Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875), Monday 22 October 1860, page 3



(From the Weekly Empire )

Tita Jtdy Mooting was stronger than usual. Walloon again opened his mouth at the end of half-a-milo, but con-trived to separate Dictator and Knight of the Thistle ; and in tho Stamford Plato Satellite had an enormous advantage, na Seclusion gave bim a yoar and ran him at oven weights, and Stampedo had a pretty good Loger trial, by receiving only four ponnds from him. Tho Ciiestorflold Stakes pro-duced a wondrous flnii.li between Touch-me-not, Copernicus, and Oynlo, scarcely a neck separating: the three ; and that deserving jockey, Teddy Sharpe, on tho winner. Tho ele-ments and tho gont woro favourablo to Sam Rogers, and he rode oight stone four ponnds on Asteroid.

The writers who never slaakon in thoir annnnl flourishes about " Glorious Goodwood," will hnrdly care to pursue the saino line of thought another ¿car, unless things tnko a mar-vellous chango. No meeting can livo on moro pretligc Goodwood won its spurs in Die days whon added monoy was little thought of ; and those who roap tho grand stand harvest teem to oxpoot the feeling on (his point is never to roach thom. Tho griidtml_ falling off of tho ontrics has proved this to ho a groat mistake Doncaster giios about £2000 for its four days, and York and Brighton above £1600 for throo days, and why is Goodwood not to bo a matter of observation when, Queen's Pluto included, it can only serano np £8561 Tho added money onthooup day amounted to exactly one hundred pounds and yot wo hoar of no protest from tho Jockey Club, who gavo tho Doncaster Corporation no peace »hilo thoy only gavo 0110 thousand pounds, and had a Qtioon's Pluto as well. Tho first day was weak in every way, savo the Stewards' Cup, whioh Sweot

Baitce won as a ruco horse should.

Tho "Lavant" could only mustor four out rf eight j and poor Walloon, who must have had more than oiiough of it this season, tired boforo ovon his conventional hnlf-milo was out., Whon we recollect tho Gratwioko fluids wo have scon, It se'oms melancholy that nothing better than Winton and Sagitta should ho in tho first two place*. Voltigeur, who has made up leeway In the lait fow weeks, furnished Mr.

Payno with a clovor winner in tho Ham ; hut it was not ' Nat's fate to wear tho popular blaok and white strl|)os, and for tho first time for about oight-nnd-twouty years the poor fellow was an alison too. Tho Wednesday's racing wns more dispiriting than evor ; and it may bo summed np simply by saying that Bticcnnoer (who did full justico to Woolcot's competent hands) and Wallace had it their own way in thoir own rncos. We nover saw Clitohostor loak so woe-hogono as it did about sovon In tho ovening, although tho Circus hand did go round and invited the Inhabitants io drown their

caros, not in thoir.fnmous milk punch, but in a poop at the gorgeous Chinese procossion, " tho redonbtihle Jonathan Jack," and tho highly-educated hull " Don Juan." A fow ? . quiot »hito blouso .rustios hung about tho central bnttor

cross, with thoir hands in their. pockets ; and the head oonstablo stood near thom, with his baton and a most patronising Elllstonlan air, nud commanding tho four points of tba compass at a glance. Ho socmod to say, " Blois you. my agricultural friends, for your support of mo under what might have boon a trying position, and your uniform

adheranco to the OMISO ot order ;" and then ho tried harder than over to ? look overwhelmed with responsibility, as if there might bo a riot to quenah ero nightfall. Tho few visitors sealed themsolvos at orion windows looking lazily into spneo. before dinner | and a chestnut horso whioh Jibbed in its fly, and then went off gloriously at six-teen milos an hour, down the Portsmouth road, raised quita a sensation la thoir languid breasts. Uenoo, although tlioro was not tho goldon harvest of the Goodwood days of old waring in the Holds, and the Bonham Crook did look rathor like a dismal swamp, a long five milos of luvol rond to our pastoral locale was a happy oxchango for that city of tho dead. How different things seamed lo ho, in connec-tion with Goodwood, to what they ware eighteen years ago. Thirty horses from tho houso stables evory day rondy for Sam Rogers, in the yollow and tho red cap with gold tnssul, or tho sky bino i Robinson, John Day, senior nnd Junior, lilli Scott, Job MAI-SOU, and Butler, all Healing In ; tho Mar-tinis ol'Wntorlbrd, with his pnrty, nnd his foiir-iii-hnml drag driving up from Dognor | tho Marquis of<Westminster and Mr. A. Joliiistouo strolling about tho bonjh In tho ovoning, tho form« swcot on hm Marm Day, mid the latter talking with auch f.ilth and hopo of hi« 300(1 billin n |mrL'alti for Charlot tho Twelfth, mid tho rvnlisnttoii ol' lils Indian drouin of coming homo nnd Inning" tho host homo

lu tho world."

But onongh ot the past. Clilclmsloi- lind rubbed Its oyes, und thoroughly brightened np hy ten o'clock next

moraine while- tlie'roadiMe- inn»! were quite Irr holiday


let-or diiV fosti>rtls otv«le J""4 ¡n their trops, withinoU

CZwTX:r r^A^ui-» of thlir heartàby

on their Horses 'ju»" » . . h rt M w0 roslC(i among

heir, sides. «^»P^.""^«, ."rfiice of the Goodwood

MU C&ât taÄ-SSe««2»to race of men. They

Xd «'e'Aotce» t! be.flcecojl on. the om..lhus,'«nd Jong Ù.e field path we came, pausing under the, cool shade oí'tbelimos noir the house, tolook over some of tio Southdoini fjws of his Ornoo, and havo a chat with his haul

shenherd It ¡"just eighteen years ago since wo dined in ?héPold Tennis Court, at the iheep shearing, a few weeks Wh», nharlesi X11, and Hylius ran their match,' and hoard

thl then Bhop of OUelwUr and the then « Archdeacon " Manning,Ant upon fleeces and labourers.' The.flock

Mnsiats of some 3S00, about 2400 oí whioh aro annuaJly iT3,r to the clinning-stools, and about .80 tups are lot

S^rTI*. S pr¡« tup-»t Warwick got spr,ely

ahaSn in the railway, coming back-from-Colonel Kings

Ä and Ingold bin'e told me that, to his great sorrow,

thev could not train him for Canterbury. . I

R^inblorwas sheotcd and gone when wo omergodjrom

?hn wlvJ avnnuo. and then came the Zotland -takes, whioh

wa. A.Ä*IV Zetland os ho felt betted Änd£UO, and send Ftislleor, Vhom. he beLeics to¡bo the Wv worst' horse he ever hod m his stable. Johnny

Osborne seemed to think that tney wpuiu ,oe

p^ruiT for eior from that data . and ho give n?m a most vigorous shake, when the níoin, heavy-headed bruto .would gSexaoÜy the wrong way Back to scale. Tro valore is a neat filly, with no great scope for improvement. Tho «Bentinok Memorial» for two j cara old, »gam proved tho luckwhlch attends haying a stud of racers in «i lot ¿s something good always turns up. Knight of Kars and Gildermero «ave both shown us that verylately,. and BOW Mr. Henry teoohói" tFo'samo fact throu»h Vorgiss mir Nioht. Ho ¡7a lteht-neokod, level-topped horse, with a peculiarly corky stop. Big Ben reminded" us of a teaùam T¡*T of Life-boat andlfshermnn, and will be all the better of rest forathno. ¿night of St. Patrick is a good deal biggor than hi. siro, andhis forehand resembles bim not a'littJe. When h« fills allovef, aud gets hw crest up for a stallion, he will be remarkably lofty and' handsome. Sister to Rosalio was a trifle Ioadod towards tho quarters. E-bonn« -as the yokels call her-was not n nice meier j and Tuocioiaabii-framod animal, and we should «jink very moderate, ft soomed hard to fancy that this oould be the Goodwood Cup day, and horsos coming out morely in couples for the Racing and Triennial. -There vrns more to soo'for the Molecomb, but we know not bow it was, when Diophantus's winning seemed clear to nearly every ono pise, Sam on Dr. Nichol, had not the remotest idea what had won, and kept asking all the way back te.seale. Goorgo Hall (who genorally takes ohargo of tho Wantage oraok; and gives suoh .remarkably short answers as ho leads them-through London) was the

mon _ in _ possession ot ¿.amito x.uo _ ouuaum,

is ono_ of_ those two_ Rataplans, who nero sold at Doncaster last year, tho ono for SI Ot guineas, and the other, Kettle-drum, for 400 guineas. Thero is a great deal of Rataplan about him, both in his dnrk colour nnd his build, and bis barro!, as you look at him broadside. Hie tail, howovor, is not put on so low, and' whon von get in front of bira, you don't like him, end long for rather more spring of tho rib. Dlophantus had a very large ring after his victory, and if bo only grows and thickens, we lime soen nothing moro Dorby-fike this yoar. , His quality is ospeclallv grand, and ni. quarters and shouldors ovoryth'ug to bo desirod,'but at present he lacks bono, and'there is not

very much to grow out of. i i r I i » ' ? ' ^ v

But tho sight of Mr. Ton Broook anil , Fordham] going down to the lilli side, told us that the Americans.wero about to form a saddling ring, and off wo wont. Tins was tko prettiest bit of the day, and the spectator« swarmed Uko bees on the sido of the hill abovOv Tom Bajera out of; respect to Koorian and the Republic, wns of course in the. ring, watching the operation of triokling ,water Qvor the ohesnul's nose With great solemnity and attention. Wo' nover say/- Tom look better, and, certainly, he Is a model of make, and becomes hi» white castor right wo|l.,' In the early part of the afternoon ha walked vory lame, an t had' to ease his log sa much that ho scorned almost paralitlo on the left side, but it woro off with exercise. Optimist waa Baddled outsldo the ring, but ho was senroely notiacd..

Nothing could ho finer than Starko's coat. "No Prioress,

rourrh-drvine there, hut still wo gsoldom looked ovor]

a commoner horse than i bo was at ' York liiitj jonr, and the framo was still pretty nearly the! same with a very shiny oont on it. ' Horror wns stones heavier than lie was at Ascot, and they liavo dono wisely to ease him, and not preparo*bim for tina raco. 'His running to-day was moroly an oxoroiso gallop, not very well done as , far as action went, and may be safely passed over In any ' Yorkshircman's calculations. Butterfly's tail went hs of yoro ; and John Scott seoms to have taken in a stitch for Sweotsnuco behind the loins, and his peculiar build is not nearly so obsorvahlo as it was ; in fact, he has thickened, and looks remarkably useful ; but Promised Land cheated thousands over this ^ory race last year into a belief that ho was a marvellous ¿tay or. r Northern Light has lengthened and improved vary muoh s'neo the toison began. Hq'l* in tho Great Yorkshire with Wallace, 8ir William,'Syrhigo, The Wizard, and Sobrour, and when wo also find his name along with Sweotsauee, Stampedo, Umpiro, St. Albans, Wizard, and Sabreur in tho St. Logor, tho Donoastor p opio hnvo ¿very reason to bojío for ft humper meeting. Dundoo and Neighbour woro what we most looked for among tbo Findon horses. Tho latter was ono of the very nicest twoyear-oUs we have seen this jaar, and sadly disappointed tho Stissox peoplo woro nt his i'.l success. Ho has tho hoad and oolour of Rupee, with tho oxaot strong quarters and tall ol' his brother Nutbourno. Dundoo docs not tako our faoy \ery nilton. Thoro is none of tho over-top of his siro, but ho will somehow giro u. a moro " Two Thousand " notion, nnd there he omis. We thonght very differently of Musjld whan wo first osplod him saddling at A Boot. Brown Duohoss looked as if she girthed a good deal moro than she did in tho Spring but site wa. not iii a vary lively mood, and whon no wore, of courso, expecting a glorious finish, distance Just gave his bay one shake, and ho walkod right oat from tho party. Damascus was noat, longthy, and small-Just tho sott of animal William Day can wind up in his peculiar sty lo for ona great handicap ; and thora was no mistaking Nowminstor In Nemesis. But wo had no pationco to wait for the last mee, and tho last thing wa saw of tho meeting was Wells Jumping up behind Manning on to his pony, and cantering off to dinner-tho first timo, perhaps, that mortal over looked at tho samo trainor and rider of two Dorblos in succession mounted on tho solf

snmo boast.