Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875), Wednesday 7 May 1873, page 2


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ON Monday ovening, 5th instant, tho late Mr. W. C. Wentworth's'remains, enclosed in a handsome coffin mode of polished cedar, and covered 'with a pall of rich Mack velvet, wore conveyed to St. Andrew's Oathodral. Upon arrival th« corpse was doposited on a bier erected at tho weat oad of tho building adjoining tho baptismal font,'and placed in charge of two membora of the police forco... At 8 o'clock therowas a fall rehearsal of

tho - choral Berrica prescribed for Tuesday's solooin ', ceremony under tho conductorship of Mr. Montnguo Younger. During the rehearsal the precincts of the

cathedral wcro besieged by a crowd »of persons ca;*er ! and anxious to obtain a glimpse of tho sabio decora-tions of tho interior part of tho sacred edifico. A largo number of hands were all that day aud up to a late hour on Tuesday morning actively engajed in com-pleting tho arrangomontn.

In conformity with tho proclamation of tho Governor, Tuesday, was kept as a strict general holiday ia tho j city, and the Commissioners appointed to make tho ne-

cessary arrangements for tho funeral, in accordance with tho will of Parliament, found tho people generally act with zealous co-operation with them.

The morning dawned auspiciously, nnd Inn? before tho ceremony commenced, thousands of well dressed citizens wero making to tho various points of tho city in order to viow the funeral cortogo on tho way to Vaucluse-nnd tho funeral throughout was a grand testimonial of _ publio respect-no less than 2200 porsons joining tho procession on foot, and 133 carriages and other vehicles. Tho weather continued fino till at the moment , when the remains of Mr. Went-worth passed out of the church, at which hour a filmy groy pall throw itself over tho cerulean sky, and it was apprehended that rain would fall before thc ceremony



Tho interior of the Cnthedral presented a most solemn appearance. Tho pillars of the cathedral, the communion service, tho choir-stalls, the gaseliers, tho organ-loft,'the doors and windows of the edifice, and* the pews sot apart for tho chief mourners wore heavily hung with black cloth, the folds of which were tastefully arranged and foatooned with velvet. The floors of tho trancepts were also covered with a blaok fabric.

Tho coffin waa deposited in tho centro of tho Cathe-dral just beforo tho reading desk. To the eastward of the desk on each side of the aisle sat some of those who had been associated with Mr. Wentworth in Parliament and private life; On the right was the Hon. Deas Thomson, Sir William Manning, Sir William Macarthur, Sir James Martin, and other members of tho two Houses of Parliament. On tho other side sat Mr. R A. Hunt, Mr. R. Hill, M.P., and Mr. G. Hill. Tho coffin was a polished cedar one, with throe massive silver handles on each side and one at each end. The body of the coffin was decorated with garlands of cypress and immortelles with festoons of evergreens. The plato, of pure silver, boro the simple inscription, " William Charles Wentworth, born Oct. 2Cth, 1793 ¡1 died March, 20th, 1872.

Shortly after tho doors wore opened tho Cathedral bogan to fill. Every sitting was occupied. The follow-ing members of tho Ministry were prcsont :-The Hon. Henry Parkes (Colonial Secretary), the Hon. G. A. Lloyd (Treasurer), tho Hon. Edward Butler (AttornoyGenoral), the Hon. S ml Samuel (Pootmastcr-Gonoral), tho Hon J. G. L. Innes (Solicitor-General), the Hon. John Sutherland (Minister for Works), and the Hon. J. S. Farnell (Minister for Lands). Nearly all of the mem-bers of the Legislativo Council, tho Speaker of tho Legislativo Assembly (the Hon. W. M. Arnold), the Hon. John Robertson, and moat of tho members of tho Legislative Assembly wore also present during tho ser-


In the second row of pews in the nave, were scated fon ' ladies in deep mourning. Those were the female relatives of tho deceased, viz.': Mrs. Wentworth, Misfes Wentworth (2), and Miss Hill. Mr. F. and Darcy Wentworth, and several other members of tho family of deceased were also present,

Tho clergymen of religious denominations present, besides those of the Church of England already enume-rated, wore: Roman Catholics-Tho Very Rsv. S. J. A Sheehy, Dr Forrest, and sovou other clergymen ; Pres bytorian-the Rev. Dr. Lang nnd tho Rev. A. Thomson ; Congregational-Rev. Thomas Forsaith; Wesleyantho Rev. W. Curnow ; Jews- tho Kev. A. B. Davis ; his Honor Sir Alfred Stephen, Chief Justice ; his Honor Judge Hargraves; tho Hon, Thomas Holt, and tho Hon. W. B Dalley were also noticed in tho body of tho


Tho Consuls of Germany, France, Portugal, Italy, and tho Netherlands were also present.

Precisely at ll his Lordship tho Bishop of Sydnoy (the Right Rev. Dr. Barker), tho Very Rov. tho Dean of Sydney, nnd Canons Rich, Alwood, H. S. Kin?, Vidal, and K, L. King entered tho Cathedral from th . vestry end proceeded to tho wcBt end of tho cenital aisle, and repented tho opening services of the Church of England-burial service.

Tho' iJOth" and 90th psalms were then chanted by the choir according to tho Gregorian chants, G minor.

Tho lessons of tho day were read by Dean Cowper. Tho following anthem was then sung :


1 jûayof wrath I O day of mourning I

Pee fulfilled tho prophet's warning,

Heaven and earth In nshot burning 1 Oh I what fear man's bosom rendeth.

When from heav'n thc Judge de?condoth On whose sciucnca all depondeth.

2 Wondrous sound tho trumpet lli«r;eth.

Through earth's sepulchres it il II cet II, All betoro tho Throne it bringet h.

Doath ls struck, and nature quaking. All création is awaking,

Toils Jud^oan answer making.

3 What shall I, frail miiu,' bo pleading,

Who for mo belntoroedlti^.

When the just nremorcy needing? King nf intijosty tremendous,

Who dost froo salvation tend ns. Fount oí Pity, then befriend us I 4 Thou the sinful woman savetlst:

Thou the dying thief forgavest ; And to mo a hopo vouchsafes!.

Worthlojs nra-my prayers and clghlng, ?Tot, good Loin, In Bruce complying, itescHO mo from Arcs undying.

6 With thy favoured sheep O pince me,

Nor among tho goats abase me;

lint to thy right hand upraise me. While tho wicked are ow'ouuded.

Doomed to Hames of woo unbounded; Call me, with thy saints surronn lcd. G Low I kneel, with heart-submission ;

Sse, like ashes, my contrition ;

Help mo in my last condition. '. ' -

Ab I Hints day of roars and mourning; From the dust of earth returning,

Man for judgment mu«t ;.reparo him ; Spare, O Got), In mercy spar» him I " LOUD, all-pltylng, JKSU blest.

Grant us Thine eternal rest. A.VE.f.

"While tho congregation wero leaving the Cathedral Mr. Montagne Younger playorl the " DÄul March in



Tho Mounted Folîco, Permanent and Volunteer Forces, tho latter commanded by Lieutenant-colonel Richardson (commandant), nnd staff foll in in Oeorgc-Btreet, about half-past 10, opposito tho Cathedral, and tho Town Hall on tho east sido. The Oddfellow?, the Foresters, tho A nstraliun Holy Catholio Guild, Som of Tem-perance^ Hibernian . Catholio Benefit Society, tho Natives, &c, on tho weat, wbilo tho carriages of tho doeeaaoii family, five mourning coaches for ro'ntivos, bia Excellency Sir Hercules Robinson nnd cuite, tho Bishop, tho Executivo Council, Commodore Stirling, "R.N.; ito., assembled nt the west door of tho Cathedral. Tho carriages of tho President of the Legislative Council and tho Hon. tho r'peaker nnd Legis-lativo Assembly, tho judges and tho bar (tho latter of. whom wero ali present), tho University authorities, and the Consulate body took position in Bnthurst-stro.t from George-street westward, and thofo of tho _ municipal and governmental and . ecclesiastical authorities to the eastward, while officials and other gentlemen not belonging to public bodies intending to toko 'part in tho procession foll in in George-street


At tho conclusion of tho Cathedral ceremony, tho coffin was carried out through the -western door of tho edifico, nnd dnnnRiteil in nn nnon.Rlrlnd font nnr. mftirni.

ficently and sumptuously draped, under tho suporinten. denco of Mr. Curtis, tho undertaker of Huutor-Btrcot. Meanwhile tho van of tho* procession was formed', and when tho boarso was. removed from tho front of thu tower, tho hand of tho Permanent Force (which did.not follow tho hody to Vaucluse)' played tho " Dead March tu Saul." Tho carriage» stationed at tho. west of thc Cathedral (including those of tho mourners, his Excellency tho'Governor and 1 othors) took np iv position _ immediately following tho hearse, tho procession ultimately being formed as


"klounted Folloe.

Volunteer forces.

Commandant und stair.

Manchester Unity, Odd Fellows.

Orders or Forestrrs.

..-''. ' Australian Holy Cathollo Guild.

8ons nf Temperance,

Hibernian Cathollo Benefit Booiety.

Insurance Fire Brigade. ' No. I Volunteer Fire Delgado. Ifo. 2 Volunteer Fire Brigade. AndotherFriendly Societies.