Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875), Monday 26 March 1855, page 5


[mou oun OWN oonnESPOson.vTO

Bendigo, Miren 19th, 1855.

TUE GovEitSMuxT OK VICTOUIA.-My conclu-ding observations rospcoting tim insurrection ut Ballaarat luivo boen, ni n grout mci sure, antici-

pated by tho disrlosHrosiniulo ut tho Stato trials in Melbourne. Xor. wishing lo harp too nindi on ono string, and sueing that tho public of Yiotorin, and of tbs Australian colonios generally, aro aoqni rin.a: correct ideas of tho causes and tho real nattere of tho late disturbances on theso gold Holds,! tliink lt as woll to drop tho subject for tho present. Tho instances of brutality on tho part of tho troops and thosoldiery, uftor tho diggers had boon ovorcomo on the 3rd of Docombor, aro, however, by no m>ans

exhausted. It will bo observed (hat tiloso I drew attention to had not hitherto been mudo

public, though they havo beon remarkably con-firmed by tho evidence elicited at tho trials-and that I hardly alluded lo any of tho well-known cases %vliioh bad excited so much astonishment mid

disgust throughout the colony. It did not apjiear to mo that tho murderous attack upon ltuslchum, tho Reporter for tho Herald, the butchery of Powell, or tho reckless and culpable (Iring of shots at night into a crowded locality, rocpiired any recapitulation. Tliov woro not likely to bo forgotten. I shall conclude, this disagreeable subject with tho recital of ono caso of oild-bloodoil butchery on the morning of tho flrd December, hardly to bo paralleled, which was told to mo hy an eyc-witnoss, and was afterwards con-firmed by others. Whon tho slaughter in the stockade at tho Euroka had almost ceased, nnd

sonio attention was begun to bo paid to tho wounded, a little girl who lived near tim placo was sent with a drink of water to ono of them, whether Boldior or digger is uncertain^ As sho passed along » wounded digger raised his hoad, and asked a drink, for God's sake. Tho girl turned to com-ply with his request, when ono of tho soldiers-n British soldier, mark,-with mi oath, said he would givo him a drink, and drove Iiis bayonet into tho breast of tho hapless wretch, who expired writhing

in th« dust.

lt might havo bcon expeoted that I would not allow tho Stato trials to pass without taking the opportunity of commenting upon thom, or of appealing for vindication of what I have written in tho preeoding articles, to tho verdicts of two Mel-bourne Juries. I fool, howovor, that comment is superlluous, and that tho vindication must bo too apparent to roquiro pointing out. Thora might bo some propriety in noticing tho remarks of th» Sydney correspondent of tho Argue, if thero was any probability that tho opinions ho rotnilod woro thoso of the Sydney public. As I am pretty well ao ipininted with tho sources whence ho draws his revolutions of public opinion in Sydney, and tho opportunities ho has ot knowing anything nt nil about it, I shall declino any Qiiixotic-liko feats of tilting ut a windmill. As tho expression of tho probable opipions of n small section of Sydney society, let ns givo it all tho credit duo to it. Sydney socioty itself doserves a direful anatomy, so that tho pinchbeok of what seems its bettor class may stand rovcaled, and tho real val no of its opinion may bo known throughout the colonies. At my hands, however, tho tnsk would ho an un-gracious one.

Having cleared away thoso preliminary matters, I como now ta»tho subject ol' tho present lotter, concerning which, I purposo stating a few tacts, rather than entering into any olaborate analysis or discussion. That subject is tho charaotcr of tho present government ol Victoria, a colony of Great Britain. Viotoria has boon jicmilinrly unfortunate in har Governments ever since the commencement

of her existence. For many years subjected to tho stop-mother sway of Now South Wales, n feeling of rancour was created towards tho sister colony, which oven yet ls not extinct. That ranoour is not at all unintelligible when wo remombor the SSilaging of the Port Phillip revenues and tho

eiiial of the commonest rights to tho Southern province of Now South Wales. The administration of tho weak and vacillating La Trobe, during which the rank woods of patronage, corruption, mid mal-versation of publio monoy in overy possible way, flourished with a luxuriance which only fabulous gold fields for battening on could account for, cannot easily bo forgotten, not yet at all events when wo aro suffering from tho pernicious legacy he entailed to us in the shapo of a monstrous system of government at tho gold-fiolds, n vicious o'lKcialism, which has only recently been properly understood, and ft profligate public extravagance tinnily paralleled in tho history of the world. So

much for La Trobe's ora.

We como now to a new chapter in tho brief history of Victoria, when an " honest man" came and announced himself to us I and utterly dis-gusted with tho reign of a oivilinn, we threw ourselves with extraordinary enthusiasm into tho arms of an obscuro naval officer. I say obscuro advisedly, for after all the flourish of trnmpets about tho antecedents of our Iiioutcnant-Govornor, it required tho utmost industry to Ash ont any-thing concerning him nt tho period of his appoint mont. Sir Charles Hotham came to tho colony under the most favourable auspices. Ho took tho tido of publio favour at its flood, ond it roqilircd no display of extraordinary talent or skill to enable him to float along it in a highly successful careor. Yot, what is tho fact. lu tho short period of seven or eight months, he has managed to allennte tho sympathies of every class in the colony, so that at tho present moment ho has literally not ono friend in tho colony. Having ostentatiously pro-claimed himself an "honost mnn," ho has onrned a character For contemptible official trickery and ovnsion, and hw brought tho good faith of tho Ooverninont into disrepute by a systematic broach of contract, which no ordinary tradesman would dare to indulge in. So far from havimr manifested any admiuistiativo nhill

ties, "or any rospeotublo talent vtiintovoi ho lias m»do a "moss" of everything In has put his hand to. We hadthought that tho go vornniontof LnTrobohud rcnohed lUontflus tiltn of hhiudering and stupidity, but ut no [wiled in hi administration was tlioro tho utter disorganisutioi whioli at prosout pervades every dcniirtmout of tin Government service in Victoria. Tho Lieutenant Governor thought lt necossnry to havo a hand it overythiug, and the aonsotpiouco nf his iuterfuroiici has hoon disorder and confusion. Sir Clinrlei Hotham found himself Oovornor of a British Go t

Colony, and ho professed tho utmost sympathy mu intorost fur tho diggers. I Fe promisoil " well nm fairly to consider thoir griovances," tho chief ol which was tho opprossivo collection of tho Liconst Tm, mid tho first stop ho tonk for tho fitllilmont oi his promisa was tho ordering of digger-hunts twici a week. Ile reached tho climax ol his peruiuioiii mal-admiulstratlon, when ho supplemented his In-sulting nnd tyrannical treatment of tho diggora liv his massacre nf exasperated men, taken with admirablo forethought whon their blood was hot, and their Indignation high. A second Gloueoo thu Euroka massacre has well been turmoil. Yoars ol hhimoloss administration will not ell'ueo that dark blot. Thora uro hundreds of mon who havo sworn lu tho earnestness of solemn conviction, inver to forgive tho man who llrst shod blood in Ansi rallan liitariici'iiio warfare, and tlioro uro thousands who novar will forgive him. Tho lesser criinn nf tho ready tools liku Captain Thomas, who, according to his own account., watched for a favmmihlo oppor-tunity of attacking tho insurgent diggers, is swallowed up in tho enormity of tho ohlefotl'oiidor.

I have been Hutnewhat swooping in my strictures upon tho prosunt Governor und Uovormmmt, let us seo how far foots will hear mo out. Tho proclama-tion nf martial law. and tho Kurri;* slaughter, I say no moro ahotit. Thora may ho some men, wliîi think that tho best way to put down popular dis-content, is to Hhootdoivn a few seora ol tho discon-

tented. ,

(t ls » fact, that tho present Government nf Ylatorta have extensively practised it disgraceful system of espionage in every department, and throughout tho oniony. No mau ls sum nf lils neighbour. livery putty slandur of an inferior against a superior ulllecr, linds oneil oars ut head-quarters, mill tho vict im ls Judged and oimih'tiined, often without uti opportunity nf exculpation. This hus occurred at lleiiiligo. ' Duly ono «pinino eau hu entei'titlneil of n tlnvei'iiiuciit, or nf a mau, who can stoup lu Hindi eniileniplilile practises.

In iiccnrdaiU'O with this pulley, ii vigilant stir vollUtico hat hmm kept upon nil | m lt' Itt niovoiiiniil.s. Splu» h.ivo h.'i'ii sent lu iwsuciiito with tho prutunt ors ol' Ihcm. ( 'iiiiiuiMihiiiors niul lun^lslrates hato been ordernd, lt> report uiniii.Tiiiiig pulilio liU'otin«s, iitnl to attutiil und (uko im'ei, in mder Unit any sciliiiniH or liiMiiiiimatiiry language might lu» lull) hold of, Thu Commissioners ol' Fionillgij havo hud

tho manliness anil tho conrago to refuse to perform any snob despicable olllees, and they havo in consc (luoiico devolved npon tho second nito clerks in tho Commissioners' Offices ¡ poor devils, who will eat tho broad of infamy rather than go mid dig lil;»» men. Publie meetings now present n now feature. In nddition to tho representatives of tho priw. may bo seen taking notes, qiinsi-gcnteel individu-als, conscious of degradation, hut bumptious withal, ns we found at n recent mooting hero. They have received their reward, in n roduotion of salaries, mid some a snspensinn by a (imermnont which cares nothing about faith, and ignores oven tho saying " honour among thiovrs." At a recent meeting of tho Comiultteo of tho lteform Longue, here, Mr. foster, a sub-inspector of indice, formerly a police magistrate in Bendigo, is reported to have lisloncd at tho window for OH hour or two to the conversations and discussions of tho conspirators. An excellent representativo of tho "Crown mid dignity." What sneaks theso Fostors aro? A dangerous gamo this though for oflicial snobs to play at, considering tho risk they run in getting within tho grasp of brawny fellows, unscrupulous in sipielohing such lurking reptiles. Having eon signed ono olliciul to woll-moritcd infamy, let mo do Justice to the merits of another of a far dillbrent slump, Mr. Bornai, formerly gold commissioner and magistrate at Bendigo, lately gone homo to Knglaud in tho .Tames Haines. Mr. Bernai wits ono of those olllcials who had won somo ero lit for the Government of Viotoria nt tho diggings, who

had to somo oxtont neutralised tho effects of a vicious system of |>oi'50iuil qualities which gained popularity among tho diggers, and friendship mid esteom among those uequ tinted with them. When Botham's ukase an i veil, ordering magis-trates to act the part of spies at public meetings,

Mr. Bornai received a lotter from tho resident commissioner, instructing him to attendu public meeting to bo held on tho following Saturday, mid to noto nny seditious or inflammatory language which might be used. _ He immediately replied m tho lnngnogo and with t ho spirit, 'inclining a gentleman, that tho duties ot "spy" or "in-former" wore inconsistent with his position ns a ma-gistrate, and ho must theroforo declino tho honour. A day or two afterwards, Mr. Bornai forwarded his resignation to him, lind, in tho meantime, his answer having been transmitted to Government, an ardor carno up for his suspension. An investi-gation was to take placo in town ¡ tho result I do not know, but Mr. Bernai has left tho colony. As tho brother of Bornai OsVorim, of tho Homo of Commons, and a f;entlomnn who holds nu honorable position in ling

iind, it was not likely that ho would stop to do tho dirty work of Sir Churlos Hotham, and tho adminis-tration of tho latter is not likely to reecho much favourablo report in England from instances such

as theso.

So much for tho sly system of Sir Charles Hot-ham as illustrated on Bendigo. Theso tire tacts coming under my own knowledge-and is it not strange that they havo noyer been brought pro perly forward in'tho Mclhoúruo pupers-that they novo novor lieen recorded in tho Argus. Truth need foar no publicity, thon why this mealy mouthed, dealing with tho present Government.

In a futuro lotter 1 will adduce a few moro illus-trations of tho kind of Government Victoria is btesscd with.

By tho steamor Telegraph, wo havo received Melbourne papers to tho 21st instant.

In tho Legislativo Council, on tho 20th, notices of motion wcro given by Mr. Snodgrass, fur tho production of tho correspondence rotative to Mr. Fostor's resignation of lillico ns Colonial Secretary; and by Mr. Miller, for tho suspension of the neces-sary Standing Orders, to enable him to bring in a Bill to Incorporate tho South Yarra Water Works Company, and for tho second rending of tho Publia education Bill. Mr. Chapman presented a peti tion from tho Bank of Now South Walas, praying to bo allowed to introduce a privat o bill. 'Mi*. Wills' motion for a grant of money for the con-struction of dams for the preservation of winter rains in agricultural districts was lost. In antici pation of news on the subject being received by the Lightning, Mr. Grooves' motion for inquiry into the host system of Postal Communica-tion with England, was deferred for a week. Two motions mado by Mr. Cole,-the ono for milking passable at nil season's tho road lo Gipps Lund, and tho other for au immediato examination into tho extent of tho coal-flolds of tho colony, were carried, after somo discussion. Mr. Hodg-son's motion for a grant of £50110, for supplying tho nocossnry uniform to tho Mclbtmrno Biilo Uri gado was agreed to, ' tho sum being increased to £6000, and the motion altered to embroco tho Rillo corps of Geelong. Tho Belfast Church of England Lands Bill was read a third timo, sud .Missed ; and tho Itouds Act Amendment Bill was allowed to lapso.

Tho inhabitants of Castlemaine and of San

drigo have respectively petitioned tho Legislature, praying that tlioso townships shotihl bo proclaimed miiiilcipal districts.

Tho State Trials woro resumed on tho 19th, Timothy Havo? and Charles ItatTiollo, being placed at tho bar. "Both prisoners pleaded " not guilty." Ituft'uollo was remanded back to gaol, mid the trial of Hayes was proceeded with, it extended over the 19th mid soto, and terminated in n verdict of " not guilty," willoh was received with loud accla-mations bv n largo crowd outside tho court, and Haves on Ids di sch argo was carried oil'in triumph by Iiis friends.

A proposal is on foot nt Mel hour no to cs'abllsh a now club, to bo called tho Melbourno Atlieiiiuum: measui.* nro being taken for its organisation ou tho plan of tho London club-houses,

Tliu Hov. Itiohard Fletcher has dcolincd the In-vitation of tho congregational church nt Sydney, to till tho placo of tho Buy. Ur. Boss, recently


A reduction ot' 2s. per uiuut nus uoeit CIICCUHI ii tlio wngua of llio Mvlboitrno city police, mid i grout number of tim mon luivo tendered their ro signât ion« in consequence Somo of Umso huvi heeii suffered to depart_ forthwith, «nd others Imvi been compulsorily rejoined for tlireo months, tin

duration of notico which cnn bo unforced. Aboul 1mlf of tho mon are roiiorled to havo resigned.

llosiioufing tho Harbour Works, tho Jf'lbournt Morning Ihrald says, Mossrs. Muimos mid JMoli ardsnn aro fast bringing their contract for tin construction of tho now wharf to n conclusion

Tho piles aro all down, and tho platform comnlctuil for a considerable length at tho lower omi. In

this wharf thero orono less than fivo miles ol

beaming and twenty milos of four inch plunking, H hilo tho road on tito inside is Hourly completed, on the latest and most improved plan of tho Lon-don pitched rond. Tho cuutraolnrs experience lunch iii Nicol ty ¡ii procuring the poetiliur kind ol labour they require. Tiley aro now in want ot somo «cores of stone masons ¡ and atty man pos sassed of acnuipatoiit kuowledgo it« Unit trudi) can obtain immcdiulo einiiloymont un application nt

their ollioe."

Tho Queen's Theatre, says tho Argus, was crowded to tho ecitliig on Monday night, on tho occasion ol' tho lirst performiuieo uf " A New Way tn i'ny Old .Dohl*." Tho «Immoler of Sir Giles Ooerreaeh has boon regarded us that of nil Mr. Ilrouku's favorito purls lu which ho n|i|n>ars tu most advantage. It was tictfuriiied lust night willi ox li'uorilhiai'y versatility. Tho intonso jassion ol' tho purl was embodied with matchless Nkill, and told on thu audieni'O moro powerfully than, ) or Imps, Mr. Hrooko's neting has dunc befar*.

Aluminy last ivas tho settling day of tho Mel btmrno iW'M t tho stakes wwopit'id »vor to tin» various winners, al tim Union Hotel, llntirke-slivol. Tho gross nmuiint of tho stakes is nlioiit XM071. Tho following is an account of thu vnlito of euch Htnko i-TrialSlakes, ililli i IYIHIIICO Stakes, nliotil billilli Queen's I "lute, Xiillll | Mullion Stakes, ¿'(lill Turf Of nt* Cup, value X'I fill: I'IIIIIICIIIIH' l'urse, X7tl i I'oiiv I tiwi, Xü'.l i St. huger Stakes, i.'lltl; Town Hille, X'3-Wi Members' Cup, ¿'mt t Uncle Stukus, .CU I Stutmlo. Chase, Xl HU i forced llaiiilieap, X81I ; Consolât iou Stake, X7!> I I hick Steeple. Claise, Xl."u AiieUiinwrV I'lule, Xü!l."i 2s, lld.-swviiid Imrsii Xiii) i Ihmhui Slakes, X7I : Thwpiiin Stiil.ns, i'll!) i nlid Millers' I'ntee, Xiii. Mr. HIT, Ihn owner nl'Tonibny, I lie winner nf the Millers' l'une, hus ilivhled Ibo gill nl'X:.ll between I the lleiievoli'iil, Asylum mid the Murnini.

I A prívalo ni Hell for t'lllil a shh', ealile oH'on lin'

Ililli im'aiit, lel.tioen Mr. Orr's li.r.g. Tnmlim-utnl Mr. Stevena's li m. I Waul ll. Mr. (¡ruy nllièliUeil UH jinli;,', and Mr. Keifiiur in st irler. ' The lunn we I oil'with Ihn lend, wi «Vi rho iimiuli Ino I lot ahimt iv mile, when Ttmilioy went ¡ii IV, ut, was iicvci'le.ii'liiil, and nun Ina com i.i emiter hy neatly n iluluneo,

On thu »ainu day, the gram) cricket mutch

between tho Melbourne duh II ntl tho picked eleven ot' tho Australian colonies, cuino ntl'on tho bountiful ground of the Club. The buml of t ho 4utli «vre in atteuihiiice, mid notwithstanding tho great uxvito meut that existed in loivu nu tho subject of tho Stato triuts, tho utteiuhvnco wu« nmnerotv*. A largo proportion of tho company were hullos. Ills Honor tho Chief Justina was present dining tho whole of the game. Tho iimteh was not played out, tho wiekets having boen driiwn nt ten minutes past six. Cn tho following day, tho mutch «us resumed, when tho Melbourne Club' was del'cuted by upwards

of 40 runs.

A bout moo for £20 asido, between tho Thistle, pulled hy a picked crow from aiming tho Sandridge watermen, and tho Stranger, pulled hy a Goolong crow, cunio «tl' ut Goolong on tho 19th instant. Tho race was won by tho Stniu«er.

Tho Anniversary of St. Tut rick's Hay, was ob-served with tho accustomed festivities by tho Irish residents and their friends, both in .Melbourne and Geelong.

Tho Qttlong Ativerti.if, writing of tho new diggings, called tho Sharp's h'orest Diggings, says : "Thoso diggings, nt first erroneously re-ferred lo tho locality (if Steiglitz, forest, may now bo considered fairly" established as ono of tho pcr muiuuit gold-tleld» of tho colony. Tho Held is situated within four miles of tho*river Moorabool, at A distance of about twenty-live miles from Goo-long. Tho principal spot, ut which them uro now 2011 diggers, is in a range oloso to a gully known ns Pox's" G tilly. This sjKit Iles between' G ri ifni's station and tho river, being about ten milos west

of tho former and four or llvo east of tho latter. To reach tho now gold-livid, tho traveller must take tho Hell Post I lill roud, leuvo Ilutesford on the left, Hopes station also on tho left, push on to Kebudi's station, leaving it. on tho right, then along Vigor's Forest road, which is tho freshest track, ami this will lead him to tho heart of tho diggings. Tho surfacing is very rich. A tin dishful' taken by our informant iii random, nt a depth of two fee't, yielded two pennyweights. It is tho opinion of many of tho diggora that deep sinking will also pay'well. Cnn party is trying deep sinking, and hus uuulcuronsideralilo progress, but, not yet bottomed. 'I ho sudden inureiiHO of population within tho hist few days created quito a Hoareitv. flour was selling at a shilling per pani-kin. Krom tho grout number ot* drays despatched yesterday with stores, thero must now bo un ampio supply on tho ground."

Souiofrush accounts of hiishriinging havo arrived in Geelong. Two mounted and armed mon haye lately committed soma depredations a short .dis-tance from .Seymour. In ono casu thoy plundered a mun of 20 ess. of gold, a second of between

und jCat) in cash, and a third ol'n quantity of wear ing a pi lard and somo XII) worth of specimens.

Tho following is tho tm Wu return of tho Mulbouruo and lfobsun's Hay ltuilwuy for tho week ending 18th March, 1855. No. of Passengers, .1890. Amount ot receipts, £71-1 Its. ltd.