Healesville and Yarra Glen Guardian (Vic. : 1900 - 1942), Saturday 2 May 1936, page 3

Healesville Shire Council (Continued from front pege) HALL MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE. Inquiries are being made as to the best means of excluding birds' from" ventilators. To'enable all committee members to be present a meeting will be held next week, when consideration will be given to. proposals submitted. for extending the .hall.-Adopted. SANCTUARY COMMITTEE. An offer has been received from Captain Baker, of Larpent, near Co-lac to obtain from hls property kan-garoos for the sanctuary. He sug-gested early arrangements being made to capture some eight or ten still available. The committee re-commends the council to send a truck and J. Harris to Larpent to assist in the capture and care of the animals. Mr. Lewis, of the Fisheries and Game department, advises that he is endeavoring to obtain from Mr. Earn-shaw's property at Euron some wal-labies, and native companions from Mr. Loche, of Violet Town. The com-mittee recommends that as soon as these specimens are available arrangements be made for their transport to Healesville. The committee recommends that Miss E. I. Moreland be granted the right to sell refreshments, etc., at the sanctuary kiosk for a further twelve months, at existing rental. Account recommended for payment -T. Tuckfield. 13/3/2. Sanctuary employes have been directed to submit, before next meeting details of duties performed and hours worked, when the matter will be considered. The committee recommends. that the council approve a proposal for the erection of a series of enclosures in ring-lock cyclone netting, on lines submitted by Mr. Eadie, at an esti-mated cost of £40. Mr. Eadle has been empowered to obtain the 200 posts necessary, which will he delivered to the site for 1/- each.-Adopted; recommendations approved: account. passed. POUNDKEEPER'S REPORT. Mr. Cornish reported that no stock had been impounded.-Received. The president and other councillors complained strongly about the prevalence of wandering stock, and the secretary was instructed to bring th3 matter under the ,'fficer's notice. FINANCIl COMMITTETE. Clainm' by , 'Conroy for '.i/7/10. alleged 'to hoe due to him as differonce between rate under Federated Municipal Council Employes' Union award and 17/7 per day claimed, Recommendation. that. the council accept no liability. Appointment of prosecuting officer. Recommendation, that councll ascertain if Sen!or-constable Slatter Is willing to accept the appointment at a retaining fee of £12/12/- per annum. Accounts for payment.- C.R.B.. £258/10/8; general, £583/16/0, subi ject to funds 'being available. -Adopted; recommendations approved; accounts passed, LATE LETTERS. Country Roads Board, advising clos ure of Healesville-Alexandra, Hcslesvilloe-Voorl Yallock .and HealesvilleKlinglake roads'against certain traffic during the winter.-Rceilved. Senator Brand, that he would beain mind couhcil's, desires regarding petrol tax.-Iteceived, -C, \lWest, folpermlsslanl to remove gutil tree fl'om"Bi lidgdi Caelek road. said to be dangerous.to the oublie.Granted, :tunder-.president's supervislon .GENERI.AL GENERI.AL BUSINESS. . On the motionl of Ors. Dawborn andl Fancett, the secretary is to ascertain from Railways dlepartbmnt whether councili was being granted the promised one-third rebate on rail freight of animals consigned to the sanctuary, These applications were granted:1I. J. McCarthy, erection of motor gairageo Il Fernshaw road; W, Law jnr., erectlin of petrol pump,

At the instance of Crs. Hill and I Kay report to be obtained from State SElectricity Commission regarding best means of improving lighting at Castella street corner; also, loose metal at side of road to be removed, to make corner safer for traffic. Secretary to report on action to be taken regarding closure of certain roads, and to ascertain if Tudor road is a Government road. On motion of Crs. Kay and Hill, drainage near outbuildings in Queen's Park to be attended to. On the proposal of Crs. Dawborn and Kay material, on street in front of council depot to be placed in the building or the yard. Miss C. Layland to be employed as typiste for three weclks during secretary's vacation, on motion of Crs. Dawborn and Fancett. A number of by-laws, notice of motion concerning which had been given by Cr. Mowlo, were passed, Cr. Mowle also gave notice of motion for confirmation of by-laws agreed to at this meeting,