Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (NSW : 1851 - 1862; 1872; 1882; 1885 - 1897; 1899 - 1904), Wednesday 2 October 1861, page 2


On Tuesday morning the Judical Committee of Privy Council assembled in the Council Chamber, Doivninit-street, fir the purpojo of delivorinir inclement in this c:isu.

SirJ. OildriiigH delivo-ed the judgment of the Court. Ho did that this was an uppetl from from a nanteno* of doprinit:ou pronounced hj the of ihe Cuiirt of Arches on n suit instituted by Idttera of request. Tha apiiellant hail ll'pen-do.l upon several grounds that tho sentence otigh*/ to tie enti'ely revorsed, or reduce I ti one of less severity. Jlri.Bonwoll had as«imod a very bold tone in his defence, and had cast imputntaiions whi-h were without the slightest foundation upon tlio Iii«hop of Lbniljn, whose duty it was |o institute these . procce-lings. He had moreover, had i he unutterable baseness to try to seek to shuffle blame from himself upon the unfortunate woman who, wlmtevor nii'ht bo her woikneas, was the less guilty partner in tlio crime, Rven if Miss Yorath had sought Mr. Uonwell it would ba no defence, as ho was bound hy liis sacred office to avoid puuh alienees. TJudcr such circumstances their Lordshipi could nit allow Mr. ]Jon well to return to his parihoners to whom hi- uiiui»trHtidns would boa' scandal and his presence a shnrk.- Of all who had heard tho case ha alono seemed to ho iguorantof ill? atrocity ofthe crimo he hud committed. 'TW'ir T,nrl si.ips ivn-ild udvi-o hur' M.-j Mly that il.u Uisiirej of lie C'ou. t. below Ity. nfllrnral, anil the dismissed. As Mr Bon w. 11 Imd been nllowed to»lu in formd pauperis, nothing oould of coune be said about costs. In coiMequ'.nee ot.ihis docision Mr. Bonwoll is no longer tho incumbent of St. Phillip's, ritcpney,' which will ba filler] up soon nfter the commencement of next term by Iho Principal and Fellows of Brasonosa College, Oxford. Tdo parish has boon for some linio past nnder the charge of the Rov J & Hill, a brother of St. Kathorine's Cjllfge. Itegent's Park, who was nominated by tho Bi-hop of London, an! ho will in all probability receive I he appointment to the incumbency, . which no follow of Brnscnose is :likely to ueeept.— Weekly ? DixpalcA. -?

SOMETniKO NKW. — A SKElETOJf CiXlt0X.~ Mr J. A. DeBfnmB.of New York.haslately made Eone interesting experiments -with, a cannon, having six revolvin-r. clumbers and a skt-letqn or ribbed ? barrel-' Four ' of the chmnbei-s are always open to : the. air, so that eicli has sufficient tirco for cooling.' TKo barrell is fixod, nriil to secu'O i.9 ventiUtion the inventor has its ho states, hit upon a very atraiigo device. The object of iho ban-el being chiefly to give direction to i he shot, ho supposed it was unnecessary to have it closed. He therefore, retained of Iho barrrl only the bars which constitute the rifling of the cannon, keeping them in their pWca by siirronnlinj them at proper intervals with rings. Tli'esj bars give the same direction and revolving motion ' to the shot n* if the barrel were clnaed, while the air passes' freely through and keeps the born cool. Many persons suppo-e that the eipansivo'power of the powder followed the ball up to the muzzle. And that a portion, of the -*xoam*ivp power would be lost if thr-re werenny hoWs in the barrell. From the experiments made by Mr. Do Brauio th-'s opinion appears not. to be altogether correct. By surrounding the barrel, the friolion remaining unchanged. He charged first with tho closed and then with rho 0| en barrel, with sinitle, double, and treble charges of powder, and fired into targets! made' of 1.000 sheets of pnper. 'He tn'nda tl'e ? experiments '' before ninny scientific gontlomon, and on June 5 b»fore three members oi the Polyteuhnin Associatio , and Colonel Rowan, C B, of H B M's Artillery. The penetration -was oinaHeniby. .-.greater with tho open than with the e'o-el burel, Similar results hare been obtained with different sizvt of cannon. 'The inventor h's taken two of Hall's carbines identio.illy alike, opened the bxrrel of one- and left the other untouch.-d, and hits found that the projectile was thrown with as least as grent force i from the open .at the closed barrel. Thn great a lvnntajo claimed for the open b rrtl is that the ventilation keeps thegun cool ; the arcuracy of aim is thus not liuWe to be ii jurtd liy ?h- curving cr ine-|iialities which miuht arise Iroinihoi-xpnnsi.n of the m.-tal heated by firing. Iti- stnlec that oil the experim-nlB. have been f.ivouraUa la the iatka-im. — JTan'miia'a Majfaxina ?'-...-' ?