Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875), Monday 7 December 1857, page 3


By the arrival of the .What Cheer vre are placed in pos-session of San Franoisco papers to October 3.

The State had suffered asevere loss in the death of Chief Justice Murray, which took plaoe at Sacramento. The, Union gives the following account' of the ¡mme

diate cause of his death :

"For a long while Judge Murray had been suffering, to a considerable extent' from an affection of the lungs, and often haa occupied his seat upon the bench when his health scarcely justified thatiproceeding.' About ten or eleven ' days since his disease suddenly assumed a more ? violent form, and confined him entirely to his "?room. Frequently during. this ' confinement the .... symptoms were so favourable as to warrant the

hope on the part of himself and friends, that all ? immediate danger-had passed; but as often from some

apparently trivial cause, back-sets would ocour, which, ? for the time,-prostrated : those hopes. A few days

' before his death he was believed to be out of ' danger, when a sudden revulsion took place, which led to a critical i examination, and by sounding of his : -lungs, to the discovery that the laft lobe was destroyed

by the disease. - His physicians, Drs. Brice and Proctor, ' 'With Dr. Blake, consulting > physician, at onoo pro-

nounced his case hopeless,, as bas heretofore been . announced. ' By tho. foroe of will, Judge Murray, how-'

. ever,'bore up against the workings of hie disease until

the evening preoeding his decease, when the conscious-' ness of his.situation was first fully manifested .'to him, and. he calmly resigned all hope of life. From that hour he rapidly, though tranquilly sank, into death. A polt mortem examination, held yesterday afternoon, fully . developed the correctness of the previous investigation.

It was ascertained that the immediate cause of death was the perforation of tho left lung hythe ravages of disease. A small cavity, of tho size of the head of a pin, was discovered, which permited tho passage of air into tho chest, produoing inevitable death.. For weeks he has been hanging.as it ..were between lifo and death,

and a violent fit of coughing, with which he was first, attacked/caused a rupture of tho tegument and the opening above referred to."

The following is a statement of the treasure shipped ' from, San Franoisco during the quarter just ended, on

steamers, combined with the previous shipments of tho year':- ' .


To New York. 8,UO,250 OJ, To England. 2,200,013 Cd To New Granada. 104,007 62

Total for three months.... 10,544,178 01

The shipments during the first half of the year, by steamers, to Now York, amounted to 16,031,700 10 .'dollars; to England, 4,304,115 38 dollars;.to New

Granada, 320,021 25 dollars.- These amounts oombined with the above would' make the entire steamer shipments, for the nine months; as follows :

.' ' ..???? ' ;< Dollars.! . .

To New York.. 25,075,023 10 To England.;......... 0,004,028 03

. To New Granada. 324,928 77 "

. <32Í003,928 80

' The amount exported at a similar period in 1850, was 30,134,006 14 dollars, showing a falling off in 1857 of . 4,070,185 34 dollars.1- .>? : . . . ,.

The San Francieco Herald has tho following remarks on the-(decrease in/the export of treasure herein ex-hibited':- .; , . ,,",; . .,

. ., ," For two or throe months, past there has been a very

perceptible decrease in the amount of gold shipped from this port, and wo have no doubt but that the alose of the year - will '. exhibit a very "gratifying diminution in our annual exportation'. It'is a matter of very little import* . ance to us what theory our contemporaries in ,the Eastern

States may adopt in explanation of, those foots. ¡ It will .;' probably be'.claimed.as a proof that our Vmines aro

. giving out.;" and if thia' view of tho subjeot will save , them from the orisis sure, to' follow from'present infla. tion, , we "are satisfied., Tho light in , whiob they )fmay. . .view , the subjeot, can work . very! little ', injury' ' to. us Vnpw, ' for ,'tba.' !day, of 'the emi. .,gration 'bf .tho','gold-hunter, is ..in-, a.. measure

, past and gone for ever. ; The groat agricultural resources

of our s ta to aro the, induoomon ts which impel forward ,the immense 'tido,' of immigration wbioh now pours in 'almost daily' from tho' plain?, and which it is generally believed will not fall.short this year of 25,000 or 30,000 ; souls. , A portion "of thiB vast crowd may betake thora*

solves to tho mining, but the great majority will Bettie down in our fertile valleys, and aid in developing tho resources of the soil. 'Thoy havo brought with thom, their wives and ohildron, their flocks and herds, and " have como to settle down permanently among us.' They

' aro'preoisoly tho class of population of wbioh wo stand

in need, and if tho Eastern journals would aontinuo to' oonooot the moBt lugubrious talon about the /giving out of tho minos, and all that kind of thing, - they would rondar us a most essential scrvioo by frighten-

ing off those who turn tboir eyes to thlB coast with tho hope of. accumulating rt fortune in nn inarediblo short ? spaoe of time, and who, whon they arrivo among us,

through ignorance, fail in whatever commercial under. ' taking they may embark, and through laziness, abandon

the mines in disgust, We have repeatedly reminded ' those residing on tho Atlantio seaboard, of tho absurdity

of expecting that tho golden stream from ' California ''Would suffer no' diminution in ita volume as years '-advanced, and if thoy have not taken warning intime, . ' they will havo to thank themselves for tho oonaequenaes. - It .-\ie- onr-'doliberato opinion;' that' the» ¡yield

of our minos this year will'>. equalj j if ./it does not exoeed. that of previous yoars ;

bat for M that,-tb* amount whian witt b* «portad w I io di pi<ob*bilitv b* much below th« Agoré* of My pi

oidmg y*«r. Howo*n it be otb*rwi**f. We now ral more wheat« barley, and oat* than i« necessary for o I oonanmptioo, and therefore, have no need of importii breadstuff's. From our dairies our market* are aupplii with butter and oheeso sufficient for the wants of 01 people. We distil wbinky-make wine and brandyrefine sugar-build steamboats-oonstruot machiner and are engaging in manufacturing paper, candles, rop brooms, and thousands of other things, which befo: were imported at a heavy expense; and before long, » may be able to produce everything of whioh we mi stand in need-both luxuries and necessaries. Ho is it possible under these circumstances, that tl shipments of gold from this port should continue to 1 as great as in former years ? It is a matter of surprii to us that the amount of gold sent away from Californ should continue year after year to reaoh so high a figur after we had effeoted a saving of twelve or fourteen mi lions , of dollars in breadstuff's alone, by raising the: ourselves, and as many more millions by producing. < manufacturing thousands almost of articles for which i ono time we solely , depended upon foreign suppl. Year by year the exportation of gold from this State wi be diminished, till it has partially if not wholly beasei Such; a result is inevitable, and Eastern speoulatoi would db well to regulate their operations aoqordingly

E Allin qm KB.-At a quarter past two o'clook yesterda afternoon, the shook of an earthquake was sensibly fe all over the city. It was but a single shock and laste about four, seconds. It caused some oonsternatio amongst .those, who ; were at the time in the highei stories of our .buildings.-Herald, September 18. ,

HORRIBLE BAHDAIUTY.-A friend writes UH that tl Chinamen who were arrested near Horsetown last wee for robbing sluice boxes were not hung, but, if possibli treated moro oruelly. After being severely flogged, the: ears were out off 1 The flogging was performed by tm hired Indians, and the cropping by a white man, Tbi was. a, terrible punishment, and merely to think of : makes one's flesh.oreep with horror. The, regrets tbi a lover, of law and order would naturally feel at an at that cannot but reflect discredit upon us os a communit aro greatly softened by tho fact that the Chinamen. thu maltreated were . exceedingly. ,vile: and dishones They wore members ., bf,., a gang, who for , month past, have been levying contributions .upon the peopl of Horsetown and vicinity, .They had established them 'selves in'a deserted .tunnel! and so, covered its raout with,brush SB to hido to the passer-by all evidence c its existence. From this den they sallied out after nigh to prey upon the property of honest men. , But the, .have been ,unkenneled, end with so rough a hand tha 'they are not likely to, practice their knavery in the sim locality again. However much we may regret 'that th .law has'been broken, we cannot ,but feel gratified-tha ,the villainous gang has . been, broken np.-Shast ? Courier^ i 'Hr-r .:

'MACHINE ron THNNEIXIKO BOCK.-A new- atoar boring machine for tunnelling through rock bas heel invented, and put into operation in England. ? It con sists of a strong cross head of wrought iron, secured t tho ' outer extremity, of the piston rod of a , horizonte steam engine, and on this cross head there are 34 shor .'arms, .'studded, with diamond.pointed ateel j outters By the forward stroke bf, the piston these cutters strik ' against the rook, and by à self-acting' device are the; partially rotated, and .the pistou returns; on the auc ceeding stroke or blow, the cutters strike a DOW.part « .the rook!, and so bare into the rock by an intérmitten rotatory motion of repeated blows, similar to that give: to the chisel in rook drilling by hand. .' The- stear cylinder ia so managed as to kebp a cushion of stear behind the return movement of, the piston. ' On th forward motion, the mass is stopped by the blow on tb rook, and a'recoil takes place; a differential pressure c steam' is then brought to bear upon the reverse fae of tho piston, and the moving mass is thus, to a certaii extent, balanced between, two steam,, cushions. Th engine is eeoured on a truck, and moves forward, toit work on rails.-iffrold, September 30. , , ; : !

SbÁncmr OP WAXER iii THE MINES.-A recent tri] through several of the mining'camps of the county, ha afforded an ample evidence'of the fact/that water is i scarce article about this time. The supplies afforded b; the ditches are either entirely stopped, or have dwindle! down to pitiful streams, insufficient for , the populatioi generally employed at mining,'and as a consequence thc camps are extremely dull,"business languishes, ant but little money ohanges hands.,, Thia. is. the seasor when our " hard times" generally oommonce, which las until the spring fairly opens. No better argument ii favour of the construction of ¡new ditches can be offered than the universally " dried up" appearance of mining camps at this season.-Sonora Herald. .

ANOTHER SICK CULVASÎAK TUSKED ;ODT TO DIE.-The infamous practice now . in vogue among the Chinese ol turning out'suoh of their countrymen as are too poor ,itc pay for medical br other attendance, to dio in the street has again been repeated. Last evening, Edward SullivaE reported at thé' police office that a Biak Chinaman wet lying ou tin the, bushes near the corner of Seoond and Bryant* Streets, in nearly 'the same placo whero.a pool Chinawoman, was' exposed in' a simitar manner some tiine ago.' He was conveyed to the station-house and provided with medical attendance, and will bb sent tc the hospital to-day.-Herald, September 30. ' .

Bogus GOLD MINE.-A man named Harry Schmidt arrived in this city, on Friday last, from Indian Town, bringing a quantity of what he thought gold dust, dug from his claim, and deposited the same at the Mint. Upon assay, it was found to be entirely worthless, being nothing more than brass spelter. The Chief of Police was in-formed of the circumstance, and the spelter turned over to his care, and when Schmidt called for his gold, he was referred to Mr. Curtis. He stated that he had bought a claim in Indian Town, which appeared to yield well for two or three days, when it suddenly gave out; and he left it with the dust he had dug, which he brought here to be assayed at the Mint. The former proprietor of the claim had doubtless "salted" it with the spelter in question, by which ruse he succeeded in selling it to Schmidt for a bargain.-Herald, September 20. :

OREGON FROTT.-Of all the varieties bf fruit that grow and thrive on tho Pacific coast, none reaoh to greater perfection than' the apples raised in our neighbouring territory of 'Oregon. That the soil ead climate of. this State is better adapted to the growth of peaches, pears, grapes, and molona, than any other sootion ol our Pacido possessions, cannot bo denied ; and at the same time we must admit that Oregon can excel us in its apples, that fruit being better adapted to a colder climate than ours. In a late number , of the Argus, wo perceive that large quantities of apple's are almost daily being waggoned to Portland, preparatory to being ship-ped to San Franoisoo. Most of these apples come from Marion oounty, the enterprising farmers of whioh have, by some raeanB, got the start of those of other counties in the1 fruit business. Yamhill is an old settled and rioh county, but wo think there is hardly one-fourth of the fruit produced there that there is in Marion.. There ore nomo ' good orahards, however, in Yamhill. " The Old Banger," of Apple Valley,'has devoted considerable attention to fruit growing, and is now ".reaping the fruit of his doings." Claokmas county will probly rango next alongside of Marian. The prospect is, that the fruit will bring nome two hundred thousand.dollars into the country this fall. The Oregon apples do now, as- they eyer have done, oommand a higher price in thia market than'any of our own production.-Alta 'California, Oc-tober 1.- ' . '' ' ' 1

IMPROVEMENT nt QUARTZ MINING.-People at all con., versant with quartz'mining, are aware ot the difficulty which exists in tho quartz veins in certain localities, owing to' the presence of large quantities -of sulphuret of iron, whioh prevents the amalgamation of'tho gold, thus 'oausing a great waste in working tho veins. For this .reason, veins whioh have been experimented on by sub-mitting small quantities of rook to' chemical tests and found tooontain' gold enough to justify tho investment of'oapital in erecting machinery, have when * actually worked by the ordinary methods, proved a total failure. There are veins which aotually oontain 60 dollars or 00 dollars per ton; which by the common process bf work-ing, will not'yield more than five or six dollars; ' Thero havo boen many experiments tried for'the purpose of devising some plan to obviate; this didloulty. .. Wo' havo boen' lately shown a farnaco, constructed by Mr. Diltz; of tho firm of Goodman, Diltz, and' Co., ot Whitlock's, which wo think will eventually be brought into general usa among thoso engaged in quartic. The apparatus combines oheapness and' simplicity with utility, and is the result of a Berios of experiments made' by Mr. Diltz, who is an old practical quartz minor. The furnace is ' built of oommon sun-dried ' adobes in whioh are several tiers of squaro iron panB or drawers, BO con-structed that they can' bo readily removed when suf. floiontly hooted. Itt these tho " black sand," or; Bulph uro ts aro placed, covering the bottom of tho drawers to about the depth of one .inch, and 'subjeoted ¡to tho

aotion of Aro till thoy 'aoquire a red heat. This1 decomposes tho sulphurets, so that on cooling ' it

onn be reduced to an impalpable' powder by'simply ' rubbing in tho hand. It ? is afterwards ground in a common oraBtra, and, amalgamated without diffi-culty. Muoh caro JB nooossary to give it the proper heat, as too high a degree will melt tho; sand, running it together in a mais and Increasing the diffi-culty of separating lt from the gold.': Mr. D. informs us that he has taken out BB high as sixty cents a pound from tho tailings, which' in tho ordinary manner of working would bo a total loss. He' intends toking a model' bf the furnà'oo; to ' thë1 State Fahy-where those interested in qiiertz mining caa have an opportunity of examining and testing ita utility. The quartz win upon

which OM company ar« engaged artlll continues ta pto». peet wall, tba quality of the rock steming to improve es they advance in their work. They bava gone to tba depth ot over one hundred feet in one of their abaft*, and ere now engaged in running a tunnel to »trike the bottom of it. Tho voin is located favourably fer'working, aa they can, if it ia required, drain it to the depth of four hundred foet-Maripoia Gazette. I

CALIFORNIA COTTON.-Dr. Hoorchner has placed upon our table a sample of upland cotton, of .the black Mexican seed, grown upon bis ranch in this county, which is of fine texture and excellent quality. The Doctor experi-mented upon about an eighth of an acre, and'although planted on à very dry »pot, he thinks the yield equal to the Southern States. The bolls are smaller than the southern cotton boll, but well filled and matured, and picks easily. He intends nlantinc a larne cron next vear.

-Calaveras Chronicle. ; .., . j' . ?-'?'I