Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld. : 1907 - 1954), Tuesday 26 April 1927, page 10


j (From Our Own Correspondent). KICHMON'D, April 16lh There has been no alteration In Ihe wenther .during ibe ptsl week and conditions neein lo have sealed down to chat of a dry -Beanon. WVANGAlllE SHIItE COUNCIL. During lUe «eek tne Wyanturle Shi re Couucil held Its monthly ineel iiiKing Khirh comnieiued at 2 p.m. und wan not concluded uniH s p.m. The cancellation o( the poalul l-al-ot by the Home Secretary occupied considerable time and met with se vi-re critlclam at the bands or the Councillors, with Ihe exception- of Councillor Llewellyn. It w«» point, ed out that Ihe postal ballot Imil been applied Jor by the lleturnlni! ?officer nnri Kazeitnd us far bark a* September last, and the letter from Ihe Home Secretary rontalu Ing a notification of . the gateltul liad been placed before the Shire louncil at its monthly meeting In i Uciobcr and Ihe action or the He- ' turning officer In obtaining n postal I ballot and reducing the com of the ; election by about ilC.0 had been !

favorably commented upon by th« Councillors at thul meeting. All arruageniruiK hud been made by the Ktnivnlng OBIcer lor the forthcom Ins elrclion and stationery for 111' the postal ballot had bren oblalnt.1 and partly filled In. when a wire was received from the Home Secretary BtalioK that the pnstal ballot' had been cancelled. ,\o reason was S'veo A Bpecial mfetlnc of th.-t'ouncll nas called to consider Alif matter, and It »«, decld^il to wire the Hum« Secretary and also the fctuti' I'.irllauieutary re|ireBc:itative. Mr. I). Hlordan. uud uieu thai ilio 4ioslal ballot be allowed, on lbs score of economy and elHcieiK-y, anil nsklng for rrasous why it hud beeu ' 'cancelled. Mr. Itiordau advised that he could uol support the Council's request. ItecauBc, according lo 1 reporis made, the application for d I postal Imlliit bad been made without the knowledge of lite The Home Secretary tersely imlied In

the Councils wire and mi ??» .. slated that the wire had beeu ivceive'i. und still gave no reason »by Ihe hallot had been cancelled. It was made perfectly dear at the Council meeting that the postal ballot ha', been cancelled nn account ot certa.n representations made to the Home Secretary or loraj member, or both, by one section of Ihe community, and the Council as the representative body of the district bad been Ignor cd. What the. representations were, the Council did not know The Shire Clerk and neturnlnK Officer, point ed out there was nothing in the IjocbI Authorities Act to ray that Itte apnlicatiou for a postal ballot, should be made iu the nrsi place by Ibe lull Couucil. Mailers .in con cud Ion with Shire Elections were usually left In the bands of the Keturnlng OAiccr. ami he Had mad.; the application on two grouuds : — liibi economy, as It would save the Council approximately Hie. |n Con uection witn election vxpenBes ; secondly, at last ulenuial election, several electors had complained to him that their reason for not voting wus Mint they were unable lo obtain the facilities to travel to and Xrom rolling booths in the Shlro area, and that a postal ballot would *ave enabled tbim to vole, whereas Ihe booth system deprived them of doing eo. The Returning Officer emphasised tbe fact that definite authority should be shown -that the .application for the postal ballot should not have been made by biro. .So far. despite all that has been bald O0'*the matter, no provision of the Local Authorities Act has been cited to show that Ihe application had been irregular. It was decided at Die Council meeting to refei the whole matter to, the Kxccutltof tbe Local Authiriliea' Association ot Queensland for that Assoriation :» lake such action as li thought, tv and at the. same time, give Its oplti ion as it was a must Importam mat ler thai effected uol only lue Shin of W jontttiiu, bul all oilier Shlrc. jii the State. It was decided to again wire u the Main Itoaus Couiuiubiou and asi* lo neud au engineer lu inspect inr work btn.g done ui llulbert's Biidu.. and approve of same without delu-, as. It, ibe work mel wlu the approval of tne Commission ? Unit, liourd would contribute 50 per cent. if it did not meet with the approval or the commission, the Council would have to foot Ihe bill. It was decided that as tbe postal ballot had. been cancelled by the Home Secretary, without consulting the t'uiiucll, and as a large amount obtained specially lor tho postal balfor the polling booth, system, that lot which was entirely unsuitable ailalin be sent to Ihe Home Secrethe be asked to refund such amount to tho Council. Councillor Llewellyn again objected. Tbe Gbire Clerk polmed out that all arrangements had been made In connection with the proposed artesian bore at Nella township, und, that he had applied to the Stale Treasurer for a loan for Ihe . purpose, and also, luslrucled Uy Ihe Council, bad askcrl the Irrigation and Water Supply C.mmlM.10.. lo cair tenders for the. work. I - was resolved to call a iuociing or representatives ot tin SI ue council and the Returned Soldier* and Sailors Imperial League to nifcke arrangement in connection with Anzac Day Commemoration The Clerk staled thai owing to urgent representations made to him ton account of tbe condition of the I'unch Bowl Crossing over the Flinders River, he had consulted with the Deputy Chairman, Councillor B. C. Curler, and arranged with Mr J. Shaw to repair the Punch Bowl Crossing for the sun; of 150. It wa's decided on the motion of Councillors Slmms and McKIIIop thul tin Nelia Progress Association be empowered to fence in the Nelia Cartage Depot with a six wire fence,' and I bat a notice board be erected ?al the depot irmtructlnu persons how to deposit garbage. )i was moved by Councillors Magofnn and Llewellyn that tbe opinion of the Councilors1 solicitor he obtained as to whether the Council can impound off stock routes or ronds within. Iti area. This motion was the outcome of lu-- Herdsman's Report which stated that there were a number of horses and' plock on tbe stock rout': near Richmond, bul that he and been told outsldn tlio Khlre Offlce that he rotiM not Impound off th? stork routn ii «u mov*d by Cm McKillup and. bluims, that the Chairman aud Clerk Intel »lcw~Xli. E. A. Uouglaa of Msjuba, with a view of maklnn satisfactory uirangetuentj for th) upkeep 'of the Maxweltou ho re drain so as lo give the residents of Maxweltou an assured Bupply t,f clean irater. It was decided to leave th» appointment of tbe Road Overseer until after tu«. Btitre elections, aid In 'its meantime for the Shir*

Clerk, who holds al» engineer's certificate, lo act In that capacity. Several tenders were received for the erection of a motor garage and sheds at the Bore Hill, Richmond. The Shire Clerk suggested that the Council consider the advisability of doing away with all the sheds and yards at the bore hill with the exception of the bath houses. He pointed out that these yards and sheds were an eyesore at what was the prettiest sight in town, where several splendid shade trees were growing, and which would be open as a resort for the townspeople. He contended that no portion of the town park should be used for other than recreation purposes or the purposes for which a park is ordinarily intended, and by abolishing the unsightly sheds at the bore hill and placing seats under the shade trees it would be a resort for the townspeople after the heat and turmoil of the day. The Shire Clerk's suggestion was adopted and it was decided to erect the sheds on the site set apart for the Shire Office Shire Hall at the corner of Crawford and Clayton Streets. On account of this alteration the lenders which were received for additions to the present building could not be accepted, and it was decided to return the deposit cheques, and that the Clerk draw up plans and specifications for a motor garage and sheds suitable for the township allotment, and the contractors be advised and fresh tenders called for the work.

CRICKET. Lust Sunday the Wiuton crickettiV veiled Richmond and played u mendly match with representatives uf Uie Hichmoud Cricket Association. Vbe match was evenly contested and won. jy Uie Winion cJab by Ibe small margin of lea runs. A more careful selection uf tho Richmond team should buve lesulled In a win for Richmond. WINT0N. lot Innings. Rock, c Rowe b' Ker ? 41 Ash. c Ker b Llewollyn ? ... fc Gibney, b Stuart ? 13 Lawrence, b Stuart ? 0 Wellington, c Llewellyo b HarrlB 2.1 Wood wood, b Ker ? 4S Tunney, l.h.w b Stuart ? « Marsball, c and b Stuart ? S Whelan. c Smith b Stuart ? 1 Steole. h Smart ? 0 Raywnod. not out ? 2 Sundries ? 7 Total ' ? 14S Bowling :— Harris 1 for 34. Llewellyn 1 tor 43, S'.uirt, 6 tor Zv, Ker 2 for 15, Smith U for IS. RICHMOND, 1st Innings. Haren. c Sleele b Woodwood . . 0 Dr. Walktir, b Gibney ? 5i V. Smith. c Rock b Woodwood 0 Stuart, l.b.w. b Gibney ? 15 Ker, c and b Woodwood ? 7 Morris, c Wellington, b Woodwood ? 1 Iiinguam. b Gibney ? 17 Will, c Ash b Rock ? 17 1'. Rowe. c and b Rock ? ? S P. Harris, not out ? 29 J Llewellyn, c Gibney h Ash.. 1 Sundries ? 1 . Total ^ ? 13S The bowling analysis of 4be Richmond bowlers was only Imperfectly kept in the scoring book and IB consequently useless.The The match was a most enjoyable one, played \n a frlenaiy cricketing I splritr iod tbe almost total absence of barracking waR remarked. The. visitors were entertained by the Richmond learn at dinner «1 tbe

Federal Palace Hotel, and «ubi«fluently to afternoon tea nn ttte I cronnde. nnd left for Wlnton after the m»:ch, on (T glorious moonlight night. ? \ GENERAL NEW*. I , The following candidates nave been nomlpated at Councillors for tbe forthcoming Triennial Election to be held on 21st May : — I.'. R. Murray, R. Magofnn. F. T. J. Hop kins B. C Carter. H. J. McKlUoo, J. Llewellyn, Kred MarBechall, L. C Bromhall. J. J. Ryan, Gordon, Stuart, n. Wolherepoon, H. M*xwell. H. J. Mllllcan, Norman Klndlay. C. Ooldstlvcr. The' handsome Rflffla Bmc which was raffled In aid ot Ihe funds of ihe Richmond School of Arts, was wo'n by Dr. n. B. Walker. _ SOCUL .VOTES. Mr. G. H. McCall leaves to-day by train for Tuwuaviile acting under lue advice ot his medical omcer Dr U. U. Walker, so thai ho can undertso an X-ray examination for lnieinal trouble, which can only be deniii'iJ by uiculiB of the Xrray. «'., trust It will not prove serious. Mr. Henry Maxwell or Huglienden visited Richmond recently and vulled, al the Shire Office Itev. Kullter Keunu ot Clonctrry i I»itcd Illchmond recently The Rev. J. Mackle will unfortunately be away from Richmond during Anzac night celebrations as !,?. has to officiate at a wedding cere mony at Nelia, and 1 understand the younc couple aro disinclined lo post pone ihe funclion. Mr. and Mrs. Morrlce of Artesloi Downs motored Into town during tbe week. Mr. G. S. Douglas of Nella Ponds haa Joined the ranks of wireless fara having purchased an excellem six vaive Super Heterodyne and t-busily engaged listening In to all the happenings throughout th» world. The writer has no difficulty ;ji liearinR the reception to the Duke nnd Duchess of York on the loud speaker during day time, and Mr. nromley nf Toronto Park bad nlrallnr good results. Tbe only Item which did not come out too clear was the Duchess' charming emlle.

GRAZIERS' ? MEETING. ' A meeting ot the Richmond Wieb or tne Gratlers Asaociatlon oi Central aud Northern Queensland ,»as held at the Wyan€arie sblle omce ou Saturday, -lib April 192; at S p.m. Tlrere were present : — Mr. R. AUgomn. (CUairmauj Arddiin ; Mr. Geo. l'eut. Lcslew Downs; |llr. .Norman Mndlay, Kenmac ? Mr X-. Kersuson. Clare Valley ; Mr B C. Carter, Coleralne : Mr. T. Wall! ?Acton Downs ; Mr. E. G. Skipper. Town ; Mr. Hugh Graham, Wolslon ; Mr. C. J. Steddy. Sarre-; Mr p. H, K. Ulnrt. Wllburra Downs ? J r' .'' L- w- Hnttley, Stewart Park.1 Mr. H. Morel!. Lonsdale ; Jlr H J McKIIIop, Clutha ; Mr. F. T Uopkloer Belton Downs ; Mr. c. Morell. Tyrone ; Mr. J. A. Mitchell. Max welton : Mr. J. P. Kennedy (W member). »n-rrl,Ha and the Secretary, Whltworlh -Gunn. Moved by Messrs. steddy and Skipper, that Messrs. C. R Murray (Moselle Downs) and Norman Find lay (Kenmac). be appointed delegates to represent this branch at the Animal Conference ' on 26th May 1927. al LongTeacb. Carried The following business was brought forward to he included oa the Agenda rtper o( tke Aano«i Conference fn Longreach : Rfi2Tedkby Messrs- K°Rels'n «?« Steddy, that tae Association protest

against the unjust new "Water Act" Tax. Carried. Moved by Messrs. Rogorson and Steddy, that the Association protests «golD8t the present system of taking .pressure measurements of artesian I oore flows. Carried. In connection with the above two mattes, it was resolved on tbe mo-tion of Messrs. Findlay and Anniug that in addition to their being in-cluded on thn Agenda Paper of the Annual Conference, it also be a re-commendation to the Executive to take immediate steps so that the Land Advisory Board will obtain the opinion of the Graziers on the two matters, and that all payment of water taxes be suspended until such time as the Board has taken evi-dence on these subjects and issued its opinion upon same. Moved by Messrs. Magofnn an I Steddy, thai tbe Conference advi'cate the revision of the present srs tern of Income taxation, so that tho 1 Grar.Iers will be taxed on the aver- j aee income over a period of not less i IJinn seven, years. Carried. ? Moved' by Messrs Steddy snd Skipper, that lube recommended to the Conference to advocate that there should be no State. Income Tax on the natural Increase or stock until realised. Carried. ! Moved by Messrs. Findlay an* ' Slmms. that the Conference advocate Ihe abolition of the restriction' ' Imposed nrier the 24 amendment In ! rccsrd to partnerships J Moved by Messrs Curler nn! Hirst, that th'r- Conference consider* the advisability of the employment of Inspectors of cruelty to attend at shearlnc sheds of members of the AKenrlmlon. fnrrlerf. The meetlne cln«M with a Tote , of thanks to the Chairman. I