Register (Adelaide, SA : 1901 - 1929), Saturday 13 May 1916, page 2

^,P AMUSEMENTS. 4t , -. ^iCi^miMAISSO^, .LTD,' t''WRCi COMEDY SEASON. 9 BOXPLANS OPEN ?§£* ' V AT MARSHALLS'. m NEXT WED., AT .0'Satf 2£r jrBen- Seatefflay, be booked tor ^Performances/ | J. C.fiSoiiritd.'s, It PHOTO. PLAYHOUSE BEAUTIFUL. 3 THEATRE ROYAL. . £f WHERE ONLY THE BEST 'UNDER THE BEST t-f. - CONDITIONS b. ?? MAT AT ALL TIMES BE KELIED TJPOX. & JO-DAY, at 2. TONIGHT, at 8 Sfr AM) TWICE DAILY Ali NEXT WEEK. Kg' PRODUCTION EXTRAORDINARY. p Wm. Fox Photo-Flay Supreme, | WILLIAM FARNUM I 'SAMSON.' §|. HEXRI BERNSTEIN'S MASTERPIECE, ?ife A play of tremendous force and sustained ** dramatic action, with climax following a& climax in startling succession. *» William Faraum plays the principal yart, 52£. that of Maurice Biacbard, the dock labourer, jS who rose to be Samson of finance, with *g terrific power, and at tines -with & primordial *SS ierodty that is positively stunning. £3; William Fox has spared neither pains cor *g expense, and has created a screen spectacle *?? . irhich surpasses anything vet seen in driving g*. force and virility. The settings have been 33 arranged with marvellous fidelity and seraSt? pulous attention to detail. I The Programme also includes ANOTHER OF THE FAMOUS METRO FEATURE FILMS, 'ALWAYS IN THE WAY.' «£ BSTESTH ASPITNAL SERIES OF (SALISBURY) 'rr ?' ? ? wttD'HFE. THE INDISPENSABLE TOPICAL, AND SOME FL\'E COMICS. Orchestra of Soloists under the direction 0 - ,W. B. Cade. ^ PRIOE3.-2/, 1/6, 1/. ana -5d. '?'?' Y V. and 6i HOLIDAYS AND SATURDA1 » HIGHTS-2/6, 2/»l/6..1/. ana 6d. I Macs at MnrfthaTTs* tHl noon To-day, and there5 'afier at Theatre Office, where Day Sales are ala | jiacoralle. ; I It Costs No More to Book. I Manager— HERBERT MYERS. 9

\ THEATRE ROYAL. ? TRIPLE-PLATED MRTH. OONVDLSKW J for a | NINE NIGHTS' SEASON, S COMMENCKG j SaWay Night Next. S FIRST APPEARANCE EJ ADELAIDB L ot . *' ' ' ? THE INTERNATIONAL CTAR COMEDIAN, | HALE HAMILTON. | f !???????«?????????? I 3ie Original 'Wallingford,' in New York and .;- London, -andltte creator in those cities of star j Cpmedy xolefc » ' Also— | MYRTLE TANNEHILL, '?! Leading1- Comedienne 'with Geo. M. Cohan, at 1 ^.the Astor -Theatre, New York; also of the Garrick &? ^Theatre and 'Dpiuy;! lane, London. I'''': ' ; Jnihe iltet Production in Adelaide of 1 IT P&YS TO ADVERTISE. | :~riNO. MORE SIDE-SPLITTING FAROE HAS -'? EVER BEES CONCOCTED. - ? : t\ THERE ISN'T A BREATHING SOUL IX=ADB'? LAlDE WHO OODLD SEE IT WITHOUT QUAKES '- QF LAUGHTER. i£ It's Fun at its. Fastest: A Laugh Every Minute! '&.'? HALE HAMILTON lASDMTR'n/B'TAIWEaiaii a Supported by | 1 COMPACT OF- DISTINGUISHED FABCEUBS, £ Including— * § DOXALD BOWLES (First Appearance Here). fc MILDRED WARREN (First Appearance Here): S TOM MACFABLANE (First Appearance Here* S BEATRICE NICHOLLS (First Appearance Here). S EDWIN LESTER, MAURICE DUDLEY. LESLIES T3OT0B, JOHN DELACY, NAN0D2 6TEWABT. | SATURDAY* MAY 20, TO 1 THUESDAY, MAY 25. * FIRST FIVE NIGHTS % ' AND WEDNESDAY MATINEE. 4-* ?

| IT PAYS TO ; j advertise; k I FRIDAY, MAY 26, and SATURDAY, MAT Sft S IVo Sights and Saturday. Matinee. ? 1 1 THE BOOMERANG. | i ?'? MONDAY, MAT 29, AND TUESDAY, HAT *X 1 .. Last Two Nights cf Season. \ TWIN BEDS. | BOXPLANS ? ? FOR THE ENTIRE SEASON OPEX AT MARSHALLS* Next Wed. Morning, at 9. Prices— D.O. and Reserved .Stallg, 6/; Back . Stalls. 3/; Gallery, 1/. Early Doors to Back Stalls and Gallery, 1/ extra. : Patriotic Orchestra. ''. IS AID OF THE RED CROSS FUNDS. Under tie Distinguished Patronage of their Excellencies SIR RONALD MUNRO-FERGUSON, - K.CJC.G. (Governor-General of Australia), LADT StUXRO-FERGUSON, SIR HENRY GALWAY, ' K.CJI.G., LADY GALW1A.Y, and EUITE, HIS BIGHT ' WORSHIPFUL the MAYOR and - IU.YORES3 (Mr. and Mrs. I. Iaacs). EXHIBITION HALL. ? SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 27th. FIRST CONCERT OF SERIES (1916\ BY THE PATRIOTIC ORCHESTRA (Fifty Perfcnners). OiAdaeto-Mr. EUGENE ALDERMAN. Assisted by MURIEL CHEEK (Soprano), FRANCIS HALLS (Baritone). POPULAR PROGRAMME. '? POPULAR PRICES. ftotnad Sath, 2-; Unreserved, 1/. Special ?? Concession for Reserved Seats in Seta of Six, 10/. Ooncessfaa Tickets obtainable at Allan's. - BOXPLA2T OPENS at ALLANS XUSIO WARESOUSE on THURSDAY, May 18th. '. -Manager— A. J. Cbapman, \ ftiLf PBOffTTS TO THE RED CROSS FUSDS. A-'-lriniATdH- MONDAY'S DAILIES jW FOR


PUU1 UdMi« Ok «U4AAOU4--latf f uuue »JV-«*iO tJUBJ W iteaerved up to 12 noon, then at'Rowe's Oonfeoionery, King Wffliam street. .' Reserved Seats, -/. Joot open for the Gallery. af:6.30;pjn. FOLLIES MATINEE, FOLLIES MATINEE, TO-DAY, AT 2.30. TO-DAY^ AT 2.30. -CHEBBEf aALF-PfflCte TO ALL PARTS OF HHB HOUSE AT THE* MATINEE. MATINEE PRICES-*/, 3/, 2/, 1/. US6LE f OM'S CABIN WILL BE PRODUCED BY THE A. BRANDON-CRAMER DRAMATIC COMPANY, COMMENCING WITH AMATKEB, SATURDAY NEX{T, MAY 20, it ila TIVOLI THEATRE. 'UNCLE TOM^^AB|N-J W EXCLUSIVE ^m 'THRO' THE FIRING LINE/' TO-PAY, ?4fc ^-NI(JHT,8. ^ CHILDREN, ONE PENNY. ^B^ CHARLIE ^^^H CHAPLIN ^^^^^ Here To-night MARIE TEMPEST ; 'MRS. PLUKi'3 PUDDING^

J., 6d.. and 1/. FEED COOMBS, LeaBee. «= 7[T.ATOH MOJTDaiY'S DAILIES /V FOR- ? -rONDERGRAPH BrARTLDTGANKOUNOEMENiJ. STIffERAL NOTICES. ; \ 2J.TEVESa— The . -Meads of the late . Mm. , 31 CABOLINE STEVENS are informed that her TJNERAL will) Leave Henley Beach road. Torro»rille, on SATURDAY MORNING, at 1OS0, iat the Vest Terrace Cemetery. GEO. DOWNB&fiON, Uttdertakers, Telephone 735. Jeffeott street, North Mebiae. ? SHORT.— The Friends ot the tote Mr. H. ^T, O . SHORT (Compositor) «*. respectfully in* formed that to FUNERAL win Lejwe «? hte Seridrace, Angafl road, Lower MitiAam^dtt 3ATURDAY, at 2.30 p.m., for the Hmdmartb 3°netei;RAKK J. 6IEBEBT, Undertaher, Tbone 413. SI and 49 Wakefield etrect; SA. TYPOGRAPHICAL SOOTETYi— MBMBElH ? are respectfully requested to Attend the FUNERAL of their late Comrade, HARRY W. SHORT, leaving his late Residence, Angas street, Lower Mitcham.'on SATURDAY, at 2.30 p.m., for the Hindmarsh Cemetery. ? W. 0. MELBOURNE. Secretary.' RYAH.— The Friends of the late Sfr. PATRICK 1 JOHN RYAN are respeetully inlonned tltat his FUNERAL will LeaTe his late Residence. No. 123 Kins William road, Hyde Park, on SATURDAY, at 4.30 p.m., for the Catholic Cemetecr.* , West terrace. ; J. B. SD3BERT & SON, Undertakers, ?Phone 682. . Gouger street nCTOBIA 8QUA11E. KBAB Q.P.O., AND WB9t \ rEBRACE, OPPOSITE CATHOUC CEUETEBT. MONUMENTAL AND MARBLE MASON. GEO. E. MORGAN wishes to inform his Friends and intending Omtomers that he luis No Connection with any other Brm, and invites intending; Customers to.' send lor Designs, or inspect his Stock, which w»op be to their advantage. - , Still further redactions la price. EeidOfflst Victoria square, near G.P.O. Telephone' 2S5S. Umhasf J. C.HADDT & SON, i UNDERTAKERS AND EHBALMER8. HI FLKDER8 STREET. ADELAIDB; 'Phone 1877; IT. VINCENT STREET, PORT ADELAIDE i »Phona UO; 1 JETTY KOAD. GLENELO, 'Pbooi 78. JUNCTION BOAD, ROBKWATEE. ? ? TWSM . ESTABLISHEH: 1855. PENGELLEY & KNABE, Funferal Directors and Undertakers, 102 RUNDLE STREET EASE. Motor Morhury Car on Hire. ♦Phone 486, Cen'tiaL Day and Ni^t. - ? /_ ? ? 183thsn FRANK J. SIEBERT, UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMEB, 47 WAKEFIELD STREET . (Private Residence,. Ko, 49). FUNERALS CARRIED OUT ON SHORTEST SCmCE UNDER UERSONAL SUPBRYIBION. 'PHONBUo. 418. 188mw»-Missing1 Friends and Messages. RELATIVES of JAMES GRAHAM, Jniner, who ? died at Marranboy, Northern Territory, on I find April, -1915, are requested to conunnnicata 1 1 with the Public Trustee, Darwin, N.T. Deceased (Jasies Graham is supposed to have bad a'shter .IresidiiisinSontbAuEtnlia. UM

AMUSEMENTS. Kings Matinee ' TODAY. ^TO-b^Y. '? NOTE THE BARGAIN PRICES. IDULTS, 6d. and 1/j-CHILDREN, 6d.- everywhere. FULLER'S KIN.G'STHEATRE FULLER VAUDEVILLE CIROUIT.SoTerning Director 'T.. .. ., .. Ben. J. Fuller. TO-DAY af 2.30. TO-NIGHT, 8 NEW PROGRAMME. I NEW STARS. Bxtn Special Attraction. Ben. J. Fuller presents LES LECERTE§ Brimant* French1 Pot Toinri Artists. /PHILLIPS & MERRITT; . In Another New Stiffy Scream. Nellie KOLLE. Nellie KOLLE, In-a Ifew-Eepertoire of. Artistic Impersonations. Direct from' .Australia. Welcome Reappearance of ' LEONARD NELSON, . . . . 3vak a Plain Comedian.. . , MEREDITH AND ADNIL, The World's Greatest Roman Ring Experts. COM IlilORENI, CONMORENI, Australia's Host Original Comedian. FREDDY JAMES The World's Worst Juggler. Clark i& Wallace Arthur Douglas Pattcriste sad Dancers. ? Scotch Comedian. Yet Another Big Ben. . j. Fuller Novelty, LEONABDIS PepfoFming Foodies. An Act Out will set the Town' Tatting. Prices To-nighfc-6d., 1/, 2/, 3/. Uo Booking Fee. Itotik at Allan's or 'Duiist's. . After &30, per King's. 'Phone. 3212. KING'S MATINEE TO-DAY. South Ads. Bulldog Club.


AMUSEMENTS. TRIANGLE PLAYS ?-?: ? -;- ?s»™y ?^w-WEST'S PICTURES., ?ROPRIETORS ? -WESTft UHITKD-MATINEE, 2.30, T6-DAY. CmLDREN'S MATINEE PRICES. CHILDREN'S MATINEE PRICES. THREEPENCE and SIXPENCE thomaIFh. ince PRESEOTS THE TOWERFUL MODERN DRAMA, 'BETWEEN MEN.' vvr'[ : FEATURING -Tv--vV'i ?-? WlLliASlv S. ' HART,- HOUSE PETERS,? tad i ENH) MARKEY. ,..;. The Story ol a Jiaa of Honour; ? . ' r -' A Rogue and . . . a Woman. THE PLOT IS STRONG AND NOVEL. ' ' r Settings as usual Magflfflcent. Produced in Ince's Best Style. THE AOTlNtJ . r IS WELL^UP TOTHE TRIANGLE STANDARD.' MACK SENNBTT ' ? presents' '.:''';'''' \, ,-CHESTER CONKLIN and Keystone Playerr. ' in ' - ,? ' '''? 'DIZZY HEIGHTS AND DARING HEARTS;' A COMEDY. . '.' . but WHAT A COMEDY. , Conklins' thrilling adventuies are'a source''of: continual excitement ' and ? merriment. . In addition-, Pathe's European Gaactte,. Anstra* lian .Gazette,. Canmont. Graphic. ?_ . . Overture and Orchestral Music -by De Groin's Viceregal Orchestra.- ' ? = ? . ' PRICESr-6d. and 1/. CHILDREN HALF-PRICE to tfte:l/ Seats (except Saturday and Holiday night). . -' .. Special Reserved Area, 2/. . ?CHILDREy HALF-PRICE (except Saturday and Holiday nights). . . Box Office, Duhst & Riven. PAV. PICTURES. Continuous,' 11 a.m. to 10,80 p.m. TO-DAY. LAST DAY. TO-DAY.

me Big Hepwortn inree-reei success, i . 'THE WHITE HOPE.' A BOMANCE OF THE RING. . Founded on Troubridge's Famous NoreL A PLAY FOB MEN AND WOMEN. ?' ? _j A PHOTO-PLAY WITH A PUNCH, Full Programme in addition. COMMENCING MONDAY, . THE BIG EQUITABLE FEATURE, : 'HER GREAT HOUR,'^ Festuring the Popular Miss DOLLY MdXTYBEv PRICES-3d. and 6d. ' WATCH MONDAY'S DAILIES FOR ....''. WONDERGRAPH STARTLING ANNOUNCEMENT.

Important to all Book Buyers. Messrs. RIGBY LIMITED hare just completed arrangements witlx ? ? - ? ;' , MESSRS. GEORGE ROBERTSON. & CO., PTY,, LTD., of MELBOURNE,. LONDON, &-:,, . ' . ; , '. to continue 'their; representation in South. Australia for oil of G. R. &' Go?e? \ -MARKET NOVELS AND TEOHNICAL BOOKS, D&tt, ! !'c v Messrs:- HIGBY/- I/CD... ^piV: now be able to eupply the TRADE, IN- i STrrOTES-. COLLEGES,' ^^.^VERNpE^ DEPAM^EN^, ^l^EOTS, ?-and the public generally witifl sudh publications 'as , are. controlled' by;0. S. and Co., at the' usual terms;' - ' '*'?-',' '?.' -.,''.' Mr. M. J. CLARKE (late Adelaide manager for 6. R. & Col) has'joined the staff of Messrs. Rigbj; Ltd., andwill give his attention to the TRADE, Customers and Public institutions. , - . :-*r .4 :it . i:i / ? THIS IMPORTANT ARRANGEMENT-will ecabie '-MessWi fiigby,' Ltd^ to give special facilities to the public which previously they have not enjoyed. . . . ', WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Booksellers, Stationers, Newsagents, Educational Booksellers, Paper Merchants,^ &c., (fee.,74 KHTG WILLIAJSfl; STREET, ADELAIDE. ;- ...

PUBLIC NOTICES. ( 'r'f ^ *t ? : ? 1 ? . a MOTHERS' D1Y, i COMBINED HBETING, ADELAIDB TOff^ HALL, SUNDAY, May 14, At 3 pJtt, -SPEAKERS- LADY HOLDER and Rer/J. ALFRED SEYMOUR, M-A., S.T.D. V Ohahtnan— Mr. H. A. 'WHEEIiEB. Soldst— Miss MURIEL DAY, A.M.UJ.. AccompanSst— ^ IDsS IRENE KEMP, L.A.B. . . Th« MTTOaAM A.LF. BRASS- BAND -will Play on the Balcony from 2.80 until 8 p.nx, tsd ^ KriB aftenrarfs muler Item* in the HaU.' ' V Wear a White- FJdyver, the Mothers' Day Emblem. ' ?^§& -^wA^ A O*P Optician ana Optometrist, : i 0*T-'. r M *fr*hi\ 33 KING witJ-'AM street,' w V f^W '??'OErT ADEUUDE. ti ?^?i ^ EYE Or^SfiBt Telephone 639; after 6 p.m. 3381. J , ' ? Asatbsa NOTICE OF REMOVAJi JOHN MITCHELL & SONS THE DOWNSTAIRS MITCHELL (LATE ALFRED CHAMBERS), FURNITURE AND GENERAL CARRIERS, DRAG AND MOTOR DRAG PROPRIETOR^, ; HAVE REMOVED. THEIR HEAD OFFICE TO GILBERT PLACE (rear ot Bowman's Arcade), off Currio 6tre«; and Edmtrnd itreet, Nonrood. CENTRAL 316, 317, and 534. ^^^ffsgpwuag*™* IMPORTANT TO JfWI AH descriptions of work. Confidence gnaraxiteed. - ' . ? - -- «? ,' ' ' ' Stamp Agents. Tel. 1109. ' ? ? ? COWBA CHAMBERS, GRENFELL STREET. -A- FRANK. A. McVBJLL POBTQAIT ? ASSwacg REQUIRES NO BOOSnNO. ? REDUCTION in HOTPOINT ELECTRIC Obtainable only at Geitfer place. Ade» LAUNDRY IRONS. Now 22/ -each. One laide, and St. Vincent street, Port. nek's tree trial. Call and inspect at NEWTON, AIOflth« JfcLAREN. LTD.; Leigh street, Adelaide. . ? ? _j ? F'- ? — ? ^90ihso-.. , V0D NEED A GO00 BELT- You get this U YOU ARE NOT A MEMBER OF THE X you Purchase 'CAMEL HAIR' BELTING ' CO-OPERATIVE bom *ewt0D' HcUren- LW' '* *j$iam BUILDING SOCIETY, Hoiilvin why don't; you £ga2&*~ ? LIcGinC ' JOIN IT AT ONCE? . -' \|'tl '''fJ'^TTl HttVbe most saccessful ofitsidad fa Aisbalia. ^| J| « f « ? IB Dnflia^AMA A. BUBNELL, SccreUry, IM I I I I II 3.0 1 3. 10 FS Torrent Ctanben, Victoria «na«. \\A ||1 I '»M«»W»W WepboueaTfcj ? AlM'aahno / III SI Pure rpHE CURE OF TDBEBCULOSIS has bow- been I ' \fmflgRj I n. . X «ncce*j!nlly practised for a great number o! I ...' '-. I OlpWing years by Mr. Carl Olaen, at 12 Capper street. 1 H -rn I Heat Kent Town, S.A. It is the only cure known. u ? *-* ««»? Surgical operations sever cure, because the y0 dirt- no bbtheiv See design* at oar dwwdisesse tuberculosis tea constitutional erne. All looms, from 22/6 each, forms of tuberculoaa have been absolutely cured nwnw, 'w-'-ff WMby Mr.' Olsen's remedy. ' Pulmonary, Hip, Neck, „ '~~' i*1 Foot, Arm, Lee, and' Spinal Tuberculosis have had Tho - PloPTriOOl ^NlinnllOQ' IIOnrtT ' tTyWd; Kidneys, Peritoneum, Bladder, Fistula ? 'C HieCUlUdJ OUPPIItib U^pUl, in Anas, Tuberculosis of the Ovaries, and also Unbebatm - & Johpetone/Lta. * ' ' that most disfignrine and distressing lace or rk ftAWI PR PLACP tubercnlosia 'lupus,'? together with Scalp Tuba- 55 6AWLER PLACE. cnlosis; in fact,- all Tuberculosis swellings or Opp. Scaife'a Telephone 8905. ulcers, no matter in what part of the body they - AllSto occur, have been absolutely and permanently i .. ' '. ? ? . ? cared! T\O: NOT; LET' YOUR; OUTSIDE W00DWOHK ? . — ? ?-; XJ PERISH FOR THE WANT OF , '? I MBS. G. PETERSON, Orient etreet, CJorytop^ * /lAAip AT? PAT'WP » Kensington Gartens, wish it to be lawwtf A WVIAI UJT XTiULMX. that some yean ago I was cured of .Consumption .. ? evwn' » Pinn tw' - '* bdmoDuy taoerc^lMis), which at the time.. I' ^'S^w «?P™ J H did not fafl to announce ttirougli-yonr columns. ? J T, wAjjiilS. Since then I hate had three children. 'The first. .-._'* t*' ^'^Z^TrrLD . bom of iheso, however, lately showed signs pfr . -PAINTER AND PAl'hRUANGER, the comFlaint. Thanks to Mr. C. Olsen, 12 Cap-. ^ \at^3. AVALL1S &' CO..' ELECTROPIiATEBS,' J per street, Kent Town, he cured my, child as .he' ? : 72 FLIXDERS STREET, OITt. I formerly cored me, AJ20thic . - A90mq 1

AMUSEMENTS. \WATCH Staggering Announcement on MONDAY M0RNDJ01 Wonder raph. HINDLET STREET; J -and OPEN-AIR PAVnJON (Weather permittteg) : 1 ? - TO-NIGHT! : The Finest Picture ever seen, featuring the '? ' World's Xittle Sweetheart, ; MARY PICKFORD ? 'A Giri of Yesterday.' | ^ A Picture that /will appeal to every Man, Womw, i ?. ??.'??!??-% ?'?? -utdl-.Child. ' / : K 'THE BROKEN COIN,^ / ; --?; FEATURING LUCILLE fcOVE. ? ; Official vVTar Pictures ..*'..„ ,. .. .. Interest , 'Those Kids and Cupid' ? Comedy WONPERGBAPH WEEKLY. (Rose and Apple Day— Scenes in the Rose- Garden ^-March-Past of the Tro»ps,'&c. 1 BOXPLAN AT WONDERGRAPH. Evening Prices-fid., 1/, and 2/. -DAY SHOW. ? List Day: of -present Programme. 'WILD OATS^' .. ^ A* Powerful Drama, ? t ' DAY PRIOES-8dV and 6d. ;; -^ (Jneen's &S& M Lessee .. .. -. .. .. CHAS. CAWTHORNE. lopiti1 Coneert, TO-NIGHT. FIRST APPEARANCE, 0* Blanche Johnson-James, , CONTRALTO, FROM XONiDON. SUPPORTED BY Lilian Wilkinson, Irene Kemp,

Harold Gard, tdward Keeves, Gordon James, Roy Mellish. Admission— ONE SHILLING; Beserve, 2/. -TICKETS and PLANS at CAWTHORNB'S. Doors, open 7.30. .'.??.-. ?'? * |VManager, OHAS. CAWTHORNB.'; PUBLIC NOTICES. THE ALL-BRITISH LEAGUE. A MEBTINO of MEMBERS of ALL BRANCHES of.-fte LEAGUE will be held at .BALFOUR'a ROOMS, RUNDLE STREET, on THURSDAY, May 18th, at 8 o'clock p.m., to. arrange for a thorough Canvass for Signatures to, -the Petition in Ade

. By order of- the Committee, A13i,7,9 ? J. EVASS, Hon. Secretary. TX71LEY & SPENCER, LIMITED, Furniture and '' Pulley Manufacturers and Woodturners, of .211 Flinders street,- Adelaide, beg to announce that Messrs. A. J, Wiley and A. ,R. Spencer have retired from the said Company, and hare sow no further interest therein. -: ? The said Company ? will in future continue to cany on - their . business at ' the same address as heretofore, and has no connection with any buiiness carried on by the said A. J. Wiley and A. K. Spencer, or- either of them. WILEY & SPENCER, LTD., ? ? 'O. -HARRY YOUNG. Secretary. 12th May, 1816. ? ' ? AZ TySIRIOT' COUNCIL OF PAYNEHAM. ANNUAL ELEGTIONS'OF 00UN01LL0BS AND ' -??.. . AUDITOR. NOMINATIONS will be received at the District Office up till 12 o'clock noon on SATURDAY, June 10th,-a910, for the Election of TWO COUNCILLORS td: fill the vacancies caused by 'the retirementj ' by' efflorion of 'time,- of Cr.' Cecil Talbot Fisher, Felixstow Ward; Cr. Samuel Benjamine Clampett, Glytide Ward; and' also for ONE AUDITOR to fill the place of Mr. H. E. F. Timcke, who retires by -rota'tion. ' , . r * Should more 'than the required number be nominated, further proceedings will be abjoumed until SATURDAY. July lst,-1916, when an ELECTION. BY BALLOT will be held. Nomination Forms may be obtained on application. to the Clerk at, the District Office. By order, ' ' Rv W. LANQMAN, Diatrict aerfc PUBLIC NOTICE. Mr. ROY WILSON LANGMAN has been ap. pointe«- RETURNING' OFFICER- to conduct the lortbooiEiEg: Annual. Elections. By order. (Sgd.) JAMES GRIGGS, Chairman. ? Dated May 16th, 1816. ? A jiisrRidT' cbuNcbV ' of- paynebam. pdblkTnotice.' ?: ''- -COURT lOF^BEVISION. The above Council wOl sit as a COURT OH* REVISION to revise the VOTERS' ROLLS on MONDAY, June 12, 1916, at 7.30 p.m. in the Council Chamber, Payneham. Claims must be lodged 14 days, and Objections 12 days before the sitting . ot the ; Court. Ward copies .of the rolbvarc exHibiled Aas follows:— Payneham - Ward,

Xlftjucuaiu Audi. uuaCf uwuu itwiu, abfiai. w. yne's^Chaffmffl;?. Wellihirton Waid, atiNorth . irwood-Post Office; Felistow Ward, at Elliott -cs.' Bicycle Shop; Glynde Ward, at Mr. Irish's House, Marian road. Copies 'of all irds may be seen at the District Office. -Forms Claims and Objections can be had from the strict Clerk. ? By order, . ? . ? . .'. A ? R. W. LANGMAN, District Clerk. VEHAPHORE ABCHWAY ROLL OF HONOUR. WANTED, tba NAMES of ALL MILITARY 3TEN o'm'LEFEVRE'S PENINSULA, -together with tha ATE of ENLISTMENT, ADORESS. and: if : la .' wm -or left for the front. ? :. -Forward above ? particulars 'by May 20th -.'to B. EIAIS. Semaphore road. Semaphore. ? A ? JED CROSS SOCIETY (Port Adelaide Circle). ? *A -MUETLVG of the atiore will be held at art Adelaide Town Hall on WEDNESDAY, May 'th.'.at 3 p.m. Appointment of Secretary and enenl Business. .? ' -.;-' - :? 134'6.-- ??? -Q. ,CETHINO, Hon. Secretary. , mTTLB SAY LEAGUE AMBULANCE.The AMBULANdB COMMTrTEl! will mfe at e May Club on MOKDAY, May 15th, at,8,p.a. MRS.' JEANNE F; YOUNG; Hon. Organizer, ? Beg -to .notify OfevTride and General Public that I have voluntarily severed my connection ith Wiley & Spencer, Ltd., and have started usiness on my own account as General Wood: i imer and Furniture Manufacturer, at 160 Gren-v U street. Adelaide, and all orders entrusted to c will be promptly executed and satisfaction ? aaranteei ? ' ? ? . A- .:???' ' X B.' SPENCER^ '1 Perfect Tailoring. WWII E3rt*a P8*' %ajrt|lf| Trousers Vfreb {mRwT A fWMMlt fMum MadetoOnter Wm Smts 55s. aW nnnrg t- » *? ? * Cook's are ofienag tot t.few days more ^a^ ^jpiendidly Tailored Suit with Extrm Trousera for 55** complete. . talUndlnspect oar||r§^ Sto* of Rainproof 'Coats* We have something Extra Special to show yon. ?_, COOK, SON, & CO., ' The Hotae of Good Values,' Corner of Hindtey & LeigbSts. ^^^T 12iUno

AMUSEMENTS. irni IANE - SHdRE. JAXB TUP CTflRY SlIOBE. j\xe «* int oiUriT sfloRE. TANE SaOBE. TANE . of a SHORE. JAXB - \ - SHORE. !£§ KtNG'S NHSTRESS,^r1 TANE SHORE. TANE at the SHORE. lAXE-r- .; '-,«-- SHOBE. , \m - town hall; fss& jaxe ' shore: JAXE Tfl nAY SHORE. JAXE lU-UAT. ''' SHORE. JAXE ' SHORE. JJS MATINEE, 2.30. Sf; JAXE ^ . ^ ????; SHORE. TANE The greatest and most romantic SHOR'B. FANE film ever presented in the world's SHORE. JANE theatres. ? ? SHORE. JANE - ??.??-?' ?'.': SHORE.. JANE f/ : . fitj r-' SHORE. JANE IAMA ViUama SHORE. JA!!E ?l91lO^\nflPP SHORE. JANE fl ailU' kjIIUrn* SHORE. JASE V****u. KfUVkV) bhore. JAXE ; SHORE. TANE The etory of a beautiful woman SHORE. JANE -who sinned morally to save the SHORE. JANE life of her husband. ' . SHORE.' JAXB ???'.??? ? SHORE. JANE FEATURING' ; SHORE. JAM! v .SHORE. jj11 Blanche. Forsythe iffi JAXE. . ' SHORE. JANE in the title role. SHORE. JAXE SHORE. jane TH TYAV'9t.9.'4A' sho*e. JANE IV-ATAX, 3* &-O\). SHORE. WXE ?-' . . «? ? - SHORE. JANE rpA WTftTTtp;- A*. O SHORE. jane * u-JM XvrU l f au o. shore. JAXE SHORE. JANE . . . , SEE. .. ?-? SHORE. JANE. .; .:. SHORE. JANE The gorgeous scenes at the Oonrt. SHORE. JANE of Edward IV., and the huge SHORE. JANE panoply of medieval war in the SHORE. JANE ? heart of Merrie England* ? : SHORE. JANE ' ? SHOaE. JANE HBTORIO. ? . SHORE. JANE ROMANTIC, SHORE. JANE SPECTACULAR. SHORE. JANE DOST MISS THIS GREAT SHORE. JANE ATTRACTION. SHORE. JANE ' ? SHORE. Jgg PEIOES-Bd., I/, 2/.8HORE. JANE (Reserved Seats at Allan's, 8/). SHORE.' JANE , OTHER ATTRACTIVE FILMS SHORE. JANE ARE SHOWN. SHORE. ADELAIDE TOWN HALL MONDAY. First Appearance in Adelaide of . AUSTRALIA'S GREATEST TBXOB;' Jfofitnp IrnlilfiiiiTilr

UUU VVA U UMIMU1U1X of the ^ ' - ? QUINLAN OPERA OOMPANY, LONDON, v and recently of AMY CASTLES CONCERT COMPANY, AUSTRALIA. „: JWyauwge^has-been-talsenof ;Mr.--Hector ? Goldspink'a visit to^Adelaide;;-«ndia i. \-RECITAL will 'be given fox THREE NIGHTS ONLY. . _ ADELAIDE^TOWN HALL, i COMMENCIXG'MOXDAY NEXT. SEE MQXDAVS PAPERS FOR FULL

PORT ADELAIDE TOWN HALL Grand Benefit Night, MONDAY, MAY 15, AT 8 P.M. In the presence of the Mayor and (Mayoress of Port Adelaide (Mr. and Mrs. J. Sweeney). Under auspices ot Atberton Chee&ttp Society, and in aid of 43rd Battalion Band, Presentation of Flag to Bud. . 'FOR KING AND EMPIRE,' To be eiaged by BOHEMIAN DRAMATIC COMPANY. Items also by Battalion Bayonet Squad* Band will leave Commercial 'Road Railway Station, at 7.15, en routa to Town Hall. Prices— 2/ and 1/. HETTA WOOD, Hon. Secretary. b \X7ATCH MONDAY'S DAILIES |W - FOR '' . WONPEBOBAPH STARTUXG ANNOUNCEMENT. TTiSTABLlSHED over 25 years.— Mrs. W. A. -1-i Wood, 41 Currie street. Private instruction in ballroom dancing, dally, between 12.30 and 5, . or Appointment. Every variety fancy costumes oa hire and forwarded any part of the State. Send ?for catalogues and prospectus^ posted 'gratis. LYEIC CLUB CONCERT TO-MORROW. (Sunday), . 8 p.m. '?'? . Members and Guests only. 'Phone.' 1702. ,?-.'?.'.-'?.????-? b

AMUSEMENTS. TOWN HALL ' ' COMMENCEvQ SATURDAY NEXT, MAY 20th, WITH SPECIAL MATINEE AT 2.30. Sensational and Authentic WAR PICTURES. A magnificent collection of the doings of the great nations now fighting ON LAND, SEA, AND IN THE AIR. WORLD WAR. SHOWING THE COMBINED MIGHT OF THE ALLIES AND , OUR ENEMIES' IN ACTION. ? ETERT -PHASE OF THIS GIGAXTtt) STRUGGLE DEPICTED ET THESE PICTURES; ? ' ' ? . EVERY WAR ZONE VISITED. - Fierce- Aeroplane Duels, Dashing -Charges, the Huns' Invasion of -Belgium, Destruction of Notable Towns -in . Europe, t Great Military Manoeuvres, Mobilization of the 'Mighty Russian Army, the Famous Cossacks in Action, AIL Nations Preparing, Our Xavy in Action, Trench -Warfare,' Australians in, Egypt, Landing at GaUipoli- of the Anzacs. .'. ?. . -'How We Fought the Emden.' This film was, taken. 'at Cocos Island, «nd ^ -shows £be destruction of^e Emden by H.M& Sydney. The Management have pleasure -in . announcing to the public of Adelaide, .that they have secured The Greatest War Picture Ever Taken. Passed bv the Censors

of the World. ;.;. ??',. NOTE.— Prices, 2/v'l/, and 6d. ; Reserved Stalls, 2/6. Boxplan at illaii's oji Tuesday morning. * BTJLXLET W. CHEERY. Manager*. EXHIBITION BUILDINGS. 5FRIDAT, May 19th; -SATURDAY, . May 20, 1916. Ye fllile Maye Faype To be opened by LADY GALWAY, 19th inst, 2 p.m., ? . . s, / in aid. of -OHEER-UP SOCIETY AND RETURNED SOLDIERS' ASSOCIATION. FUN IX THE- STOCKS. MASQUED COXFETTI FIGHTS. OLD ENGLISH and' MAY--iPOLE DAKCES. : - ' By Pupils of - Oorrell'B School of - Dancing, ? ADULTS'. FANCY DRE3S PROME.VADE. CHILDREN^ FAXOY DRESS PR0HE5ADE. -' (Three PrizM Offered.) '? .' . AFTER2IOON TEA. Refreshments' at .'reasonable prices. '0LDE ENGLISHE.BOWLYXG MATOHE,»' ' On PLYMOUTH HOE, To be played -by well-traown. -Bowlers, (In. -Costume). . MTUTARY BAKD'IH ATTENDAKCE ' DAY .AND...2JIGHT.. ! ADMISSION, 1/, SEE PROGRAXUES. . ' A.SEAGER, OJX&.-S ,-; ;' . ? ' ;/ 'K^GEOBM ^AIRRAIByriiEi.A..; VV FOR WONDERGRAPH STARTLIXG. A2W0UNCEMENT,

S,A.a.G. RAGES VICTORIA PARK RAbEQOURSE. Adelaide Cup Meeting, 1916. STEEPLECHASE DAT, ' -, SATURDAY, MAY 13. FIRST RACE AT 1 P.M. ' , ? 0 ' ? ?

' JL O. WJJiTJLCfGTOy, Secretarr. -HENLEY BEACH. SUNDAY AFTERNOON. TRAMWAYS MILITARY BAND. ' Under the Baton of BANDMASTER CHRISTOPHER SMTH. A Fiae^Progrannne-will include 'TA5CRBDI;' Comet Solo, ''The LOOT CHORD' (Soloist, Bandsman- O. A. PEAROE); 'REMIinSCENCES OF GOUXOD;' 'COMFOKr,YE'and='AND THEiGLORY' (Soloist, Bandjjmm ;GEO. KBAPEB); 'SUSLS. PINAFORE'; Hynm Tunes, and D BE LI M I K A E Y V N O: T 3 fl . E, EXHIBITION BUILDINGSi SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 3,. AT 8 O'CLOCK. CRAND PAGEANT AND CONCERT. '??'.- --'?- Under Distinguished Patronage. ;. tS AID OF-FUM)S'TO PROVIDE FOR THE NECES3ARIES ASD COMFOKra OF OUR .,. - HEROE8AT;HQME AXD ABROAD. -:' BY LEADING V0CAUSI8 AXD MUSrCIAXS OF ADELAIDF, The Pageant 'THE H1STORYJOF THE WAR' vill be presented by the FLINDERS STREET BAPTIST- GIRLS* CLUB, under the direction of Mr.. and Mrs. EDWARD BEEVES. -?'? * Admission— 2/ and 1/; Children Half-price. 2/ Tickets can be reeerved ?without extra charge. , PLAX will open at ALLAN'S, on SATUBDAY, the .20th May. . ?? . .? , fc ? ?? ^WALTER J. iLVNXINQ, Hon. Manager. ?? THE WHITE ANT EXPERT. WHEN WHITE ANTS AFPBAB THE ONLY SAFE TflKG TO DO IS TO GET1EI TOUCff WITH US. I treat with Bain's White Ant Exterminator, and, guarantee extermination or re» treatment FBEE^OF COOT. - : ? , ' URIAH PULLIN, SOLE AGENT BAIN'S WHITE ANT EXTERMINATOR, 106 GOVER STREET, NORTH ADELAIDE. 'Phone 212. b50s225 ' ? PUBLIC WOTIOES. V .'' EflOHARD MITCHELL & Go HEAD OFFICE, No. 1 CUBBIE STBEET. FUBOTTDKE -PACKERS AND RHMO7ERS, SPECTAT. STORAQB- . ACCOaiMODATION. ' ' ' ^ BLING TRANSPORT VANS for country and interstate removals withoat itloftding. CarpetJ beaten by Machinery. . ; ,: ^^ v ' ' X- QUOTATIONS FREE. I a. - Telephone; Nda, aiO-fiva lUiea. Port 517. Private Residence 4814. AlflSo * CJ.HORTHOSE & HERBERT, A E. TERRY'S NEW SPECIAL TORPEDO j^^ ° Physical Culture Institute, 41 XX» TOURIXO CHARS-A-BAXO will leave Toft %-'? Cnrrie * street. 'Phone S2S0. Offer diy (circumstances permitting) for Excursion * J courses 'in all branches ot Physical Trips to Moant Lofty, via Norton's Summit, PicC' T Culture for Ladies, Gentlemen, and caoilly, Summertown, &c., returnlnif via Belalr. If A. Children. ? Body Building Exercises. Craiers, Stirling. &c. AH trips-to Clarendon S?* *\ Special Detelopment Course for re- (Happy Valley), Buroside' Waterfalls, and beanf L B jected recruits and returned soldiers tiful Leawood Gardens. ? Special trips arranged f Afl (reduced rates). Medical Gymnas- for large .or .= small parties, at Excursion Fares. -T\TJa t*03- Breathing. Massage, Boxinn Motors -leave Booking Office at -~2;3fr p.Tn. TaxiI VJn ?Wei-rhtliftin(T.-&c Jiu Jitsu fo» csbs. Teuricg Care.r and Char&a-haDe on hire. W Ha Ladies and Gentlemen. Inspection Attendancerday 'or night' (any ihonr). A. E.; m -^m invited. A122mwso TERRY; corner- Gawlef place and' Flinders street, ? — : ? Adelaide, 'Phone 3440. A312c 'DUN'S GAZETTE,' ? : ? . TRADE BEPORT& COLLECTIONS. ' ? ' r. c. dun ^co. _^ BRITISH MMAZWT SOlO v / S5 GRENFELL STREET. 1«* I BMPC NEW PRICES AT THE gS&gr*S1^& « . - .' -n t RON A STUDIO, f^^ *--»** 87 KinJ^william Street, corner Hindley Street. 'WJflffl/li'jpBfh ig V&DB UT^BUGBY,' 12 Portrait Postcards for 6/. ztSj'Wlri&Bld g . BSGLAND 1 2 large Cabinets and beautiful En- 33 . *^ . afgement for 1 0/6. ' W to^UJflfP fe ' n PERFECT SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. |||. * fe '?£ -' ? ??- - '~ .%|# M*™W*« BEALE &CO., LTD., makers of the Beale 'r *\r ' ™7 -Pianos, have REMOVED their OFFICES to Telephone 3903. 55 Gawler. PlaCC temporary premises at ARGENT CHAMBERS. ' elePnone -ssfuo' ? TWIX S1REET (Bret door on right from Rundle UnMaun1* Johnstone, Ltd. , (Opp. *?'«,«?, street). The New Oftice is at the rear of our ' ' - Algzc

' 39., 6d., Xh 1/6: : OZO^E THEATRE, PORT ADELAIDE. COMPLETE. GBAXGE T0-3HGHT. , 'The Salamander.' 'Tto Salamandep.' 'The Salamander.1' '.'The Salaiandep.'! Adapted from Owen- Johnson's greatest novel. L STORY OT_ A LOSE^ilRL'S BATTLE AGAEiBT - -THE WOLVES OF THE CITY.' -? rhe Exploits of Elaine, [he Exploits of Elaine. Ihe Exploits of Elaine, 'THE WATCHIKG EYE,' 3rd Series. « COUNT 'EM.' 'COUNT 'EM.' 'COUNT 'EM^ , ? ' ^Featuring Hughie Mack. Direction.. .. .. OZONE AUTJSBHE^te, ;LTD. 3d., 6d.,: }/i: 1^' OZONE PICTURES, UNLEY TOWN HALL, 'THEi®pSNUFFBOX.' ,«THE IVORY SNUFFBOX.' 'THE IVORY SNUFFBOX.' 'THE IVORY SNUFFBOX^1 WORLD'S FEATURB FHat^-- -'THE BLACK BOX.'..

?THE BLACK BOX^v 'THE BLACK BOX^ ?/? 'THE BUCK BOX.' 1«£ Series, bterspersed with the usual Topical, Scenic, an4 Comedy fiubjecta ?*- ' Full Orchestral Accompaniment^. Oaone Pictures are mown Ewery Wednesday, Saturday, and Holiday. v '* OZONE PICTURES' NEXT WEDNlSDftYi MAY 17th. '????? Another Great Attraction for Unley Residmte, at Nominal Prices. ' ?' WILSON BARRETT'S WILSON BARRETT'S [nKnortal and Sublime Drama, featuring- WHHAM fARNUM in the glorious role of 'MARCUS SUPERBUS.'. The greatest and purest love rtory -every unfolded to the world, 'THE SIGN OF THE CROSS.' *THE SIGN OF THE CROSS.' 'THE, SIGN OF THE CROSS/' 'THE SIGN OF THE CROSS.' This is «se of the ? 'Famous Playera' best masterpieces, Unley residents are asked to assist our high-class productions at reasonable prices, 'THE STINGAREE,' 'THE STINGAREE.' /'THE, STINGAREE.' Second Series. ? j . ? .. Directioa ? .. Ozone. Amusements, Ltd. P BMC& ALFRED 'OLD- C0LLEGIAN3'' ? ASSOCIATIOil ': ' V SMOKE .SOGIALf JP^IGHt ^ Tendered; -td'Wj 'OIiD EBBi5i|--i *-aHy. kavin* for the'.fron^ - ' , v» a- ./.?-r,«-i .-.--* . . ...',. Tickets, 2/. -. ? ? :;? ???? * H. W..A. MILLER. Sairetoy. m

mHE PICTURE PATRONS and PUBLIC gene* J- rally of South .Australia are notified that th« EXCLUSIVE BIGHTS of . : . - -'THE MARTYRDOM OF NURSE CAVELL' (4,000 ft.), the Picture with the reputation, as'screensd at WESTS and PAVILION THEATRE, are held by Holland's Olympic Pictures, and is now being screened thronjthont. South Australia in conjunction with an exclusive „ p»« gram. Don't be misled by substitutions: but wait ? SEE THE ORIGINAL PR0DUCT10X. GEO. HOLLAND, Proprietor Olympic Pictures. ? b99inwtU8ta* SPORTING. .??-?.:::

RAGES y.dOGKEYG» \UTTJMN MEETINa, 1916 VICTORIA PARK RACECOURSE. . 1ATURDAY, I MONDAY, I SATURDAY, May 6. i May& ? J ibylS. COMMITTED ?''??' r John Barker (Ohaimtaa). r. E. Barr.Smitb, G. W. Bigot, 9. X Jacobs. L. W. BakewelL B.' M. Hawker. . Rv.E.*H. Hcp». STIEEJfDIARY STEWARDS. ? ? 1L J. Hogan (Chairman). T. F. Wigley. , . ,.- O. Hill. JUDGE-H. Bickford. STABTEH-N. CampbeU. -HANDICAPPER-W. 0:- Hughe*. : «. ? HON. TIMEKEEPER-J. F. MonteC PROGBAilME. :— STEEPLECHASE DAY.-SATUBDAY; MAY 13. At 1 p.m. — Second Hurdle Eace. '. -At-.1.45 p.m.~The 'Fisher 'Stakes. ?' .. ., At 2.45 p.m.^-THE STEEPLECHASE. ? i; At 3.80 p.m.-S.A.J.O. HANDICAP. . At 4.15 ' p.m. -Juvenile . Handicap; At S p.m.— Totalizator Handicap;' ' i S.A.J.C. Rules, Bylsws, and Boles of Bidttg Itrictljr enforced. -. j ~,; \ -- ..-. ? £L TVTmZATOK 5/, epecial 5/ section for ladies 0nly ik :' ''' ? grandstand; . __ DIVIDENDS paid -on FIRST and SECOKD fl| Horse8..when;7 pr. more start in any Race. VI ioifCHEOlf, AFTERNOON TEA. FULL BAND. ';? R'AILWAY-AND TRAM ARRANGEMESTa :' BETURN1 TICKETS- at HOLIDAY' EXCURSION FARES fo 'Adelaide issued on Silverton Tnuaway and all S.A. Railway Lines (except from Bta« tions ; within the Metropolitan. Arm).. ,.; ? ; EXCURSION FARES' on Interstate IbbM.' -. SPECIAL ELECTRIC TRA1I SERVICE to and from Course at short. intervals. ; ? . MEMBERS' SONS' andSPEOIAL LADIES' T1CKETO at 5/ each, obtainable at'«the OfBces «t the Club OXLY. .These Tickets- are limited to FOUR to. each. Member, and will NOT BE ISSUED at the GATES. ? -r-'', ' ALL TICKETS are issued under and-«object to the conditions endorsed thereon, and must be worn so as to be plainly visible to .the. OmdaJa of the Club, who may demand proaucuon' of th« same. ' ? ? ? :'-, '; ? o ;''?.; !;-;*'; OHARGBSOFADMIBSIOy* ' . Grandrf«nd,I10/;..C!hUdren nnder,13;(tojd»arg« 'of parents or (roardians),- 2/8; Sadoli^ Pa&lock. 2^8 extra to Non-members; Coachmaij 6/; -Derby Stand. 2/8. , ? ly- ?? -i. ?'? ? * ?-'.-: ? A. o. wumyoToy, Secrettry. PATENTS & TRADE MAEKS. _ PATEST and TRADB ^^t P\ B MARKS for Australia rfj N* JftV ^ ?H Countto of ? f^\ HB» \ ^ world.'1 Tor InJ r)A}r A venters* Guide and - k&S~4k*' Golfisori & Co., [Xxir; & PATENTS aiMTOADH 'VJ ' ' MARKS ATTOR. SETS. Eagle Chambers, Kins William street; Adt* hide; and at 483 Collins street, Melbourne ? aw** , MEDICAL: ? M. P. LEEKER, f ? -ISDIAN EYS^ DOCTOR, - '?* i '^ PILE and GROWTH. &e:, &c.t, SP-ECIAUST, ? '?JoO PULTESEY STREET, ADELAIDE. a io 12. S till 9 p.m, ?'