Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld. : 1907 - 1954), Wednesday 16 January 1946, page 2

67 Per Cent Pass In State Scholarship Examination

Of 7845 candidates, from a total nomination of 8245, who presented themselves for the State Scholarihip examination held in December last, 5305, representing 67.6 per cent., were succesiful. The Lilley Medal, awarded to the boy and girl from State primary schools who gain the highest places, were won by David Harold Tribe, with 94.2 per cent., and Edith Ruth Parfitt, with 92.8 per cent. David Harold Tribe also won the T. J. Ryan Memorial Medal.

The State scholarships, which entitle the holders to attend any approved secondary school in the Stale, are tenable during good behaviour and the pleasure of Parliament . for two years from January 1. 1946. The State scholarship may be extended by two years In the event of the holder securing . an , «pproy«d , .pa|s In the University Junior Public Examination within the period of the State scholar, ship granted.* ... Allowances are granted to holders of State scholarships al tha rate £1 per annum for those who con live at home and attend a secondary school, and at the rate of £82 first year and CSS second year for those compelled to live away from horn* in order to attend a secondary school, provided that the income of their parents does not exceed the basic wage, or £80 per annum .for each member of family entirely ..dependent '. on parents .or guardian* for support. The following candidates filled the first ten places In this examination* ' TRIBE. David Harold: . -PAKIrJTT. Edith BuMi, , . . ; HAMH.TON. Felicity Ann * RAINNIE, Ronald George. THATCHER, Thomas John. ALSTON, AUsa Jean. NUTT, Keith Douglas. SANDERSON. Glenwyn Colin X EDWARDS. John Edward x KIMBKR, Lorna Enid, x Tie. BRISBANE, January 14.— Contrary to the genera] rule, girls did tetter than We* In the last Stale Scholarship examination. Education Department officials are a h lost to ftxpUUn it. There were cases or girls obtaining tli* maximum of ISO marks in arithmetic, a subject In which boys usually do best. The Director General of Education, Mr. Edwards, said , to-day that the marks obtained for history and geography appeared higher than usual, especially among the top candidates, rteferrmg to the Corporal French Memorial Prize, for the best paper in English, won by Edith Parfitt, Mr. Edwards ssld it was a rare occurrence for the winner of the Lilley Medal to come top in any one of the papers. Lilley medallists usually were stood all-rounders, not phenomenally good in any one subject. Corporal French obtained his highest marks lor that subject when he Eat for the Scholarship Examination. The Corporal French V.C. Memorial Prize, awarded for the highest place in English nt the State Scholarship Examination waft won by Edith Ruth Parfitt, with 92.6. The prize Is a book selected by the winner beautifully bound and Inscribed with the citation of the deed which won the late Corporal French the Victoria Cross. , The Frank McDonnell Memorial medals awarded to the boy and girl attending Catholic schools receiving the highest marks in the State Scholarship Examination have been won by Catherine Marv Courtney of the Convent School, Wooloowin, Brisbane, with 87.2. and William P. Hurley. Convent School, Gatton. and i Francis Coyne. Christian Brothers. Gregory Terrace. Brisbane, who tied ' with S6.S. I The Lilley Medallist. David Tribe with 64.2, gained the second highest pass ever recorded in the State Scholarship examinations. The highest was 91.6, gained by Graham In the }941 examination, and who recently headed the list of open scholarship winners to the Queensland University on ^he results of the Senior Public Examination. David Tribe, who is 14. Is a pupil of the Ironsides State School. Brisbane. He plans to study medicine, specialising in research. The Lilley Medallist, Edith Parfitt. is a pupil, or East State School. Toowootnba, fjrior to ' which she was a pupil at Thanes Creek, outside Warwick. She also is 14.

TOWNSVII.LB CENTRE Archef. Charles T.: Ashby. Trevor H . : Backer. Rov R . ; Baker. Joseph T.: Batbo, Thomas I.: Benson, Stuart W. E.: Benyon, Roy E.; Bolles. Alostalr S.: Boyd, Eric J.; Bradshaw. die J.; Brazier. Douglas A.; .Brown. Malcolm c.: Collins. Kenneth J.; Qogzcll, William J.: Cormack. William A.: Cowie. Bruce C: Crftddock, John R.: Currey. Kenneth D.: Davies, Leslie H.: Derepa, Richard J.: Devantier. Keith R.: DuftleM. Graham 9.; Fanning, Ian Francis.; Flanlgan, Maxwell J.; Ford. Stanley U.; G»nley, Leslie E.; Geaney. Roy G.: Gerahty, Sydney Ft.; Gifford, Garth H. F.; Goodwin. Keith 5. J.. Grau, Leslie N.; Handlcy, Clement C. ; Heuiton, Biien; Hoooer. Laurence; Houghton, Lloyd A.: Johnston, Noel E; Johnston, Ronald C; Keast, Stanley; Kelly, Glen; Keys, Neville J.: Kuchler. Reginald P.; Langan, Nell J.; Larsnn, Robert J.: Lewth. James J.; Macpherson, Neil: Marendy, Peter C; Martin, Brian 8.; Maynard. Frederick 3.; McDougall. Robert Me A.; Nutt Henrv W.: O'Donohu*. Brian M.: Ormes, Keith J.; Osbome, Keith T.; Osboinc. Kevin A.; Owens. Kevin J.: Partridge. Brian W.i Partridge. Kevin J.; Pattel. William G. F.; Pegnall, Alan J.; Pqpham, Leslie R.; Porter, Robert K.; Price, Francis B.: Putt, Christopher J.; Quelch, Ronald H.; Ralnnie, Ronald G.; Renew. Allan N.; Smith. William H.: SUntrough, Got don: Thompson, James G.: Trotman. Desmond F. ; Wellington. Bryon J,; Wetherm. Reece D.; Wbite. Leonard h, : WhlUnc. Vivian D.: Wlllioms. William B.: Wren, Edward S. . ? ~ ' . ? Abbott, Phyllis; Anderson, Evelyn J.; Aslett, Marion J.; Baillie, Heather J.; Bafnes, Josephine M.; Bourkc. Bridget C; Buck, Joyce t; Cardell, Wanda O.; Car'lsen, JJU M.;' CUamber*, Joy M.;: Condon. Clarice : M.; Cox. Edith M.; Coyle, Elva Z.{ t)«ly,,MArgery -M.; Da-. Shirley M.; Douglas, ray; Evans, Dulde- H.; Fazel, Allsa L.; Gould, Vlvjenne p.; Graham, Marilyn; Green, Mary J.; Grosskreutz, Carmel; Grove, Olwynne B.; Hague, Doreen; Hair. Joyce P.; Hanran, Patricia J.; Harris, Valjnal O. E.; Hean, Shirley M.; Hegirty, Joan E.; Hill, Noels E.; Jam.s, Irene I-.; James, Lillian J.; Jensen, Mavis E.; Jorgensen, Leslie M.; Kclleher, Marie t.; KellfU, Sheila H.; Lapthorn, Audrey M.; Lasehby, Margaret W.; Martin. Joyce E.; Uelvin, Myrl V.; Mills. Jean C; Mills, Wilma A.; Morrison, Gloria M.; Murray. Joyce A.; Nctheroott'. Shlrlev M.: Norton. Vain™ B.; Olley, Catherine S.; .Potts, -Beryl A.: Qullfy, Monica M.: Rablln, Doreen J.: Reeves, Ethel I. M.; Ritchie. Elva A.; iByan, . Patricia M.; Sharkey. Ailsdh* M.; s 'flmell, Joan; Souvlls, Mary; Stabler. Dell E.: Slanbrough, Norma; Stevenson, Shirley M.; Stohe, Maureen; Suthers, Sheila A.- Taylor. Barbara K.j Treacri Marguerite M.; Trotter. Mildred: Valwita, Vema A. R.;ir»i-»b, -tfoaa»,i,.i vWettif . Nancy M.i** MUUii^XtOyJiLjBii 3nilmett, Patricia M.j Wilson. Patricia M.; Wood, Audrey, T.; Woods, Marjorle E.; ouns. Pearl R. . - ' ?

..'??? i#j. ? ? fir ? ? ATHEBTON CENTRE Finch, Thenaaj A., Storer, Alan L., T«Jt. Kenrteth ?&. ????'? Bourke, El.een T., Costs, Lucy, Coleman, Edna.E;, .Coitallb, Dolores M., Bdgerton, Dorothy E., Tayior, Margaret F.. WIl|iara^;jJcy, -;. ADS CBNTSK Adcock, John D., Buokby, Henry O. Chapman, Sydfiev J. A.. Cussons, Alan n. J.. Dawes. Mervyn W., Duncan Gordon fl.. Ummett. -Anthnnv J/ j. O--flv, Wl'llam B.. Halt; Dnrrell G.. Tlla.rd John R.. Honier, Carles H Hync. Douitlao G.; Joner. fjiwrenee A.. M»Mh-wji. Arch'p A. Mrlv-n.'Ron-'M 1.. Meri-ol'. rtoVrt F. »tcT^.sn fi'll-m J.. Powell. r-r''»iri-i»l a rtn'l». Oo-d«i, .rt«.ef. tjfti'o .?.. B«oder« ~-l»n-»i'.. fipThv, p.v. w .Fii--mlo''«kt T|ip—«. .1.. S'»--1. .tohn '. T»)t, TVt«r , Taploiss, Jo»-ph A. Williams, Rob

ert E., wlnn, Donald L., Wiseman, Kenneth G. ' Allegrl, Norma. A., Behan, Carmel M., Burnett, June M., Darrell, Grs.ce M. Darvenlza, Dulcle M., Engelbrecht, Annie K., Gough, Valmal M... Guy, Joyce M., Hawken, Laurel E., Hansen, Kathleen S., Hayden, Eve, Hayles Althea L, Heathcote, Joyce M.. Hill, Myra E., Johns, Jane E.. Landrlgan, Joyce M., Lee, June E., Lennox, Barbara J., Littlej Dulcle M., Mead, Pearl M., Moore. Linette P., McDonnell, Bernice M., Newell, Joan B., Nicholson, Merle E., O'Kane, Margaret H, O'Shea. Joan P, O'Shea. Margaret H., Otto, Sylvia M., Phelan, Kathleen P., Putland. Lorna B., Richards, Pauline J., Strachan, Joan R, Tait, Norms R.. Totorica, Mary, Vernon, Frsjices L., Wr«ton, Edna M., Weston. Ellen A., WIIllamB. Berls W. BABINDA CENTRE Hind, Reginald. Kingston, Allan. Battle, Dorothy M., Drew, Marie J. 1*,- Edward, Mildred M., Grosseltl, Renata C. T.. Hoarc, Joan A. BOWEN CENTRE Armstrong, John D,. Boulter, Victor B., Carvolth. Neil V., Easti-rbrook, Maurice G.. Freeman. Charles W., Johnston, Arthur N., Kirk. Garj- B., Meecham, William J.. O'Brien. John Francis. Roden. Peter B., Wotherspoon. Austin J., Wotherspoon, William H.Anderson, Anderson, Elizabeth J., Balanzategul, Gotzone, Barty, Phyllis E., Broughton, Alma M.. Bunting, Margaret, Denham. Lucy A., Jensen. Marcia J., McCane, Marie D.. Pott. LJ'llan1 L., Russell, Elizabeth E. R., Stockham, Kathleen M.. Woodhall, Dorothy M. CAIRNB CENTRE I Adams. Samuel R., Allendorf. Wll- ' liam J, J., Atkinson, Cecil O., Bard on, James \V., Bonilace, Laurence T. J., Braithwalte, Donald W., Brutton, Harod J., Byrne, B/yan J., Caliagben, Airi-ed L., Cardlllo, Salvatore P., Clemson. Lindsay K., Colleton, John M., Collyer, Noel. Crawford, Desmond E., Crittenden. Philip M., Curro, John , R. L., Dowllng, Thomas D. F., Duff, I John C, Ernst, James E., Fallon, { Terence J., Ferguson, Mark J. H., ? Flood, Colin J., Fomiatti, Carlo P., Hales, Guy, Harvey. Keith, Hayes, James P., Hlrd, Edward A. Hoole. Graham E., JessoD, Patrick J. J., Jones, Brian U, Keppen, Leonard R., Matarazzo, Glno J.. Matthew. George P., Mulry, Gordon R., McClelland, Allan H. M., Nielsen, Gordon W. S. , Norrls. Evelyn F., O'Leary, Patrick i A., Palmer, John 11., Psyne, George F., Porter, Anthony R., Pyne, Geoffrey J., Qulnn. Vincent J.. Raleigh, Walter J., Rlddell. Leslie J., Ryan, Michael C. P.. Skellern, Neil, Smith, Keith I. 8.. Stevenson. Kenneth 8., Taylor, ' John A.. Turner, Clifford R., Turner, ! Kevin G.. Venablw, Brlsn J.. Walker, , Jmeph J., Watson. Keith. Wilejsmlth, Ian Ross Wlnkworth, Martin T., Wlnkworth. Thomas W., Wyer, Ethert G.. Yinfoo. Roderick D. Anderson, Dorothy. Abbey, Melva A., I AMen, Wilma G., Alston, Ailsa J., , Archer, Margaret R., Blackman, I Gladys D.. Brown, Marj- B., Chlu ! Chong, Daphne. CollU. Dorothy L., ! Crlmmlnr, Gladys E., Davis. Wilma M. Deeb. Elizabeth B., Do*n», Phyllis M., ; Forry. Mary C Frantls, Margaret J., 1 Friend, Elizabeth, A., Hind. Doris C, I Hodel. Audrev M., HodgetU, Mary E., I Hogan. Kathleen M., Home, Margaret! S., Juhas, Caroline R.. Kerr. Lynette ' A.. Lennoil. Kathleen B., Loble. Margaret A., Love. Mary C.. Marshul1, i Merle L., Martin, Maureen T.. Me-' Kewen. Margaret J.. Morris, Daphne ; M.. Mulligan. Mary F.. Mulline, Patricia R, O'Brien. Elizabeth H, ' O'Brien. Joan M., O'Malley, Veronica Mt. O'Neill, Margaret S_ Orthman, Beres. O. I., Parker. Fmncee M., Parsons. Betty A., Petrle, Margaret, j Phillips. Betty. Prow«. Leslie M., ! Raj', Dorothy V.. Rolls, Mona A. Rockwood. Jeyc. Samuel, Pegry, Slatyer, Marlon A.. .Button, Judith M.. Symons, Elaine M.. Tully. Gladvs M., Undy, Ber-'I M.. WbVs, Alma J.. Watts. Jfan L., Wilson, Eileen G.. Wood, Daphne J.. Wright. Dorothy M.

CHARTERS TOWERS CENTBE Allls, Peter A.; Aroney. Stanley H.; Bailey, Keith L.; Ban'y, McFadden R.; Bartlett. Roglnald F.; Batidlno. Augustine T.; Bennett, Joseph; Berryman, Bertram J.; Boundy, George H.; Bralkenridge, Frederick C; Brennan, John E.; Bulley, John W.; Cao, William. J.; Clarence, John R.; Davis TYank J.: Dewar, Malcolm T.; Douglas. Keith M.; Eastment. Ernest Jr.; Farrelly, Keith V.; Fegan, John M.: Ferguson, Frank C.: Field. Ray R. E.; Francis, John D.; Fynes-CMnton. Geoffrey W. N.; Gabbert. Alfred A.; Galea, Noel F.; Hall, Brian K.; Hall, John P.; Hartley, Melville A.; Hore, Vincent P.; Huddy, William F.; Hussey, Walter C. J.; Kayrooz. Ronald S.; Maclean, Neil R.; Matheson. John R.; Mathews. Bernard C: Moller, John C; Murphy, Alexander W.; Murphy, Noel T. G.; Nicol, Robert G.; Nlmmo, Samuel A.: O'Donnell, John C; Paterson, Gerald A.; Pollard, Jack R.; Poultney, William D.; Rasmussen, Brian J.; Scott, Douglas; Seswright, John E.;_ Spezlali, Unlto J.: Stanger. James H.; Swan, Graham W.: Watson. Wilfred E.; Wells, Ronald S.; Wheeler, John M.; Young, Darrell D.; Abbott, Lorna; Atwell, Unice M.; Barry, Valerie O.; Bradshaw. Margaret R.; Bright, Edna F.; Buckley, Claudia R.; Burnett, Delrrm D.; Cann. Margaret F.; Chapman. Dawn, Chilcott, Kathleen T.; Cox, Dulcle R.;i Harrington, Emily M.; Julian, Denise; Mills. Letlea- I.; Monro, Diana M.; labadlne. Daphne J.; Scott, Mary; Imlth, Estelle 8.; Smith, Jean A.; Tudman Coral D.; Wootnam, Beryl M.; WlllUms, Heather. ' GOBDOYVALE CENTRE Ahlers. Lawrence; Althaus. John J.; Berry, Ronald J.; Betridge, Eric R. A. I 3owers, Godfrey J.; Busby, SUnley: T.; Cappelano, Sebastlano J.; Cowie, Noel J.; Day, Keith A.; Donnelly, Vln- 1 cent J.; Down, Douglas K.; GUI, John i M.: Gregory, John J.; Jennings. Msl- , colm H.; Kelly, Hugh V.; LavrU. James R.; Lelghton. Donald R.: Mills, ohn T.; McLaughlln, Francis P.; Pyne. Francis A.- Pyne. Nicholas J.; Schramm, Eric E.; Simmonds. Gordon ? H.; Svanetti, Lulgl; WinAeld. William B.; Chrlstodoulldes, Daphne I.: Coutta. Elms; Crosslsnd, Rona A.; Dalgety, Janet S.; Devitt. Margaret M.; Doolan. Frances M.: Ebrlngton, Betty M .; Hansen, Vera; Ivlnir, Caroline V.; Marsh, Mary C; Millett, June E.: Mlllican, Nancy; Morris. Pstricla D.; Moss, Colleen V.; Mc-hsil. Doreen G.; Poglis, Onorlna: Yevor, Evelyn M. L,; Trevor, Gladys ..; Volpi, Sylvia F.; Wolflnden. Marie ' HERBEBTON CENTRE

Chapman, James D.. Dav, Ronald G., Po*e, Brim, Shannon, Noel F., Andrews, Patricia C, De Bondi, Elisabeth M.. GaRno. Eva, Oane, Alma J., Lennon, E izabeth M.. O'Meara, Beryl M.. Omodie, Bianco C, Pcteraen, Marjorie K(| Shauncssy. Nlta O. I., Syme, Betty M, Wllesmith, John HOME HILL CENTRE Camrr. Geordan Bruno. Doolan. Coinel'us N.. GeV-rke. Ernest C. Glffafd, Colin C. O'Wrlen. William J.. Paroz. George G., Scammell, Eric W.. Vats, Noel. | ' Cowley. Myrna, Farmer, Jean L.,'1 Glover, Doris L.. Harrison. Ijwley. j Hart. Mavl« J.. Hillman. Averl 1 M.. ' I*mb. Joan, UUle. Beryl A.. T!ams- . den. Pamels J.. nnthen-. Carm'n M.. Hoy. Uum A.. 8ett«r, .Tune *.. Stock- ; weii. Ruth H., Wellington, Btryl A. j

HUGHENDEN CENTRE Colas, Owen W.. Dlckson, Roy, Menley, Ronald C, Shardlow, Ronald J. Dlamantis, Chrysaphina, Guest, Dorothy M., Hansen, Anita V., Staunton, Betty V., Sterlesky, Yvonne M, Zupp, Kathleen M. MACKAV CE1VTBE Adair, William J., Baxter Allan E., Borg, John P., Brake, Vivian C, Cair, Bassett S., Casey, Edmund D., Coombs, Neville D., Druery, Arthur G., Earle, Walter J., Eshmann, Edwin J., Etterahsnk, George, Ford, Brian T., Fordyce, Francis, Hancock, Robert C, Jabore, Nicholas J., Keogh, John J., Keorh, Morgan J.. Kerrigan, Edward J., Maclean, Malcolm J., Menff, Neville P^ Mortonsen, Peter E., Mountnoy, John H., Mulherln, Kerry S., McBrlde, Colin A, McGariy. Neville J., MoNamee, Hugh R., Peach, Colin M_ Pear, son, Walter J. Y., Power, Brian C, Robertson, Hugh T., Ryan, Thomas M., Young, Laurence F. Armbrust, Margaret J.. Barnsiey, Norma A., Bennett. France*, Birt, Daphne I., Bundesen, Margaret C, Camllleri, Jean G., Cronln, Margaret, CroiE. Betty D., Da-wson, Patricia M., Forrest, Lorna D., Olalottl, Gladys C, Gilmore, Norms,, Grlgge, Valmai K. Hayes, Pati-lcia M., Ingham, Daphne N., Johnetone. Patricia J, Just, Lorna M., Lally, Beryl M., Larking, Audrey E.. McAleese, Adelaide M.. McBride, Joan, McLennan. Estelle F., McMurray. Edith A., Noiman, Evelyn R., Porter, Imelda II, Porter, Lindsay M., Riddle, Joyce E., Ronald, Shirley R., Schweitzer, Margaret, Shepherd, Florence B.. Shepherd. Margaret J.. Smith, Beth W., Smith, Dawn V., Thomson, Beryl E. MALANDA CENTRE Arnold, Lyle W. P.. Boucher, Edward F., English, Francis J. D.. Lehmann, Raymond C, Swindon, Val C, Walk. Jack P.. Wllles, John L. Ball, Helen Margaret, Bethel. Eeme O., Borrensen, Ellen N., Creagh, Janice M.. Mackay, Jill E.. McDermid, Leila D., McD«rm!d. Rl(« M., Rogers, Alma I., White, Beryl D. MABEEBA CENTRE Brown. Norman J., Claxton, Co'ln J., Grittner, Kevin A.. Keegan, Keith G., Marrinan, Thomas P. Crown, Margaret E.. Chester, Valma A.. Kane, Iris S.. Kershaw, Joan I., Moore, Daphne M. Moore, Grace E.. Plowmsn. Dorothy M.. Rayment, Daphne E.. Waterhouse, Edna A. HOSSMAN CENTRE Anderson, Bernard J., Averkoff, James E.. Lane. Donald F., Patterson, Colin J.. Smith Arthur B. Bale, Irene M., Morgan, Joyce E., McDowall. Elsie E., Patenson, Claire. MT: ISA CENTRE Gray. John K., Heilbron, Stanley L., Hunter, James, Patterson, Paul J.. Pegg. Stuart P.. Ryan. Kevin J., Wauchope, Charles E. I. Power, Elizabeth, D.. Tracey, Elizabeth J.RAVENSHOE RAVENSHOE OENTRK Davis. William E., Edwardi. Noel J., Samundeett. Colin R.. Ste-»art. William M.Chatfield, Chatfield, Hazel J., Ranklne. Jean. RAVENSWOOD CENTRE Squirt, Willi.m B. Govan. Jean W^. Taylor, Phyllis M, rimms, Lenbla E., Vernon, Therese L., Walker, Al sa R. RICHMOND CENTRE Dwyer, John A., Godwin, Darby F. Bulmer, Vera D., Dwyer, Patricia B., Hodgetts, Mary J., Neill, Ailsa E., Stalnkey, Elva D. TULLY CENTRE Blythman, Charles W., Calabretta, lames, E31uj. Conny, Holzhelmer, Kevin R.. Hunt, Reginald G., 3chmidt, Kenneth H.. Stuart, Patrick r., Threlfall. Leslie C, Volpl, Vincent Bury, Patricia J., Byrne, Florence r., Byrne, Margaret M., De Lues, Julia M., Dowzer, Muiiel T., Driscoll, Marie W. Duffy. Prlscllla M.. Harman, Rose { K., Hovl: Helen M., Maltby, Mary D., Moran, Mary A., PeUrs, Joan M., Belnan, Betty A., SUnley, Betty L,, Stuart, Theresa M.

INGHAM CENTRE | Anderson, John C; Buntain. Kenneth A.; Cattoni, Bruno; Fichera, Joseph; Finlayson, Douglas J.; Finnis, Alexander J.; Grazloli. William R.; Jones, Trevor J.; Legge, William F.; Mounter, Frederick C; Peebles. Thomas G.; Rubagoltl, Emllio; Volk, Nell J.; Arnold, Carmel M.; Bamsley, Margaret M.; Boland. Lcvelsle A.; Burton, Barbara E.; Costanzo, Frances; Dennis, Patricia H.; Elortegui, Maria T.; Fortlni, Dins J.: Gardner Margaret E.; Gosden, Daphne; Hart, Dorothy J.: Kee, Beatrice J.; Low, Mavis T.; Lynch, Yvonne M.; Martin, Rosemary, McLeod, Joyce E.; Morris, Joyce Q.: Murntroyd, Marjorie J.' Ranie, Mildred M.; Sneyd, Betty. CARDH'ELL CKNTBE Watklns. David L.; Otwui, Betty M. INN1SFAIL OBNTBE Ah Shay. Keith D.; Anderson, Gordon J.; CharchaJla, James; Clarey, Gerald; Cockrem, Malcolm R.; Croatto, Mario A.; Cuzzu, Edward T.; Dall, Dennis, J.; Despot, George; Dunne, Charles J.; Flynn, John; Goneila, Cedric C: Griffin, Brian 'J.; Groves, Kevin W.; Howarth, Robert F.; King, Walter A. D.; King, William J.; LedlletJonel; Lee Lone, Bernard; Merchetta, John E^ Mlcsde, BaslUo; McHugh, Peter P.; Passmore, William J. 8.; Perry, Homer; Privltera. Salvatore; Robinson, Herbert J.; Rungert, Hubert 3.; Scheur Leslie C; See Poy, Herbert; fipringall, Joseph C: Sue Yek, William; Torrlsl, tetterio. R.: Townsend, Albert C: Treston, Michael O.; Vandeleur. Peter V.; Worth, Mer. vyn E.; Wrif ht, David J.; Angel, Betty C; Calt&blano, Angelina; Camp), Emily Barbara; Crouch, Pauline M.Darveniza, EUe; DI BlMI. Gulsepplna; Duffin. Margaret J.; Ford, Shirley M.; Lldstone, Mavis C; Louis. Betty R,; Lultjrns, Aafflen; Maglll, Carmel M.; Musumeci, Man'; Pulsford, Paula B.Quong Chong, Audrey P.; Reid. Betty L. ; Ropers. Isla J. ; San-dy, Dolores E.: Schmidt, Julie A.; Sivyer, Edns M.; Stella. Mar}- I; Wleland, Beryl M.; Wilson, Judith A.: Zorbas. Mlcka. PROSERPINE CENTRE

Abell, Kevin John; Bsumgarten, Graham K.j Bniby, Harold L.; Cooke. Brian J.: Hay, Colin O.: Hilton, James F.; Hughes, Ross E.; Hunter, Ito W.: UcNelll, George A,; Rasmussen. Peter J.; Stevens, Kevin A.; Symondt. Arthur H.; Symonds, Roy R.; Altmann, Emily Esther; Altmann, Fran-It A.: Batten, Valmal X-.; Baxter, Catherine C; Blackburn. Bessie H.; ^eclnl, Carmel F.; CoatsworUi, Colleen. Dobe, Clarice E. G.: Forte, Evelyn H.: Funnell, Kathleen A,; 3ray, Lillian J.: Gray, Violet J.; Lade, Pdmc J.; Miller, Edna A.; Nolan, loan M.; O'Brian. Pttricla R.; potter, Uation E,; Freece, Margaret G.: Rogers, Malrle P.; Smith. Dorothea F.: Julian. Elsie L. |

COLXINSVII-LE CENTRE Morris, Meri-jn .(.; Jones. Marraret M.Nfllfon. Nfllfon. Valerie. CLONCtlRRT CENTKE Dann. John K,: Mpyvisrd. -5eer« n'.: Quinlap. -Frederick A.: Anderion. Aiirlti .T.: MlVtiMn. Maureft J.: Robertson. Judith II. I.