Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875), Friday 26 February 1858, page 3


{From the Argiu.)


Yesterday afforded by far tbo boat sport ns yet durln the present meeting. The weather wasoooler, and tb attendance considerable. <

Alice Hawthorne seems onoe more destined to mah an impression upon the moro exoitablo portion of th community. That she never was in better order i manifest. Nothing could bo finer than the style i which sha won the groat handicap ; so much so, thc those who, n short time since, were blowing hot and col upon her, aro now beginning to be onoe moro loud i their admiration. Some,indeed,among the reilly know ing ones, never lost their oonfidonco in the gallant gre] and, from nil that appears, they have had no reason t regret the faot.

iflatcatcher, it will be seen, bas boen scratched thrbug every race, greatly to tho chagrin of some, and perhap tho justifiable astonishment of mare. It is singular tim tho wern er of such verdant laurels Bhoulil be willing t let them . fade, or bo forgotten so,soon.. The turf, how over, it would apponr, bas its mysteries.

Hose of May is giving a good account oMierself, raoin second for the handicap, and wiuning the Consolatio


.Orphan attracted a good deal of attention. Ho look

like a reliable horse.

The Selling Stakes fell to Caledonia.

Fusilier won the Junior Stakes with perfect ease.' ?

We take this opportunity of. remarking on the grec inconvenience caused by-the riders of horses .using dil ferent distinguishing colours from thoso annonncec Many angry comments were made on the matter yes terday. , '.


Of 200 soys., with a sweepstakes of 16 sovs., br £ forfeit only if declared on the 12th February. Tw miles and a quarter. A winner of any race of the vaia of £100 subsequent to the publication of tho weights t carry öll>. extra.

Mr. A. Chirnside'* gr. m. Alico Hawthorne, aged. Ont 101b. . " (Hogg).. . . .

Mr. Milrick'soh. m.ItoseofMay,fiyrs.,89t.21h(nolines) . . Mr. Yeend'a oh. g. Ooldflmler, aged, 7sL 121b. (1. Hutton)

The following also started :

Mr. Keighrans h. g. Mosstrooper, «gail, Oat. 41b. (otrnor)

Mr. Kelly'* b. m. Oreen Linnet, S yrs., Sit. 81b. (Monaghan)

Grookford, Haphazard, Platcatcher, and lSathershlnej wot


Ooloflniler went off with the lead, olnsoly waited o by Alico Hawthorne, the rest well up. Goldflnder he) the lead passing tho stand, Alico being second, Rose c May third, Linnet fourth, and Mosstrooper last. At th corner the mare challenged, soon oaught Goldfindoi and went to the front, evidently with the intention ' keeping there. At tho straight running, Rose of Mn caught Goldflnder, and a good race home ensued, in bo winning second place. Alice landed easily, and nc touobed; Goldflnder third; Mosstrooper broke dowr Time, 4 minutes 27 seconds.


Of not less than 100 sovs. Entrance, ö sovs. Twi miles. Weight for age: 2 yrs. old, a.feather; 8 yrB, Sst. ; 4 yrs., Dst. 71b. ; 8 yrs,, lOst. ; 0 yrs. and aaec lOst. 41b. A winner of any race of the valuo af JCIOI during tho present meeting to enrry Mb. extra.

Mr. Henderson's b.g. Orphan, aged (Waldook) . . " . Mr. Powell's b.g. Warhawk, 4 yrs. (T. Hatton)

Tim following started l.ut were not placed :. Mr. Qonloy'a b.g. Minto, 5 yrs. (Murphy)

Mr. Greenaway'* hr.g. Som Slick, aged (J. Smith) Mr. Kraior'a h.g. Van Tromp, ngod (8. Mahon) Mr. Lang's h.h. Cooramill, «god (owner).

Alice Hawthorne, Haphazard, Koronohg, Touchstone Fla'ontcher, and Vain Hopo did not start.

Orphan took the lead at starting, the rest lying to gether. Orphan still led past tho stand with Van Tromp whom some appearod to think quite in his right place second. Tho same order opposite, and till near the bill where Warhawk, well ridden, went up and out manoeuvred the Dutchman, who remained third ii honours. Orphan wan with ease, Warhawk ft gooi 'seoond, beating Van Tromp prettily. Minto was fourth

Run in 3 min. 00 sea.


Of 100 sovs. Entrance, 0 sovs. . One and a hal mile. Weight for age: 2 yrs. old, a feather; 3 yrs. 8st. 21b.; 4 yrs., Ost. 01b. ; 5 yrs., lOst. ; 0 yrs. and aged lOst. 41b. Horses entered to be sold for ¿1C0, al lo wei 41b:; for £100, allowed Sib.; for £80, allowed 141b.; foi £50, allowed 211b. ; for £3'J, allowed 281b. The winne: to be sold by auction after the raoe, and any snrplui over tho stated prioe to go to the fund. Any borsi catered and run, and not priced, may ba claimed by tbi Stewards for £100, whether he be tho. winner or other


Mr. Watson's b. g. Caledonia, aged . . (J. Smith) ' Mr. Yeend'* eh. g. Chance, aged . . (T. Hutton) :

The following also started :

Mr. Tollltt'a h. g. April Fool, 0 yours (Hayes)

Mr. Lisio'* br. g. Mnradoo, fi yours (Monaghan) Mr. Orr's b. g. Yankoo, ugocl jS. Mahon) Mr. E. Bow'* b. g. Troa* (Huímos)

Mr. Lang's bl. g. Maglo, à yoars (owner).

A capital start was etfeoted, April Fool taking the lend tho rest all of a hoap, and Cnlodonlt going-tip to tilt corner, ot which point Smith took first place, and main tained it ngainst .Mngio, who. raced hard after. Tin same order to opposite the Btnnd, Chance lying well up nod third under tho hill. Young Hutton pushed .hit horse, and raced in first-rate stylo into the strnighl running, at wbioh point a cloud of dust for n moment oi two obscured the course. Caledonia emerged first Chance seoond, and.Yankeo nppearod corning up a good third. Smith won a sharp struggle; by about hiilf t length, the ohesnut second, and Yankoo third. Time,

2 min. 68 seos. ' '


Of 100 Bovs. Entrance, 0 soys. For 2 and 3 years old. Weight for ago : 2 years, 0 st. 3 lb. ; 3 years, 8 st. 0 lb. 1 mile. Ä winner of any race uf tho value of £100 to carry 3 lbs. extra; of any two such races, 0 lbs. extra. No allowance to mnrcB or geldings.

Mr. Oanloy'sh. g. ViuIIIor, 3 years . . (J. Smith) 1 Mr. D.D. Clark's b.c. Union Jack, 0 years . (Uroadbont) il

The following started, but wore nat placed :

Mr. Chirnside'* b. g. Partisan. 3 yoars, hy Dolapre (Waldook) Mr. Bathe'sTu). o. Pakonham, 3 year* (Thompson) -. Mr. LIBIO'B bl. f. Gartow Lass, 3 yoars (Crook)

Mr. Vunoo'a b. f. Morourlu, 3 yours, hy Quloksltvor (T.Haynoa) Tricolor and Vain Hopo wera saratohod.

Pakenham lcd, and with Union Jack and Partisan, raced to tho hill, whero the three foll nearly togotbor. Fin-i-lier now went up, passed nil bis horses, and won nfl ne rnoo.by barely n length, benting Uniun Jack and Pultonham, the latter a bail third. Run in 1 minute 08



Of 100 sovs. Entrance, 0 sovs. Ono milo and a half.

Post entry.

Mr. Mllrlek'* HOBO of May, Dst. (Waldoak) . . .1 Mr. Lang's Mugio, Dst. (owner) . . . . a

The following started, but were not placed:Mr. Kov'a Modosty. Wat. 4 lb. (8. Mahon) Mr. Yobnd's OoliMndor, Dst. (Garrott)

Mr. Simons'* Vain Hopo, a fouthor (Cartor).

This was a very beautiful race. Modesty.got nfl" with a stroDg lead, Magia sacond, Goldflnder third,'and Ros« of May fourth. Vain Hope was nowhere. Modesty kept tho lend to tho distanoe, at which point Lang went up with Maglo in beautiful style, passed'tho grey, but Recording to his inveterate habit, Magia almost immedi-ately swerved right against' lior, nnd took tho inside. This gave Rose of May a chance,'and Waldook, who was riding to admiration, came" up, raced for a stride or two ngainBt Mngio and Modosty, and won a splendid raoo by nbout n ii co lt, Mnsiu being Booonil, Modesty third, and Goldflnder a bad fourth. Vain Hopo was distanced,