Register (Adelaide, SA : 1901 - 1929), Friday 30 March 1917, page 9


G0UTH AUdTRAUAX ASSDCOATSON'S A^AIi : , UEEttSO. ;. ??????. Tte. annual meeteing of. tte South 'Anttrallan tacrosn AtMciation.was teld 'at tte Exxtense Hoter, Hindley 'street, on Thuaday.' oveniog. There was a fcir attendance of members. Many players arc absent at tte front, at latretteurt have done .remarkably^ well in. tte. matter of volunteering for active serrice. Tte President (Mr. ilostjm.Eon) occupied the chair. Tte Secretary (Mr. C. A. M. West) pretested tte com. raiitcc'* report and balance aheet. which were adopted on tte motion ot tte President, ttcoaded by Mr. II. V. ilodgetu. .The Secretary moved that rale* » and 33 of tte association, relating to tte registration of nembem and tte axing of game* {or tte following year, tbonM be suspended for tte coming Mason and to togas a tttte of war existed. Tte motion was carried unasimously. - ?

too conumtiee-* report sniea urn no obkuh matches were played during tte put «w*on, but ?t tte reauest of player* undosoiag their military training at MRcham and other camps, and with tte toll approval of the- committee, ' six games vere^phyed; one' tide Wing -composed of soldiers and 'the opposition of dvilians. Owing to tte cetntion qf official matebM,* tte flnances were not appreciably affected, and it wm gratifying to repor- that tte statement of. tte Treasurer (Mr. W. Q. Y. Batetelor) indicated a. credit balance of £11 17/9. In connection with tte war, tte only. Victoria Cross which bad an br been pined-' by -.a Sooth Australian -was awarded to QspL. A.. 8. 'Blackburn, a member ot tte association and of- the University dub. Distinguished Service , Order* had. teen -awarded to Dr£- Fry and .Jeffries,- aim member* of the Umreristy '{Hub; and decorations M been conferred upoo.Qjpt- C. 6. Campbell.aBdLIeuU. h. Rhodes and PlAuld. Tte supreme sacrifice bad teen p*ld.b- F. Uubbe. Boy Hett, E Kent, J. A. Yuill, H. JVWte, and P. I*ng. Tte committee recommended that the rule* dealing witt' tte playing ' of ; matches during tte coming winter should again ,te sotoended, .and that tte association sbouW'gp into recoji until tte completion ofttewar.'.T-' ' ' . ' J. ' ' ?' ' ' v ' Officers -elect*d:-Patroo, His Excellency tbe Governor; /Pntident, 'Mr. sJostyn Enui;. Ohajmun, Mr. jr.-.W. Uoagette; Don! Secretary. Ur. H A. if: Vett; -Assistant Secretary. Mr. V. Boacb; Hon. Treasurer. Mr.. W. 0. V. Batebdor; Auditor*, lleasnilt ft. iAdamaon and _~t' ShuttleWOrtt. ' * ?-..-? '' .— ? ? ?