Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875), Saturday 3 February 1855, page 4

ImrnsTAi NAVIOATIOW.-Tho Iron Trinco sicamor, which has lice» trading under charter between thia and Port Elliot for tho lout six months, cleared tho Customs yes-terday for Sydney, Among the passengers to Sydnoy ls Captain Robertson, of tho steamer Melbourne, who will Ïroceed overland from Sydnoy to Gundagai, and survey ho Murrumbidgee, for the purpose of ascertaining If that river presents any serious impedimenta to internal navigation. It is probably known to some of our roadors that tho Murrumbidgee is tho moat Important tributary of the Murray, and that it has its courso through Kew South Wales territory. The carrying out of this design has boen determined by Captain Cadell, and will be prosecuted under his direction.-liegitttr, January 13.