Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875), Friday 8 May 1868, page 2



By the Florence Irving we have the Cleveland Bay Express to the 25th ultimo. During the month alone, and up to that date, 470 diggers had arrived in Townsville enroute to the Cape River. That journel urges. rges, the appointment or a Governmet escort observing that in March 1500 ounces of gold were safely brought down to the port by a volunteer escort, and t W as reported that 6000 ounces, then in the hands ot the diggers, might have been brought down, had

the escort been sanctioned and acknowledged by ' Government. The Port Denison Times states.A A nugget weighing forty-six (46) ounces was found nt

the Calliope Diggings, by two diggers, John Black, . arid Robert Mackay, working in Nuggetty Gully;, Black lately purchased his share in the claim for thirty thirty shillings. There diggings seem to be progressing

favourably, and there are very few complaints on .

the score of doing nothing., There is, however.'a good! , deal of sicknoss prevalent, and this season is consideredt to be the most unhealthy one since the diggings opened.:


Oxlo^Orook, Queensland. ¡ ; , > _ ,}¡ t ;¡i ,*/>.iiM ;¡ . > Tho atoamor Star of, tho ^ttthíL'i!rom''ÍIoiUÜB»;]ití ' ininti at Maryborough, with,'lf>0 diggore. 1 ' '/? . >\ V Georgei ICing,' 'Esq!',' eon.".' of Sytaoy,-' hâa';,bo'on''

appointeda.magiatrato of .Queensland., v, K I'. :;I! c ;

¡A mootlng'is to "he held atItookloy on Saturday in' aid of tho Alfred Hospital Fund.. y . , ... ,' f,

The Catholic,, Convent to "tá erected at Albiu-v ia' OBtimated to cost £8000..', ; . v-.'.ji'v', ;,.-'.

Tho branoh of tho Oriental BanVwhioh Vfasopaned

at Tass .on "tho. 1st August,-1858,-will, tho Courier. -

understands/ be closed on tho OOthT'Of next in'on'tHT 1 ^A number of half . Treamry..notes, ion,thoir way "down from Olorraont and Itocihampton, havo bton stolen from tko mail. . :. ? . i

Tho racohorso Barcbonos, for eoraó time a favourite; at tho" country mootings; in Now South Wales, baa keon,transferred ti Queensland. . , ... ,¡ -r

- Tho establishment by Messrs. Degraves and Co. of alargo flour mill in Sandhurst is hailed by tho journals of that Uwn as a ratisfactory indication of tho agricultural progress of tho'district..'.,,)'/:

'! Tho weather at Yass still continues dry; with'severa frosts. It is much to be foarod, alys tho localjowjnal,

tliat a sovere wintor is beforo uaV, ,'yVhoat,ía[rtótf rialag ' -in price,'nnd'5s. Od to Os. is freely odored, i, -, ;. .,'. .

On Monday last Messrs. C. and F. Hughes bought

a fat bullock, which had been fed on the station of Messrs. M'Intosh and Oakes. The animal was led to the weighbridge in the haymarket, and was found to

weigh 2107 pounds.

i Tho Hov. Father Duigan, whiïe^at-Mnrrnmbarrah~ ' tho. week .beforo ; last/;used ¡hia .influença with the

Catholics ot that town te erect n Catholic Behool, arid 5 upon opening,u subscription, list" collected within an ''

:heúr'thévsum,óf'£0jVy t'ivi' i-.'i;À '(.);. ."«': s L, -

A man named Tomkins, who falsely stated that he

had been a writer to the Yass Courier under the name of Lynx, would have died in the streets the other day only for Mr. Wood, the president, who had him taken to the Yass Hospital.

At the Goulburn Circuit Court on Tuesday last,

Mr. Walsh ventured to suggest that in future in arranging the circuits, Goulburn should be taken after

Wagga Wagga; His Honor Mr.'Justice Faucett,

promised that the suggestion should be takes into


Information was received at Brisbane to the effect

that, on Thursday, a man was stuck up at the Mac-kenzie Scrub, on the Clermont Road. He had nothing of value about him at the time ; the thieves congratu-lated him on that fact, and at the same time desired

him to give-their compliments to the police.

We (Rockhampton Bulletin April 23) understand

that the convict Griffin, now lying under sentence of death, still persistently maintains his innocence of the

murder, and though occasionally manifesting some emotion, he remains obdurate to the exhortations of the clergymen who have visited him to confess his guilt.

A shocking suicide was committed at the station of

Mr. Quarterman, near Avoca, last Thursday. A cook

of the name of Soogar, employed on the station, was found in the evening with his throat cut, and quite dead. The suicide had accomplished his purpose in a

most determined spirit, the throat, being cut through from ear to ear.

Mr. John Moore, a gentleman well known in con nection with quartz crushing operations in Victoria, who came to Queensland a short time ago for the pur pose of inspecting the Nashville gold-field, returned to

Melbourne, according to the Queensland Guardian, this week, with the intention of procuring £3000

worth of quartz crushing machinery, for erection on that gold-field.

The silanthus glandulosa is now growing in Bowen

Park, Brisbane, and the Courier says it seems to re quire no more care than the castor oil plant to which it bears some resemblance.. At a meeting of the

Acclimatisation Society, Mr. Bernays said the silantus trees were very handsome, and that there were some hundreds in the society's grounds, all of which are in good condition.

A telegram from St. Lawrence (May 1) to the

Queensland Guardian runs as follows:-" The captain of the Pacific schooner reports a recent wreck on the north-west part of Nos, 6,7, and 8, Group of Islands in Broadsound. The bulwarks and stanchions are

painted white inside. The wreck corresponds with the

Hannah Newton, which sailed from here on the 16th ultimo for Maryborough.

: ' I'rpra Carcoar, wo loam that Br. Spark has boen in daily ñttondárioo upon Mrs. Louden. Ppr sovsral days it was tUought that tho injured leg would havo

. to be taken off, but now Hr. S^ark hasaomo hopes of -

being able to Bavo tho limb. ' Tho doctor states that the unfortunate lady seems rasier, and bettor than he

J could have anticipated; undor the circumstances.'. ' tl' ' ; COKCKALMBHT OP 'BiiiTn.-A servant girl waa last night delivered of a fomalo child, at tho house of her

mistress, in Market-street Tho girl afterwords went .. to her'mother's Jt'ouse at lied fern, this child being dead,' ? and an inquiry will take ploco this morning, before tho

Oity Coroner, ns to .wliethor tho infant was bom dead , or not, tboro being at present jio further ovidonco on tho subject than.tiiat . givon in tho declaration of the

mother. '

An attempt at robbory was mado at tho Shoot of Hark Inn, on the Cowra road, by two follona who cntorud tho houso with crapo ou their focos. Thoy wero first seen, says tho correspond- nt of tho Bathurst l'rco Press, by tho maidservant, who screamed out nnd ran into a room lohor master; when tho landlord immodiatoly armed himsolf with an old uuloadod gan, upon scoing which Dioso bravo genta took to thoir hods and ran off as fast as thoir legs would carry thom.

Tho new church of St. Paul's, at Yetholme, was publicly oponed for Divino Sorvice, on Tuosday. His Lordship tho Bishop of Sydney was prceont, and preached tho sermon from tho iv. chapter of St. Jamos, part of tho ötlt voreo: "Draw nigh to God, and ile will draw nigh to you." Tho Hov. T. Sharpo, M.A., tho Hov. Mr. Langloy, tito Hov. Mr. Lisle, and tho Hov. Mr. Vaughan took part in tho service. Tao church waa crowded, and tho sorvice was a most im-pressive one. After tho sorvico a collection was mado

in aid of tho building fund.

Sinco tho completion of tho Great Weitem lino to OnoTroo Hill, travellersbotweon Sydnoy and BathU'6t I havu now an opportunity of doing tho journoy with-

out boinp; subjected to tho dißconifort of night travel-ling. Messrs. Cobb and Co. havo put on a tiny conch, which will leuva Bathurst cvory Tuesday, Thursday, and SnturdaVi at-1 a.m., and reach Ono Trco Billin time to eaten tho train, arriving in Sydnoy at 0 o clock tho snmoovenintr. Tho coach will arriva in Bathurst from Ono Troo Hill ovory Monday, Wodnosduy, and l'Vidny ovoning ut 0 o'clock.

At Myrniong, in tho Pentland Hillo, an accident of n paiiif ut nuturo occurred on Sunday week to n littlo girl holongiii^ to Mr. N. Hardie, of Pyko'a Creek.

Tho child wau amusing herself among tho fowle, when olio wan savagi ly nltnolied by nu old cock, who threw her down and fiercely struck bia spurn into bor head, and undoubtedly would havo killed lier hut-for tho timely arrivai of nssiutatico, attracted tc the spot by her fuacnins. Modical naaistanco waa procured, and tho littlo uull'ei-ur, though greatly injured about tho head and ears, in progressing favourably.

Tho HilUvirat Courlor ¡tua tho following:-'Tho low rntu of intercut paid by tho hanks has had tho ull'eet nf nuking capitalinfa to pay moro attention lo thoRO investnipiitn likely to give n moro eatUfnctory return for their outlay, h'or iimtnnto, Mr. Curter, a wenllhy i-rjunltoi- in tho Wimmoru district, Intdy ofluited tho purchiiso of thnt valuablo property, G'.IIIIUIUU'B hotel, for iilßOO, mid sinco then boa bought tho mugo of olllcos in Lydlard strcot known as Duiui'o buildings, for £1000, vtliero bo will very shortly coiniiionco tho crootion. of somo iandsoUÇ buUdings on the latter aita," ,

A company of Chinen acton (»ya tbs Balitan Pc^4«t» pitoh»U the(r-t«»tat-Oolden Point, and-« giving performance» nightly, ntuohto^tho cmtcrtini - matti of .theirOoiosttol brothrin Ind thoamuiemant o . »omc?foW KurorfoAnrf attracted by rhrftlv. a of durloalfj

Tiio'ploco how hoing played ls, wo dre told, of altnoa illlmltnblo length* and represents como cf Ibo docd rccordod InOliineso hiaiory. ? Tho musioal acoompanl mont io of tho most diotroasing nature, and conaiita o shrill pipes, sonorous gongs, and a, kind of druin which koop unan - incessant noiso-ill-assorting witl ' tho civilised iuta of harmony.

Tho dùranta plumori, a handeomo thorny over green shrub, may now. bo said to havo sotllod th question aa to the possibility of establishing liv foncos in Queensland. Tho Hvo fonco formod ot thi shruVat Kinellan, noticed by tho Courier twelv months ngo, ls now a perfect hodge in tho third yea from planting, and notwitlntanding -tho fact that i was neither kept clean nor ßhoared whilo tho plant wcro yoong, it. is about four foot high, from two t thrco feet broad, at tho top, and as lovel as a wall.

.Tho .two men convicted of murder, at tho las Bathurst Assizes, continue, says tho Timos, to aaser thóir'innocenco. Barnes, who wns found guiity'of th murder of the old man near Bowonfolls has been lot

hythe Exccutivo for execution, but tho day has no been fixed; "With roforoneo to MoEvitt,T for'Vth murder of tho' littlo boy near Mudgee, tho Exocutlyi have not yet notiQod thoir decision. Ba-ncs ls at tohdod by tho Rov. Mr. Sharpe, and McEvilt11 visited by tho Kornau Catholic clergy,-; Both mon ar woll bchavod, and noithor of thsm havo'given an;

manifest itions of fear since 1 their' condemnation Barnes listons respectfully to., tho ad vico and prayer uttered by. his clergyman, but, unhappily, is ai hardened that ho does not,appear to .bonefit in:thi least by thom. ' ? ' - ,-'??: ..> . '1 '->

Tho protracted ease,of Lohano -against Hume, botl squatters in tho Binalong district, wherein défendait waa charged with having damaged'tho interests o plaintiff to tho extont ot £2000 by trespassing on hil Tún/ocoupled tho Circuit Court, Goulburn, front'Fri day afternoon to Tuesday evening lost, when plaintif received a qualified vtrdict for £100. It appeared tha tho parties to tho suit oro tho proprietors of tho adjoin ing stations of Narraburra and Grogan, situated on thi Grogan Creek in the Lachlan district. Tho .lane which Ibeplnintiff claimed was originally talton up bi Mr. John Bray in 1839. Tho oiToct of tho verdlet ii to award to tho dofcndanl tho land claimod by him hut to-givo damages to plaintiff for trespass'beyond thc boundary bf Itu t land. His Honor allowed ;átaj «f. execution. ¡. . , ... v :'i': ir;-'.

^Cotton Growers (snvs tho, Queensland Timos) "ari complaining very much just now of tiroir Molds'hoi nf lobbed of ripe cotton. .-Tho thieves, : of courso, operate ?only nt night, and detection is very difficult) hut iti'j hoped that any ' who ' may bo captured ' will1 bc sc ?soveroly dealt with as to dolor-others from similai ?conduct.' A farmer residing 'at tho Pino Mountain; -who has rocontly suffered a-good dosi-from-these Taids, and who was on tho alert, observing a man in .hisHold on Thursday night,' called, on him.to surixen'dor. Tho fellow, however, modi off, but as dio ivai -crossing tho fe nco tho farm or firod at him with small IshOt, and .tho yell which followed indicated . that hr. ¡had been hit. Ho succccdod, however, in : escaping into the scrub, notwithstanding that ho' waa hotly pursued. Thia kind; of traatniont, .if poreororod in; ?would soon put an end to tho nuisance.

Many of tho horsos engaged in tho races to ho ruc ot Kagio .Farm, at tho latter ond of this month, arc now located in nnd around Brisbane,-ar d are, sUtei the Courier, being carefully. trained preparatory te their making an appearance in public. Pandora, thc property of the Hoif. lt Pring, arrived on Saturday in"- tho - Florence Irving, and has been nllottod snuj . quarters in tho "Valley. Barobones will probably ap

pear'at the'Ipswich annual meeting- Tho entrance! for the thrco handicaps offered by tho North Austra-lian" Johkey Club closed on Saturday. If they hoi remained . opened for a fortnight longer a largoi numtor of horses would most probably havo boon en-tered, for r.o doubt sovornl Sydney mon, who for sonic time past hàvo "been too deeply engaged with thc Randwick Ka~cs to toko much interest in Queens, land affairs, would have been induced to havo o throw itt' .

^'A't tho Goulburn Policé O-rort-on Saturday, Cather-ine Molloy was charged with attempting to destroy hersolf. ' -Herhusband said she was latoly committed tb gaol, and served a sontonco; fho io of a very violonl temper, and in tho habit of drinking ; 'on tho 30th April, she carno to my plneo and was very violant j eho tbreatoncd my lifo and that of others present ; I triodto get hor away, and a boy went with her.; she returned the noxt night ; I sent tho boy lo-Goul-burn, to Sergeant Fenton, and took dofendant as far . as Heppcr's.; on the way ehe tried to throw herself

off tho railway lino into tho Wollondilly,'down, a steep bank, a fail of about Hf ty feet, and nearly MICcocdod in dragging us both down ; Mrs. Hepper told mo dofendant had been drinking colonial ale that day ; áhe is now engaged to go to Mr. Faithfull^ : tl am Willing to piy her coseh faro to Berrima ; . I gave her monoy before, which she spent in drink.-Defendant was ordered to find two sureties ia £20 each, to te ot good behaviour for six months ; in default, to be 'im-prisoned in gaol for fourloon days. '?'."',','1

Thora .has been n considerable movomont of minors and others towards tho reefs.in thia neighbourhood,' says tho Murrumburrah correspondent of the Tass Courier, during tho past fortnight, consequent upon tho ndvent of tho crushing machino, a good part of which is now on tho ground .at Demondrille .Creek. Tho boiler, with othor portions, passod' throughrthis place somo limo hack, and the wholo establishment is expootod to ho thero in tho course of a couplo of days. On'lho reef lately opened, not far from tho Louisa, down thd iDemondrillo Crock, and. which "has boori - named " Dillon's Beef," somo minors and speculators

have,applied .'for. a lcaso of -four acrsa - showing at least, a good opinion of the etona: other claims aro hoing tnkoá" up nt tho Murrumburrah Reef, and at tho ''Louisa." which is just hoyond tho bridge crossing the Domöndrille O.-cok, whoro tho miH is to bo.erected, ihoro is. ovcry appearance, from tho influx of visitors recently, of a sottlomont of tho usual-cort that accom-pany now rushes. Materials for tho erection of houses aro already making thoir appearance on the ¿round. , .

'..Tho Queonelsnd Guardian learnt from a diggor who roturned with sevoral of his mates from iGyrnpy, on - -Wednosdny ovenin;.-, that tho proceeds of tho laboura

[of his partners and hlmsolf, numbering thirteen in all, ?with'proper appliances and tho advantago of a , long Jexporienco on most of the diggings in tho sistor -colonie», only amounted to somo six ounce*, and this in a period of ten weeks, during which they Burk ïevèral claims, avoraging in dopth from twolvo ,toIUwentr-oight feet. All. of these . .proved duffers, with tho solitary exception df ono-an onomnching spur of washing-, etuff from an adjoining claim in this inctnnco - yielding tho I amount of auriferous deposit in inontion. Our in . , ^formant speaks of tho exodus to ibo Capo Uiver dig-1 "ginge na rapidly increasing. Goods, ho says, aro . cheap enough ; puhlio-housos, tho theatres (of whioh ! thoro aro two), and tho shanties nro liberally pitronieod ; < robberies of a potty kind, csp cially botwoeu NoaiivUlo and tho Ono-milo digging, aro, ho aleo ta'ls us,''of ircquont ocourronco. Both hioi¡¡olf and p&il-ioraintend ' Seeking n ophcro of Inkour other th:n that which ho

States affords rémunération only ta tho faw.

A man, called Thoma« Ciilloy, wan brought hnforc Ibo Yass Bonch ou Tuesday last, by nub-inspector Bren-nan, mid waa called upon in tho usual manner that persons of unsound mind aro do ill with, lo show causo 'why lio should not find sureties to ho of good bo;haviour. It appeared from tho cvidenco that tho Acouead went to tho parsonage, lo tho Ituv. Mr. Iiillingston, ond expressed a deliro to maleo a statement lo 'tho revorond gentleman. Ho Fiiid ho lind como from .Now Zealand, and had boon in thia colony sino last Christmas; that ho had been in ono of tho Sydney ,h.Orphals, tho ono adjoining tho Mint (tho Sy'Inoy -Infirmary) immediately nflor hi« arrival in tho colony ; that ho hid to lonvo Now Zealand becnuto spirits ,had haunted him ; Hint tho magistrates and doctors there wo o ondravonring lo poison him -, that thoy hud put poison into hw drink; that one night whilo lying in his tent in Now Zollamt somo of theso spirits had .comonnd opened his skull mid put n hall inside, mid that othera were haunting him, mid on Hint nccouut he had to luivo Now Zealand ; thut ho had gouo into Ynsa that doy to eeo a magistrate ; Hint there waa soniothing nu his mind li« could tell only to a mapluiinte. Mr. T.lllii.gahiiio thought it his duly to take him up to Afr. Drennan, who lout him down to tho lock-up. Tho look un- keeper informad thu Beuch that nineo, tho défendant hail heou in bin charlo ho was repeatedly talking of ghosts mid spirit». When asked lo ijurütioii ono of tho witiicspoa, tho mail »tated ho novcr raid ho had heeit hunted out of hin tout Ho ndmittod that bo had brou in Now Zealand, mid wasntill ill, lin lind not

ta.'ion any drink for tinco months, and Ibo last IIB look: wan m;'Wi gin nt n publie-liouto about tinco mlle» nivnv. 1Ï."" man wn» ordered to lind mudie* for his

good behaviour for ono month-himself infl'O, n;d' two surelieii in Ji\C Hieb, or to bo imprisoned for that; torin. AH a mallar ot epureo, iu, ^iluto of Burotiee, boj ?was looked up. i ,