Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875), Monday 2 September 1867, page 2


George John Whyte Melville, the subject of our pre-sent article, iras born iii 1821. and sent 'to Eton, «hero he had the advantage af a system of di-ciplino under the celebrated Dr. Keate, in days when proper punish-ment was ky no mean's more honoured in the breach

thin in the observance'. We know not bow far tho sub

jrot of this notice may have profited'by its application, but he has evinced bj his writings a love of elegant scholarship for which a publia school e ! neat ion (wu lad almost said of those days) has alone to bo thanked. There is a "scent of the rosea clinging rouad the vase " which proclaim* its original habitant; and we think we detect tbeold publia school stamp in every feeling that onr author exhibits, in the whole tone of his mind, and in that refinement of langnage which never deserts bim. Ho left Eton in 1839, and was gazetted to the 93rd Highlander, which regiment, however, he loft for the Coldstream Guard', with whom he remained until 18+8, when be retired from the service. It is not sarprising that a man, who was at that time lead-ing a life of pleasure, if indeed riding young horses over the stillest parts of the Quorn and i'ytchley ouuntrles may be called pleasure, should have desired something moro in accordance with his previous pur units. That he was not a roan to sleep upon laurel*, hitherto gained botweoti, St. Jamvs's and Windsor, subsequent events prove, for he entend the army once more as a major at the Crimean var, and retired a*, the peace, after having served as a lieutenant-colonel of Turkish Cavalry.

As a sportsman, Whyte Sf el vi Ho is best known in the

shires. We have no idea that he dres more than occasional dnty in tba provinces, though we must not fail to record that Scotland is tho country in wtieh he made bis debat: His father, Mr. Whyte Melville, ot Mount Melville, an excellent sportsman in his day, kept hounds for seventeen season* ; an J John Walker, who aftei wards went to Sir Watkin Wynne, wns Lis huntsman. lt wa« by him. that Mr. Whyte Melville was entered to hounds ; and if au neglect in bia educa-tion oin bo alrihuted'to Eton of whi b thrro is not

the least sUKpicion) at all events it'wuB not neglected at lion.e. John Walker may be proud of his pupil, whom we well remember for many Beasoni in Leicestershire md Northamptonshire ; and while on the subject of éducation it will not be out of the way to say of Whyte Melville what ho once said himself of a brother sports-man (an old Christchurch man) with the Pytchleythat he didn't know any ona out eba would bs more likely to take n doable-Rt st.

With the Pytchley be went, ai a role, remarkably well. He rodo quietly to bounds, endeavouring, in that very stiff and uncompromising country, to take a line of hts own. Among such men rs Mr. Frederic Villiers, and Mr., now Sir itairiuld Knightly, and that wonderful goer, the late Lord Altortl, lie was able to hold bia own on cattle inferior in point of numbers and price. There was no man probably, in cither that country or Leicestershire, that, with the eamo material, saw any thing like the same sport. He. was, betides this, the most modest of horsemen ; he said less about his performances than any one ; and with twentv years' experience in the s<roe loculity, confesses that he never ! yet " saw a run entirely to bis satisfaction." We are

j not Burprieed at tho confession, though wo think it

, might better have come from a woree mun. But it ' confirms us in our long gathered experience, that with j all the " tall talk" to which no are compelled

to listen about the t*cniy minutes which everybody seems to have had to himself at one time or other, a "real good thing" over the heart of the Shires requires such, a combination of qualities in horse and man as but lew are possessed of. We have seen Whyte Mel'ille go very well, on many occasions, but we never beard him Bay so. > '

Whyte Mtlville married, in 1847, Charlotte, dauyht»r of tho first, and sister cf the present Lord Bateman ; and is now residing at Wootton-hall, near Northamp-ton, a county in which ho has lived, more or less, during the winter months for the last twenty years. He is

there remarkable for tbe most extensivo but unosten-

tatious charity ; ono instance of which appears in his generous donation ot £50:> to the Working Men's Club, 'to" say nothing of subscriptions to other institutions, anil personal aid to the mechanics at Northampton, j Ile hus always exhibited the qualities of an noellcnt

companion, a good horseman, a molt kind and agree-able neighbour, und u lirst-class sportsman. 'Ibis latter quality will probably bo highly appreciated in u country whore its adveaates aro many and its prac

tisera few.