Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Friday 6 September 1889, page 7



The Oakleigh-park races take place to-day. Woodbine was accidentally omitted from the list of weights in the Oakleigh-park Hurdle Race, to be run to-day. His weight

is 10st.

Registered trainers and jockeys can obtain their tickets for the Mentone meeting, to be held on Saturday on application at the oflicc ol the club, 87 Bourke street west, to day

lhere was some speculation yesterdus at the Bportmg clubs on the Melbourne Cup, Anticua being backed to win a few thousands nt 100 to 4 Cirbtne also was supported to wm about £3,000 at 100 to r> Tor the Caul

held Cup ft wager of £2,000 to £100 has been taken about Cranbrook lhere vvnsnlHou little betting on the Hawkesbury Grand Handicap, Locksley being backed at 100 to



1 he proprietor of Oakleigh park places before his patrons a varied programme tor horses und ponies to be run this after noon. Special passenger trams will nave 1 lindéis street for Oakleigh park plat f< rm at 11 ¿5, li l8 11 ob a m 1-' Id and 12 50 p m , and return immediately tile raceB are over These trams « ill stop at Caulfield and Oakleigh A special train tor horses and passengers will leave Prince s bridge nt IO ii m , und return at 0 10 p m , culling at Caul field live 2 20 pm ortlmiry train from 1 nnce's bridge station, and the 10 13, 11 > u m , and 1 22 p m ordinary trains from Dandenong will set down passengers at the racecourse platform 1 he 4 32 p m ordinär) train iroui Prince s bridge station will pick up passengers for Dandenong, \.c, at the

racecourse platform


The meeting ot the 1 psoni Racing Club winch was postponed from last Saturday, took place yeaterdaj 1 he weather was line, but a strong northerly wind continued to blow all day Tbc attendance was largo and the racing for the afternoon was excellent Lotti«, the favourite, won the Hurdle Race, from a fnir held, and Goldstream won the Warren Handicap, far which he started second favourite Don Giovan was neavil) backed for this race, but he failed to get a place, though he ran prominently Alexandra effected a clever win in the Selling Race, her jockey aBkmg her to make a tun just at the right moment when an opening was made nexttherails Ihemare.whoseemedamoment beforetobehopelesslyblocked responded and won handsomely She carried a lot of money tor the race but Mackay waa best favourite. Alexandra was Was sold to Mr G Glasscock for £250, all ot which goes to the race lunds her selling price having been ml Dividend the top weight, effected a brilliant win in the Chute Handicap, one mile He waB second favourite, Marlborough having the call in the betting at 2 to 1 Odas of t> to 4 were laid on Coldstream for the last nice but the horse failed to get home first, being defeated, after a good struggle by lomboj 1 he winner was ridden by L Power, whose BUccess in the last race ot the dnv is coming to be regarded as proverbial lhere were several delays in sending the horses nway from the starting post, and Mr A. Watson, who was the starter, reported several jockeys tor disobey ing his orders lu the case ol Holmes and Myers, who rode Miss Merlin and Best Mnn respectively, the stewards decided to suspend the jockeys tor one month Ihe details of the events are as follow -


OIlDOsova second Y sov« About ouc mile and

thrco quarter«.

Mr F Torero h m Lo'tie, by Lottcr)- Ltttio

Lad) 0 yra list. (William»)

Mr 1' Phillipa a b ir Vtoodbmc, nged, lost, (Barr) 2 Mr I T Garalake s br g Ballarat U'.-s-d, Hit lib

(Mug) 3 Sir P Bolger a b g Richmond, aged, 10)t 41b

(Boiser) 0 Mr I C. Lyons s br g Iiarolngor, aged lost

(bastham) 0 Mr II Connolly« g tr Y>ll)lc aged. Oat 131b

(You«,) 0 Mr II Connolly a br g lYcathorcock, aged, Ost.

lJlb (Murphy) _ 0 Mr li UoyateU a lim Hortense II, Byra, Oat. 121b

(Burke) 0 Mr 1 Watts a bl b King toni«, aged. Oat 121b

(Holman) . 0 Ur £.11 Cameron n» b g or br g Whisperer II,

4}r»,0at 1.1b (Cameron) 0 Mr G Glasscock a b g Crusoe, 0 )r«, Ost. 121b

(Newland) 0 Mr O Yate nsch li hinu Bill, aged, lOst 41b, in

eluding 71b. penalty (Keating) O Mr A G y outil, a b g I'alelaoe 0 v ra Oat (Opie) 0

Bottine; -" to 2 nest Lottie & to 1 agst Richmond f to I each t est UelUrat and Ilortmso 11 T to 1 i^st nealhoriocl, b to 1 agst Ling Bill), 10 to 1 a.,81


Kin,. Bill) with Ballarat and Woatîicrcock went ana) in front but the leader struck tbo first hurillo and to lil« I nets tnus lo« ne a lot of kround louie with Willie took rho lead aathoy cann round an 1 .vent past tho stand and Lottie »oou tool, a clear lead Iromv.illio llore i so 11 mid Ballarat. Illili mond and Uaibin^er in {ro. ed their position« aa they w nt,along tho 1 ail ot tno eourae. an 1 ..ero up close bahut I Lottie Coming to., arl« homo Woodbine mndo a great attmui t io overhaul 1 ottio I lit the Intt rbel 1 h m nafe and ..ont) a Icneth ntidn h»lf Ballarat who passed lliihmonl, and galntd third 1 inco Iel g lour length, nvvav Wiathenoik was III loinpan) with Lallnrvt » 1 Richmou 1 ft Hal id i i\t Kit i. loils llarbiiipir, an 1 Crusoe belnQ next lime

linin olsie.

iv VIIHEV ii wuiCAi,

Of let) to. a M\ lurlonga

Mr J James« bli Goldstream b} TlioFiiEttsllluan -I latina Tyra 7»c 1 lib , includiui, jib penalty

(Toogood) 1 Mr t ¡telly a bl or fewl need Sst 1311) (Lees, n) 2 Mr J Whittingham« br o Propoun 1er, 4 yra "at

olb (lower) S Mr J O Jerome a b o Lrnanl, 4 )rs, Sst 01h

(Hutton) 0 Mr Al Loughlins h h Don Giovan gin bat 41b

(Campbell) ~ 0 Mr I Hamer s b i, Uricaa aced, Sat (Tomlin) 0 Mr A Da. lea s bl li Autumn & yra 7at lath

(Loudoncllr) 0 Ur II Clifford na eli li Ctosarcau. 5 ) ra, 7st Ulb

(bli Ith) 0 Mr J W li¡ttu>í,hniii a bro Prattler. uyrs,78t 101b

(Do)) 0 Mr b Miller« clio Crown Jewel, S )rs, 7at lib.

(Holme») 0 Mr A Mltchclson i a iii Í Haste 4 yra 7&C

(Re Kearn) 0 Mr O *. Atkinson a ch i. Bombardier, tj ) r», Oat

711> (lanilcson) 0 Betting- L.iu atrst lion J to 1 nk»t Gold stream 7 to 1 oach ngat Autumn and 1 ropounder 10

to I neat other«.

After i umirous breaks a. ay tho lot were sont off co a moderate atare of . hieb Ooidatr am got tim best. Don Giovan boing nett v.hiio Autumn was last Ciolilatrenin now a leneth to ti.o leiutha clear ed the teld Iel all tho wa) Don Giovan betta, second and Ciaarean third A9 they cntorcd tho «traieht Hou Giovan was still second to Gol lstream lint Ucvvi Iruuoundci omi Cusarcaii were chating on him Norn of ttiuu tv r cuueht Gol 1st earn who won hv a length nt d a quarter from Hovvi, there being al out a »imitai dlsuvnn between second and thitd Propoun 1er beat the Ia otlrito for third placo 1 rattler! log fllth with Coaarelll 1 nulli lln te, an 1 Lmas ucxr, Bombardier behn, last J line, lmiti


su mr I ACh

O("00sova. Si eohl ivilehts »Inner to be sold (or

loo ecu a liro furlong'

Mr I N Kirks iii m Alevindra by Newminster

-Ililli!» nulli «at. 411 nil (Jamloaou) 1 Mr c 1 milln,» s g u Uistman, o"ed list 111b, £.j

(Myers) 2 Mr J Leeka bli Da)star G yra Oat 01b, nil

(Ma) blu) . S Mr 11 Jaeolss bg Macka), aged, 7st 41b, £ro

(I ountaiu) 0 Ur A I m Is a lu: st Albert at,cd, Oat 111b , car

ile i C<t 1 lb i. j (Taylor) _ 0 Mr J oo ilil ns bl li ero vu Brand, »t,ed Cat Otk,

nil (lia.os) 0 Mr « a)cr»« lim Miss Merlin, a'.eil, list 41b.,

nil (Holmes) 0 Mr W I Ait-tin a iii ni Memento, 5 yr«, bat 41b,

lll(Hlooinnilil) 0 Mr \\ Osbornes bm Kialla need, Oat 41b, nil

(Osborne) 0 Mi J Whit mellum s br m Honora need (ist 41b ,

ml (Hi chain) .... 0 llittliit, - i to 2 agat Maikay 4 to 1 each acst Da) star Miss Merlin nnel Alexandra 7 to 1 a«»t 1 lalla

Idalia wa» u ost quiol Iv avvav after n lot ol di ty at the pot billig followed by I cat Min iionori

i st All ert ami 11 iel i v I Ulla led U »t Man ami

Mail av ui til tho turn uno the straight re lelied ' where Day«(ar But Man, ni Mia» Merlin closed up | At tin diaituiio Airvandra who ..»» about six

lui th» b li ud tho other« eot & i tear run on tho in »ile tal ii " of it »hot io Um troi t

ana won b) a len., til from Best Mau ItavHUr bilng aeoodthlri with Halla (ouitli Honora tilth Mia» Merlin »iMh Mimeiito an I Maekav iu\t and crown Brand last Tlnn Imiie Jaie

Iho winnir was sold to Mr G Glasscock for

£ M


OIluOsov» seoomi "Osovs Ononnlo

Mr s ( Cool »bli Bivi loud hy Holton Green

I rou I rou t, i r Oat lb (Han iee) 1 Mr b Millers I I lila »vrs "at lb (rountiin) J Mr i 'rippa» b e Impetus 4 vrs Oat loll

(Grip, s) j Mi 1 C Jeromes be lrnanl 4yrs Sa 41b (Bur

ton 0 Mr 1 Boitera br g Mleiwuer tlyrs bat lb

(billa) 0 Mr li Uoyateda h m Winnie 0 vra, Tut. ulla

(Powir) . o Mesar» Lazarus Bros eli o t randic lyra "sr

(Bichuioi di 0 Mr I Kittietrlel s br t True I yra list 1 lb

(Ma) bin) 0 Mr I Un « br li û v ri Oit 1 li ,

earrie I Oat 1 lib (l)ui don) 0 Mr \ Mllohelaoii tis eil I Haste I yr» Cal loll)

(Iii dfeirn) 0 Mr J C.< uki na bl li Crow n Brand aged, Cat 71b

(Jamieson) 0 Mr C Carters br I Prccedonie 4 ira Ost 71b

(Have) " 0 iii ttine - to 1 n,st Marlborough 4 to 1 agst Dil i lend 6 to 1 agst Ins 0 to 1 agit lrui lo to 1 n"nt 1 rnatii or mi) atticr

Hie «tatt wa» i. eoo ono (or all ovcc) t Lriuul who waa tin Mini; round ami who lost souiu grouu i Wli

nie went nvvov in tin lead but lilvi lend soon went to tim Iront follow. 11>> limn tua anil Iris Iris «omi took lln li» I mid »ho showed the woy along tho hack and round tow aids the «trnltrlit with Imnitns I». Kielli! an I Gramleo oloao 1 elnuil llor Dil lound np| eared to hi in ulillcultlia as tilt) turne I into tho ?traînât buta« tin illstauio wa« reached hu «hot to tho front on the inside and won vcrv enailv Iv two leneths Iris being aeeond and Impetus i lenetli and I» halt avvav third Marlborough, wa» tounh with Oran loo almost on oven terms with him Winnie bilng «Util Mliawlcrievintli I rnaiii Crown Bran I, lrue, In «dei ia ant Hasiu lliiljhinu In that orler lime linio 40}soc

CAItllllM !IA!.niC\l

Ol 60 sov» 1 ivo furlong« and a half

Mr II iIO)etid«trgToniboi hv Suutlso-Jullat,

lyr« 7»t lb, tarried 7»t 41b (loivor) 1 Mr I Janies»blic.old«ireain 5)r«, Hit lib In

c uellng Tib. pemil) (lootood) i

Mr J. B Bennison a b f AY Itch ol Endor, at j ra, 7«t '

21b (Finnoean) . 3 Mr M IoiuhllnsbhDonGloaau, 6 yrs, Sat 71b.

(Campbell) " 0 Mr J Whittingham'« oh o Alphington, 4 yrs. Tat.

Dib (F Darnos) " "- O Mr H Connolly a ch g Typhon, G yr«, 7»fc. 81b

(Conor)) ~ . ° air B Benoe ns b m Mistake, aged, Gst 71b , car

ried Gst. Jib (Butler)

Betting -0 to 4 on Coldstream 0 to 2 agstToinboy, 4 to 1 agst Don Giovan 10 to 1 airst others

Mlstako aaaathe first to got going being followed by Ty phou and Tomboy Alphington being last off tha marie Tvphoii had a slight lead ot the others as they avont along the back of tho course avhero they wero ailaory close together Tombov went to tho front aa thoy carno round the turu Goldstreom taking second place avith Doll Glot-an ue\t the throo for a time runuiiigalmost ahroast, with Witch of Ludor next Tombo) trot clear out in front of tho ûold as they nenrcd the sttoieht witta Coldstream noxt, Don Gioaan third and Witch of Lndor uoxt. Tomboy loci into tho strauilit \ahcro Goldstream tuado a splendid effort to doprlvo him of tho lead Tomboy »as ho» oaor aiirorouslv ridden home hy Poaaor andan ovoit ink Unisla resulted in his fal our by hall a leraeth from the taaourlto W itch of Ludor who also flulshe i well, aaas a good third. Ta phou fourth Don Giovan tilth Mi«ukosixth, »hilo Alphington was last, lime

lmin 13_sce



(1 Roat OUB CorttlESrONDLNT )


Though the tracks were in anything but good order this morning there waa some ex cellcnt work done, chielly ou the sand A fog prevailed tor some time, and this aomewhat lud tho lust lot of note-Sorellu and Minstrel Boy J he latter did well over n mile and i half, liinahing home very strongly Both are very well Pet biri put in twice round at a strong pace I Payten sent Sequel tor easy work ilso 1 scort und Liva Hales was up on laudolph who did not go so kindly tor lum ns he does for Huvley ihe colt was given a strong mile, and swelled very freely Singapore, Cranbrook, and Dread

nought,gallopedaboutainile and a nuarter ut au average pace while Abercorn did useful work with lnsignn Ihe two fresh arrivals Tribune and Avenger were out, doing casa work lhey both look likely ones Marvel looks nell, and did eisy work with Maxim Steel Arrow did a nselnl twice round, while Charcoal and louchstone performed steady mile undn half work louchstone looks well, and io improving Keith worked on the tan, and moved very Bhort. Bluenose did Ion), strong work, anti Papua and Merri gobah were given mile and a quarter work Both shaped iairly well Long, strong work «as- done by Manton-who is more tor ward than the general body think-with The Doge. Ringdove joined them in the last once round, when they moved at ti strong pace Ant-eus did two miles at a nice swinging pace He moves well and looks a racehorse Lamond put in a very service able mile and a half by himself and finished well Ihe lyler and Little Bernie did atrong mile work, also Grayling Stamford, and Shaver Lamonds lot were all given moderate six furlongs work 1 airheld beat The Gift and AH Sorts over a mile Bustler galloped a good mile and a half, assisted b> Blucher the first part and Sophv the lust once round, vi hich they covered in lunn üCbJsec Ihe best once round of tue day wus done by ArtiBan, lunn Cijsec he beating Bernardo badly Í he latter appears to be unable to atav out more than seven furlongs Arsenal and Wycombe did good two mile work and Melos went in splendid style over a mile and n halt with the Australian Peer A hoat ot minor Injits did useful worl





'Ihe final meeting of the Clunes District Coursing Club lor tina season took place to day, when an open stake tor an unlimited number ot greyhounds was commenced Ihirteen courses were run over Messrs Beveridge Brothers' and lawectts land The attendance was large though the weather was bleak llares were wild, and only three kills were eftecte I Coursing will be resumed to morrow, Btarting trom B ruBer s paddock, Glengoaver Ihe followiug nre to days results -


Mr * William» a Wurba» k beat Mr Olsens Mes


Mr 1'iercos Pateena, beat Mr Di von s White Hose

Mr Sparks 1 mubo II heat Mr Grahams Blue


Mr Bo» cn «Brilliant beat Mr Leíais s Darkie

Mr 1 earood War La-lo Jcat Mr Grahams V ¡otor 11

Mr VI lilian» s Wilful Bob beat Mr lralns


Mr b1 otton s Selina t eat Mr Graham s Antolopo

Mr Williams s Warrior beat Mr Olsen u Oaer


Mr Williams a Vaieath beat Mr Sheltons Stray


Mr Olsens Glenesk beat Mr Llulling? Lord VV illlam

lust Tics- Warna«k beat latcena, Phcobe II and Brilliant rail au undecided VV ur baglo beat W iltul



bhootlnL, anil commoncoto daa at tho club trround«, Nonh Bright m at 12 o clock avith a ci mp tulon tor Members dltllcueoCup at 21 bltds "S yards rise £b sueop lu which ah members can Join, to bo followed lia a eom|>etltien tor trophy kiveu by the club (to be avon one.) and other et e III


Mclhoiirno Grammar School v W caira College -This match will be plaictl on the boutli Melbourne Cricket ground to day (t-riday) ata quarter-to I j> lu Tho folio» hur »iii represent the Grammar behool -Mibott, Baird, ¡j Hroivn li Brotan Graham, Gall stein, Henty (t»o) Hooper Hammond Kinir Lnnaioy (two) Macpherson Parker I rluglu It bmlth, T Smith, White, Wyatt Iu.etgencics Danby, Wiluioth, lie len


The first meeting of the newly formed Victorian Baseball League was held at Burton's Orient Hotel on Thursday evening. Mr J. C. Williamson in the chair. Thoruli« avhich Ima o boen under consideration for somo timo »ere tinah) adopted rho Melbourne Bisctiall Club intimated that in order to aaoi t clash ing they had irlacn thu team formed un 1er tile auBptces ot tho Mclbourne Cricket Club the right to Use the title "Melbourne Baseball Club," and for their own club would adopt a new title. It atas Intimated that an) other club ale sirous of chantriuir its name would rcpilro to do so at least a »eck prior to the oi etiliii; ot tho base ball season on tile 1st October Theelcetion of attlee beaters forth ensuing season resulted as follows -Presideittof tho league Mr J. C. Williamson vice presidents Messrs B. J. Wardill and K S Chapman

secretary and treasurer Mr I S Milford members of the league F. J. Burton (Victoria club) R. Howie (Fergusson and Mitchell's Club), W. Ryall (M.C.C.), T. Smith (Melbourne Baseball Club). It is expected that the following clubs will be represented by the league before the season opens, viz: - Richmond B.C., Rich-mond C.C., Kew, Geelong, Fitzroy, the "Age," and Carlton.



A special UKothiu* of tho mciub rs avili be held this oi cuing in tho Mcohai les Institute Souita Mel buunu to consider thuattalsablllt) of altcrlnu- ruto

so as to enable the members tootoet their secretara at oaeri annual met tint, instead of as at present, the tacorotary belnir appointed hy the committee All members oro requested to attend



The folio« hier Is the result of the fourth round -Michie hiat fairbairn, G- J b-y.', Crsoionu tint D.ala,8-G, I-Ü 0-1, and N B-ivles beat B.itranl, 0-1, 3-0, G-J Tho matches in this round went ur nu exciting nature Michie proaeil hliii.elf too entail tor t-iurtiairii, and scored Iho tlrst t»o sets tri III him Die matih betaaeoti Cramoud und Haly ra"ultetl In a euat sttuiiirlu , Hau tonner leorod the opunlti^ rmui s ol tho llr,tBtt, but »hen tho teore s ood 4 to 1 Dala pullet 11)1 lote), hut Cramond nianajid to aem In iho neat set Daly avon rallier easlla butlnthula»t Craiiiunil woie his opponent down, ant non thu set and match Ihe two Melbourne men, llnvln« tint

nurtram had a protracted strueele, «Illili In the

las» sit »as unfortunately interfered with bl a Blumer of r-iln Ila)li« »on n> two set« to one The match last ill hour mid la minute' Ihe committee luiotil, 1 today (trnlaa) at half paat 1 p in , for the iiintch Clioiuloa a Oitlccr (recela ini» two Ms.ices) Iho following Is iho dra» fir tho iltth round -Tho »Inner of Chomlea und Ollleer a Michie, and Bayles a I ramontl (recalling two histpim) Ibis round muât lu finished on or before Ihumlat, the I Jill Init. The »Inner of i ach match must .«rat the result on tho lift posted ti the taaillon

i;\i\i,iisii'\ SPORI'S

In the Hat uf results piibhshol yistonlai (ns fur ulalie I to us) tho folio« lug caent »as omitted -l ullua Uaeo, -00 yar la-1, Crouch (Queen s Colicué), ., Louis (Ormond Colleee),3 (dead lient) shiitcr ami Delmar (Trinity Collei«) Time, _H 4 ftuio. Ino plates In t-aullilig »iththe polo for the Uulaorsiti ihamplonshlpaviro given bj inlstul t -1, Gilchrist, J lirasdato ,1,1 O Chomlev I G t bomltv should hate hem placed second and Dijsd^le third r G I homlej Is tims third for tho championship tvlth 13 point«, and not a tlo «lill Ulla lariat tor third place with 1. point«, us previous!! Btutud