnegar Is Is 3d per bottle Capers Is to 2s do Sago 44 per lb Pahfkiller Is 3d per bottle Canary seed 6d per lb Cnrraway seed Is do Tin baklng powder 6(C to Is Green peas 2d per lb Chili beans 2d do Split peas 3d do I'reacle 4d do Sperm candles is do P'arnfln do is "d do Corriags do Is 2d do Tallow do 6d do Mustard ~Ib A?d, 1 Ib Is 3d Starch 71d per Ib Kerosenle, hest 0I per tin, 4 gallons Pickles (red cross), 9ds per bottle Pilckles, Pliks assor. ted, lid do

Maccenronl l 3d per lb Champion vinegar as per gallon Duryeas mazlena 10d per lb Oaildied peel is do Cocoa, Taylor's, Is ed' per lb Do, Eppa, Is led per lb Do. nmbs, whole or ground, 2s per lb Sardines, as to 12sper dos Herrings, lib tin, lod; lib, Is 3t Finnon haddock, as ad Kippered Herring, Is Cod, 21btins, Is Blue, light or dark, is per lb Biscults, ad and 9d per lb Do, currant and mixed lId Janm, 104 per Ib.tin Jar salt, 10s don Capers, Is and' Is bottle ' :hutney, large bottle., Ptten t groats, 9d" Seidlitz powdersa, Is per box Black lead. 9d per lb Preserved ginger, 5S 6d per jar Preserved mushrooms, Dd per tin Tapioca, ls per lb Ilie, 3d per b ' ' Oatmeal, 7d.per Ib; bag for 2s Snuff, b5 per lb' Bacon, loid by rolls Cheese, lodby cheese ?nauees, Os per.dos; Ground rice, 4rl White ginger, Is t3d Brown do, I ' • Ground do, Is 6dj' liops, Is 6d d Soap, 25s oawt "; Electro-plate bitter diahes from 4s 6a Do mugs, 6s i; q Plasterers'. trowels1 Si Bath pads, Gd ,.'lo Mincing knives,; Is Sd Mousetraps, td to Dd each Iron buckets, is 6d?., Coal scuttles, as Chslels, from ad each soot baths, 7s rittlana- metal tenpots, from 10so Curtain bands,4s Cornicee pole ends, as Window glass from 2' per dos Best nickel silver table forks, 14t loxes nursery pins, Sd Tine knife polish, 8d Spades, from 4s Crosscut saws, 21 per foot, Sorly't Pit saws, 24 Gd do, do Cosmp ovens, 3d lb Italian iron and heater. Is Needle rifle cartridges, 5s per t100 Butter prints, Gd and Pd eash (ln wada, Is per box i?nan saws, 4s Dripping pans, lsed ' Shower bathl, 20s Turkey stone, is per ashll weights, 10s cwt 'ins carbolic disinfect ant. Is, 24, and 2e 6d Toolh powder, Cd per Tublle knives and forks from 12s roewing Ioachlnls from £2 15s Do threads, 9d and Is aI pr dos letter paper, as per 'iote plper, 4s Od do inveolaps, tis per 1000 WVafers, 6d per box slates, 3 I each ComLbs, 8e per do?zn.

Theo abnve will plve an Ihde of the extremely low rates at whllh moods will be :old to efect a speedr clearance of tile whole .tedr.