Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875), Wednesday 25 October 1854, page 5

Mr. R.H. Horne,—We hear from the Mel- bourne papers, that Mr. R. H. Horne, the well known poet, who for the last two years, has been colonising in Victoria, is now engaged superintend-ing the progress through the press of an Austra-lian edition of his greatest work, "Orion." This poem has been acknowledged by some of the first critics of the day as possessing merit of a very high order, and we think it highly creditable to the public of Melbourne that its gifted author

should find sufficient inducement, as we must suppose he has done, to enter upon this re-issue of

the work.

Tin; Ni:w CONSI'ITI'TIOX.-Wu tiru informed tluit Mr. Turning luis very huiulsoinely pluceil lim Violoriu Tlieulru nt Ibu service ol' the citizens of Sydney, for tho public meeting on Monday, tn petition the yileen mid l'ai lianieiit. against thu New I'uiislititlioii Hill. I'roin the general feeling on Ibo subject, it appears certain Hint the meeting will he one ol' the largest ever held in the eily.

I'Hirn ur ll.iv-III Messrs W, Dean, und IVi Produce (.'¡roldar, published ia the /-.'tupiré (d' Sulurduy, the advance in the price of I lay during ibo week was erroneously (Minted al instead ot'

which was the correct tiguie.

Tin; C ASI: ni I'.M'T.iiN Hess,-We aro informed ? tluil this i ni ll v ii 1 util, who was sentenced lo death ul. the lalo (.'nulluni Sessions, for the murder ol' u Ililli ve of Nen llaleibmia, hus had Ids senlolico coininittcil to Iwo )cars' Imprisonment, willi hurd I a bm ir, in l'amimatlii (.'aol.

'I'm; WiM'iiti:n.-During Ibo lust few days « o have hail several rel'iushlng showers, purtluulnrly on WciliieBiluy last dilling which day ibo rubi ivns very cont itiuoiis. 'Ibo report H fi um ult purls of Ibo surroiiiiiliiig districts mu very dUbenrtciilug. The elliot of Ibo iiion^bt upon ibo crops hus, ns iiilghl huvo been iiiilioi|iatc(l, most injin inns, The lalo crops will mil Miller HO much slieuld it plume I'rovhlcncu lo continuo to us nioilenitc showers. The pardons ¡ti tt ntl ti limit ibo town lit'nr.ct hlelicn of Hm ti'fri'sliiiig mid Invigorating cll'cets ul thc bite ruin. A few days ugo wo H elita lillie disUineu lulu tho country, mid fouiitl nen fly everythin", lu lite shape of Vf"ctntiii(i stiorelicil tip. Tho gl nss niiponrcil as If a bro bud pimn'tl over it. Tlio very Kuli bail a bunt tn ¡I pidiiful tu eiitliiro

after n »hort walk on Its MU face. Tho elli ut of this «into of things ls hcioiiilug vciy npiuut>nt in tlio ndvuiiccil pi icc of must of thu necessaries nf life, 'flic wurst I'cutiiro in those rises is timi tho working mun U in ncitily every liistiuieu tim prilloipul sulfurer us ll is very sebloin Hint bo receives any CUITCSIIOIUIIIIK InoreuiiU of wngos.-- dViií/ urií //enilil, lloiuLor al.

I AiiiKr.nsKMi.ST.'l-('ullin anil Cu, bea, lu icialiiil thu timlitami nil t'liirw* cf liiiyvrs, tluil lliclr citlctirlti'sales of KUH'etien, iillinein1 stulci, wines nial sj-Wlls, ciillfeii'

lliilinry, ula anil initier, lian», Aie, ive., t uiiiiiielire Tills . Hay, ut IO o'clock |.iwifely, ul tlulr llui'tn.«, IOU, tliorui -si iii!, noil ut ll. O'I link |iroui|'l, nt thc More« cl I!. H. Cooke «Hil Co.. Htuttcr-Mreet. Thc wlielu will kr |iii«lUt cit cleitriitl ult tu Hie lilitlu i-t bhltltrt luleuillnii |>uri litiMir* sro. Uteri fule, ris|ui -Icu to ui'i'iouii't tu tune, us Ibo snli'S will veuimcntc tv Um lulu ute, ss tiilri'ttbuj.