Portland Guardian (Vic. : 1876 - 1953), Friday 3 November 1876, page 2

TABLE TALK. LAbtEa' CnoQUrre Cl.n.-Ilembera and those who wish to join, are requested to meet at the lawn, lotanical Gardens, tomorrow at 3.30 p.m. MouNr R oTt-MOan AND DAnrTOORnWe learn, with regret, thot 3Bishop Thornton Iha been so prostrated by illness that he was unable to meet his onggaements at Mount Richmond on iMonday last, and Dartmoor on Wednesday. The Incumbent of St. Stephen's attended both places and explained the Blshop's absence. We expect to have a full report of the pro. ceedings at both places in the next issue of tie Gusrdian. HAMILTON FRIENDLY SOCIETIES FETE. -The following acceptances have been received :-Cup.- W. J. Millerd, T. Thorne, W. Monie, C. Cooke, a Sault, W. Bradford, E. Gough, R. Tedres. G. Boyle, G. Turner, J. Ralston, H. M'Kinnon, A. T. Chandler, E. W. Smith, J. Mallison, E. F. Kirby, J. Lamphier, E. Norton. Hurdles.-C. H. McLennan, A. Hanlon, W. J. Millerd, W. Bradford, H. McKinnon, G. Boyle. A. Cameron, E. Norton. T. D. Gregory, A. T. Chandler. Walking.-F. Ashton, J. Mallinson, J. Ewin, P. CGllick. J. Weight, J. Gibson. COr.EnRAtE.--We are indebted to a correspondent at Coleraine, for a specimen of the material found there by Mr. Priest in his trial sinking for coal at a depth of 5ift. Tle material under test shows no indications of coal save the color, but a greater depth may damage the reputation of slwyn as a sooi?atiOu geologist, and prove that coal is there if ,the miner only goes deep enough. The specimoen sent is simply a kind of black limestone, and refuses to burn in the strongest fire. Our correspondent says "I send you the specimen that you may judge for yourself as to whetlerit is good or bad. They say here, that it is "gas coal," but that there is "house coal" under it as was found by boring. The weatber "says our corres. pondent" has been so bad of late as to greatly impede cricket practice, that otherwise would have been gone into. The cricketers all seem anxious to have themselves in form for the coming contests, which will doubtless be pretty warm. CRICKET.-Cricket we learn will be In the ascendant on Prince of Wales Birth. day, and the following match has been arranged in the Portland Club-First eleven against eighteen. The eleven are :-F, Allan. J. L. Archer, S. Anderson, B. M'Keand, J. Mehtaffey, F. W. Stokes, T. lMust,' T. Collier, W. P. Anderson, It,. Kerr, P. Must. The eighteen will be chosen from the followinl members :-J. L. \Vaddell, G. M. Campbell, J. Smith, '1. t'Conachy, W. Wotlluden, D. lHawkins, J. Phillips, W,. Jones, C. H. Badnall, S. Tabor, C. H. Evans. . Bowden, E. T. ,lose, A. Mitchell, G. Smith, J. Rowe, W. Scott, C. Campbell, A. Robb, S. Drew F. M'Mlullen, Jaee. Grey, 'W. Frost, A. Thompson. The usual monthly meeting of the club will be held on Toueday night neat, at eight o'clock p.m. LEoCTUn.-On Tuesday evening, the 31st nit., in St. Stephen's schoolroom, the Rev. J. C. P. Allnutt in the chair, the Bishop. of Ballaarst gave a lecture on "Fools theoretically, practically and scripturally considered. This almost e-z haustless subject was treated in a masterly manner by his lordship; the lecture abounds in quaint and sometimes well known anecdotes, but they are conveyed in such a graceful language and delicate irony that seldom accompany the delivery of the stereotype lectuor. We abstain from reporting, as Dr. Thorntoin will probably be requested to deliver tilhe lecture before other audiences. The gentle sarcasm in which the lecturer apologised for having spoken unlkindly of people behind their hack, taking for 5a.,..,.a ah..5 ti persons spoken of fIad no representatives in the rooms nwas well appreciated. Some members of St. Stephen's choir, contributed to the enjoymont of the evening. Votes of thanks to the Bishop for his entertaining lecture, to the choir, and to tihechairman, were carried by acclamation.