Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875), Saturday 3 June 1871, page 2



Afrnnarof -workmen aro already at work on the Prince Alfred Purk, layinir the foundation of the bootha and cattle sheds for thn Annual Exhibition of tho Agricultural Society. The display this- year will be quito ns attractive as that of 1809 or 1870, although on a different snide, and in all its arrange-ments entirely nnw to those who have never attended tho sh.wa nt Islington. Tho whole of tho wings in the Exhibition building urn now being converted into elegantly fitted up stalls, to receive both horses and cattle ; thn promenade under the gullrries is to ho divided into sheep pens, by moans oí polished wooden standards and Cfllv-Hnizfd wiro. 'J ho centre of thn transept will, as numil, bo devoted to the hortictil'ural section, farm produce forming a hrnnk between tho cattle stnlla ncrnag tho building. Fur tho wod, wine, and an ir ur exhibits appropriate i-p'iops aro -eferved in suitable prominent plai es. Tho ft-Hthery tribe and

I such non-agricultural exhibits ns mny bo admitted

will occupy- the galleries. A lurg« and poimanont building is beini» erected on tho western sido of tho pirk, cloon tn the railway atoro, for the accommodation of dogs. Pitta and fat stock will fol-low in lino towards th« southern end of tho grounds. The boxea for hulls und entires uro of course to occupy the mirna place »g hitl erto. In order, however, to avoid in futuro tho heavy expenso attending tho erection of tomI pornrv building. Mahle-", & ? , the exhibition

committoo have determined t ? have nil tho fittings m min in auch a way na to maid* thu atrunturea to bo removed and stored, Imvinir for that purpose obtained from the corpointii n leave to put up the larne building which ia now in course of erection, and which is to ho need dining the shows for tho reception of dogs, &(.., &c.

Tho expenses the society is incurring now will complete tho Block of appliances required for all future exhibition*, eo that a renell lurirer amount cnn bn devoted tn prize»,-«nd it ia boped, also, to the development of agi i< ii I ti ir ni rdurntion.

COUNCIL or EDUCATION -Tlio linn George Allen, Esq.. ha* been elected President nf the Council of Education, vice Professor Smith, resigned.

DEFALCATION IN TIIE I'DDI.IO SKRVICE-Mr. E. Forster ia to a*k, on Tuesday nut. in the House, tho following questions: WnsMr.lt J Lodi;«, the late post-master at Moruya, a defaulter io his public sccounts in tho »um of 1.311 ? Was the money refunded to Govern-ment ; ami if so, l>y whom, and when Î Wat Mr. H J Lodge dismissed from office or allowed to resign ; and if the latter, upon what (¡round»? Are the Govern-ment aware that the present i o-rnnis'er and telegraph master at Moruya, Mr, T C I.n<lge is a brother of the late postmaster, and that he in a minor? Who recom-mended Mr. T. C. Lodge for hi" present office? Who were the sureties for Mr ll J. L.dge? "ho aro the sureties for Mr. T. C. Lodge? I. it. with the authority of tho Government that the present ami late post-master equally perform the du'in* of the telegraph and post offices, and that both theae public i.fnces are con-ducted on the premises whereat, the said Mr. H. J. Loitze prints and pubüshe» ibo Moruya Telegraph newspaper? What amount of mo ey pa-scd through th« banes of the telegraph ina«rer at Moruya in his official capacity during the year 1S70 ; as also in his official capacity of pustiniLster duiing tho same period?

CRICKET MATCH^-Thc annual crioket match between

the students and the ex-students of l.yudnui-st Col-lege was played on tho Albert Ground on the 18th ultimo.- The play was considerad excellent, und the match resulted in a victory for the students.

BILOELA INDUSTRIAL SCDOOL.-The Government, in Hiving a. name to tho now industrial scnool on Cockatoo Island,-thero being no information accessible as to the original nanto of the locality,-have adopted tho word " Biloela," signifying, in one of the most exten-sively spoken languages of the aborigines, cockatoo. Bil-n-e-la, pronounced like billowy.Uh, is to be the name of the institution.

LIVERPOOL PUBLIC SCHOOL -Tho-foundation stone of tho new publia school at Liverpool will bo laid at noon this day, by Mrs. Joseph Wearne. It is announced that the Hon. Henry Parkes, Joseph Wearne, Esq, (1 Lt, and other gentlemen will be present and deliver addresses, so that the affair will doubtless bo of unusual interest.

A NICE CREW.-On Friday last seven sailors, from the hal quo Pons jElii, were, ordered to gaol for one month for deserting from th» veaael. Yesterday they wera removed from Darlinghurst, and taken on board the vessel, which was about to leave port. They, with the exception of two apprenticea. refuaed to do duty. Tho captain ordered tho disobedient ones to be

put in irons, and tho water police and pilot boats' crow got the vessel under way.

SvftAT CHILD.-About 1 o'clock yesterday a darkcomplexioned child with whom nobody seemed to fae aaquainted was found at the corner of King and Pitt streets. The police came up, and a young girl who was looking on volunteered to ctn y the infant to the central police station-house. Tho parents are being sought, for

ny the authorities.

SUPPOSED C«3K or SUICIDE THROUGH UNBEQOITID LOTE. -Yesterday morning, the haily of n maa named William Nelson, a shoemaker, of M "Evoy-street, Waterloo, was found with a bullet holo through his head, lying beside a fence in a paddock, at the rear of Mr. Hiucbcliff's woolwashing establishment. Waterloo. Deceased, who was a vo uti teer, was sten to leave his residence on the previous day with his rifle, and was not seen alive afterwards. Close to the body was found the lifje with his pocket handkerchief tied to the trigger. The body was conveyed to the Benevolent Asylum, where an inquest »ill be held at 9 o'clock this morning. It is said that he committed suicido because aoiue young woman rejected his addresses.

ATTEMPTED SOICIDE. -On Thursday evening, about half-past 6 o'clock, a man was seen to jump lrom the Circular Quay into the water, at thu Btern of the ship Windsor Castle. Ho was immediately rescued, and tullen into oustody by the water polies His name is William Phillipa, aged thirty-four years, and a car-penter. Tho man bad securely fastened bis ankles togethor with a saddle-strap, and furced his hand into a belt round his waist. He did not assign any reason for tho rash eoe. Tho police conveyed him to tho infirmary, and this morning he will he brought up before the bench at the water police office.

ALT, SAINTS' CnunoH, SINGLETON.-A very'hand-some stained-glass window has jost been fixed in the eastern end of the southern nave of this chuich by the Dangar family, in memory of thu lute Mrs. Dangar, of Grantham, near-Sydney: The work is executed in what is known as the modern mediroval Btyle of glass

' painting, by a well-known London firm. It is a triple ?

window, the upper portions of tho paintings repre-senting scenes from tho earthly pilgrimage of -our Saviour, whilst the lower portion of each window is filled with figures representing the three leading Chris-tian virtues Faith, Hope, and Charity. The delicato task of fixing, the window in its placó wu* very suc-cessfully performedby Mr. Sherwood, of Weat Moitlaad.-Mercury.

CELESTIAL PHENOMENA.- On Monday evening, the 22nd ultimo, a Bight oocurred in tho western hemi-sphere at Grafton, tho like, of which will not be seen again for many generations. The sky was beautifully clear, and tho planets. Venus, Jupiter, and tho moon, ?hone with unusual brillancy. "Venus was about 20 degrees above tho horizon, Jupiter about 8. degrees to the north-west, and tho moon botwren them about 2 degrees from tho latter. Wo notified our- readers last Saturday that the phenomenon would occur on the 21st, which at tho timo wo discovered to ba a mistake in tho day, but tho hundreds of persons who were dis-appointed on Sunday had their patience, rewarded next .vening. On .Wednesday evening, ,tho western hemi-sphere being again clear, asimilar sight was admired by very many, tho tbreo bodies being again in n lino with and cqui-distant from each other, the moon being north-east of Venus. Although not in such close proximity to each other ns on Monday night tho sight was pro-nounced by many to bo equally os interesting.-Grafton Observer.

. DlNNKIl AND FK.ESI-NTA.TION.-Oil last Sal evening tho louai lm.inl ot tho Parramatta School itivited -Mr. Mut ray, lata m inter of tho

school hero, ami iniuiiihcr ol hit fiiemla, toa il at Wl'Uiii»'» Family Hotel. J lie oh.iir was tal John Lackey, E-q. MIA., oliHiimari of the boaJ.l ; th. vice-cli.<ir hy James I'yo, Kan., tro of tho local board. After 'hu u-ual loya patriotic 'oasts hail been received with all tho hoi tho «hairinnii, i" » very able and highly complain speech, piopo-ud tho toast of thu evening, the 1 of Mr. Marmy, and on behal' of th« geueral | presented that gentleman 'vith a beautifully illnmi address on v.-lüui, »Lil ou In-half of bis late ac] and other hienda in Parramatta, an excellent watch, beating tho following inscription :-"Pre« to J. H. Murray, Esq , aa a mark of esteem, fra friends ia Parramatta, on his removal. May 1871.'.' Mr. Murray, iu au appropriate speech,

fully acknowledged the kindness of his friends an pupils in Parramatta, and said that their 1: artistically executed address spoke truly when il that lie could not leave Parramatta und tho scei his pnat labours without »OHIO regret. Ile had many fi ie nd i in Parramatta during his n eight years' residence muongat them, am was indeed vet y hard to leivo the old t He caino to Parrainai tit-not in the usual wa; the ordinary way. The national school ttaobers i appeared until th* school mia built ami furnished a number of pupils guaranteed to begin with. V ho came to Parramatta tho rival systems-nat and denominational-were each in the zenith c power, Deiioiuinutlohalisiu held tho keys of P matta. Thero were six denominational schools,

' of them half full for a seined population whic

even to tho preaeut dato, from the last puhli reports of tho Council of Education, has nol exceeded an average, attendance of 550. lt waa

cult with so many schools to convince tho peon! Parramatta that another school was necessary ; h no ,ona took steps for tho formation of a nati school. But ho (vir. Murray) considered that

existence of each of those six denominational r-cl

proved tho necessity for a national school ; and,

lng great faith in the national system, singlu-hni bo invaded the enemy's oamp, mid set himself a finding local patrons, scholars, furniture, bricks, land to build on ; and with tho aid of a few ear men, each (except their worthy vico-chairmanj poor ns himself, had the pleaauro of now

senting tho Parramatta school pi émises, can of accommodating -150 scholars, within 100 the e tiro number or average attendance in schools under the council in Parramatta. Tho pu school ef Parramatta, was leplete with all uppliai and requisites for teaching this largo numhet children iu the most elf. ctunl manner. In all arrangements-light, ventilation, and everything tho lioalth, comfoi t, und convenience nf both acho and teachers -it ia surpassed by nu school in Sydi and much superior to most of them. All tl] arrangements were planned hy himself, »nd he

ohiefly instrumental in obtaining for their prom LlG7of local contribution ; and he lefr. for Iii»Sliced all this, mid in average attendance nearly aa ni scholars ai arc found in nil the inlier schools under council in l'rtiruuiutta. Kowond-r then thnt ho

Parramatta with regret, tint their liberality in giv him thu np! elidid gold watch hu held in his hi would rumbul bim several times ev.-ry day of the k friends he lefcin Parramatta. Charles Rt rnes. Esq., r pased, in au eloquent speech, '.Th» Council of Kde tion." Mr. Pokers responded. Mr. Murray, "1 Trade of Parramatta." Mr. Byrnes. "The Pres Mr."Walsh responded. Mr D mst, '-The Ladies." I Hull ¡ck responded. The National Anthem closed i


WÎAnïiE's FrnE-rrtooF SAFES -We had thopleasi of examining a specimen of colonial invention a ingenuity in tho shapo of a fire and burglar pn safo, just manufactured by Mr. Thomas Wearne, in monger, Geurge-atreet, who puts forth a challot which appear« in another column. Tho result of i trials in t-i-ting the relative merits of tho safes of t famous makers Milner and Price, ami tho remai ablo disclosures of one nf tho burglars engaged in t jewellery robbery with instruments known na "nidi men" and * citizena," of Messrs Walker's ostablishuie in London, have caused ninny improvements to

mada in safes, and Australia has not been backwa in fertility of resource and devices in this regal The sam plo burglar and fire-proof safe just complet by Mr. AVearno, includes n number of improvetnet of a very important character. It is thirty inch high, twenty-four inches wide, and twenty-four inch deop ; it weighs about 8cwt, and is made of ordina boiler-plate. Tho principal improvement on oth safes ia in the door. In tho first placo so closely da it fit that' a lighted camile wilt go out within half minute, if placed insido with tho door closed. In tl inner wall or chnmhoia them aro recesses for intern dovotaili from tho door, which tic poifcctly one in tl other, sa that in inserting n, wedge tho wholo wou naturally become tighter, in place of tho revers Tho looks »Iso aro an improvement on tho old systo of "travelling dogs." Those travel on thu door ar run on shoots, thereby securing a perfect fit audasecor means of resistance to safe-breakers. lu a few daMr. Weamo purposes giving a public trial of tho saf when its (ire-resisting qualité-, will b- put to tl severe test of twenty tous hillct-wood and 300 galloi

coal tar.

E.1ECUTIONEB9.- The Echo says, tho foo in tl United S ti te» for hanging a mao in £20 and tho clothi of tho culprit, nml people who ar« ready on all oca sions to dwell <m thu light price which Americans ai supposed to put upon lifo, would readily believe th; this prico could not fail to lind au operator. Nevertb leas, up to thu 7th instant, thee was no candidate i this price for tho excaution of one Jorry Thomas, wh was condemned to dio ou thu 17th. In England tl default of u hangman would throw tho operation int tho hands of tho abet iff, and if onco a sheriff had t hang a man with his own bunda, wo may safely pn phesy that capital puniilimcnt would receive a aevei blow. But wa havo in England a plen'iful supply t candidates for tho horrid duty. So that at preset hanging ia maintained practically by tho fact tbs hangmen nra easier to find in England than iu Atncric: That is a highly respectable stat.« of things.

THE LATH CHILD MUIIDEU AT GEELONG - On Satui day, the 20th instant, th» body of u male child wa diacovorcd on tho benoh nt Curio Ray by a fisherman Tho infant waa apparently about a month old, and on of ita feet waa deformed. From thu fact that a strin was found fastened round the neck, with n ston attaohed, and that death hud boen caused by auffoca tion through drowning, it waa evidont that the ohili had been wilfully thrown into tho water. At th Inquest, accordingly, a verdict was returned of wilfu murder against some person or persona unknown. Th police at Geelong have since that time been diligent]; engaged in endeavouring to truce the perpa trator of tho crime, nml their inquiries wer materially assisted by the circumstance of tho chili having a deformed foot. Upon information obtainei by sergeant Goodenough, a warrant waa procured fo tho nneft of a young woman named .Mary Themas upon whom suspicion rested. It was discovered tba this young perron went to Queenscliff by the atenmei Mystery, «bout eleven weeks ugo. She stayed then some timo, mid, upon tho 2lst April was confined of ( child, who .resi tuhled in almost every particular thi infant who waa found dead. Upon the 19th May. Mis: Thomas went to Geelong and a'ayeil thero only thal day, leaving tho next morning-the same ai that upon which tho hotly was discovered-bj train for Melbourne. It was ascertained thal she then had no child with her. Th( warrant against bur was faru-arded to the dutectiv« ofiioo In Melbourne, and entrusted to detectives Main, waring and Clu-iatio for "execution. For somo day« their endeavours to find Miss Thomas wero uuaucceaaful ; but yesterday they diicuvervd where aha wai staying, and arrested her about 1 o'clock. Sho waa lodging in tho house of a rcspeotablo person in Cardigan-streot. Carlton, who waa, of course, unaware of tho crimo with which her lodger was charged. Mis» Thomas denied tho accusation, find on being asked where her child was, abe 'stated that her baby had died at Geelong, and that she gave it to a woman, wb'»-o name sho could not give, to bury. The difficulties the detectives experi-enced in trucing her were heightened hythe name shs had given in Queenscliff and Geelong. Misa Thomas, being a filso one. Her real name is Catherine Phoobo Dolahay P.iulny. She is a young woman, about twentythree year» of n¡?«, possessing a tolerable education, and has previously burn employed os a nursory governess, in several respectable houaoa in .St. Kilda, : Fitzroy,, and on stations in the country. It ia a tated

that tho father of the child ia known.-Melbourne


It ia stated at Portsmouth that an attempt is about to be made hy Mr. Griffith, a oivil engineer, to raiao the Captain, which foundered off the conat of Spain on the morning of tho 7th of September last, hut that ho will

rcceivononid from the Government.

MAR OVILLA. OOOOA-No breakfast table is oom.plate without this delicious beverage.-Tho Globo says, "Varions importera and manufacturera havo attempted to attain a reputa-tion for their prepared Cocoas, but wo doubt whether any thorough success had been achieved until Messrs. Taylor Brothers discovered tho extraordinary qualities of 'Maravilla' Cocoa. Adapting their perfect systom of preparation to thia flicat of nil epooies of the Theobronia they havo produced an article which super»edoa_ every other Cocoa in the market. Entire solubility, a. delicate aroma, and a rare concentration of tho purest clements of nutrition, distinguish tho Maravilla Cocoa nbovo nil others. For homoeopaths Í- and invalida wc could not recommend a moro ngrooable

or valuable beverage." Sold in packets only by "all Grocers, of whom also may bo had Taylor Brothers' Origino.) Homoeopathic Cocoa and Soluble Chocolate. Steam Kill«-Brick Lane, London. Export Chicory Hula, Bruges, Bslgiucs.-Advt