Register (Adelaide, SA : 1901 - 1929), Thursday 10 March 1921, page 8



There was an exceptionally large attendance of members at the forty-seventh annual meeting of the Port Adelaide Football Club, which was held at the Port Adelaide Town Hall on Wednesday evening. The president (Dr. A. V. Benson) occu-

pied the chair. The report .-uti'd chat the committee considered the 19-J0 team ore of tliu in-n ivhicJi lud rtpre fcc-nteJ the club, and tlu-y desired to coiisraiuiatt the players upon the t'ood feeling wb.uh lud existed in their r^nkc. Accidents during t::e sea son had be.-n numerous, and many players hud at various times been unable to participate in matches. A tribute wai paid to J. Ashley, and rcsret was cxpresed at, his enforced retirement irom the same through the recurrence ot an old ieg trouble. Life membership had been awarded Messrs. J. Noel, S. lioskin;, U. V. Pope, and E. Strawns. C. Adams had secured Mr. ,h D. Con nolly's trophy tor the fairest and most brilliant player. Trophies presented by Messrs. H. L. Adams, R. A. Walsh, and Dr. Dunstonc for valu able service rendered to the club had been won by Mears. S. Hosking, A. Oongear, and C. Lin coln. Mr. S. Beck's trophy for consistent good play had been -non by S. Howie. Mr. .1. (ti'len's trophy for the best junior had been gained by C. Eeal — one of the bett juniors of the league —Mr. R. 11. Smith's trophy for the most improved junror had gone to C. Uayley, and llr. H. God dard's trophy for the best trained player to K. Mucklow. The trainers, Messrs. J. McGargill, S. Gill, A. J. Bkcombe, D. Linklater, D. Watson, J. Silver. H. lane, J. Anderson, and P. O'Grady, had paid greac attention to their duties, and the success achieved by the team had been largely due to 'their efforts. Sympathetic reference was made to the illness of the Mayor (Mr. R. H. Smith), who had shown the club nunv kindnesses

during his three years' term in that office. There were indications, it was seated, that the comiug season would be successful. With the exception of J. Ashley, all last year's players would be fcvuflable. There were several new men who promised to be of great assistance, and who had signified their intention to play. These were:— C. Dayman, a follower from North Adelaide; R. Barwley, late of Broken Hill; L. and B. Dayman, and S. Price, of Salisbury; and Whelan, of Angas ton. The Port Adelaide B and Semaphore Cen tral Clubs also had several excellent juniors. The financial statement showed a fairly sound condi tion, notwithstanding an expensive' season. The Sydney tour had cost £574, and medical atten dances and accident fund, £95 {the heaviest on record). There was a wedit balance of £28. In regaid to B Grade.— The committee reported that although disappointed at th inability of the team to ob tain a more prominent position on the prenv.f.r ship list than sixth, that' had been compensated for to some extent by the knowledge thai a num ber of their players had been promoted to the senior ranks, and had thoroughly jjustified their inclusion. The financial position at the close of the year was not as strong as could have been desired, the receipts for the year having bt-en £67, and the expenditure £66. The following trophies had been awarded:— Best placed man (presented by Mr. S. Knapman), H. Robinson; best all-round player (by Mr. Gillen), C. Murch; best all-round and most gentlemanly pbyer (by Mr. A. W. Gordon), J. C. Dunn; most improved and best all-round player (by .Messrs. O. Fore man and G. Gynell), T. IPocock; player most attentive to training (by Mr. J. Duan), A. Sidoli. In moving the adoption of the report, the Chairman congratulated members upon the pcei tion of the club. It seemed, he eaid, as though ill-luck had dogged the team throughout the rea son in regard to the number of players injured He felt certain that had it not been for- these handicaps the club would have been premiers. He congratulated tbe clui upon its magnamity in having given bo large a sum towards the support of the junior club, aa 6et out in their balance sheet. They knew that the juniora had no gate receipts, by which they could ratee funds. (Ap plauee). Mr. H. L. lAdams (Vice-President) seconded the proposition, which was adopted with applause. The senior club last year offered a tdlver mounted shield for competition among the clubs associated with the Port Adelaide and Suburban Junior Football Association, also a gold medal for the most brilliant player. The Chairman intimated that the first winner of the shield was the Rosewater Club, and that W. R. Leaver, of the Albert Park Oltrb, had secured the medal. Mr. O. Othen (President of the Association) ac cepted the trophies on behalf of the winners. Reference was made by the Chairman to the approaching departure to England and France of Mr. 'Sammy' I/unn, a well-known member of the club. He said he did not know of any one person who had worked harder during the war than had Mr. Lunn. He had always been a stanch supported of the cltfc, and he (the speaker) could not remember a meeting at which he had not been present. Those present at tbe termination of the Chairman's remarks, rose and sane 'For he's a jolly good fellow,' and odded rousing cheers for Mr. Lunn. The latter acknowledged the compliment. A

musical programme was contributed to by Miss Goddard and Messrs. A. Linklater, C. Lincoln, J. Carr, and 'Sammy' Lunn. Mr. A. Linklater played the acompaniments. Officers elected:— President, Dr. A. V. Benson; Vice-Presidents, Messrs. S. H. Skipper, H. L. Adams, and A. J. Fisher; Committee of Manage ment. Messrs. J. Ashley, A. J. Biscombe, P. O'Grady, and the player's representative (Mr. J. T. Taylor); Selection Committee, Messrs. J. Ash ley, H. B. Dewar. and H. Eaton, with the Cap tain and Vice-Captain; Delegates to S.A.F. League, Messrs. J. Hodee and C. V. Tyler: Proxy Dele gates, Messrs. H. Goddard, G. Linklater, and J. Silver; Secretary and Treasurer, Mr. C. V. Tyler; Auditors, Messrs. J. Noel and F. F. Ward. The players elected Mr. S. Hos king Captain, and Mr. S. Howie Vice-Captain.