Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875), Monday 7 December 1857, page 1

STEAM TO MANLY BEACH.-From Sydney, kt 10 a.m" 9, and 7 p.m. ; From Manly Beach, at half-past 8; 19 a.m., and fl p.m., calling at Woolloomooloo, Bay. «? WATSON'S BAY.-From Sydney, every evening, Tv. and Watson's Bay, for Sydney, at 9, every morning, pbanix Wharf, 7th December. 1857. 3834

STEAM TO BRISBANE WATER THIS (MondayJ MORNING-, at 8 ; re taming at 3 p.m. ; ' also, on FRIDAY. Pheonix Wharf, 7th December. 1857. 3835 STEAM TO TWOFOLD BAY.-The ILLAWARRA, for . MERIMBULA AND EDEN, on THURSDAY next, tbe lOlh ; returning the following TUESDAY,

jinnie Wharf, 7th December, 1857. .? 3833

PARRAMATTA STEAMERS. - From Sydney, at 0 a.ra., and l'lö and 4 p.m. From Parramatta, at 8 and ll a.m.; 4 p.m. From Eyde, 7.40 a.m.; retaining at 6 p.m.

On Sundays :

From Sydney at 0 a.ra. From Parramatta at 4 p.m.

'" Phoenix Wharf, November 9ib. . 2836


HAVEN.-To WOLLONGONG,, every Monday, Tuesday, and Priday night ; on Thursday, at 8 a.m.;: and Saturday, at lp.m.

To KIAMA, on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday, at ll p.m.,

«nd oo Thursday, at 8 a.m. ; , ,

To SHOALHAVEN, on Tuesday and Friday, at ll p.m.

Pbosnix Wharf, 30th November. 2837

STEAM TO THE HUNTER AND -, CLARENCE TOWN, WILLIAMS RIVER.-The PATERSON, for MOR , PETH, THIS MORNING, at 8 o'olock. Tba HUNTER, -tor MORPETH, TO-MORROW rTaesdav) EVENING, at ll o'clock. She will also receive cargo (only) for CLARENCE TOWN, WIL-LIAMS .RIVER DISTRICT. TILMOUTH F. DYE, Manager. . H. B. N. S. N. Company's Whari, foot of liarket-street, December 7,1857. : , 3705



DAY, at ll. - .




TO-MORROW ( Tuesday J EVENING, at 9.


December, at 0 p.m..


December, at ll p.m..

1800 v JAMES PATERSON. Manager.

STEAM FROM MELBOURNE TO LON-DON.-Tbe A.A.S.C. Company's splendid Clipper Steamship ISTANBOUL, J. E. -.- --=Cole,., Esq., commander, 1356 ,tons egister, having completed her repairs, will proceed leif week to Melbourne to take the berth for LONDON,

or whioh port she will be despatched about the end of December. Intending passengers from here will have is opportunity of inspecting the spacious accommoda ions of this vessel previous to her departure. For arther particulars, apply to KIRCHNER AND CO., igentB. Sydney, November 37th, 1857. 3287

THE EUROPEAN AND AUSTRALIAN ROYAL MAIL COMPANY'S Ste.m ahip EUROPEAN, of 2380 tons, 530 horse-power, William Parfitt, Esq., oom under, (carrying her Majesty's mails,), will .be erpatched fer Sues, calling at intermediate ports, on B1DAY, Uth December, at noon,

ins lov Passim, including expense of transit

through Egypt, butexoluiive of Wines, Spirits, Ales, fte. ..... ? . , ..'j..


ngia Barth tn a : State-room In Poop, or Main Deok, Oot

?Me Kanga . V ...... 9 »| Itto ditto ditto, Inalda rang«, or

la centre Btala-rooma . » ... 7 7|

Single State-rooms with four berths charged extra.

Children under'three years, if not occupying a berth, ie (except the cost of transit through Egypt) ; from ree td ten years, half fare if two in a berth-if each cupying a berth, two-thirds tar«. European servants, ilffare. Native Indian servants, one-third fare.

The rates of passage include Steward's Fees, Bedding id Linen,' -together -with attendance ,of experienced ile and female servants.-An experienced Surgeon on »rd of eaoh ship. . . >

First-class passengers will be allowed 3 cwt. of per-nal baggage free of freight. -

Merchandise cannot be carried nuder the nama ol ;gage','and Parcels Tor different Consignees collected d made up in single paokages, addressed to one party r delivery in England, or any of the intermediate »ts, fdr the purpose of evading the payment of freight, ll incur the riBk of seizure - by the Customs' au»

orities. ? ?" -i"'

The Company will not be accountable for gold, silver, illion,' specie, jewellery, precious atones, or metal, iless fully described and value deolared.

Arrangement« for freight of specie, deliverable at the ink of England, can be made on application at the impahy's Office, No. 1, Margaret-street.

Boxes should be strongly made, with elm ends, lined th tin, and must be sealed over tape in countersunk les, also provided with an iron hoop at each end.


E. and A. R, M. Company's Offloe, 1, Margaret-street.

r 2665


Ejfi^ iTO LISMORE, NORTH ARM.-The Schooner

3§sX HENRY, now receiving cargo. For freight or «sage, apply to the CAPTAIN, on board, at the oiflovWharf; or, to WILLIAM WRIGHT, 28, Bath it-street.!. 3126a

fe^ ; FOR PORT CURTIS AND THE FITZROY |J$|,'RIVER, calling at MORETON BAY.-The jt-ija' fine, 'Al clipper; Sohooner UNCLE TOM, ptain Lake, 'ia now-loading, and will be'despatched mediately. Goods intended for' Ipswioh will be ?warded-on > by the River steamer. Breadalbane, ss nally] < For freight or passage, apply to H. TOWNS

W CO. » . . . 3342 -i.-,:rf ;, ?:_;_:-_

' FOR GEELONG DIRECT. - A Regular Trader.-The dipper Schooner EAGLE, W. _ Marr, commander, will 'have . immediate des-to». ' For freight or passage, apply, to MOLISON <D BLACK, Macquarie-plaoe ; or, to E. M. SAYERS, irt Phillip Paoket Office, 177, George-street. 2003

3gK FOR MELBOURNE DIRECT.-For Passage jffijSj only.-Tho favourite Barque MONARCH, ssS George Kelly, commander, will have immediate spatoh."1 Saloon, £6 5s,; steerage, £9 IO». Apply to M. BAYERS, Port Phillip Paoket Office, 177, George

?ee'l >? - ?_ 3817


The Sohooner ELISABETH ANN, having gssS undergone a completo overhaul, ia loading at 3 Grafton Wharf, and will bo dispatched within a few rs, full or not:full. For freight,or passage, apply to iIDLEY, IRELAND, AND CO., 913, George-street.

? ? ? . 3520


nnmara's Wharf. The favourite Paoket Brig EMMA. Shippers are requested to corapldte ipmenta and send in bills of lading for [nature by 12 o'clock on Wednesday, to enablo her to ar.at tho Customs, as the vessel will positively >ceed to BOB on THURSDAY. ' assengers are re sated to inspect her excellent cabin and steerage jomrnodatlons, wh^oh are first-class, hiving a soparnte liei'u cabin, and providing beda, bedding, wines, inls, tko., and having been purchased expressly for the Ison trade, will be kept replete with every oomfort. r freight or passage, apply immediately to the CAPTAIN board ; or, S. A. JOSEPH, Margaret-street, who will nappy to afford every information to intending

dgrantij * 379J

i .?? ? ????? .. : 8HIPPINQ. - . :.:?. ? -'.

FOE OTAGO DIRECT.-A regular trader. The fine dipper Brig CONTENT, WO toni ggggg register, John Robertson, commander, will'

meet with quiok d«apetob. For freight or peerage,, .pplv to Captain ROBERTSON, on board, at the Grafton Wharf; or, to BUYERS AND LEARMONTH, Char. lotte-plaoe._ , _._3008 VJ, FOR FEEJEES, FRIENDLY ISLANDS, AND

?3¡m$&, SAMOA_The first-class Schooner EUDORUS. ffi^giyjgrFor freight or passage, apply to Captain SEAMAN, on board, at Moore's Wharf; er, to JAMES MALCOLM AND CO.. 153. Giwae-street. .1185

FOR t'ORT-AU-FKANCE. NEW CALE-DONIA.-The fine Brig TRITON, of about 200 _tons, Captain Davidson, now loading at Erskine street tfbarf, will sail on or about TUESDAY. For rates of passage or freight, apply to MONTEFIORE, MURPHY, AND CO., Exohange-corner. 0000 .a&rfe, FOR HONG KONG.-The fast sailing Barque

íttggSS» i CRISHNA will tail about the 10th instant. SHSSäi For freight or passage, apply to R. T. FORD, Sydney Exchange. ? . "3680 ,aaa, FOR BATAV1A..*-Ther. Ship .. HARVEST SISS^ HOME, Captain Wright, will sail on, or about aBWE the 8th insUnt.' : For' freight < or 'passage; apply to the Commander, on ? boards et--Willis's Wharf ; or, to GEORGE A. LLOYD AND CO. . . 3634

FOR MAURITIUS DIRECT. - The .fine Barque BB LL A. VISTA, J. G. Thomas, oom. X mander, will ssil for the above port on TUES AY" MORNING next, and offers a very, favourable opportunity for passengers, and for parties wishing, to ship specie, as she made the last run up in 30 days. Accommodations for passengers are very good ; . beds, bpdding, eco. found free oi extra charge. Apply to MACNAMARA, SON, AND CO., Wharf, Windmill, street. , 386»

FOR CALCUTTA.-The A 1 clipper ship, MONICA, 1404 tons o. m., J. Jaokson, oom. _mander, to sail about loth instant. "For freigBt or passage apply on board the ship in the Cove, to Captain JACKSON; or, to WILLIS, MERRY AND CO., Rntt's Whsrf. : . . .;; 2315a

FUR LONDON.-To sail 0th January, 18158.

LA HOGUE, 1300, tons, John Williams/

_commander, will sall as above. For'plans of f cabin-, freight, fice., apply to Captain Williams, 'oh board, at Circular Quay ; or, ,to GILCHRIST, WATT,

AND CO., 1, Margnret-street, _ 3831' -<VK. FOR LONDON.-With immediate despatob.

-The splendid clipper Ship LIGHT OF THE i^^^n AGE, 1200 tons register, S MoBeath, com. mander, is now well advanced in loading, land is re* ceiving wool at shippers' option, at the Circular Quay]; or. Marsden and Co's. Woolshed. This fine vessel offers an excellent opportunity to first and second cabin passen gers. An experienced Surgeon accompanies the ship. Apply to GILCHRIST, WATT, AND CO., 1, Margaret street.' ? 8833

FOR LONDON.-The Al 13 years Ship

K>flK*à VIMEIRA, 1037 tons, J. B. Swanson, oom Tr^r&E mander, will sail on the 15th December. For freight of wool, or passage, cabin or steerage!. apply to Captain SWANSON, on board; or to BENJAMIN BUCHANAN AND CO., 31, Maeqaarie-place: Will be followed by the new Ship DUNCAN DUNBAR, Henry Neatby, commander, to sail-10th February. Both'ves-

sels carry surgeons. _ 1665. j VVV FOR' CORK DIRECT.-To Passengers to

]IKZB3Ê> Ireland.-The fine fast sailing Colonial Clipper ilBCjjga Barque ACACIA, 400 tons, James Haslingdon, commander, under engagement to sail for Antwerp on the 38th of December, can take a few cabin and steerage passengers to be landed at Queenstown. The accommo-dations of this swift little vesie) are not surpassed in any Bhip of ber size,'and passengers are .guaranteed a liberally found table-and every necessary convenience. For passage only, apply on board ; or, to MULLEN DORFF, NAHMER, AND CO., 16, Maequarie.place.

- 3608

.WBfcL SHIP DAMASCUS. FOR LONDON.-Will y&Sfi&i Mil on THURSDAY MORNING next.-Pas. jjjajjl^S ann gura will be pleased to pay their balances to the undersigned, and to have their luggage on board on or before Wednesday. She is ? superior conveyance for gold at . low freight, and Captain Alexander ia now ready to receive same. Two cabins still' remain dis-engaged. Apply to Captain ALEXANDER, on board, Circular Quay ; or, to BRIERLEY, DEAN, AND CO., If 8, Georae-Mreet. .3713 ^ FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER.-The New Gf||^ first-o lass. Clyde-built Barque, - PRIAM, 003 @§S 'ens register, Captain P. Macfarlane. . Apply, to "Captain MACFARLANE, on board ; or, to CAIRD. PATERSON, AND CO. Agents. /. :8897

WANTED TO CHARTER, a ftrst-olass Yea. sel, for the conveyance of about 930 tons cargo, from the Mauritius to Sydney. Apply to J. GRAFTON ROSS, Manager Colonial Sugar Refining Company. Offices, 100, George-street, Sydney. ' 9570 CUTHBERTS SHIP-BUILDING YARD, DARLING


SLIP, PYRMONT, capable of talcing up Vessels of | the largest tonnage. Office, Cuthbert'a Wharf, Darling Harbour. 9031


POOL.-Captain D. B. Brown will not be respon-sible for any debts contraoted by his crew. ' 3809 WHITE STAB LINE.-SHIP BANGALORE,

- FROM LIVERPOOL-Consignees by thia ress 1

are requested to pay freight and pasa their entries for. Botta' Wharf,- The ship will not be responsible for any goods after:, they are landed, and all goods for which

entries are not passed will be landed at consignees' risk < and expense aa tb« come to hand. ?'

H.T. WILSON AND CO., Agents, No. 3, Margaret,

street, 8805


: having,- claims qr accounts, against the above ves-sel, will be pleased to furnish' them, in duplicate, THIS DAY, to the Undersigned, i Dated this 7th day of December, 1857. BRIERLEY, DEAN, AND CO., 178, George-Btreet. 0000 ROYAL SHEPHERDESS, FROM LONDON, Daniel

: Napier, commander, will discharge at Macnamara's Wharf. Consígnese are respectfully requested to pass entries and pay freight. R. T. FORD, 19, Exohante.




1 mitteo for seeuring the election of Mr. PARKES for the North Riding will meet at Mr. Kelly's, Ema Ion, THIS EVENING, at 7 o'clock, for the purpose of making arrangements for the Nomination, which takes plsoe to-morrow, at Parramatta. 0000 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF NEW SOUTH

' WALES.—The Monthly Meeting of this Society will be held in the Hall of the Australian Library, Bent-street, on WEDNESDAY, December 9th, at 8 p.m.

BUSINESS.—Election of new Members. Paper by Mr. Jevons, on the Formation of Clouds. 3826 SYDNEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE.-The

Monthly General Meeting of the Members of the' Chamber will be held on MONDAY, the 7th instant, at 3 p.m. ALEXANDER THOMSON, Secretary. Ex. ohange, 4th December, 1857. 3730

A! MONSTER MEETING by torchlight upon the

Land Question, will be held in .Wynyard-'square, on MONDAY EVENING, December 7th. Citizens I Electors I and Working Men of New South Wales, as-semble in thousands once more to petition against the gigantio Land Swindle of Squatters and Land Jobbers, .nd to inaugurate a Land Loague.

Hereditary bondmen, know yo not- .' «'.?..

Who would bs ina, theminlvsi roust strike th* blow?

Chair to be taken by HENRY PABKEB, Esq., at 7

o'oldok. . . 9307a UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH.-A Soiree

will bo held in the New United Presbyterian Church, Phillip-street, on WEDNESDAY EVENING noxt, tho 0th December, when tho Rev. Dr. Mackay, the Rev*. A. Snlmon, the Rev. 8. G. Kent, the Rev. Dr. Lang, andi the Rev. W. Slatyor, are expoated to address the meeting. Mr. Cbizlett with the ladies and gentlemen of his ¡upper class hayo kindly consented toeing several

pieqos of flaorod muslo on the occasion. Tiokets, 9s. Od. eaoh, may be had at Mr. KING'S, Market.street ; Mr. FULLERTON, at Messrs. Wilson and Go.'a, Pitt-atreet ; Mr. DINGLE, Bakor, Wllllam-street, Woolloomooloo. Doora open at six o'clock ; Itoa on the the table at 7.



CREMORNE.-MONDAY, December , 7tb, BALL

NIGHT. Steamers from 7 to 10 p.m. 3309a REMORNE;-MONDAY'S BALL. Dancing to oom.

menee at-Sp.m. ' 3100a UR LYCEUM.-THIS EVENING-, production of

the celebrated Burlesque of BONE SQUASH,

first time in the colonies, and played br the/SAN. FRANCISCO MINSTRELS, in Europe and. America, upwards . of 100 consecutive nights. 'New- music, dancing, songs, duetts, ¿co., icc. :-Doors open at 7; to commence at 8 o'olook, ; See small' descriptive bills. >.

, ? . ;'->v .... 8418a PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE.-MONDAY

EVENING. Deoeraber 7th,' 1«G7, will .be per formed a Drama in 3 AotH, 'of interest, ! entitled, BREAKERS A-HEAD; or, THE LOST RAFT. To conclude with THE ENGLISHMAN IN INDIA. Boxes, 3s. Od.; Upper, ls. Od.; Fit, ls.; Gallery,


BILL TO-NIGHT. MONDAY.-Two great Dramas and a favourite Farce.-The performance will commence with-the odlebrated Drama of MAURICE THE WOOD. CUTTER.' To be followed by the favourite farce oí HIGHWAY ROBBERY. To conclude with the admired Drama of ALICE MAY; or, THE LAST APPEAL. Prices :-Boxes, ' 3«. ';''; Upper Boxes,' 2i. ;?' Pit, ria. ; Gallery, Od. JAMES SIMMONDS, Lessee and Ma. nager., i. 3424a

HE EXCHANGE: H ALU-lu consequence of (he . accident to His Excellency the Governor.General, it has been resolved to postpone - the Opening of the Exchange and - the Exobange Ball, to suoh other day as will be afterwards notified to the public. -

By order of the Direotors and Committee,


Exchange. 27ih November. 18.^7. . . 3360 LOYAL FOUNTAIN OF REFUGE LODGE, No.

3309, . I.O.O.F., M.U.-The Officers and Brethren of the above Lodge intend holding their Anniversary Dinner on1 TUESDAY, the 8th of December next, at Host Dishington's, Odd 'Fellows' Hall," Haymarket, at '7.30 p.m. Tickets, 10s. each,' ' may be had of the Stewards, at any of the Lodge Rooms. ' The room will be cleared for Danoing at ll p.m., when . holders of tickets will be at liberty to introduce' Ladies free. JAMES LENNON, N.G. 3185a



IN pursuance of a Writ issued.to me by the Honorable

- Sir DANIEL COJPER, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, dated the 1st day of Déoember, for the election of a member for the North Riding of Cumberland in the room of JOHN BAYLEY DARVALL, Esq., resigned, I hereby give notice, that the nomination for the same will beheld at Parramatta, on TUESDAY next, the 8th instant, at 12 o'clock Noon ; and in the event of a Poll

being demanded, that the same will be held on FRIDAY) next, the 11th instant, at tbe,following polling places: ? PARBAUATTA-Chief Polling-place at the Police Office.

STONEY-at the Darlinghurst Court-house. . .' PENRITH-at the Police Offioe, Penrith.

WiNDflon-at the Polioe Office, Windsor.

ST. LEONARDS-at a House in St. Leonards. RYDE-at a House in Ryde.

LoNOBOtiox-at a House in Longbottom.

A. L. MCDOUGALL, Returning Officer. Baulkbam-hills, December 5th, 1857.

' Electoral Lists oan be ubtained from : Mr. MASON; Printer, Parramatta, and from the Government Printer, ; Sydney. .: 8810 TO THE ELECTORS OF THE NORTH BIDING OF


GENTLEMEN-I have been urged by many friendly

electors, to offrir myself as a candidate, for the representation of your Riding: in,.;tba; Legislative Assembly, to fill the vacancy occasioned by"thai resigna-tion of your late member Mr. Darvall. Although my views on the leading measures of the day are pretty well known,, still I think it .is due to you ithat I should maka you fully acquainted with my views on the chief subject* that -must occupy the , attention , of the


I need scarcely say that I am entirely ; opposed to the Land Bill now passing the Assembly. I believe, a bill,to suit the country, land .should ba open to selection at a priée low enough to .encourage agriculture, and, high enough to prevent monopolists and speculatora from buying; I believe, every encouragement should .be held out to induce persons to cultivate the soil, so as to stop, if possible,-the large and ruinous importations of bread

stuffs.. ..

I believe a land system should be adopted,, by,which aman could select a farm,to-day, pay the deposit to-morrow, take possession the' following, and get twenty years to pay the' balance of the purchase money.

I think it is necessary . that a direct tax be created on. land, bank, and insurance shares, and all such property, so aa to reach those absentee gentlemen who now draw their income from us, reside in England and elsewere, and don't pay one shilling to defray the expenses of Police and the Government who proteota their property,' but leave us, the residents, to pay their share as well as oar own ; this tax should be heavy enough to pay for all internal improvements throughout the country. All the expenses of the department of the Secretary-of Crown Lands and Publio Works, and the proceeds of this tax should be laid out as near as practicable in' the locality in which it was raised.

On the subject of Eleotoral Reform, the electorates should be so divided that, as near aa possible, the con-. stitnenoy should have one 'common interest ; that, while the present mode of taxation exists, population should be the basis of representation ; that no distriot should be created an 'electorate unless it oontained 700


:-1 am of opinion that a great mistake has been made in constructing such expensive Railways. The line from Sydney to'Liverpool-cost about 50,000 per mile. We pay about £32,000 a-year.interest.'for -the money it oost to construct that piece alone. It must be evident to all that tho country cannot pay for such expensive workx, 'and, after the line is carried to Penrith and-Windsor,

(which, in common justice, should be done immediately,) I will oppose borrowing money for the purpose of ex I tending Railways through the interior of the oountry,

unless some cheaper system can be devised.

I Great care should be taken not to overburden 'the

oountry with a ' premature debt. V/e now owe nearly I three millions. Our interest amounts to something like I ¿1160,000 a-year, and if the works' proposed arel carried ' out, we shall have to borrow as ranch ' more. If wa db, wa shall be as heavily indebted, according to our popu : talion, as the people of England,' whioh ' I think unde ' Bimble. : .. . í .' ?.' ' - ' > ' .

' I will ase my best endeavours to have our Publio I Roads and Bridges kept in good repair.

' . <? j- ' ,. . feíoinqit.'''.;',1,',,'..' . :

I believe the' Government should ase every legitimate means to educate,-if possible, every child. in tbe country according to his capaoity, and, as'soon as possible, adopt one general: system,'the terms of admittance to .whioh should be soi low that'every person not absolutely a pauper could pay the obarge : orphans and the chil-dren of paupers should gd free. For every eight or ten National Schools there abould bo a Grammar Sobool, in whioh each of the National SOIIOBIB should have ten or twelve what we might call , free. olass places, to whioh. they should send as'¡ many of. their boat and cleverest boys to be educated ttep; ,no matter who they were, HO long BB they had the talent, and eaoh Grammar,Sohool should have ss many scholarships in the University, to - which they, in their turn, could send as many of tba cleverest pupils to be educated free, and. in time to bo instructed in jsuoh profession they might, choose, at their country's

expenso. ,

Jf some suoh principio as the above were adopted,' every child, no matter who were his pnrentH, would have a fair chance of acquiring the best education and. filling ¡the highest offioe required by his oountry, and every parent, no matter bow poor he might be, would have the' satisfaction of knowing that his amid, under the care of I his country, would have an equal chance with the rich

I.and; great. ,,,',.

' In conclusion I may say that, if eleotcd, it will be my I bigheBt ambition faithfully to 'do my duty to my oountry, land my greatest pride, at all future .periods,, to Reservo your coofldonoe and reepeot. If at any time I may; bo i so unfortunate, as to differ from you upon any ques-

tion I shall resign, and give you an opportunity to elect a representative who can'represent your opinions

i better. 1

I I remain, Gentleman,

Your obedient servant,




..'?.j : . . ' '.-. -; ' .- oooo ' ELECTORS OF THE NORTH RIDING OF -

. CUMBERLAND. . .',. ,,

REMEMBER the Land Question now under discus,

sion, and reserve your votes for HENRY PARKES, who.will be nominated at the coming Eleotion to repre sent your interests._: , 0000


THE undersigned, Electors, of ' the North Riding

of Cumberland, and others,, have formed them-selves into a Committee for the purpose of securing the' valuable services of Mr. PARKES in the Legislative

Assembly, at the present oritioal stage in the progress of j the colony. . The co-operation of; the liberal, electora throughout the Biding is earnestly requested ,to'secure Mr. Parkes's triumphant return. .' , W. B. Piddington, M.P. George Dempsey S. D. Gordon, M.P. F. Oakes, J.P.'

JohnBlack, J.P. G. Oakes, MiPj '; , : "Captain .Williamson Owen J. Carraher ' ; Alderman Keele Mathew Lacey , . , John Birrel Joseph Spinks' , Dr. Sherwin ... ' John Sutton .'

James Bellamy. , ,. , George Spajway ????'.'-""" ". Alderman,Sutherland..'. W. H. Moore ;

Benjamin James ;' -'George Scott ' : ' . :' Daniel Egan, M.P. Stephen Booth

-Robert Stewart. '.;'.. ---Fowles ' Alderman Williams . '.'James Hart

W. B. Allen " , Charles Byrnes William Forster, M.P.. John Taylor

B. Mountcastle, r , James Smith:

Andrew Allan John Fulton' .

John Robertson, M.P. : R. Webb 1 : Riohard McGuffln, senior N. Payten' '

Alderman Murphy Thomas Donoby '

Richard McGuffin, junior James Anlezark James Byrnes, M.P. John Dungate 1

John McGuffln W.Curtis" .'? Alfred Bradford' .' W. Goodin D. H. Deniehy, M.P. W. Drew

C. G. Reid George Hunt Charles Simmons 'Charles Hunt

C.Beaumont William Fullagar James Dickson, M.P. James Hilt

William Peisley John Fullagar

Edward Drinkwater Thomas Deane. W. Byrnes. J.P. . »

TO THE ELECTORS OF-THE CITY:OF SYDNEY. &ENTLEMEN-I beg again to announce myself a Can-

didate for the office of Auditor.

I can only repeat the pledge I before gave you, that, if elected,- nothing - ahall be wanting au my part to justify your choice.

I remain, Gentlemen, ;

1 Your obedient servant, ; .


"? '6, Campbell-street, Surry Hills, December 8nd, 1857 8587 '?.:??'.' ? ?.? . - ?'?? ? ??. .-. -.? - ?



&ENTLEHEN-Seeing by the daily papers of this

morning that you-bad entered a protest against I Mr. O'DOWD'3 eleotion, I beg leave to say that I would rather it were withdrawn, and Mr. O'Dowd to retain his seat.' Not having taken any part in tbe election, I feel I highly gratified' by the number of unsolicited votes

recorded in my favour, and return you my sincere thanks for your kind endeavours, again begging you to leave matters as they are.

I remain, Gentlemen,

Your obedient servant,,


December 3,1857; . . ;l 878B

THE Partnership hitherto carried on hy FREDERICK I


Soda Water and Cordial Manufacturers, is THIS DAY j i dissolved by mutual consent/ AIL accounts due by, and ! j to the said Firm will hw paid and -received by the said

Frederick Biley.


3550 ? /' T. PIERCE HOPKIN8.

«jg R. T. PIERCE HOPKINS, or the late Firm of Kiley iU and Hopkins, in announcing his entering into part-nership with Meaars. Sandrock and Noel, would tender his thanks for the patronage hitherto bestowed, and would aasure his friends and the publie that it will ever be his study to maintain the high reputation his -individual manufactures, Sarsaparilla, Soda Water, and Lqiuenra, in chief, have hitherto enjoyed.' 3606 MESSRS. SANDROCK AND NOE C.. in expressing

their thanks for the large amount of patronage hitherto bestowed upon them, wish to announce they have formed a partnership with Mr. HOPKINS, of the late Firm of Riley and Hopkins, under the style of SAND* ROCK, NOEL, AND HOPKINS.

' The business will he conducted for (the present as I heretofore, at No. 20, Pitt-street North, and from the j amount of experience now concentrated in the one Firm the subscribers feel confident of supplying such artioles J , a* will bring them a constantly increasing patronage.

f G. F. SANDROCK, (Signed) < G. NOEL.


. November aoth. 1857. 3651

, R. . FREDERICK RILEY, of the late finn of Riley

'and Hopkins, in returning bia sincere thanks for the favours received during the time he has been in the Soda water and Cordial trade,, begs to inform his friends and the publie ; generally, that be has transferred his interest in .the. above business to Messrs. Sandrock and Noel, in conjunction with Mr. Hopkins, bis late I partner, ander whose maDBgeraentthebusinesswiU.be j carried on as heretofore, specially io the Sarsaparilla

department, and would solicit the continuance of those favours in behalf of his successors. 30, Pitt.street I North, November 10th, 1857. -


! to 7 years old, suited for cavalry purposes, may be shown to Mr. BURT (Horse Bazaar, Pitt and Castle-

reagh Streets), every day, from 0 a.m. to 0 p.m., until I the 15th instant. W. H. ROBBINS, Colonel. 3100 NOTICE.-It having been brought to the knowledge

of the Steam Navigation Board that Boys, and other- unqualified persons, are . frequently, placed in charge of Steamers plying with passengers in Port ! Jackson, the attention of the owners of Steam Vessels is

called to'this most dangerous praotioe. The Board have considered it necessary to communicate with the several [ Benoh'ea of Magistrates' on this subj cot with a view of

checking the evil complained of; and they will not fail to bring under the notice pf the Magistrates any case of the kind which may be communicated to them, in order to deprive incompetent peraons of the Licenses which' they may have obtained. By order of the Board. W. L. G. DREW, Secretary. Steam Navigation Office,

! «th December, 1857. _ ,'8708|



OF THE SYDNEY NATIONAL SCHOOLS, 1857.-The examination of these Schools will take place

on the following dates, and will oommedee on each day |

at 10 o'clock a.m. > ....

PADDINGTON SCHOOL. ? u. Monday, 30th-November.-Lower Classes. Tuesday, lat December.-Upper Classes.

* : OLEVELAND STREET SCHOOL. ¡ .-,V Wednesday, Snd Deoembor.-Lower Classes.

Thursday, 3rd Dooomber,-Upper Classes. i

i - WILLTAM.STREET SCHOOL. , Monday, 7th December.-Infant Classes. .

Tuesday, 8th December, Girls'Classes.,.

-Wednesday, Atti Deoombor.-Boya' Classes, Lower. Thursday, 10th Deoember.-Boys' Classes; Upper.


Monday, 14th Deacrabor.-Infant Classes. ; ,¡-r -

Tuesday, 16th Deoember.-Girls' Classes, Lower.', -Wednesday.lo^

Thursday, 17th Deoember.-Boy's Classes, Middle. Friday, 18th December.-Boya' Classes, Upper.

Prises to be distributed to deserving pupils in the different Schools on the days undermentioned, vie.:-.,¡1

PADDINGTON . SCHOOL.-Monday,, 31st December, at Ten o'clock a.m. ,. > .-?', <,

,CLEVBüAND»STBBGT . < Scnoor*-Monday, Slat. De-cember, at Three o'clock, p.m. > -, - . -I .

WrtLtAM-sTHKET SCHOOL.-Tuesdsy, 33nd December, at Two o'olook p.m. ,.i ... - ?"?,;. it..)- '-..<.-rn» r.,noi(

:>.,FonT-stlusBxi Sonoor..-.Wednesday, .33rd December,'

at Two o'olook p.m.' *i* tr.-i --nw uUS'l ?? . I' v¡!T .un,I

. The publio are ireapeotfully .invited to attend those |


By order of the Board of National Education,

W. 0. WILLS, Secretary.

National Education Offioe, Sydney, 35th November,

18Ö7. 3140)





As tho time has'now arrived when the first ward of St. Vincent's Hospital ÍB about to be opened, the Treasurer deems it ri^ht to in orm the subscribers to this excellent institution of the progress mode in establishing the proposed free hospital under the care* of the Sisters of Charity. A dispensary bas already been opened for the last three months, where medicines are dispensed twice a week to all the sick poor on producing a recommenda-tion signed by ono of the clergymen of the various religious denominations, or by any of the subscribers. The hours of attendance are from 3 to S p.m., on Tues-days and Fridays (entrance by Viotoria-street), when the dispenser, Mr. Sloper, assisted by the Sister in charge of the medioin s, prepares the recipes ordered by Dr. Robertson. Fifty patients attend the house for medical

advice and relief.

There is now a small ward fitted up with ten beds for the reception at present of females only. Already five indoor patients have been admitted, and in the course of a few days, it is expected the ward will be fully occupied. With full,confidence that this small beginning will meet the agproval and encouragement of.'all interested in the 'permanent' foundation of a Free Hospital, under the care of the, Sisters of Charity, the publio are invited to visit ' thii infant institution, founded for the relief of Buffering .humanity.

' To the residents in the interior, it may be requisite to point out that the Free Hospital is not for the exclusive advantage of the inhabitants in Sydney, but equally for

all classes of the community thro igbqut the districts of ¡ the .colony. It is open to all without regard to religious distinction.' No charge will be made for patients-but the Institution will be supported by voluntary donations, and an annual bazaar in the month of January. To the country districts remote from theoity.suoh an institution as thia presents a peculiar recommendation. The ex-perience of many can testify, that members of families and others who have left, their bornes in the interior strong in health-have been taken suddenly ill in Sydney during their periodical visits.. They in "ti eir utmost need" have had to depend on such mercenary attend-

ance as could be spared them in the crowded hotels of 1 the city. Many have thus breathed their last sigh, sur-rounded by strangers, who, perhaps, but for imperfeot cara and neglect might have been restored to health. In the absence of the ." kind domestio tear" and tender-

ness that might grace and soothe the sufferer's pillow, j

it must be gratifying to his distant friends to know that now this hospital is open, and that there is an asylum in Sydney wherein he may be received and attended with a

home-like assiduity and care. The MEDISAX TIMES of | London, speaking of a similar hospital, that of St. Vin-cent's, says, " this hospital is a model in its internal arrangements," and we are assured by a writer well ac-quainted with .the working of this institution " that, nothing can be more comprehensive in spirit." Its expen-diture is a model of eoonomy, at the same time that its supply of everything useful for the siok is most liberal and considerate. Its superintendence-its management-its nursing-cost nothing; they are not done by paid

offioiala or nurses, but by the Sisters of ¡Charity, for |

the love and servioe of Christ, and bearing in mind the words of the Redeemer, "In that you did it to. the least of these, my brethren, you did it unto

me'.'' I

The Sisters of Charity gratefully acknowledge the liberal contributions received from,the generous publio.

of Australia, as well as from many friends in Victoria |

and South Australia. The Treasurer, having given

below the annual account of the fund, to which he refera I with satisfaction, ventures to appeal again on behalf of | the Sisters of Charity to those who have already contri-buted their aid to renew their efforts, and orown the undertaking, now near its completion, with that suocesa which can only be achieved by an untiring zeal and per-severance. It should be borne in mind that the Sisters of St. Vincent's Hospital were without a residence in Sydney until provided with one by publio munificence. Tannons, lately the property of, Sir Charles Nicholson, baa bean purchased for/ them, and more than, half the purchase money han been paid. :. « '..

A large debt, however, yet remains-and from the successful advancement of the good work hitherto, it. is confidently expected that it' .is only necessary to make THIS FACT generally, known, when all the inhabitants of this prosperous country w'll feel it a pleasure and a duty to inorease their exertions in sustaining thia truly chari-table institution, and extending the sphere of its useful-

ness. -

Contributions are earnestly solicited,- and will be

thankfully received by JOHN H. PLUNKETT, Tree- [ eurer, 169, Macquarie-street North. . ....?,' ,

SISTERS OF CHARITY.-Annual Acoonnt of the Fund, |

. for the SISTERS OF CHARITY since last publica

' don of the settlement, August 27, I860 :

Balanoe at Bank last settlement .. Ü7 ll 4 October 19-Proceeds ; of .Bazaar., in -

Cárdena .. , - ... 301 9 3] December-Benefit given , by the Misses

Oougenheira . - ..: < ... 112 171 0 December. 12-Subscriptions as per list

published.. .. ? . .... . .. ... 244 16 2 February 23,1657-Ditto list of subsotip-. '

tions published in list ... i .. .. 07-1 April 16-Proceeds of Bazaar in Easter

Week, at Royal Hotel .. ... .. .109 Oil June 6-List, of subscriptions published,

as per list ... . .. ... .. .' 00 ,9 9 November 10-List to be published this '

day.. ... ..... ....... 232. 6 0 Bequest of Mrs. Collina and other dona

tiona .. .. .. . .. .. 05 10

.... £1291 7, 5 ' DIlBUBSEBtENTB...

1807, March 1-Interest on

£4600 for six months . up

to Marchi.. ..: . .. ¿157. IO 0 Instalment paid off...... 600 0 0 September 1-Interest on

¿4000 for six months up .

tO .. -i (.: ... ... .140, 0 0 Advertising, end,, wages to i

gardener;.... .-, 40 1 »,.

Account with Sydney Morn' . ?

ina Herald up to June 6 .. 14 7.! 0 . Balance at Bank.. . ... 430 9 3

¿1201 7,0

:'. J. H.,PLUNKETT, Treasurer.

Audited 14tb November, 1857; . i; < ? . 0000 . . " i :. ;:FRANOIS MAOKAB,


Honorable J. B. DARVALL, Esquire, M.P., prior to,his .departure for, Europe, to .be given at Williams' Hotel, Parramatta, on TUESDAY, . the , 8th December next, at 2.30 p.m., to give time for the arrival of tba 'Sydneytrain. . . .


i William.Bowroan, Esq., M.P. ,: j Thoroas'Barker, Esq., M.P.

1 , H. Burton Bradley, Esq. ,

! ,, Thomas C. Breillat, .Esq., J.P. , .-.

j , The Honorable S. A. Donaldson, Esq., M.L.C.

I ,., The Honorable H. G. Douglass, Esq., M.L.C ,

' : ,''0. N. Furlong, Esq.

.<-, j . J. E. Graham, Esq., J.P. : .

, , The Honorable John Hay, Esq., M.P. . Arthur Hodgson, Esq., J.P.

. The Honorable R. M. lasaos, Esq., M.L.C. , William Lee, Esq., MiP. ,

. G. T. Rowe, Esq.; J.P.

., , George Rowley, Esq. ' .

, ' The Honorable William Spain, Esq.; M.L.C.

~Isaac Shepherd, Esq.


....!"; J. F. Downes, Esq., J.P. '

j l! James Edrop, Esq.

I " ' George Forbes, Esq., J.P.

, ; i , Captain Finoh '

. J. M.Gould, Esq.' ; H. Harvey, Esq.

1 ,' C. B. Lyons, Esq. '; ?,'"" -(1t ¡', A. L. MoDoagall, Esq., J.P. "', ¡ James Pye,! Esq., M.P.

?j,, i ". Dr. Parsons"'.'>' .* .

"j., i 1 Dr. Rutter' ''' ' '.','

t, ! : .", G. B; Suttor, Esq., J.P.1.

; I " '1 J. F. Staff, Esq. " '. "" . .

" Tickets, Ono Guineo each, may bo'obtained from any of the above gentlemen; or at Williams' Hotel; Par. .rarnatta; or from the Söoretaryi'at the Exchange Rooms:

'Sydney. " ""J '*»»-«.?.»'» r.u-.i

Early application is necessary, tho accommodation being limited.

The address will be presented from the baloony of , Williams' Hotel. 8803

4-JU.XVAE4 «ta. TO BB LET.

? nco

TO LET, a 4-rooraed House and a 3-stall Stable.

Apply to the WHARFINGER., Grafton Wharf.

? . " : ' " ! . 2428a" COMFORTABLE COTTAGES TO LET ; taxes Innol paid, water laid on. WHITTELL'S Wharf. Uathurat-street. » ? 2403a #o5ft T0J^E'C' »' Waverley, 3 genteel Residences, with l°n°l good Garden, SUbles, and Coaob-houses, excel, lem Water, acc. For terms, apply to E. PUGH, 371, George-street. Rent moderate. . . . 3648

TO LET, ia Houso and Shop, in Market-street _ nesrPitt-street. Apply to HENRY ROBERT SON, 384, Pitt-street. -?? ' ; 1333

BALMAIN.-TO LET, Chusan Cottage, pleasantly - situated, and within three minutes'walk of Mr. Crook's Ferry. Enquire of Mr. GARTY, Adolphus-street.

? ? . '? ' ? - ' 3708'

fj^j TO LET, in Victoria-Btreet, Darlinghurst, a first«'

lon tl class House, containing six rooms,, with detached «: kitchen and servant's room.. Apply to THOMPSON/."'

. SYMONDS. AND CO., George and Barrack 8ireeta.', j^" ..'

.-ff RAIN BOW ' TAVERNA-TO LET, the Hotel ' lon'l Department-of «' the 'Rainbow Tavern, Pitt and ' fing Streets. Early application is necessary. Apply to ALFRED TOOGOOD, Pitt and King'Streets. 3645

TO LET, in Liverpool-street - East, a-Workshop _ and Tards, suitable for a house or coach builder. Apply to WILLIAM WALKER, at "Mr. James', Builder, South Head-road.. . . 3663


'lonol SALE, furnished or unfurnished,.a Family Reai. .

dence, contains 13 rooms, large garden, and out-houses. JOHN GARSED, Commercial-chambers, Pitt-street.

? , ?_ ? ? 3367a TO LET, from the 1st January next, those _ eligible Premises,1 situate at the corner of George and Wynyard Streets, and now ocoupied by Messrs. Spain and Young, Solicitors. Apply. to A. DREUTLER AND CO. ; 3825 ! teäVTO LET, in Chelsea-street, a neat (4J' four Inno! roomed Verandah . Cottage, with garden ' behind, and flower plot in 'front. Apply on' the Premises; or, to W. WALKER, at Mr. James', Builder, South Head-road. 3884

TO LET, in Fort-stroet, opposite. Mr. B. Camp-. : bell's, a first-class Family Residence, containing nine rooms, kitchen, and servants'rooms. Water laid

Apply on the Premises;, or, to . Mr. HENRY ROBERTSON, 254; PitUstreet South. 2145

STORE - TO LET.-TO LET, a convenient , _ Ground Flonr in a good stone store, contiguous to George-street and Bridge-street,-with drayroads leading from both streets to it. Size, about 100 feet by 30. Rent, moderate. Apply, T. AND W. BENNETT, 117, I Oeorge-atreet. ? ' ' ? "' " ' ? ' 3038

tejff TO LET, in the township of Wilberforce, a first- . I |nno[ rate new House, together with a Blacksmith's Shop,

and all the tools necessary for carrying on the. black-

smithing business. : To a good horse-sboer it isis good .? chance. Bent about 25s. per week;..but .should any , respectable tneobanlc apply, the terms raay.be made, to suit bis purpose, and to have a ohanoe of,- taking: it on a lease for a term of years. CHARLOTTE FLANNERY.

. , _._? ; : ? .. ? ? ? .i ' ? «CO» ;.

BALMAIN.-TO LET, Biroh Grove House and ' _ _' Grounds. The main building contains ll rooms;

hail, cellar, and verandah. The out-offices oonsiBt of 8 ; . reoms. The entire premises have been lately thoroughly ' -repaired. The grounds comprise the lawn,'the garden,' and nearly 30 acres of paddocks,'abundantly grassed and watered. Apply to D. N. JOUBERT, Smith's

Wharf, Miller's Point._' ' ' _3076 I faa*. GOULBURN.-TO LET. FURNISHED, for six

?lonni months, the very superior Cottage in'Sloane-atreet,

formerly occupied by Captain Hovell. . It ie in every way -, auitable as a summer residence - for a family of the -highest respectability. Stables, coach-hoasc, sheds, &«.,

are attached. The garden and orohard are surpassed by .. j none in the town. ; .The only reason . for the present -, proprietor leaving is, that be has purchased another reai., . dence. For further particulars, apply to. P. DIGNAM I AND CO.,, Goulburn Auction Booms, Goulburn, 1st December, 1857. . ,,, -. ' 3843

TO LET, at Ashfield, an Orohard, about two acres,.,' ?

i well stooked with, fruit treen, áñd vines, .in full*, bearing. For particulars, apply to Mr. T. MCCULLOCH,' 34. Elizabeth-streei ; or, Mr. W. HENSON; Ashfield.

' ' '?" '?" ' ' ? "' '?? ?- '-?'"? 3707

TO BE LET, for five years, on reasonable terms,-a ?

; snug farm of 33.acres,- at Salt-pan Creek. Canter-bury, thirteen miles from Sydney ; fenced, divided in

six paddocks,.three cleared, .flt ? for cultivation. A good -slab house shingled, and out-houses ; garden containing

fruit trees and vines;'water. For particulars, apply ---MILFORD AND CROFT, 19, 'King-street, Sydney.

-. ? ? .? : . > : n.»?? -'.i ?. 3830. ?

CAUTION TO TRESPASSERS.-All persons found'

; trespassing or removing; stock of any description, from the Narrandera! Run, the property of ,the estate of the late James Peter, Ësq'., will be proseouted as the law ' directs. WILLIAM MURPHY, Superintendent. 29th

'Ootober,1867. . ' : ' V.V '/ ««**",?

LL PERSONS having CLAIMS againat the Estate <;

of JAMES PETES, Esq., late of Narrandera), ;in c the district of Lachlan, in the colony of New South'

Wales, deceased, will be pleased to enclose the same -to ? the inndetsigned. EDWARD FLOOD, 80,< Botany, atreet, Snrry-hills. 39th October, 1867. 184»


! Town Clerk's Offloe, . :;.>... . ,:i -No. 67-84. Sydney, 3rd December, 1867. . .»

NOTICE is hereby given, to. all parties who are » in / >

arrear with their rates, that unless the same bej,

paid into the office of the City Treasurer forthwith.it.

will be necessary to issue distress warranta for the . I recovery . of the amount CHAS. H. WOOLCOTT, Town Clerk. i s - ¡ . -304S


THE Managership of this Bank being presently about .

: .to become : vacant by ¡the, retirement, of . Mr;.. EDWARD WRENCH, the Direotors now. invite written , , applications for the appointment from; gentlemen qualified for the office. , ?-.-...> .. ,;,

,. Applications addressed to the Board of Directors 'will,, ba received until THURSDAY, the 31st instant. ,

. EDWARD WRENCH, General Manager.

Sydney, 4th December, 1867. ,, -, -:; , 3758

NOTICE OF REMOVAL.-The1, undersigned ; has..

removed from bis' late residence, .844, George street. South, to 51, Yurong-street, where ' orders for Saddlery and Harness will be executed as iorraerly, and that at |he lowest prices. Note the. address-J. F.' FLASHMAN, 51, Saddler, Yurong-street; near Liver- ' pool-street East. ' .; ' , ' '.;.." '.3703 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF; NEW SOUTH

... WALES., ; . '.<!.?; : I- EOOLaSIABTIOAT.'JOMBDIOTIOM.' ? ? . .' '

In the Goods of WILLIAM HENRY CHAPMAN, late

of the city of Sydney, in the county of Cumberland, and colony of Now South Wales, Esquire, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given, that after the expiration of

fourteen days from the publication hereof, appli-cation will be made to this honorable Court, in its Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, that Letters of Administra-tion, with the Will annexed, of the goods and chattels of the above-named William Henry Chapman, be granted to ANN CHAPMAN, of Sydney aforesaid,: widow of the

said deceased.

Dated at Sydney, this 3rd day of Deoomber, A.D.


MILFORD AND CROFT, Proctors for the said Ann Chapman, 31, King-street East, Sydney. ? 3838


ond-tarraoe, Darlinghurst.-Prospectus of this Institution, containing a full pion of the studios, terms, and all other particulars, ara now issued, and may, ba had on application to Mrs. ARNOLD ; or, to A, THOM. SON, Esq., Exohange-róóms, Sydney. i 8073 ?TjriNDSOR COMMERCIAL SCHOOL,-An Exami

f ¥ nation of tho Pupils at this Establishment will be; held on TUESDAY; tho 15th instant, at 10 a.m., when their parents and relation* aro oonooially invitod to attend. Tho Christmas vacation (a fortnight only) commenças on tho Kith and terrainatos on tho Slat instant. J. KENNEDY, Proprietor. York Lodge, Windsor, December 0th, 1857. 3700