Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld. : 1907 - 1954), Wednesday 22 May 1918, page 5

The Murder at Auvergne Station

big mob track " Mr Skuthorp and Con-stablc O'Connor, the officer in charge of the police station here, started at once

I, will be remembered that about VICTORIA RIVER DEPOT. April 8 murdered by natives at Dlck's Creek

man, nad very handy with tools. While he became engaged to an English girl, saw him alive. O'Grady left Dick's

found Macdonald lying doad, having been speared in the back with a bam-boo spear. Macdnnald had a 44 Win-The boy states that he tried to pull the spear out but was un able to do so, as a rouple of miles or so, he hid the rifle On his arrival at the head station he found only an old man named G. Snuood, and the Chinaman cook there. He then came in and reported the mat-

ter to the police. 'rifle wap hidden. «nd he foond that the maeuzlne of the rifle full, and a rartrldc*1 In tho brMVh. the barrel was bright, ehowine thai it bad not Itetn flred olnfe It wan last clrnned. blood M. C. O'Connor then procecded ih© body of Mnrdnnold. tnrbed by tho return^ -ftlU?w the station. withdrawn the npear. QndkJ;n1'[51t*l3(l ^Jj ^i1hC (Vm' The native* then looted the

fl'i,d G Camp-boil. wUV, tuo U^ovj. lltarted on the tracks of the rauraerere.