Portland Guardian (Vic. : 1876 - 1953), Friday 21 July 1876, page 3

NARRAWONG PLOUGHING MATCH. Wednesday, 9th Aug., 1876. On the farm of W. - Learmontli, Esq. Narrawong; to commence at 10 a.m. CLASS A. Open to all comers. First prize, £6; second do, £4; third do, a2. COLASS B. Open to all who have never won an advertised prize. First prize, £4; second do, £3; third do,' £1. coNDITross. Competitors to plough two lalds, about half an acre. Time allowed-5 hours. The depth 5 inches; width to'suit ploughs. I, class A the entrance is l1s for nonsubscribers. In class B the entrance is 7s Gd for nonsubscribers. The decision of the Judges final. In. all cases of dispute. WALTER DUFF, Sec. pro. tom. 20th July, 1876. DOROUGH Or PORTL&3D. N OTICE.-Any person found driving or riding OVER the WEIGHBRIDGE will be prosecuted. By order of the Council, E. ATKINSON, Town Clerk. 11Totioe. ?2 REWARD.-POISON is now LAID for sheep-worrying dogs on MA. R. IIENTY'S FARM at BOLWAVARA, and any person capturing or killing stray dogs found worrying or killing sheep on the farm, or. pieing the name of the owner will receive the above reward. WVILrLIAM TAYLOR. Bolwarra, July 14, 1876. i THE UNDERSZGNED ARE PREPARED TO MAKE LIBERAL ADVANCES OI Produce consigned to them for sale in he Sydney iarket, and to transact any bLusiness committed to their care. GEORGE 1. DIRUS & Co., Sydney. Selling off! Selling off! The premises so long occupied by H. F. HOLMES, PERCY STREET, PORTLAND, being required by J. Schofield, Esq., for his own purposes, nccessitales II. . 1I.'s Offering the wholeo of his Stock-in-Trado AT PRICES NEVER 13EFOREI QUOTED. To inmareu a clearance before the 30th Septomber noxt,he has re-marked the whole. stock in plain gmures at astonishingly lowprices. prices. All cash purchasers of 10a. will receive a ticket which will entitle the holder to participate in a grand free distribtiin of gifts on the art-union principle before he removes. The drawing to be conducted under the management of a comlnmittee elected by the ticket-holders thuemsclves. Every ticket guaranteed a prize.

MR. FREDK. L. LYNE SOLICITOR, POR:.TLAI?TD A COMMISSIONER or5 THiY SUPREME COURT OF SO.Lm I AUSTRALIA. Trust Moneys for Investment on Freehold Security at Moderate Rates. MR. HENRY BUTLER (LATE OF COLAC,) SItLICIT'rIt, ATTORNEY, & PROCTOR IlltR!) ST'REET, I'ORTLAND, (.fr. Fetlcher's late residence.) Trust mn eys for investment on freehold properties. Mi:. EDWD. REYNOLDS, ATTORNEY, SOLICITOR, ACD P EOCTO 1 IPEIRCY STlEET, POITIA.ND A PERPETUAL COMMISSIONER FOIl TAKING TILE Acknowledgments of Doeds MARRIEDI WOMEN AND OTIIERS AND A COM MISSIONER OiR TAKING AFFIDAVITS. Photography. I rpl Undersigned having rented the phoI tographic plant lately purchased by Mr. G. J. Nicholls. begs to inform the public that lie will continue to take portraits and views at tIle ulsna price, and respectfully solicits their patronage. Cartes.-. ... 12s. Gd, per dozen, Cabinets ... 209. Coloring cartes. Is. 6d. each. W. L. BLACK, Percy street, Opposite the English Church. Boat-building. A ROTTGRR has been appointed SOLE . AGENT for JAMES BELLION, the Melbourne boat-builder. Bosats for sale, or built on the shortest notice Ours and paddies supplied at the lowes t current :ats, Portland, June 8, 1876. Totioe. ANY person found trespassing on my paddlocks at Condah, Tahara, and Ardachy, or removing stock without my permission, will be prosecuted in terms of act provided against such removal. RICIIARD McCARTHY. Condah, 3rd July, 1876. To WOOLGROWERS And FARMERS. CROAKER. SCOTT & CO. A?E PRiEPREED T PURCHASE WOOL DUBING TIHE ENSUING SEASON LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES Will be given upon CLIPS entrusted to eour Care for SALE either in MELBOURNE or LONDON, The latter to be consigned to MESSRS. WM. JACKSON AND CO., 6; AUSTIN FRIARS. LONDON, EC. CLZIPB CO rSIGgI D TO 1r7 WOIR SHE1UzxNTL Shall have our careful attention, And the rates of FREIGHIIT, INSURANCE, &C. Shall be arranged for At Loiwest Current Rates. We are also open to PURCIIASE, .MAKE ADVANCES UPON ORt STORE FOR SALE, WHEAT or other FARM PRODUCE. CROAKER, SCOTT & CO., WaILLIAI STREET, MELBOURNE; Panor SrREET PORTLAND.' FOR SALE AT CROAKER, SCOTT & Co's. TEAS-Chests, alf-chests, and Boxes. SUGARS-Whtite, Crushed, Counter and ltation. WOOLPACOKS, Cornsacks. GALVANESISED IRON, Fencing Wire. WINES-Sherry, Port, Claret, Colonial. SPIR ITS - Iteunessy's Pale Brandy Battle Axe, and Three-star Mar*.J tell's DIrk Brandy, Otnrd's Brandy, Ruti, 11 and 30, O.P., S Whiskey, Beith, Ross and Co's. SOAP, No. 2 and 3, Boxes and Hlalfboxes, Soft Soap. SUNDRIES -Fine Salt, Whiting, Stl. phur, Oatmeal in Tins, Salad Oil Pints antl Half-pints, Lemon Syrup, Lobsters, &c., Kerosene, Turpentine, Colza Oil. Boiled and aLw Oi)l, Stockholm Tar, Spirits of Tar, Winte Lead, &c. CORDAGE, Ihin. to 5din. P-,OUr-Silk-dressed, best. TOBACCO-lt oven Twist, Sheepwash, 1'lug, and Leaf. LA RPBLA?K KI, Iaddle. 'RON TAN'C , d00 Gallons. GENERAL NURSERY STOCK, Frogmore, near Geelong. Finut 'trees. Irest Trees. : .-i Orllamentasl Ornalnellet .ta Flowecriiig Ornmeital all . ,L . Trees suitatle for The collect;ons of the t. : nod complete. Everything that could be r Nursery always iu stuoek. Catalogues on application. Prices at the lowest figure. Terms Liberal. CIIARLES W YATT, Proprietor.