Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Monday 28 September 1885, page 7


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On Saturday last, the football season of this year terminated lhe results of the principal matches in which the semor clubs of Mel bourne and Geelong competed, are show n in a tabulated foim below, from which it will be seen that the South Melbourne Club occu pies the unique position of not only hold ing the premier position, but of being able to claim that it has passed t li rough the season vv ithout a defeat In a well know n instance, the Victorian 1 ootball Asaociation declared it to have been beaten by the Essendon Club, but as the íesolutionpasBedto that effect lias just been rescinded, and tho match declared drawn, as it originally was by the umpires, the premier club may fairly consider itself unbeaten, whntev er a large proportion of the speclatois may have thought of the result of lhe match in question Hie South Mel

bourne clubs record of having won 17 matches, lost none, and only permitted three to be drawn , of bav mg kicked 120 (.oals against 28 only, and of having kicked an aggregate of 33 goals on four Saturday s on which only one was kicked by an opposing dub is certainly a remarl able one. lhe 1 ssendon and Geelong clubs must be said to have failed to realise the-anticipations of their supporters On a day of surprises in the football field both suflercd defeat at the hands of tenms which they apparently under rated Essendon being beaten (by 3 goals to 2) b) the Melbourne club, which it had pre viousl) overwhclmingl) defeated by 10 goals foi, and Geelong being v anquiabcd by Carlton by 7 goals to 2 still more surprising was 1 s sendons subsctiucntdefeatby Williamstown n club which had but recently obtained a senior position. These defeats and their lnabihtv to cope with the powerful South Melbourne twenty destroyed the chances of the Geelong and 1 ssendon representatives to contest the premiership lhe Melbourne Club has passed tillouri an unsuccessful season with an unsatisfactory record and ita friends lool to its entcung upon a more fortunate career on its new pluying ground next season lhe Carlton pla)cia have a longer list of victories and have the satis faction of hav ing mllicte 1 one of the few defeats which the Geelong club sustained, of having thrice beaten their Melbourne op pouenta, and of huvinc, won considerably more nintchea than the) lost lhe Hotham successes have just outnumbered their losses AUK ne, the clubs comparatively re centl) added to the semor list, those of Williamstown und 1 ltzroy have been con Bpicuous as showing excellent promise It is somewhat remarkable that, ac cording to the subjoined tnblo the Wil liamstovvn plajers licked exactly as mun) c,ouIs as were recorded against thom-43 to 4J-while tho 1 itvro) s record was, as curious!), 5J to 54 With regard to the numbers of goals scored, however, it is to ba borne in mind that in one or two instances heavy scoring has been made against country clubs In the appended table no allowance is

made for the South Melbourne clubs tour m South Australia which wns uniformly succès ful-more so indeed, than was to have been

expected after this club having; found form id

able opponents m the twenty irom Port Ade laii'e, which plaved a drawn game with them earl) in the season on the M C C ground Richmond play ed with a creditable measure nt success, but ill fortune attended the University team-which is almost m its m lane)- throu"hoiit the season, for it only won two matchee, one aguinst the Rich mond and one against the South Bal

larat It will probably be heard of to greater advantage m the futuro. During the season three senior matches were cancelled, namely, one between South Mel-bourne and Essendon, one between Rich- mond and Hotham, and one between the latter club and Williamstown, and this fact is to be considered as affecting the figures re-lating to those five clubs. The following are the general results of the principal


South Melbourne 17W 0L 3D For126 Against28 Essendon 13W 2L 5D For89 Against 45 Geelong 11W 3L 5D For80 Against56 Carlton 11W 8L 2D For65 Against59

Fitzroy 9W 8L 5D For53 Against 54

Williamstown 8W 6L 2D For43 Against43 Hotham 7W 6L 4D For64 Against49

Melbourne 6W 15L 2D For43 Against88 Richmond 4W 12L 2D For31 Against72 Unlverslty 2W 15L 2D For25 Against72

O.HE New York 'lubuue has started ii fund for tho purpose ot sending children awas from New York into the country for chunge of air mid scene In the present summer up to August 7, ¿ 2li5 children had been bent out into the countrj During one torrid weik 1,300 had gone awa> 1 rom all parts of the Btnte committees were dailj sending for more ehildren, and there was uodifhcultj m plac ing all that could be despatched

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