Register (Adelaide, SA : 1901 - 1929), Tuesday 10 July 1917, page 7


Tne value of artesian and snhartesian bores as a factor in the development of the pastoral industry cannot be overestimated,'d nobody realises more fuDv than do*

ax.-B. Juaman tne- great importance o£ the part which they are playing. 1 have often asserted,' he remarked in the course1 of a chat on Monday, 'that deep-well boring will be the saving of Australia, and every month fresh evidence of thp soundness of my conrtctionsJs being provided: One frequently oeass the observation that 'Kidman never improves his leases.'- How iar that- is frotn being in accora with fact is a. simple matter tp prove. _, ? .... f ? ? .. . _? ''/.?'? '?? — Numerous Borea--', {? 'I hold a number of leaseholds in 600^1 Austraha, New South-Wales,:and Queensland, and contend tiat I have done more to open up tbe back country than anybody else. Baring the 'drought, and, indeed; for the last two or .three years, I have bad Messrs. Johnston Brothers boring on Macumba and Mundowdna Stations, ih' South lAustralia; Mr. DuMoulin ako las been'ibonm on .iMnndowdna; :Mr. D. *Me-; Iptttt jS OpttVCIBK Oil ' SsDQT19^D«UD Stt^OBf Queensland; anTMeasrs. Martin 406. are engaged on Clyde Station, in. the nortlr* eastern State. Only recently we struck a flowsof 4^00,000 sallons of water a day in No. 5 bore on Sandringham— the largest flow, I think, in Australia- About two yean ago the Queensland Government gave me an extension of my Western Queensland leaseholds on the cpnditioni that I spent a certain amount on improvements on. the various lenses. To date we have struck five flows on 6andringham,' and the contractor has started on tbe sixth bore. Messrs. Johnston Brothers recently struck a flow at Macumba Station at a depth of 1200 ft, and axe now working on the fifth bore. The Macumba leases were idle for about SO' yean previous to my .taking them up, and now the property is the best watered run in the north: Peake Station, owned by the Peake Pafr toral Company,-of which lam one of the directors, bas three or four splendid flows. There are also two good bores on Mundowdna. -' ,' ?..'.' .. ?' '' ' : ': ? ' '.- -; '— Costfy-,Work.— '.- .. ?'? v 'Lart monthl viritedJ the first bora that has been- put down oh: Clyde,- Station (Qneensknd)u The men nave been working on this bore for almoit two yetw. ana. are fikery. to strike water any day. -There js alto a food bore on Salisbury Downs Station (N.S.W.), trhich is owned by Kidman A Anglit8vv It coits from £2,000 to: ?^4,000 to pot dowri a Iran. Casing is; now '.more.-' than . double the H price two yeanT ago, aid' the ?) rauage and cartage '.by 'camel '. teams to some of' the '.stations makes the. enterprise very expensive. For. camel carriage the cwingibas to be cut-in 13-ft. fcngths, and .often has '.to: be carted' several nun-' dred miles. A good idea of what the flow is luce from some of the bores Ts conveyed by these ' photographs. ' The . water ' that comes' from- the bores is. hot, and provides anmnmt .creek for 30 miles. In one instance then', is, a creek nearly 50 mfles. long from ajb^re. . Rishes; and warions kmds of 'frassts. often grow_ wbere .the bore water flows.. I uhnkbonng is enential to guard againet 'a drought, 'aid several bores on a station represent a great benefitvto flie stedc.' ? ??.;?:? v . —Wild Dogs and Proof Fences.— - Then Mr. Kidman's attention was directed to correspondence which has appeared recently in newspapers with reference to wild, dogs and dogproof fences erected by owners and lessees m the north. "I have heard a great deal of talk on that subject,' he said; 'especially from one-quarter, some persons, by-the-way, write a lot about dogproof fences, and nave never seen one. I think I have seen more of these than mosttpeople. Mr. Peter Waite, I notice, has been referring to one dogproof fence. I know the Murnpeowie fence, and I, am prepared to say that unless it has been imp proved very much during the last couple of years, it is frail compared with the dog-, oroof fences that nave been erected m Queensland and New South Wales. For instance, Caiwanro Station,' on the -Paroo, owned by ithe Belalie Pastoral Company, in which I am interested, has a- splendid dogproof fence. On my return journey from^Qneensland last month; I .travelled' alpine Queendaad-New SoutJv/Wales jbrder fence, which has been erected, by. the lessees m western New South Wales, and I am sure it wul ston any dog from getting- through, for it is strong and substantial.. The posts are 0 ft. high, and the structure is the best dogproof fence I nave seen in Australia. The Mumpeowie, or, indeed, any nf the dogproof fences m the Farioa and Hoy-« daitrict*, oamwt be compared with it. - The dogs have been a greai' mwaoce, and I have known some «quatters who have had to turn theJr.sheep atations into cattle properties. While coming from Bulloo Downs « week or two ago iSaw five dog* on one sudhfll at midday. If aB QiSb squatters would do as I do^-pay any of the men £3 for every scalp .they can get-it would encourage the men to. try and catch the dogs. I make no, exceptions between dogs and oups. I have done this o» SaMbW Downs, Bootra,' Yantajv ««d Mount Poole Stations -for a.the^ last .18 months, and if- everybody did likewae we would toon get rid of ftedoa./ We have marked 80 per cent; of Iambs onnMount Poole tins yearJT . i'-. ,.--.' v \