Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Wednesday 10 March 1886, page 9





The general elections for the Legisla-tive Assombly are past, and the now House, which is to meet next week, will be very little differont from the last So httlo chango has boon made, indeed, that theio aro only 19 now members out of 80, and sov on of them tako tho places of ro tiling representatives who did not soek ro oloction Twelvo of the old mon only

havo boen defeated

When tho last summary was written tho campaign was at its height, ind now tho political world is so quiot that it ii hardly possible to boliovo that theio lias been a gonoial election All tho candidates kept themselves busy in thoir distucts, and for tho week i receding tho polling, which took placo on Tnday, their canvass was diligent and BO well directed that when tho ballot hotes wore opened it was found that

there had been a considei iblo in

ci case ni the voting ovor any piovious election, and withal thero was a marked absonco of tho rowdyism and disoidor

xvhich characterised othei íecout con

tests Thero w as no ill feeling to spoak of no faction fighting notluii0 to pi o vent opponents mingling happily tho clay after tho poll lins was because thoro were no burning questions, and becauso the radical element, w Inch w ould be noisy if possible, waa completely oxer shadowed by the stroneer patty of peace and progress who, convinced of tho good xv Inch had anson flora tlio reign of tho

last coalition Government woro detei

mined tint tho now coihtion should havo a fair tml Tho losult may bo regarded as extremely sattsfac tory Tifty foui membois bax o been

icturned to tho Ministerial oi Co iii tion side, tlieio me l8 in opposition and 14 Independents On any important division making due allow mee foi defee tions from tile leight, it is hardli possible that tho Opposition could muster moto than 30 at tho utmost lins would give tho Ministry a majonty of 2o

Nominations wot o lodged on Tuda), Fcbiuaiy 20, when it wits found tint

thoro must bo contests in 44 out of tho öo constituencies

Iho members re elected without oppo Bition all represented singlo seat consli tuoncies llioy w ero as follow s -

Mr Bent llnghton

Mr Bow (Munster of I amis) Kara Karn. Mr Derliam (Postmaster general) band ridge

Mr Levien Barwon

Mr. Murray, Warrnambool Mr. M'Intyre, Maldon Mr Oflicer Dundas

Mr Slnela Normanby

Mr. Uren, Ripon and Hampden

Mr. Wrixon (Attorney-General), Portland Mr. C. Young, Kyneton Boroughs

The results of the polling on the elec-

tion day-Friday, March 5—were, for the first time, fully known in time foi publication m Ihe Arqna no\t diy, principally bocauso tho tele0iaphic sj stem was completo, and secondly becauso tho mombers elected had, as a nile such substantial majonties til it any rotuli» that lud not airived could not

hal o uflcctod tlioir positions 1 ho gi eatost interest xv as, of couise concentrated upon tlioso constituencies m which Munsters were ii htm.; foi then scats and it was obscivcd vvitli L,ratilication tint in most cises the-, xv ei o ut tho head of tho p li Mi Gillies, tlie Piomioi, it is Uno i vu second to his co)lea"uo Mt Shaokell for Bodnex, but tho fact

til it Ali Sliacl eil was a locu lesiiient

must ltavo weight in tho considciiilioii of thou iclitivo positions Mr Connie thcdefciccd candidato, polled 200fowei vutcs titan Mi Gillies Mi Walker, C nniiussioiier of Customs, hud a lund Ktru0Jo ni Booioondma but as tile con tests liai o alwavs been closo thev o, that w is not i um irkablc 1 ho only Ministei ni loveiso wes tiio defeat of Mr Jumes, Mimstoi of MmcB, at B Ulai at Eist who xv is ousted bj i smill majoutv Itislikolx th it the oloetion of ins opponent, Mi

Muiphx, will bo petitioned agiinst on Hie e,iound that double votes woio cast ni ins t iv nu No other candid vto xv ho may be le" tided is i piommont stippoitoi of

tilt coalition suiieitd dofeat

Hie stnsation of the ilay was tho rejection of Air Miianis m G illin^vv ood,

the li uno of ulla i indicnlism-which

itnstitttcucy ins i etui nod him regulvrly Binee lbTti xv lien ho went into tho AKienibly as its loprcscntatixo at ii veiy stotmv period ile was a faithful follow ci of Mr Beirx when tint gentío man led tho pat tv, but ho biol o aw ly m

1SÜ.. uni not ccutcnt xvitli merely acting independently, hodisplaxcd mgiv pei son ii disltl o t ) Ins formol elnof and to Ins ct)llea0tie Mi L mgridgo, w lth w boin lie had alvv lys boon letuined, and to whom he w is jutnoi Ho w is a ino ni uncoil anti co ilttiomst, and assumed without any wniiiuit othoi than his own tho le uleisliip of the Piotectiomst pnty In ill these things ho inndo himsolf iidiculous and distasteful, but it xvas ncv ei expected til it ho w ould fail to it0ain ins seit When his defeat was notified tho stn prise was unbounded lho next intoicsttug defeat oceuned at Cíes w iel vvheiu Mi Itichaidson xv is i usted by ti new candidato by 111010 til m

DO votes Mi llichaielson xvns at one

tmiu Minister of L mils, and last yeal

s mo solicits disclosuies xveio niado

allccting lum m connoNionvvith an attempt ti obtain foi i lclative an allotment of

land in Gipps Lan« A board of police ni ."lsiiatcs investigated tho ciso, as it aflcetod his position as ii justico of tho I caco lhoy lopoitcd that ho xvas mi w 01 thy to occupy such a post, but ho lueioly resigned his honoiaiy olhco as a iiioiuboi of tho LYccutixo Council, by vuttio of which ho was a justico His constituents coinploted tho work 1) lejoctmg hint, although at tho last i,euoi ii election ho xvas letuined at tho top of tho poll Mi Mason foi xvhom the electotato of ¡south Gipps Land was legtudcd as a pocket boiough, w is do fi ited by inothci new man As all thieo weio îadicals of deepest dvo, and avowed Oppositionists thou iclcgation to pnxato hie his been duly appreciated I he other d fe its wclo not nnpoitant-Mi Cun lun^li un and Mi Connoi it Geelong, 'Mi M iel a) at Sandhill st, Mi Dully at Dalhousie Mi Bell and Mr. Fincham at Ballarat West and Mr. Moore and Mr. Yeo for Mandurang.

Among the new membors are Mr. C. E. Jones (Ballarat West) and Mr G. J. Sands (Dalhousie) the former of whom hid pteuousli been ONpelled fiom tho Assembly and whose leturn aftei many ve u i is in unit ippx incident lho 1 vttor (Mi S unis) was declared "unwoithyto 0 cupy a seit in tho Assembli

liotli men had biiilcied condign dis.,1 ice ot xv Inch thox bax o novel 1 ecu pin gul, and" their le appear mice in P uhamçnt must be logitttod

iii G milson, vvlioso connexion with politics lias not niipioved thom, comes lack is tile lopresontativo of Lmeiald hill '

lhc Opposition is not homogeneous Mi PatttHou Mi Lent, and Colonol E> nith aie the foicmost but none can command i following of nix. i espectable strength lhoy aie capiblo of mischief, howovoi and stoimj times ino expected by thoso vv 1 o mo faiiiilt u with tho eomso of events during the list tinco vein llien intention, it is undei stood it pro

sent, is to illow tho Government to ud join u after tho svv eui nig m of nu mbers f)i two months to cniiblo thom to pic

pate then measures

llio elections w ei o romarkablo for tho equal contests in many of the eonsti

tucncics In only ono was thcro any nouons splitting of xotes It occurred at Mornington, where two coahtioniats and

constitutionalists, Mr G! H F Webb and Mr Frank Maddon, peisisted m running for one seit uranista radie il and oppositionist, Mi L Ii Smith Mi

Webb was first in tho held and should have won tho seat, but Mr Maddon who carno out Bomo nooks iftcrw nels stub bornly refused to retire Consequently thoy divided tho voto, which otherwise would havo been cist for olio of thom, and Mr L L Smith was returned by a minority of the votéis Mr Webb beat Mr Maddon, and justified his action in doclinmg to stand aside At Belfast i deliberate attompt on tho part of tho priesthood to influence tho olcction w as eminontly unsuccessful At tho last gcnoial election, Mr T J Midden, a JOUII0' Roman Catholic, defeited m this electoi ito the late Sir John O Shan issy, tho politic ii head of tho church party 1 his tuno ho vv as violontly opposed by tho locil pnest, who espouaed tho c-iuao of Ina opponent, Mi Joseph Jones, fiom tho alter Tho olectna would not submit to tho dictation, iticl ictuined Mi Madden tuuniphantlj

Many sido isaucs woio mscd during tho elections, and tho décentrai isatioii cry which has been mudo against tho motropohs was loudest at Bill nat and Sandhurst, the two lirgcst inland cities, and ill the candidate* returned for thom aro pledged to secuio i lugor pioportion of public oxpcndituio tor tho country dis tncts In other electorates, tho Ball nat feandhuist programmo is not heartily cn dorsed In tinco motroplttan constituencies -Collingwood, fvoith Melbourne and Richmond-an attempt was mado to secure seats for "labour" reprosonta tu os Mr F H Biomloy, president of tlío Trades hall Council, Mr W L Muiphy, secretar} of tint body, and Mr AA Iieiiuith, ono of tho members of tho council, wcro tho candid itos lospcctliely, hut tiley w oro all defeated Mr Murphy mado tho best show, but the other two weio never dungorous Tho failuro of all three is significant It is a protest against any attompt to BOCUIO special rcpicsentation for any particulai class of



Parties in the new legislative Assembls will be divided as tollovvs when the llouse meeta if members adhere to the views they eNpieased on Hie hustincs -

THE MINISTRY (9). Mr. GILLIES ... Rodney

Mr DEAKIN ... West Bourke Mr. WRIXON ... Portland

Mr. DOW ... Kara Kara

Mr. PEARSON ... East Bourke Boroughs Mr. WALKER ... Boroondara Mr. DERHAM ... Sandridge

Mr. NIMMO Emerald Hill Mr. M. H. DAVIES ... St Kilda,


Mr. ANDERSON ... Creswick

Mr. ANDERSON ... Villiers and Heytes-


Mr. ANDREWS ... Geelong

Mr. BAKER ... Wimmera Mr. BOSISTO... Richmond Mr. BOURCHIER ... Avoca Mr CAMERON ... Evelyn

Mr. W. M. Clark ... Footscray Mr Cooper ... Creswick

Mr. Coppin ... East Melbourne Mr. Fink ... Maryborough

Mr. Forrest ... Polwarth and South

Grenville Mr. GARDINER ... Carlton

Mr. Gordon ... Castlemaine Mr. Graves ... Delatite Mr Graham ... Moira

Mr. GROOM ... South Gipps Land

Mr. HALL ... Moira

Mr. HARPER ... East Bourke

Mr. A. HARRIS ... North Gipps Land Mr. J. HARRIS ... St Kilda

Mr. HIGHETT ... Mandurang

Mr. KEYS ... South Bourke Mr. LANGRIDGE ... Collingwood

Mr LAUBLNS North Melbourne Mr. J J MADDEN ... Belfast

Mr MURRAY ... Warnambool

Mr. M'LEAN ... North Gipps Land

Mr. M'Lellan ... Ararat

Mr. Officer ... Dundas

Mr. OUTTRIM ... Maryborough Mr. Rees ... Grant

Mr. Reid .. Fitzroy

Dr. ROSE ... North Melbourne Mr. Russell ... Ballarat East Mr. Shackell ... Rodney

Mr. C. Smith .. Richmond

Mr. Staughton ... West Bourke Mr. Tucker ... Fitzroy

Mr. TOOHEY ... Villiers and Heytes-


Mr. Uren ... Ripon and Hampden Mr. WALLACE ... Benambra Mr. Wheeler ... Creswick Mr. A. YOUNG ... Grenville

Mr. Zox ... East Melbourne.


Mr. BAILES. Sandhurst Mr. BENT . Brighton

Mr. Burrowes ... Sandhurst Mr. D. M. DAVIES ... Grenville Mr. DONAGHY ... Geelong

Mr. A. T. CLARK ... Williamstown Mr. GAUNSON ... Emerald-hill

Mr. C. E. JONES ... Ballarat West Mr. LANGDON ... Avoca

Mr. W. MADDEN ... Wimmera Mr. MUNRO ... Geelong

Mr. Murphy ... Ballarat East Mr. M'Intyre ... Maldon

Mr. PATTERSON ... Castlemaine Mr. L L. Smith ... Mornington

Colonel Smith ... Ballarat West Mr. VALE . Ballarat West

Mr. C. YOUNG ... Kyneton Boroughs.


Mr. BROWN. Mandurang

Mr. Carter ... .. West Melbourne Mr. FERGUSON ... Ovens

Mr. Field ... ... Collingwood

Mr. Hunt ... Kilmore and Angle-


Mr. Lalor ... Grant

Mr. Levien ... Barwon

Mr. M'Coll ... Mandurang

Mr. Pierce ... West Melbourne Dr. QUICK . Sandhurst Mr. Sands ... Dalhousie Mr. SHIELS. Normanby Mr. Tuthill ... Ovens

Mr. WOODS. Stawell.


His Excellency the Governor and Lady Lodi have returned to town from Mount Macedon. In the event of the state ot public utluirs permitting, it is the intention 01 Ills Kxcetlency and Lady Loch to visit Tas-mania at tile end of tile present month.

The Melbourne Harbour Trust at its last meeting unanimously and cordially adopted a minute expressive of regret at the retire-ment of Mr. Murray Smith irom the ohiee of agent general, acknowledging the mil with winch he had given Ins time »nil personal attention to all the business of the trust in longland, ami heartily thanking linn tor the promptitude and prudence with which he had managed the monetary tiansactions of tile tiust ni London. A copy of the minute was ordered to be iorwiirtled to Mi. Murray Smith. Mr. W. W Couche (chairman) staled that he had seen Mr. Berry, and that the new ngint-geneial had ccuyeiitcd to act lor the trust in England, as Ins piedecessur lind


A telegram has been received by the Pre-mier from the ngent-geticral, stating that no décision lins yet been arrived at by the Wir Ollice authorities m relercnce to the request of tins colony tliitj», Major-Ueneral Downes should not be deprived ot Ins pension iib a reined Imprimí oflicer while lie holds the position ot bccretuiy for Defence in this colony. The telegram further states that tile representations ot the Minister lor Defence with regard to the conditions upon which Imperial ollicers might accept service under colonial Governments ure under considera


The agent-general lins informed the Go-vernment that exceptionally good oppor-tunities ot securing high chías modern pictures foi the colony will be afforded m London next month, and suggests that £2,000 might be bpent with advantage The sum of ¿.1,000 was t>et apart in the hut Esti-mates for llu' purchase of pictures lor the Melbourne Art Gallery, and the telegram ie ceived Horn Mr. Murray Smith has been for-warded to the trustees of the Public Library, Museum, and National Gallery for their con-


A considerable amount of interest was taken in the meeting of the Melbourne Pi es1 iy tory held on Milich 2 fttun the circumstance that the long standing case of the Scois Church, Melbourne, winch has been without a settled mmistci for some years, was about to enter on a new and Bomewlint critical phase. At 11 o'clock the Assembly-hull presented a well-lilled und animated appearance. '1 he business of the day was brielly introduced by the Kev. D. M ICcn/te, who formally reported Laving presided tit a congregational meeting in the bcots Church on the evening of the Lilli tilt, at which it was almost unanimously resolved toe ill the ltev. George Dods to the vacant pulpit. Mr. M'Keu/ie loitl the call upon the table, and announced that it had been signed by more than the statutory majority. Jt hore the signatures of 17U members and 112 adherents. Dr. Mollison, principal of the Scotch College, rose in silenco to state the

reasons of his complaint and ap¡ cal against the settlement of Mr Dods in tin ¡scots t h ii rch He cb irge 1 Mr Dois with com pbcity in the ultempti 1 siu ssion of Hu ?scots I burch bs 1 irliiuneiitiry n»i no fr >m the Preal y terian Chinch of A u ton i un t declatcd his pulpit ti aching to be vn»ue negative and unsitui ictoi) with res| cet to the eaicntitil verities ot the tait!) 1 he detailed charges of beteroioxy brou"htby Dr Alorriaon i_uinst Mr Doda are ivlmoat preciacly the same as were advanced a few years ago by the Lev Ü & Mi ichrun n"mnat Mr Strom, Di Morrison c include 1 by summing up Mr D das teaching na destructive mid rational

istie calcul ned to undermine the authority ot Holy Scripture an 1 to obscure the super n itural and the miraculous m religion Atr Dicl one ot the commissioners from the ioiic,rc"ntiou nacerte 1 nun 1st Hie ccnernl applause ol the sptetitois that Air Doda durui_ ins occupancy ol the be >ts Church pulpit, had tani»ht all the gicat cardinal tiuths of Christtunitj au 1 had cinsistently endeavoured to mile bia he irers true followers ot Jesus V dillcrenec ot optnti n between the Rev s T llnj mid A A ule led to a prolonged scene ot diauidcr at the termi

nution of whicli the further const 1er vtion of the c ill to Air Do la wa-) adjourned until A\ e Inca Ins the 10th mat

About 8 000 pcrcona were pteseiit on the nignt ot Al ireh 1 on the Mell) unie Cricket Clubs ground at a taren eil demonstr ition in honour ot the dcpirtin_ Austi iii m I leven At the close ot the euteumiment thcletdiug members ot the AI C C and aciertl visit ts assemble 1 m the coumuttt norn where sunca to the temi w is embuai estie illy druid on the motton ot Mr ULA llirri

son Ilecvpriaactl his belief that no temi bud t.onc home under moro f womal le au», pices or vv ith more assured prospects of sue cess 1 rom what he I new of the members of the tifti» Australian 1 leven he waa certain they would throu"hout their home tour re tlcct honour on the M C G and uphold the preatige of Auatratum cricl ct iii would venture a prophecy that they vvoul 1 come buck with more matchca to their etc lit than any previous team had auecetde 1 in w minne,

Mr 1[ J II Scott in lispondnigon bellah of the eleven thanked the M C C tor Hu 1 nully feehni, thut had been displajcd in the formt

non ot the new team Its members weie nil Australian born and he believed it would be tho first entirely native Australian team Hint had visited the old land lie could only hone th it tiley would do credit to the I md ol thnr hirth mid nchieve a success equal at least to that which prcv lous leam s h id attuned 1 he Unity of I iifclish mid Australian Cricl et vv ia pioposed by Air IL Creswick md responded to bj the lion Ivo ííl»_b, who met with a demonstiativc reception Ali Bligh said he was thorouehly convinced that the umtj ulludc 1 to in the tonst was now perfectly estaoliohed mid he joined ni the |_ood wishes that had been evpiesse 1 m favour of their departing friends 1 he he ilth of the maunder ol the eleven Mr 11 I \\antill w is druid with music ii honours and that gentleman in respondió», said tint no elloit w uki be w mitin», on his part to make the tour both a social and a cricl etui», success A good leal had been written about the unpoi ularitj ot the lust Austruli in 1 leven but that leeling lind now entirety been removed if it evei oNialedauic in the IIIIH"III liions ot certain persona Ile could mention that he w s in reenpt of a communie mon from the Alnrjlc bone club stating th it they were re lily to welcome an j team comm» irom the Ml G

even thoanli it coutume I members of tin 1 tte Australian 1 leven Air Wat lill concluded by cNpreaam», bia determination to endeavour to aecure for Auatrab i the veiy beat te tin that 1 tiglan 1 could produce

A mcetiuc ot members of the Melbourne Cricket Club wita held at the piviliou on Situiduj átteruoon to consider the question of bringing out it tenm of 1 nt,hah ern 11 tera to Hie culonas next seaaon On the moll n of the chairman (Air 1 O Al ou h ) it was unanimous, resolved - I hut this mci tuu, authouses the committee to urrmie,c tor the visit of ntl J ri_li_li temi tj the colimes during novt seas m Mr C Allee seeondi 1 the motion which was supp ried bj Mr AA

II Handheld In answer lo a question the chairman e .plained that it was Hie intention of the committee to get as m uij auiateiiis ita possible but they knew that it wis nuprne ticublc to cot a complete te mi without tw o or three professional b jvvlers

the Steam Navigation I onrd has held in m nury into#hc recent grouwlm,, ot Hie Waihora oil Tddvstone lomt in the las main m c nst 1 rom bcnrint,s taken by C ip tim Al Gee immcdi itclj before mid uftcr the A\ milora struck it was Bliown that the posi

lion ot the vessel ut the time waa about two miles un I a half Irom the 1 d lystonc 1 ock an I conscquiiitlt a mile und cirtht cubles distant Irom the Nor»at Rod which it w is at hrst supposed that the vessel btv I touche 1

Some ot the rocka m the loc ihty arc describe 1

as standing up like a ships masts, and us being narrower towards the base than nt the top, and the theory generally advanced was that the Walbor i struck a rock ot this de oeiiption nut marked upon the eli irt, and cuiried it awav. As this impediment is din elly in the lairway ol vessels trailing to Hobart and New Zealand, the board urge the (lolcrûment to take the lit cessary steps tor a survey ot tho passage by Ü.M. survey ing ship Myrmidon The board lound th it Captain M'Uee and Ins olhcers, being on deck ut the time, anti attending to the nav igution oí tho vessel, then m a presumably sate position, were in no way responsible toi the acci-


Since the appeal on behalf of the Domus Fund of Ttiinty College appetred in Ila -Í/7/HJ nanni ol £1,1)00 has been contributed for that purpose. About t'2,000 is still le quired to tree the college trom till its liabilities, and a strong eliott is being made to raise tins prior to the departure ot Bishop Moorhouse, aa the bishop has taken a speetal interest in the eliort to render the college

free trom debt.

The obituary of the fortnight contains the name of the Rev. D. Jones Hamer, who for the past four vents has Idled the pastorate ot the Collins street independent Church Mt. Hamer died 01 pneumonia at the compara-tively early age ot 11, whilst on a visit to New Zealand for the benelit 01 his health. Mr. Hamer came to the leading Congregational church in Victoria with the highest credentials as to his character and capacity. Educated at Cambridge University, he completed his training for the ministry at the independent College, Whalley Range, Manchester. His first 'call" was to the Richmond Congrega-tional Church, Salford (the twin city of Man-chester), a pastorate which he filled with eminent success for a period of about 10 years Mr Hamer left Salford in 1876 to undertake the pastorate of the Queen street Independent Church, Wolverhampton, the centre of Congregationalism in the Black Country, and he labuured there with great advantage, not only to the Independents and their denominational institutions, but likewise with beneficial results to the com muniity at large. His departure from Mel-bourne was generally regretted, ami ho brought with linn to this culony many hand-some tokens of the esteem m which he was held by the friends «boin he lett behind In England his sympathies were always with the people, and he was a staunch disciple of Cobden and Bright, believing, to use his own words, that "the riches of all lands should be at the service of all nations, without human interference." Possessing a well stored memory, and a keen, logical mind, and gifted also with the pen of a ready writer, lie was a constant contributor to the editorial columns oí two or three newsptpers in the front ranks of the English provincial press, bulee Ins arrivai m lins colony Mr Hamer has not ventured far beyond the ¡sphere of his pastorate As president of the Congre-gational lubilce I'und he visited nearly eveiy independent Uiuicli in th.* colony, with the object oi raising, for the purposes of the de-nomination, a sutil oí fc,SÜ,G0D, and Ins elîorts were so lar successful that the amount will actu illy be exceeded Telegrams ot condo leuce v.eieHcntto Mrs Hamer by the Con giegational Mimsteis Association, anti the executive ut the Congregational Union,winch latter body at ti meeting on Monday altcrnoon unanimously passed the following lesolu tion .-"The Executive Committee ot the Congregational Union Mission ot Victoria, having heard of the death ol the Rev. D. Jones II liner, hasten to condole with the Collins street Chuicb m their sudden be-reavement, and piny that they may be sus-tained in this mysterious providence hy-the Divine bhepherd anti lleud ot the

Church "

The adjourned inquiry respecting the Coburg tragedy was resumed on Eebruaty 21, w hen ii v ertliet was returned bv the jury that the victim, Ethel Muj Hampton, had been hilled by her mothei and three sisters while they were labouring undei tempotary Disunity. The onlv additional feature elicited was that Drs W. II Cutta lind Elliott,''lib inspector \. nish, and SergeantCaivsev ot the plain clothes police, expressed themselves tis being i[Uite satisfied ot the insanity of the accused, who were unconscious that they h id done anything wromr in taking the child's hie. Sub inspector Walsh was of opinion that the girls and their mother believed that they had donc a praiseworthy act m deliver-ing the little girl lrom a temptation under which they felt themselves to be suffering.

A representative gathering of gentlemen connected with banking and mercantile pur-suits met at Scott's Hotel, Collins-street, on February 24, to bid farewell to Mr. John McCutcheon, manager in Melbourne of the Commercial Bank of Australia, prior to his departure for England. The chair was occu-pied by the Mayor of Melbourne (Alderman J. C. Stewart), and among those present were Messrs. J. Service, M. H. Davies, W.F. Walker, and T. Bent. The toast ot "Our Guest" was proposed by the chairman, who dwelt upon the high ability displayed by Mr. McCutcheon in the management of the Com-mercial Bank, and upon his Btrict integrity and high acuse ot honour. In conclusion. Mr. Stewart presented Mr. McCutcheon with a beautifully ?illuminated address signed by himself on behalf of the subscribers, and with a valuable diamond ring. He also

handed hua a diamond bracelet as u parting gift to Mrs. McCutcheon. In responding, Mr. McCutcheon expressed his giutttiide to the subscribers for their handsome gifts, and stated that he hoped to return t.i Ana tr illa more and more content to he a A ic


'1 he inqttlrj into Hie cause of th' death of the late .lohn Plum, near tv nngarattu, on Hie 2'lth January lnst, waa concluded at AAiingu rntta on Alarch 1, when the woman Mrs. Stevens, who is believed to have poisoned the deceased farmer m ordei to rob lum of bia savings, and then to have set fire to the home stend, waa committed to tuke her trial on a charge ot vvilml murder

'Hie Bijou 'theatre ia at picsent the only

home of the drama in Melbiurne. Dum llouci. au It's " forbidden l'ruit' is now being performer! with much sticce-j, the lending characters being well sustained bv Messrs, G. AA. Anson und I!. Brough.

Gilbert and Sullivan's opera "TheMikado"

continues with uti vb itcd Mieceis to attract crowded imlioiieea to theTiicalte Iloial At Her Alajcsti's Opera house, Bticilossi's "Ainntenn . Noir»" waa reproduced on ¡satur d tv night, the (1th nish The house was cromie I, but the peiformancediaplnjed winn-ot relieurs ii Mrs Armstrong, a young A'IC toruin voethst ot exceptional talent, gave her fun nell conceit ni the Town hall on

s iturdnj night, the üth mst, in the presence ol ilia i'vcellencj the Governor and l.idv Loch, anil a huge nudtenee 'Hie h^nnamtr Mia assisted by Miss Christie luller, Mr Rudolph Dimmer, Air. T. Bergin, Mr. John Lemmoti, li lutiat, Signor Steliani, violinist, and Madame Tusca, pianiate, a m ile nu ule't pal I v ol Jl voices ; and Mesara J. B Xerbini, T 11 Gucnett, mid J Her/, nccoinpanials The ctiteit iinment was m every wnj a gre it success. Airs Arm-strong goes by tina mall to J atrope to complete her musical educa-tion _



The approaching departure of Dr. Moor-house for England, to take up Ina new duties m the bishopric of Manchester, lina been the signal lor many mtinitestationa ot public regret On the 4th mat the biahop piesided at the annual distribution of prizes in connexion with the Church of Kngland Sunday school Assocntion, md a farewell addresa was presented to him bj the -council of the association In the courso of his reply Dr. Aloorhousi! made a parting protest against the omission of all religions teaching from the curuculum ot our state schools. lu bul I irewell to the association, he saul he would never lorget the bright and huppy years lie had spent in the colons. On tue lollowing ssnturday attornoou, tno tah mst, a 1 tillea' testimonial was presented to Airs AFoorhouse at lue '1 own hall, in the presence ot a 1 irge number ot subscribers, including Lilly Loch. Lady Stawell presided, and handed to Airs. Aloor houae tho address and uimimr which had be. n selected na appropriate to the occasion The addreaa, winch waa very handsomely bound and illuminated, bore at the head a view of Bishopbcouit, List Melbourne, .md nt the foot the signatures of the subscribers. The buuinur consiated of a diitmond crescent, set us a bio^ch, mid u diamond atar pendant The lltahop returned thanks on bell,ill of bia wife, and Alis Aloorhouse ndded a lew words, ask-ing all her Hienda in A'ictoriu to remember that she will always thmk ot them with the greatest allection.

A I tige number ot the clergy and laity met at the Town hall on Afoiuiny nttet noon, Hie 8th mst , and presented Bishop Moorhouse with ian'well addreoaes. The chair wua oc-cupied hythe Jlnyor of Mclbouiuc, and all the lending diguitnnea ot the Church vveie in ntlendimce. No less thuii eight addtessea were handed to the biahop, the moat im-portant of thom being from the clergy ol the diocese, Irom the luy leudéis, nuil Irom the huty general Is In each case regret wna ex-pressed at the approaching depnrtuie ot the bishon on ai count ot the loss winch the Church ot Lnglund would sustain thiough his absence, but cotigrutiiluuons were also ottered to lum on bia appointment to the wider sphere ot work which waa presented in the ace ot Manchester. The bishop did not give tonnai replica, but briefly thanked the gentlemen who ptesented the addresses lor the kindness that had dictated then action. At the conclusion ot the proceedings, the past students ot Timitj College handed to Dr. Moorhouse a complete set ot the snored booka ot the Last, edited by Mix Muller. The bishop, in Ins repli, o ¡pressed lils timuka tor the gilt, ami also spoke of the signal sueceaa oi Trinity College m promoting the higher cultniu of sludenls lor the


in the evening of the same day a public meeting was held in the 1 own hall to bt 1 laievvell to ihe bishop Hie hall wis Ulled 1 y a very lai"e and represtietativu g ithertii" His 1 xcellency the bovemor occupie 1 the chair I adj I oeh being also nrescut on the plallortn Hie proceedings throughout vvi re ot i most enthusiastic character Hie laud ttory terms m which His Extel

lency spoke of the great beiiehts which the colony li vii derived from the eminent serv tees rendered by Bishop Mo ir liousc and his allusions to the vvoik which the bishop vvt uld be cn ible i to carry out in ins new sphere of labour, were rceetved with much warmth ot ieelinn At the conclusion ct His 1 xcellency a temar! s the Mayoi of Melbourne presented Dr Moot hi/Use with a valedictoiy a (dress iront the citizens of Melbourne He also ann junee 1 th it the committee had been preptrcl to i resent the bishop th it evening with ii giit of ii _00 but the earnest sollt itntiuns oi test lents m all parts of the colony lind led them to decide tint to close the subscription lists until ti future date On rising to respond I Ishop Moorhouse was greete I with luulehc iin" Referring to ins neecptanee of the uisiiopnc ot Manchestei ile r man ed that e i ly ni life ile hud found it necess try to formul itt a rule in regard to nnj promotion that mi"lit be offered to tutu I hat rule was that Ile silt uld never seek preferment but that n ever work were ottered to lum ol a linger and more im portant nature than that ni which he was engaged, he would accept it n"urdlcss ol all consequences He had always folluwel that principle, altliou"h sometimes it hal brought him what was culled bid fortune anti at othei times gootl lortune ititi he lind done so when lie bad aeci pie 1 the bishopric of Manchestt r Di Mo uhouse then passed irom m ittcrs of personul evpla nation and spoke ot the ends which wer

being achieved by the establishment, ni 1 ninty College and the erection ot the eithe dral In the one instance the h i"hcr culture ot tito clergy was provi led for and in the other a centre of love and worship was being provided tor the members ol tin Church it I n"land lu spenlcin" to the tin stian de nominations generad} 1 ishop Ho irhouse exhorted them to preserve unitv within their miks and not to di part w iib mt gou I reason lrnu the old lints ot their taith In con elusion he bade Ins heards an affectionate

lui ewell

Di Moirhouse prcnibed his farewell ser mon itbt J unes s Ctitlie lr ii on bund ly list 7th nist Hie bulldut,, was Idled to over Mowin,, anti iheserviei w as attended I > I uly I oelt an 1 suite I he bish jp preacnetl Irom I Corinthians vin J i- And now nbidetli inilh hope charity lhe3e three but the ttctilist ot these is chanty towards tile

elo«e ol the seimon Dr Moorhouse s lid that it vvaseoinl itiun tj lum to think th it des; ite linpeiieetK ns he hal win the atlee

tionate rc^ai I of in my among whom he lin i labour d in tins colony Ile asl ed their pnycrlul symi uhv I r he li id to go tj milltown dancers mil uni n til labours I nownu only III it th y wcie gre it and th it liisntrciigth unsupported by t brist was ni

sulheient tor thin) He would have them iriy that lit vvoul 1 givi bun light and sticn"th and m li e him ii truer minister of His w rl Hie bishop deinend the con ein iin" words with "le it lervour an I ni ni) persons m the coiinrcBiitton were much


binre the 2nd tust the Lishop nu 1 Mrs

Mioihousc hive been the guests of His I xcelle icy nul I t ly L)ch lltcy le ive Melbuurut tor London bj the P nu I II tom ptmys s s Beii0 il on Ihursday next Uth


Di Moorhouse s resignation of the bishopric oí Mell) urne vv ia on the rd mat

pi iccd betöre the b nrd of elect jrs appointed by the Church of 1 ngliind Assembly and it was resolved- lliut the Vrchbishops ot Canteibinyiind lork the Bishops ol Durliim oui Mmehtstei, and Bishop Perry, be requested to co operate m recommeii ln>0 to tins boni a cler_yman for election to the vacant bishonnc ol Melbourne


Hie lactoncs and Shops Act which was passed towards the close of the last session of Parliament came into opeiation in the cities towns and borou"hs ol the colony on the 1st inst Hie Urd clause which cn forces the compulsory closing of shops nfc an early horn in the evening has been a fruitful source ol dissutislucti in among many dusses of tradesmen Hie clause leads -

Ml shorn other than thotiu ot tho kinds Epcoltlc 1 In tho third tichi hilo her to and otltcir than mich a* niny 1 u 1 eeti.ctl to rciimlu oj on at nljjit un 1er niiv hy e la v inado under tho authority ol thin it t shall le atoned on each and uvcry moline, of tliovveolc cxce[ » k «tur lay at tho hour ol of tho clocl and on batutday CVCIIIIIL, ut tho hour of lu of tho cloak

Hie places specified ni the third schedule are-Chemists shops collée houses con fctionera shops eating houses lish and oyster shops truit iiiul vegetable shops, restaurants, tobacconists shops, and book sellers ami news n"ents shops lins law may be set osnle, however by any mum cipal body when a majority ot shop keepers of a particular class petition to be exempted from ita operations Pins pro vision bus already been taki n advantage of m Melbourne by the fancy dealers and the pork butcheia, and other petitions are under

consideration 'Hie municipal council mas ulao frune a bye law dxiiig the peniltiea to bf impoacil for breaches ol the early closing sccti n und in the c rae of the city ot Alel

bourne n Iv inttu,e bus been tak. n ot this rowel to practically, niilblv tin law At ti meeting ol the i irj Couni ii held on the 1st Hist it was decided to lix the pen Itj tor the íir-t oliciiee at la , ind for the second and tiny subsequent ollence at 5s Considerable in tereat waa therelore evinced on the evening ot the 1st mst as to the m inner in M Inch the new law would be observed m the citj and Biibur )» M un ot the tradespeople, and | nr ticul irlj the am tiler shopkeepers in the buay th jroujiturts vvhodoth _rcutcr puitot their business niter lU-htiull expresaed strong discontent but it waa found that except in less th in h ill a do/cn ca=es the new law waa n"orouslj ob jel In the city it sell the lilli ration in the aspect ot the stre ts ivis not very marked the majority el the ahopa in Collins street

beth street and the central portions ot b jurie in 1 Sw inston streets have lot years puse bei ii close 1 at I. p m , and a lure.? mini bel ( I even)! ^ I catiilihshments rein mi open. 1 n the sttburba the cllect vv is more notice ihle, mid m my ot the leading thornughturea pre setited an uppeninnce of "loom that vv ia ulto"cthci Uiivvolltcl A crowded meetm" ot shop asaist nits was held m the Icmperance

hall the s une i vening un Ici the auspices of the Political-sh irt Hours Lene,ue, mid reso lntions wcie enthusiastically passed in favour oí the carl) closing clauses ot the act, which it was alliimcd were nilculutcd to lorivard the b stuiterists, soei illy and physically, ot shop iis-uatmts, and arc ncccsu iry m the inten-als ot justice On the ni_bt 11 the 2nd mat the luiv WHS not 80_inerullj ie " irdcd and was m munj eases openly evadid A detect ia believed to exist in the woidiug ot the 1 Ir.l clnuac, lima uiuclt us that, whiln it decl irea that all shopa shall b- cloacd ' at the hour of 7 ot the clock it iloea notsav that this muât rein mi close J No opportunity has set occurred of resting the validity ot tina objection, but it IB probible that action will ahortly betaken ncmnst those tradesmen who have evaded the act Hie necessary atepa have been t ii cn to set m motion the provisions ot the let with re"ard to the lactoncs lhe0eneral opinion with regard to the measure appears to be that it has b eil too hastily conaidcred, and that impottimt amendmeiita will have to be made m it belore it can bo cn forced _



At the publication of our last summary it waa (.cnenills believed that Sir Patrick Jennings and Sir John Robertson had auc cccded m ovctcomuig all dilhcultiea m the wayot establishing n coalition Alimstry in the p trent colons in Iced, on February 20 tile subjoined list w ia authoritatively CK

culnted -

Sir 1 utnek Jenninga, Premier and Colonial

Trc ismer

Sir John Robertson, Colont ii Secretary Mr I li Want, Ittorncv General

Air li Copeland iMunstcr oí L niels. Air Al J Lyne, Munster ot Alines

Mr G li Dibbs, Minister ot Public In


Air I 1 Burns Aluuster of AA orks Air J Garrard, Postmaster Gcueuil

Air i W ndom, A'lee Pteaideut of the I xccutive Council

However, on the following evening, Sir Patrick aurpnseil the Assembly by stating tliut the coalition procec lilias bad cueletl m a complete failure, in consequence ot neither patty agreeing in the distribution ot the poit lohoa Sir 1 utricle leanings limited Air Lj ne to be Munster ot A\ ( rita vv Iule S r John Robertson thought th it Air burna ounht to have tina position Sir Patrick Jciimn(»a also c uisidcrctl that Air A\ ant should be Attor ney General, willie Su lohn Robertaon m Bisted on the chuma ot Mr ¡simpson Being nu iblc to a"ree on the«c pointa Sn Patrick lcimm"s statel that he would form u Aluiistrj out of the Opposition, ol vvlucli he w s the leudi r He i nlv asked lor un ad j( uniment until lu.sduj, Al ireh J lins waa granted and the House then adjourned Hie lollowing are the nunns ot the new Muustij loimed without Sir lohn Robertson s

assist ince -

Sir 1 itriek Jenimu,s Picmier and Colonial 1 mesurer

Air G R Dibbs, Coloni ii Soqictirj Mr AA I Lyne, Minister of AA oiks Air H Copel mel, Minister of 1 linds Air J 1 letcher, Minister of Mines Air f U Avant, Attorney Gencial

Air J P Guinn Aluuster ot Just cc

Dr Kenwick, Minister ot Public Instruc


Air I b Suttor, Postmaster Gêner ii

Hie members ot the new Government weie sworn in ut Government house on 1 uduy


'Hie nominations rendered neeesstry by U»e iorrantion ot ihe new Ministiy took place on Saturday. For.Eist Sydney, Mr. Henry Copeland, the Minister ot Linds, wits re« turned unopposed. At Redlen), Dr. lien wick, the Munster ol Public lustiuettou, is opposed b> Mr W. btephen, the uiisiiicesstiil candid ite at the last election. At New castle, Mr. James lletcliet, the Munster ot Mines, was returned unopposed At Bathurst, Mr J?. B. buttoi, the t'oatmuster-Ceneral, is op-posed by Mr. D. Mayne

Mr. i'le'tclter, when addressing his consti-tuents, said that it was the intention ot the Iiovernment to introduce a bill to amend the Land Act, mid a local government bill , to amend tilt Civil .Service Act,and to intioduce a system ot both direct und indirect taxa-


Mr \\. J Lyne, Minister of Public Works, and Mr. J. ii Want, the Attorney.(, have been returned utioppused for the Hume and Gundagai respectively. In thank-ing the clectois, Mi. Lyne- s ltd that the delicieticy ni the revenue bad been caused by a nilling oil ni the receipts Irom the land revenue, consequent upon the abolition of auction s iles, and the îelusal ut Parliament to nppioie oi ti properly tax, proposed to m ike good the loss in income irom this aoutce. Regaiding the policy of the new Go. i eminent, he saul that there would be direct taxation m some lorm, but he waa not ni i position to say decidedly what shape it would take. A portion, hovvevel, ot the deficit would be met Of indirect mullion, but without interfering with their comtnet ei ii relations with othei countries, in uddi tiou to these menus ol increasing the leienue, there vvuuld be ii policy of re-trenchment, especially m the Public \\ orks department. He hoped to re-duce the military expenditure coiididerabJy mid etleet íeüui tiona in Ins depirtiiient uf tully halt a million 'Hie Civil bervice Act hail proved a gigantic failure, and one ot the lirst duties ol the tioveniuieut would be to Hillend that measuie. Releiring to the ques-tion ot the border trade, the «peaker ami! that hu should be in I ivour, it possible, ot reduc-ing the railway freight lor gr iiu Enormous (Iiiautities ot grim and hoiae ieed weie etiter iii,' the colony Irotn victoria. All these goods were coming m tree. \\ hen, however, ihe conditions were lcvei-ed, the New botith Wales hiirplus w is not admitted into Victoria iv itttout heav v taxation It appealed to him that the time bud come to t ike decisive steps to put an end tu such ii st ite ot titlairs, and lie hoped to be able to induce his colleagues lo establish a systitu ol reciprocity. Hie bpc.iker also condemned the Victorian stock tax, attd denounced the policy ot Victouu in these matters as untair, unjust, and oeltisli. Ile hoped that Victouu would see that New botith Wales could notsullei loi evei without retaliation._



The disquietude which was tele towards the end ol I ebiuur) rc'uiding the position of the Gorumerci ii Bank of South Australia proved to be well toundeil, anti on February 2J the institution suspended payment Sus-picion as to the stability ot the establishment was lust aroused by the suspension ot the accountant, Mr. A. ill. Wilson. A rumour th it the leserve fund lind been ovei ilrawn niirensid that suspicion, and led lo a rim on the funds at one ot the br inches ol the bank, but the sum oí ¿7"),0t)U, sent Irom Melbourne, allayed the excitement. The gravity ut the

position really became apparent when tile tuieeturs solicited Mr li. 0. Turner, the general manager ol the Commercial L ink ot Australia (victima), to visit Adelaide, and make a thorough inspection ot the accounts ot the institution. it mean-while titttispircd that the directors bad been mlormed by one ol Ihe clerks that large speculative accounts had bl n opened and ovcrdiiiwti without the knovv hdgcol the board As a muttei of iact, two lists ot overdmlts had bei n prep ired by the niaiugerliMr A. Crooks), ( ni) oneof which had been submitted to the directors These laets were pi iced betöre Mi. Turner, who, alter the lullest investigation, tleeult d that the as-sistance of the Associated Banks of botith Australia should be tisked to enable the institution to tide "over the disaster. That assistance however, was reiused, and consequently the directors felt it to be their duty to close the doors of the establishment, 'Hie appioximato statement oí the condition ut accounts is as follows:-Liabilities m Adelaide, 1773,000 ; ni bund, £3J4,000 ; foul, £1,107,000; assets, tl,5Sß, 100, leas £300,000 (the piobable amount ot bad debts and losses), i'l,2üti, 100. The total amount of the notes of the bank m circulation is approxi-mately ¿70,000. The balance due to the other banks is about £ ID, 000. 'Hie bank was established in lb7S with a capital of £1,000,000, consisting of 200,000 shares ot £5 each. Only 100,000 shares have | been issued, on which £4 lias been called up. The shareholders, however, are liable, by act oi Parliament, for tho unsubscribed £1 and for au extra amount equal to the full value of .the share. They uie, thcrefoie, responsible for a total sum of £(100,000, und provided that they are uble to subscribe thut^otnounc ot

capital, the bank, with the aid of its other assets, will be able to meet the claims made upon it. The institution had a most lnlluen tial directorate, and had 20 branches, in most ol the principal towns of South Australia. The loo vi directors are Mr. R. A. 'tarl-ton, Al.LO. (chairman), Mr. M. Salom, Al I. C . Air. A Tennant, M ILA, and Air C. Rischbeth. At the half-yearly meeting of the bank, held m November, a balance sheet showing a profit of 121,0'», after ullovvin ' for all bad nnd doubtful debts, was submitted to the shareholders. The bulk, m addition, to its local ofhees, had established branches m London, Alelbourne, and Perth. In Alel bonrne only a small amount or exchange busniess was transacted, and therefore the public of A'icioria are only allected in a very slight degree by the suspension of the bunk. On the day following the suspension an excited meeting of the shareholders was held in Vdelaide. l'rom the statements then made bj Air. Tarlton it appeared that nine or ten individu Us bud received £170,000 us ad v inceaiimteunkiiowntotlie boardotdtrectors. '1 hu m uiuger (Mr. Crooks) pleaded in justih cat.on of Ina condun mat ho opened these accounts with thu view of mnking a proht for the bank He denied that he lind m ide incorrect statements of accounts, and contended ti) it as the bunk waa m a solvent condition it should never haveslnit its doora. Other speechea were delivered by Air. R Burr Smith (trustee, of the bank) and Air. At Salom, AI. b C, both ot vv bom criticised Air. Ciooka's conduct with the utmost severity. 1 mally u committee ot investigation was appointed, who li tve to report the result ot their inquiries to the shareholders tit a meet-ing to be held in a lortmght's time trom the dutc of their election. In the meantime the man iger has been committed for trial at the Criminal Sessions, on the charge ot Air U A. Tarlton (chairman of the board ot directors), foi hiving wiltully, and with intent to defraud the bank, omitted muten ii par-ticulars from certun documents submitted by bim to the dtrectois, purporting to contain ii listof nil persona indebted to the institution mid the amounts owing nv them on November li B id hua been nllowed. Crooks has ulso fouvurderl a statement to the committee ot investigation as to the position ot the bank, and lina oilered to aasist the mem-bers in making their inquiries. Telegrams have beeu received Irom London asking what amount of money will be required to enable the institution to curry on, und a reply has been sent that with i-'OO,000 additional capital the bustneaa might be continued. '1 lie Premier ol South Australia (Mr. J. AA*. Downer, M H.A.), baa uncreated himself in the mutter, and his induced the naaoci ited b tilka to t tke the Commercial Balik notes at pur, conditionally on new notea being issued, and on the gold of the buik, which was at hist deposited with only two banks, being distributed among ull the bulks A very strong feeling exists m South Australia that the b ink should again continue opera-tions, mid ellorts nre being made to obtain the neeesaaiy capital to enable it to do ao. 'Hie bank however, h ia sustained another blow 'I he blanch at Yankalilla vins entered by two oi three men on Saturday nicht Inat, the mniuger, Air. Lyal I, und lus wtie were gagged, mid notea to the value of £1,210 were taken irom the premises. Hie suspension of thu bank bus i.iuseil much distress, na ita shores were held bj ti large number ot the

poorer classes ot the comummts.


'the season so far baa been favourablo in the colony both tor the agricultural and pastoral interests. There have been alter-nating with wurm weather good showers of nun, so that grass and water is fairly plenti-ful for the time of j ear, and ploughing m the whe it growing districts has been facilitated. As_gettmg an early start with the ploughing ia a matter ot importance in the northern districts, the area of land sown with wheat is likely to be, at least, equal to that ot last year. The season has suited the grape crop, and the vintage is likely to be a good one, while the mea under v mea baa conaiderably increased ot late jeais

The hop linn est is now being carried on, and the jields vary greatly in the diherent pans ol the colony. In the Clipps Land dis-trict, vv here there is the largest area of hops, the season has been very imiuvourablc, and, consequently, the crop will be a light one, notwithstanding the luct that the yields aro good in some other localities, in c nae quenco oi the low prices which have been ruling in the colony for ii year or two, the hop growing industry is in ti very depressed condition I'ltlorta to open up au export trade have so fir been uiiaucces'ltil, mid us the localmuket is over supplied, mnnj growers hine abandoned tho industry, while others have redttced the area ot then plantations. In the Gipps Lund district the area ia not quite half what it waa lust jem, and it is estt m ned that the total mea of poled hops m the colonj is onlj Sb2 acres us computed with 1)51 hist jenr. The estimated average, ac-cording to I lie Atf,t> iilnttaa, l8 feewt. per acre, giving a tot ii ot Ckb'Jbcwt, or less than half the produce ot lost snisuii.


During the last weck the autumn meeting of the Victoria I icing Club lias been the lending event in the colonial sporting world On the first lay of the meeting, the New market Handicap, the great short dist mee race of the season, was run '1 he number of starters was the s line as last )ear, JO, and quite halt ( he numbei vv ere heav ily backed, the race being the médium tor a "reut de ii ot belting William iel!, winner ot the Oak lci"h Handicap nt Caulfield a fortnight before, was one of the f ivountes, anti "tttinir away in Iront when the Ung wein down he «us never cau"ht, and won by lour lengths , bilvenuuic who shan d favount ism with bun, being second, and Napier, one ol the outside division, third 1 he winner ran in the nomination ot Mr S

Millet, by whom lie is tit present iessed. Of the other events of the day the Lssendon blakes was won by Mr W Coulons Sandal, who belt some of the best of the weight ior a,e horses, the Newr /calami colt \\ mchester being second anij Regln titi third Hit Ascotv ile btakes, the chid two )cnr old event ot the meeting, was handsomely won by Mi D Coopers Chesham a colt by tnaud I litiieiii out of

1 ad) Chester, who beat his st ible cdmpamou Blairgowrie, as vv;ell as ihe lion James White s colt Philip Augustus and the crack fill) Maddclinu. A very moderate held fought lor this yenr s St Lc"er, anti the event was comfortably won by the lion James \\ bite s Matchlock, another ui th lormidable Musket colts that have eurie I the blue and white jacket ut the Sydney spt rtsman so suecessiully of late 1 he other placed horses weie I list Prince und Remus I he llopelul Still es, tor the second rate two jcur olds, was won by Mr b Millers Munwyrtiiia, a colt by Clorions, and the Brunswick billets fell to Mi It IIiinessGtps) sWnrning Ontbesccond d ty the Australian Cup two miles and a tiuurtei, was the chief race Phire were l'l starters and the race was brilliantly won by Mr J U Ingliss Malua, who, cairying '1st lib coveied the dist ince in a traction of a second over tour mniules anti finished with the splendid ruah that has gained bim so many victories Ihe little S)dney m ire Cerise and Lluc gained nu uti

expected second and 1 trbt Prince was third Hie Sires' Pioduee Still es was won by Maddeliiia( with ilnlip Au"ustus mid'Indent, the latter two tiom tue lion lames White a stable m the other pi lees lhere were twojuiii|in" îaees in the da) a pro^ianinu the Hurtle Rice being won by Mr J M Grades 1 intaltser, witii Huntsman and Hippo,rill next to Inn), while in the Stccpleeh tse Mr W Peaison a min I lily ishtoii another of the renowned deseen lunts ot Punic scored a creditable victory, being vei) gamely ridden by Mt

M Culloch an amateur Hit otlurplicis wire Idled by 1 ob Coopt r and Studley Hie lourie Ilundicip placid nnotlicr victory to the credit ol Mi I Ii truer a lilly St Oddie by St Ubina trom Prionss, (linn ten Mitsep uni larp ti being respectively sei cn I and Ibu 1 On the thirl day the Champion bud es the^r at event ol the meet in" w is uni and iltei Malua s st li neild race foi the Auati titan Cup the o Ids weie on lum With a wctdiy anti In ivy course neither of tile top weights Malu i and blici t Anchor, could laat I >r the dist me , an 1 the race was won in very blow time b> the Le,er winner, Mntclib ck, riddell bv Hales tho second and tim 1 horses being Cvelops

another ot the St Albina colts and first 1 rince, who is b) 1 irac Km, Hie Mullen blakes w ia v\on b) Mr I Alberta Perchance, b) Onu" iotwaii-Per ulv enture In the Nursery btal cs Mi A 1 Blackwood s colt \J los b) Aprcmont- l^lin se ire I an eiay victoiy and the Autumn II tuthenp tell to Mi Ü B inlett a maie Lcbbin by lim W Inlllei from Peerless 1 he All n"ed Stakes bec une a rice fir two ye ir olds uni), and was won by Mu ldehnii on her pertorm luces the lastest youngster ot the seism, but ot somewhat uncertain temper indent was second and Chi simm who refused to go straight third Hie meeting closed with the 1 ree Handicap, won by Cerise and Llue


'Hiere is some likelihood of a recurrence of the serious inconvenience which was caused some montha a"o through the strike of the omnibus drivers At a meeting of the United Drivers' Society, which was held on Sunday last, complaints were made of alleged unjust treatment ot its employés on the part of the Melbourne 'iramway and Omnibus Compiny The particular case complained of wns the dismissal of a driver named Jones whom the tmplojds believed to liuve been dismissed because he lind tuken'a prominent part in the lust strike '1 he directors of the company deny tins 'ihe meeting resolved to ask for the reinstate nient of Jones and to insist ou the dis

missal from the company's service of all non. union men. The company has. declined to accede to these demands, and a strike ia threatened. The ballera in Brisbane have struck work because their emploiera li ive retused to grant them a reduction m the hours of labour It waa reported that a number of bakers were proceeding to Bris bine Irom Sydney to till the places of thoae Mho hill struck work, and atepa are being taken to prevent tina. The Operative Painters and Piiperliangera' Society ot Victoria have submitted a sortea ot proposals uflecting the trade to their masters. The most important ot these are that brush banda ahull rece ve Ils per das, und pipeihangers ami decorators 10s. per day of eight hours. Thirty seven musters liav e endorsed these proposals, and tour refuse to A meeting of the employ era to consider what atepa should be taken to compel the minority to give way waa held, but waa not well attended Another will be called in about a lortnight for that object. 'I here is a steady demand for labour and servants _



Lord Carrington opened the li ilmam AA'ork 111« Men's Rowing Club on I'ebru iry 27. His L'xcellcncj wus enthuaiasttcallj received.

Three Germ m wirahips, under tho conl-oi md ot Rear admiral Knorr, the Biam irek, the Gnei-enan, mid the Olga, arrived at Sjdncy Irom Zun/ibir on February 2S, after a pass ige of .IO daja, made principally under sink The members ot the Alimstrj visited the llagslnp ol the German aqu idron on Alarch 2. Thev were cordially received by Admiral Knorr,and altei viewing hi» ahip the Minister ot AS orita invited the olhcers ot the squadron to pay ii v tait to t lit blue Alotintauia by rail-way. The Admiral paid an otlicial wait to Sir Patrick Jennings, the Premier, on 'Ihurs

dns last

The tenders for the construction and erec-tion of a large organ, to be placed in the Con tennial hall, were opened by the mayor on Alarch 1 eleven tendera were received troni linkers resid"nt in I'nglund, America, and Austrihj. The tenders vvero referred to a


The 13th Blupmentof the New South AVales exhibits for tim Colonial anil Indian Exhibi-tion left Sidney toi London on February 27, per John Kldcr. They consisted ol 51 _ tona, chielly of turniture mid wiues The totai shipments up to the present time conaiat ot over .WO tons In all about 20,000 separate

exhibits will be sent.

Amongst the otssengers by the Al ALS. Yarra, which arrived m Sydney ern Mai eli 1, was the Right Rev Dr. O. K. Kestell Cormsli, the Anglic in Biahon hi Aludngnscur He comes to solicit subscriptions m aid of church work m M idngusear. He is at pre-sent the guest ot Aichdeacon King, ut Timity paraounge. He will viait Vieroriu, South Auatrahu, New Zealand, und America betöre his return to Maring iscar.

It ia now definitely settled that Wm Bench, the champion sculler of tile world, Air. J. J. Deeble, and possibly Peter Kemp, will leave for England on the 27th mat, pel R.M S. Cu/co. It ta the intention of the chump,on to go dnect to London, und when there be will low nil English lind American scullera who may choose to diapute Ina right to the title of champion aculler ot the world. At the same time Bench wishes it to be understood that he will only row foi the championahip over the Thamea course, Irom Putney to Mortlake.

At a demonstration of between 3,000 and 1,000 miners at Newcastle on S iturdiiy last, a resolution to the eliect that the meeting uiged au adherence to the principle of tmde unionism as being the best means of securing to the workmen their legitimate rights waa curried. The following resolution was also cut ried:-"That the question of the detec-tive ventilation ot the coal mines of this colony, and the lax administration of the Coulhclda Regulation Act ol 1870, is de-serving- ol greater attention at the hands of the Munster ol Alines" 'Hie meeting also recommended by leaoluttou the necesaity of adhering strictly to tho eight-hours system.

Air Justice W'liuieyer, when sentencing the pi laouers at the Central Criminal Court on Alarch 3, sold that it was impossible toi lum to send any ot the prisoners to Darlinghurst Gaol, in Consequence ot its present over crowded state, lie also condemned the auiiit try arrangements ot the prison

The question ot the unemployed caused some excitement in Sjdnej on Monday morn-ing, ami the m itter was considered bj the Cabinet. Subseqticntlj a deputation ot the uneniploved, numbering between 700 mid 1,000 persona, waited upon Sir Allied Stephen, ut his resideuce. It bus been determined to give emplojment to the men on piecework, by which ihose who were strong and able could earn more tliun Gs. a d ly, mid also to give tree railway passes to those who wish I to go up the country to look for work.


A proclamation was published m the Go let iimuit Gazelle on l'ebruary 25 notifying that the acts recently passed by the 1 ederal Council are m force in the colony of Queens-land.

Mr. B. D. Morehead, M L C" was enter-tained at a complimentary banquet on Feb ru try 25, prior to leaving on a v isit to Eng-land. About 200 gentlemen were present, including members ot botli Houses of Par-liament und a number of leading citizens. Lillet Justice Lilley occupied the chun.

ihe decisions ot the Pacific Islanders' Compensation Court in 11 cases were given un lebiuiiry 20. The amounts claimed and awarded are respectively as follow :-Colonial bugar Co, Homebush iiuntutution, chum £1,1)14, award £1)112 ; Colonial Sugar Co , Vic-toria Plantation, chum 10,800, award £ j, 7.11 ; Young Brothers, claim £2,022, uiuud £672 ; Melbourne andMackny SugnrCo.,cluim£2,2j7, award £1,000, Dty while Bios , chum £1,275, award £743 ; A. H. Lloyd, claim £3,3u'(j,awiird £70"J; M'Ketuie Bros., claim £4,072, award £l,b29; Hnnleigh bugur Co, chum £11,93.1, avvurd £4,908; Bmdckin Delta Co., claim £0,252, award £1,871 , Queensland Sugar Co., chum £81, award Î.ÔS , Mourilyan Sugar Co., claim, £2,MU, award £1,11)9.

Pour men, who recentl) landed near Rock-

hampton, were brought up tit the police | court on i bursdiiy, charged with being escapees from New Caledonia, and with Ibu larceny of a b tat, the property of the l'iench authorities there. The accused were re-manded tor eight days.

The case Uiboim. and ollie) s v. Alonjan and otlitid, which involves the title to the Mount Morg ni mine, was concluded on March fi A similar case, Alailui and otlu'm v. MOI'IJIUI and otliem, brought by dillereut plaiutitls against the same defendants, was also hean). Mr Justice Harding delivered a very lengthy judgment aenunat tho plutn tilis m botli cases, the Court holding that the nitneia' rights under which they claimed to take possession ot the disputed land, which is alleged to be improperly held by tho defendants, gave them no title to the lund; tin 1 that the détendants being in possession, could not be ousted unless by some peraon

vv ho could show ti better title than tbem selves The plaintiffs must recover by the strength ot then title, and not by the weakness ot their opponents. The demurrer ol all the deienduuta was therefore up-


Au oil painting by Mr. C. W. Wylie, ex-hibited at tile Royal Actidemy last )enr, the subject being "'I he Crab irkationot the Cold-

stream Guards lor the Soudan on board the British-India Compati)'H Madura," bus been presented by Messrs. Ora), Dawes, and Co , to the Queensland Government, for exhibi-tion in the Brisbane Picture Gallery. As, however, there is no public picture gallery ni Brisbane', the painting will be eihibited m

the Museum.

The tender of Messrs W. J. BlnntandCo , of Sidney, tot the construction ot the second section of the Cooktown railway, lias beeu appiovetl by the Cabinet The distance is 19 miles, and the amount £52,91)1)

bix thous md shares in the Brisbane Work-men's Club Company have already been taken up Among the shareholders is the Governor, who has duected his private secretary to em-press His Ex(ellenc)'s great pleasure in aiding

so excellent a movement.

News was rt cened on March 2 that Mr. Trink Stubley, who was well known in con-nexion with the Northern goldfields, und was recently a member ot the Legislative As-sembly, died very suddenly on tne previous Friday while on Ina way irom Normanton to the Cro)dun gohihelds. l'hree other men Thomas and Junta M'Lean and Thomas Corr)-died at the same place on the same dil), it is supposed that the cause ot death was heat apoplexy. Six others who were lound on the s une road ure not expected to live. The beat is said to be terrible at Nor manton.

The Government has received from the agent general a cop) ol a letter Irom Messrs Peacock and Co , Madelin, containing a pro-posal for establishing assisted emigration irom Hi it island to Queensland.

The lollowmg telegram hits been forwarded by the Brennet to Mr J. E Squire, super-intendent ot the 1 astern Extension Tele-graph Company, Sydney, to be lorvvitrded to Mr. Pender in leply toa recent cable message Irom the latter respecting a réduction in the cable rates:-"This Government does not think the pioposed reduction m the rates by any means adequate. Invine regard to the length oí time lor which the subsidy is asked; but apart from the question of the rates, the Government is not disposed to join m any subsidy which will tend to have the ellect of discouraging the eatablisliment of another independent line of telegraphic communication between Australia and Europe."


The Governor gave a garden party on Saturduy in honour of Rear-Admiral Tryon and the officers of li.M.S. Nelson. About 300 guests were present.

News has been received in Adelaide that

Air. Stuart Cumberland, the famous mill reader, has recently visited India, andintetida to come on to the Australian colonies


Air. Bragg, the new Elder processor o£

mathematics at the Adelaide University, arrived hi li,Al S. Rome, on February -7.

A daring- burglary waa committed at tua Yankalilla branch of the Commercial Bankot South Australia on Saturday morning. At about 1 o'clock two or three men entered Hie bank premises, gagged the manager. Air. Ljall, who is a son of the Rev. Jus. Ljali, and his wife, and took bank notes to the value of £1,210. 'lhere was no gold or silver on Hie piemises. '1 ne manager wns that day to have taken nil the notes to Adelaide. Hie numbera of the notea ure known, lind pay-ment has been stopped

At a meeting of the Jubilee Exhibition

committee on March 3, seven names were added to the list of the promoters, who gua-rantee the expenses in connexion with the exhibition. It was decided that His Excel iency the Governor should be asked to write, and solicit that the Prince of Wales, or

failing this, one of the Prince's sons, should open the exhibition.

Captain Leist, inspector of the North Ger-man Lloyd's Company, waa on Alarch J. enter-tained at a dinner nt the Gorm in Club by a number ot German citizens, Consul Aluecke presiding. ,

'tholirat =aIo ot leises of working men s blocks ot land situuted in the suburbs ot townships in vnrious parts ot the colony was held m Adelaide on Thursday. The total urea sold was 511 acres, winch realised nu uverage rental ot 2s 2.<l. per acre. The

maximum ai/o ot each block is 20 acres.

Admiral Trvon was oflictally received on Thursday morning by the major mid corpora-tion of Adelaide ni the Council-chamber, ana

after lie had responded to the welcome, lie waa shown over the Town-hall. Admiral Trjon also paid a complimentary visit to the Attorney General, when arrangements wera made for a future meeting, at which the sub-ject of the defences ot the colony will be dia


The Pastoral Board have returned to Ade-laide after their trip through the comiti j east ot Ciirnetown. They report that the rabbit parties ure doing their work exceedingly well, and that the countrj, winch M'as onceover run with rabbits, ia now almost free irom tho peat. The board next intend going eastvvurtl to tho boundary of tho colonv.

A letter has been recen ed from the Oriental Telephone Company, London, claiming n rojalty or other remuneration on all tele-phones used m South Australia. The com-pany baa purchased Edison's pnteut rights tor carbon transmitters, and this covers all instruments in which carbon in any form is

used. Tile acting Postmaster-General lins

written to the other colonies to ascertain whether any claim has been made on tlteiu. The company state that they are prepared to

make reasonable terms.


The Perth Exhibition, which ia held in the Town hull, waa opened by the Governor on i'ebiuury 27 in the presence of a large number of colonists. It is expected to remain open for a fortnight

On Alarch 1 the first sod of the railway to connect Perth with Greenough was turned by tlie Covernor. After the ceremony Mr. Keane, the contractor, entertained upwards of 300 colonists at luncheon on the snot. The Uno ia expected tobe completed in two jeaia. Tho contract waa signed on Saturday tor £900,000. Alessrs. Ewart and Prue AA'illiams represented the AA'addingtoii Syndicate. They wero present at the luncheon, and tho former gentleman pre-sided.


Mr Adje Douglns has resigned the Pre-miership prior to his departure for London, to assume the ageut generalship, lie re-commended the Governor to send for Dr. Agnew, M L C. The ne(v Ahmatry were sworn in on Alonday morning, as follows. Dr. Agnew, Al L.C., Premier and Chief Secre-tary ; Air. J. S. Dodds, Attoriiev-Genernl ; Air. N J. Brown, Mimator of Lands uud AA'orka ; Air A\r. IE. Burgess, Treasurer.

Air. Douglas, the uuent general, has takeu his passage to England by the Orient steam-

ship Austral; which loaves on the 10th Alarch

and ia duo m London on the 4th AIuj. Ho takes his wife and Ins eldest daughter with lum. Air. Douglas hopes to re-present the colony at the Colonial and Indian Hxeibition. He tikes plans. Sec, ot the Alount Bischoll mine, and of the Tasmunitin gold mine. Those, M'lth the hops sent privately, aro all thot will bo shown from this colony.

Information vv as received on 1 ebruarv 27

that the men who are engaged in cutting a track from Macquarie Harbour to the Ring 1 iver goldfield were starved out IheCoveru» ment sent the steamer A\ akelicld with sup-plies for them

1 he potato crop this y ear is reported to be very good

M \V ¿\ \L VND

Mr Gior"e Cowie the general manager of the Colonial Rank ot New /enland, lins been appointed to the Londou stalf, und Mr Mac-kenzie succeeds him

News has been received that the boiler of the a s Mariposa exploded on I ebruary 14, two firemen being killed and others scverelv injured 1 he aeci lent occurred as the vessel was leaving Honolulu

A serious casualty, caused by the negli-gence of tin shippers of a case ot nitric acid, occurred on board tbes s Manapouri oui ebru-ary 2o Shortly after the Manapouri lett Auck-land on that date lor Melbourne JI passenger being uuxious to ascertain it his box had been placed on board the toie hatch waa orderctl to be opened tor examination W lie» the batch cover was taken oil the hold waa found to be full of smoke 1 ho news created the gre ifcst excitement amongst thepissen gera. lhere was an immediate rush on deck, but good Older was preserved Hie chief officer Mr Mi r> J, with 10 men, including; the third officer then went down the hold to se ireh for the seat of the tire, and after they h id been sending up car"o for an hour, tha cause of the smoke was discovered in a casa ot nitric acid which had become ignited. Hie burning packa"c was promptly removed, and it vv is then lound that very little damags lind been done to the cargo I be chieí officer and the men w ith lum suffered severely from the fumes while engaged in the hoi 1, and the formel subsequently succumbed. Hie third olhccr and one of the seamen also

died Ihentukagc that caused tho misclnei was sluppe 1 trom Sjdncy by I UiottBros, , and was marl ed ' acid At tile inquest on

the ho ly ot the chief olficer the jury returned a verdict of act t leutal death, but added a I rider blaming the shippers of the neill

Cardinal Moran who is now in New 7ea land, continues to meet with enthusiast io receptions wherever lie goes At Chust church he laid the foundation stone o£ the Magdalene Asylum ioi winch £1,000 was collected including the amount laid ora tho foundation stone At Wellington ha op ned St Patricks theologicalOolle"e and with the live bishops who accompanied bim, timed with His Lxcellency the Governor

I Advices from Fiji state that trade there is

almost at a standstill

Ni W GUlNr V

The schoonet 1 llangowan, fiom Port Moresby arrived at Cooktown on the night) of 1 ebruary 2t She spoke tho missionary xessel lohn Wilhnms l8 miles south ot Poro Moresby 17 days out irom Sydney All wero well Hie] dungowan brought as passpn"ira Mr Mus"rave Assistant Deputy Commis, sionei lor New Guinea, Mr Hennessy lata second m cominan 1 of Mt 1 orbes a expedí tion mid light Malays Mi Hennessy baa resigned lus position and the Malnys are to be sent home Hie bchooner Retriever waa still atNew Gunine

The following telegram dated Yew Guinea, Februar) 21 has leen receivetl vi í Cooktown horn the Rev W G J iwcs -' Captain Musgrave liavcs b) the 1 llangowan on u. visit to Australia, lhere is much Birknesa among the natives and many deaths have occurred Hie I uropeans are well MP I orbes thcexploier ia still at Sogcre Mr Hennessy has hit hm und goes now to CorltJWii I be John Williams lias not yet


Mr Hennessy late second in command in Mr H O Forbes a New Guinea expedition, arrived an invalid at Townsville on Saturday last from Port Moresby via Cooktown He reports that the remainder of the party were in good health and were still at the camp at Sogere The wet season was not over and until then any extended excursions from headquarters were impossible The party ad obtained a valuable collection of botani cal ornithological and ethnological speci-mens The climate at Sogere is very un-healthy and even the natives suffer much Mr Hennessy has been prostrated by re-peated attacks of fever and ague and the Amboynese hunters and packers had suffered from the same complaint Mr Forbes had also been ill but never seriously, and he seems to stand the climate better than tho others. Mr Hennessy believes that Mr Forbes will succeed in crossing over the Owen Stanley Range when the rains cease and ho says that there is nothing to prevent him from doing so, as the natives are very friendly, only one tribe—that at Ebay—being; at all doubtful This is the place where Mr. Morrison had a difficulty with the natives. On that occasion a native was killed, and his tribe still cherish revengeful feelings for his death It is Mr Hennesay's opinion that

On account of Air 1 orbes s friendly relations With the other tr Ins he will be able through them, to coucilmtc the 1 b iy peuple.


IheAiju Once liieadnj Lvenmg

The KAI S S Ciromandil with the out ward Australian innis left the bis on the üCtb ult, for Lou Ion She was a full ship in every respect, and her berthmr accommola tion w lj taxed to its utmost canucitj Hie treasure tal on by the Corom in Iel was of the value ot £u8 2 3 11s bd the R.M S S Rome, Irom London, with the 1 UL,1IS!I mails, anchored ni the bay on the 1st mat I he 1, AI S S. John I hier of Hu Orient line Bniled on the Olli mut for L union via the Sue/ Canal vv nil muís pissenccra and iur"o Hie John Elder h s lil ed up rcmirknblj well on this trip with j assengera and fiei"ht Hie up pr iximatc numbera up to the time of haulm», ott vv re 11 sulo ni 70 second saloon, uni 17a in the third cabin Among-st the Ireijit ivis a quinlitv ol exhibits tor the iotthconii!i" Col ninl Exhibition in Lou ion J he R M S ?. Cu/co Horn London arrived on the 7th Hist A lar(,c number of pasaeut.eis urnved bv her I ir Alclbournc Sjdncj lina bane an 1 New/eil md Hie v oj nt,c u is uc conipbshi I in c o I time, and the m ula were Ian led in ,o dujs Hie 1 rench mail Blianiship bilu le of the AIcssuciics Mun time», Kit on the 27th ult, for Marseilles with ninia | asscn"crs und car^o Hie Btcamstup Goi Ima I alcutta arrived on the -7th ult tho Goa ia one ot tile British India Steam \ u i^ati m Comp m3 3 licet and is the tlur 1 bi it dcs[ itched to tin se colonies lil furtherance of the com] ans a 1 nest em r pus-, th it ol cbtablibhuiL. a tridi between Indi 1 uni Australia ni tnc Sir nts Settle mont mid Jin 1 1 lie atcainalnp Dclcouisn which li ia ma le her ivis in the Atistiali 111 tra le durm" the five sears or more which she liusl eenvos 1 ing arrived on Hie ¡rd mst Irom Lou Ion ut Hobin After lim lmn her wool irei"ht m 1 ondon she was hu 1 on the I eitb for these col mes m I input's filled up with frciüit for Hubirt Altlbmine mid'?-j (lucy The Delcomsn carne Is w iy of the Sue/ Canal and neill uns m ide at Diego G irci e

Since the departure ol the last m id business has been quiet an I te v trans ictions of 1 ny couscquilico have onie under our n tice Coull lence 111 this c lions li is been will ni t ti tatnell, mid no instil enclose f ins import mci baie occurre I lho stoppage ot the Cr m merctal Lank of South Australia disturbe 1 business sli"htly but only tor a few das s Traders nre, however oiir-rating B]iirm.lj, while the coner ii elections also tended to curtail trmisnctions It 13 anticipated how ever Hint ni vr ucttvitv will be experienced shortlv ns btiBiiicss is usunllj a little more bru 1 tit this time 01 the v c ir Stocks of most articles arc model ite and some ire in rather short Bupplj Bulk tiles have onlj lind mode rateatt 1111011 only tiade sales being repotted at about lute rutea 1 or bottled liles and stouts a good demand is experienced, and large parcels ot the different descriptions arc moving oil bteudily at lull prices In jute ROO 1B little baa been doing Cornsacks arc moving otT quietlj at trom la to Is l_d 111 bond tor ptrccls while for trade lota up to 4s Uti is obtained AA'oolpacks have not been noticed Bran bags are m shoit Bupplj, and holders are firm One or two small parcels have changed hands at ftoin 3s fid to Is (id 111 bond 1 or gunny bn"s 4s 7d is quoted Candles are not quite BO firm, an 1 tules have been cllecled ut ¿¡> I

(dutj paid) for imported Colonial made are moling oft steadily at manufacturers quota tiona 1 or cotice there ia not much mquirj and no salea ot any consequence have como under our notice A good demand hua been experienced lol linne I fish and lair parcela of the different descriptions have changed hands at full puce Salmon und8urdincs hive bun most in request und quotations have been well maintained lor íiesh herrines there lins nlso been a good inquiry, mid fair pateéis hive been quitted at up to ha 3d Ling in slightly firmer, up to 4d having been obtained Utterly foi tood sample Hie brcndatulfs market baa been fuirlj stealj, lattcilj prices hine ad-vanced slightly A good demand is main tamed for flour The liiquhy is chiofij for export to the adjacent colonies, for which fair parcels arc being sent away Holders maintain considerable firmness, and will not quote tor largo lines and transactions are therefore to some extent confined to small parcels Ouotations have advanced up lo £8 15s for countrj mude mid up to ii) 63 for

townmnde Wheut bus also been in good request, but although a few inquiries bave been received for export uhnost all the sales have been for local const mption orforspecu lative account. 1 he firmness of the country markets and the lar"o purchases of specu lutors have tended to strengthen the in irl el and prices hive risen steadily to 4s Jd Buyers, however will not give tins price readily, an i quotations to day range horn Is 2Jd. to Is 3d lhere is no dem ind for export outside of the colonies an 1 the Cape and only a few parcels aro being sent away in xessels loading on the 1 ertb for London 'I be quantity lil ely to be exported to 1 urope this >cai will be small lor feedinggrauiB there has not been much inquiry, and prices nrenot quite so firm A moderate inquiry has been experienced tor fruits, but few sales of ntl) importance have transpired Currants have had most attention uni beside smaller B iii s we he ir of 100 tons on the spot and to arrive having been taken up at n lull price Holders are finn at ojl Raisins are in modalité supply only, und prices are firm Hops are attracting more attention A lew parcels of new aeasr n s h ive come to han 1, and have leen leadily disposed of at up to lOd New litsmtimuus have also come lor waul, an I have been quitted at up to Is. h 1

dut) pud Hie Victorian crop is not likely to exceed half that of last sear whtlo Pi it of tasmania will also be smaller vi tit has been m lair request,and sales of colonial made have been making freely at up t > us J u"lish is qu ite I at up to 10s In metals little of an) i port ance has transpire I Miles b ing chiefly con lined to Bmnll pire Is lor c rdinary trade re quircments Gillian S'il ir ii shows a slight improvement but I r other I in Is prices ure unchun"c I Oils tion irade Bales of 1 erosenc are mai nig Bteadil) at full prices Castor has been m good request but holders nie xcr) firm and are asking -s 9d m I on i Oilmen s btorea are moving off btendily at a"ents prices a good demand bein m iitnii 1 In rice little of any importance is luing 1 we have only heard of a lew EUI ill | le Is hiving b en quitted at cunent i des V good lnquii) lias been experience 1 tor sugars \\ lutes nndjellows I ive been moil in request and Borne large lines have eli m"c 1 linn Is at full prices. Other descrip i ni have also hal moderate attention nt J uc rates A good de man! continues lot exj ort which has assisted materially in reduciu" stocks which are now within le s mile 1 omi Is Hie market is firmer li I lets in the face of

moderate Btoel s nu 1 bli rt supplies coming iorvvaid, hi lug Itsiiiclined to sell freely Shipments from Qucciisl ind have ceased lor the Benson wini ex| i i iiom If lumms for this colon) ure li I In iii it it the sime time last year II I lera nutlet) ate i slight advance sboitl) unless larger bhipments are made ir >m M mr tius and China Teas buvc not bid much uttenti n and latterly the traie have been operating very spun.,,.) 1 ric s bowevci ne u i h n el

At the two nieti n siles bel i I Hely timóse the entire qu ititi} olleie 1 was withdrawn 'limber li is hil e i sideiable attention during the past forlni ht 1 it j rices in sonic Hibtaiices arc sh"htl) I wer I t tobacc lea a good dem ind continuel uni sales of the dillerent dtseiiptt is ai mai in" at lill prices. Wines ire in» n 1 liiutly i 11 ite lates 3 oi spirits if nie nunn s but no sales ol i ty nop ii n e hu e truis


Bank Rates-lier is ii eh n e in the rates of dite lint r liitcicst which rem tin as lollow -1 a t its n ti r mont! s bills 7 per cent perannu i lev n 1 that currency 8 p r ee L | cr i lu n Interest on over drawn acco m a I | i c nt j cr annum Interest on de) osits binn Is at 1 1 and 5 per cent, tor Binns lu l"e i loi ihrce six mid 12 months respectively

1 xchange -1 ates remain unchanged 00 days si"ht bills on I andon are as follow -liuyin,. 5s ) cr cent ills ouut, Bellin). 10a

pel cent premium

Hie 1 test dates receive 1 are as follow -From I on 1 m luiimry -b New link .Tanti U) 21 C 1 utti I c1 mir) 1 Ma« r tius 1 ebruary 7 II n" Kong Jimmy 27 ,1 rochow, human 2j Manilla 1 ebruary 5, I atixii laniiin 11

1 he c1 u mees nt "r 11 efT ctr 1 at the pt rt o£ Mell in e lum " ti last l rtmgbt nmounte I I ) 11 a"lo/- 1 be t t ii "old exports irom the ) rt since the 1 "inn n" ol the )ear li ive been 1 013)/ w I ile lor the correspond ingpenol I last ye ir tiley were nil

i ixl s VNI) ii une et vu VNI S

The se cut tub I ill) til) m ct n" of Bhaiehol lers in ti e M i intdeliiiil i Vus tra! ist i I mini 1 vas hell i the _tith ult

Mr M H D iv íes cb un i n ol the bo tri of directors presi in" He w is a 1 ir it en I

unce lito cb lum m in moving the i io) lion ot the repoit an 1 I ii mee sheet stn ! that the result of the banks op i it ins during the liait )Ctu ending 1st 1 chill ii) vv is vei) sat s factor) lhere wits a I tr"e mere isa in tho various brunches of business and liter p ly Ins the ti ual dividend ot S per cent nbs rb in £1031 au 1 adding ti 000 to the rt servo fund (mere lsiug it to £12 500) the) vv reabie to curry ftrwurd a i alance of UbOItt the next account (Ippltuse.) I tom a return I laced in his h ind bv the gi lierai niiuint,er (Mr Henry C mell) he found that the pin I

une ipital of the b ink had grown from £50 110 on the ilst December 18S1. to £109 417 at the cuit of last Hall year the deposits from £ tiSfi to '211 U01 und the advances from i. 14 -JO to £278 l18 m the same period ( in plausc ) Meanwhile the percentage of work jug tipeuacs had decreased, and the profita

of the shareholders had been augmented ». he hist issue of shares went off at a premium of s per share and were nnm dintelv marketable at from Da to 10a per share bevond par Air John Alanson secon led Hie motion which was agree 1 to unanimous.

1 e ret rint, ducctors Altssrs John Dunks an 1 1 B jAIuut/ mi I the retiring nu litors Mesara C Al 1 His an I C 1 Richard on were re elected au I the d rectors were m thorised to issue 40 0QÜ îdd t onal shares us favourable oiiortunitcs irísenle 1 raising the uibacnbed ct] it ii t halt a million and the pa d up capit ii to i 00 O00

nucís CUlIBI NT

Tho folio li g aro tile _e leral i lees current -i

? - ? . £ s I £ a. a

li -

il ai y

8 0 0

Cool or 1 M Leo 1

V \oui»cra dCo Al ( otu I)

1 o t r i d «oil a Euglo

La I ottlcd by Burko

M L a s J Its

A o i>aiarla i

I a Wheel Brand Ait 1 eso is 1 oo a

Hala Roar a Head

VV xounccraidCo T 1 bri lin

Cooi r a d Al Lcod s le e te

st I oula I a»cr Beor 1 ul r do

BTO r(llulk)

Gul leaas

ger and Co. r cr (bottle

11 o I s I Ig bra id 1 oner » Uulldo.

0 11 0 o io a o io u 0 lil JB out) 0 10 J a io o o io o o io o 0 10 0

sa bottl dby Burko 0 10 8 os I ull loe 0 10 J

bottled by M

bottled by Stone

a o a

11 VV coll s

e a a bottl 1 by

oolf liloo I a I Co

le sa Ml elbr nd

r eisDoe»erbra d

l ess s botl ed by L jl i soi a d Co

II too va ( n bondi


> lo (free)

0 10 8 ». -

0 S 3 0 3«

M I C ear i o cts 0 W ooli e a U,lb (in bond) 0 Do 103II . 0 Do A )ctorinn 0

s ra

.,0 a Stcarluo 0 =el I da 0 De Roubaix Odenkoven

and Co 0 Jo ore

Ori 11 Paraffine 0 Coulas

A) olio (colonial) 0

l)o Comet do 0 Kitobon a 1 etrollnes do 0 l)o Star brand do 0 Do Carriage 0 Do B drouin 0 Bo L unp 0 Ce FVT


K iel t Bovan Whites

0 12 0 0 12 e 0 12 0

Nominal Nominal Nominal

Al real


Caustio soda "0 per cent

Carbo nto soda sait[ etro

Silicate soda laiuinu ae 1

Cr a n of tartar ». 1 lo era of sulphur I r j ared opium

Cine .

In tins

10 0 0 10 10 0 0 0 41 -

0 10

Les lo 11 ia nation No1

otl cr kinda up to

COM TiosFtv -

Victoria, Candied 1 eel

J ij ibes up to

no H »oi -

Beat Jlnnilla horn] Victoria

made un to 07 0 0

Do do Jin to ,ln 75 0 0 Do do Hat ropes according

to size 82 0 0 Ive /ealand Ila» ropes 2 S u Do do cordado sizes ° 10 0 UiSlosI i"a "00 boa um» tv Ino 0 10 bhoj tvvlno . 0 0 10


Had loci s ODO lierrh es Klpporcd lib tins 0 10 0

0 0 8j

Do lied in barróla Du do in kita Do lib frost

Ling (nan)

Cod (Amil loan)

l-ob-it-ra lib tins Ojst ra lib tins

¡Salmon lib Una(American)

Do tsalt

i*ardin__ (halves) Do (quarters)


1 lour, \ lotorlaii


1 ollard

Oatinoal Meterían 1 carl barley

Wncat prime, ox station


New* Zealand In bond Milling' Victorian, free

Victorian food Coi o sorts llortcv -


Cape feeding


UQ-dav "\ lotorlan hjdnoy

Kau __, FRUITS

Curra ta

1 ig-a cierno in lib boxes Daten (ne v) boxea Jordan almonds IUii-dns

Muscatels layers primo

8 10 0

0 O Iii

o o ni

17 O 0 l8 0 O


Curl s an 1 Harvey a


> do

M arp _ do


Kent (18°5) dut;, paid

a h a ia.i.lbS.) in bond ^ ictorwii (1-SJ)

Do (ltóG) I a T. an (Ibivl) MALf

1 i"lish(ncvv)

\ ictoriaii " MITALS iron accordin;

to brand 1i" iron

1 ar a 11 rod iron

Mt a, iron ho3 S to l8 Hool iron

1 cm. ii~ w iro accordliiff &

bra a tu d number I ij, kau

J ni Blot SlieU leal

W-iteluid .. Jluntr inetat

1 \ banka nails ] rene!) do Am i


Lol \m and foharp a heavy

At i ÜB shovels

Da} u D li shovels etliii to


Otter i al crs do, do


Zu -. -Oí ..

Li sccl lolled ia bulk


Olive i) I ulk (DP)

Do, I i dr lins

Coll- i i Ir ima (duty paid) Do (I i 1 ilk)

I irit.i tie lo do

I esc in ti is (in bond) Ci tor In cases (in I ond)

lu i(lroe) I Lol(lreo)

[ir si (in bond)

Aurora Coi let

Da lond

L oiit of tho Ago 150defr Cr tal 150de_

A I or laOdcc, tost Oil INS Sroars

Black curra it jellies Ile 1 Croîs lib Jama Caraa marmalade kullert

s ila 1 oil C and 1) quarts Do do | ts

lo do I alf | hits

I)o Morton s l lilts

1 o do i lo

Castor oil 11 ita 1 u ¡do

Sauces according to brands Boll rool a Woreostcr saueo Do i 11 I iekles

S isa ink

bca linn lan lo Paris

col 1 li e lal 1 r I Ci| era

Bil tan I Maj siestas

0 0 0}

List priées

0 10 0 0 21 0

2 0 0. 1 10 0

86 per cent

0 10 0 10 0 10

0 3 4

0 "Ü 0

0 8 7 Sa 0 0 80 0 0

0 17

0~î 4}

9 mustard, 71b Uno

le o bit lib this

Do do ill tua

Do lo Jill til a

D burl a i lb Una

Victor v | reiaredmustard

in I oxea

Do Io 411 tina Do do 71b this

A ut r 11 cocoa according

1 al tj

0 0 0 0 (1 8

0 0 1} 0 7 0 0 4 J

0 4 4}

0 4 8 0 4 41 per lb

0 0 8} per doz.

0 10 0 a a o

0 0 1}

0 l8 J 0 13 1 0 II J 0 5 4

0 0 8}

1 rv doutile soluble choco

lato Aie c

i san. ,_"

ivhlta and blue starch

Orlai do lonoB s do

Hnr a in s rico star li

liar ej a id JNovillosdo

Louis and Whit tj s white

and blue do

Do. square lilua .. ..000, t'ohnan's thumb bluo- ..0 0 U*r Keen's Oxford blue. .,009

Saco anil tiploca .. ..001}, Mai-aronf and vcnnlcelll .. 0 ,0 0 , Black iiepper.0 0 8, White do.0 0 li , Gclntllio .0 4 3. Vine-gar, lu


gar.0 Do., bulk .0 Soap

Kitchen'» "Anchor," p. ton 20 Do. belt palo.22 1>0. "tllolxj" .. .. 11 Do. "Household" .. .. ia QeiCKfUI-VKll

In battles " .. "0 EICI:

tvnw I'atnafln bond) .. 13 1 Japan dressed (duty paid).. 22 Pallia, old (duty paid .. 20 Bocuhl Itajah (duty paid) u


Liverpool coarso .. ..SI Do., Uno .1 London stoved .. ..4

Ï7 0 0 .. 27 10 0 ¡.V 0 0 .. 26 10 U Do., medium.211 10 0 ..2110 0 China whites, uno to finest.. 23 0 0 ., 24 0 0 American granulated . 20 0 0 .. 211 10 0 Brewing crystals, Duo to

Hattons .13 0 0 Victorian Sugar Company's

(duty paid)

Ko. 1 .. .25 0 0 Ko. 2.22 10 0 Ko. 3.19 0 0 CKAS (in bondi

Foochow :

Low oonimon leafy .. 0 0 7J Ule'dium linisow .. ..007

Common pan yonjr .. 0 Oil Do., Uno to finest.. ..012 Knlsow buds .. .. 0 0 10 8. O. pokou .. .. 0 0 11

Indian :

Souchong*.0 0 10} . Pekoodo.0 10

l'okoos .0 18, Broltoa .. " " 0 0 10 , TiMDnn

American Lumber

Clear pine, according to sino .

and quality .. ,. 14 10 '0 , W.I'.T. and O. colling .. 0 10 0 . Shelving .10 6 0 . Baltlo and Scotch Flooring

lied, Ox li, T. BlidG. ..003, Do., Ox J, do.0 7 0, Do., Ox 3, do. .. ..070, Do., Ox J, do., beaded .. 0 0.0 , Do., 0 x J, do., do.0 4 0. XVcathcrboards .. " 0 4 10

White, 0 x li, T. and Q. .. 0 8 0 , Do., Ox J, do.0 7 0

Do., Ox J, do.0 0 0,

Do., 0 x I, do., beaded ..000

Do., U x J, do., do.0 4 0, Do. Oxt), do., do. .. ? ., ..


Baltic Red Deal

0 0 4].. 4d. 13-10 Oregon Timoer ' .. .. 6 12 0 .. 4 17 fl Spruce doab) and battons .. 0 0 8}.. 2d 16-3.0 . Blackwood loga, according

to size and quality .. 0 10 0 .. 0 10 0 Kami lojs.012 fl .. 0 11 0 Sawn hardwood " "080. .000 TOIIACCOKS

Coiouinl-niade :

Cominan to bcBt .. .. 0 1 4 .. 0 S 2 lleingo'd cigars (D.B.) .. 7 10 0 .. -Imported :

toniiiian quality Ilatwork 0 1 0} .. 0 1 2

Twist» :

Haven .. .. _ 0 1 4 .. -St. Androws .. .. - .. -

Black Hawk .. .. C 1 I) " 0 1 I

Aromatlos :

Victory .0 1 10 .. 0 2 0 Mnblo .0 1 11 " 0 2 1 Golden Euglo .. " 0 1 11 .. 0 2 1 Dark Navys

Two Seas.0 14.. -Derby .0 14.. -Tonitcilta .. ....012.. -

Qucon of tho Sean.. ..014.. - * Black Hawk .. .. 0 1 2 .. 0 1 4 Cigars:

Manilla ohcroota .. .. 2 0 0 .. 2 10 0 Nuevo llnvanas .. .. 260.. 2 15 0 Murías (duty paid) .. 20 0 0 ..20 10 0 lloury Clay, do. ..19 10 0 ..20 10 0 Flor do Nuevas _ ..2000.. 20100 Oriuottd'aCSivIa»).. .. l18 0 .. 110 0 Tiivcriioy, do.100.. Ill O German cluan .. _ 1 10 0 .. S 0 0 Wura» (Bulk)


Vory superior .. .10 D 0 ..100 0 0 Good old.40 0 0 .. 60 0 0 Good .80 0 0 .. 40 0 0 Hunt's .25 10 0 .. 05 0 0 Spanish Bed .. .. l8 0 0 .. 20 0 0 Miguel Do Souza Quodos,

Ho S Diamond.. .. 28 0 0 .. 62 0 0 Sherry

Superior.80 0 0 ..HO 0 0 Medium and good .. 82 0 0 .. 40 0 0 Common .. u " l8 0 0 .- 20 0 0


Urana j, bulk

IIUIMOSSJ a, 1873 .. .. 0 17 0 - -Martell'a, palo .. ,, 0 16 0 .. -Do, dark .Ö 12 fl ., -Oturd's, 1875.0 15 0 .. -Do, 1878 ..0 11 Ö .. -

Darriosson's .. .. .. 0 8 0.. 0 12 S Marett'. .000.. -Denis Mouuia'a .. ..000.. -

\\ ino Distillers Co. .. .. 0 7 6 .. 0 8 0 Champagne Vln-yards* ..070« -Jules Itobiu'fl, 1378 .. ..080.. -Do, dark .0 8 Ö .. -Do, 1MJS vintage .. " 0 13 9 .. -Tricochu .0 7 0.. -Disnuit Duhouoho ot Cío .. 0 7 3.. -La Grand Marqua .. ..070.. -

Pinot CastUloii .. .. 000.. 008 Boisson Freres .. ..053.. -Moukow'a.0 7 0.. -0 and T. Bacofc .. ..080« -Vinc^roucM'.0 8 0.. -

Luü n BoUot'd . .. 0 Ü 0 .. 0 7 0 Associated Vinojards .070..

Associated Vineyards', old 0 8 0.. -Alberts .. ..070.. -Central \incjarda .. ..050.. -Levecquea.000.. -I'runtcr's .000.. -Jlichurd and Muller'a .. 0 6 0 .. -Gaspard'a .OGS*. -Clou-eau .. ._, ._ 0 7 0 ., -Brand}, Caso

Hennessy s caso .. ,. 115 0 ., -Do, three star .. ..270.. -Martcll's, ona star .. .. 1 16 0 .. -Do, three star .. ..SOO.. -Otard's .1 11 0 .. -Denis Mounio s .. ., 1 11 0 .. -Moukow',.18 0.. -Morctta .1 10 0 ., -Luden BcUob'a .. .. 0 17 0 .. -1 uelen 1 oucnuld .. ,.100.. -Do. threw atar . .,200.. -Monard and Muller'a .. 0 10 0 « -

Other brands .. .. 0 12 0 _, 1 _ 0


Lemon Hart.0 8 0 - -It WV .0 8 3.. -Demerara Old .. ..0 3 0.»» -Lamb's ._ .. ..020}., -Queensland ._ .. ..$23.. --


JDK/. .0 l8 0 .. 0 14 8 Biiinkcnlieim and Nolen'a *

he> .0 l8 0 .. 0 10 0 Vaiidcrborn: Boll . ,. 0 12 0 ., 0 l8 0 Mceuss H.o.r Brand " 0 13 0 ., -


1 honi and Cameron's (new) 0 8 7}.. -Do (old) .0 4 fl ., -John Ho s .. « .,0 8 7. ., -Bullachuhsb. .. <.. ..070.. -. Olcinarltjub .. .. _» 0 4 0 .. -ImnvillüJ.0 4 0.. -Vmi Jamleson's .. .050.. -hirkcr, Greer, and Co's

Looh Dhu casa ,. .. 0 10 0 .. -Do, Imp quarts .. ..100.. -fe ham rock.040.. -'S »ita..040.. -Do cases . .. ., 0 17 0 .. -Do, Imp quarts .. ..10 0... -You mr, King, and Co.'s

bulk.0 4 3..

Do, Brian Bom .. " 0 17 0 _, -Lncoro, bulk.0 0 0«* -Do,case .0 l8 0 .. -Standard, In bulk .. ..070.. -Do , in case.0 l8 0 .. -Hanot brand, old vattod ?. * 0 9 6 .. -Ford'aLastlo Blend, new ., 0 0 0.. -Do, do, old.0 0 0.. -

Watttcr'a bulk .. .. 080.. 080 Do caso .. .. 0 l8 0 .. -Usher's Old Glenllvot ..070.. -Do , ¡spécial Itcsorve .. 0 10 0 .. -Inucs arid Grieves' .. ,,070.. -Do old UAH. Var .. .. 0 12 0 .. -Dunvillo'scaso .. .. 0 l8 0 .. -Iïoval Blond.0 10 0 .. -Lorne .0 l8 0 .. -St Mungo.0 8 0.. -Do, caso .0 10 0 .. -Ihtatlo Blond .. .. 0 10 0 .. -Mitchell's .12 0.. -Bull .1 l8 0 .. -Cork Distlllorj .. ..040.. -Sir Itobert Uurnett'a Old Tom 0 11 0 .. -Wolf u'a Schnapps .. .. 1 1 O M -




Wool - Our last monthly report was dated 0th Tob , and .inca that dato tho business transacted in this market lias boon ol a comparatively unimportant eharactor, only 4,__5 bale» having been offered, con slating mainlj of remnants of clips, of which about 3.200bales have been sold Considering tho abnor-mally dcprc&sod condition of Luroponn markets, the extreme uncertainty which seems to prevail regarding the prospects of the trade In tho early future, and the nondescript character of much of tnovvaol olio red, it Is at least s it i st actor., to bo enabled to rogart the turn \\ al liuru at this lato period of competition strong enough to maintain prices on tho whole equal to tiloso ruling before tim discontinuance of regular sales. A largo proportion of tho most recent offerings was of eco 11 rod wools, and those found pu rehago rs at rcla tively vcrv fair prices, capoaiallj when the weakness of secured sorti at cb.o of last London sales is taken

into coundon-ion

Although tho entire produce of tho lBSri clip has not jet boen marketed, consequent on the detention of several thousands of bales on the Darling Uiver while It remains uniimlgablo, jet the soiling season, bein/ now considered virtually atan end, woBhall endoavour, in acoortlanco with our usual custom, to review its principal feature. Probably a more di? season has noter been experienced since sales In the oolonUs- iiavo attained to any degree of promiucmii, and that not alono from tho grower^ point of view In Uio direct and sortons depreciation of his produco, but also affecting purchasers of almost every «cotton of the trade, and par* ticlpaicd in to a gieater or les« degree by all either dlreotlj or indirectly Interested in tho staple Tho first partial indication of pro* bablo ruling values iu Australia was afforded bj tho opening of sales in Adulalda on October 0, but tr»m tho fact that tho catalogue on that occasion con-tained little if anv, wool of a representativo cha-racter, but httlo reliance was placed on the rosults cflouted as a test of tho markot go'ierally Ibo samonia> bo said of ouo or two small Bales which iuitlutod thu Boasou In this eli) Arrivals In bulk wore somewhat later than usual In coming to baud,

and It waa not until near tha end of October tlmtninr\ of tho nell known brands from Hh erina aud cKmvhero, which huvo for jiars contributed so hrgelj to tho prt-itlifo of M iloiirno sa es, wero avail-able to Biibmlt for pub'lc cotupct tkm It then bo* caine a] pirciit that (¡peal ui£ ni gcnonl terms, and ultu exceptons to which uo fhdl pn south moa pirucuhrly refer, HIL raiuo oí prices to «huh sellers would hi» o to ne conmod-Ut thim-ielm did not reach the. pi-, iiding ritoi of la-vt -.cwoii b> I'd to.'d per Hi, the former upr».M}umi" with accuracy tho declino in uo^bred, the lalUr that of orluiarj merino wcob III c,rou.o Scoured woola were not, in the tail} j art of the ten on, offered in huvo quin titles, jitMI oeeiiionil te t of tho inirl ct dU| Incd an L\ Lil mor tnaiked -dirinkn e in quotable | nu i, and «d to S,il, a id e\cn up ti -Id per lb wuu trie collections trom last >c irs \iliieiMi cea^arj to effect tanks Those relu tionn, considertblo as thej were, di 1 not e c-ecd, in the u) tuioii oí thchc hi tt n formed whit tile com ÖL oi ** ptcinber in London hi. led us to L\¡crt lid it must bo said of growers penci illy that the) wiro prompt to recognise tho position, and, IH a. ru o nier, tho mir! et fairlj on thuo tcnna, the rou it billig (hat a lar"u ai d activo bumiiL s I loe e lui during November an 1 De cember, comiKtltion bein», btiuii,r up to tue Umita in dicated, and buvin" powir plen ifni for alldcsmp

tions J ho fut tint November MUÍ in London opened with a eiiado of impiovcmciit on the former berks lind tho effect of raia ng the hopes of L,on>o who had not vet sold, and several clips winch vvoul 1 other« ho hi\o been dibpojcd ti lo alls thon bhippod \ ith thocxpcctaiion o'meeting in the 1 uropean marl eta a decisive re oven of values, an antlu iiition tho fallacy of which has been demon trite 1 bj tho uno

ceeding io icilon, which brliu.s at latest dates tho values of ncirlv all ('c-ciiptioiis of wool down to .nels uni «own for ¿i t>4v) jeui-i ( a&t. In Ibu mian time icprcauilithcs hero of ihe in inufauurmg in, who, coming f H hh from their »entro of opera lions were prejnrel for, und thiough th« fore J of competition lia I aetuillj antUf] ituJ, the hardening of pruea, found the iiio.eiin.nt in that direction noitiicr in ovtent nor dunhiht\ to com.ldeiablc na thtj had looked for and us the London s ile* cou Unued from daj to day with an unbrok n record of weakness and de hue the\ natural!} displayed In their biddings ahcoltition in regard totho burts \hich wcro so nn_e,inir at horn», which v. is not noticeablo at tlio eirlier mictions Still wu ma> siy with con fldeiice that at no time did viluea hero rccedo below tlio equivalent of tho«e luhng in London and wo think experience will prove that tho o who elected to realise in this murk et puiaucd tho courto moat profit able to then . Ives

Of tile vinous ecctlons of the market wo noticed

from, tho first a steady de-iru to operate on tiio pirt of \orkslilro'my era ihe Contlnentil trido at tho early sales accmed to bid but eldon., and with much caution, although their eompintive actnit> at a later period, when cítalos-mi offered a moro com prchciiBho choice, Indicated that the first hcbitaiicy was duo rather to tho abicnco of wool precisely suited to their requirements than to any lack of onlors, and when deihng with the finn wools winch take front rankin our mnrkcts their «pinte 1 comp ti

lion was a notieoihle fact, pr».s Injr closely on tho biddirgs of the American section to which as con eti tuting a dlblinctly aparato »ml vital factor, and i m pur tun; a special and exceptional feature to tho

eales, wo havo now to refer

During main prov tous seasons selléis in the Austra-

lian marl cts havo buen indebted to their American customer;, for tho estiblisr nu nt of a rango of values in regard to their Hpcchl requirements hillier thin could hate been obtuued solely Irom I uropc ni com petition, butnt no time has the Hpecial force of this section of tho tnlo produced iciults no «trough ninrkeel as during tim scaann now p-uxH 1, so mut h KO that ordinary quotation.* aro inapplioiblo when duil

inir with tha purchases of this cominj,tnt Thus it will bu observed tuat while thu general shrinkage of values Is quotable up to acc-itnlu e,rado, \ct lint fino wools of both merino mid tirât eros bru], |lj,ht lu crease and fuir staple, tho woola in fact now gem» ral! j reeognibiblo, both liera and at home as aura U114 American com) etition, exhibit re-.11 ts in tielling which it is impo siblo to reconcile either relatneh with other descriptions or intiitMciUj uponan> bas ¡a of genond acceptance , it is, 111 fact rendered clearer than ever beforo ttiat this bl auch ottho trado const!

tutes m itself aspüLial market, tlio outre.» to which is a condition «eli worthy tho effort of over> wool grower to clïect open, as this season has olcnrl>

lho ptculiur force of tho'oction of our local mirket now under consideration, found its lirdt opportunitj of do\ clopmeut at Geelong u lu ro on -7th October, a number of clip-., not I irgo but of goo i quahtj, and re presenting fairh tlio best pi o luce of Western \ 10 toria, wens offered for sale Ihu real isa tioua of from 12d to 13d per lb for se\ eral lots on that occa-doti, was n surpnea under tha well understood circum stances of previous s dca, but supportai as it was by after events hecamo BO to t-peak, a distinct standard of valuo for the spec! d clubs wo aro now doallng with a class which, BO lo mr asitcotitimitd tohuiupreieute 1 lil tho tnaiket, itnariibl> met with bu>ors and elicited tho lates then citahbi,hc 1 In cxempUQoa ton of tho foregoing romuka wo append a list of sumo of the clips bearing well 1 nown bran Is with tho prices obtained here (imonj which it will bo nt once apparent totho^o f iinil ar with Australien wools how the uilluem-Ci abo\L inferred to hv\u operited Tho follow in/ aro c,r as\ wools onh, this being the on I j description whuh Is nffecto I hy American competition, ami aro taken at tatidoui from tho sale lists as published -

Wools irom Kltcrim - VA. D o^cr Toogimblo, *.« bales »id , 0(1 halos Sid , 80 balen 8d Kulnine b2 bales Ed , iloluol. In hales Hi 1 , Dû bales lOd , 45 hales Od , uoiin, 77 bales y^d , crow nourl mid, 6a bales 7jd , Moonbria, lf>5 bales bjd , Aheleo, OJ bales Sid, Mithoura, SV> bales Od , SB li diamond o\cr \V\V, J75 b-iks Hld , Ormond oxer Kirndeen 111 bales lljd , Watuainon.r 2J bales lid , 51 hales lOAri , Hook liook, d4 hiles 101 K. Lov. over Mirrar, lill bales Od , Hound Hill, lbO bales 10>1, 00 bales 10 i , Grobbagumbhn, 4»I bales Did , it o\cr Narrow Plains,

107 bales lOld , b\\ overt lO^erV, HO bahn ll_d I H.R over- O-HbalcsOJd Momalong, _.>_. bales

0_d , I MA over líen lutk,U7 bales ^J.1 I

Wools from Western \ietoriu-Ka.ln_.a1.45 biles lid ,41ba!osl0.d IMP l.ObalcslM 31 halesll^d , Mountside, 70 biies avera o lid Gorinn 151 baltn X21d, Burrumbeep 101 bales lUd lit tua (IO bales 13id, 45 bales 1-el Do uneroii 73 1 ales ll^d , &_. bales lid Brui ff Bruiule, Bli I atc^ Io 1 , Mt huroîto, C1 bales lljd , Nvoreoudoo, En) bales Hid , Mt Mercer,

40 bales 12d

Other Victorian Wools-Cornelia ovor Creel 00 bales 0$d , A &. h over Wooronookc 141) balts lOcl

-Nichol 87 biles 10 I , Mountiiii «reek over A HO halos OJd , Ilhthcvale 81 bales 12jd , _o bales 101

Roughly It nuv he assumed that all tin 1 rinds quoted over Od per Hi had tho l> netlt of the \mo rican coinputition while tho great hu k of the ni was actuallj talton bj that section of the tra lo

It will bo noticed that the fine merino tools of th Western district of \ictotia have taken quite their usual hi-h placa In tho sales relatively with the general off-rings the w ell! now n Xitangi clip is it has dono before taking the lea 1 at our wart hou at 133d per In Ibis price remained virtually the head value of tho season bein, onlj IACCC led hi avcrj few bales of tho celebrated I) T chu from Tas norna which brought Ud p r lb Tho Woltern wools had the (.rcat advantage of coining to mirt et In p r/eot condition as a result of the splendid reason with which tho dutri t was favoured lunn.-growth of the clip vvlulo iiunv of tile Riverina, el pt, en the other hand, exhibited a markc 1 dctcriorition fi_.ii) the qualltj of preV o H years const pic. t u_ on di ._"!1 liard weather a J in many m ta ice*, exe t.ive tra veiling renden 1 rece aarj there! v J lit. falliii,'OfT in qiialitv was indeed bo mir! ed ¡n n mit raus in stances as to tiav c b cn t o subject of LUU I al oom mont In the circulars of London wooli roi ern late.j to hand mado after comprehensive c\aiuÍn.üou <.. tho Riverina I ra odd appearing at the homo ta. m

lho position oí tro.ii.iitd wools at our nie*. 1ms been Btieh ns it is oxtiem Iy diilienlt to deili e Tor while th sobrade, vvhicii com* ely in full favo ir with Uno morl iocs ntich as three quarter I re 1 a i i cross backs liavo shared, with tlio former th ut,h jerlnps In a soniewliat less dei,roe, the j e statent dowiuard movement from 1-S4 prices jet the coane ImroJ sorti and lustrous long w uh have furl, main taiued their value within . 1 to Id of former r tes. Lamba' wools dur ng tho f ison havo sold with much irregularity , L,em rallv, wo c->n 11er thej hue had but a weak maiket jet vi h laver an exe ? ti ma lj light and attractive a.mpl wisotTecl it almo it in variably elicited relativ otj huh biddings sometimes oxctedii g the price of flcoco, to which uni *.s in these exceptional iiibt ne a lanil s wool ranged in forlor by about Id to _ 1 per lb Casos in joint aro -Utanda 1st lambs sold at 1 ijd ,H ceo also at UÎI

Fcjul, crossbred lambs 1QÍ, do 111, SU india mond W at si ie, lamlw' ltj 1 and I1J 1 do n¿ 1 , Hirndoen lambs' 11 jd , do Hid Wanganung lamba* lljd , do lid *- Retreat lan b« 1 M , Ho lOJd , Hound Hill, lambs 1_J , do lujd , Wooroo nooko, lambs 12_d do lol

¡scoured wools, as vvc have beforo sail wcrorcpro Rented cirlj in tho sales but to no eroat extent and at that period did not command very much atteint on Later on, how cv or, a better class of oh\r Inga met with a good amount oí competition which wo may saj las been fdrlj maintained up to tho recent auotionu when thi-i disruption Iii c t a moro impirtaiit placo in tho catalogues and hay r aline 1 prices rclativolj full os c t,iei and as compared otso with ruling values of tho lil o description in rnropcan maikets Hit huher rango of values however for scoured sorts rollers the absoluto decline from 1 .st scihon s pi ices even more striking when quoted in pen e than in thu c isa of greaslc, and a<w-_.alii»,t last \ tar's quot lions of 20.1

to Sid and even up to Sid wo h ne not'iinf this season bevond lSJd a price onlv at j ioa I ed In one or two instances foremall loU UM to lud be n" a much ni re "oncrallj ap-lie able qii tation Among the principal sa es of this uu-cn- lion were -I Murra} and Co 7S bales at 17. i ta eil Wool

scouring uo , 04 do at 1 d Quant- mb mc l"t» do , at 10ïd do , 0 i do , »t 14} I W v Lo over 1 ul

ham over 1 Gd do 1 J I Wauibco a 1 7 do , at lBd 1Î I* Co over Kilfeera ¿do ut 1_ i , M do , at 163d , 17 do at 15 i, 74 do nt J1.1

Of washed .leece wo ila th ofiumg*. thu season have been wo tliwil fewer than u id Hie comiuou experience bein, thrvt lho wools-hi li como un 1er this head aro sold uti 1er nef* tsarilv less competition than others equally _,rca j sorts With tho machincij an 1 appliances now at their con lum 1, manufact irli g biij ers niueh pu tor to pure» v e tin ir raw material in Its pim ni utato and are inn pose 1 to pav the proportionately li uhprlo swhlciwohuo floniet mes liad to record lor washed clips O. touiso, these remarks ato to I o tal en with v in ditlc.tiou Ibero are some exceptional)} Well got up dip*, of hkhquaitj and cou iitian, hot water vaslioi.wih skill and care ami fan tte*,s in cverv reap t whith aro iffcred in our market vcailj.nid are invariably competed for with en,ernes citcitii g hi,h bidding*)

but wo chiefly refer to the much moro n inierous lots of cold water wished which como forward uiuail-, rathor late in tho season, an i for which wo cou tider the Inquir. this jtarhas been the weakest of all Of the rcallv super or borti 11(1 talon Wool house - 1 per lb mil Irimbi of same 2-i

2d and_s4¿l Thowell known clips of Challicum and Ginns ulthuu^h oil ere I wtrouiiboll and went for-ward to the rioiuu nnrket Loll i iter WTHIILI washoUlouihvlcaili bejonl 1'iJ 1 to 1Ü I j cr lb al thoui,!» piotailoin rea bed 17 1 fur fhU description

lho follow in, mai be olfercd s current piiecs, do-Ing our Helling sea«on of IbS- bO -t"rcas> -Merino, inferior to ouilnnrv 4d to (id per lb, medium Oh 1 to 7*d do , f,ood to Sjd do , cross bred Inferior to ordnarj.rd to CJ I do medium, 7d to 7.d do tool, to b.d ÖCOUU 1 -Infonor to ord imrj ,01 to 12 1 per Ih , medium to ^ood lad to lCd do Wailied I leece-Inferior to ordinary, JOd to 131 per lb .medium towool i Id to 17 I do

A ptruMil of the Januar> circular-* from the trade in I ondon Is convincing as to the tinevpeetcd naturo of tho most recent movement*! in Ilia market tho bro) urs nhnobt without uxooption, MCIII to have re garded the later months of 1&S5 as wltnea hu tho lowest depreclition to whtih tho staple waslikelj to hav o tollen even vv hilo c ircfuHy _,uanling their utter anees from convevingtoo hopeful anticlpitiou*. of the course of evouts to follow iaonio writing m view of the temporary and very slight recovery witnessed lu Isovombor last treat of September October a** tho poriod at whioh tha climat was reoche 1 but nil ndmit the uticcrtalnt) of tho outlook an 1 ojnto. their Inabi itv to account quito alequatoly for the almost unprecedented shrinftago of values which had then to bo recorded and from which unfortunately up to dato thurola nosl^n of real recover) Much Is con sldcred due to the actual inferlonU of mun, of tho Au.trallau clip*) as Jud^fd bv the *-tai dard of former > ears, and muoh also to the Continuously deproisc I state of trido moro especially Continental trade and tho known tatt that manufacturers have had for soma previo is jeir-j nut slight if anv margin for their industries, yut it is recornlso I that only an unfortunate concui i eiicj of hiilu »ces wuutd suillco to bring abMit thu rcsulU to unlvcraaili deplored.

Of the increasing competition of Hirer Plata wools In tho grades which havo been considered peculiar to AnstialaLia, it is WLII to re"iembcr that tho-to co mainly, if not entlreh, into Continental consumption, which has thus far 1 cpt pace fair h well with the increased supply oven in its depressed con iitfon Any revnni o' trido In that querte-r, therefore would

irtainx bo piomptly felt to the ad\antaBo of Aus trallm wools, nul w< cm but « onm-cl (.rowtrs gene I ti y tole tow tilt i- ene les to tho ii ahiten mee of a-. Inch a si i i la d of nu Uley as can be produced, to it Mire» ior them a continuance of their hith rto uu siirpas ed position in/the. mu kitti f the world

As far as proipicts foi next fatason a i b. judged at present, tlio weather over a ino-jt extuibho pi. toral arti has been ill tint can ho desire 1 and, with a favourable winter bould le ult-lr a thoroujilj well giowudipfor 1 ii

A lilition d din] muds or wool hinrc our Iistmonthly report, are. vs lulow, vi -Irom Hobs m s lliv for I andu i-fat rrcnto H (omitted Ia*t ino th) cleaicd Jan 21 with I m bales liMiitnia sa., eleirui 1 1) 11 Wl'h o5b dn , ¿iel Olli ne « I tared r-ch 12 with 4(0.» lo lorritou, cleared iel) 17 with 0 ^7 do, ^ in ti, h s cleared leb. 19 with _d do. Coro mm Iel, H H , cleared lib. vv Uli 1 517 do , Polira »n clc.r i 1 ') -ii HI h J0Û3 «lo , falla le, b s eleir I Ub e! with l,0)0do, An.c.uttan, c1 nred leb "7, with I jido, llombav, B.S cleared March . with ltMido John bl 1er, vs. clean 1 Mart li ri with 115 do total 2' r03do , previous c1 araiics 2i<.4.7do Total for t-riti«h port- _i >,JJ07 hiles lor Holton lurndon, with -oi balts , i rev ions bhinnicnts, l8 Uli do lot il loi Mm ricin iioi ts direct, lo.bUJ hales. The a lud rxpoitalions to America, including tho-to for iv mied vii S\dnc\ and London, aro 21 710 hales lor Antwerp-Njin nto, as, with 071 halos, las

mama, Hs, with 42 do, Coromandel nu, with 70 do '.alivio su, with loi do, total, 1,417 do

nr. viona fehipnicilta 14-101 do Grand total, lo 818 h le I or Hamburg-iori cn to s 8 , 1,361 bales , li, linn, s», 7 do, Coromandel, SH, 2d do, ''ali ic, II i, b2 do , total 1,471 do , prov ions «hip merits l,4ù7do Lrand total, 2 06S lor Marseilles -bil trio, -.Jd bales , previous shipment-*, ii 322 do Gi and total, *J 015 hales lotal exportation1- of wool fr Jin \ it tul i i from 1st lu.v,18bj. to date, ^7 -82 hiles vhi munts for corresponding period of 1SS4 feii, 100 4s7 biles, do, lbditM, .10,1,21 do, do , li>b2 Ho, 2= ( (li do , dvj , 1SSI S2, ' IS 40J do , do , 1SW M, Jil 6ia d i, do 18.0 bO, 277 W0 do , d >. 187;-. 7 »

. ! J1 do, do 1S7< 7\ ttU,171 do , do, 1S-Ü77, . 10-7 do lho neitrhlourmg colony of New "south Wak-, h in exported within tho period above named ,0Jr.10 hiles, louth Au-trnlla 1.1,'M and Queens

lan 1 01,210, the aggrcg ito totil of the f mr pr ucipil colonies in tile Aut-tiulasiiu group being 77l,o22 bales, against 75S 000 liibt venr, and 707 <>00 for that nrciioua tho déficience of 1U.OO0 mid old hiles from loit Phillip and suueil/iOO from Soutn Austr ilia

1 Ling thus morn th ni covered bv the larger figures of New bouth W aks and Queensland w h eli w ith their lucre u>o of 4) 500 and 10,700 re pectiielj, bring out as the rcbiilts for tho four colonies n unod the tot ii iinrcase ou last yearn production of about U.QOJ


¡sheepskins - Tho low values of wool havo ncces sinly opented with severo effect upon ibis market enhanced by the feeling uf uticertalut) winch pi uvada in lizard to futuro piospe ts Xviver inourcxperi

Ltico of this trade havo wo known sheepskins so injected, or BO completo a collapso of values aa wo hav o now to report Itovicw ing the iwukct last y c .r we had to nottco a cousldernhlo decline from former price-» hut on this occasion our quotations do not approach ovon thoso then recor led I resh slaughtered pelts from tho butchers wo aro now filing irom Is to 1B 9d each (the latter of about e pial growth mil qmhtv with those, which hst ycir at this time brought at least Is more), lambskins from Is to 1J G1 oi h and onib peks ( dort wool) (id to Od e ich |>ry bklns s-ll with honu diilicultv at id par lb for mt i Ino, and 3d to l|d per lb for crotshiel, while niui> of the short woolleil petts coming to hand bird} return the worth of their carria"o from tho country districts

Uni s -ih re aro no events or heavy fluctuations of value toiecord lu connexion with this produce which la selling now at very t-itnshr pi ices to tho»o ruling 12 months hlnoe A Etea h diiiimi d from weet to week meets with an apparently tmtllclont hut bv no means nu over supply We quote - Oreen ox hides, (rom 17a to 2-.S each for aveia^o weights, but extra heavies are ca_or)\ ttkon at higher rates up to 3 » e i h , cow and kip hkks uru Billia,' irom 2Jd to ¿i per Ih , tilfsklns, from rd to G¡d per lb balte d hide s aro worth from id to fljd per lb for ordinary and medium vvonjits, but heavy weights sell reality up toijil per lb , and occa ional consigninunts from Sew Zealand in (,ood condition briner 4jd to 5Jd per


Tallow-Tho ycarpast Ima witnessed a collapse of pri is <|inte as remar v,abIo as that in regiinl to the principal staple and w havo to quote prices which are by far the lowest in our previous cxpcncnco but winch havo now been cur rout hore for soma mouths Líe at mutton tallow cannot bo quoted beyond ¿,21 10s per ton, ordinary lots, about jt>20, bout mixed s imples wo are ellinp; from U7 to LI'} per ton , and Inferior to medium qualities £12 to A. 10 per ton. Shipments durin" tho last month wero 2 142 casks

K mearoo and I ur Skins-At this period of tho year thero Is little) or nothing offering for palo as summer jkius aro In themselves of comparatively little v duo, »hilo tliu rlbk of depreciation hy weevil is gicit During tho winter months, however, a verv largo business was done at a higher tango of prices, and as a rulo well o nditionel Bklns meet a vt-ry act ho inquiry Quouitlons although at this time i omina), may be state! as follows, vl¿ --Large ülzed forester skins, from lud to 221 per lb, medium, from 121 to 17d , and brush 7d to lud per Ih , wal laby,7d to 12d pet lb , opoosum skins, L,ood fur and Round are vvoith from Is to 7» Od per dozen , superior, up to 10s per do/en , small bizca, from 2s. to Is Od per dozen Kabbit skins, in good con ditim, were worth at last s des from 7tl to lOd pcrdozun , Inferior horts uu aloablo

liarl m lintams Its value well, and a large amount of hu inc-.-.ts transictcd at following quotations, \U -I one, baik, from i.^ to LA lus , chopped, to L ) 10s , and gnund from Ld to -U0 10s, very best brands up to 4.11 on. per ton.


Wool - Ira»*icttona itt this marl et have boon am ill and unimportant tinto the date of our la3t re] oit and tim quaniitv coming forward is now io1*} limited oiTennifS huvo cona sted of *J,J_5 ha es i ¿ol bilos of wliich have found pure a eis Hie princ p 1 coi tributi ms to tho catalogues have been crea**} woola from Ia mania a id some soo ireds from the 0 rliiu, In addiuo i to Bunio o Id munta of e Ips airea iy boll The att ndaueo of bin era romaine.! largo up to the end of 1 thru ir> w hen a good miiubur returned to 1 ni,lan 1 md tho Continent.

1 rites hav i naturally undergone home declino in svmpa hy with tlio full experience during tho lato series in London A i«ojd portion f the catalogue

Ins consisted of low an 1 uiiicoil nao H assortments which has further reduced tho avtra0o of prices


The principal sales sliico our last report hav o been

-Grcai} -WO ovor how 1 noland -2 balts at tij I , Lyno 1Ü balu* at 8ld li in dlnuoti I, 26 bales at 7d , liverslalo 23 balts at (Jil , JTi over Now I noland, 41 bales at (jí I 11)11 over Oal bank Jl hales at 6_d , M 41 bales at Md S li cvCi over Whittabranah 31 bales at d , J L \\ Ca dwell over Uoolburn, S5 bales at 4 Id "seo ired - M I) ?_ Co over Mt Wood

R 77 balts at 1 \ t , JIN 14 b du at 1-M do , bl bales at 10,1 UuM ovor Cultowa ¿I bales, 14d , do , 42baltsat 1-id do _-0 hiles at lljd do, 211 halos at 11_1 Conoble, 47 bales at lid do , J3 balts at 1 11 Mb. (conjoined) and MR (conjoined), 30 bales

at ltd

Tiaro haï been but little chango to report in tho pastoral outlook binco our last rep irt In bomo parta the (,ood ttfects ol the late rains aro disappearing, and a further fall would bo of much Ben leo Gone lally siieakhg tho country Is well grassed an 1 watered unlaoon iderablo improvement on the Btato of thiiua existing U m em t li a n_,o

Thoopeumi; o tho ílrat series of sales in London is thus referrtl tobj our head otlico, in their circular dated tho _3th January -"lhouc,h the attenduico b th ot home mid fuieiL.n bujtis was fairly good tho bidd tus ftcquentlj lad ed animation and rates of last j ear were on an nvera.o barelj aun

tainc I 1ht weal ness was mo t marl ed In tho case of--hort earth} tender wools in the grtaso of Now South Wales and Queensland growth whilst fault} scourel ruloi in bujt is favour As the sales havo progresad ttie tondent} thus in ii aVd lins bocomo decided au i tho former chbs uipst now be quoted Id ncr Iii lower than at the close of labt henos, whilst tho latter aro about Jd per lb cheaper from tho commtneoment how ever good Bound shaft} morlno has been in activo denian 1 at lu ly lato rat H nnl fir parcels Buitei to Amuricin rojuir mont« extreme prices have been pdd t-ror-sjrtd. iilcewisc opened llrnil}, rreference b ing given to the coarser (.rades lho latter ore in comparative!} small}, and when ottered elioit animated competition Home buvora operate with considerable fictdom but the biddinesof Continental, and op lilly I mich hujers are reserved Com plaint a e mado by 1 mich mauufactu o s as to ilu raid i t of the now clip wools male ja ticuliry tho laut j "rovthsof New South Wal s I t^ueous land win li were p lrcliavitd bj them d i , the la it s-iries of lbSi an I even at tlio decline n theso de s npttons al ovo rtooid-d thev d* not o.*.rato with conildciico Ow log t > the fact tina large proportion ol the availiblchup) lies areo. u moro or less fan tf do crij non au asj o of greater neal tiri is tims j_iv en to tho ni ir at than tlio tencrai posi i u o[ thu trado woul 1 j istiij

lho salts itrtete i by tho various broiera to dato from the clo e ut a t series aro as follow -

IL Goldsbrouq;]. and Co I United . 50 ut.5 Now / al vnd Loin and Mcicmtilo Agency

Con pam limited . 43,017 Austtaiibian Mort"a o and Agency Company

I unite 1 20 513 DtnujT I n celles and Co . l8 u.5

Other brokers . Jl 7U(J

To al 17ü 000 Shipments-Jan C3-Sorrento as for Lou don uni. 1 Jo_ biles on board, Jan ¿¿-bor rento (optioni!) with _41 do , Jan _J-Sur reino for Antwerp with Oil do , Jan JJ torrente., for li unbuu with 1 TI do leb 11 iasuianU u S. tor London, with Sou do, Kb 11- laaiuaina for Antiverj, with 12 do lob 11-la mima, for Han- nu with 7 do , leb 12 -Mell ourno for I ondon, with 4 002 do , 1 cb 17 Toni ton, for london with ( -$7 do , Kb 17 Tom Ion for Host m with.-¡io leb It)-boratu s H , for I ondon vi lut do 1 eh 2a-( oromandel as , for London, with IT 17 do Kb 2*-Coromandel, for Antwerp with IO do 1 eh -a-Loromin lol for Ilainbui, with 2d lo, heb al--.uhr ion forloudoi, wiui _ut_ do leb _ti-"* ilazie for London willi 1 090 do , rob _(- Mli/io, for Maiucillcs, vv th -0J do leb _ti-MU/ii for Antwerp with it)4 do, Kb 2eî-Sala?lc for Hamburg with b2 do Teh 27 Ardgowan (or Loudon with 3 213 do March j Bomba}, tor 1x3 »don with 1,0 (J do Mareil 4-John H der tor I onion with 11_ do Total 25 D04 bales 1 revious bbq monts 201 _-0 bales Total shipments

from J Jib June -aï 2a. bales

In [.las 1 v sitlliig ve sels remain at JJ per lb for tren.} un 1 w it-hca and hv steamer«, ¿d per lb fur biooM, _1 pel lb for w anhcei

sheep I ins -A fair supplj of sklni has como to hand ind the irr e,ul tr nature of the wool bal s has eua) led the tra lu to devote more attetiti n to this Gretu ¡.Uns huvo had (rood attention, and aro u tu ra I) j hnpr vin. in qualitv an uUaiito on last months quotations now lung oütal labio Dr} bl ins havo been s ding (reel}, ibpceiall} tho met mo sorts lor crosnbre Is the dunaul h is not been soereat and the alvan e obtained at tnc bcL,iii nlnj,of the }ear has b cn .artiiii} lost, We quote Lambskins up to Is. Od each, butchers pelts, up to _a cadi dry si ins 2s to 4s od each, merino si ins 2_d to 4d per lb crossbred skins, 2J J to JJd per lb pelts Id to -d por lb

Ihd a -Oreon cow hides have leen inquired for and puces havo been s nrlitl} luther Ino market has been uiliv supplied, cap eiallv with lieht, weights, which are not in denian 1 und are (lillie lit of sale thu Bupplj betin, much in excess of requirements. Heavy weights on the otticr hand aro b arco, and aro In good doman I, an} coming for vard meeting with a read} sala at a good flgma Wa quota -Groen o\ hides 10s to 30s. each , green cow hides, up to J_d per lb calfskin*) Bid do , New Zealand hiles, Id to 4Jd do, kip hides, from 3d to 3_d do, Met rlan salted hides, B_d to 4d do, do, extra hoavj,4d to 4J I do

Loatlior -Crop is not in great rcquo t, and only tho Iii,htdc9 riptlon has auj balo whatever Shippers aro BÜII hol Ung al or and the market depends on tho limited requirements of local niunuf icturcrs. lhere Is no chandu in tho pricisf rdrcs ed Icath.irs, which aro dull of sale Tho quantity coming forward con tiiiuosiiood and btocks in store arc largo Wo quote -Crop hiavy, up to Ud per lb crop light, up to 0_d do , kip, up to la 4Jd do. luuncra, Is b.d to Is, Od do , calf, 2s to 3s 2d do , waxed kangaroo, up to Us 3d do,, Whip kangaroo.

up to 39 31 do watlaby.Ss to 2s ¡3d do , harness (blacl ) lid tolOl do for heavy, hnruo<s (hrovvn) up to 15d do basils 10s to 20a per luzcn or 7d to 12d purlb, roue h tanned karnaroo up to 2s do do lip, KI to luid do do calf, up to 2s do

Kangaroo and i urred bkins-liic letter sorts of kingaieo tnjov an active inquiry, and full preta aro obtainable for the 1 mttc 1 qui lillies that are coming ta hmd There is on the oth r han 1, a t,nod quin titv of inferior fl in for which there is i o liomin 1

Opossum and ral i t f, ins ard in poor coi ditl in mid operat oils lu thi-. dq aitiucnr -,tv*c heeii small and u limportmt Ut» quote - Kangaroo-booi IB Od to -s °¡ti per lb , medium lOd to Is. Od do, Interior, 01 to 1)1 do Wullaby, rd to Is 2d do, opo sum s! ins (ivera"c) Is to 2s per dozen, do (superior) Ss to 4s eto , rabbit skins, up to 01 do tin ill do up to ..d do

Tallow -Vhices norn Lou Ion havo undergone some fluctuations aid the local market has varied iccor hugh bhlipura have bought a littlo moro freeU.nnd a b tur feeing has prcvrilcd At tho nu 1 L au tion* off rim.» it iv o oon is ed of mixed in I in.cuor lots fur th mot part which havo beou til en up I y loe il buy ers at prices sliüitly in their iivour Wo quote-I tcf £17 10s. to.CldlUj per ton mutton un to A. 0 do mtxei, i,li to LU do inferior Ul 10s to ,1110* do

li irk-Iiansictionrf hive been numerous during the month hut the turret remans ov rstocl c I ArrlvalstavQ b cn verv laij,-- nu I Uns fact his lu du ed holders tn mott the maiket with n little moro De dom i ii-arnn erf hue not tquallel Bli) piles nn 1 it is e t mated tint (.locks on lund aro e,reat r than ha be n lnovvn foi the j a^t five years Tho un (avoir ble) returns of hto cxj ortations and tho low prices txibth g in 1 otidon hav o drlv cn slilpp rs out of tho market vv hlch now di. pends for btipport on th lo al tanners lu (erlor descriptions aro quito uu«aknbl ( buyers pa a nz them o\ cr In favmir of harks i ontainlnc, goo 1 tannum properties, which can now bo bought at a reasonable figure. U o quota -Ground, up to L\0 per ton, lortUna Lrounl, unto £11 do . choppe 1 (s ip rior) up io L') do , bundled fnicdiuui), up to a.0 do , do (superior) up to ¿J do



Wool-Comparatively littlo husincss has Leon tran actel In tina marl t during the pa>t month, tho total ipi mtities dialogue t and sold amounting to Í, ¡07 and J Old bales re peeth ely With the oxoop lion of faomo New ¿eahnd consignments tho grcn-.y wools oiturci were of Indifferent character, being chiefly reinnauts of clips, i as-ied m pártela, and tho usual miscellaneous colkction of odtls and ends that ch irnctcnse the wind up of the season The attend anco of huvcrs, however, haï been lar^o throughout hut price j, in sympathy with tho homo markets, BIIOVT a do lining tendency, and may he quote l fully id per lb below tho o cur relit at tho date of our labt summary Although bomo largo clips ft oin the Lower LHrlimrdbtriot havo jet to como foiuaid. the reason ni vy bo nonsidured over and, in aceonlanco with our annual custom wa now present a ourvey of the business transacted in tho leading Australian markets during tho past year lho opcinn*, of tho colonial sel Inc. season of IS:/) 0 waa awaited by growers and others intereste I in tho wool trade with fcolinqs of tho deepo t anxiety, for not only was It "entraih lnown that tho shr nkngo in tho value or o ir t, utiplc in the home marl ets had reich d a lower point than liad beo > wit iu se 1 for 10 years hut c,tavo nppr hen ions wera cuter tallied by many that the 1th ei Unto proluotioi

which had so preju hcially allotted our wools during the past year woul I ugalu OHIO into direct competition with a largu | íopoition of the Auitralian clip uni so cause values l> recelo btill further öitice buyeis and sellers were I vat called the do line in prices hal cont nu« I with a por-, ii ten ey

that deilel all eiluits to arrest us d nvnward course and at this tuno tho fall hal rev lied on an average, 3¿d per lb on merino greasy, lid per Ih on cross breds uni IJd to Cd on scoured and w shed wools

t-veu at this cuor nous reluction, inauufacturcra lu im, lan I woro sa I tobo working at littlo profit while on tho Continent matters were rtpirlcd to bo much uuraü I rospects on all Bides were therefore decido Hy uufivouinhlo and u ] Dor selling tcason was n dural ly piclictd lluppih ntl ijooiny foro beni in j, s weit dooinoi to bpeedy disij poiutment anlerne a^ain our market furn shed an ! lus trat ion of the prov e rbial \ itnhty of tho wool trade of bo stnk inga character a* to lltcially surpri o those pe =>i

mists who, y iel ling to nu Impulso oteado, lind striven to abott that pistol al pursuits Were on tho

In Metbourno tlio inaugural silo was hold on tho lfith Uetober, before as numerous an atteii lauco of biners as over graced an opening day Itepre-senta th es from all tho j, re at manuf tetunng centres wero prudent in force and oomp tition waa brisk up to a I oint slightly above the I on lou parity, especially on the put of tho home biyeis who bul through out w ith great spirit AJ is customary on a first d iy, the bclection wis much b 1 JW the avciat.c a id it was not until tho mart et opened in Geelong that tho cata logues allowed much improvement, J kure main of the ch I est Woa urn el Is trio ulipsvvcre bronijit for ward, and tho American co up tition which up to that time lud not 1 ceil lelt carried all before it A higher rango of valu s than was at tnu line cou sielerod posiiblo wa« thus d, und from this forwai 1 all hufty wools lu tho j,re i-. mt couti quality and growth wero eigt-rly competed for hy both I nijisli and Aiueri au buyers the bulk of which, how over, was secured for tha United States lho forci n contingent ulthoiuh bom what apatlntle at tho out rt, weie far from belnn in lethe mut a fair proportion of the clip has buen \ urchascd on contin ntvl account Our loci) buyers an 1 speculators although somowhat restricted in the boo) o of their oj eratious 1 v the hit,h prices mihi, for tho best qualities, assisted largely in upholluig pricm ttio wools in .-»tly bene fittl bv their support beuie, tho o d icrii tiona un

bUited for tho Amenta i tra te It will thus bo sou

that while tho Lngl cb nul American representative were the most powerful oporat rs ever} other section

of thu tra lu ci ntributcd towards tho success of the s a on which de | ito a * ijit f ilhng olf in tlio s elf o ed as ro npar d wl n list jur must be i


i ds

markets is oi the wit oalonies in a distant much

should au st material!} in corni

iltur clovers, whuse faith in the io ii mly firm vviien prices a e at their highest, tom of di posnu ot their dips in tho d Ibu. avoi lim; thu risk of (nipping to nari et wlaro lluctuatuns in value aro fre lucnt thin with us 1 ruin, the com mtiictuient of the bcason until the end of January prices remained no oven that no quotable variations occurred but at this date a fall of ¿ti to Id took place oiiiiu to tho unfavourable advices received irom I on Ion respecting the progression of the tlrst series of t-ales there which, «.outran to all expecta tion, op ned at a decline on November rates lor tunatel} the gi at bulk of our dip hal b} this timo been dispo ed of, tho wools r maumu* to be bold, with few uxcepiions, being tho toils referred to in our openhu para"ra h

11 tlio bubjoine 1 tabulated statement will be found tho priées current during tho be ison for the leading sorts the rates quoted representing actual bate:

i As Cul i) ared


leas failty

heavy condition ".j

Good useful merino

cornhill-', in o ni i

nary to avora^o con lition

Sound deop grown

Riverina merino free from fault»

according to qu viit}

Loiu stapled citar

lambs ot superior quality


of Buponur quality an 1 exceptle


Superior Tasmanian

combing, deep!} Bklrtcd, and of extra quallt}

Bulky pieces, little


Fine half bred o

superior quallt}

a d

0 c$ 0 8.

0 111 to 0 7 to

1 1 0 8

0 11 to 1 1 I

Croa.hred ordinary accorduu toquailr

Lit oin and low

graded crossbred Washed I loetc

Ordmarj to food

cold iiaterv ashed Geo 1 to superior,

hot water spout

xtra superior, snow

vv hito Scoured

1 bhafty comb

1 1 to 0 6 to 0 io to 0 7 to 0 5 to 1 0 to 1 4 to 1 11

1 2

0 C. 1 0 0 10

1er lb

Decline. a d,

0 2. 0 2J 0 I. 0 0} 0 2.

0 2 0 8

0 1J

0 1

0 Ojr

0 4 0 4 0 G

I ig 1 4 to 1 0 |

Medium to gool .

avenure iuclu ti ig

t toces und bellies 0 11 to . Loeks I 0 7 to t

Subject to theso gi ncral remarks o thu foi low nu details as to the co irde of prices -

üreasv Menno-All tin haired wools of goo 1 to super! r quallt) have been in much icqucst through

outtheseasen and bomu of thu eh o et br n N have ro llsed t\e ptional rites Ttio denian I for ovcrae,u to i^oud burta iilthouüi not quite so brist has been strong and well t-u-Ulnel, wnilo tho hcivv nrthy torts hem the fit north h ive sold full} up to 1 oiulon cpmaient The dis] ant} In values as conqarcd with list seasons nt s WL re from Uki to2i > or Iii on eastern 1 iverino ami Western di trietwools fiom Id to Ja pcrlb on eli; . from ther parts of Vc tona and We torn Riuiina an I from ti to .d pur Iti on all nouherii wools the goiieril rango of prices bchit, as folovs -tor huperior Western wools in I j,ht condition and freu from fmlis 121 to 1 jd for other w eli i red clips from the fa uno famous d htuct more or less }olk}, and occasionally buirv, lOd to Hld for dec) eroui t-astim Rlvermod pj 0 I to 11/jd , ii id for ti Dm brandb from the western and south western division, 7_d to 10_ i according to condition eo no lots which were exceptionally futtv, bru {,mg as low a-i Md I or lar^e clips (rom tiieDarlhu and northern pains hcavj with e irth and Fand, 4d to r.l pur lb havo been the average 1 rices ol tainc 1 I aces and broken have bold at pro* ortlon itu rates thro i,l out W ith rcgird to lis trit iti m the t uik of the hub pla svv )ols have gono to Ann rita a few j oroels au I thoso onl / for si ccial purposes hiivliu been scenr d for Yorkshire Most ot the c,ood ant coot average hruids havo been tal in up for 1 ni lau I while tho major part of die medium and or linar} sorts an l"ood pieces havo boen pur h ised on Continental acto int

Cro shred - Ihm dccrl* tio i of our staple which is once m re fashionable has been in eood dcmind throughout tho M avon Half brc 1 and tbreo >uartcr bred wools of a distinct tv] o combining quallt) with lom,th of staple, have bold best the quarter brc I and tiloso varieties most- co el) a) nroximatlng to tho merino showing tho hcavuit decline Long wools of tho coarser kinds have met with icidv wile and form tlio only Instance th s »eosm in which la*>t }Cirs prices weru oltaimblc As eonipartd w th last season a rates the difference is from Id to l.d I or lb on thu Uno and na hum grides tho range of price, belni from lOJd to Hid per lb (or flue from Ud to 10jd for meJlum, mid from 6d to 7d per lb for coars and low Borts lho line grades havo been taken on American and tht good and médium sorts on Lnglish mid i ontliionUl account Ina coarso gradeo, and thosu varieties most closely allied to tho Lino In tv po, havo been purchased chiefly for the Lnf/lUi iiiuriet

Ijunbj wool lins sold very irrecularl} throuchout tho differcnoo between a superlhio and a ^ood average quallt} being moro pronounced than on any previous occasion within the last 15 vears Superior sorts, i one', bright mid free vvero read ii} saleablo at from ll.d to Hd per lb, while medium to f_ood sorts worjdlilicuit to sell at from 7d to 8d par lb, mid Inferior from 4d toßd lho best qualities vvero

taken for America, tho good and medium for tho

Contmont and t-nulnnd

t-coure I Wools.-All ¡rood porta commanded Btrong compctit on espociat'y thoso deep broad doscrip tiona from kherina and tho Lower Murray Whan well got up vi ry Batisfaotory prices waru ohtalnablo,

larne clips thleflv northe-rn, being shipped to »tho Loudon mirket for disposal Io I sand small pieces w rein toad reepicst alf through at what may bo ton si lo red tull pilots Compared with last \ ear, the ditTcrtnco in valuéis from 4d to 51 on good comb ing ULLCO, 3¿d ti od on pieces mid al out ad on locks and low sorts. Tho rollo vlng was the rum,-) of prices for tho leading dosoriptions -Gool bulky fleece clem and well sorted 101 to lisjd per lb, mc hum, Id to V1 per It» boil pieces, moro or le<?s huiry, lid to 14 jd ] or lb looks, 7d to fc.d per lb , ero sbrods 10d to lid pi.r lb Uu the receipt of tho un satis fa tors fldv lees from Loudon at t he end o( January prev mush n forred to all Inferior and faulty -.conreds d clined 1 1 por lb thus increasing tim dibpirity on tno lower boris from 3d to 4d per lb

I lecco unshM wools which continuo to dconmso

in quantity eaeh ytir were in very*i.hort suiply, Bomo of tho few clips thit were washed la-.t year having this Bcason come forward in tho grease Unies vcrv carofulh prop »red thoy did not com m \ id IIHIEII attentl li und price s rule 1 about 4d blow list bea-ona rate* Ilot vvvter Bpout wa-died ran ed from isd to -iii per lb, and cold water washed from lid to 14jd per lb

lho condition of tho clip, although Irregular, was on tho wholo fairh e,ood many flocks showing a sub stinital Improvement on last year An usual, tho wools from th Westorn district of victoria bore oil the palm Well bred sound lorn, in staple, and In excellent condition as a rula the) o can pled tha pride of i lace in uvory ballroom and always centres or attriction to huv crs In lee 1, many of tho lead i ni, clips appmr to huvorcaohod as high a point of perfection as is possible for wool to attain Soft an J lustrous they combine every es cutta! that goes to nmko a perfect combing wool of tho highest class mid rcfioct f,rcat ore lit an thoso who have rai he d tha staudarel of Victorian wools to bo ld"li a point of c\c Hence From other put) of this colony tho wools wore more or tt-»s irregular, accorllug to tho loenhtv in which they wem producod Kiverina c i] s which c,ciHral)y form another JKi it or attrao lion for all hnvers of combing wools i retented this year a widord fTerence in character than wools of oui \l( tornii growth, thoso from tho eastern dhhion heil g for tho most part HJtiud H,ht, and deeply ¡,rovii while those front tho bouth and south west w ro in full con lition and much leas showy thai* Ubual A notic able feature in nomo of the c wools w is it harsh butilo tip-the effect of tho dry weather Imme Itntcly following the previous shearing lho Ujptr lachlan wools, whoso soft bilky Chirac ter ron deled them in pa t seasons specially attractive to French and UcUian maimf icturera havo como for ward m poor condition, mam of them having lost all but a snub! neu of these tlmiactnistics for which they were noted Ihe northern wools that havo ] abbcd through tho warehouses have withfuw oxeen tioiis, been üartliv, wtsU.and poorly brow» lho eins nig und skirting lias been tulla up to the av cragc, although t iu pieces und inferior parts of tho Ho tee havo not been (pille so tood n-j Ubiial

It Is e,raiif\ii)L to note tint the sales hi tho local markets, notwithstanding the decline in value s show no falling off, the detiolciicy in tho Melbourne returns being compulsai 1 for bj lan,cr bales in Svdueyaid Aklalda lho total quantity sold, of which Mel

burne nnd Geelong contributed 178 O^J baks, I by moy and Nowcantle, 1°0 IH ) bilus, and Adolailo, St, OOe) t ales anio into I to .iiU.OjJ bales or J 421 bales less I han lait year, when tho tie, uros btood at J 10,071


lhodctreaso in tho Melbourne figures, which Ia the only market ¿how inc. a fall nu oil is thus no comité I for - (a) By tha shipment toi ondon of many c1 pi that hi past y eira wero bold hi this market (b) the retention on the Darling of sov uni thousand hales

that la-it vcir hal pa^eo! throush tlio warehouses I prior to the close of tho season f ) ti o diversion by thobydnoy branches of AMI on ni hou os of clips which previous to th Ir establishment in tho sister col nt were t-old here

lids latter cuuso has affected our returns to a con sideriblo extent, as our t-alcs In Sydney amount to 2) 141 bates thus maki g our total sa es for tlio past twelvo mouths 70,JtJ bales, or 0,407 bales less than last nar

iho attache Hablo «h o', particulars of thosales in the Mel) ¿urno and Geelong markets for tho y car end lug 11th lebruaiy, Ib.ii - _

HO Idsbrau^i and Co Limited.


iScw A elan 1 Loan and Morcan

tdo Af,t.iiLy Co Limited, Mel


M 1) synnot Uro«, Melbourne Dennys 1 i celles, AuaLiu. and

Co GeeluhL,

Geo lIi"uoaudco Geolonc.

Geo synnot and Co, Geclon, Why to, Jones, and Co , Goolong

_Total H_

Noto-Tlio abovo ftatemt nt la compiled from the mouthlv returns supi lied hy the reap echo brokers

ui cratious on 1 m», I h i ecount have been on an ox tensive beale, good noisy mer noes nu Hum and coarse, (lossbrcds, and bully f> oureds iecehiu0 t r chief »u, i ort from that purtcr Almost thu uii IJ of tho w ished wools f,o t tho Lng lull nulls

The Continent ii bu\e i , who wero vory languid nt

the start bccaino le s rcscrv c I as the nelson n h anted Til r purchabu-i, which were jnutiially cenflu d to me I mi _,rn lu crob bro Is i ¡,ood chiraoter ordln ry m ii i s lambs mid piece-, show a constélela k f u

In, off \ li u coui| and with lasty car s o¡ reí us, tho total bh pmcuta to continent d ports a"L,rt.L,ai ne, only {j JJ tales as n0 a i list 7J 0J4 bales iu lbSü, and

01 -Vi Inks lu 1SSI

lho follow hu. billa will show tho quantities shipped i the vinous Coiitnontd ports fioin each colony biuee thu dato of our lust annual

Bales ¡Bales'Bulo* Bales

Victoria lltkTJl

New South

Walos ,15,307

South Aus

tralla . 2 011

Total . U3 74û! 3 703i_2 59012 41Sl

. Indu ling SJ bales (or Ilavr

Tho Americio demand, as wo foresaw last >c been a piounneiit fe nure this se. * '' bj irited operations of the Imju

25,723 23 430 SJ77 G2 5J0

? l"-8 and it'is to the

ive that firm i of to nu which has i huiacterlsed the marl ct throughout Ttio shipments from this poit amount to-l> 101 balus-10 0/1 bales c.ohu forward dir» et 1)01 b iles v ia "Min I rancisco and 8 SO 1 a es v lu t on ion

fra u hjdiie} 4 _J0 bil s an 1 from Ulclaidc8JS bales, mai lug a (.rand total of _j U7 tia lei

lho bliq menta to Ainurica from this port since tho first can_o of 1 _00 bales was forwardo i to New V_ork by the Isabella Hcrcus, m Jatiuur) lbo?, are aa

follow -

1871 2. | 1872 3 il_78 411871 5.1875 Ü

via bon 1 r cite*- e London

18,0501 111,85l| 0,746|19,042[ 5,032 1870 7 , 1877 81 |1S70 80)1880-1 1881-2


Bj steamers,

\JaSaiiKan cluco



Bales Bales Balee [li vi o a nales


7,507 I 5 071

1882 3.1883-411384-6*1885-0


By Btcamors via cau Tran

otaco und London


Rales. 2 3.0 3 876

|5 704 |14 80J 0 221 120,101 * Including 1 700 batos shlppod to Montreal t Including 1 8-.0 b les slupied to Montreal

j No direut bhipmcuts were made during tho

eason 1878 0

Ver) little» bpeculation has boen indulged In this year as to the i rut iblu vield In our lust monthly uuimury we lia_irded an opinion that when the returns vvtru made up on tho <J0th June next a tot it

X) ort of about the bomu quantltv as last \ o ir w uld o revealed, provided all the wool at prcHciitdetauicd lilian 1 was shipped bv ttiat date Notwithstanding thu alteration in the «"urea M nets then, We havu no reason to alter tlio vlow s wo oxprcs ed at thai time, ¡is the warehouses aro comparatively bare of wool, md wo aro not awaro of any btiuj, detained elho tv hero than on the Low or barling ana on bom o of tho bael stations in Ciuccm-land

lho foil ming table show s tho shipment? from all tho .«strata lui tolonlei from lbt Jill), 188., to latest dates ret civ ed, compared with thoso for correspond big poriod last}ear -


Dato 1S85Ö. 18815


Wist Australia]


Nuw Zealand

(11 -40 nu 743 -14 ¡4J U, 2 -Mar r> 1 » e! 'j' IS Hu' -Mar 51 181 0_ti l63 7-9 -

4 4U3 1 121 2_J3

17,1)07 Oa-,207 049,320 42,815 7r* 702

Total increase_.. 132 047 An Increase to dato of 1° 047 bales h thus apparent and thu quant it} to be mado up b furo last jears lauris a-_ reached is Uti 'n-li balus Last juara total

! ort, ending 80th Juno, lodo, was 1,111840


On tho lfth ult, wercccl ed tclcsrams from london ndvisliu'tim dos of th first s ries of colonial wool bales for the current ) ear at a reduction on Noveui

bar ratcB of from Ad to ljd per lb , good mid

Hum grca«v, washol tie eu, and c.ood scoured being J I to lil lower inferior scouro 1 Id to l.d , tine crossbred li , au I eoatse crossbred ¿d lower lbo tota, qu hold v as Sol 800 1 ales, and 22 &0Ö bal o vere held over Ibis ried ne, which »as quita une j oattd tadtubtless dim to tho poor reniement of the wast) (¿uoenslant an 1 Nu vSouth Walu« wools, a lar_,c quantltv of which was submitted diiiimrtlio

s 1 rom tho catalogues to baud it am e rs that

1 saun! combing wools havo sold fairij well aid that extremo prit es have o em pdd for so mel extra

, .riar washed lots is mich as 5s per lb Icing reacia i hi f nu ins tam e for srven t ales. Sov or ii windi lots broneht from 4s 4H to 4s Od On tho oth r hand, medium and fault) wools wura vcrv lo v tho rotes paid for h ino of ibu Queensland cllpi» odin, very dlbtuartf ning to "rowers \hd hero we mai remark

> as 1 nu as Australia continu s toprodii. o a ni j el

abundance of wools of this dtsciiption, «o

ol} will tho wools of ot itr countries direct!) upcte with her With our t-plendid climate and pastures mini died for thalr adaptability tor tho merino sheep and with au avail iblu supplj of stud sheep at hand am*]) sutlieiont for all requirements, there Is BUICIV HO reason wh) low wools »mould be

vn lu such anantitv as io warrant tho remarks latel) made b} aleallngbuyingbiokorlnSjdnu} Ho writes -"SÍIIOÍ- New south Wales commenced to produao vvcol sha lias prohibly never grown so poor a clin as tho ono now being dealt with Wools are going to Luropo this joir for which it will occasion no surpris. Ii thoro is no hld at all Such a lot of hungr), vvasty sotdr, burry, matted wool was surely never seen before, and it is hoped, nevor will iff du '

Drought and Its conoomltrnt miseries aro answer-able for a good dot! of this, but no doubt mun y growers havo boen induced, through previous favour«

able seasons, to greatly ovorstook tholr properties, and consequently, wncn dry seasons set In, they had no reservo of feed to fall hack on, and tim wool suffered aoeordlnJ\. At any rate, It rests mainly with tho grower to pro vont a repetition of this un enviablo state of things which must ocour again and again as long as breeding for quantity iubtead of quality is pract-sed to much extent

It was our Intention to consider tho Uiver Plato production did spice allow, although wo can add but littlo to the information thouin our circular of Sep-tember last Wo nuy menton however that tlio Imports into Hirope for the year 1S3& show an in* créait of 17 000 hales of 87511). each and that tho value of a first good avorago combing DUCHOS Ayres In November was fijd per lb

L\chaugo on London is i pir cent, for drafts at CO av 'sight, and J per cent extra for Lach 30 dayu

ad litioual

I rt glits to London per Balling \ossel aro Jd. for greaiy and fid for washed The rates per steamer via MUZ Canal aro 7-lod and 0 10d. for greasy and washel respectively The following vessels have left with wool on board during the month :— Bales.

rtb 11-Tasmania,


Feb li-Ta-miania, s n , do Antwerp .. Teh li-Ta-mania, s.« , do Hamburg.. Feb 12-Melbourne, do london . rob. 17-Torrwion do do

Feb 17- lorrldon do Uo ton " Kb 19-Sorata, sa do london I-cb 2i-Coromandel, a.« , do do

Feb 25-Coromandel, s s , do Antworp

Kb 25-Coromandel,, s s do Hamburg1 Feb. 26 — Sobraon do. London .. .. 2,018

Kb 20-Salo/ie, BB , do do

Kb _-)-¿ab/ic, , do Marseilles Kb '.0-^alazie, s B , do Autwcip Fob ¿(J-Salazie, a a , rio Hamburg ich 27-Arelgowan do london..

I-Ilombav do do

Mar 5-John Líder, s s , do do.. _.

Omitted In last circular-

an JJ-Sorrento, s s , Melbourno to


Jan -J-Sorrento, do to Antwerp ,. ,, Jan, 23 - Sorrento, do to Hamburg ..

Total ."

Tot ii to dato . Add previous shipments from 1st July

DccTcoso . .19,600 Total shipments from Australia and how

Zealand lot July to dato . " . 092,207 Corresponding period last year.. « .. 040 320 Increase - ,. .32,047


Tun Ntw 7FKL\\Q LOAN AND M nu. AMI LB AQLNCY COMIAVT. Lunn D report -

meo tho dato of our Wat monthly report (0 th February) wo have been cnabkd to arrivo ata fairly approumato cbtlnntc of tho wheat harvests in tho various Australasian colonies, which may bo thus

auminariiiod -

Surplus Avail*

victoria .. .1 104II0O0 I Í 900 000 South australia ..! f> hil till 1,100 000 Now Zealand .. 4 2 0 ODO 1,180 000

»New South Wales . 1 J 100,000 | Ml_

Thcro arcas vet no returns available from Quee is land, hut the wheat crop Is Insignificant It will hu seen by tho nbovo figures that the total surplus avail-able, from nil the c .lonies, which pro luco m e\.coí¡. of lot vi rctpiiiomints, amounts to f» r .0 000 hu hols I rom this luttur wo havo to -uj ply the requirements of Now ¡south Wales, which aro set down in ad iitloc to tile local bUpph at 4 OOO.OOJ, (¿uocnsl Hld 2 000 (MX bushel- whiiht Tasmania Western Austrilla hew Caledonia Hjl mid ttto south bia Isl unis re-quint another 1 OOU.OOO bushels ov 7,000 ODO bushels in all In this account no allow ante has been n ale tor ship ments mule and In progress to the United ivingdom ami other ports, heneo it would apne ir from tha figures given that our local tai) ply will not bo suffi clent to meet tha rcquiicments of ailomea, and lu tico it «-may be f drly anticipated that prices hero will impiovc ihe po ition of our market is peculiar, and it will tiko another two mouths bufora it dev elopes Itself Me uiw hilo tho supply of wheat is good mui m add i

tioii to Victorien supphtü SLW /t eland han bo"un to ofiYr «oin very fair (»amples of hor now crop in the Sydney market Our latent tilccrams ¡nlhatu a firmer tono in tho I ngll h marl et, and, Miould this bo followed hy n rises in price.« wo uiav look for a material ndvanco loio Mciuwhilo the har of cue ourjgmg shipments from San iraiicisco I copi down quat liions

Our o\port trido during tho past month to tlio in tcrcoloni ii ports has been brt,u lu addition the Iriton has cleared for the Channel foi orders with fl,m bigs of wheat the Ítala with 17 laObics. lor London tho berth blups Utlbourno took J f.00 bigs of wheat, the M.bnou ftJIj hi s of wh it uni 1 1-0 bags of fioui tho Aldi,ownii s 70U hi"s of w heat, and the Itomhay I f 02 bags of vv bent. Tho i h/abcth his been als i de-.i ile ii d to tho t i e with OiOS big) ot wheat, leivimr Hie Girli loi ling

for tho same destm ition Most of the I cn lo» W itti

els hive secured i ircels ot wheat at liomin ii rates of frckht for stifieJiniL, puipo es, but there ia

'oumul for tonna,,.

heit-A bribk months business with a steady upward ten lene y m prices, which aro now quote I it ' i 2¿d to 4 i k1

flour- liiuvm.athv with the wheat market prion avo improve 1 elurin ; the | a-.t month and we quote AS 1' s to JJ. fcr ordm iry country br mds, nu I up to ii) 10-, for upecial m ikc->

O its - v. heavy sup* I) of inferior ^corian tin u i_hout Hie month c dcutta »re quoted at is. to _s Id, thin fte i 2., oi, stout _¿ lol, Seeland heavy, *is to<is 2d

Hurle) -A moderate denian 1 for goi d tinbin:, samples up to is. Crushnu ui I ( i| sell slow.) at 2s tid to 2s Id aciordlngtn unple

Pe is-V tooti in inv duna ( t lots lattil) sold from [ 2s lOtt toa prune, w »rib I* _l

Mai/e -Shipment, froi 11 1 trenco Liver have sup plie t tlio nnri.tH, au I quoLition« aie lower .-alûs of interior at Is 7d to us bd , primo \ ictoriaii worth 4s

id to Is 21

Bran- Lar_.o sales at 11_ ! to 121 clositu'nt 11_ i Pollard-! dr salos elïuctcd at 11 jil to 121.

Thu follow nig vessels have cJuted with Hour and wheat tinco our last report





lunia, sa...


Melbourne 1 llrab-th

Coromandel, s s

Sobraon . Ardgowan

Salazie, MMS. .. Bombay .

it lour ¡Wheat Destination.


17,180 8,500 0,703



London Guam Loudon Guam

Landon London London

llarselllct London



The market for bank shares and investment stocks generally has been characterised b) treat dulcie*** during tho past fortnight, lrausactions have been much below tho average and prices havo tended downwards Tho depression is duo in j art to antici-pations of amore stringent n ODO) market and with respect to bank hhares, has been Increase i by thu failure oí the Commercial Bank of south Australia, Adclaldo wblun, as suth events alwajs do, has eau led an uueas) feeling to tnnl 1 holders of bulk Bha es, notwitliBtmding t at no Mo toi ian buik is inioli.d lu thu failure, nor had tho binares of tho lank laen dealt in here Oui) a very limited biibiiass has been dono in (.as and in suraneo «liares, prices without much change but gas rather lower Among mi ce Imicous companies Irainwa) and Omnibus .-nares li ive had most bu_l noss, but thoj nibo close lower, duo parti) to a threatened strike of the drivers lu milling com p mies t!ier_ has been, uu thu whole, a fair extent of bubines", with a toort dial of fluctuation In market values The hingston companies had depressed market, owing to increase of water at thu No 2 shaft of tho Madame Barry, but closu iii nar si uto an ar-rangement has been coniu toby which el^lit of tho companies concerned in the water ditlleulty havo aarreeti to subaid BO tho Lord Harry Conipanj, which will now recomnieueo pumping A ian.o advance has taten place in thu value of South Clunes United mid of Midas Coinpaiiie«* \iotory, Char-ters Towers havo bul a largo h usine, s with-out mutti diainiu in value Several other Char-ters 'lowers oom) unes havu been brought in tho market, and duult in to moderate extent, and thu Nil Desperandum, Gulgong MsW. lias had some attention in conscqueuco of a splendid washing of very coarse t-otel Mora Sandhurst companies havo been dealt in than of tata, but general!} at un butlt-factory pr ces. Tim lamest uiinluir bushics-i of ibu fortnight has boon in silver couq anlos shares,

and principal!} in those of tho Brokun bill fro prittir}, which after falling to £-0 15s , on roport of

the stum a,a of the Commercial Bank of South Ans tralia, have "Irico had alluct-utmg, but on lho whola using market, touching ¿,23, and doso at ¿-7 6s after numerous nales at in ten cnhig prices Barrier Ranges Silver and Day Dream sllvor havo had a lulling marl ut, and do a at eousi lerablo reductions. Ihumoio- bltver have boen offered ut heavy reduo tlon, without indu mg a bl 1 North Urotbcr* Homo lui liad a limited business at rather lower prices

Ibu follow h g are the closing buying and Belling qnot itions mid prices of sales LÍTtetcd -

Debentures,-\ ictorlan Qovcrnmont four por cants (stock), seller £100 New South Wales five por cents, bu}cr £10)

Baúl i - Australian Deposit and Mortgage (£25 paid) hu) or ¿,12 5s, teller £34 , do 0.5 paid), bujeriO 4a , buller £ü lüs Australasia Bales £tffi Ball.rat (paid), bli) cr £7 lß*e Clt} of Melbourno, teales 95s to i)2s, do (now issue), seller 3aS, Colonial, sales £10 12- to £10 i s Corn mi rcial, sales £7 17a Od to U 14s. to £7 10s. to £7 11s federal, sacs 04a Gd ti 04s Mercantile, sales 4Js, and 47a Gd (c.dlv) Notional, Melbourne register, biles Li) 10s (Jd to £0 17s. toJ.0 10s, do < ) seller £5-a (call paid) National, Adelaide register noller £0 Us G1 National, ejueens

land, t-ellor Li 2s Now Zealand bujer£21 5s,do. New Aaland rouistor, seller á.21 Rojal Bank oí Queensland seller Otu Gd Union, so 1er £09 \ letona, bujer £ct- 10s, salc_jLJ5 16s.

Gas.-ballarat, buver £14 Brighton, Eales 80s. Metropolitan, bales £11 bs to £11 7s South Subur-ban, hales -s Gd to 2s. to 2d 2d. Williamstovva (new issue), buver 11s , «ulier 12-.

Insurance.-Colonial Mutual i ire, sales 3s. Od. lndinmitj, seller ' Is National I ire, buyer 12s. Southern, sales 22s Jd fo 22s Unitod Australian,

ale-* Is *>d \ letona, seller ils

Miscellaneous-Australian 1 leebold Banking, sales -Gs. (_os paid), seller J's Cd Australasian Mort ga-,0 and Agenev, suller 52s. _d Australian Propcit) and Investment, bujer 42s, soller 45s CisLido Brewery, Hobart, t-ales Vin Od Castlcmaino Brew erj, Sy due) hu) er 2U seller 27s Castlcmaino Brcwci), Mt Ibourne sales 27s Callee Taverns, sales ».b3 Od Colonial Investment and A(.cno}, seller 2..S, Dalgety andCompaii),i-iles i_'i53 to£50s Gd Kelcrai CoiTeu I'ldacc sales 4s "ii to 4B 01, to 4s K-euholl Investment and Bau) intr. Bcller 4)s.

J Ivitcbin and Sous and Apollo hnjor G4s, seller ' is Llndsaj's Browci), bujer 20s., seller 30s.

anglands 1 oiuidrj, seller44s. Mercantile 1*manco, tid Guurantoc, bujer 27s. Od Metropolitan l'or muent Building, buver £ä 15s Melbourne Lotl^iuy housQ, buver i,2ü 12s Od Mont do í lote, sales 10s D i Metbouriio Storago, buyer 27s,

" r _8s. Mutual »tort, eales fils Nowoastlo Cod.

r £22 7B Gd Northcoto Brick, Boiler 10*. uitr Building Sociut), buyer £5 Permettait, WrljJit, and Co, Bales 21a Perkins's Brow cry, sa!oa 4Ja Gd to 4 J* , 41a, 1 crpctnil b xecutora and Trustees, sellur 25s Perpetual Trustees (N S W.), bujer 5s, adler 5s Od. R and Co, siles 21s Gd to 21s Od Squatting Investment, B Jior 11» lan! ard» Malting, sabs 5s, Od lrsm way and Omnibus, sales if»1. Jd to 81s to Sis Gi to 3 Is Id d^ (now is ue), sales 20a Od to20s to 20s (k1. Trustee«, Lx em tors, and Agency, sales 59s. to 5S* Utioatro Royal, seller £20 10s Union imstn.i, sollor 17s V lo tor la Coffeo Palaco. aoller 28s. Od.

Mctorla Lim 1, buver Js., seller »a. Oil Mctorian 1 eruinilcnt ilnüdliii, nales A.0 lui \ letona Mu ii ii muidme buver-10 H Wibi end Lrevven, wies .. s "ii vv m M Culloch ni il to , «oller tes

Tin Mines- Noitll Blolliers Home, silica 11s elo , j n d cat s I la Gel tu lia Jil

¡silver ¿linos.-Lanier llances c\ Uiv Dream bales Gs. du emu Atollv.ou Lia> Dicaiu und I ip«j U rl sales to _ s Cel Lrol eli lilli 1 loprlct II V , tales i I tis to i, 0 Ils to £-5 tu A. i to i. 7 lUs

JJ») Diciiiisilcs _.s (si to Ha. es1 Lubra sales-.« to

c1 te» -a II I to4s od 1 lunacies seller- el South Uro! cn hill - iles lu«. Hil to 1).- (k1

coll Alines.- -vea lu Cathcrino Boiler s ol Abstraía«! m rUenilctl buver (Is Jd unil r-ai,lel)avvK

Au,tia a is. I) I

lan I .i ti All ion Consols bales K t les ins Oil lo Ils Ol n

? ales ¿.S to fc7 11s to i.7 1» Hen.

_=. to Hs to ia Lhcl lloroUnllol luv

Jj itleraud Lil vck Jill It limul jo iff I slate sales tis. ii¡i\ Ilute aid L)o v c« M1 H S III io Is. Oil Heelan v Invert M Call ni

lintel cuica 11« lo ins oil LI all s »ales Is. K11 -i Lim I crl mil \c 1 Nr rill 1 iii r s Helier -as Lunil erl I I bl iel. 1 Ji I seller 1"

Cuiiulil"ar (VMI) talc-, 11» Daj La II Ivo 4v sais 1 s Un vi l" lorcbt \ 1

sales _s. linke (lnnoi) siller 1» Du lie s Iribute talcs los to las ) ii to 10- Id Mies lueio INO 1, tell r 7s isl 1 ten lo I south Mouin tillie sales »s. Isl tous J unil u txuilcd bales 108 Del to IBs Od to Its k1 to 1 s Liri Hcacons held Bales ot» to 0 s Lt,erloii sales .I«« ü lo ¿ s rrcdcncl tho Great nu>ir-Is durden Gull. United sales Is to rus Gaubildi bales s ii I Golden like sales as. to 4s >d Gluilstoilc talus Is 4rt to lOd Golden öticaiu s iles 2s I Gieat Western and Lj II

ales Ills. Ucl



Uopowcll toiler4s Hepburn látate sulcs-blO« to tbtojcb 1 s (K1 to-a Us. Ilepbm ii llocl ) Lead sales I- 4.d Hepburn Nos. 2 and i sales-a ni lvoii{r Mine, siles «is li 1 to -J to -as la «clio sales Is Od Lad) Hepburn bales los Lazarus No 1, tales "s Lanallis bales as ed Li st Chuñen Iribute, b iver Is HI, seller <B lil I au"rid|,u 1 Mended,

t iles us lid to 4s to Gs Jil to 4s od Lou,, liiimcl,. tales itlS 10« to Lill Lon" Lltuncl txtcmled biles ¿ii 7s Od to ii li« Oil lo 0.6 1 s London

icrr) sales .LI., es Lone Hand, sales b7s od lo \l* lid 1 ord Harre., sales 7Js, lid to bees to bus Ma lamo Herr), sales i_ll) os. to i.17 15s. Ala\ vvells, buvel Is, seller -s (si Midas, sales ..Is to len Hildas Lxtcndod, tales .J. lid iNa| 1er, sales 12s. (M to 10s. lüjcl Ml licsgwramluiii, sales 1US to 10s 111 iNtliv Hechln!, talcs Ils Od lu iii Od toUHs. ¿Now 1 on.fellow, talus -a ad to 2t ljd .Neu f.orIh Clunes, bales iib 10) ¡Now -North homebush, seller 16s iNcw Hopeiul, sales is, _d *\uv loombon, talcs Is l¿il to Us 7Ad /Aorth 1 ami lind Harton bu)or2s lid .No 20 Irlbllto, salos4s. 4d to'te ivortli LOUL; ruunol btiynr7s No 1 boutheJuccu s, seller 2s. uti 1 rinco oléales Taradale bu)er 2s., teller 29 äd 1 rinctsa Alice sales 2« lid I'ruiiu 1 em nt, sales fis to 6« od father's United, sales -s to Is uti (¿, lJiinoll) (um issue) bti'cr lus (k1 lineen s Illtchiln), Malmsbury, sales lis dil

tol^s 1)1 Kose ol Donniarl ,8ulea7s tolla faauowu. sales lix ad to 11s. Oil tolls shenandoah sales 10s ljil South. HevoliBliire sales 11s to l8*. South it ¿lillico, bu)er 7s, seller tis bouth Lluncs, sales 21s. 0d to lu« od to -Us. houtli German, seller as u i ¡star ol tho 1 oat sales Js 3d to lb Oil sprliur

hill lilli Central 1 cads tales 18a. .Toombon sales * s lo 70s ixl United Devonshire, buyer 10s lid , seller lui Mctorla Quartz sales dtls to 41s (Jil

to 27a.

Charters lowers, salea 2is Od to ¡li' S10CK Ai\D bllAlLL, IalST



1.1)00 IHJvSl looouo ITuOOO 2(10000 1D70ÜO lf.OUO Ï21W00 BUtlcHX) rouooo UIOI'O

Vlet Got G per cents , duo 1889 V let Gol Ti per cents , duo lbJl \ lot Gov i por cent stool.

Melbourne Corporation 0 per cent Melbourne Corporation Ii per cent Metropolitan Gas 5 per cent.

M and II lill Kalina) u per cent

M und 11 li U ltailwny ti percent i New South \> aloa li pul cettt,nuo 1002 ¡New /inland 4 per ceuc (¿Uccnslaiul 1 per cent

(¿ucciisland six per cent_|


lOuOOO 20000 roooo 2aO00 4002aO eUcXJOO

StWOOO «10000 rooooo 121000 lOOOOOO lfOOOUO

1000000 . loooooo

720000 J2iD00

coooo S U0Ü Hüll "JiO 1)000 Cai.10 roooo 102a0 tom Ki 40(00 440.10

1S"11 roooo 200000




IHN k1

5 Australian Dort ) .) &Mte»c Bank >

Dill Hank limit. 21 Ho, now issue

0} Colonial ol Austral

4lLoimucrcia] ol Aus

trilla (limited)

4|Ivntioiiulut Austial


sow Nouth Wales

or|( \lotolia(Mcl let')

I Ho (london ieg) 21-ind Mot t4n3o 10 New Zealand 2l> Llliou


'I.Lontlou chartered

oí Australia

ÜPjl'iii.lIsh, Siottlsli, &

Aus Charteretl

"i'Citv of Mulbouino

2>lcdcral of Australia



I l)endiL,o

6 Castlemaine

10 Lia' lcstord(Limitcd)


& Metropolitan


1 Australian Alliance 1 Nntioiml 1 ira lnt.ur

I Southern lusuranco

1¡\ ¡etona Lifo ,L Gen h\ ictorln Insuiicnic



llplis Lud Stcun'

li! Mill) Jlcat-Ircsrve. 1 It Goldsbrouclii-Co

l|rriisteus hxecutors

und Acciic>

¿[Coopciativc leo Co 2|Aust. Mottira^e ami

| Airenc'

J.Castlcm no llrovvcrv djMclhourno j!rcw!n0

and Maltlni,.


aid Uinnlbiis Mutual btoro

Icrrv s Nest end

1105s UOs

¡2291 S |



I Equitable Co opera

"vi Hoclot}


IIDcnlUnuiii j. Moama





It. ram S DP IÍEVH anil Co report -"The concral depression In freiitlitliit- mattcni provailin^nt (lulu of our lust issue, continuos without at. Improvement to riport. A Inrtre nmiiher of tho uncniplov ed vessels hive lett miller order from owners to other ports, ami nnnv otliLl-s will doubtless follow similar instructions , this, altliou^ll not lmprot inc rates, tends to relievo oin port of *v laico amount of Mirplus discuea.oil tounge, which nt present Intensifies tlio ruling de pic sion Hie position of our port is renard» emploi

?mut iii In no tiorco condition thin anv others our tliiielolie OwneiH nrcplneed nt their wits ends to

Iclion uhero to direct their less. Is foi inktmediate

iiiiploiiiKiit, sonn. illrectlnn' tluir masters to ( -deutln, others to tlio west eoist of .South Anuru a, anil anv other ports Illili to alford Luipi nr> etivploj-nu nt until ircle,htin,, mittels lulu lill improve \cssels on tho hoini lceidme' l> lill eoiitlitu. to meet willi lair despnteh, i onsiiier ni Uni uimntitv of tontut-e on the lierlh mid the KUI. cou.l etllUin "lho elearniieis for London dunn»- the pi°t four weet s nto embiated in the folloiiui^ four stcannis and five tuihite' ve* r Is rec-istiiine' 11,1TB tons, with 17 HO Imles of wool, 17,4s l )m^i of wheat and tloin, li sides nthei lulonhl prodlletH - lismunin HI, -III Sotata, a«, 2 07J Coiolnaudel s H 2,Í.(1, Jeun Mtii r, f s , . I .1, Melbourne 1,371! lotridon, 1 0. Sobraon, 2 Ul Anhroivau, 1,241 alni llniuliav, '111 in addition to which the Messa.i ries Jim Hirnes kilmuir Su u/ e, .',1,711, lins elenreil for Jlorsiillci with 1S1J Iule, of wool, Í.C mid ello »riton, 7 17, nul Ulla, I 1.0, hav a left for tho Channel foi oï with .1. iü bi.s ol wheat, len in,' ou liouu loadill»' liellii oe uintd bj tue follnuiu»* llio bUiiuem and faeven hallin» ships, ri-'ibtcrlni,' .14,1.11 tolls - ' Austral >! 1 J71 Hen-al, 8» "(Uli, CU710 su, 2 Ul Haine, «s 2 ts laira r », Ji II, Aiinesliv, 1 (.I. IiiwlcMim, 'K11, Lllori, 1 " 7 lliinpsliiie ¿000 Mlltiudes 1 1,2 , tuipelh. 11,1, nml W Inched J K1 liâtes to London ire w ithout a ti ritlon lind (¡lloted as follow pel t-teatuct

-Vliol, '.I nid .(1 p i 10 iori reisv and s. wired re spetlieh bins Jil do. leitlier, l», hark, »muid ol lui eopper, mid ores, Ifs - di per ton jf.lent Whilst per siding klups thij are- Hool, JI and »d ¡crib for einsi und scour« il re spec Hull k1 ins Is tollls lillow 2oi Irithei, sus to lils v liest and Hour nominal lus bull i round, .'('s

to- rd -all p non ol.leut I ui bnuth Afuea, the .\oiwc.lin bili|tio LllailicUi ti,1 his leit ultim lull (ir"o.i wheat whilst tin .iii elisli biripio (,nrli, 7.1, unit eol«nil owuni biripio lilaslvn, Si2 are toadme' miniar car.oiH for samo destín ilion loi lulu thu I ritis'i i-teiuiis Ctiollcrton, 1711 and Q'eneoll, lilli have lett foi ilndris witli lie! and 14 . lions resn.tiielj Hie cliarteriu» dunlin th. pcriid under ..lui- month, au 1 is (milled in tho foi

Uiivui,' eiic'i.enuiils-To loil wheat hi nee to .-ililli Afrlii-Nai i chiall 1 aupio I li/aheth, rd. Swell li bir.|lle duli 7-1, and colonial owned I uipie Ola Ivn, -J oil turns «illili Id Io li id linne to Muir is with horses-Lritlsh 'ti a.ncrs Choi li.ion 1,7 1 md (¡len.oil, 1 l 1, mi prnate tonos foliad at -vdnej-llulish ship .inmort, l,0"0 a

ear.oof «hile for l,( ttunlani nt J.'s ed I o lo ide ii «.Neve i-lli NSW -Colonial ow ne I binpui inn dei TO , for Am n it 1 I lench biri| le llolpllllio Mi Imle 11(1 lor Ininti at IS To load lumber it Iiyt --oiiiil for'k11 miine or si.hi.i- Nnrvv.»iui I II liles Iii,tri Ut and Uladimii r(U , Nnnvccnm .?I ip I, 1 10S all on terms u U hin I.I Lot. s loi e il Ireiu.Neiiiastle, S s H , ne llrmei, m. impiovel, mid mu .|iloleil ni lollon - Lion.'lion»

II' (I, shiinclml, 12s (.1 , \ot oliitnn lu*. Mimi i Us IA! Inn Hi , Mn»ipore ti II Honolulu, 10s s_n j rain ino, ii til Ships' Clearances with Colonial Produce -I el mal} 10 -loton, 717 tons for ( li-lilie] foi orien 'III liblllliv 11-lasiniillli, Il M Ss 'III Ins lui london, lo hales wool, 41) 1 al s I. illili, 1 I). In». Inri, f,i) lui.» Hour mid r un uni, I eliruiij 1.'-lilla 1 ) lons for ( ¡mumI

roronlin 17 li>u bu.s w hi at, Uiolleilon H 17 1 tun., for Madias, Is. Hld u f|uantitv ot liol se le 1 M. Hourn. 1 S7U tons lor london 1,101 liles wool, lr10 ba»'s wh.iit, f.'a ] ael i»es l.lloi il hiles si ins '7 Cales ballin, U bilis bulls and lit, pu ka», s suudiies 17-loirlilon, 1, 12 tuns 1er 1 aiuluii li .< bules wool 'i ulules «I Im -sh bales i crolls, -( 1 mis, 1 M burs harlt and Süll | iel i"'cs k iidn.s 11 *- >r iti s ' f>7 tons, lor london ' I des wool 1 ». - Oslrilliir, llhll.i sl.llis, Uli hue'» bail (IUIIL-S me and i'ji puel lees Biindrics »Il -l.Iüii.'uil s h

1 I I tons, foi .ladies, 11', horses lind n .|unn'llv ol hors let I i'.-Coroliinndil, It M S S , J ', 'U lons I i london lilli bali s wool, 2 U bale« Icrtlur, J -U lues billi, 60 lilias (loin, and 1,17. kuli

¡liles ; 26 — Sobraon, 2,131 tons, for London, 2 010 laies wool, 40S pipes tillow, DO bain kilns,

HU la.s bail., f. li lu;» «bout, 1,1-0 In.» Hour, ' l hales leather, und l,s"o pucliaues sundries »j-ialo lo, n, .'urn tons, fiom Ma-mlllen, 1,811) bul.suool, JbObi.-s Hour, 1.0 lors wheat, 14 tuiles luther, '.iOiii.kii_ea tallo«, JO líales skins, 100 l-tßs

I e f an 1 al piel a- H s indue« ° -I ll-lhetll Í

ton« lor (luani I is 1 _-. vii tal i-Ail^ovin

I"«.! lons I r loi Ion I I iles wool 41u i i s tallow 1 IO 1 i « wheat - -O I i s Ho ir " 1 al s I lell« ni I .T pula,, ssundres M ireh i liol il a)

lOlioi (or Ion Ion 1 » liles vv jol IM bis »li it I2!!|)i)c« dow lol liles lins 1 I lu 11 s

i and s I pieta es sviudiii-c


SI'iri'hNb 01 lill. I ORIMGIU


\I lill US AM Cil UtAMIS viv I ou I l«T SLMVIIr. A Au aiicin A« \llbtrim It, H \

1 ntl li li ici le in Hell. I k1, ian Hi 1 r 1 ra Illili Ch C1 ilian I) Dutch. LU lan-!. 1 I run h G Geni nu I It ihn I

N n cl i I lortivvict Ir I min 1

1 us, an s hw li«h S| N| n sh th li) Il I irme I» in, t li sill uni i s.S., u r Iel mill

I \ain I s s I S loj di no1 Mai Utos ¡.c

-I al tv an I Co

si irofl ni I sh Jil 1 &ii!)t!lo Antvvci| -

W 1 Curiv

0 y l Inn,. L « s 1 ISO « N Milson lion. Ivo "

V Gil e bitumer il I Co

"O Guillen i I, Jill Kio liourl un -b De Leer

an I Co

-"Goa U st 1 IO0 T Vi Lew Ins Cilculta, Ac -

lluddart 1 arl cr, and Lo

23 Loch Shiel 11 sh 1 -II, J lilulford, GIa«-OW

- lohn b iiiderson and Lo

»S Willi un lu lâcheur U bq W3, J v utch Laur

iii, - llu"n li Hem and Co


1 lorne, rSISS, 'Oil Cbas. I I ti« arda Lou

don 4.C-G Withers

3 DUcotii)!i H s.S., 1617, A Chapman london

- las lient) and Co

r Cit) of Uroolci)n, A all , J T 0, C » Svvau Mur

ranl Inlet,-Ü 1)1 ir

fi Altear, I hi, 1,_»2 D Moven Shirpncss -

Hei ry Herr)

5 hana S. ht| 711, L Grubbstrom Getlc -I «

1 rcll and Co

G Albert Klirenai ortl S hq 7 0 C Ga lila eothen

bure' - John fahaip nu 1 son«

G Uelmlra I) sch US 1 li robson, Malden

Island -Grlce, buniuer, an 1 Co

G Quickstep A. edi 40- J L lacobseu, Tacoma.


G Lalicleld B bq JD7, J Jones, Burrard Inlet

-John Blyth an I Co

G AIlco Muir Ü bq , 4bO E N. arnall, bau r ranclsco.

-I) Blair

0 1 IHcmero, il bq 2 710, O A. Windemer Lou

(Inn -The Australasian Carr) nie- and bluppitia Compati)

C. Loch I ouiond, B «li, 1 "00 Thoa Davies Glas

irovv -W bite Uiord and Co

0 America H sh 1 2Jd, J Adams, Liverpool -

James service mid Co

0 MatLcoJ, B sh, 1 Ou 1, M Tallaoh, Frederick


O Hitmo ¡s bq , 1 1"7, If R. liolfson I annie:

U llebo, IN bq all O Andcison, 1 rcdcnekstudt -

0 Itotnclvc

tí Jotun, Is bq , 8SG U Larsen, Oello

IS Huila b bt| svG K A Guiiderscn, Chris

tiama-Jolm Mar-liall

0. Larn li bq , 312 O Anderson, l'ort L0UÍ9, Mau

ritiu«.-Citas. Jaeoba and bous,

0 llos, .N bq, 720, T lhoroldscn, Arcndcl -O

1 oinclio

7 Curoo. 1UISS., 8S49 lohn K Illdlor, London

-Gibbs, Brialit and co

8. Carnarion Castle 11 sli , 1 200, It Adamson,

London -John lill th and Co

8 Atlantic S li i, OJO, u A sodcratrom Skutsknr

-O I onitl 0


21 Makai), A sli 007, ii A Thompson Honolulu

via ¿Newcastle-National Mottaa"o and A"eniy Company of Jicw /calami

25 Coromandel 1 \1 b b ' C20 Isaao Peeves Lou

don, via Adelaide am! Colombo - G W itbers

2a 1 n.ita, 2> bq , Ü-1, M Ioslciison, Guam -~C A

W Unis

211 Itairna N sli, 1108 O SB. Jorgensen Pugot

bound -II s Chipman

20 Stimarllde, J, sli, JI4,1 M Vi di, Guam -C A

V, llms.

26. Sobraon, B. sh., 2,131, J. A. Elmslie, London. — W.

Crosby and Co.

27 balarie, JJ S S , G SJ7, - Boulai d, Marseilles ¿.c

-Daliûty and Co

Ï7 Ard"owan B eli, 1 2S3, J B Isolator, London -

J H Whitonnd Co

27 Lcelofeehau, B bq , 2,0a7, J Dow, Calcutta -It.

Dlcliins uud Co Har

1 Loch Katrine, B ali 1109, IL Hunter, Calcutta,

-«hito, Alford, and Co

3. Bomba), B bq , 001, iV Uarclai, London -W

blddcley anil Co

1 liinlatta, B sh , 1,748, I Pciinlculk, Calcutta - O


i Western Hello B bq , 1,084 I M Bra), Manilla.

-G Arnold and Co

I John Elder, 11 s &, 2 GJ7, A J Cooper, London

-Gibbs Bright, and Co

0 han hal, B ah , 1.J.S k11 Weston, Valparaiso

-Phipps Tumbulland Co

8 Buccpliultis, B a s , 1102 T Roaclio, Calcutta

\!aSlnt:aporQ- A Currie anil Co

8 Guill, S hq, 7.1, J Ljun0bcrg, Guam-S do

Leer alni Co



I ru 2r>

Coroinanilcl for London-1 (HE lils nool, 211 bis leather, 2,201 bc,s balk, 1100 piltra re"nlus, 2 pkifa ».(lillies D3 cs fiuit, 140 oaks wine J cs natural history apeclmons, losk lohhda 20 ca wine, C1 pk^a stores TO UL,B Hour 33 pkes uictchatidiso and effects, aud 24 bxa treasure shipments (value Jeda 2-J)

FEB. 20

Sobraon, for London -a0 oki sperm, oil, 2 010 bia wool 4(13 pps tallow, 0D cs wine, 7" vihial)

00 bia skins - (180 b¡rs bark 1 JOl Incuts spelter I .,1 J bc,s wheat, 1 12C be« Hum 3 bis basil« 00 be.« bran,


Ardpovvi.ti f^r Lo i*on-1.1 bis wool 1 his basils 2 ka li.i biri 3 lils iai,s, 410 pkits tallow, J 700 btfs wheat, len cks oil

balazic for Marseilles ¿o -43 cs butter loo kirs beef 00a pi sa soap lo ea jotatocs 1-t be, s wheat 1U0 lies Hour 1810 bis wool 11 Ila leather -au i k¡,s tallow, 30 Ula si ina 2 plica merchandise

Mil eli 3.

Boiubav for Loudon -_b tns horns bones and liools 41 bis j)apcr euttltVK 1 s" bis wool 74 pkes do, 320 pics tallon, K11 bis skins 1(111 b"s lill., 100 tai preserved II I ata J ad- bfc,a vvh at, 10 pi "s

merchandise and sundrio«


John Elder for London -JÜ1 incots tin 203 bis wool, lies ilctures and haines 7a 1 c.a p)rltes OU bis leather, 11 bis kangaroo tltin« 8a his sheepskins 15 c1 s hides GltcsbOvcieiLlls (í.'l,.O0) 200 pke,s ex dibits, C3 pkt,s sundries and cllccts.

PASSi-NGnis BY^CxrT&iNc^ mr on

l'AlliUllla Or lill, LAS1 MAIL

I ni. i

Coromandel, it M S b , lor London Saloon -For Calcutta-Mr II M Knight ror Bomba) Messrs J Gill, U Hutchinson tor \ilen-Captain \\)11) tor Venice-Mr and Mrs Buckhurst Misses Buckhurst (two) Messrs li lloeke Beauchamp I*

Johns A bliuvv, J Fc,c,lc3toii, W M Lean M Ciitoheon, Mr and Mrs.« Vint child infant, and nurse Mr and Mrs bliadforth Mr and Mrs Osborne, Misses Osloruo (two) Mr and Mrs Stanley, Mr and Mrs. M fc.vo) Mr mid Mrs. latkor Mr and Mrs Bur rows Miss Burrows Mr and Mrs M edward fivo children, and governess Mr and Mrs C L. lerr), Mlsalcrry Itcv and Mrs How Kane Misses Plow Ivane (two),Mrs mid Mlsslhompsoii and two children, Mrs Crowther Misses Clow tiler (two) Miss Mitchell, Miss Norman Mrs I lnuliincr, Messrs. J Mut C E Jajcr Osborne (two) II Bed ctt, II C Wisdon, bnl)tlio b 1 Gill, I smithurst A J Dunscombu J llohcits Wolstuncrott smart 1 lortter M A Hi id L. lurdlo), J r Kin{, J Lum, Master Os


FEB. 25.

Sobraon for London. Saloon - Mes lamc3 W insloo, A Ivluqiton M Lovel [toe hlmslle l'vl o, Crosacti

liourdlllon s Howitt Bum« Vale Gloiulona Misses IvatyWinsloc Lvelino W ulsloe Mitilda Winsloi, iiirbcr Llleii Lowclth I! lovel 1' Marion Dookir A llirlovv bo| hie iinllh Dame 1 lomo l)sh Bar lindon ev , Archtr L Arehei A C Horne Helen Iloilrldlou Taptlell Man Il)nlls HoaV Voilant], li nu) mu Hunt sister 1 rands lins l)r A W lost II Iv Bour lilian Dr llv Croasen Messrs 7 W lticln ion b limul rrrcllnin A 1 Gi linker 1 J Dill II Cauardino 1 rancis »alter .Viuslot- Geo lvliiipton W Woolcocl Lovel A Tovvnsenl 1 1 1)1 Malford Ca/alet II Iv Horne II Junes W II liolcrt« H II lleur) I Hist d Mattos I Iv

lovwisclll B O Holies VI IJ Matine on, Ardill al 1 lirtla) \\ it Linton! II leer W Wlnul Ilerlert li \ali Harold Lni "will Hv 1> Coopci Will len ? ant Heathcote Mustels Charles Winsloe Alire 1 Wliislue Bernhard II Bourdiliou, Join \iilc and 11

lu the second cabin

I>n 27

Sato, o for Marseilles Saloo i 1 ot Mauri

hi'-Iii Willam« Mr Bnln.ln,t n Mi. Willi mi milli Mr J Campas) lor Ilcunion-Mia ire uv Mr Nutrí Mr llassll Mr llus.oul ter Part Sail-Mr 1 StA) lol Mir elles-Mr nilli Mis. lo litio Hainmoim aid one eli Id Mr nut! Mi«. W

sesliuv (tlllee) and Kevern ss Mr t core.ii ' am! Mis UilOl Mi uni Mrs I cate Mr .tier Mr »ill Mis No ike Mr

C1 lim c1 ii Wen (two) nuil coi« n s Mr " iv Kip Mr rra)si Mr nul Mit Cantil

lil iba i ne Mr Mr Ollie r Mr M i

Mr N 1 ci Mr 0|)lter Mr Gcst Mr 1 elur Mr and Ml Marchi Mr au 1 Mrs Ivonii. Mr and Mr« M mllnm Miss M Callum, Miss II MC ilium Mr A V. MC ilium the Hoi li 1 ci I Mrs Heil II, d tv, o children Mr (torc btviiL Mi 1 Williamson Mrs Micka i ai 1 child li i M ullin Ca| lulu Itollc and Mrs ltolfo Mr II Ullina Mr 11 1 ii au\ Mi 1 1 inniont Mr Comet Mr «in wi Mr lil Mrs 1 sp mint Mi louent Mrllinqle Mi Mums Mr Lailicr Mr Caron Mi In ils Mi loufiilue Mr lament Mr Grunnl i Mi m 1 Mi« I .val ii ni child Mr and Mis Conn mt Mrs Mel erie, Mr Bo II iclle Ml Comillie Mr I 1 Mr aid Mr«. Hine mil tlllee tlllllieil Ml «HI lie 'ii A Uubli I Mr Ccoi-U Ntui"ii Mr W M i i lu Mr 1 Cutt! Mr Ma lint i Ml l.rran Mr I ntini.l Piolo Mr J lan toni Mr G til Leis M il nu G Atitoiimi

Mu il

Ii lui LI Iel I M S s l 16 tons A 1 Cool cr com in i lo I l lui I n vu Alda lu "ii and Nails b 1 on Ir li leek, M O Bio. onie Mr W li Da et M s st)lo« M »s l linon Mi 1 Miiih i on I t u 1 vin Lass Mr in I Mr If II

lu n c L Sid ) 1 iv lil Mr» I nilibili ni I kio iii lui Miss tlvlducl Mis Dr Gmt MissGrint Mi s llosa ml toi v nu llev W « and Mr» Lù"ln Mi 1 Lal eioi Jil and Mrs belle r, Mr It Unir 1m Mi W H Gin Mi ai d Mis Stillwell Mi - I Mr« s lu It Mi 1 II Johnson Mr nul Mrs. 1 eulin-ni Mi \ Iwoiitvman Mr Will Suechall

I 1 linn Miss lunn Cn| Um W v itt Mr \ Iii on li lill ov Inuius Mi st i uns 1 csh Mr m1 Mr« »III t Miss leeton Mr 11 Mall oui Mr uni Mi« 1 1 I I al I lilli I Mr \n I rec Ni lobs Mr I II I tell Mr li C Ctoi"c Mr 1 ( I ni cr

Il M Me llv i l \V lov W L s unie Win II)

liff 1 Mitchell Mis low r Mrs. l'Un i Mis How aid Mi I f il b H A Kelli Ja iles li It L. A "Itit I I C mell It M Gordon aiidSlsccoi 1 und aj thud nul steel i"c

lit or | a n;ers 1 ool til from Mell onrne I v 1 M". I ci "al killis Util M reli isil -loi lonlon-Mr uni Mr« H H Glen Miss Cien Mis Munir Mis Wilson Miss Wilson (tvvu), Mutera Wilson (do) Mr m1 Mis Mael cnzio nu I s us Ilvo) Mlts M ck i) Mises Dlnvioollc (¡uni

U itl Moss Mi ail Mrs W illui Mr nul Mis Gil on Mi 1 W C 1 Mr and Mi« cluiuii Mr 1 Clirlc Mi lrne Will me iieiv Geo i|iùule Dr Milli o Hi Dr nul Mr» MoloneV Inlaut nul nail tin HI.In Itcv I Ishop Moolhouse Mr« Mjorlioisu l)r ai 1 Mrs Win Miss lit marti Mr an I Mi«! Lr mil Miss luther Mrs lum und child Mi«, III d Miss L heit Mis cs solo non (I vo) Mr an 1 Mrs Uillv Mrs Wcstwiod Misses Westwood (tin) llitl), Mr o.» 1 Mrs Hines Mi nul Mrs Hunt, Mr Mitchell Missts Mitch 11 (two) Mr Neill Mr Ta)loi Mr and Mr« d'nstou an I Miss "rest m Mr and Mrs I alca und Miss tile«, Mr and Mrs Vrmstroiii, Mr Wilson Mr llobcrt on, Mr Iel! Messrs Wh)t A A B))d lick mill W B Williams Mr uni Mrs Ila;mont Mis Otto .Mina Nicholson Mi«s Briquet Mrs lilli Mr au I Mrs W Teed Mr lind Mrs Kell), Mi G ill Mr It Gallop Mr Stout Mr Geo Simpson Mr labu Moran, Mc"=rs Itoberts Geo A Muelo), Janies

I a nul 1 fioro-i rnr Mnr tihYi-Mr -tr>b b r lui hil- Mr bluhl u,r« an 1 Mr I utt »n lor F inbav-Mr _?. C li m Mm- loi \ jkoh unl-


s\..r-. 01 i>_ oi*i u\

Mo r di- i vi ii.Tuiin and Co ic-ort the silo of the follow III.» jil op rties i ten ti j -Carlton Gra tin street, ian I hav nu i ítonU[)toír tt I v a depth oí 1 ft , with rU't of woj atieoi, x20 per foot, Li Oil) lSruii* Minor Utile, lind lit lj llfft bael to i n_lit of vvaj, "¡I M hillaUt Iru! \ ill * with lui I hann., a fronta-o of i It tin to Ve ti urj tri et bj ad ? th of 1 ¡lit tm "I Gil I oot criv-1 ots ( o~ und u- -.1 J I: ltuul-Ncptlti -»tic t UfiUi-W! -ra frouta. of

-lit Iv a dej til of > v HI" W li i ttui til

lit Mell iiine-\H-uiu pirate Util 1 iwn_ a (umtue of iff. bv a 1 iib of li U willi laimlj reniiuiL -J )) \l hot (tri-t Ililli, r s Mi cr -Lan I h i. in" u tro il i e i f 1 it I v a di j th ot .¿¡Oft

XU ? ^.wion-a ntti\ wpn.tKtit c i Mount Mai Ion-lia- r l'p a 100 | ri i ~1 J 1_M I

an 1 10 Or » | it hjiri i x1- l_s .feo Pi all H incut-. t)v*n tu- oi Mute lou ,t j rie_- raii.n _. Irom 1- ( I to s ] er f 11, u la i n i i linJit n-Cien Mllctlcel luil ha n. i finita if s » ft dej tti of tt ., ino *»auth Melbourne- Lun 1 h win' A front i" ot ult to Hmieoel tree, bj an li

icirular d ¡ th _ tit Hawthorn-Orjv_ road land liavuu a iionta^eof rft X- 0 ttul tell H Creek lund lui, with W II co tue, X1 0 Liddell Creel-bi -r Jip, illa 11s 101 bl bilda Princes., et ree* land lr ,,p with lai.u \ mansion at a *-ati*,ta< torv i ueo loota!-Wood hi iu J nutt, thrt-o allotments, at * nces raii-iu, from ¿(I tis to Í_A 10^, x1 u T o irai-William load ImdJufc frontage hi "lOtt ]0iii aim»' Wool side crescent with brick villa tlienon erected X1 _ 0 -it Ml la hu-t-liil_hton roai hud hav mira frontil.*, ofCfift Thu t bj i ttpth of 200ft, with n_htofv.iv at revr, with cotta-ci re ted thereon, C1 OoO C irltan -banj street hud havin_, u fronU-,e of nift by i depth of bin LOJO 11 iwtho n-Collin street laid bavin,, i fu titane oM Ht, 1 Oin bv i depth ot J> it. Uni aloiij 1 ruol street, with lilli X1 100 labt Melbourne-fand \ atie with laimlj ni in*-! JII, uta atUtactorj prit Cutiuit;-If*, acre , with lir.v front-i-u to Hem ml mad, - Oa" 14* .»U Wood ide 1-st itc loorul- Allotiueiit 5"tt fin x 10! ft lim, atxOIO j rfoot e_. I 4, _d , .allotments lOs.t lui \ J bit x1 H lis ii líeme 1 oint-bind ri ri "ham 1 -»tate, two allotments 1J It frouta.c, XiU laimlj Hotel, BrmiMiiL. stuet Iltziuv, xJ,_00 lota! amount of falos _. ¡_,J_d 1 Is "d


Thoro have passe 1 throunh tliu Market jards at Uouini-ton duuny tho labt foi tin,ht about J 600 fat. cattle, 4!J0 fat cains, 12 000 f it sheep, and 0 000 fat lamb". 1 at Cattle -On tho marl et of the 21th ult, tho weather hil ni-, set in cool * io __ nand was brisk, particular^ for best pen« mid the [nets realised the pievious week were well maintained but the following mallet du\ the su[>plj bein,, he iv j und the weither hot mid mu,.), tiddin_»t wire languid, and pricts, e\cept foi a few ? runo pens kuvo way to tho lUnit of íullj 10-» per hoad Primo pius of bulloc) a sold at from x11 to ¿1- trooi do, from ii) to x10 >ceowl do from ¡ti* 10s. to x_, inferior, from x.

primo ] i im of eow-j from x7 10s to Cb 7s. od , geod do , from xO to x7 middling and inferior from i-f

»V itCiilvis-The demand was dulltr, and pr.Ce*on the whole weio not e ¡ual to last quotations ltcst _old at front (¡Os to _0s ¿ood from 40a to DOs , second, hum uOs to a *e ínítrlor, from ITC Fat Sheep -On tha 2_rd ult the proportion ut K-od and primo hheep hu\ iii-7 bedi luulted, thero was u busk deniind, und prices for Mich werosILrhtlj in advance of tho3o ruling thu pr vious week, vv hilo other sorts were moro readily disposed of, but last market tiav sales were .'dull throu"hout, tho reduc tion on best descriptions bein.* about od per bead, willie! for middlhn; MI 1 infi nur qualities prices ruled Is per head lower Prime crossbred wethers sold at from 12s to l_s Od boou" do , horn 10s to 11s , second do , from Ss to ).< Infurloi fiom 7s , primo merino wethers Irom 10s tolls, comido, irom Os, to Is bd second do , from 7s ßd to bs , ufenor from is Oil I it Lamb*'-Hicrt, was a brmk deni md on the _nt ulr, and an iduiucuof from GL to te per head was i cabbed but tho follow in.» week, i \cept foi u few pi hue lots pi ice*, ruled tdljitly

ea-iiei Heit sold at trotn s*¡ ( d to 10s a fe vv e\tra

I_s. j_ood, from 7s. to i>s , becond, horn 5s od to bs Od , lui cn or, from 4s