Clarence and Richmond Examiner and New England Advertiser (Grafton, NSW : 1859 - 1889), Tuesday 28 February 1865, page 3


Sydney, Monday night.

On Friday last, near Goulburn, seven (7) polio encountered Ben Hall's gang, when oho trooper wai seriously wounded ;. and tho bushrangers modi their escape,'minus'their horses, ' ' '

lite shock of an euthquako has been felt in tin

Burrowa district.

The South Australian'harvest, averages clover bushels per acre. .?'?.- .

Mr. W. Nicholson, of Maitland, has stoppée payment. His liabilities oro estimated at £25,000 A meeting of his creditors is called for Tuesday


. BaisiiANE.- On Saturday, ovoning tho polici captured four men suspected to bo implicated in tlx mail robberies and murders in New South Wales A. large sum of money was also recovered. Thesi men, it is said, contemplated Btcking-up tho Pooh Downs Gold escort.-They, are supposed to' bo the men who robbed Gorbutt's station, near Mudgee, soma months ago. They were brought up at th< Police Court on Monday and. remanded.-Mr Stephens, proprietor of tho lirisbaiui Courier, was arraigned on Monday, at the prosecution : of Mr, Pring, on a charge of criminal libel. The caso was then adjourned for threo days -At a meeting of thc cricketers on Wednesday, tho invitation of tho Sydney Cricket Association was accepted, and thc match will bo played on tho dotes named. - Colonel O'Connoll is-tho chairman of tho committee ap-pointed to make the necessary arrnngmonts.

ConvoitAii PUNISHMENT AT THE GOAL.--At the last Bitting of tho . magistrates at-Darlinghurst goal, a lad nomcd Bragg, fourteen years of age, who had been nine times committed to gaol during tho last twelve months, was charged with using opprobrious arid abusive innguago towards ono of tho warders, and was serito'ncod':by the Bench £o reoeive'a dozen lashes with' a birch ' rod. Sd little effect hiid thc castigation upon the young incorrigible," that upon receiving it he turned round to tho'warder and'said; " Give me a fig of tobacco, and you may whip me again.'! ' \'.¿

CAVTUHE IN QUEENSLAND.-Tho polico '. authoi rities have received information Of the capture, in Queensland, of "Paddy Tom, " a notorious offender, who I103 been concerned in soverol ' high-way robberies in Victoria and also in this colony. The prisoner was arrested ir« Brisbane, where ho was indentiiled by detective Broomfield, of tho New South Wales police. ''

AN AnscoNDCio BANKTOI'T.-Detective Elliott, of., tho New South. Wale's polico force,. was despatched to England by the mail steamer Madras', for the purpose oft apprehending a bankrupt who la'tely'froduleritly absconded from this "colony.


police succecdcjä, a few days since, in 'arresting, on

tho Lachlan*-! ó bushranger, named Alpine Macpherson, who is Behoved to have committed several highwa-a robberies in this colony, and for whoso apprehension .a reward of £50 hos been offered by thc/Queensland Government, for his having boon concerned in a robbery at a station', when a man was killed. Thc arrest was effected by sergeant Condell and' porty, acting under information ' obtained by Sir Frederick Pottinger. Upon coining up to the man he fired at tho police, and managed to escape from them into, tho .scrub ; however they surrounded thc scrub, and at length caught him. When appreheneded he was fully armed and had a breech-loader. On being examined there was found on his arm the mark of a shot lately fired at him by Sir Frederick Pottinger. Macpherson is bliovod to bo the man who stuck up severralporti cs on tho Northern Road, and who wosthen supposed to be Dunloavy. Ho is to be forwarded in custody to


CAUOIIT AT LAST.-The Star (Forbes paper,) of Saturday says :-The notorious bushranger, who some time back had an affair with the police, and exchanged a number of shots with Sir Frederick Pottinger, has now been caught. He gives his name as John Bruce, and is otherwise known as the "Wild Scotchman. " He hails from Inverness, and has been in Australia about five years, most of the time in Queensland. He gives his ago as twentytwo, and appears no older. - He is well made, about five feet nine inches in height, has light hair, blue eyes, florid compaction, and altogether not a forbidding sort of a look about him. On Saturday morning last he was found by sergeant Condell, senior-constable Hollister, constables Bone and Feney, andT Charley. the black tracker, quietly reposing at the creek, Strickland's reef, reading, and was token by surprise. A supposed comrade in his company escaped. Both police and bushrangers were on foot. He says that in his encounter with Sir Frederick he had nothing but blank cartridges, having lost his ammunition previous when his horse was lost in Strickland's paddock.

OitANOE.-An indignation meeting was hold here on Saturday, for tho avowed purpose of enabling tho public to pvonoimco on the merits of an article in the Examiner impugning the official conduct of the postmaster, and .charging him with interested motives, Amidst indescribable din and clamour,

an amendment was carried, expressing confidence in the integrity of tho postmaster. It was the most uproarious niid turbulent assemblage ever wit-


A scouring party, under Mi\ sub-inspector Brennan has started from Yass in pursuit of tho bushrangers. . This party acts on its own judgment, and indépendant!)' ¿of any superior officer,' except the In6pcctor-Génepl of police.

At tho Poliafa-court Young, a man named George Douglass, was' committed for trial for burying alive

a Chinaman named Ah Look. The Chinaman was fortunately exhumed before death had taken place, but ho is in a precarious state.

Mr. Darvoll,'- the present Attorney-General lins expressed himself strongly against those who harbour bushrangers, and it is prohablo that strin-gent laws against" such persons will be shortly' enforced, it / -

ALLEGED 'RECÍIUITINQ ron THE SHENANDOAH.From a telegram in tho Argus, dated Adelaide Feb-ruary 17th, we learn that a letter had been pub-lished in n Tekgraph'at that afternoon, which says that tho chief mato bf the C. S. Shenandoah is in Adelaido enlisting mon'.

THE LONDON POST OPJ?JCE . ROBBERY.-:Tho prisoner Thorne, wlj'o was recently apprehended in this colony on thc charge of having robbed tho London Post-ofllce Saving's Bank, was sent-homo in tho Duncan Dunbar, in company- with the. detective who had been sent out> ofter lum, and also with'the head'of tho department in. which Thorne

was a clerk:

MUDOKE.-Tho Chinaman who shot senior-con-stable Ward was arrested on Saturday, ten -miles from Cobbora, by sonioriconstoblo Todd, constables M'Mahon and Burns,'and a half-casto tracker named Hughes, who volunteered . his services. Constables Burns arid M'Mahon took through the scrub, Todd with tho tracker. toking tho river. Bums mid M'Mahon carno on tho Chinaman .in a gully '; he fired ot the police, ontl.went into, tho scrub, where ho was lost for some tiino. Tho two constables then made back to senior-constablo Todd and tho tracker, and all Btorted again, arid'tho tracker, soon 'picked up tho Chinaman, Sevornl shots wore fired by tho polico and tho fugitive. A shot from Todd took effoot in the Chinaman's nock and head. ; Burns rushed up to socuro him, when tlie Chinaman raised himself from tho ground, and tried to lire again,'when BuniB struck him on tho head with tho butt-end of his gun, smashing the stock to pieces. Tho Chinaman was brought into Mudgco on Monday morning, and is how in gnol under medical trcatmont, .having boon dangerously

wounded. M