Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875), Wednesday 8 February 1871, page 2

; CLEARANCES.-February 7. ,. , ....

Tasmania,.-«teamer, 285 -tons, Olinoh, ; for. Hobart "Town. Passengers-Mrs.,*TtV.^ P.' "Woolcott, Mr; and Mrs. T. "W. P. wilshire two ohildren and scrrant,-;Mra.

hutchinson, Captain and 5Irs. Scott,. Miss,HioTsieVSis.' ?tors, O. Murphy, B, Hickie; (Hi. Baohinor, .'Bav. Canon

-Sharp, Mrs. Sharp; Mr; Ewing,.and-2 in tkeiateer'age. .';

Helona, sohoonor, 149 toni, Barnard, for, Melbourno.

Duko of ^Sutherland,-jbip,.. J047.-4ons^Louitt,. for. 'London. . ... , .," " " '"' -" --.

Alioe Cameron, barque, 341 tons, Carter, for Auck-land. Passengers-Mrs,. Manners, Miss Carrington, Messrs. "W. E. Maxwell, J. Dransfield, D. Oasconio and 2 in the steerage.'. ? ? ' .'.

Iserbrook, brigi 182 tons, .Moyer, for Petropaulovski. Abergeldie, ship, 1152 tons,. Duthie, for London.

COA.8TWISB.-Maria, : Rebecca,.. Celestia,. Heron, and Prompt, for Newcastle-; Woniora, for Bulli ; Maid of Erin, Maid of'Australia, and Surprise, for Hawkes-bury ; Prince' Alfred, ' for Port. Stephens j. May, for Brisbane Water ; Peahen, for Broken Bay."